Revelation of the Coming King

The Mighty Angel With The Scroll

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Ranko Stefanovic


Series Code: RCK

Program Code: RCK000015

00:24 Welcome again to our program titled
00:27 the "Revelation of the Coming King."
00:31 This program is a part of a long series
00:34 in which we try to cover the entire Book of Revelation.
00:38 Of course, we cannot cover everything,
00:42 but at least to get an insight
00:46 into those different visions of the Book of Revelation,
00:49 so at the end of this series, you will be able to go
00:53 and to study the Book of Revelation for yourself.
00:56 I'm Ranko Stefanovic, Professor at Seventh-day Adventist
01:00 Theological Seminary, Andrews University.
01:03 And I'm so glad to be with you here.
01:05 And I have the best audience
01:07 and the best crew people who are working here.
01:09 They are also my audience there.
01:11 And I'm so excited to study with you this book
01:15 that means so much to me,
01:18 because it is through understanding of this book
01:21 I discovered the gospel of Jesus Christ
01:24 and He changed my life completely.
01:26 He turned it upside down.
01:28 And since that time I haven't been the same person any longer.
01:32 And that's why I'm so excited with you.
01:36 As you know, that the text book for this program,
01:42 it's in my hand here, it's the Bible.
01:44 The Bible, it's the best,
01:46 the best commentary on the Book of Revelation.
01:49 But at the same time if you want to--
01:51 once this program is over,
01:53 if you want to continue to study the subject for yourself
01:56 and I would like to encourage you to do it.
01:58 You know, everything what is said here
02:01 and what you read and you hear from other people,
02:04 it's our human attempt that we explain
02:10 the difficult text of the Book of Revelation,
02:13 but we have also to study it for ourselves.
02:16 So if you have already provided for yourself
02:19 a copy of this commentary,
02:22 the subject that we will be dealing with today
02:25 is covered here from page 325, 325
02:32 going all up to the page 341,
02:37 so from 325 to 341.
02:44 Before we go and into our subject,
02:48 I'd like us to ask the One,
02:51 who is the real expert in the Book of Revelation,
02:55 that through His Holy Spirit that He can help us
02:58 that there's sometimes difficult text of this difficult book
03:02 can somehow be meaningful and clear to us.
03:06 Our heavenly Father, please be with us
03:10 and give us Your Holy Spirit.
03:13 Give us discernment and understanding
03:15 as we are trying our best through Holy Spirit
03:19 to understand this difficult text,
03:22 but above all to understand
03:24 how much you are interested in human beings.
03:26 You want to draw them to Yourself so that one day
03:30 we all can find ourselves in Your kingdom.
03:34 Please be with us, Father.
03:36 We're asking for Your help and we pray all of this
03:39 in the precious name of our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. Amen.
03:46 As you know that so far for last some of the presentations,
03:51 some of the programs we tried to understand
03:56 the series of the seven trumpets.
03:57 One more time let me remind you that we have been dealing
04:01 with really the most difficult section
04:04 of the Book of Revelation.
04:05 And now I believe you understand why.
04:09 But let's be reminded.
04:12 We saw seven angles with those seven trumpets.
04:17 Whenever one of the angels blows the trumpet,
04:20 the judgments that fall upon the rebellious humanity.
04:25 We saw the seven trumpets represent
04:28 a series of divine intervention in history,
04:32 because what they have done to God's people
04:36 and the way how they treated and related to the gospel
04:39 and the way how actually they rebelled against God.
04:44 And we saw that there was the first trumpet was heard
04:49 and the judgment fall on the rebellious humanity.
04:53 Then the second trumpet, then the third trumpet,
04:57 the fourth, the fifth trumpet, and the sixth trumpet.
05:01 Now when you expect the conclusion of chapter 9
05:06 to read about the seven angels blowing the trumpets,
05:09 suddenly that's not the case.
05:12 We have to wait until chapter 11:15
05:17 to read about the seventh angel. Why?
05:19 Because between the end of
05:24 chapter 9 and chapter 11:15,
05:29 there is a long section that we call an interlude.
05:37 Chapter 10 and the first 14 verses of chapter 11,
05:42 we will try to cover this interlude
05:44 in our next two presentations.
05:48 But before we go into this section,
05:50 we have to ask ourselves a question.
05:54 Why this interlude?
05:57 Let me remind you what we were talking about before.
06:01 We saw the seven seals, the same,
06:05 first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth seal.
06:08 When we expected the seventh seal,
06:10 suddenly there is not.
06:11 We had to wait until the opening of the seventh seal
06:15 in chapter 8:1 but between the sixth seal
06:19 and the seventh seal there was a chapter 7.
06:21 What was the purpose of chapter 7?
06:23 It was an interlude
06:24 inserted between the sixth and the seventh seal.
06:27 What was the purpose of that interlude?
06:30 To provide the answer to the question,
06:34 who is able to stand at the day
06:38 of the great wrath of God the Almighty?
06:42 And the answer was the sealed people of God.
06:45 So chapter 7 identifies God's people
06:49 at the time before the second coming of Christ.
06:53 Now we have the similar pattern.
06:55 We talk already about that.
06:59 Before the seventh angel blows the trumpet,
07:03 we have another interlude
07:05 and I would like to suggest to you
07:07 that this interlude of chapter 10 and 11 parallels
07:11 the interlude of chapter 7.
07:15 When the interlude of chapter 7 identifies God's people,
07:20 the last generation, the faithful people of God
07:24 prior to the second coming of Christ,
07:27 this section, this interlude
07:29 between the sixth and the seventh trumpet
07:32 is telling us about the task
07:37 and the experience of God's people in the hostile world
07:43 as they are waiting for the second coming of Christ.
07:46 So he's telling us about the task,
07:48 what they have to fulfill.
07:49 Chapter 7 identifies them, but chapter 10 is telling us
07:54 what they are supposed to do
07:55 as they are waiting for the end to come.
07:57 And then chapter 11 is telling about the special experience
08:00 that God's people have to go through
08:03 as they are waiting for the second coming of Christ.
08:06 I hope that you will keep this in mind
08:08 as we are now going into chapter 10,
08:10 trying to understand what we have there.
08:12 So please, would you turn
08:14 to the Book of Revelation chapter 10
08:17 and let us read the first verse there,
08:22 first two verses actually.
08:24 Revelation 10:1-2.
08:29 "And I saw another strong angel," or mighty angel,
08:35 "coming down of heaven, clothed with a cloud
08:40 and the rainbow was upon his head,
08:43 and his face was like the sun,
08:45 and his feet like pillars of fire.
08:49 And he had in his hand a little book which was open.
08:54 He placed his right foot on the sea
08:58 and his left on the land."
09:03 What do we have here in this interlude?
09:07 John sees an angel of magnificent appearance
09:13 descending from heaven.
09:15 How does he refer to this angel?
09:17 He says, "I saw another strong or a mighty angel."
09:24 He is using this expression, "another strong angel"
09:27 to distinguish this angel from those seven angels
09:31 who are blowing the trumpets,
09:33 telling us that this angel is not to be put on the same level
09:41 as those seven angels.
09:44 But there is something very interesting please.
09:46 Let's go back to the text.
09:49 It says, "That this angel was clothed with a cloud,
09:53 the rainbow was upon his head, his face was like the sun,
09:59 and his feet like pillars of fire."
10:02 May I ask you one question?
10:04 When we read here the description to these angles,
10:07 is there anything that's comes to your mind
10:11 as we read the description of this angel?
10:14 It's the description of Jesus in Revelation Chapter 1.
10:19 So it brings to mind
10:21 the description of Jesus Himself in chapter 1.
10:26 The rainbow about His head stands
10:31 and represent the covenant.
10:33 You remember the covenant that God made with His people,
10:37 "His face like the sun, His feet like the pillars of fire."
10:41 Among the Bible commentators, there is a big discussion.
10:46 Some commentators they say,
10:48 "You see this angel is Jesus Christ Himself."
10:53 There are others who disagree.
10:55 And they say, "No, this angel actually represent Christ
11:00 and that's why he looks Christ."
11:03 And the question is what is the answer?
11:05 And the answer is yes.
11:09 We are dealing with the angel,
11:11 who is the true representation of Christ.
11:14 And through this angel actually Jesus Christ came Himself
11:19 to appear to John there on Patmos.
11:22 This angel is Jesus Christ in the full authority
11:27 and the full appearance of Jesus Christ Himself.
11:31 But there is something very interesting is here.
11:33 And John is watching this angel,
11:36 he said that this angel had in his hand
11:39 a little book which was open.
11:46 This little book which is in Greek biblaridion
11:52 which actually means a little book,
11:55 distinguishes this book from that scroll
11:59 that John saw in chapter 5.
12:04 Today, many recent studies have shown
12:08 that actually this scroll, this little scroll that John saw
12:15 and recorded here in chapter 10,
12:17 that this scroll is actually related
12:22 to the scroll of Revelation chapter 5.
12:26 And please I would like to suggest to you
12:29 the product of my research,
12:32 because as I explained to you that Revelation chapter 5
12:36 was my doctoral dissertation,
12:39 the topic for my doctoral dissertation.
12:41 So in dealing with that scroll
12:43 I also had to come little bit to Revelation chapter 10
12:46 to see what this little scroll is all about.
12:51 You see the scroll of Revelation 5 is the scroll.
12:55 How does scroll look like? Please, okay.
12:58 This is the scroll.
13:01 Now in Revelation chapter 10, we have the little scroll.
13:06 Can you help me to understand?
13:08 If this is the scroll, how of this scroll
13:12 you can make the little scroll?
13:18 You just take the scissor and you cut it here
13:23 and you can very easily make a little scroll.
13:28 Please keep in mind.
13:29 This is not the kind of book that John saw.
13:32 He saw the scroll.
13:33 So when you have little scroll, you can have a scroll.
13:35 When you unroll it, it can be very long.
13:38 You cut it, and then you have a little, little, little scroll.
13:42 I will suggest you that this is actually the way
13:45 what we have to understand it.
13:46 I would like to suggest to you is that the scroll,
13:50 that little scroll of Revelation chapter 10
13:52 is actually a part of the scroll
13:57 that was in Revelation chapter 5.
14:01 Let me explain little more.
14:03 What is the difference between this scroll
14:06 that we have here and the scroll
14:08 that we have in Revelation chapter 5?
14:10 Of course, in Revelation chapter 5 we have the scroll.
14:14 Here is the little scroll.
14:16 In Revelation 5, we have the scroll that is sealed.
14:22 It's not open. Nobody can read the content.
14:27 But what about this scroll?
14:29 It says that this scroll was opened.
14:34 What do you mean with that?
14:38 Furthermore, studies, they actually show
14:42 that since this scroll was seen,
14:44 he open and provided introduction,
14:47 we will explain this more details little bit later
14:50 as we are going to chapter 10,
14:52 that actually the content of this scroll
14:57 that John received there on Patmos,
15:00 it's somehow related to the Book of Revelation.
15:04 And many biblical scholars, and I belong to that group,
15:07 actually agree that the content of this little scroll
15:11 of chapter 10 is actually recorded
15:14 in Revelation chapter 12 to chapter 22.
15:19 Now you will ask a question,
15:21 on which base somebody can make such a conclusion?
15:26 When we read Revelation chapter 10,
15:27 we see that this little scroll
15:29 somehow deals with the time of the end.
15:33 Where in the Book of Revelation
15:35 we have the portrayal of the time of the end?
15:39 In Revelation chapter 12 to 22.
15:43 The second half of the Book of Revelation
15:45 is the eschatological portion we dealt
15:47 deals with the time of the end.
15:50 But then like now that you see something else,
15:55 because you will ask a question,
15:56 on which base we can conclude
15:58 that the content of Book of Revelation
16:01 is related to the content of this open scroll?
16:04 If you open-- I'm bringing you back
16:06 to the beginning of the Book of Revelation.
16:08 If you open Revelation 1:1, what do we read there?
16:12 Please read with me now.
16:14 "The Revelation of Jesus Christ which God," who?
16:19 "God gave Him," whom? Jesus, Jesus, okay.
16:27 "To show to His servants the things
16:29 which must soon take place.
16:33 And He, Jesus, showed it
16:38 through His angel to His servant, John."
16:42 Are you still with me? Let's go back.
16:44 It's very important to keep in mind.
16:46 It's Revelation of Jesus Christ.
16:48 The last book of the Bible,
16:50 which God, God, the Father, gave to whom? To Jesus.
16:54 What did Jesus do?
16:56 He gave it to His angel.
16:57 To His angel, and the angel?
16:59 To John. Give to John.
17:00 What did John do? He wrote down.
17:03 John witnessed and he wrote it for the needs of the churches.
17:08 Praise God. Amen.
17:09 Including us, we are included in the group of those
17:12 who are recipients of the Book of Revelation.
17:15 Now let's see something else.
17:17 What do we have in Revelation chapters 4 and 5?
17:23 Revelation chapter 4 and 5, we see Jesus.
17:26 He receives the sealed scroll from the Father.
17:34 Now in Revelation chapter 10,
17:37 this scroll is in the hand of the angel.
17:43 And now this angel reveals the content of the scroll to John.
17:49 And now John writes it down
17:52 and in Revelation chapter 12 to 22,
17:55 actually we have the description of the time of the end
17:58 that is really found in the content of the scroll.
18:00 These are the parallels.
18:03 God, the Father gives to Jesus Christ,
18:06 Jesus Christ through the angels gives to John,
18:10 John records here.
18:11 Chapters 4 and 5 we have the Father gives
18:14 the sealed scroll to Jesus Christ.
18:17 Now in chapter 10 Jesus Christ has given
18:20 the scroll to His angel.
18:22 And now the angel reveals the content to John.
18:25 And now John writes for the needs of the church.
18:29 Oh, boy, if this is true,
18:33 we have a great revelation of that intention
18:37 of the Book of Revelation is all about.
18:41 Okay, more about that just in few minutes.
18:46 But keep in mind, you will be reminded several times
18:50 that actually Revelation chapters 12 to 22
18:53 is the Revelation of the little scroll
18:56 of Revelation chapter 10, chapter 10, okay.
19:01 Let's go, second part of verse 2 it says.
19:05 "That the angel placed his right foot on the sea
19:10 and his left foot on the land."
19:13 When in the Book of Revelation
19:16 we have the earth and the sea it always,
19:20 it always signifies the universal
19:24 the significance of the message.
19:26 Are you still with me?
19:27 When you have the earth and the sea,
19:30 you have the entire globe.
19:31 You have the entire planet earth.
19:33 So what do we have here?
19:35 What is the significance of this?
19:37 Then the angel puts one foot on the land
19:43 and puts another foot on the sea.
19:45 What is the meaning of this?
19:48 That now what the angel is about to reveal to John
19:52 has the universal significance and meaning.
19:58 It concerns everybody on the earth.
20:03 We have the universal scope of the message to be proclaimed.
20:07 By the way, let me just remind you.
20:09 When we go to Revelation chapter 13,
20:11 we have one beast coming out of the sea
20:15 and other beast is coming out of the land of the earth.
20:20 He's telling us that the final events are universal in scope.
20:27 They concern every person in this world.
20:31 Just to simulate your appetite for further study
20:34 of the Book of Revelation.
20:35 So now the angel puts one foot on the land,
20:40 another one he puts on the sea.
20:43 And verse 3, he said,
20:45 "And he cried out with a loud voice,
20:50 as when a lion roars, and when he cried out,
20:55 the seven peals of thunder uttered their voices.
20:59 And when the seven peals of thunder had spoken,
21:03 I was about to write,
21:05 and I heard a voice from heaven saying,
21:09 'Seal up the things which the seven peals of thunder
21:13 have spoken and do not write them.'"
21:20 I have good news for you.
21:24 If so far we have been studying
21:27 and looked into the most difficult section
21:30 of the Book of Revelation, the verses that we just read,
21:35 is probably the most difficult text
21:38 in the entire Book of Revelation.
21:41 This is not exaggeration.
21:43 What's the problem? Please would you be with me?
21:46 We have heard seven thunders.
21:48 What are the seven thunders? What is the problem?
21:52 That John, nowhere in the book identifies those seven thunders.
21:59 And that's why people are making all good guesses
22:04 and making great effort,
22:06 you know, in understanding
22:08 who or what these seven thunders are all about.
22:12 But I will suggest to you, if you really try to understand
22:18 the Book of Revelation in the right way,
22:20 the book is not as difficult as it appears.
22:25 Can you help me?
22:27 When you have the difficult text,
22:28 a difficult text, what is the first step?
22:32 To understand the symbolism of the book.
22:33 What is the first step?
22:35 Go to the Old Testament. Amen.
22:36 And we go to the Old Testament.
22:38 We can see that the voice of God is often equated
22:44 with the sound of thunder.
22:47 In the Book of Job 37:5 or maybe you will be more familiar
22:53 with the gospel of John 12:28-30.
22:57 Do you know when those Greeks they wanted to see Jesus?
23:01 And Jesus said, "Father, the hour has come,
23:05 please glorify Your Son.
23:08 And the voice came from heaven.
23:11 It says, 'I have glorified You and I will still glorify You.'"
23:17 But John is telling us
23:19 that people around did not understand.
23:21 They just heard a thunder sound there.
23:27 Actually if you take a Concordance
23:31 and if you go to the Old Testament,
23:33 you can see how many times the voice of God
23:36 is like voice of thunder.
23:38 But there is one particular text that help us
23:39 really to understand what seven thunders are all about.
23:43 I would like you to turn to Psalms 29:3-9.
23:50 Psalms 29:3-9 and you can see
23:55 that you no need to wander all around in order to understand
24:00 the meaning of this symbolism in Revelation chapter 10.
24:04 So Psalms 29:3-9. Are you there?
24:11 Psalm 29:3-9, okay.
24:16 Can we go to the text?
24:17 It says--let's read from verse 2.
24:22 "Ascribe to the Lord the glory due to His name.
24:25 Worship the Lord in His holy array.
24:28 The voice of the Lord is upon the waters.
24:33 The God of glory thunders.
24:37 The voice of the Lord is powerful.
24:40 The voice of the Lord is majestic.
24:43 The voice of the Lord breaks the cedars.
24:46 Yes, the Lord breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon.
24:50 He makes Lebanon skip like a calf,
24:52 and Sirion like a young wild ox.
24:56 The voice of the Lord hews out flames of fire.
25:00 The voice of the Lord shakes the wilderness.
25:02 The Lord shakes the wilderness of Kadesh.
25:05 The voice of the Lord makes the deer to calve,
25:08 and strips the forests bare.
25:10 And in His temple everything says, 'Glory!'"
25:13 By the way, you will notice here,
25:15 we have the sevenfold manifestation
25:18 of the voice of God.
25:19 But how is that voice identified in verse 3? As a thunder.
25:26 You can see really that the text of the Book of Revelation
25:29 is not always as difficult as people are making,
25:32 when you do it in the right way.
25:34 When you go to the Old Testament,
25:36 the Old Testament will really give you the key
25:40 to the understanding and the meaning,
25:42 sometimes some difficult text of the Book of Revelation.
25:46 But there is something here very interesting.
25:50 John hears the seven thunders which is the voice of God.
25:54 Did he understand what the seven thunders were talking about?
25:59 Yes, he understands. How do you know that?
26:01 Please let's go back to the text.
26:03 How do you know that? It says in verse 4.
26:08 "When the seven peals of thunder had spoken,
26:11 I was about to write."
26:14 Hey, you write only what you hear, what you understand.
26:17 John heard what the seven thunders said.
26:20 But surprisingly, every time when John is in the vision,
26:25 when he hears something from God,
26:28 he is always urged "write it down,"
26:33 except in this case.
26:38 We read here, in verse 4 it says,
26:41 "The same voice was from heaven was saying to him,
26:45 'Seal up the things which the seven peals of thunder
26:50 have spoken and do not write them.'"
26:57 Now understand why this text is so difficult?
27:02 Boy, I'm waiting for that moment.
27:05 That one day see John in the kingdom of God to ask him
27:10 "what was that those seven thunders
27:13 were saying at that moment?"
27:16 Unfortunately, John was not allowed to write it down.
27:24 But everything else, he was urged,
27:28 he was instructed, he was actually commanded to write.
27:31 The content of the sealed scroll he had to write down,
27:34 except the seven thunders.
27:36 What's that all about?
27:39 By the way, if you go
27:41 to the Book of Deuteronomy 29:29,
27:48 we read that "The secret things belong to the Lord our God,
27:55 but the things revealed belong to us
27:59 and to our sons forever,
28:01 that we may observe all the words of this law."
28:09 Please, friends, allow me just to say something in few minutes.
28:14 When we are dealing with Biblical prophecies,
28:17 we have to understand that not everything about the future
28:22 and what God is planning to do
28:24 at the time of the end is revealed to us.
28:29 Evidently what the seven thunders
28:31 were saying what John heard-- John became excited.
28:33 You will see why he was excited.
28:35 He understood that he was living in the time of the end.
28:37 That what he saw in the vision was the time of the end.
28:41 And what seven thunders were saying he understood that.
28:46 He became so excited because he wanted now
28:48 to reveal it to God's people there.
28:51 Unfortunately, he was forbidden to do so.
28:58 There are some things about the future
29:01 that God never intended to reveal to us.
29:04 Can you guess what?
29:07 God never revealed to us
29:10 who will be in the kingdom of God,
29:11 who will be left.
29:15 You remember that Jesus said that the day is coming
29:19 when everything what is kept in secret,
29:21 finally will be revealed.
29:23 Jesus is talking about people who will be in the kingdom,
29:25 people who will be left.
29:27 It is not revealed to us.
29:29 I'm sorry, friends, it is not revealed to us
29:32 when the end will come.
29:36 Unfortunately, we even do not know how many things
29:40 about the future, in the future will indeed take place.
29:44 There are many things. It's not revealed to us.
29:47 So actually the seven thunders,
29:49 instead of trying to speculate too much
29:51 about what seven thunders are all about,
29:54 are a caution to us, a warning
29:56 that when we study the end time prophecies,
30:00 we must be careful not to venture
30:03 beyond what God intended for us to know. Amen.
30:08 It is simply not revealed to us.
30:13 Not everything is revealed to us.
30:16 But everything that God knew in His wisdom that we,
30:23 as those who really obey God,
30:25 that we are supposed to know,
30:28 the things that are profitable to us,
30:32 for building of our character,
30:34 and for the preparation for the final events
30:37 and for the entries into the kingdom
30:41 that is revealed to us.
30:43 Let's stick to that.
30:45 Wherever I go, boy, I meet very, very good people.
30:49 They are my brothers and sisters.
30:52 But they always would like to learn something
30:54 that God has never intended to us.
30:57 Let's be very careful to ask.
30:59 And I meet people everywhere who are aware
31:03 that it is not revealed in the Bible
31:05 and suddenly they have to claim certain visions,
31:08 certain revelation that God has given to them
31:12 and they have a special light revealed to them.
31:15 Friends, if it was God's intention to reveal to us,
31:18 He would reveal it to John there on Patmos. Amen.
31:22 We would not have to reveal some people
31:24 in different parts of the world, who have special dreams.
31:27 And, believe me, just have a good dinner
31:29 after studying the Book of Revelation tonight
31:31 and you will have special dreams
31:33 and get insight that you cannot find anywhere, anywhere else.
31:37 It's very, very important to be very careful,
31:41 to ask God for the wisdom.
31:43 With greater reverences we are approaching the Bible
31:47 and just stick to the things
31:49 that God has clearly revealed to us.
31:55 Has John wondered why God did not allow him to write down?
32:01 There is something more that happened.
32:04 It was in verse 5.
32:06 "Then the angels whom I saw standing
32:09 on the sea and on the land."
32:11 Keep in mind that we are dealing
32:12 with the universal scope of this message and of this vision.
32:17 "He lifted up his right hand to heaven,
32:22 and swore by Him who lives forever and ever,
32:26 who created heaven and the things in it,
32:29 and the earth and the things in it,
32:32 and the sea and the things in it,
32:35 that there will be"--
32:38 I'm sorry, my New American Standard Version said
32:41 "That there will be delay not longer."
32:44 I disagree with this translation.
32:46 I will explain in few minutes.
32:48 "But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel,
32:52 when he's about to sound, then the mystery of God
32:56 will be finished, as he preached to His servants the prophets."
33:01 Very interesting text.
33:03 And I'd like to invite you to go little bit into this text
33:07 and to analyze and to find the meaning of this text.
33:11 So now the angel is standing on the land and the sea
33:15 and he lifts up his right hand towards heaven.
33:19 This gesture in the Bible,
33:21 it's always associated with making an oath.
33:27 With a solemn voice, this angel swears by the One
33:31 who is eternal and who created the heaven and the earth
33:34 and all that is in them that there will be no longer time.
33:40 I will explain little bit of this phrase later.
33:44 But says that in the days of the sound of the seventh angel,
33:48 you remember last time?
33:49 We talked about the sound of the seventh angel.
33:52 Then the mystery of God will be completed
33:55 as was revealed to His servants the prophets.
34:01 Friends, if you really want to understand this text,
34:04 we have to go to another text in the Old Testament,
34:07 because these two texts are almost identical.
34:09 And we see that this Old--
34:12 there is another Old Testament text give us
34:14 really the clear insight into the meaning
34:17 what we have here in Revelation chapter 10.
34:20 And actually it's in the Book of Daniel chapter 12.
34:23 I'd like to invite to you to go
34:24 to the Book of Daniel chapter 12.
34:29 So I would like to invite you that we read from verse 4
34:35 which is actually the conclusion of the Book of Daniel.
34:37 This is the conclusion of the Book of Daniel.
34:40 It's chapter 12 from verse 4.
34:44 As we are reading this text,
34:46 please can you somehow underline whatever you want?
34:49 The parallels between what we have here in chapter 12
34:53 and what we have in Revelation chapter 10.
34:57 It says, "But as for you, Daniel,
35:00 conceal these words and seal up the book."
35:04 Keep in mind, Daniel was supposed to seal.
35:06 What do we have in Revelation chapter 10?
35:08 The book is open, unsealed.
35:11 "Until the time of the end, many will go back and forth,
35:16 and knowledge will increase.
35:18 Then I, Daniel, looked and behold,
35:20 two others were standing, one on this bank of the river
35:24 and the other on that bank of the river.
35:27 And one said to the man dressed in linen,
35:30 who was above the waters and the river,
35:32 'How long will it be until the end of these wonders?'
35:37 And I heard the man dressed in linen,
35:40 who was above the waters of river,
35:43 as he raised his right hand."
35:45 Please, please look for the parallels.
35:48 "And his left toward heaven,
35:50 and swore by Him who lives forever
35:54 that will be for a time, times, and half a time
35:58 and as soon as they finish shattering
36:01 the power of the holy people,
36:03 all these events will be completed.
36:07 As for me, I heard but I could not understand,
36:10 so I said, 'My Lord,
36:12 what will be the outcome of these events?'
36:14 And He said, 'Go your way,
36:16 Daniel, for these words are concealed and sealed
36:21 up until the time of the end.
36:24 Many will be purged, purified and refined
36:29 but the wicked will act wickedly,
36:32 and none of the wicked will understand,
36:35 but those who have insight will understand.'"
36:41 If you look carefully in this text,
36:44 you will notice something.
36:45 As Daniel is there in the vision
36:48 he hears how some heavenly beings
36:50 are talking among themselves.
36:52 Prior to that he was distracted
36:54 that the end time prophecies of his book
36:57 they have to be sealed, for how long time?
37:01 Until the time of the end. Until the time of the end.
37:04 Please keep in mind.
37:07 If the prophecies of Daniel were to be sealed
37:10 until the time of the end, what does it mean?
37:12 Nobody could read and understand those prophecies
37:15 to get insight the meaning, until when?
37:18 Until the time of the end.
37:20 But the question is how much time
37:24 should pass between that time and the time of the end?
37:28 You will notice that one heavenly being asked, it says,
37:32 "How long will persecution of God's people last?"
37:36 Until the time of the end comes.
37:39 And another heavenly beings answer
37:42 and what does he say?
37:44 "It will be for a time, times, and half a time,
37:50 as soon as they finish shattering
37:52 the power of the holy people,
37:54 all these events will be completed."
37:56 Actually Daniel hears in the vision
38:00 that the end cannot come
38:02 until a certain period of time is completed
38:06 and that period of time
38:08 is referred to in the terms of a time.
38:11 I'm sorry now I have to refer to Hebrew.
38:14 Two times and a half of the time,
38:19 in the way how the Hebrew language functioned,
38:22 a time actually is synonym for a year.
38:26 So let's paraphrase it.
38:29 It's 1 year, 2 year and 1/2 year.
38:36 How many days is that?
38:39 1,260 days
38:44 or if you put it into months, it's 42 months.
38:48 Let me suggest to you,
38:50 all these time designations that we just mentioned,
38:54 time, 2 times and half a time or 1,260 days or 42 months,
39:01 they occur only in the Book of Daniel
39:04 and Revelation chapters 11 to 13,
39:07 nowhere else in the Bible.
39:10 That's strictly time designations
39:12 with reference to the longer period,
39:15 prior to the time of the end.
39:19 Let's go back to the Book of Daniel.
39:22 What Daniel heard in the vision
39:25 that the persecution of God's people last,
39:27 for how long?
39:29 For that a time, 2 times and half a time
39:34 which is elsewhere in Daniel, Revelation refer to as 42 months
39:39 or 1,260 days.
39:44 We will come to this--
39:45 to this time period in Revelation chapter 11.
39:50 But evidently here,
39:52 what we have in the Book of Daniel
39:54 is the prophecy identical to the one
39:57 that is found in the Book of Revelation chapter 11,
40:00 chapter 13 is the long period of the Middle Ages
40:05 of the persecution of God's people.
40:08 The historic interpreters rightly
40:10 put that time period from the year 538
40:14 to the time of French Revolution in the year 1798.
40:20 We'll talk more about this time element.
40:25 But Daniel was really sad that the end will not come,
40:29 until when?
40:30 Until this prophetic period it's fulfilled.
40:35 The persecution of God's people last for that period.
40:39 Now let's go back to Revelation chapter 10.
40:43 Do you notice here in Revelation chapter 10
40:45 that all those elements
40:48 that are found in Daniel chapter 12
40:52 are found also in the Revelation chapter 10?
40:54 Let's go back one more time to Revelation chapter 10.
40:58 Let's go there. Let's read one more time from verse 5.
41:02 "Then the angel whom I saw standing on the sea
41:04 and on the land lifted up his right hand to heaven."
41:08 We saw it also in the Book of Daniel.
41:10 Did you see that?
41:12 "And swore by Him who lives forever and ever.
41:14 "We saw it also in the Book of Daniel.
41:19 "Who created heaven and the things in it,
41:21 and the earth and the things in it,
41:24 and the sea and the things in it."
41:26 All these details that we just read
41:27 are found also in Daniel chapter 12.
41:31 There is only one difference and what is the difference?
41:36 That in Daniel we have a time,
41:39 2 times and half a time which is 1,260 days.
41:43 But here in the book of Revelation
41:45 this is replaced with that the time will not be any longer.
41:53 So what is the purpose of this?
41:55 The readers of the Book of Revelation
41:56 in the 1st century,
41:58 who knew the Old Testament so well,
42:01 did not have too many difficulties
42:04 to see the connection between the two passages.
42:07 And evidently John himself
42:10 understood the meaning of this message
42:12 that the time period
42:15 that was prophesied through Daniel
42:21 it's now actually in the background
42:25 from the perspective of vision of Revelation chapter 10.
42:29 The persecution of God's people during the medieval period,
42:32 during the prophetic period of 1,260 days is over.
42:40 And now the planet earth is entering
42:44 into its last period of history
42:47 which is known as the time of the end.
42:52 And there will be no longer an appointed,
42:57 a definite prophetic time
43:00 of which actually Daniel was talking
43:04 in his book in chapter 12.
43:11 So this period that actually came to its conclusion
43:18 in the year 1798, with events French Revolution,
43:22 marks actually the conclusion of this prophetic period.
43:27 And what was now supposed to take place
43:30 after the conclusion of this period.
43:32 Let's go one more time-- let's go one more time.
43:36 Daniel was told to go
43:39 and to seal the visions of the time of the end
43:43 that were revealed to him, to seal his book
43:46 that was here, for how long time?
43:50 Until this prophetic period is fulfilled.
43:52 Please I'm asking one more time
43:54 that we go to the Book of Daniel.
43:56 What will now happen at the end of this period?
44:00 This is very important to keep here in mind.
44:03 Let's go one more time.
44:06 Verse 9, so Daniel 12:9
44:10 and he, that heavenly being,
44:14 who make that oath said to Daniel,
44:17 "Go your way, Daniel, for these words are concealed
44:22 and sealed up until the time of the end."
44:26 The time of the end,
44:27 when does that time of the end come?
44:29 After that prophetic period.
44:31 Are you still with me? What will happen?
44:34 What will happen after that period?
44:36 "Many will be purged, purified and refined
44:40 but the wicked will act wickedly,
44:43 and none of the wicked will understand."
44:45 Understand what? Understand what?
44:50 The meaning of these prophecies of the time of the end,
44:53 but those who have insight will understand.
44:56 By the way, if you go to verse 4 that we read before--
45:02 let's read one more time, "But as for you,
45:05 Daniel, conceal these words
45:07 and seal up the book, until the end of time.
45:10 Many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase."
45:14 Unfortunately, I see sometimes
45:15 people are reading these words to show
45:17 how technology at the time of the end
45:19 will multiply and increase.
45:21 Friends, this is not about technology.
45:24 The statement that knowledge will increase
45:26 is the knowledge of the understanding
45:28 of the biblical prophecies.
45:30 According to the Book of Daniel the time will come,
45:34 after this prophetic period or 1,260 days,
45:39 when people who really fear God
45:41 and who love God so much and they study the Bible,
45:45 finally, we get the understanding
45:47 of these prophecies of the Book of Daniel.
45:51 Now as John is in the vision and making connection
45:55 with the Book of Daniel chapter 12,
45:57 he understand that in that vision,
46:00 that time of the end finally has come,
46:03 when God's people will get a special insight
46:07 into the meaning of those Daniel's prophecies.
46:11 Where is those Daniel's prophecies clarified?
46:16 In Book of Revelation chapter 12 to 22.
46:20 Yes, the Book of Daniel are sealed prophecies.
46:24 The Book of Revelation is apocalypses.
46:26 It means the revelation, the prophecies
46:28 that are revealed and explained.
46:30 And God's people deals with the book
46:34 that is open and revelation of Jesus Christ
46:37 that is given to God's people to know
46:39 how to prepare themselves for the time of the end.
46:42 So, friends, this time there will be no longer.
46:47 It's not the time that people talk
46:49 that we will have now the shortness of time.
46:52 Actually in the Greek language
46:54 there are two words for the time.
46:55 One is the word, "kronos" or "chronos" that people knows.
46:59 From that comes the word chronology.
47:02 It refers to that long period of time.
47:05 Another word is the word kronus
47:08 which refers to the point in time.
47:11 Any guess, which word is used here in Revelation 10:7?
47:17 It's the word kronos.
47:18 It means that there is no a long prophetic period
47:21 any longer for this point on until Jesus comes. Amen.
47:26 Actually for us Seventh-day Adventist,
47:29 the best interpretation of this statement
47:31 comes from the book of Ellen White
47:35 that she wrote in "Manuscript Releases" volume 9,
47:39 pages 319 to 321, when she said,
47:43 "This time, which the angel declares
47:46 with a solemn oath,
47:48 is not the end of the world's history,
47:50 neither of probationary time, but of prophetic time
47:54 which would precede the advent of our Lord.
47:57 That is the people will not have another message
48:00 upon definite time.
48:02 After this period of time, reaching from 1842 to 1844,
48:09 there can be no definite tracing of the prophetic time.
48:13 The longest reckoning reaches to the autumn of 1844."
48:18 Friends, one more time, when I travel
48:23 I see many, many good people who would like to know
48:27 so much about the time of the second coming of Christ.
48:31 They try to have the calculation of Biblical prophecies,
48:35 some time elements.
48:37 We have to understand
48:38 that according to Revelation chapter 10,
48:41 after the year 1844, there is no longer
48:45 any definite time period prophesied in the Bible.
48:51 We live in the time of grace.
48:52 Jesus would come already a long, long ago.
48:56 But we don't know actually when He will come
48:59 in the near future. We always have to be ready.
49:01 There is no anymore definite prophetic time.
49:06 As John was listening to these words,
49:11 he actually became so excited.
49:14 The time there is no any longer,
49:17 but actually he came, he was caught in a surprise.
49:21 Then in verse 7 it says,
49:25 "But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel,
49:29 when he is about to sound,
49:32 then the mystery of God is finished,
49:34 as He preached to His servants the prophet."
49:38 John was surprised. The end is here.
49:41 The time there is no any longer.
49:45 But the very end is not yet.
49:49 He still has to wait for that time--
49:52 for that time to come.
49:55 It is at the sound of the seventh angel
49:58 that all God's mysteries that we just talked
50:01 at the beginning of this program,
50:03 that all that mystery of God finally will be revealed,
50:08 but not too much about this mystery,
50:11 because entire vision concludes with something else.
50:17 At that moment the angel instructed John,
50:22 in verse 8, telling him "Go and take book
50:27 which is opened in the hand of the angel
50:30 who stands on the sea and on the land.
50:33 So I went to the angel, telling him
50:35 to give me the little book.
50:37 And he said to me, 'Take it and eat it,
50:40 it will make your stomach bitter,
50:42 but in your mouth it will be sweet as honey.'
50:46 And I took the little book out of the angel's hand,
50:49 and I ate it and in my mouth it was sweet as honey,
50:53 and when I had eaten it, my stomach was made bitter."
50:57 And now verse 11, it's very important.
51:01 "They said to me, you must,"
51:05 evidently, all the angels together present there,
51:07 "You must prophesy again concerning many peoples
51:12 and nations and tongues and kings."
51:17 This is the conclusion of this vision.
51:20 The same heavenly voice now instructs John to go
51:26 and to take that scroll from the hand of the angel.
51:30 By the way, what happens here
51:33 in the conclusion of Revelation chapter 10
51:36 echoes the similar experience that Ezekiel had
51:40 and recorded in Ezekiel 2:8 to 3:3
51:46 for Ezekiel saw the book.
51:48 And that book was sweet as a honey,
51:52 okay, when he tasted that book, yes.
51:56 But what is the meaning of everything
51:59 that John experienced here in this vision?
52:01 You see, John was so much excited.
52:04 The end is coming, the end is here.
52:07 And the angel told him "Go and take it scroll."
52:10 Friends, when people hear that Jesus is coming soon--
52:14 what would you say if I tell you,
52:16 I have special instruction, God came and showed me
52:18 that Jesus is actually coming tonight.
52:21 How would you feel? Excited.
52:23 You see, it's good news
52:24 that we really live very, very close
52:30 to the establishment of God's kingdom.
52:31 Jesus is indeed coming soon. And John was excited.
52:36 The time there is no any, any longer.
52:38 And the angel told him "Go and take and eat that book."
52:41 And John ate that book and then what happened?
52:44 It was so sweet like honey in his mouth.
52:48 But after a while what happened?
52:50 In his stomach, he had completely different effect.
52:56 It says it was bitter in his stomach.
53:02 Here in the conclusion of this vision,
53:07 we have something that is very, very important
53:10 with reference to the gospel.
53:12 When people accepted the gospel,
53:14 the taste of the gospel is always good news.
53:19 It's so sweet when we accept it.
53:22 When the people try to live that gospel
53:26 and they take that gospel to proclaim to the world
53:30 that that sweetness disappeared
53:33 and there's that bitter taste of that.
53:37 You will notice when we are talking here
53:39 about that bitter experience of John,
53:43 it's clearly related
53:45 to what is found here in verse 11.
53:47 "They said to me,
53:49 'You must prophecy again concerning many peoples,
53:53 and nations, and tongues, and kings.'"
53:56 When finally John realized
53:59 that the end is not really here yet
54:04 and when this voice was telling him
54:06 that he still has to prophecy,
54:08 he still has to carry out his prophetic ministry
54:11 to proclaim this message, telling him
54:14 what is associated to that message
54:16 and John knew very well how persecution
54:19 and suffering was associated
54:20 with the proclamation of the message.
54:22 That's why he was there on Patmos.
54:24 Actually, added
54:27 to the bitter character of that scroll.
54:33 Well, one question
54:37 remains to be answered.
54:43 Is this vision simply about John?
54:47 And why this experience of John was put here into the context
54:52 between the sixth and the seventh trumpet?
54:55 Let me ask you a question. We explained that.
54:56 What is the purpose of Revelation chapter 10?
54:59 It's an interlude
55:01 inserted between the sixth and the seventh trumpet,
55:04 telling us about the experience of God's people
55:06 at the time of the end,
55:07 as we are waiting for the battle of Armageddon
55:12 when we are at the time of those activities,
55:15 demonic activities in the world,
55:17 when the hostile world does not like God's people,
55:20 they hate the gospel, decide to do something else.
55:24 Is this message what we have here
55:26 simply about John?
55:28 What he experienced about the scroll? No.
55:31 John here stays as a symbol for the church
55:35 because the message that he's supposed to record,
55:37 he's supposed to send to the church
55:40 and the fact that this vision is inserted
55:43 between the sixth and the seventh trumpet,
55:46 it's telling us that this is a prophecy,
55:50 that what happened to John in the vision,
55:53 it will happen to those who will live
55:56 at the time prior to the second coming of Christ.
56:01 Seventh-day Adventist have rightly interpreted
56:06 the conclusion of chapter 10, identify it with experience
56:11 to the great disappointment experienced by William Miller.
56:16 And Miller writes in 1844, when William Miller
56:22 after studying the prophecies of the Book of Daniel
56:25 understood that Jesus would come
56:27 very soon according to his calculation.
56:31 That message was so sweet, so sweet,
56:35 as they accepted that message and believed in that.
56:38 But when Jesus did not come in the year 1844,
56:43 the disappointed Miller experienced
56:46 all the bitterness of the message
56:48 they had believed and proclaimed.
56:50 As a result, many left the movement,
56:52 however, although, disappointed and ridiculed.
56:56 Those who stayed found in John's visionary experience
57:00 the explanation for their disappointment.
57:02 In John's eating of the scroll
57:05 they saw the prophecy of their own experience.
57:08 Friends, that small group of about 100 people
57:10 today has grown in the movement of about 15 million people.
57:15 They have seriously take the message given to John,
57:18 you still have to prophecy,
57:20 those prophecies of the Book of Daniel
57:22 and the Book of Revelation and I'm so happy
57:24 that I belong to that movement.
57:26 What about you? Amen.
57:28 We are waiting for that end to come.
57:30 Yes, and we have to proclaim that message to the world.


Revised 2014-12-17