Revelation of the Coming King

The Beast From The Sea

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Ranko Stefanovic


Series Code: RCK

Program Code: RCK000018

00:24 Welcome again to our program.
00:27 The title is "Revelation of the Coming King."
00:31 I'm Ranko Stefanovic,
00:33 professor at Seventh-day Adventist
00:36 Theological Seminary, Andrew's University.
00:40 My area of study is New Testament,
00:46 but I'm well known for studies of the Book of Revelation.
00:49 Wherever I go people expect from me
00:51 to hear at least one sermon on that Book.
00:54 And I'm so excited to be with you here
00:56 and to present to all of you
00:59 a survey of the Book of Revelation
01:01 from chapter 1 to chapter 22.
01:04 And I'm so grateful to God for the wonderful audience.
01:08 I could not choose better audience
01:10 than I have here, yes.
01:13 And, you're still awake and you know why,
01:19 because you're realizing more and more
01:22 how difficult the Book of Revelation is.
01:25 But I'm making paradoxical statement.
01:28 On other side you can see
01:30 that actually the Book of Revelation
01:32 is not as difficult as usually people think
01:35 when you do it in the right way,
01:37 when you allow the Bible to interpret itself.
01:40 So I like to urge our viewers, as you're studying this Book,
01:46 don't take newspapers.
01:48 Sometimes we have to look into newspaper
01:49 to see the time in which we live.
01:52 But if you want to understand the Book of Revelation,
01:55 don't rely on your imagination or imagination of somebody else.
01:59 Take this Book and you'll not be far away
02:02 from the understanding of that original meaning of the text.
02:08 As you know, every time
02:11 I want to give you the pages from this tool
02:16 which is a commentary on the Book of Revelation titled,
02:19 "Revelation of Jesus Christ."
02:22 If you have provided for yourself a copy,
02:25 every time I give you the pages, so once this program is over--
02:30 actually it will be over for you
02:32 because there in your home as a family as a group
02:34 or maybe yourself as individual
02:37 you can go and study the Book of Revelation.
02:40 There is much more to be said.
02:42 Many more spiritual references, many more information.
02:45 We're simply here touching the surface of the text.
02:49 So I would like to encourage you that
02:52 what we will cover today actually is found in two places
02:55 in the Book of-- in this commentary.
02:58 It's first from page 376
03:03 going all to 383
03:08 and also from page
03:12 409 to 421.
03:19 So from 409 to 421.
03:27 There is much more, much more to study.
03:30 But above all we need God's guidance.
03:33 We need the Holy Spirit, okay.
03:36 And God promised through Jesus Christ
03:40 that when Holy Spirit comes
03:41 He will instruct us into all the truth.
03:44 So there are some things we have really to study for ourselves
03:48 that everything what is essential to our salvation
03:50 is the Holy Spirit there to work it for us.
03:53 So I would like to invite you to bow your heads
03:57 to ask God for help as we delve into this
04:02 not easy understanding,
04:05 understandable text of the Book of Revelation.
04:08 Our Heavenly Father,
04:10 we are asking for Your presence here in our midst.
04:13 We are asking for Your good spirit to be here with us,
04:16 to guide us, as we're trying to understand
04:19 the messages of the Book of Revelation.
04:21 But above all may the Holy Spirit help us
04:24 how to apply those messages to our daily lives
04:28 to be better Christians, better husbands, better fathers,
04:32 better neighbors, better Christians,
04:35 one day we would be in that great multitude
04:38 there in the heavenly places.
04:40 Thank you, Father, for Your help
04:42 and we pray all of this in the precious name
04:45 of our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
04:51 As you can see we are now in very, very excited studies.
04:57 I would like to remind you that in our presentations
05:02 we are left the Revelation 12:17
05:07 with that determination of Satan
05:10 who has become so enraged with angry with the women
05:16 that he went off to make a war
05:20 with the rest of the women's children.
05:24 And there is one element we just had to take
05:26 just few more minutes to reflect on,
05:28 even though we will be talking more about that later.
05:31 Those who keep the commandments of God
05:36 and hold to the testimony of Jesus.
05:42 Friends, you will understand here is
05:47 that we're talking about the final events.
05:50 We're talking about an angry enemy, okay,
05:55 who will use everything what is in his disposal
05:59 to fight against God's people at the time of the end.
06:03 But you will notice as we mention last time is
06:07 the final war and that anger of Satan
06:10 is directed not to every Christian
06:12 to all those who called themselves to be Christians.
06:17 Actually the Book of Revelation is telling us
06:20 that the object of Satan hatred
06:23 and his desire to destroy them are not all Christians
06:27 just a specific group that is characterized here
06:31 by two things,
06:33 those who keep the commandments of God
06:37 and they hold to the testimony of Jesus.
06:41 Actually in my translation they say,
06:43 who hold, in Greek it's a clear
06:47 those who have those who are in the possession
06:51 of the testimony of Jesus.
06:54 We will come in and talk more about these two characteristics
06:57 later in the Book of Revelation.
07:00 Let me just mention here is
07:04 that the Book of Revelation is talking about
07:06 not all Christians who are in the world.
07:08 Talking about whom?
07:10 The Greek word, "loipos"
07:12 which means something that is left from the whole.
07:17 So you're talking about the--
07:19 yeah, Christians but not all Christians
07:21 only those who at the time of the end
07:24 remain faithful to God in obeying His commandments.
07:31 And we will see why this is so much important
07:33 as soon as we come here to Revelation Chapter 13.
07:39 This group, okay, that really decides
07:43 to be faithful to God in everything
07:45 what God asked them to do,
07:47 especially in His commandments, Ten Commandments,
07:50 the Decalogue that is really,
07:53 really the clear portrayed here in Revelation 13, yes.
07:57 Satan will direct his hatred,
08:01 make them the object of persecution
08:02 at the time of the end.
08:04 But the second characteristic, okay, of this remnant,
08:09 those who will remain faithful to God is
08:12 that in possession of the testimony of Jesus.
08:17 Since these expression
08:19 we will encounter again, okay, in Revelation 19.
08:24 So I will not now talk too much about that
08:27 because Revelation 19 specifies that this testimony of Jesus
08:30 is not as some Bible commentators mention
08:33 the testimony the Jesus bear--
08:35 bore during His life, His earthly ministry.
08:39 Actually specifies that this is the testimony
08:42 of Jesus given to the inhabitants of this world
08:48 through a special group of people
08:50 that we call them the prophets.
08:53 Because Revelation 19:10 specifies
08:55 that this testimony of Jesus
08:57 is a different expression for the spirit of prophecy
09:02 which was in the first century a technical expression
09:06 for the prophetic ministry among God's people.
09:09 So he's telling us that God's people
09:11 at the time of the end will be faithful to everything
09:13 that God specified in His Decalogue,
09:18 but also they'll faithful to everything
09:20 that God will tell them and ask them to do
09:26 through those who are called
09:29 to be His prophets here on the earth.
09:32 And they will be the special possession
09:35 of prophetic gift in the midst of the time of the end.
09:37 But we'll leave that discussion
09:39 when we will come there to Revelation 19, okay.
09:43 So, this is about Satan.
09:46 He becomes so angry
09:48 and he is now going to wage that final war.
09:52 You will notice here is,
09:55 and my new American standard Bible
09:58 clarifies very nice and said in verse 17,
10:02 that Satan became enraged and he went off,
10:09 actually to wage war.
10:14 I'm like you that-- that we clearly see
10:20 what the situation is here.
10:22 Satan is angry, you remember, how many times he's frustrated?
10:27 He's a loser. He's a defeated enemy.
10:33 And Christ is the constant victor.
10:34 And he knows that he has only one chance left.
10:38 How is that chance called?
10:40 The battle of Armageddon.
10:42 What happens to the people when people are constant losers
10:48 and they finally realize that they have only one chance left?
10:52 What do they do?
10:54 See, they lose control
10:58 and they go and they make another mistake.
11:02 Unfortunately, I'm using the word "unfortunately"
11:07 that's not the case with Satan.
11:10 The Bible says he retreats.
11:16 He went off as the text said.
11:20 Let's put it in very practical term.
11:24 You see, Satan does not go immediately
11:26 into that final war, he retreats.
11:33 Why am I a constant loser?
11:36 Actually I have one student there at Andrew's University
11:39 a number of years ago.
11:42 He tried to date several girls.
11:44 He was really the person
11:46 who had seriously had to think about his family.
11:48 So he tried to approached one girl,
11:51 fail her, to next girl, lose her, lose her
11:56 and finally one day I was the chairman of the department,
11:59 he came to my office and he told me,
12:03 "What is wrong with the girls here
12:06 on the campus of Andrew's University?
12:10 Every girl rejects me.
12:11 Something is wrong with them."
12:12 I said, "Please, can you sit there on the chair?"
12:14 And then you know, you have to know
12:16 how to talk to those young people.
12:18 I said, you know.
12:19 I said, "I learn something from my own experience.
12:22 When I try to do something several times
12:24 and I always fail, I never blame others,
12:28 I have to blame myself and ask myself
12:31 what is wrong with my approach?"
12:35 I said, "Maybe you should not blame the girls
12:39 because there are so many good girls
12:41 and you see, most of them they have boyfriend.
12:45 Maybe you should ask yourself,
12:46 maybe something is wrong with your tactic
12:49 and your approach to the girls."
12:51 Oh, boy he became angry.
12:53 But I calm him down, we talked, we prayed.
12:56 Praise God. Today he's married. Amen.
13:00 So you see the same the case is with the Satan here.
13:06 He realizes that something does not work very well.
13:11 Something is wrong with his way dealing with human beings.
13:16 And there is something that fascinates me
13:17 here in the Book of Revelation.
13:18 I wasted the lot, a lot time in trying to understanding
13:23 what is going on here in this text
13:27 and I reached some fascinating conclusions on base of it.
13:30 So I would like to illustrate it here on the backboard.
13:34 You know, the biblical concept of time is linear.
13:41 It means that the time has the beginning
13:44 and the time is running towards its goal, okay.
13:47 But I would like to mark this time
13:49 in terms of the Book of Revelation
13:50 to illustrate what we have here.
13:53 So, we have Revelation
13:58 chapters 1 to 11, okay.
14:02 It's the first half of the book.
14:05 And here, we are going to Revelation
14:10 chapters 12 to 20.
14:15 You remember, we identified
14:18 this section of the Book of Revelation
14:20 as historical portraying the course of history,
14:24 okay, from the ascension of Christ
14:27 to the heavenly places, okay, until the time of the end?
14:31 So Revelation chapter 12 that we saw,
14:34 if you want really to be more precise,
14:36 it's Revelation 11:19, okay.
14:38 We have the beginning of the time of the end,
14:42 that's why we call
14:44 this section of the Book of Revelation
14:46 as eschatological.
14:48 Now please now you have to help me little bit.i
14:51 When you read the first 11 chapters
14:54 of the Book of Revelation,
14:56 so this section, what was the method
15:00 that Satan used against God's people on the earth?
15:08 I mean, from the time when Jesus ascended
15:10 there to the heavenly places until the time of the end,
15:14 what was the method or the tactic that Satan used?
15:19 It's force.
15:26 It's coercion, persecution.
15:31 If you still keep in mind that the key text
15:34 actually in the entire section
15:37 is the cry or the prayer
15:39 of those slain saints underneath the altar.
15:42 "How long, O Holy God, will you not vindicate us
15:48 and judge those who dwell on the earth?"
15:49 You remember the expression those who dwell on the earth
15:52 is always the reference to the wicked
15:54 or gentiles or the nations
15:55 those who are the enemies of God.
15:57 You see, friends,
15:59 this is what Satan was doing during the historical period.
16:04 Can we put it in more practical terms?
16:07 God's people they try to have the place for to worship
16:10 and Satan was destroying that, so God's people that have--
16:12 based on Revelation 12 to go to the desert there
16:16 in those places to worship God.
16:19 What about the Bibles?
16:22 They have to copy by their hands
16:24 and those Bible's were destroyed,
16:26 were destroyed by the enemies.
16:29 But the God's people were doing that faithfully,
16:31 reading the-- talking about God.
16:36 Persecution actually the blood of martyrs
16:39 was the seed for new converts to come.
16:42 Satan could not destroy God's people during that time.
16:44 And that's why we on base Revelation 12,
16:48 Satan was a constant loser here.
16:50 He couldn't do harm God's people.
16:54 But there is something very interesting is
16:57 that's fascinates me.
16:58 Now if we come here
17:00 suddenly Satan changes his tactic and method.
17:05 Persecution is not any longer his main tactic.
17:10 Any idea what tactic now Satan is using?
17:15 Actually there is one word
17:18 that is really constantly used in the Book of Revelation
17:21 and it's the word "to deceive."
17:29 It's not deception the word I don't know
17:31 in the word deception
17:32 is use in the Book of Revelation at all,
17:34 it's the word "to deceive."
17:37 Please I have one surprise for you.
17:40 This is what makes me-- the word "to deceive"
17:45 it's used only once
17:48 in the first half of the Book of Revelation,
17:50 but it's never with reference to Satan.
17:53 It's always used with reference to the woman Jezebel
17:59 in the message to the church in Thyatira.
18:04 Do you remember that?
18:05 It just used about the woman Jezebel
18:08 deceiving God's people.
18:10 But with the reference to Satan's method
18:13 against God and His people
18:15 it's not almost used at all here,
18:18 just one exception.
18:20 But when you come to Revelation Chapter 12
18:24 or to Chapter 20--
18:25 why did they put Chapter 20 and not 22?
18:27 Because in Chapter 20 Satan is destroyed.
18:31 Actually this is the technical term
18:36 in the Book of Revelation for Satan's end time activities.
18:41 But you'll notice something else.
18:43 It is right before the second coming of Christ.
18:47 That this method of Satan,
18:50 the deception is actually combined with persecution
18:54 that all those who do not receive
18:56 the Mark of the beast they have to be killed,
18:58 remember that.
18:59 But it is at the very time of the end
19:02 right prior to the second coming of Christ.
19:05 But all the preparation that Satan readies,
19:08 all the preparation for the final battle,
19:10 all the activities of Satan
19:13 are portrayed in the terms of deception.
19:17 Wow, what are we talking here about?
19:21 Let me put it in very practical terms.
19:24 It made me to think about my character, my Christianity.
19:28 Satan was here persecuting God's people,
19:35 but the number increased.
19:37 What about here?
19:40 I'd like to ask the viewers
19:42 if you live in any Christian country,
19:44 I know that there is persecution in many countries of the world.
19:46 I talk about Christian countries.
19:48 Are you persecuted?
19:50 No, if somebody harms you because of your religion
19:53 you can take that person to the court
19:55 and protect yourself.
19:56 Unfortunately we don't have a growth of Christians of today.
20:00 Less and less people are going to the church.
20:03 Look something else.
20:05 Here Satan was destroying the Christian buildings.
20:08 What about here?
20:10 We have Cathedrals today.
20:14 I'm talking about beauties of the church,
20:16 very specific churches.
20:18 What is the problem?
20:19 That we never had as many empty seats
20:21 in the churches as we have today.
20:24 And we have it is usually with gray hair.
20:27 And please I have freedom to say,
20:28 because I have grey here.
20:31 We don't have young people there.
20:33 What about here?
20:36 People had to sell a lot
20:39 and to have a lot of money to provide a copy of the Bible,
20:44 secretly copied during the night,
20:46 but they studied the Bible,
20:47 they knew the-- people don't have copies,
20:49 but they could recite the all passages,
20:52 all books of the Bible from their memory.
20:56 What about here?
21:01 When students at Andrews University
21:04 come to me they say
21:05 I need the copy of the Bible, I don't have money.
21:07 I said, "Do you have 25 cents?" "Yes."
21:10 "Go to garage sale you will find
21:11 as many Bibles as you want for 25 cents."
21:14 But what is the problem?
21:15 We today have so many books about the Bible,
21:17 the library of Andrews University
21:18 has 300,000 books on the Bible and the religion.
21:25 What is the problem today that people never read Bible
21:28 so little as they do today.
21:30 And I know that, because I taught college students there.
21:35 That sometimes we take something for granted.
21:37 Those young people they have hard time
21:40 to know that from the Bible.
21:41 See, this is what we're talking about,
21:43 but the problem is that today people can proudly say,
21:47 "I am a Christian."
21:50 Friends, we are dealing
21:52 with something that is very interesting
21:55 and important one to understand.
21:58 At the time of the end Satan tactic was not to say
22:02 "Do you believe in God?
22:03 If you stop believing in God I will persecute you." No.
22:06 He just says believe in God.
22:09 He will not ask you "Do have a Bible in your house,
22:11 have 1,000 copies in your house,
22:13 build your entire house made of the copies of the Bible?
22:16 That's not the problem.
22:18 But he keep us so busy
22:20 that you don't have time to read the Bible.
22:25 And the Bible says that this is actually provide the avenue
22:28 of the temptation of Satan who will deceive the whole world
22:33 thinking actually that they serve God.
22:35 They will just have the form of Godliness.
22:39 But what is the problem with the people is
22:43 that they will not have practical experience
22:46 with the power of the Gospel work in their personal lives.
22:51 You may really want to understand--
22:54 we really want to understand
22:57 what Revelation 13 is all about
23:03 and what Satan will be doing at the time of the end.
23:06 There is another text in the Bible, it's unique.
23:09 And these are the only two text in the New Testament
23:13 that must be studied parallel,
23:16 because they are talking about the same Satan,
23:20 about the same tactic, and the same activates
23:22 that he will do at the time of the end.
23:23 It's 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2.
23:29 It's 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2.
23:34 If you read the entire Chapter it talks about great apostasy
23:38 in the Christian church
23:42 that actually the began the dark middle ages.
23:45 This is not our focus of study.
23:48 And then Apostle Paul moves to the time of the end
23:52 describing the same what we find in the Revelation Chapter 13.
23:56 And then he said, verse 8.
24:01 So 2 Thessalonians 2:8,
24:04 "Then the lawless one will be revealed,
24:06 whom the Lord will slay with the breath of His mouth
24:10 and bring to an end
24:11 by the appearance of His coming."
24:13 Keep in mind we are talking about
24:15 the time of the second coming of Christ.
24:17 Says, "That is the one who is coming is in accord
24:21 with the activity of Satan,
24:23 with all power and signs and false wonders,
24:27 and with all deception and wickedness
24:29 for those who perish,
24:31 because they did not receive the love of the truth
24:33 so as to be saved.
24:36 For this reason God will send upon them
24:38 a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false,
24:42 in order that they also may be judged
24:45 who did not believe the truth,
24:47 but took pleasure in wickedness."
24:52 You will notice here
24:54 that Apostle Paul is using the same concept,
24:59 the same expressions and describing the same way
25:04 Satan's end time activities
25:07 before the second coming of Christ
25:12 telling us actually,
25:13 and these are the two texts are in agreement,
25:16 that Satan's end time activities will be characterized
25:19 by the great deception.
25:20 And says that all those who did not love the truth
25:23 they will be deceived.
25:25 Boy, this is something to take very seriously.
25:28 And I'd like to invite our readers
25:30 to study the Book of Revelation for themselves
25:33 because the Book of Revelation is not given to us
25:35 simply to go and to point fingers to others.
25:39 Of course there is a room and there is place for that.
25:42 We have to understand what is on the other side,
25:44 what Satan will be doing.
25:46 But the purpose of the Book of Revelation
25:48 is not to put fingers to others,
25:50 try to identify other Christians what they are doing etcetera.
25:53 Actually the purpose of the Book of Revelation
25:54 is with them pointing fingers to others
25:57 three fingers are pointing to me
25:58 and to ask me how much do I love the truth.
26:03 So to be ready and not to be surprised
26:05 when those final events will take place, deception.
26:08 What these that that Satan will do at the time of the end?
26:14 What is that that the way how he will actually deceive?
26:18 There is another word really
26:20 that explains this deception is the word "counterfeit."
26:25 And the viewers I really would like to invite you now--
26:29 the time does not allow us--
26:30 but I will just summarize here in few sentences.
26:33 Please, I would like to invite you
26:34 that you see for yourself
26:36 from page 376
26:39 to page 382.
26:46 It's one of the best way to see about that literary strategy
26:52 that the Book of Revelation is using to describe Satan
26:55 and his end time activities.
26:59 Okay, let's do it now.
27:03 The purpose of Satan is not to take the God
27:08 from the people, okay.
27:12 It's rather to counterfeit God.
27:18 Let me suggest something to you.
27:21 You see when we are studying these
27:23 first 11 Chapters of the Book of Revelation
27:27 if you really want to provide the title of deception,
27:29 the first 11 Chapters of the Book of Revelation,
27:31 you can put it "The Trinity in Action."
27:36 When you begin the Book of Revelation Chapter 1:4-6
27:40 we have the trinity introduces himself,
27:43 we have the one who was, who is and who is to come
27:46 the seven Spirits of God, we looked into the text
27:49 and you have Jesus Christ, the trinity is introduced.
27:52 Do you remember when we talk about
27:53 the enthronement of Christ in Revelation 4 and 5?
27:56 We have God the Father sitting on the throne.
27:58 You have the Lamb representing Jesus Christ
28:01 and you have the Holy Spirit who is sent down to the earth.
28:04 Really the first 11 Chapters
28:06 you have here the trinity in action.
28:09 It's about the Godhead, the trinity of the Godhead
28:13 working on behalf of the salvation of human beings.
28:17 But when you move to these eschatological section
28:20 of the Book of Revelation
28:22 then you'll notice something else.
28:24 Actually that title suddenly changes,
28:27 it's the "Counterfeit Trinity in Action."
28:31 Now you'll ask yourself a question
28:34 "What do you mean with that?"
28:36 Well, let's follow in this way.
28:40 If Satan retreats and he is preparing himself
28:46 for that final war, he decides not to enter
28:50 into that final war by himself alone.
28:55 Actually he chooses two associates
29:00 and you will notice in the Revelation Chapter 13
29:03 two Satan's allies or associates are named as the beast
29:09 coming out of the sea
29:12 and the beast coming out of the earth.
29:17 Okay, so now you have to be with me.
29:19 If you have the Satan
29:21 and you have that first beast coming out of the sea
29:24 and the second beast coming out of the earth,
29:26 how many they are?
29:29 They are three.
29:31 You see if you take many Bible commentators,
29:37 you will see how many Bible commentators
29:39 they know--
29:41 And they said we have here the unholy trinity.
29:48 We have a three, triune association here that are made.
29:55 Actually the entire intention the Book of Revelation
29:58 to tell us that the time of the end,
30:01 according to 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2,
30:03 Satan want to be like God, to be worship like God.
30:08 By the way, this is always been his desire.
30:11 That's why he rebelled against God.
30:12 At the time of the end he would like to be worshipped God,
30:15 but he would like to be worshipped
30:16 because people do not see Satan.
30:18 So his attempt would be to be worshiped
30:20 through that first beast.
30:22 When people worship the beast actually they worship the Satan.
30:26 But there is another entity that actually helps
30:29 the realization of Satan's plan.
30:32 We will talk more about that, because the first beast
30:36 it's nothing without the second beast.
30:38 Now you would say, "Oh, boy, is this really
30:43 in the Book of Revelation?"
30:45 Boy, I see the time flies so fast,
30:47 so please allow me if you have this commentary,
30:50 I put it here I just want to go quickly on page 377.
30:54 You can see here on this table number 2 is.
30:57 How actually Satan is portrayed in the book.
31:01 He is really portrayed as the one who wants to take
31:04 place of God, God the Father, okay.
31:07 He is function, he is the leader, okay.
31:10 I try to save some time.
31:12 Now if you move to page 378, we are talking about
31:17 the first beast, the beast coming out of the sea.
31:22 Let's see just a language how this beast is portrayed.
31:25 The sea beast comes from water to begin his activity
31:29 in the same way Jesus came out of the water
31:31 to begin His ministry.
31:34 The sea beast resembles the dragon
31:36 has the same number of heads,
31:37 the same number of horns like the dragon.
31:41 This is exactly what Jesus said,
31:43 "The one who sees Me, he sees the Father," okay.
31:47 The sea beast has 10 diadems but Jesus has many diadems.
31:52 The sea beast has 10 horns upon his heads,
31:55 the Lamb is portrayed with the seven horns.
31:58 The Sea beast receives power, throne, and authority
32:01 from the dragon in the same way
32:03 as Jesus receives power, throne, and authority from the Father.
32:07 How long is the period of the activity of this beast?
32:11 42 months. How long is the 42 months?
32:14 3 1/2 years.
32:16 Friends, we are not talking here about
32:17 historical fulfillment, okay.
32:18 We're talking about literary strategy
32:21 is the same Jesus ministry was 3 1/2 years.
32:25 The sea beast was slain actually in Greek
32:27 is the same expression that is used
32:29 for the slain lamb of Revelation Chapter 5.
32:33 But Jesus was resurrected after His death.
32:38 So the beast is resurrected,
32:39 because the mortal wound is healed.
32:42 And after that the beast receives universal authority
32:46 over the earth after the healing of the mortal wound
32:49 and Jesus said "All the authority
32:51 has been given to Me in heaven and on the earth."
32:54 And the sea beast who is like the beast
32:57 corresponds to who is like God the name Michael.
33:00 But we will come in our next presentation
33:04 and you will see that actually we read in chapter 13
33:09 that actually it's the dragon who gives to these beast
33:15 his throne and authority.
33:17 And you take so many commentators they are really
33:20 notice and they said this is the enthronement.
33:22 You see if you make certain person giving him
33:25 the throne and authority this is the enthronement
33:28 and they say this is the counterfeit
33:30 of the enthronement of Christ in Revelation Chapter 5.
33:33 And I'd like to stop here.
33:35 You can see that how the activities of this beast
33:38 is portrayed after the activities of Jesus Christ.
33:41 This beast are really try to take the place
33:44 of Jesus Christ in the world.
33:46 Okay, we will see that historical fulfillment
33:48 of this is who is actually this beast.
33:50 But keep that in mind everything is about imitating
33:54 Jesus Christ and taking His place as a means of salvation.
33:59 And then we come to the second beast,
34:02 the second beast, the earth beast.
34:04 It says, it's called the false prophet
34:07 deceiving people, it's the counterfeit
34:10 to the spirit of truth guiding people to salvation.
34:14 The earth beast is lamb-like as the Holy Spirit is Christ-like.
34:19 The earth beast exercises all the authority of the sea beast
34:23 as the Holy Spirit exercises all the authority of Christ.
34:27 The earth beast directs worship to the sea beast
34:31 as the Holy Spirit directs worship to Christ.
34:34 The earth beast performs great signs.
34:37 If you go to the book of Acts is the Holy Spirit
34:40 who performs great signs.
34:42 It says that the earth beast brings fire down from heaven.
34:47 So many commentators they notice it that
34:49 we have here the counterfeit of day of Pentecost
34:52 when the fire came Holy Spirit came in fire the disciples.
34:56 The earth beast gives life and breath to the beast image
34:59 in the same way as the Holy Spirit
35:01 gives life and breath of life.
35:04 The earth beast applies the mark on the hand,
35:07 on the forehead in the same way
35:09 as the Holy Spirit applies the seal on the forehead
35:12 etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.
35:13 I'd like to invite you whenever I make presentation
35:15 people send emails to me.
35:17 They said how many more those detail I found.
35:20 Yeah, that's the purpose. Please study for yourself.
35:23 But there is something very interesting is,
35:25 is this just a coincidence that Satan is portrayed
35:31 after description of God the Father,
35:33 that the first beast is portrayed
35:36 in the same language as Jesus is portrayed
35:38 in Revelation and the entire New Testament,
35:41 and that second beast is portrayed by using
35:43 the language of the Holy Spirit?
35:46 You see, friends, we are dealing something here,
35:48 we are dealing about that the great deception
35:50 when Satan with his two associates
35:53 want to take place of God in this world.
35:57 Nothing new, huh?
35:58 This is actually the description of Satan
36:00 in the Book of Revelation.
36:02 Now there is a question.
36:04 What is God doing during that time or those times?
36:12 And Satan by means of deception is preparing the world
36:16 for that great battle of Armageddon.
36:19 Actually God is trying to reach the human beings
36:22 by sending His everlasting gospel that is portrayed
36:25 in the terms of the three angel's messages.
36:29 By the way if you go to Revelation 16:13, 14
36:35 we see that during the same period
36:37 of the preparation for the battle of Armageddon.
36:39 Revelation 16:13, 14, John sees that coming out
36:44 of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast,
36:48 out of the mouth of the false prophet
36:50 which is actually the second beast
36:51 as we mentioned, coming three unclean spirit
36:54 which are actually demons deceiving all those people
36:58 to be engaged in the war against God.
37:01 Who are demons? The fallen angels.
37:05 You see as God is sending His angels with His message,
37:09 what is Satan doing?
37:11 During the same time Satan sending his message
37:14 with his angels to the inhabitants of the world
37:16 which is actually the antithesis to three angel messages.
37:20 All those who accept that gospel and the message
37:22 of those angels they are sealed, they receive the seal of God.
37:27 God marks, He seals His own people.
37:31 What is Satan doing with those who accept
37:34 his deceptive message and inhabit this world?
37:37 He is giving, making, putting His seal upon them
37:40 which is in the Book of Revelation
37:42 called the mark of the beast.
37:45 And not only that, all those who are sealed to God
37:49 has promised to them that heavenly Jerusalem,
37:55 New Jerusalem in the book of Revelation
37:57 It's God's answer and God's solution
38:01 to all that human problems that they have.
38:06 You'll notice when you read the book of Hebrews,
38:09 Abraham waited for that city, Isaac waited for that city,
38:13 all those they died in faith that one day
38:17 they will have a place in that city.
38:19 What is Satan doing during that time?
38:22 He is offering to the inhabitants of this world
38:25 he has the city which is called the city of Babylon.
38:31 Babylon is Satan's solution of all these problem to unite
38:36 all the people of this earth together.
38:38 By the way, I don't have time for that,
38:41 but please from page 381-- do you see that
38:44 how much you have page 381, 382 do you see
38:47 how many parallels are between the two cities.
38:50 By the way, it's the same language
38:51 it was-- just quickly it says,
38:54 "Babylon, one of the seven angels
38:56 who had seven bowls came and spoke with me
38:59 saying 'come here I will show you the great prostitute
39:02 with whom the kings of the earth
39:04 have committed fornication.'
39:05 He carried me way in the spirit into wilderness
39:08 I saw the great city Babylon--'" etcetera.
39:10 Let's go the Jerusalem to the following column.
39:13 "One of the seven angels who had seven bowls
39:15 full of the seven last plagues came and spoke with me saying
39:19 'come I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb.'
39:23 He carried me away in the Spirit to great and high mount
39:26 showed me the holy city Jerusalem--'"etcetera.
39:28 Go to the rest.
39:30 It's the same language used,
39:31 because Babylon in the Book of Revelation
39:34 is used as the counterfeit to New Jerusalem.
39:38 And may I ask you a question?
39:41 Which of the two cities is more attractive to the people?
39:49 I'd like you to think about that.
39:51 Friends, we are dealing about deception.
39:55 The deception, according to Apostle Paul
39:57 in 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2, will be so great
40:04 that only those who really love the truth,
40:09 not who claim to have the truth,
40:13 those who truly love the truth
40:17 will not be deceived
40:21 because deception will be so great.
40:24 Satan doesn't care if you are called Protestant
40:29 or Adventist or Baptist or whatever your name,
40:33 he doesn't care how you call yourself.
40:37 There is only one thing that he endeavors is
40:41 that you do not love the truth.
40:44 It's not that you read about the truth that this and that.
40:48 So the call of the Book of Revelation is
40:51 as we are waiting for the time
40:53 of the end to come to ask ourselves today a question
40:57 "Do I really love the truth?"
41:02 But probably we have a word of clarification.
41:05 What does it mean to love the truth?
41:08 Because in the New Testament
41:09 the truth is Jesus Christ Himself
41:11 and everything what He says
41:13 and everything what He has given to us.
41:15 It means that we love Jesus Christ
41:18 with all of our heart, with all of our soul.
41:20 That we want to learn everything what He taught us
41:23 and what He is teaching us, everything what He is telling us
41:26 that's actually what the book of Revelation is all about.
41:29 Revelation 1:3, "Blessed is the one who reads,
41:33 blessed are those who listening, but blessed are those who keep
41:37 the words of the prophecy because the time is near."
41:40 See the Book of Revelation is given to us
41:43 to make us will be better Christians,
41:45 to be more faithful to God,
41:48 to love the truth, to fall in love with God.
41:52 And then nobody nothing, the power that are present
41:58 and the power in the future will not be able to separate us
42:01 from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus.
42:04 This is actually the purpose of this book.
42:08 This is the nature of Satan temptation.
42:10 And, friends, once we understand
42:14 what is going on here in Revelation Chapter 13,
42:20 if we understand really
42:21 what is behind of all this Satan's activities,
42:25 now we can go much faster through this Chapter.
42:30 Please I'd like to encourage you,
42:32 because you cannot take all those different tools
42:35 and now you can study the subject for yourself.
42:37 But it's very important to understand what is the issue,
42:39 what is at stake there in the final crisis.
42:42 It's not about the name.
42:45 It's about my faithfulness to God.
42:48 Now please would you turn with me
42:52 to Revelation Chapter 13, okay.
42:57 It says--depends which Bible translation you have.
43:02 It says, "And the dragon stood"
43:04 I have my New American "On the sand of the seashore."
43:08 The King James Bible make a statement
43:13 that actually it was John who stood on the seashore.
43:18 Unfortunately that version of the text
43:23 comes several centuries later, okay,
43:28 after the time in the Book of Revelation was written.
43:31 Evidently the scribes they mistakenly,
43:33 in Greek it's so similar, just change one letter
43:37 and it change it from he stood to I stood.
43:40 Actually all the early manuscripts
43:42 what they have here is, they read actually about Satan
43:46 who stands there on the sea. Why?
43:48 Because he is there
43:50 to call out of the sea his first associate.
43:55 And this first associate is actually called a beast.
43:59 "John sees a beast coming up out of the sea."
44:04 Now you have to understand what you have here in Chapter.
44:07 One more time where is this beast coming from?
44:11 Out of the sea.
44:13 So if you have the beast coming out of the sea,
44:17 what is the first thing that John sees?
44:21 First he sees the horns,
44:22 because the horns are the first one
44:25 appearing out of the water, okay.
44:28 Then the heads, then the rest of the beast.
44:31 So John is portraying the beast in the way
44:34 how the beast is coming out of the water
44:37 not in the order of the significance
44:39 of the members of the body, okay, of this beast.
44:44 And it says "That this beast has ten horns and seven heads.
44:49 And on his horns were ten diadems.
44:52 And of his heads were blasphemous names."
44:55 Let's stop here for a while.
44:57 The beast, what is the beast?
44:59 We already explained it before that the beast in the prophecies
45:03 of the Book of Revelation is a regular symbol
45:07 in Jewish apocalyptics the same.
45:09 A regular symbol for a political power.
45:12 Okay, for a kingdom, for a political powers.
45:16 So we're dealing here with the power
45:18 coming out of the sea.
45:20 By the way you will notice
45:22 that in the book of Daniel Chapter 7,
45:23 Daniel see four beasts are coming out of the sea.
45:28 So the beast stands here as the symbol
45:31 for the restless human condition of the human society, okay.
45:38 So it is out of those human societies
45:40 John sees a political power
45:42 appear on the scene is been called by the Satan, okay.
45:46 And this power has ten horns and seven heads.
45:51 Actually the key to the understanding
45:55 of what we have here is the book of Daniel Chapter 7.
46:02 Both Daniel and the Book of Revelation
46:04 they refer to the same entity that is here and says,
46:10 that this beast has ten horns, okay,
46:14 and on horns were ten diadems,
46:17 but on the heads were blasphemous names.
46:21 "And the beast which I saw was like a leopard,
46:25 and his feet were like those of a bear,
46:28 and his mouth like the mouth of a lion,
46:31 and the dragon gave him the power
46:34 and his throne and the great authority."
46:40 Just for the sake of clear, to understand what is going on,
46:45 I would like that you turn with me
46:47 to the Book of Daniel Chapter 7.
46:49 Please, the book of Daniel Chapter 7
46:52 and we're reading from verses 23 to 25.
46:58 And you can see how there are strong parallels
47:02 between the Book of Revelation and the Book of Daniel, okay.
47:06 Daniel saw-- we would have to read
47:09 evidently the entire Chapter, but it is impossible for us,
47:14 because John saw those four beast coming
47:17 and now we have the interpretation
47:20 and says verse 23
47:22 "The fourth beast which will be a fourth kingdom on the earth,
47:26 which will be different from all the other kingdoms
47:29 will devour the whole earth and tread it down and crush it.
47:35 And for the ten horns, out of his kingdom
47:37 ten kings will arise, another will arise after them,
47:42 and he will be different from the previous ones
47:45 and will subdue three kings.
47:47 He will speak out against the Most High
47:50 and wear down the saints of the Highest One,
47:53 and he will intend to make alterations
47:56 in times and in the law,
47:58 and they will be given into his hand
48:00 for a time, times, and half a time."
48:04 I would like you to pay special attention
48:06 to this time element "A time, times and half a time."
48:10 However when you come to the Book of Revelation
48:13 you will see that the same kind element is mention
48:17 in verse 5 of Revelation 13, but this time we have 42 months.
48:21 We saw already that it is the same time period,
48:24 but about the time period we will have more to say
48:29 in our next presentation.
48:32 So let us try to see what we are going on--
48:35 what we see here in Chapter 13, what's going on here.
48:38 In Chapter 7 of Daniel,
48:41 Daniel saw four beast, okay, Four beast.
48:48 He portrayed those three those beast, okay,
48:55 as the bear, okay.
48:59 Actually it's the lion, as the bear and the leopard.
49:03 But you'll notice that these beast here
49:05 in Revelation Chapter 13 it's a composite beast,
49:09 it has all the characteristics
49:11 of those beast of Daniel Chapter 7.
49:13 But there is something else. Keep in mind one more time.
49:17 In Daniel the first beast was lion, okay.
49:21 Then the next one was the bear and the next one was leopard.
49:26 Actually that stood as the symbol for Babylon,
49:31 Medo-Persia and Greece.
49:34 But there was also the fourth beast,
49:36 very strange, very terrifying
49:39 that stood as the symbol for Rome.
49:41 But you will notice here in the Revelation 13
49:45 that John reversed the orders of this beast.
49:50 He puts the lion, okay,
49:52 the last even though
49:54 in Daniel lion was the first one, why?
49:58 Because to show us
50:00 that this beast is actually the fourth one,
50:02 but it's also the successor of which one--
50:08 leopard beast which was actually Greece,
50:11 successor also of a bear that was Medo-Persia
50:16 and also the successor of Babylon
50:18 that represented by Lion. Are you still with me.
50:21 He puts it in the reverse order and to tell us
50:24 if you really want to understand who this beast is,
50:27 is the equivalent to that fourth beast
50:29 of Daniel Chapter 7. Why?
50:31 Because in Daniel Chapter 7 we have that beast,
50:35 but that beast is not too much a focus of Daniel 7,
50:38 it's what was on that beast. Daniel saw those ten horns.
50:43 And out of the horns in Daniel 7 as we read it
50:47 he saw another very small horn.
50:50 By the way, it was not so small.
50:53 At the beginning it was small, but it says that this horn grew
50:57 and became much greater and larger than all other horns.
51:03 So it's not really the little horn,
51:05 it's a big horn.
51:07 And that horn control all other horns
51:09 and persecuted God's people
51:11 and try even to rebel against God
51:15 and to take place of God, and replace God in this world.
51:20 So, friends, what are we talking here about?
51:23 We're talking here about a political entity,
51:25 according to Revelation Chapter 13,
51:28 that is already identified in the Book of Daniel Chapter 7.
51:34 But there is something else.
51:36 You will notice the difference between Daniel Chapter 7
51:40 and the Revelation Chapter 13.
51:42 In Daniel we don't have any royal crowns.
51:47 But Revelation 13 you will notice that those horns
51:52 they have the royal crowns.
51:53 By the way the horns, those ten horns
51:56 they stand as the symbol of the divided Rome,
51:59 okay, of the divided Rome.
52:01 But you will notice that this horns
52:04 they wear the royal crowns to telling us
52:07 that they are actually taking the power.
52:09 It means that they are coming after the demise,
52:12 after the fall of the Roman Empire.
52:14 Are you still with me?
52:16 They're already claiming the political power.
52:20 You're dealing with the kingdoms after a Rome
52:23 that are actually claiming the rule, okay.
52:27 They're taking political place in this world.
52:29 It is among them, okay, among them that actually
52:33 this beast appears and trying to establish
52:37 his authority over those this political power.
52:41 So dealing really here with a political entity, okay.
52:47 I would like you that you'll notice
52:48 a special literal strategy here of the Book of Revelation.
52:53 And this is very important to understand,
52:55 okay, what the concept that we have here.
52:58 So you have Revelation Chapter 13:1-4.
53:05 These verses really describe the beast,
53:08 telling us what the beast is.
53:11 But then when you come to verses 5 to 8
53:16 then we have the activities of the beast.
53:22 So first we want here to understand
53:24 actually who is this beast
53:27 and we learn something that these beast
53:29 appears on the scene after the fall of Rome,
53:34 during the divided Rome, after the Roman Empire.
53:38 But John is telling us something else about this beast.
53:40 It says that actually this is the dragon
53:43 that delegates the power and the thronw to this beast.
53:46 This beast is the representative of Satan in this world,
53:50 acts in the all power and authority of Satan.
53:54 But then there is something else.
53:56 In verse 3 we read that one of the heads
54:02 of the beast was a slain.
54:06 Okay, let me ask you
54:10 if the beast, the head of the beast,
54:15 receives that mortal wound what happens to the beast?
54:22 And the beast is killed.
54:23 Please we will talk more about that.
54:26 And please I just want this is just introduction
54:30 to what we will discuss and talk more.
54:34 It says the beast was killed but then John noticed something.
54:39 He is telling us that this mortal wound
54:43 actually was healed again.
54:47 And the whole world was amazed and followed after the beast.
54:52 And they worshiped the dragon.
54:53 You see, when people worship the beast
54:55 actually they worship the dragon, okay.
54:56 They worship the dragon
54:58 because he gave his authority to the beast.
55:02 "And they worshiped the beast saying,
55:05 'who is like the beast,
55:06 and who is able to wage war with him?'"
55:12 Oh, boy, as you can see here in Chapter 13,
55:15 we have many details
55:17 that really we have to study and to understand more.
55:20 And I trust you that once this presentation is over
55:24 that you will engage more
55:26 and in much deeper way that you studied Chapter 13.
55:29 We would like simple here to set the framework
55:32 of what is the issue there in the final crisis.
55:35 But we must answer one question then.
55:37 Who is this beast? Who is this beast?
55:41 Evidently this beast is a political authority
55:45 no question about that, the beast, okay.
55:49 Second thing is, what we learn here is
55:54 that this beast claim to be the successor
55:59 of those word empires
56:01 that were before him according to the book of Daniel.
56:05 It has to come after Babylon,
56:07 after Medo-Persia, and after Greece,
56:11 and has to come after the Roman Empire
56:13 is the true successor, okay, of the Roman Empire.
56:18 We saw that this beast is very active,
56:22 because of the horns of this beast
56:25 they claim to have a royal crowns.
56:29 By the way when we come to Revelation Chapter 17
56:32 we will see that the head of the beast
56:36 actually represented the word empires
56:37 that appear in history through which Satan worked
56:42 to fight against God and His plans for this world.
56:47 The empire is that Satan always used
56:48 to persecute to God's people.
56:50 When we come to Revelation 17
56:51 we'll come to more and study about that.
56:56 But there is only one entity, okay, that was very prominent
57:03 in the western world of Western Europe,
57:05 okay, that dominate the Christian world
57:09 after the fall of the Roman Empire.
57:12 Even though this entity is introduced here
57:15 as the political entity, I'd like to invite you
57:19 to join us in our next meeting,
57:20 because we will see that suddenly
57:23 the description of this beast
57:24 from the political turns to the religious one.
57:27 So I'd like to invite you to study the Bible for yourself,
57:30 to invite you to join us for our next presentation
57:33 to see what this at the stake in the final crisis.


Revised 2014-12-17