Revelation of the Coming King

The Woman And The Dragon

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Ranko Stefanovic


Series Code: RCK

Program Code: RCK000017

00:22 Welcome again to our program
00:25 that we have titled as "Revelation of the Coming King."
00:31 I just want to tell you, I'm excited from now on
00:34 because we're now moving into the so called
00:38 eschatological section of the Book of Revelation.
00:43 So far thus prophesy of the Book of Revelation
00:46 really concerned our past.
00:50 They have fulfilled the history.
00:52 And they really have a significant message telling us
00:56 that as those prophecies were fulfilled in the past,
00:59 so they will be fulfilled also in the future.
01:03 So now we're coming to another section
01:06 of the Book of Revelation.
01:08 And I'm so excited to have you again here with me.
01:12 I'm Ranko Stefanovic, Professor at the Seventh-day Adventist
01:16 Theological Seminary, Andrews University.
01:21 And I'm so glad to be here, dear viewers.
01:24 And would you open the word of God?
01:27 I know it's sometimes frustrating,
01:29 when we try to take such a complex language
01:33 and the visuals of Book of Revelation
01:35 and put a certain period of time.
01:38 But the purpose of these presentations
01:39 is not to give us answers to all those difficult texts
01:45 of the Book of Revelation,
01:47 but simply to stimulate our appetite.
01:49 So once this program is over
01:52 that you can take all those good tools
01:55 and study the Book of Revelation for yourself.
01:58 So now you'll ask a question,
02:00 what should I have to study the Book of Revelation?
02:03 First, you must have a good text book.
02:05 And I want to introduce to you
02:07 the best text book on the Book of Revelation.
02:08 I'm holding in it my hands.
02:10 It's the Bible. This is the best tool.
02:14 If you follow, follow the instructions of this book
02:18 you cannot be far away.
02:20 So I'd like to encourage you,
02:22 don't try to use your imagination
02:24 and your own ideas you try to read in the text.
02:29 We saw it when we go to the Old Testament
02:31 and also to the New Testament,
02:34 how those perplexing and sometimes confusing
02:37 text of the Book of Revelation
02:39 really become very, very and much, much clear to us.
02:45 But once this program is over,
02:49 I'd like to suggest to you I hope that most of you
02:53 have provided for yourself this commentary
02:58 titled "Revelation of Jesus Christ."
03:01 Every time I point to the pages
03:05 that we try to cover during this presentations
03:10 but just a part of that.
03:11 So once this presentation is over
03:13 please turn to the pages 385.
03:16 So pages 385
03:19 and all up to the page 407.
03:26 Okay, you'll find many more information.
03:29 You can find many more scriptural references there.
03:32 So please, let us go and study the word of God for ourselves.
03:37 But please above all, whenever you take the Bible,
03:41 we have to do it with a prayer.
03:43 We are just humans. We are our doing best.
03:46 The Holy Spirit is speaking to us.
03:51 But we need to depend on God every time
03:54 when we open the Bible.
03:56 And this is exactly what we will do today
03:58 as we are going into the word of God.
04:01 Our Heavenly Father, thank you so much,
04:06 for Your care and Your guidance.
04:09 Thank you for the Book of Revelation
04:11 in which You are teaching us,
04:13 how much You care for human beings
04:16 and how much You want to see them one day in Your kingdom.
04:20 Please give us Your Holy Spirit
04:21 as we are going now to understand,
04:25 chapter 12 of this book.
04:28 And please speak to us in the same way
04:30 You spoke to John,
04:32 when You inspired him that he write--
04:35 to write these messages
04:36 of the Book of Revelation in the scroll.
04:39 Thank you, Father for Your help.
04:41 We pray all of this in the precious name
04:43 of our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
04:48 Friends, we are now going
04:51 to the last major division of the Book of Revelation
04:57 that we call the eschatological section
05:00 of the Book of Revelation.
05:01 But there is something else I want to remind you.
05:05 With chapter 12, we are now trying to see
05:09 what was inscribed in that little scroll that John saw
05:14 in the hand of the angel in Revelation Chapter 10.
05:18 All those things God has revealed to us
05:21 for one simple purpose that we're not surprised
05:26 to tell us about what will happen at the time of the end.
05:30 So that we can rely on God
05:32 and to know that Jesus Christ will be with us always.
05:36 How long always? Until the very end of the age.
05:41 I'd like to remind you one more time
05:45 that we should not hold strictly to the chapter divisions
05:50 because this eschatological section
05:52 of the Book of Revelation does not begin
05:54 with Revelation 12:1.
05:57 It begins actually with chapter 11, verse 19.
06:02 That's why we did not deal with that text before.
06:07 What do we have in Revelation 11:19?
06:10 We read there John says,
06:12 "And the temple of God which is in heaven was opened,
06:19 and the Ark of his covenant appeared in his temple.
06:24 And there were flashes and lightening and sounds
06:27 and thunder and earthquake and the great hailstorm."
06:34 What is the significance of this?
06:35 Do you remember already in chapter 11
06:40 that John introduces the heavenly temple
06:44 and the altar and the worshipers?
06:49 But what we have here is now that the temple was open
06:53 and John saw clearly the Ark of the Covenant
06:58 that appeared, that was seen there in heaven
07:00 accompanied with lightning and sounds and thunder,
07:04 earthquake and the great hail.
07:06 All of these are actually the expression
07:08 in the Old Testament, signifying the theophany
07:12 or God's presence and God's coming in the judgment.
07:16 You see the fact that John saw the Ark of the Covenant,
07:20 it's significant for two reasons.
07:22 Number one, do you remember the Revelation 5?
07:27 We talked about the sealed scroll
07:30 that was symbol of God's covenant.
07:32 Do you know that that scroll
07:34 at the coronation of this last king,
07:36 a copy was stored there at the Ark of Covenant?
07:41 When the king wanted to consult,
07:43 he had to go there to get it from the priest
07:46 and to find out about his rule.
07:49 So it points to us the fact that the Ark of the Covenant
07:52 was seen now that we have the revelation of that scroll
07:55 at least that little scroll or part of the scroll
07:59 that John saw in Revelation Chapter 10.
08:02 So, boy, this is very exciting.
08:04 This is the section of the Book of Revelation that concerns us.
08:08 It is through this section that God is actually telling us,
08:11 this is what will happen in the future.
08:14 So that you can rely on me.
08:16 You should not be surprised.
08:19 But there is actually another very important reason.
08:24 The fact, please can you be with me?
08:27 The fact that the temple was seen open,
08:30 so open that the Ark of the Covenant was seen.
08:36 Are you with me?
08:38 I should really point that John was able to see
08:41 into the most Holy Place there of the heavenly sanctuary.
08:46 By the way, it telling us
08:50 that what we have now from Revelation 12: 1
08:54 all up to the end of the book.
08:57 All those final events are given
08:59 in the context of Christ ministry
09:02 not any longer in the Holy Place.
09:04 Now in the context of what's going on there,
09:07 Christ's ministry in the most holy place
09:09 of the heavenly sanctuary.
09:12 So the first 11 chapters are related to Jesus ministry
09:17 in the Holy Place as our priest.
09:19 Are you still with me?
09:20 But now we are entering into the description
09:25 of the final events of the Book of Revelation
09:27 and those final events are given
09:30 in the context of Christ ministry
09:32 there in the most Holy Place.
09:36 Okay, that is in the Book of Revelation
09:39 defined as we mentioned already in our last presentation,
09:42 as the pre-advent judgment.
09:45 That's why at the beginning of Revelation Chapter 11
09:49 that prophesying that is given to the church through John,
09:54 you remember that?
09:55 Is actually it's given in the context of the measuring
09:59 of the heavenly temple and the altar and the worshippers
10:03 which is actually a reference to the pre-advent judgment.
10:07 Oh, friends, this is a great news for us
10:11 because if you go to the Old Testament,
10:14 the Ark of the Covenant always signified the presence of God.
10:18 Do you remember on one occasion
10:20 when the Ark of the Covenant was stolen
10:22 from the people of Israel?
10:23 How great mourning and lamentation was among people
10:26 because they lost the presence of God.
10:29 Actually even a son of the high priest fell down--
10:34 no, actually his wife died there as delivering baby
10:38 they named the baby the glory departed from Israel.
10:42 Actually, the appearance of that Ark of the Covenant
10:45 is very significant to telling us now our Savior
10:48 and the high priest is there in the Holy Place--
10:52 in the most holy place.
10:54 He is interceding on behalf of us.
10:56 The final events are scary.
10:59 They are bizarre.
11:02 Sometimes, they're frightening.
11:04 But His promise is "Don't be afraid,
11:07 I will be with you to sustain you.
11:11 I'll be with you always until the very end of the age."
11:16 Friends, if you take Revelation 11:19,
11:21 out of the Book of Revelation and you will see also.
11:24 If you take Revelation Chapter 12,
11:26 out of the book,
11:27 the Book of Revelation becomes nothing else,
11:30 but another Nostradamus book, a fortune telling book.
11:35 Telling us about something that will happen
11:36 with the future without providing any hope for us.
11:39 But it's actually Revelation 11:19 and chapter 12.
11:44 That makes the Book of Revelation
11:46 not just revelation of the final events--
11:49 it makes this book to be the revelation of Jesus Christ.
11:52 Well, I'm excited now so please I'd like now to invite you
11:55 that you go with me
11:57 and let's go now to Revelation Chapter 12.
12:00 But keep chapter 11 verses 19 in mind.
12:04 Can you do it for me? Okay, okay.
12:07 Now I have surprise to you.
12:10 As I stated to you that we will go to Revelation Chapter 12,
12:13 what did you expect that I will read?
12:16 Verse 1, unfortunately, I've disappointed you
12:19 because if you really want to start reading Revelation 12.
12:23 You begin with verse 17
12:25 because this is the key text of this chapter.
12:28 Are you with me?
12:30 Let's go to Revelation 12:17.
12:36 Now on the page that I introduced to you,
12:38 what are the pages?
12:41 Okay, let me go back its page 385, 385.
12:47 Yeah, this is the beginning of the chapter 12.
12:50 You'll find there verse 17, okay.
12:54 How does the text begin?
12:58 No, you missed the most important word.
13:00 It says actually the Greek word Kai simply means end.
13:05 But you know the same word
13:08 sometimes can have different concepts.
13:10 It really means 'then' or 'so' as I have in my Bible.
13:18 "The dragon was enraged with the woman,
13:22 and he went off to make war with the rest of her children,
13:27 who keep the commandments of God
13:30 and hold to the testimony of Jesus."
13:32 Please let's look clear in this text.
13:35 You have to help me.
13:36 What are the elements and the entities
13:40 that are found in this text?
13:41 Number one, what do you have?
13:42 The dragon. Then we have a woman.
13:48 Then we have the war.
13:53 Then we have the remnants of the woman's children.
13:57 And then those who keep the commandments of God
13:59 and they hold to the testimony of Jesus.
14:03 What do you have here in this text?
14:06 Sister, can I ask you one question.
14:08 I can be angry with you or you can be angry with me.
14:11 And we will not talk.
14:14 But if I do this and try to beat you,
14:17 would you agree with me that I'm really angry? Yes.
14:21 You see here in verse 17,
14:23 there is one entity that is introduced
14:25 by the name of the dragon.
14:28 That becomes so enraged, with whom?
14:31 With the woman, so much enraged
14:35 that he this entity by name of dragon, okay,
14:39 decides to wage the war to beat the woman,
14:43 to kill them, to persecute them that hatred is so much.
14:46 Now there is a question, why is the dragon so much angry?
14:52 I just want to tell you verse 17
14:54 actually it's so called spring text.
14:57 It's the conclusion of chapter 12.
14:59 That's why the word 'so' or 'then' is so much important.
15:03 But at the same time, introduces what comes after.
15:06 Telling us in chapter 17,
15:08 how actually the dragon is preparing himself
15:11 from that final war.
15:13 So now let's go to chapter 12, I just want to tell you.
15:17 If you ask me, what is my favorite sermon
15:19 that I like to preach?
15:20 Revelation 12 from the Book of Revelation
15:23 is actually Revelation 12.
15:25 It's a great encouragement.
15:27 Actually, it changed my relationship with Christ
15:29 after understanding of this,
15:31 made me to have a right perspective of the final events.
15:34 So I'd like now to invite you, to go with me for a journey.
15:38 Please I'll not even hold my Bible in front of myself
15:43 because I know this chapter from my heart.
15:49 Actually, how does the chapter begins?
15:52 "And a great sign appeared there in heaven."
15:55 Do you remember the word sign that we encountered
15:57 at the beginning of the Book of Revelation?
15:59 Do you remember the word the samino, sama?
16:03 By the way, here it's not sama.
16:05 It's samino which is new term.
16:07 It's simply means a sign.
16:08 It means something marvelous.
16:10 It's a symbol that John sees there in the heaven.
16:14 What is the symbol about? It is a woman.
16:18 And this woman is beautiful.
16:22 "It's clothed with the sun,
16:25 and the moon under her feet,
16:28 and on her head a crown of twelve stars."
16:35 But there is something else with regard to this woman.
16:38 She said she was a pregnant with a child,
16:42 but there is one step further there.
16:46 Not only that she is pregnant she is a labor.
16:50 She cried out being in labor in pain to give a birth.
16:57 What is this vision all about?
17:00 Keep in mind we're looking into the content
17:02 of that little scroll of Revelation Chapter 10.
17:04 God wants something to tell us.
17:08 So whenever in the Book of Revelation
17:10 you have the word 'samion.'
17:13 It's another way of saying
17:16 watch out something important is going to happen.
17:20 So who is this woman, who is this woman?
17:24 So many times I hear preachers,
17:27 when they preach on the Book of Revelation,
17:30 and they make statement,
17:32 pure and faithful woman in the Bible
17:36 always stands as a symbol for God's people.
17:41 We need corrections.
17:43 I hope we'll stay friends after this.
17:46 The woman in the Bible whether faithful or unfaithful
17:50 it's always a symbol for God's people.
17:53 Those who are not God's people,
17:54 they are never in the Bible referred to as a woman.
17:56 They're always as beasts.
17:59 The water trying to flood Palestine.
18:02 There are mountains, but never a woman.
18:05 In the Old Testament, when Israel is faithful to God,
18:10 she is a pure and faithful woman.
18:12 When Israel is in apostasy serving idols,
18:16 keep in mind they're still God's people.
18:19 They're always referred to in terms of a prostitute.
18:22 Probably, the best allegorical and symbolical
18:26 Book of the Old Testament, talking about that,
18:29 is the Book of Hosea.
18:32 Telling us that even if that woman was a prostitute,
18:39 she was still a subject of God's love.
18:42 So the woman is always a regular symbol for the Old Testament.
18:48 And I want to introduce one topic.
18:50 We have here a pure woman faithful to God.
18:54 You'll notice she is rest in the Son,
18:56 which is in the Book of Revelation,
18:58 a regular symbol for Jesus Christ.
19:02 But she is standing on the moon.
19:03 You see, moon does not have its own light.
19:07 It reflects the sun.
19:09 It's a best description what Old Testament was all about.
19:13 And the sacrificial system is.
19:14 That woman does not reject the Old Testament.
19:18 I'm speaking to many Christians who believe
19:20 that only the New Testament should be read.
19:22 That Jesus did away with the Old Testament.
19:25 No, this woman God's people they stand firmly on the moon.
19:30 Are you still with me? Yes.
19:31 But they have the crown.
19:34 Stephanos crown made of twelve stars, number 12.
19:40 In the Bible regularly,
19:43 it's actually the symbol of the church
19:45 especially in the Book of Revelation.
19:47 Twelve tribes of Israel,
19:49 we saw that in the Revelation Chapter 7
19:51 and twelve apostles, symbol of the Old Testament
19:55 and the symbol of the New Testament, okay.
19:58 Keep in mind when you go to Revelation Chapter 17,
20:03 we have another woman there introduced, who is that woman?
20:07 Well, I don't want to stimulate your appetite.
20:10 I'd like to suggest to you
20:11 that the woman of Revelation Chapter 12
20:13 and woman of Revelation Chapter 17,
20:15 its one and the same woman.
20:19 That woman that was originally faithful to Christ,
20:22 at the time of the end, will turn into the prostitute woman.
20:26 It become a tool in the hands of Satan.
20:30 To pull the whole world into that final deception.
20:33 That's why the time of the end, Satan is not angry,
20:36 Satan is not going to fight the war with a woman.
20:39 He is going to fight the war with the remnant of the woman,
20:42 those who remain faithful to God.
20:43 Why, because that woman that Christian church
20:46 will side with Satan in the final events.
20:48 This is very important to keep in mind
20:50 as we are studying the Book of Revelation.
20:52 But more about that we will see
20:54 when we come to Revelation Chapter 17.
20:57 So what we're talking here about?
20:59 Evidently in the Revelation 12,
21:02 this woman stands a symbol for God's people,
21:05 both of the Old and New Testament.
21:07 But in the first few verses of the Book of Revelation,
21:11 she is the symbol of God's Old Testament people of Israel.
21:17 It is out of Israel that Messiah was to come.
21:21 You see, the symbol of a woman
21:24 that was a pregnant to deliver a son,
21:26 it's a clearer reference to Genesis 3:15.
21:31 The promise that God made that out of the woman,
21:35 the promised Savior will come,
21:38 who will trample off the head of the serpent
21:42 and finally He will provide salvation for the lost humanity.
21:47 So we're talking about God's people
21:49 of the Old Testament times-- that is labor.
21:52 Because it is out of God's Old Testament people
21:55 that the Messiah was supposed to come.
22:00 By the way, if you really want to go
22:02 to the Book of Revelation 19:7-8
22:06 really portrays God's people as a beautiful woman
22:10 that is ready for that long awaited
22:16 reunion with Christ
22:18 which is portrayed in terms of the wedding supper of the lamb.
22:23 Now the text moves on.
22:25 It's in verse 3, we read.
22:29 But there is another samayon.
22:32 Another sign that appeared there in heaven.
22:35 Did you see that?
22:38 In the first sign, we have a beauty,
22:41 but in the second we have the beast.
22:43 So really Revelation 12
22:44 can be can be titled as the beauty and beast.
22:48 Okay, you like it.
22:50 Okay, it's says,
22:52 "Behold a great dragon having seven heads and ten horns
22:58 and on his heads were seven diadems
23:01 and his tail swept away a third of the stars of heaven
23:05 and threw them to the earth.
23:07 And the dragons stood before the woman.
23:09 Who was about to give a birth so that when she gave birth.
23:14 He might devour her child."
23:18 Who is now the next entity that is introduced?
23:24 It's entity that is seen by John
23:30 in the symbol of the dragon.
23:32 Okay, by the way, if you go to the Old Testament
23:35 and you go ancient near Eastern literature.
23:41 You will see the seven headed monster
23:43 was a well known symbol among them.
23:45 When you go to the Old Testament,
23:49 the seven headed monster its frequent image
23:53 presented by the prophets,
23:55 representing the enemies of God's people.
23:58 You see its mythological figure.
24:00 But it is used actually for Satan,
24:03 who stood behind of all those enemy nations and kingdoms,
24:10 who were trying to destroy God's people of the Old Testament.
24:15 Okay, if you go to the same chapter Revelation 12,
24:21 okay, verse 9.
24:23 We don't need really to wonder too much around.
24:27 We have a clear, clear denotification of the dragon.
24:32 It's telling us in verse 9 that this
24:35 "Great dragon that was actually the serpent of all."
24:39 Hey, when you use the expression serpent of all,
24:42 what does it comes to your mind?
24:43 John is telling to tell us go to the Garden of Eden.
24:47 If you want to understand who is this dragon?
24:50 Who is called the devil as Satan,
24:52 who deceives the whole world.
24:56 So we don't need really to wonder too much.
24:58 We know who this dragon is. It's Satan himself.
25:03 But there is a question,
25:06 why is Satan here represented as the dragon.
25:09 We know that he is a cherub. He's the angel.
25:15 He's not friends with two horns and half goat,
25:19 as people represent him.
25:21 Believe me, he's much more beautiful than we can imagine.
25:24 But why is John presenting him here as the dragon?
25:29 If you put here an angel,
25:30 oh, boy, you'll run there to give him a hug.
25:32 But you have a dragon, what would you do?
25:35 You'd run away.
25:36 You see the fact that Satan is here presented as the dragon,
25:41 the purpose of the Book of Revelation
25:43 to tell us is that we have to take this heavenly being,
25:48 we have to take him seriously.
25:50 Because he will be all the cause of the preclusion
25:54 and all those evil and wickedness
25:56 and persecution of the final events
26:00 that he will cause down to this earth.
26:04 He will use all kind of wickedness and deception
26:06 as we will see later.
26:08 So the Book of Revelation is telling us take Satan seriously.
26:14 Friends, in the Book of Revelation,
26:18 Satan is the real enemy.
26:21 According to the Book of Revelation
26:22 in Isaiah Chapter 14 and Book of Ezekiel Chapter 8,
26:25 he was a beautiful angel who was cast out from heaven.
26:30 He is now confined to the earth, we will talk more about that.
26:35 But he is a real person.
26:37 He is the arch enemy of the God and His people.
26:39 He is not a kind of imaginative figure.
26:44 In the Book of Revelation, he is a real enemy
26:49 and his existence is taken for granted.
26:52 He stands behind all the evil that transpires the earth.
26:57 In Revelation, here in the Book of Revelation
26:59 he is waiting for the Messiah to be born.
27:02 So when Messiah is born he wants to destroy Him.
27:09 I want now to do something very interesting.
27:11 I know, usually we do not do it,
27:13 when we study the Book of Revelation.
27:14 Have you ever thought how long Satan was waiting
27:21 for the Messiah to be born?
27:25 Just to be safe.
27:27 At least from Genesis 3:15-- Yes.
27:33 With every male child that was born
27:37 Satan saw possibility that it was the Messiah.
27:41 Have you ever waited for something for a long time?
27:47 Have you ever waited for something? I did.
27:53 Counting every possibility
27:56 finally, my patience would go up.
28:03 How long has Satan been waiting for Messiah to come?
28:05 We have to understand.
28:07 What is the purpose of Revelation Chapter 12?
28:09 And now the Messiah is born, what happens the next?
28:12 The next text, what does it say?
28:16 It says verse 5, the Messiah was born,
28:20 but the child was caught up to God and to His throne.
28:25 You see it's not the purpose of Revelation 12
28:27 to describe the life of Jesus.
28:29 It's simply telling us Satan had been waiting
28:32 for a long time for thousand, thousand years
28:35 for the Messiah to be born.
28:36 Messiah is born. Why is he waiting?
28:37 To destroy him and the Messiah is born, what happens next?
28:42 When Satan saw the opportunity to destroy Him,
28:44 the Messiah is taken there to heaven.
28:46 How does Satan feel at that moment?
28:52 There is one nice English word
28:53 that really perfect to describe him, 'frustrated.'
28:58 There is another word a loser.
29:03 Filled with frustration,
29:05 can you imagine waiting for so long time?
29:07 We have to keep in mind,
29:09 what the purpose of Revelation 12 is all about?
29:12 Okay, let's move to the next section.
29:16 There is a next scene in the vision.
29:19 It says "And there was war in heaven,
29:22 Michael and his angels waging war with the dragon.
29:27 The dragon and his angels waged war,
29:30 and they were not strong enough,
29:32 and there was no longer a place found for them in heaven.
29:36 And the great dragon was thrown down,
29:38 the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan,
29:41 who deceives the whole world.
29:43 He was thrown down to the earth.
29:45 And his angels were thrown down with him."
29:50 Please let's keep on reading, the next 3 verses.
29:55 Then, what does it mean 'then.'
29:59 After Satan was cast out from heaven.
30:01 Please can you keep this detail in mind?
30:04 I heard a loud voice in heaven saying.
30:07 "Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God
30:11 and the authority of his Christ have come.
30:14 For the accuser of our brethren has been thrown down.
30:19 He, who accuses them before our God day and night.
30:24 And they overcame him because of the blood of the lamb.
30:29 And because of the word of the testimony
30:32 and they did not love their life.
30:34 Even when faced with death.
30:37 For this reason rejoice,
30:38 oh, heavens and you who dwell in them.
30:41 Woe to the earth and the sea
30:43 because the devil has come down to you having great wrath,
30:48 knowing that he has only a short time."
30:51 Let's take few minutes to look here into this text.
30:55 You'll notice that Jesus,
30:59 the child was taken there to heaven.
31:02 Satan is frustrated and angry
31:05 and the next scene is that there is a war there in heaven.
31:09 There are two sides.
31:10 They are introduced, the dragon and his angels
31:14 and Michael and his angels.
31:17 By the way, in my commentary you can find
31:19 many more references to study for yourself.
31:22 I have all those references there
31:24 because in the Bible the name Michael
31:27 which actually it's Hebrew it means
31:29 Michal simply means who like God.
31:34 Actually, it's most likely.
31:36 One of the titles of Jesus Christ,
31:39 both in the Old and the New Testament.
31:42 In Daniel 10:13, Michael is called the chief, a prince.
31:49 It's the same Michael even though he is not mentioned
31:52 by name in Joshua 5: 13, 15
31:55 when he appeared to Joshua there at the destruction of Jericho.
32:00 So we have here Jesus Christ, okay, under the name Michael.
32:05 Actually, He is engaged in a war with Satan and his angels.
32:11 As a result, Satan loses the war
32:14 and he's cast out from heaven.
32:16 But we have one question here to address.
32:21 I hope, I would say, friend, with my viewers.
32:25 The question is when did this war take place?
32:33 There are two possibilities.
32:37 When we read the Bible,
32:39 Ezekiel Chapter 28 and Isaiah Chapter 14,
32:44 when Lucifer in the beginning rebelled against God,
32:47 there was war there in heaven.
32:49 Okay, as a result of that
32:52 Lucifer was cast out from heaven,
32:55 with reference to his dwelling place.
32:58 What is another possibility?
33:00 By the way, if we open, okay, John 12: 31.
33:07 Before His death on the cross, Jesus made a statement now,
33:13 "Judgment is upon this world.
33:15 Now the ruler of this world he will be cast out."
33:17 Jesus announced that Satan will be cast out from heaven.
33:21 So another possibility is that
33:25 this event could take place little bit later.
33:28 It means after the death of Jesus on the cross.
33:31 I'd like you to consider several things here.
33:34 Okay, and then you can make your own conclusions.
33:38 What happened after Satan was cast out from heaven?
33:42 Let's read in verse 10.
33:43 We read in verse 10
33:45 that there was a kind of singing anthems there in heaven.
33:48 It says chapter 12 verse 10.
33:51 "Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God
33:55 and the authority of his Christ have come."
33:57 Please would you tell me?
34:00 When Lucifer originally was cast out from heaven,
34:03 did the heavens start singing?
34:05 Now the kingdom of God has come.
34:07 And the kingdom of Jesus Christ.
34:10 Oh, friends, the all heaven was taken in gloomy lamentation
34:14 because what happened there.
34:16 Second thing is we are reading the same verse 10.
34:19 They said, "The accuser of our brothers
34:23 has been cast down, the one who accuses them
34:26 before our God day and night."
34:29 Lucifer could not accuse human beings at the beginning.
34:32 Because the human beings were not created yet.
34:37 By the way, if you go to the Old Testament,
34:39 the Book of Zachariah,
34:41 we see Satan accusing Joshua before God.
34:46 In the Book of Job, accusing Job there before God.
34:50 But there is something more.
34:52 We read in verse 12 that having been expelled from heaven
34:56 Satan realizes that he has a short time.
34:59 Did Lucifer realize that he got short time
35:01 when he was originally cast out from heaven?
35:04 No, actually Satan realized that he had short time
35:07 after the death of Jesus, on the cross.
35:10 He knew that his days are counted.
35:12 But not only that, if you read in verse 13,
35:17 you will notice something very interesting is.
35:19 It says "When the dragon saw
35:22 that he was thrown down to the earth.
35:26 He persecuted the woman
35:28 who gave birth to the male child."
35:33 Are you with me?
35:35 How long did Satan persecute the woman?
35:39 After for 1260 days.
35:42 Did it happened at the beginning
35:44 when Lucifer rebelled against God?
35:47 No, it happened after the cross.
35:50 It says clearly when he was cast out from heaven.
35:53 He started persecuting the woman who gave birth to the child.
35:58 It couldn't happen before it would happen earlier.
36:02 Are you now confused? Okay, let's explain it.
36:08 Let's put it in clear way.
36:11 At the beginning, when Lucifer according to Isaiah Chapter 14,
36:18 Ezekiel Chapter 28 rebelled against God.
36:22 Satan could not stand there in the heavenly places any longer.
36:25 According to the Bible, he was cast out from heaven
36:28 with regard to his dwelling place.
36:31 According to the Bible, he came, he deceived,
36:35 the first human pair Adam and Eve
36:38 and this earth became his kingdom.
36:44 You see Adam was supposed to have
36:45 the dominion over the earth.
36:47 Satan by deceiving Adam,
36:49 he stole it from him as a supreme.
36:53 He made the human beings, the subjects of his kingdom.
36:56 By the way, it's very interesting is
36:59 when you open the Bible there are number of texts,
37:02 now are very clear to us.
37:05 In Luke 4:6, if you remember those temptations,
37:11 three temptations of Jesus
37:13 at the beginning of His ministry,
37:14 when the devil tempted Jesus.
37:18 According to Luke 4: 6, the devil said to Jesus.
37:22 Luke 4:6, "I will give you all this dominion
37:27 and its glory for it has been handed over to me
37:31 and I give it to whomever I wish."
37:35 What did Jesus say to him?
37:36 Oh, you liar it has never been given to him, no.
37:39 Sometimes the Father of lies sometimes says the truth.
37:44 Really this world was his kingdom.
37:46 By the way, John 12:31,
37:51 the same gospel, chapter 14 verse 30
37:55 and chapter 16, verse 11,
37:57 three times Jesus calls Satan, the ruler Greek word Arhavas
38:03 which means ruler of this world.
38:05 This earth was his kingdom.
38:07 But keep in mind even though,
38:10 Lucifer was cast out from heaven.
38:13 He still headed the access there to the heavenly places.
38:17 You see he could not dwell there
38:19 in the heavenly places any longer,
38:21 but he had access there, why?
38:24 Probably, the Book of Job is instructing to us.
38:29 We don't know how.
38:30 Please we will learn it one day,
38:31 when we get there before the throne of God.
38:35 But evidently at certain point of time, sort of integrity,
38:39 the representatives of the worlds in the universe,
38:44 they show themselves there
38:46 at the heavenly parliament there.
38:48 It's the best way how I can explain it.
38:51 Evidently, they are there to provide the report to God,
38:54 about the situation on different planets.
38:58 So you have the representer.
38:59 Who was supposed to represent the planet earth before God?
39:03 Adam, but now who is representing
39:05 the planet earth, according to the book.
39:07 It's Satan because he is coming from his kingdom.
39:11 You remember that. And God asks Satan.
39:14 Where are you coming from? What did he say?
39:16 I'm coming from my territory
39:19 and you remember the conversation
39:22 that God had with Lucifer about Job.
39:25 Yeah, the Book of Zachariah is telling us
39:28 that he had regular access there to the heavenly places.
39:32 He represented the planet earth.
39:34 But, friends, now allow me
39:37 because they keep in mind the time that is here.
39:40 In my commentary on number of pages there,
39:44 four or five pages you have everything details.
39:46 You have all scriptural references.
39:49 I want somehow by using a story to represent to you
39:53 what on the base of all evidences
39:55 that we have in the Bible, what actually happened there?
40:00 Do you remember when we're
40:02 in chapter 5 of the Book of Revelation.
40:06 We understood that after Jesus ascension
40:11 there to the heavenly places.
40:14 There in the throne room of the heavenly temple.
40:17 There was an enthronement ceremony.
40:21 What happened there at the enthronement ceremony?
40:24 You remember it was on the cross of Calvary
40:27 that Jesus defeated Satan.
40:31 Actually, He crushed the head of the serpent
40:34 according to the promise
40:35 that God made to Adam in Genesis 3:15.
40:40 Satan was defeated there on the cross.
40:42 Now there in the heavenly throne room,
40:47 do you remember that?
40:48 When you read chapter 12,
40:51 there is accountable number of the heavenly beings
40:54 there in the heavenly throne room.
40:57 They are there, you remember, we talked.
40:58 They are there in the great expectations.
41:02 They were there to attend one very important event.
41:04 What was that event?
41:06 When the father there had to make transference
41:10 of rulership over the planet earth
41:12 from Satan upon to His son.
41:16 We talk about that as enthronement of Jesus Christ.
41:20 Now I would like, now that you use your imagination
41:23 sometimes we have to use
41:25 in order to describe something from the Bible is.
41:28 Satan is present there.
41:30 He represents the planet earth there.
41:33 And now he is watching
41:35 as the father makes a public declaration
41:38 that from now on, there is only one
41:41 a sole ruler over the planet earth.
41:44 And it is His son.
41:46 It is at that moment, according to Revelation 3:21
41:49 that Jesus Christ sat at the right hand of the Father
41:53 there on the heavenly throne.
41:55 Now may I ask you one question?
41:57 As Satan is standing there and watching this,
42:00 how did he react?
42:05 I tell always my audience please forgive me.
42:08 He was sitting there and says that's okay.
42:12 I'm not the ruler any longer.
42:14 No, friends, he stood up into an open revolt
42:20 there in the heavenly throne room.
42:22 Shouting with an angry voice you do not have right to do it.
42:27 The human beings voluntarily surrendered themselves to me.
42:32 I'm chosen by them to be their ruler.
42:35 You do not have right to do it.
42:37 This is the kind of war that Satan was doing.
42:39 When talking about the swords and guns and pistols.
42:43 We're not talking about that.
42:44 We're talking about the verbal war.
42:47 At that moment, the father had to stand up and to say,
42:51 Satan get out from the heavenly places.
42:57 You don't have nobody to represent here any longer.
43:01 From now on my son will represent the planet earth.
43:06 This is the gospel message.
43:07 Friends, Revelation 5 is not only about Jesus
43:11 who became our king.
43:12 He became also our priest
43:14 because from the cross Jesus is representing us
43:18 there in the heavenly sanctuary.
43:21 He is our advocate.
43:22 He is the one representing us.
43:25 It is, friends, at that moment
43:27 that Satan was cast out from heaven.
43:31 This time not with the reference to his dwelling position
43:39 from the cross on Satan does not have any access
43:43 to the heavenly places any longer.
43:46 By the way, now you understand
43:48 as we're talking about the fifth and sixth trumpet,
43:51 why always and regularly in the New Testament,
43:54 Satan and the demons are cast out into the abyss.
44:00 The abyss actually becomes we talked about that
44:03 as a prison for Satan demons.
44:07 It means that Satan cannot,
44:09 you see, you cannot leave the prison.
44:10 You have to stay there.
44:12 So it means that from the cross on,
44:13 Satan and the demons they cannot leave
44:15 the planet earth any longer.
44:17 They have nobody to represent there in heavenly places.
44:20 So Satan is here. What a message?
44:27 Now let me ask you something.
44:29 Sister, Shelley can I put you on the spot.
44:31 We have here friendly relationships etcetera.
44:33 Can you I tell you please, Sister Shelley,
44:35 get up and go out of this room?
44:39 I don't want you to sit here.
44:41 I can't stand your presence how would you feel? Angry.
44:45 Can you imagine humiliated in front of everybody?
44:48 Can you imagine Satan?
44:50 Keep in mind, for how many million years
44:52 Satan had been there in the heavenly places there?
44:56 Adored by the heavenly beings.
44:58 Now he humiliated had to leave the heavenly places there.
45:03 How does he feel?
45:06 Frustrated, loser.
45:12 Are you still with me?
45:14 Now you have to understand in the light what we just stated.
45:17 You have to read verse 13
45:21 and when the dragon saw
45:23 that he was thrown down to the earth.
45:26 Can you see that?
45:28 He persecuted the woman
45:30 who gave birth to the male child.
45:34 What happens to the person?
45:36 When the person is at work there,
45:40 he doesn't like his boss.
45:42 He doesn't like his coworkers there.
45:45 They go against his nerves.
45:47 But he has to always smile to be nice
45:51 because he has to keep his job.
45:54 He is always friendly always smiling.
45:57 Who pays for that smile?
46:00 Later, when he comes home the dog comes to greet him.
46:08 His wife comes to him to give him kiss.
46:10 He's tired-- leave me in peace.
46:12 Children come to give him hug. Why that?
46:15 Who is paying for all his nice smile
46:19 and positive attitude there to work,
46:21 those who are weaker from him?
46:23 See this is what you have here.
46:25 Satan cannot harm Christ any longer.
46:29 But there is somebody on this earth.
46:33 Who is the most precious object of Jesus love?
46:36 He's representing the church there in the heavenly places.
46:41 His people there, they are down to this earth.
46:45 Satan knows that he cannot do any more harm
46:50 to the prince of heaven.
46:53 But that those who belong to him,
46:55 they are in this world
46:57 and that's why now he wants to insult them,
47:00 to harm them, to persecute them.
47:04 In the most possible way because what he does to them,
47:08 he does to him. Amen.
47:10 And I would like to invite the viewers to think seriously,
47:15 I believe that I belong to the special group
47:19 of that faithful people of God.
47:22 Those faithful people of God are not perfect.
47:26 We're reminded that the group, you can call them the church.
47:31 You can call them the community believers.
47:33 You can call them the followers of Jesus Christ.
47:36 Unperfect and
47:37 filled with wickedness of the character etcetera,
47:42 but we are reminded.
47:44 That still that group
47:47 is the precious object of Jesus love.
47:51 He loves them.
47:53 And any effort to harm that group
47:59 whatever way you're trying to do.
48:02 It means to have a business with him. Amen.
48:05 Because that group belongs to him.
48:07 It means to side with the Satan and dear viewer,
48:11 this is a very serious call to us.
48:15 To know how to relate to those
48:17 whom Jesus loves so much, to perfect.
48:21 There are so many things to improve in our lives,
48:24 but we belong to Jesus Christ.
48:27 This is actually what Satan is doing.
48:30 And he's there persecuting the woman for how much time.
48:35 For how much time?
48:36 You'll over and over again, we have now a time,
48:43 two times and half a time.
48:45 By the way, we'll talk more about this period
48:48 in our next presentation.
48:50 Again we're coming to the same period of the two witnesses.
48:52 Do you remember that?
48:54 The period of the trembling of the holy city.
48:57 It's a dark middle ages during which
48:59 Satan try to destroy the church by means of persecution, okay.
49:06 It's a long period.
49:09 When this church is the object of Satan's hatred
49:13 and what he is trying to do to harm God's people.
49:18 However, he does not succeed.
49:21 Friends, we're talking about the period,
49:23 according to the historical records,
49:25 about fifty million Christians were killed
49:33 and suffered martyrdom during this period.
49:36 It was the period of severe persecution by Satan,
49:39 but Satan could not destroy.
49:40 As one writer said
49:44 that the blood of the martyrs was to seed,
49:47 where many more people became the followers of Jesus Christ.
49:52 But now at the end of this prophetic period,
49:54 there is something else that happens and what is that.
49:57 It says in verse 15
49:58 "That the serpent poured water like a river out of his mouth,
50:05 after the woman so that he might cause her
50:09 to be swept away with the flood."
50:12 At the end of this prophetic period
50:15 water in the Bible can mean two things.
50:18 False teachings or can mean
50:21 the enemy people were coming against God's people.
50:25 Which one of the two is present here?
50:27 I believe both.
50:29 Satan sent a flood of persecution
50:33 and flood of distorted doctrinal teachings against church,
50:36 trying to destroy the church
50:38 at the end of this prophetic period.
50:40 But praise God, friends, revelation is not about Satan.
50:43 It's about God listen to what we have here is.
50:48 Verse 16, there is another word
50:51 "But the earth helped the woman,
50:56 and the earth opened its mouth
50:58 and drank up the river
51:00 which the dragon poured out of his mouth."
51:04 This is very, very important here friends.
51:08 What happened at the end of this prophetic period?
51:14 As Satan made that great push to finally destroy the church,
51:22 a new entity is introduced here in this scene.
51:24 How is that entity called here?
51:26 Greek agaay from which the word geology comes.
51:31 Friendly earth or land,
51:32 keep in mind that in Greek they have just one word.
51:35 Gay, that we translate either as earth or the land, okay.
51:41 A friendly territory appears.
51:44 And this territory swallows that water and protects the woman.
51:51 So please how would you describe this earth?
51:55 How would you describe this earth?
51:56 As very friendly to the church.
52:00 Friends, it fits nicely historically,
52:03 at the end of this prophetic period
52:06 when Christianity was almost destroyed in Europe.
52:10 A new territory was discovered in which faithful Christians
52:16 ran to save their lives
52:19 and to establish a state without the king
52:22 and without the Pope.
52:24 To stick to faithfully to the teachings of the Bible
52:28 and the territory fits historically
52:31 to the United States of America.
52:34 For this territory that God saved the Christian church,
52:38 after the medieval period.
52:40 And I like just to stop here for a while.
52:44 We're talking about the territory
52:46 through which God saved the Christian church.
52:48 Are you with me?
52:51 But please just wait.
52:53 Very soon, we'll come back to this territory
52:56 because according to Revelation Chapter 13,
53:00 it is out of that territory, a new political power will come,
53:05 as the second beast with two little horn of a lamb.
53:10 Lamb is the symbol of Jesus Christ.
53:13 Very friendly to the church,
53:15 but actually this territory will at the time of the end,
53:20 become the final battle field
53:23 between Christ and Satan,
53:26 leading to the events of the second coming of Christ.
53:29 So here we have a new entity that's introduced.
53:31 That's very important for the later development
53:34 of the final events, there in the Book of Revelation. Okay?
53:39 So now I would like to ask you one question.
53:43 Satan is loser again.
53:47 It adds to the new frustration.
53:49 By the way, dear viewers,
53:52 if you ever decide to preach a sermon,
53:54 on Revelation Chapter 12 as usually I do.
53:57 I have only one title for Revelation 12,
54:00 Satan is a defeated enemy. Amen.
54:05 You see, in the light of everything
54:07 that we have been talking so far
54:09 now what follows. It's verse 17.
54:14 It says "So that dragon was enraged with the woman,
54:18 and he went off to make war with the rest of her children,
54:22 those who keep the commandments of God
54:25 and hold to the testimony of Jesus."
54:26 Now I ask you the question, at the very beginning,
54:29 you remember that?
54:30 Why is Satan so angry
54:34 that he decides to go to wage the war?
54:36 He has only one chance
54:37 and that chance is called the battle of Armageddon.
54:40 Why is he so angry?
54:43 You see, you have to go through
54:45 Revelation Chapter 12 to understand it
54:47 because he is a constant loser.
54:50 Christ is a constant victor.
54:55 Satan has been constantly defeated
54:57 and he knows that he has only one chance,
55:00 that's the battle of Armageddon.
55:02 This is what we would like to understand
55:03 in the rest of the Book of Revelation.
55:05 Please let me bring out discussion to the conclusion,
55:09 so many times my faithful, brothers, sisters
55:11 they ask me about casting out Satan from heaven. They ask.
55:15 Does Ellen White talk
55:17 about Satan being cast out from heaven after the cross?
55:21 Yes, she talks.
55:23 She talks about his original casting out from heaven,
55:26 but in the Seventh-day Adventist Bible commentary
55:29 volume 7 pages 973 to 974,
55:34 she makes the following statement.
55:35 Please can you be with me, she said,
55:37 "The casting down of Satan as an accuser of the brethren."
55:42 Revelation 12 "was accomplished by the great work of Christ
55:48 in giving up his life."
55:51 She makes very clear
55:52 when the event of Revelation Chapter 12 took place.
55:57 Please in bringing this discussion to the conclusion is
56:01 we'll talk more about the conclusion of this chapter.
56:05 We know that we're waiting for those final events.
56:08 As we already stated so many times they're bizarre,
56:11 they're frightened, they are not pleasant to think about.
56:16 Unfortunately, the Christians who are so much obsessed
56:19 about the work of Satan and the final events.
56:23 And please allow me
56:24 I would like to read another quote from Ellen White.
56:27 And it's found in the book "Desire of Ages"
56:30 page 493 and she said, the following,
56:35 "The Christians who think and speak altogether too much
56:39 about the power of Satan.
56:41 They think of the adversary.
56:43 They pray about him.
56:46 They talk about him
56:48 and he looms up greater and greater in their imagination.
56:52 It is true that Satan is a powerful being.
56:55 But thank God we have a mighty savior,
56:58 who cast out the evil one from heaven.
57:01 Satan is pleased when we magnify his power.
57:05 Why not talk about Jesus?
57:07 Why not magnify His power and His love?"
57:10 I see people who specialize themselves
57:12 in the activity of Satan.
57:14 Friends, I would like to invite you
57:16 as the readers to be specialist in the love of Jesus Christ,
57:20 to experience about that love.
57:22 To search about that love for ourselves.
57:25 Talk about Jesus Christ
57:27 because He is the one who will be with us always
57:31 until the very end of the age.


Revised 2014-12-17