Revelation of the Coming King

Two Witnesses

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Ranko Stefanovic


Series Code: RCK

Program Code: RCK000016

00:24 Welcome again to our program
00:27 titled "Revelation of the Coming King."
00:32 As you know that this program
00:33 is a part of a long series 26 programs
00:38 which we try to cover,
00:40 those major themes of the Book of Revelation.
00:45 And we already talked and you could notice
00:49 that sometimes it's frustrating, when you try in a short time
00:53 to cover such a complex book
00:55 and visions and the text of the Book of Revelation,
00:58 such short time. And praise God for that.
01:02 The purpose of this program is simply,
01:04 dear viewers, to stimulate your appetite
01:08 for the word of God.
01:10 Once this program is over, we like to encourage you to go
01:14 and to study the Book of Revelation for yourself.
01:18 And we can provide the good tool for you.
01:20 By the way, this is our text book.
01:23 It's infallible word of God.
01:25 When you follow the instructions of this book,
01:28 you can find here the answers
01:29 to many, many difficult parts of the Book of Revelation.
01:33 But we need also some other tools.
01:36 And all the lectures that we have here follow this book,
01:42 which is actually verse by verse
01:44 commentary on the Book of Revelation titled
01:47 "Revelation of Jesus Christ."
01:51 So as you know, every time I'm giving you
01:55 pages from this commentary that once this program is over,
01:58 you can go and continue to study for yourself.
02:01 So our lecture today is based
02:07 on the pages from 343, 343
02:13 going all up to
02:15 page 364, 364.
02:22 So we would like really to encourage you
02:23 that once this program is over
02:26 that you go and you continue to study for yourself.
02:30 Let me introduce myself, I am Ranko Stefanovic,
02:33 Professor at the Seventh-day Adventist
02:36 Theological Seminary, Andrews University.
02:40 And I am so thrilled to be here.
02:42 I want to express my deep gratitude to 3ABN,
02:46 making possible tape these series.
02:50 So that we can give you today the best insights
02:54 that we as the church have
02:55 and today's very, very important book
02:58 to our nation and to our destiny.
03:01 I am so glad to have the wonderful audience
03:03 and excellent crew here.
03:04 Actually, they are also part of my audience.
03:06 I see they are listening very carefully
03:08 what is presented here.
03:09 But you know above all,
03:11 we need the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
03:14 We can do all the best,
03:15 but without God's help, we are nothing.
03:19 It is He who inspired John in Patmos there
03:23 giving him these visions.
03:24 It is the Holy Spirit who can help us
03:27 in understanding of this difficult text of the Bible.
03:31 So I would like to ask you to bow your heads for prayer.
03:34 Our heavenly Father,
03:37 thank you so much for your guidance.
03:40 Thank you for your help.
03:42 Thank you for showing your care for us,
03:46 telling us about the things
03:47 that will happen in the last days,
03:50 before the coming of our savior Jesus Christ in power and glory.
03:55 For we are asking this moment, as we are going to understand
04:00 one of the easy chapter of the Book of Revelation,
04:03 please give us your Holy Spirit and open our minds
04:06 that we can get understanding of this text
04:10 which is according to our will.
04:12 We pray all of this in the precious name
04:15 of our savior Jesus Christ. Amen. Amen.
04:20 Last time, we saw in the conclusion of chapter 10,
04:28 a special experience that John had in the vision.
04:34 John is usually a passive observer.
04:38 But there are several times in the Book of Revelation,
04:40 when he is an active participant.
04:45 In the conclusion of Chapter 10 verses 8:11,
04:48 we see John actively participating
04:51 there in the vision. Do you remember that?
04:53 He was given like he was actually requested
04:55 to go there to that angel,
04:57 who was holding that little scroll telling him
04:59 "Take the scroll and eat it."
05:03 I hope that our viewers understand
05:06 that the entire vision is symbolical.
05:09 You don't eat papyrus scroll. It has a symbolical meaning.
05:13 If this is symbolic, also John and his action
05:18 of taking the scroll and eating it,
05:20 it must be symbolic.
05:22 So the entire vision, the setting of which
05:27 is between the sixth and the seventh trumpet
05:31 is actually telling us about the future
05:33 from John's perspective about the time.
05:36 When there will be Christians who like to understand
05:40 those sealed prophecies of the Book of Daniel.
05:45 They will take those prophecies and digest them.
05:50 It'll be so sweet in the mouth as honey.
05:54 But once they digest it,
05:57 they identify themselves with that message
05:59 and they try to share
06:01 that message to the hostile world.
06:03 They will experience the bitter aspect of that message
06:08 because of the persecution
06:09 and what they will experience in the world.
06:12 I hope that we are keeping this mind
06:13 because the vision moves on.
06:17 You know so many times, when we are studying the Bible
06:22 and I see so many times
06:23 the readers of the Bible did not understand
06:26 that when the Bible was originally written,
06:29 the inspired authors did not divide
06:32 into the Bible into chapters and verses.
06:35 And so many times,
06:36 we'll limit our study just one chapter forgetting,
06:39 okay, that the text continues in the following chapter.
06:43 This is exactly what we have here.
06:45 John did not make a line
06:47 dividing the vision into two parts.
06:49 That's what we are doing this because of convenience,
06:53 so that we can much easier handle the biblical text.
06:58 So the vision goes on.
06:59 So please keep in mind
07:01 John is still a participant. Okay.
07:04 I would like you to turn
07:06 your Bibles to Revelation Chapter 11.
07:09 We are moving to the next chapter.
07:11 But keep in mind once again, this is the same vision
07:15 John is still participating there in the vision. Okay.
07:19 Chapter 11, verse 1
07:23 "Then" you see after that experience of eating the scroll
07:27 "there was given me a measuring rod like a staff,
07:33 and someone said, "Get up and measure
07:35 the temple of God and the altar, and those who worship it it."
07:43 Probably, you are now surprised. What is this all about?
07:48 What does it have with the previous experience of John,
07:51 when he pick up that scroll
07:53 and then he ate it and experiencing that sweet,
07:57 bitter affect of that scroll?
07:59 Now John was he given a measuring rod?
08:03 And he was commanded to measure the temple of God,
08:07 the altar and the worshippers.
08:09 Please I would like you to keep in mind,
08:12 the three things, John was supposed to measure.
08:15 What was that?
08:17 The temple of God, the altar and the worshippers.
08:23 There is one Old Testament text
08:27 that really helps us to understand
08:30 what this vision is all about.
08:33 There are more Old Testament texts
08:34 we will point to them little bit later.
08:38 But the prophet Ezekiel, centuries earlier, okay?
08:44 He had a very similar vision in participation like John.
08:50 I'm not read this text,
08:52 but I want to mention this text to encourage you
08:54 that you can go and delve into that text.
08:57 You know after this program is over.
08:59 It's actually the vision of prophet Ezekiel
09:02 and it is recorded it in the Book of Ezekiel 40:3
09:09 to Ezekiel 43:12.
09:14 Ezekiel saw the temple of God
09:19 and he was given a measuring rod to measure the temple.
09:23 Very similar to what we find here in Revelation 11.
09:28 What was the purpose
09:30 of measuring the temple in the book of Ezekiel?
09:33 You see the vision was a strong message
09:36 and assurance to God's people,
09:38 who were about to come out of the exile
09:42 to go back to Palestine, okay.
09:45 That God will restore the temple and the temple services.
09:50 So it was a strong assurance to God's people
09:53 there in the Promised Land.
09:55 So the rebuilding of the temple was God's attempt
10:00 to restore His relationships with the people.
10:05 That was with a purpose in Ezekiel.
10:06 So Ezekiel's vision gave us a clue
10:10 to the meaning of the measuring temple
10:13 in John's vision.
10:16 Let's go into depth to see this in details.
10:19 What is a temple here?
10:22 If you go to the New Testament,
10:24 you can find that the temple can mean several things.
10:28 Sometimes the temple stands as a symbol for the church.
10:32 And I can give you many verses.
10:35 By the way, I was reminded that sometimes
10:39 there are so many biblical evidences
10:42 and references that I should remind you to tell you
10:45 that you can find all those Bible references
10:47 in that commentary that I introduced in the beginning.
10:50 There is much more.
10:51 We don't mention just a few verses
10:53 here during this presentation.
10:54 You can find literally hundred and hundred
10:56 different bible references, okay.
11:00 So the symbol of the church,
11:02 however, the concept of the church
11:04 as the temple does not fit
11:06 into the context of Revelation Chapter 11.
11:09 Why not?
11:11 You will ask your question.
11:12 Keep in mind, that John was supposed to measure the temple,
11:17 what else?
11:18 The altar and those who worship in it.
11:21 Who are those who worship in it? That's the church.
11:24 So the temple cannot mean the church.
11:27 Are you still with me?
11:29 Second thing is, so believers are mentioned there,
11:31 the church is mentioned there.
11:35 Neither the temple in Jerusalem is in view
11:37 because the temple was destroyed about 20 years earlier.
11:43 There is only one understanding
11:46 that really fits the context of the Book of Revelation.
11:49 It's the heavenly temple,
11:50 the temple that is there in heaven.
11:54 By the way, when you study the Book of Revelation,
11:56 you can see that the Book of Revelation
12:00 is saturated with the references to the temple
12:04 and the articles of furniture there in the heavenly temple.
12:08 There is a temple there in heaven.
12:13 According to the New Testament,
12:14 and please we would need now a lot of time
12:17 to go just to some basic text of the New Testament,
12:21 especially, the Book of Hebrews its telling us
12:23 that there is there temple in heaven
12:25 where Jesus is doing His ministry
12:27 and intercession on behalf of His people.
12:31 So this is the temple in heaven there
12:33 that John was commanded to measure.
12:36 But what is the meaning of this measuring?
12:41 Keep in mind, this is related to what?
12:44 To John's eating of the scroll, okay.
12:48 This is section that follows John's previous experience.
12:53 Keep in mind, the three elements
12:55 are specially emphasized here to be measured.
12:58 What is that one more time?
12:59 The temple, the altar and the worshippers.
13:03 Actually, we have a number of excellent studies.
13:08 You can find all the references in the articles here,
13:10 in my commentary there that show that in the Old Testament
13:15 in association with the earthly temple
13:19 that was established in Jerusalem.
13:21 When these three entities are mentioned is the temple,
13:27 the altar and the worshippers.
13:29 These three entities are found only once together
13:34 with reference to the Day of Atonement.
13:40 Only once, okay.
13:44 So the Day of Atonement in the Old Testament
13:47 was the most solemn day of the Jewish sacred calendar.
13:51 It was day of measuring
13:54 or a judgment when God ultimately
13:58 had to deal with the sins of His people.
14:01 So the Old Testament Day of Atonement
14:05 is the backdrop for Revelation 11:1.
14:09 Anyway, you will notice here
14:11 that the keyword that is used here is
14:14 "Get up and measure the temple and the worshippers."
14:19 Keep in mind, the Book of Revelation
14:20 is a symbolic book.
14:24 In the Bible, the word measure can figuratively
14:31 be used and it's used frequently to evaluate or judge.
14:35 For instance, you can go to 2 Corinthians 10:12
14:40 where Paul is using that word to show
14:43 that actually to measure, it means to judge somebody.
14:48 In the Old Testament, the word is used
14:52 as a manner of deciding who will live and who will die.
14:56 Like in the case of David
15:01 or in the Book of Isaiah 65:7,
15:06 God measures His people it means
15:08 that He judges the sins of His people.
15:12 But I would like to invite you
15:15 that you turn with me to the gospel of Matthew 7:2,
15:20 gospel of Matthew 7:2.
15:23 And this is probably the classical text
15:26 that Jesus used, okay.
15:32 The word measure in order to show
15:34 that it really means judgment, okay.
15:37 Chapter 7 verse 2,
15:39 for in the--let's actually start with verse 1.
15:43 "Do not judge so that you will not be judged."
15:47 Keep in mind. What is in verse 1?
15:49 Don't judge so you will not be judged.
15:54 Did you see that? But let's go now to verse 2.
15:57 "For in the way you judge, you will be judged."
16:01 Repetition, but watch out.
16:04 "By your standard of measure" and as in Greek stated
16:11 "As the way you measure others, it will be measured to you."
16:17 Did you see that?
16:18 The way you judge, you will be judged.
16:21 The way you measure, you will be measured.
16:25 Actually, Jesus is using the word measure
16:28 or to measure as a synonym for to judge.
16:33 So what are you talking here about?
16:35 What is this measuring of the temple?
16:39 Of the altar and the worshippers all about?
16:45 It deals with the concept of judgment.
16:49 In the concept of judgment,
16:53 I would like to suggest to you, to the, readers.
16:55 We don't have time now to go into details of that.
16:58 According to the Bible and in the Book of Revelation,
17:00 this concept is so well emphasized
17:05 that prior to the second coming of Christ,
17:07 there is the so-called pre-advent judgment.
17:12 When people will be measured and on base of that measuring,
17:17 they will be decided who will enter the God's kingdom
17:22 and who will be left out.
17:26 Anyway, I would like to suggest to you
17:29 that this measuring that we have here
17:31 in the Revelation Chapter 11 parallels to Revelation 7:1, 3
17:38 which actually is equivalence for sealing.
17:41 You see those who are measured, okay,
17:45 at the same time sealed.
17:50 They belong to God's people
17:53 and that's why the great emphasis
17:56 is given as the central point
17:59 of the preaching of that everlasting gospel,
18:02 the first angel message, "Fear God and give Him glory
18:07 for the hour of His judgment has come."
18:14 Dear viewers, I just want to encourage you,
18:16 I'm here touching the surface. Please take all these tools.
18:20 There are many other commentaries.
18:21 They can help you that you study this topic more for self.
18:24 Believe me we can spend now several hours
18:26 just talking about this subject.
18:27 And I'm tempted to go into that,
18:29 but I see there that clock is running,
18:31 running too fast there.
18:33 But the main point of the entire vision is what?
18:37 Let's go back.
18:40 John ate the scroll, okay.
18:46 It was so sweet in his mouth, but it became bitter.
18:51 It is after eating the scroll
18:53 and experiencing that sweet bitter taste of that,
18:57 now, John was commanded, do you remember that?
18:59 What was he commanded?
19:01 In the last verse of chapter 10,
19:03 you still have to go to prophesy.
19:05 Prophesy, it's equivalent to preaching.
19:08 You still have to go to preach.
19:10 When you proclaim to the people about the future events,
19:13 you are prophesying.
19:15 But you see that proclamation of the gospel,
19:17 that prophesying, according to Revelation 11:1, 2
19:23 is given in the context
19:25 of the heavenly sanctuary of Christ's ministry.
19:29 What Jesus is doing there in the heavenly places
19:32 on behalf of human beings?
19:34 Actually, this verse is telling us
19:38 that the heavenly sanctuary and what is going there
19:43 has a great significance for God sovereignty.
19:48 During the history of sin on earth,
19:50 God's character as well as His governance
19:53 has been challenged by Satan.
19:56 However, the heavenly sanctuary
19:59 is the message to vindicate God's character
20:02 before the entire universe
20:04 and restore his rightful rule over universe.
20:08 And such it give us a new dimension
20:10 to the meaning of the gospel.
20:12 And the gospel message, that everlasting gospel
20:15 is supposed to be preached at the time of the end.
20:19 It gets a full significance and the meaning
20:21 in light of what Jesus Christ
20:24 is doing there in the heavenly places
20:28 on behalf of His people,
20:30 or supposed one day to enter His.
20:32 And I just want to tell you, viewers,
20:35 here there I have some people,
20:37 they question if the doctrine sanctuary?
20:40 It's really biblical. Believe me, it's biblical.
20:43 There are so many texts that we cannot mention it
20:46 and he's telling us that any gospel proclamation
20:50 done at the time of the end
20:52 must be done within the framework
20:54 of what Jesus is doing there on behalf of us
20:59 and ministering on behalf of us.
21:01 That work of intercession there in the heavenly sanctuary.
21:04 That's a beautiful message.
21:06 But you see the text goes on
21:09 and we read it and it says verse 2.
21:12 "Leave out the court
21:15 which is outside the temple and do not measure it."
21:19 Keep in mind, what was supposed to be measured?
21:23 The temple, the altar and the worshippers.
21:28 But suddenly John hears don't measure the court,
21:32 why not?
21:33 "For it has been given to the" my Bible says "To the nations."
21:40 Maybe, you, viewers, some of you have the text
21:43 that says it was given to the Gentiles.
21:45 I'll explain it just in few minutes.
21:48 "And they nations or Gentiles, they will tread under foot
21:55 the holy city for forty-two months."
22:00 Again, we have a difficult text that really seeks
22:03 a lot, lot attention that we haven't seen.
22:06 John was told what to measure
22:09 but he was told what not to measure
22:14 and it was the court.
22:16 Actually, in Jerusalem temple,
22:29 the outside court was in front there of the temple.
22:36 You know, it was in that court
22:38 that there was the altar of sacrifice.
22:40 By the way, in the first century,
22:43 while the Jerusalem temple still stood
22:45 and John knew it very, very well
22:46 that was the only place, Jerusalem temple,
22:50 where the Gentiles could come
22:54 if anybody would like to go to the next court
22:58 which was called the court of the Israelite.
23:00 There was a huge inscription there
23:02 that any Gentile who would dare to go to pass through his gate
23:07 will be responsible for his own death.
23:09 So the Gentiles were allowed to be
23:11 only in the outer court.
23:14 By the way, we'll come to Revelation Chapter 22.
23:18 Once the sin is abolished,
23:21 finally the Gentiles will have free access to God, okay.
23:25 But we have here some very interesting prophesy.
23:29 By the way, let me mention here that the word,
23:32 the keyword here that is used
23:38 is the word ethne.
23:43 What does come to your mind? The word ethic, okay.
23:49 Actually the word simply means nations.
23:53 It's a plural.
23:54 If you replace this with s,
23:57 you have ethnos which means a nation, okay.
24:02 You know, the entire concept comes from the Old Testament.
24:04 You have Israel and you have the nations.
24:09 You have Israel and then you have the nations.
24:13 And in the New Testament times,
24:15 the word for nations actually is understood
24:18 today in English as the Gentiles.
24:20 It means all those who are not God's people, okay.
24:26 So God's people and everybody and everybody else.
24:31 You will notice here that the text says
24:34 that that outer court where Gentiles were present,
24:37 the nations were present.
24:38 It was not supposed to be measured.
24:40 Why not?
24:41 Because it was given to the Gentiles.
24:44 For how long? For how long?
24:46 If you go to verse 2, it says, "It was given for 42 months."
24:50 Do you remember, we just--
24:51 we mentioned in our last presentations
24:53 that 42 months is one of the several time designations
24:58 in the prophecies of Daniel revelation
25:00 which is 1,260 days?
25:03 Time, two times and half a time and similar, okay.
25:09 Sometimes, they all mean the same period.
25:13 The period of the middle Ages
25:15 that His wrath rightly counted from the year 538 AD
25:19 until the events of French Revolution 1798.
25:23 You see, it says that the court
25:25 which actually stands as a symbol for the earth.
25:29 Keep in mind, the earth was not supposed to be measured
25:32 only the heavenly temple
25:34 and the altar and the worshippers
25:35 because God's people are the ones,
25:38 who are worshipping there in the heavenly temple.
25:40 They are present there as Jesus ministers
25:42 on behalf of them, but the earth during that period
25:45 was not supposed to be measured.
25:47 Why not?
25:49 Because it says the holy city
25:51 and the court will be given to the nations Nations,
25:57 who are those nations?
25:58 By the way, in the Book of Revelation
26:01 nations are always those who are not God's people.
26:06 They are usually hostile to God and his people.
26:10 By the way, there is another expression
26:12 in the Book of Revelation that refers to them.
26:15 I just want to mention some text
26:16 6:10, 8:13, 11:10, 13:8
26:20 and 14, 17:2, etcetera, etcetera.
26:24 The expression that is used the inhabitant of the earth
26:28 or those who dwell on the earth.
26:31 You see God's people in the Book of Revelation
26:34 are always in the heavenly places.
26:36 They live here, but the existence is there,
26:41 with Jesus there in the heavenly sanctuary.
26:44 While everybody else is here on this earth,
26:48 but Jesus said don't measure the earth, why?
26:52 Because the holy city will be given to the nations
26:57 and they will trample over the city for 42 months.
27:02 The prophetic 1,260 days.
27:04 What is this all about?
27:06 Are you confused?
27:07 Of course. We're dealing very difficult text of the Bible,
27:10 but there is one text.
27:13 Why there is something that during these lectures,
27:16 we can understand is how much is important
27:19 to let the Bible interpret itself
27:21 rather than to use allegorical imagination
27:24 and find our ideas and read in the text.
27:28 Let's go to that text which is actually
27:31 the gospel of Luke Chapter 21.
27:34 The gospel of Luke 21:24.
27:41 You will notice that in chapter 21 there,
27:46 Jesus is about to die on the cross.
27:50 And He's dealing with rejection of Jerusalem
27:53 and the people who lived there.
27:56 Despite the fact, that Jesus did everything
27:59 to bring them back to God, okay.
28:01 And now Jesus is making that prophesy, okay,
28:06 with reference to Jerusalem which is evidently
28:08 the key to the understanding
28:11 what's going on in Revelation 11:2.
28:13 So the gospel of Luke 21:22,
28:17 Jesus said talking about destruction of Jerusalem, okay.
28:20 It says "And they will fall by the edge of the sword
28:23 and they will be led captive into all the nations."
28:27 Ethne, all nations, okay.
28:30 "And Jerusalem will be trampled under the foot by the Gentiles."
28:38 It's the same expression that is found in Revelation 11:2.
28:42 The Jerusalem will be trampled under the foot of the ethne,
28:48 under foot by the Gentiles.
28:51 Until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.
28:55 So Jesus talks about destruction of Jerusalem
28:58 and this destruction of Jerusalem would follow what?
29:02 Will follow one period.
29:05 Jesus talks about the times which must be fulfilled,
29:09 when the holy city Jerusalem would be trampled
29:12 under the foot of the Gentiles.
29:13 By the way, Jesus does not specifies
29:16 the length of this period.
29:19 He only says until the times are fulfilled.
29:23 Time given to the Gentiles are fulfilled.
29:25 But the Book of Revelation 11:2 specifies clearly that the time
29:30 allotted to those ethne is actually 42 months.
29:35 The prophetic period of 1,260 days.
29:41 Luke version is that actually Jesus
29:47 as He does in Matthew 24, are you still with me?
29:52 As Jesus is talking about the destruction of Jerusalem
29:57 at the same time, He takes Jerusalem as a foreshadow,
30:02 as a foretaste of the entire world will experience
30:07 in the future prior to the second coming of Christ.
30:09 That's why it's so difficult to read Matthew 24,
30:11 you don't know if Jesus talking about the Jerusalem
30:14 or He's talking about the entire world.
30:16 And the answer is yes.
30:19 Jesus talks primarily about Jerusalem,
30:22 but at the same time He uses Jerusalem as a symbol,
30:26 okay, of the entire world.
30:28 That's why it's so difficult to read Matthew 24.
30:31 The same happens here because this is the same speech
30:34 that Jesus made, but this detail Matthew does not record.
30:38 And Jesus says the Jerusalem will be destroyed
30:42 and after that it will be trampled
30:45 under the foot of the Gentiles for a certain period of time
30:50 which the Revelation has specified as 42 months.
30:53 So Jesus is moving from the literal city of Jerusalem
30:59 to its symbolic meaning with reference to the entire world.
31:05 Actually or specifically with reference
31:09 to God's faithful people, Luke questioned that actually.
31:12 This text from Luke 21 give us a clue
31:18 of what we read in the Revelation 11:2.
31:23 By the way, if you go to the Book of Daniel Chapter 7
31:28 and then we go to Book of Revelation Chapter 13,
31:31 whenever this period of 42 months,
31:35 1,260 days or time, two times and a half a time are mentioned.
31:41 There always one common dominator
31:44 and what is that?
31:45 It's the power of the anti-Christ.
31:47 That will be involved in the persecution of God's people,
31:51 so the holy city here in particular
31:54 is reference to God's people
31:56 who will be persecuted during certain period.
32:00 God says don't measure the earth.
32:04 It's given to the Gentiles.
32:05 They are already under the judgment of God.
32:08 They don't need to be measured in the pre-advent judgment
32:11 that is found in chapter 11 verse 2.
32:15 But here we have actually the explanation
32:19 about that bitter taste of that little scroll
32:25 and what God's people will experience
32:27 in this world that belong to God.
32:29 They are measured.
32:31 They are ready for God's kingdom,
32:33 but we have here an announcement
32:35 that is actually elaborated in detail in chapter 13
32:38 is that God's people will have to go
32:41 through a long period of the dark middle Ages.
32:45 Some of them will have to suffer martyrdom.
32:48 And not just for some.
32:50 Many, many of them.
32:53 But these texts give us the assurance
32:55 that nothing happens in this world without knowledge of God.
33:00 He is still in control.
33:02 Yes, God's people, they have to go through
33:06 certain period of trials.
33:09 Some of them, they really have to pay
33:10 their testimony witness to the gospel by martyrdom,
33:14 but God is still in control, God's people are provided
33:17 with assurance that their names are written there in heaven.
33:21 You remember what Jesus said don't be afraid
33:23 of those who just kill your body.
33:26 Be afraid of the one who can take your soul,
33:30 who can take you as whole as a person
33:33 and throw you there in hell. Praise God.
33:37 The Book of Revelation is not the book
33:38 about those rustic and bizarre events.
33:42 It's about God who cares about His people.
33:45 Yes, we have all those things that so many times,
33:48 they don't sound nice.
33:50 They are recorded in the Book of Revelation,
33:52 but not to make us afraid, to make us clear.
33:54 It just for a simply reason to produce assurance
33:58 that God is still with His people.
34:00 He'll always be present with them.
34:02 And whatever happens to God's people,
34:04 He's still in control.
34:06 We can trust our God.
34:08 And that's why, we will come more to this concept,
34:12 when we come to Revelation Chapter 13
34:14 because the trampling of the holy city
34:16 during the period of 42 months or 1,260 days.
34:20 It's really explained in more details in Revelation 13:1-10.
34:25 And we will deal with that
34:27 when we come to Revelation Chapter 13.
34:30 Now the text moves on and it says, verse 3,
34:37 "And I will grant authority to my two witnesses.
34:42 And they will prophesy
34:44 for 1,260 days clothed in sackcloth."
34:48 Let me ask you something.
34:50 Did you notice something, a common expression
34:54 that ties the two verses, verse 2 and verse 3?
34:59 What is that that ties the two verses together?
35:05 It's the same time period.
35:08 Did you notice it?
35:09 In verse 2, we have the holy city
35:13 will be trampled under the foot
35:18 of the Gentiles for 42 months.
35:21 But during the same period, we have two witnesses
35:28 that will carry the testimony on behalf of the gospel,
35:32 during the period or 1,260 days they are clothed in sackcloth.
35:36 Do you see that? We are dealing with the same period.
35:41 Friends, did you notice something?
35:44 This is what amazes me about the Book of Revelation.
35:45 How so many times we are eager to focus
35:48 on something that the Book of Revelation
35:50 shows an insignificant to be distracted
35:55 from something that is very significant.
35:57 You see, we have just one verse,
35:59 it's telling us during this prophetic period
36:03 there'll be severe persecution of God's people.
36:05 That's what Gentiles will be doing.
36:07 This is what Satan will be doing during this period.
36:10 But go all from verse 3 until the end of chapter,
36:15 actually, to verse 14, its talks about
36:18 what God is doing during this period.
36:20 He's sending His witnesses who will have to carry the witness,
36:26 carry the witness to the gospel is.
36:32 Really, the Book of Revelation is something else
36:35 than when we try, from that that we try
36:39 to find there in the text is.
36:41 Yeah, Satan will be doing his work,
36:46 but this is what God will be doing.
36:48 God always has His people and through them
36:51 He try to win the world, of their situation calling them
36:55 back to God and telling them to worship
36:58 the only true God and to have that future with God
37:02 because He is the one who holds the future.
37:06 So the two witnesses, okay.
37:08 There are few things here that are very interesting.
37:14 Two witnesses here are mentioned,
37:16 says they will prophesy, okay, for 1,260 days.
37:23 They are clothed in sackcloth.
37:26 Now John tried to provide the identification
37:29 of these two witnesses telling us,
37:31 these are the two olive trees and the two lamp stands
37:35 that stand before the Lord of the earth.
37:38 And if anyone wants to harm them,
37:40 fire flows out of their mouth and devours their enemies.
37:45 So if anyone wants to harm them,
37:48 he must be killed in this way.
37:51 This have the power to shut up the sky,
37:53 so that the rain will not fall during the days
37:56 of their prophesying and they have a power over the waters
38:00 to turn them into blood and to strike the earth
38:05 with every plague as often as they desire.
38:08 Please allow me to stay for a few minutes
38:11 because in 3, these--how many?
38:13 3, 4 verses we have the identification
38:18 of these two witnesses.
38:20 I'll just point few things, two witnesses.
38:24 What does come to your mind
38:26 when the word two witnesses is read there in the Bible?
38:33 If you go to the Old Testament,
38:38 for instance the Book of Deuteronomy 19:15
38:41 will read that the ancient Israel,
38:45 the judicial system always functioned
38:48 on the testimony of two witnesses.
38:51 Two or three witnesses.
38:53 By the way, Jesus repeats
38:54 that rule in the gospel of John 8:17.
38:58 And you will find in the gospel of Matthew Chapter 18,
39:01 Jesus talks when the church is dealing with ailing brother
39:05 in the church, you have to look
39:07 for two or three witnesses to help you
39:10 in working with that brother.
39:13 By the way, when Jesus sent His disciples
39:15 to preach the gospel, how did He do it?
39:18 He sent them two by two. Why?
39:21 Because the preaching is credible
39:23 when you have two witnesses to that gospel
39:26 and that's why when you read in the Book of Acts,
39:29 Apostle Paul never went alone to preach the gospel.
39:31 Peter never alone, they are always
39:33 two by two to preach the gospel.
39:35 You have to understand why?
39:36 Because in Jewish mind
39:38 when you have two people giving testimony
39:40 to the same thing, it has credibility.
39:44 So here you are dealing here with the two witnesses.
39:47 It says that they are dressed in the sackcloth.
39:51 In the Old Testament, the sackcloth
39:55 is a regular dress of the Israel prophets.
40:01 Notice that in verse 10, if you read it,
40:06 these two witnesses are called the prophets.
40:10 Furthermore, the sackcloth is also the garment of mourning.
40:15 So the portrayal of the two witnesses,
40:18 okay, is giving the testimony,
40:21 okay and prophesying is sackcloth
40:25 during the prophetic period of 1,260 days.
40:29 He's talking about the special situation in which they are.
40:33 They are going through the period of persecution, okay.
40:37 Difficult time for God's people, as they are trying
40:42 to uphold the standard of the Bible and to proclaim
40:45 the gospel message to the world.
40:47 Friends, it is here the sackcloth give us
40:51 another aspect of that bitter taste of that scroll
40:55 that john tasted in Revelation Chapter 10.
40:59 Now John is giving us the clue
41:05 who actually these two witnesses are.
41:07 And he is referring
41:10 to the Book of Zechariah 4:2
41:17 because the expression that is found here in verse 4,
41:20 these are the two olive trees and the two lampstands.
41:24 It goes back to Zechariah, where Zechariah saw
41:28 two olive trees and the two lampstands
41:31 standing before the Lord of the earth.
41:35 John is using this language from the Zechariah.
41:38 Pointing to the book of Zechariah
41:41 because in Zechariah the two olive trees,
41:45 they represented the two anointed ones
41:48 in verse 14, Zechariah 4:14.
41:51 Standing by the Lord of the earth
41:53 and who are those two anointed ones?
41:56 This Joshua the high priest and Zerubbabel
41:59 the governor of Judea.
42:01 They were two anointed ones, okay.
42:04 So the activities of these two witnesses resembles
42:11 the roles of Joshua and Zerubbabel
42:13 in the Old Testament because these two witnesses
42:17 are portrayed in priestly and royal terms.
42:20 But there is something more you cannot desert.
42:23 Please now you can be with me in verses 6 and 7,
42:26 they said, actually 5 and 6 sorry.
42:30 And if anyone wants to harm them,
42:32 fire flows out of their mouth and devours their enemies
42:38 and so if anyone wants to harm them
42:40 he must be killed in this way.
42:45 What does suddenly come to your mind as you read this text?
42:49 By the way, if you gone to the Old Testament,
42:56 you'll probably remember in 2 Kings 1:9-14,
43:02 when Elijah was supposed to be arrested
43:06 by the evil king Ahab and suddenly
43:10 a fire fell from heaven, upon the soldiers
43:13 who came to arrest him.
43:14 So this is solution to Elijah.
43:16 But there is much more in verse 6.
43:19 This have the power to shut up the sky.
43:22 What does come to your mind?
43:24 Okay, let's go there.
43:26 So the terrain will not fall
43:27 during the days of their prophesying.
43:29 Please what were the days of their prophesying?
43:33 1, 260 days. How long was the famine
43:37 in Israel during the prophet Elijah?
43:41 It is 3 and 1/2 years, which is 1, 260 days.
43:46 Okay, what are we talking about.
43:48 There is much more. Go to verse 6.
43:51 They have power over the waters
43:53 to turn them into the blood.
43:55 What does suddenly come to your mind?
43:57 Moses in Exodus what happened there in Egypt
44:01 and to strike the earth with every plaque
44:05 as often as they desire.
44:07 What place are we talking here about?
44:08 The place of Eqypt.
44:11 You see friends, what we have here is,
44:13 that these two witnesses are portrayed
44:17 after the images of Moses and Elijah in the Old Testament.
44:24 What Moses and Elijah were doing
44:26 there in the spirit of God?
44:28 Trying to bring unfaithful Israel back to God?
44:32 So these two witnesses
44:33 have the same characteristics in the same spirit.
44:37 They're carrying the witness through their gospel
44:39 during this period of 1, 260 days.
44:43 That means to resemblance to the role of Joshua
44:46 and Zerubbabel in the rebuilding of the temple.
44:49 You remember we talked about the temple in verse 1?
44:52 So now there is a question.
44:54 Who are the two witnesses?
44:57 And if you take different commentators,
44:59 you will see how the Bible commentators are divided.
45:03 What are the two possibilities?
45:06 There are really two possibilities.
45:08 One is the two witnesses represent God's people.
45:14 In the two-fold role as priest and kings in the Old Testament.
45:21 The ones who carried the gospel.
45:24 However, there is another possibility.
45:28 This is the history of Seventh day Adventist Church
45:31 is that actually these two witnesses
45:34 they stand a symbol for the Bible.
45:38 Now the question is which one of the two views are correct?
45:43 The answer is yes.
45:46 I believe that the both views are--
45:49 By the way, if you go later to the text,
45:52 you will see there that actually
45:56 it talks in verse 8,
46:00 "And their bodies" keep in mind in my Bible says,
46:05 "And their bodies will lie in the street of the great city."
46:08 By the way in Greek, it says "And the body,"
46:11 keep in mind, you are dealing with two entities
46:13 which actually makes one entity.
46:16 So now you ask the question, how these two witnesses
46:19 can be both symbol of God's people in the Bible.
46:22 Tell me what is the Bible with the God's people.
46:25 The Bible itself will not proclaim the gospel.
46:29 So I believe here, we have a powerful testimony
46:31 of God's people with the Bible in their hands.
46:35 Proclaiming the gospel, okay,
46:38 to the world and preaching the gospel God wants
46:42 to reach people for Himself.
46:45 We're talking about that powerful testimony
46:47 of the Bible being preached during the dark middle Ages.
46:52 But then we move on.
46:54 In verses 8, no, verse 7 and 8,
47:01 we read, when those two witnesses
47:03 have finished their testimony, "The beast that comes up
47:06 out of the abyss will make war with them
47:09 and overcome them and kill them
47:13 and their body will lie in the street of the great city,
47:18 which mystically is called Sodom in Egypt.
47:21 When also the Lord was crucified and those from their peoples,
47:26 and tribes, and tongues and nations
47:28 will look at their dead body for 3 and 1/2 days.
47:32 And they will not permit their dead body to be let in the tomb
47:36 and those who dwell on the earth will rejoice over them
47:41 and celebrate and they will send gifts to another
47:44 because these two prophets tormented
47:47 those who dwell on the earth.
47:51 What will happen at the end of these prophetic period
47:55 of prophesying of two witnesses?
47:58 It talks here about the beast that will come out of the abyss.
48:04 You remember we already mentioned in reference
48:07 to the fifth trumpet that abyss is the place
48:10 where Satan and the demons are locked up there,
48:14 after being cast out from heaven.
48:18 So talking about the beast,
48:20 actually commissioned by Satan
48:23 and wages the war against the witnesses.
48:27 And actually kills the two witnesses.
48:32 And since that the body of these two witnesses,
48:34 one body of the witnesses is on the street of the great city,
48:41 exposed there and that city mystically,
48:44 symbolically called Sodom in Egypt.
48:47 When also their Lord was crucified.
48:51 Let's first talk about the great city in the Book of revelation.
48:54 There is one great city, which is actually Babylon.
48:58 But if you go to the Old Testament,
48:59 there are many great cities.
49:04 I will not list them now.
49:05 There are many of them, but those great cities.
49:08 There is one thing that characterizes
49:11 all those great cities.
49:13 And what is that?
49:14 They are always evolved in persecuting God's people.
49:18 By the way, you'll notice that a great city is mentioned here.
49:22 Hence the characteristic of similar cities,
49:24 Sodom, okay, did you notice it?
49:29 So we are dealing with city that really
49:32 is characterized by the wickedness
49:34 and the moral degradation of Sodom.
49:37 But also he said it's called how else Egypt.
49:41 What was the characteristic of Egypt?
49:43 Do you remember Pharaoh?
49:44 It's atheism.
49:46 Atheistic arrogance of Egypt.
49:48 Who is God that I should obey him?
49:52 But there is also the third characteristic of the city says,
49:55 then also their Lord was crucified.
49:58 I am referring to verse 8.
50:00 Okay, so also the rebellious condition of Jerusalem.
50:05 You see, you are dealing
50:06 here with political entity because
50:08 in the Book of Revelation the 'b' stands for political power.
50:10 They means political power that is wicked, okay.
50:17 That has atheistic characteristics
50:22 and it's rebellious against God and his system
50:24 like what happened to Jerusalem.
50:27 Now there is a question that who is this entity?
50:30 And what is this entity?
50:32 Friends, there is only one political entity
50:36 that fits the history.
50:38 Literally, made the war with the religion,
50:41 with the church, and with the Bible,
50:44 that fits the historical context
50:46 and that's French and the French revolution.
50:51 That made the great effort of the abolishment of the Bible.
50:56 And to replace the traditional religion and the gospel message
51:01 with humanism, atheistic stand, okay.
51:08 And making war to the Bible and everything what is religion.
51:14 This prophecy of Revelation Chapter 11
51:17 was actually, accurately fulfilled
51:20 in the events of French revolution.
51:23 And everything what happened during the time
51:26 when really the Bible was then done away
51:31 with that system and the temple was made,
51:34 really to do away with the Bible and the entire world rejoiced.
51:38 Unfortunately, this is what happens
51:41 when people try to get rid off
51:44 of the religious intolerance of the middle ages.
51:47 People step on the wrong ground
51:49 and then don't doing with that problem.
51:52 They'll initially blame God.
51:54 They blame the Bible
51:56 and they blame the gospel message.
51:58 And actually this is indeed
51:59 what happened with events of French revolution
52:02 and causing the events of the fifth
52:06 and the sixth trumpets, actually that we've talked
52:08 in our two previous lesson there.
52:11 And now it says, the conscious of the people was calm now.
52:15 Because please pay attention here something,
52:20 verse 9, no, actually verse 10, it says
52:24 "And those could dwell on the earth will rejoice over them
52:27 and celebrate and they will send gifts to one another
52:31 because these two prophets tormented
52:33 those who dwell on the earth."
52:35 Boy, in the Bible, last people are very, very offended,
52:41 blamed for many bad situations, when people find themselves.
52:48 And people think when rid off with God's people,
52:53 they will rest with their conscious
52:56 and they'll find the peace.
52:58 By the way, you will remember when that famine was in Israel.
53:03 Remember Ahab when he said to Elijah are you the one,
53:08 who is bringing trouble to Israel.
53:10 It's very interesting that people get into trouble
53:14 because they do away with the gospel.
53:18 They turn away from God and when they find themselves
53:22 into the trouble, who are those to be blamed?
53:25 Those who are with the God, it is always in history.
53:28 But very soon, people have realized
53:31 they cannot do away with God.
53:34 You can kick out God from your life.
53:38 You can put the Bible into the flame.
53:40 You can try to destroy everything
53:43 that even comes close to religion,
53:45 but very soon, human beings
53:48 they must understand that they cannot do away with God.
53:54 Actually this is what exactly what happens here.
53:56 Because this celebration and what happens
53:59 with events of the French revolution,
54:01 did not last for too long.
54:03 Let's keep on, verse 11, I like the first word,
54:06 do you have the first word it says 'but,' I like the 'but.'
54:11 By the way, my famous sermon that I preached,
54:14 favorite sermon that I preached is titled 'but.'
54:18 We're sinners, but we're lost, but, we suffer,
54:25 but people try to do away with the Bible,
54:28 the religion, but, let's read,
54:29 "But after the three and half days,
54:32 the breath of life from God came into them
54:35 and they stood on their feet and great fear fell upon those
54:39 who were watching them and they heard a loud voice
54:42 from heaven saying to the come up here.
54:45 And they went up into heaven in the cloud
54:48 and their enemies watched them.
54:50 In that hour there was a great earthquake,
54:53 and a tenth of the city fell, seven thousand people
54:56 were killed in the earthquake, and the rest were terrified
55:00 and gave glory to the God of heaven."
55:03 The second war is passed.
55:05 Behold, the third war, is coming soon.
55:11 After three-and half days, God breathes life
55:15 into the witnesses and resurrects them.
55:18 Of course, this is strong illusion to Genesis 2:7,
55:23 when God created Adam.
55:25 And the whole scene reminds that valley
55:28 with the dry bones in the vision of Book of Ezekiel Chapter 37.
55:34 People thought, they have done away
55:37 with those two witnesses.
55:39 They have done away with the Bible
55:41 and silenced the witness that tormented their conscious.
55:45 How were the word of God always shines?
55:49 And then the sight of their enemies
55:51 the resurrected witnesses are miraculously
55:54 taken to heaven on the cloud.
55:56 This is the dissertation of the two witnesses, okay.
56:00 From the humiliated previous humiliated situation,
56:04 adds to the terror experience by the earth dwellers.
56:08 Friends, historically one of the outcomes
56:11 of French revolution was a great revival interest of the Bible.
56:15 It's very interesting.
56:17 This is what Satan tried to do, but God always triumphs.
56:24 And the great interest resulted in that
56:28 that we have the establishment
56:30 of the great Bible societies
56:33 led to two different missionary movements.
56:37 Organized simply for one and the same purpose
56:41 to take the Bible and the gospel message
56:44 and to proclaim it to the world.
56:46 All of these we have the following
56:47 the dark middle ages
56:49 and the events of French revolution.
56:51 The two witnesses thus came back to life.
56:54 The stage was set for the wide spread preaching of the gospel.
56:58 It's talking about 7000 people who were killed,
57:02 but says, but there are other people who really repented.
57:07 We are dealing here with a small part of that great city
57:11 that we came to recognize God.
57:13 By the way, this leaves to the conclusion
57:17 is that the time of the end, even though Satan wanted
57:20 to prevent the preaching of the gospel.
57:22 At the time of the end, God will triumph
57:24 because according to Revelation 14: 7,
57:28 there'll be one more time that the great proclamation
57:30 of the gospel message out to the world.


Revised 2014-12-17