Revelation of the Coming King

The Seven Trumpets - Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Ranko Stefanovic


Series Code: RCK

Program Code: RCK000013

00:23 Welcome again to our program,
00:27 "Revelation of the Coming King."
00:30 I'm so much excited, especially now as we are going through,
00:35 according to many scholars, the most difficult section
00:40 of the Book of Revelation, very, very difficult.
00:43 And we are doing our best with help of the Holy Spirit
00:47 to find what it's about.
00:49 Yeah, some details probably we still have to do research,
00:53 we still have to make effort, but what we are trying here
00:57 is that we find the general picture,
01:00 what the trumpets are all about.
01:02 I believe this is the most important that we understand
01:04 really the context of the Book of Revelation
01:07 and what the Book of Revelation is all about.
01:09 Let me introduce myself once again.
01:12 I am Ranko Stefanovich,
01:13 professor of the New Testament in the Seventh-day Advenist
01:17 Theological Seminary, Andrews University.
01:20 I'm a ordained Seventh-day Adventist minister
01:23 with 18 years pastoral experience.
01:27 And when people ask me, "What are you?"
01:30 I'm a pastor of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
01:34 And I'm so glad for that because we have the message,
01:36 we are all pastors, we all have ministry
01:39 and we have that message to proclaim.
01:43 And since we are dealing
01:45 with very difficult section
01:46 of the book of Revelation, trying to understand
01:49 what the seven trumpets are all about,
01:51 we really have to ask God for special assistance
01:54 and special help and guidance in studying this subject.
01:57 So please I'd like to ask you to bow your heads for prayer.
02:01 Our heavenly father, here we're again.
02:06 And we are asking for a special wisdom for a special help
02:10 that we can understand this difficult, difficult
02:12 section of the book of Revelation.
02:14 Please open our minds.
02:16 Give us sober thoughts and give us Your Holy Spirit
02:20 to guide us--investigation, Father, of this subject,
02:23 understanding of this great message sent to our hearts.
02:28 Thank You for Your goodness.
02:30 Thank You for the promises.
02:32 And we pray all of this in the precious name
02:35 of our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
02:42 Let me remind you once again
02:46 that actually the purpose of this presentations
02:49 is not to give us the answers to all questions
02:52 that we have or to cover the entire subject, all details.
02:56 Actually, I just told my audiences--
02:59 I just mentioned here and there some Old Testament backgrounds.
03:04 But if you go and search for yourself,
03:07 you can see just for one background
03:09 that we refer to here you can find 10 and more backgrounds.
03:15 So we are not just dealing here with an accidental reference
03:19 or one just a text, sporadic text.
03:21 We are dealing such with
03:23 overwhelming scriptural evidences
03:25 and tools for the understanding of this difficult text.
03:29 But, you know, sometimes for us we do not have time.
03:32 We are busy people.
03:33 We have to provide for our living.
03:35 And we don't have time to go and to be engaged
03:39 in detailed biblical studies.
03:41 So sometimes we need some tools.
03:43 I need tools.
03:44 I have thousand of books there in my library.
03:46 I have to consult there.
03:48 But I would like to suggest to you one tool which is actually
03:52 "Revelation of Jesus Christ."
03:55 It's a commentary written by me.
03:57 And everything what we are studying here actually
04:02 you can find everything here and much, much more.
04:05 So I'd like to encourage you once this presentation
04:08 is over that you turn to the pages
04:10 that I will always indicate and that you can continue
04:13 to study and to study in much deeper sense,
04:16 in much deeper way.
04:18 So our topic today, our presentation today,
04:22 our study today is based on the pages from 298
04:28 on until the very end of the chapter.
04:30 So from page 298 and on, okay.
04:39 Let us one more time remind ourselves
04:42 what we have been talking so far.
04:46 We are dealing with seven trumpets
04:50 of the Book of Revelation.
04:53 And we saw in our last presentations
04:57 that actually before the trumpets are blown
05:00 by the angels-- you remember that?
05:02 That in chapter 8 we have an interlude
05:07 inserted between verses 2 and 6.
05:13 Interlude in the Book of Revelation is usually
05:18 for the purpose to provide some explanation,
05:24 some additional information on the vision that follows.
05:29 You'll find it very often.
05:30 Let me remind you that before we studied the seven seals,
05:35 we saw the interlude of chapters 4 and 5.
05:38 Finally, we realize what the seals
05:40 are all about after understanding chapter 5.
05:44 And as we go through the Book of Revelation,
05:47 we will always come in need those interludes.
05:51 So that interlude that we studied told us
05:58 that actually the seven trumpets
06:00 somehow are associated with the prayers of God's people.
06:05 On the base of book of Numbers chapter 10:8-10,
06:11 we saw the Old Testament background telling us
06:13 that the trumpets in ancient Israel were associated
06:17 with people to remind God of His covenant promises
06:20 given to His people.
06:22 So that interlude is telling us that actually the trumpets,
06:29 okay, are blown and those events associated
06:32 with the trumpets were actually God's response
06:35 to the prayers of His people against the enemies
06:40 those who harm them, persecuted them,
06:42 and oppress them, those who are enemies
06:45 of God of His people and the gospel.
06:49 So one more time let's keep in mind as we are dealing
06:52 with trumpets, that the trumpets are God's judgments
06:59 on those who are rebellious against God.
07:02 And I know, we as Christians, we are hesitant
07:05 to talk about the judgment.
07:07 But please, let's not forget,
07:10 that the judgment in the Book of Revelation
07:12 is a part of the gospel.
07:17 In order for God to save His people from their enemies,
07:24 He first has to deal with the enemies of His people.
07:29 That was in the Old Testament.
07:31 It was the case in the New Testament.
07:33 And this is what we have here in the Book of Revelation.
07:36 So I want to remind you what we mentioned before,
07:40 that actually trumpets there run in pairs.
07:45 So the first two trumpets, we saw that they herald
07:52 the judgment against those
07:56 who crucify Christ and who were responsible
08:00 for the persecution of the early church.
08:03 So we're dealing with the leaders
08:05 of the Jewish nation and the Roman Empire.
08:08 Now, we're going to the 3rd trumpet.
08:11 And I'd like to ask you to open your Bibles
08:15 and let us read the verse 10, actually verses 10 and 11,
08:23 yeah, Revelation 8:10, 11.
08:29 "The third angel sounded.
08:32 And a great star fell from heaven.
08:36 Burning like a torch.
08:39 And it fell on the third of the rivers
08:43 and on the springs of waters."
08:46 Can I stop here for a while?
08:49 You'll notice, starting with the first trumpet
08:51 and second trumpet the third trumpet going all up
08:54 to the sixth trumpet, that it always affects
08:59 one-third of the earth and humanity.
09:04 One-third in the Book of Revelation,
09:07 it's a part of Satan's kingdom.
09:10 When we come to the end of the Book of Revelation,
09:14 we will see the end time power called Babylon.
09:17 Babylon consists of 3 parts of the dragon,
09:21 of the first beast, and the second beast.
09:24 When they're united we have a Babylon.
09:26 Then we come to the end of Revelation chapter 16
09:30 where we have the fall of Babylon and it says,
09:33 "And the Babylon split into 3 parts."
09:37 What does it mean?
09:39 Babylon is made of 3 parts, that's what makes Babylon.
09:42 When Babylon is split into 3 parts what does it mean?
09:45 There is no Babylon any longer.
09:48 So one-third is always part of Satan's kingdom.
09:52 And notice that all the trumpets they affect one-third.
09:55 By the way, when we go the seals, seals always deal
10:01 with one-fourth because one-fourth
10:04 is a part allotted to God's people.
10:07 So we have to keep in mind that symbolism
10:09 as I told you there are so many details
10:11 that sometimes skip from my mind to mention it.
10:14 But I know as you go deeper into study of the word of God
10:17 with tools available to you, you'll find all those details.
10:21 But just to mention it. Okay.
10:22 So he said "The third of the angels sounded.
10:25 And a great star fell from heaven.
10:27 Burning like a torch.
10:29 And it fell on the third of the rivers
10:31 and on the springs of waters.
10:34 The name of the star is called Wormwood.
10:38 And a third of the waters became Wormwood.
10:41 And many men died from the waters
10:46 because they were made bitter."
10:51 Oh, boy, we have now here a very strange symbolism.
10:56 What do we have here in the scene of the third trumpet?
11:01 We have here a great star. Okay.
11:06 One more time let's--I'm sorry I skipped. Okay.
11:11 Let's back one more time to chapter 8.
11:14 We have here a great star that fell from heaven.
11:21 It's very interesting concept is because a third of the waters
11:26 becomes bitter causing people to die.
11:31 By the way, if we go both to the Old and New Testament,
11:35 and I have here many references for that.
11:38 We'll find always the stars they symbolize angels.
11:44 For instance we read in the book of Job chapter 38:7
11:48 that when God created the earth,
11:51 all the stars of heaven were rejoicing.
11:54 If you take any commentators every body agrees
11:57 that it actually it's a reference
11:58 to the heavenly angels there.
12:00 So now the question is, we're not dealing here
12:03 with ordinary star, ordinary angel.
12:08 We are dealing here with--let's go back, a great star.
12:12 So it's telling us that this is not just an ordinary angel.
12:17 Okay, it's a great star falling from heaven.
12:20 But may I ask you something,
12:21 when you read about the great star falling from heaven
12:26 what does suddenly come to our mind?
12:27 Of course, you cannot miss.
12:30 It's actually, Isaiah chapter 14.
12:35 Okay, verse 12 to 15.
12:37 By using this expression John assumed
12:39 that his readers use the Old Testament.
12:41 And you cannot skip it from mind.
12:43 Let's read Isaiah chapter 14:12-15.
12:48 "How you have fallen from heaven O star of the morning.
12:52 Son of dawn, you have been cut down to the earth.
12:56 You who have weakened the nations.
12:59 But you said in your heart.
13:02 'I will ascend to heaven, I will raise my thrown
13:05 above the stars of God.
13:08 And I will sit on the mount of Assembly
13:13 in the recesses of the north.
13:15 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds.
13:19 I will make myself like the most high.'
13:23 Nevertheless, you will be thrust down
13:26 to sheol to the recesses of pit."
13:30 So we have evidently the solution of one symbol
13:35 that some people find difficult to understand.
13:37 This star is actually nobody else
13:41 but Satan himself, okay, this great star.
13:48 But you will notice that the falling of this star, okay,
13:55 on the rivers and the springs of water
13:59 makes the waters bitter.
14:01 Did you notice it?
14:04 And because of that John names these star how?
14:09 Wormwood. "And a third of the waters
14:11 became Wormwood and many men died
14:15 from the waters because they were made bitter."
14:20 So the star is named as a wormwood,
14:22 a herb notorious for its bitterness
14:25 and poisonous qualities in the Old Testament.
14:27 If you want for your studies you can read
14:30 about that for instance in Deuteronomy chapter 29:18.
14:35 You see the worm star-- the wormwood star turns
14:39 the waters bitters causing many to die.
14:43 At this moment we have to turn to one text.
14:46 It's in the book of Jeremiah where Jeremiah
14:50 talks about the people of Israel.
14:52 It's very important text
14:54 is the background for the third trumpet.
14:58 When Israel turned away from God and spun the covenant.
15:02 They were given wormwood to eat and poison water to drink.
15:06 Let us read this text.
15:08 Let us read this text.
15:09 Jeremiah 9:13-15. "The Lord said,
15:14 'Because they have forsaken my law which I set before them
15:19 and have not obeyed my voice nor walked according to it.
15:25 But have walked after the stubbornness
15:27 of their heart and after the Baals.
15:30 And their Father, taught them.'
15:34 Therefore thus save the Lord of hosts.
15:35 The God of Israel.
15:37 'Behold I will feed them, this people,
15:40 with wormwood and give them poisoned water to drink.'"
15:45 You can see strong parallels between
15:48 this prophecy of Jeremiah and the scene
15:52 of the third trumpets.
15:55 Okay, let's go little further.
15:58 The rivers and the springs of water
16:01 symbolize spiritual nourishment, the word of God,
16:06 the salvation for spiritually thirsty people.
16:11 Both in the Old and the New Testament
16:13 you will find how many times water symbolizes
16:16 the spiritual nourishment.
16:18 By the way, Jesus made that call
16:20 in gospel of John chapter 7, okay,
16:25 "who is thirsty let him come to me.
16:28 And drinks and who drinks out the death water out
16:31 of his belly the water of life will run out."
16:36 In the book of Revelation, at the very end
16:38 of the book of Revelation, we get a call come and drink
16:42 from that water of life.
16:44 However, what we have here is that Satan term
16:49 the spiritual nourishment of the salvation
16:52 that God gives to people, he turned into wormwood
16:56 from using false teachings and the traditions of man.
17:00 The scene of the third trumpet shows Satan polluting
17:04 the springs of streams of truth and salvation
17:07 with human teaching causing them
17:09 to have a poisonous and deadly effect.
17:15 So how can we apply the third trumpet?
17:19 There is only one way that.
17:21 Evidently the second trumpet concerned
17:25 the collapse of the Roman Empire. Okay.
17:29 So the third trumpet comes after the second trumpet.
17:33 So it has to come after the collapse of the Roman Empire.
17:37 And the what a better picture
17:41 to describe the dark middle ages
17:44 that followed the collapse of the Roman Empire
17:47 and what happened in the Christian church
17:50 when Christianity replaced those--that running water
17:55 of salvation turn it into something else,
18:01 polluted that water with the apostasy,
18:05 false teachers, perverted gospel,
18:09 introducing the false teaching in the church?
18:12 By the way, this is exactly the language that Paul
18:16 used in the Book of Acts chapter 20:26-41 to tell the Ephesians
18:23 how one day in their midst they will those false teachers
18:29 who will pervert the clear teaching of the gospel.
18:32 In 2 Timothy 4:3, 4 Paul is using the language--
18:37 the same language there.
18:39 In 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12, Paul predicted about
18:45 the great apostasy that will come into the Christian church,
18:49 that will spread and last throw
18:51 the history of the Christian Church.
18:52 And actually this apostasy will be brought to the end
18:55 by the second coming of Christ.
18:59 See after the collapse of the Roman Empire,
19:02 the world was plunged into the period of the dark middle ages.
19:09 During this period, mainstream Christianity departed
19:13 from the apostolic gospel and perverted
19:16 the teaching of the gospel.
19:18 Let me remind you that this period is portrayed
19:21 in the messages of seven churches
19:22 as the period of the church of that era.
19:26 You remember that?
19:27 Actually, it s also reflected in the fourth seal.
19:31 You remember that?
19:32 You see how all this visions they have something in common
19:37 when they are talking about the same period.
19:41 It was during that time that corrupted doctrines crept
19:45 into the Christian church replacing
19:48 the Bible simply with tradition.
19:52 The Bible was not consulted, simply the tradition
19:55 and also the scholastic arguments and teachings.
19:59 The gospel truth was polluted and perverted
20:03 into system of dogmas, believe me,
20:06 with the devastating effects.
20:08 The institutional church promoted sinful practices
20:13 that are contrary to the Bible.
20:16 And I just want to tell you today
20:18 if you want to be politically correct,
20:20 you're not supposed to talk about that.
20:23 But I'm sorry, my friends, I want to tell our viewers
20:27 we cannot cover the truth what happened.
20:30 We believe that even during those times God
20:33 God has his people and some prominent church leaders
20:38 even during the time they tried to ask the question
20:41 what is going with my church.
20:44 But we cannot cover it in order to be politically correct.
20:47 Therefore, the third trumpet
20:49 describes the medieval apostasy and its consequences.
20:54 The spiritual death of many drank
20:57 from its polluted and poisonous water.
21:00 You see what people do there are consequences.
21:05 And this is what the third trumpet is all about.
21:11 But keep in mind we mentioned
21:12 that the trumpets they run in pairs.
21:15 So let us go to the fourth trumpet
21:17 because the fourth trumpet actually builds
21:18 on the third and says-- verse 12
21:22 and 13 of chapter 8 of the Book of Revelation.
21:25 "The fourth angel sounded, and a third of the sun
21:28 and a third of the moon and a third of the stars
21:31 were struck, so that a third of them
21:34 would be darkened and day would not shine for a third of it."
21:38 Do you see one third constantly?
21:41 "And the night in the same way and then I looked.
21:44 And I heard and eagle flying in midheaven,
21:47 saying with a loud voice."
21:49 If this is terrible.
21:50 "'Woe. Woe. Woe.
21:52 To those who dwell on the earth
21:53 because of the remaining blasts of trumpets
21:56 of the three angels who are about to sound.'"
21:58 The fourth trumpet is not too much difficult to interpret.
22:02 Because we already dealt with terminology
22:06 and the symbolism that is actually found here.
22:10 What do you have here is the plague
22:12 of the four trumpets strikes a third of the sun, moon,
22:16 and stars causing darkness on the third of the earth.
22:20 And of course, this scene evokes the ninth plague in Egypt
22:24 which brought darkness up on the land.
22:28 Actually, I would like to refer to several passages
22:32 that show how actually darkness
22:35 is the symbol of the divine judgment
22:37 and we read in Isaiah 13:9-12 where it says,
22:42 "Behold the day of the Lord is coming, cruel,
22:45 with fury and burning anger, to make the land a desolation.
22:49 And he will exterminate its sinners from it.
22:53 For the stars of heaven and their constellations
22:56 will not flash forth their light.
22:58 The sun will be dark when it rises
23:01 and the moon will not shed its light.
23:03 Thus I will punish the world for its evil
23:06 and the wicked for their iniquity.
23:09 I will also put an end to the arrogance
23:11 of the proud and abase the haughtiness of the ruthless.
23:15 I will make mortal man scarcer than pure gold
23:19 and mankind than the gold of Ophir."
23:23 Okay, we see here how actually,
23:25 how the darkness symbolizes God's judgment
23:28 when people depart from God,
23:31 when they rebel against God,
23:32 when they wanted to teach God the consequences.
23:35 And this consequences portrayed in terms of darkness.
23:40 By the way, darkness is the symbol
23:42 of judgment and apostasy-- I would like to read
23:45 another text Micah 3:6.
23:48 "Therefore, it will be the night for you,
23:50 without vision, and darkness for you without divination.
23:55 The sun will go down on the prophets and the day
23:59 will become dark over them."
24:01 Do you see that here how darkness is used
24:04 symbolically for the shortage of God's revelation,
24:08 for the shortage of the word of God of God to the people.
24:13 So it's actually used symbolically.
24:15 In Colossians 1:13, Paul talks about the light
24:21 because light is opposite of darkness.
24:24 He said "For he rescued us from the domain of darkness
24:27 and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved son."
24:31 When we turned from darkness to God
24:34 then we pass from that dark to the light,
24:38 to the light of the gospel.
24:39 John 8:12, "Then Jesus again spoke to them saying,
24:45 "I'm the light of the world.
24:47 He who follows me will not walk in the darkness,
24:51 but will have the light of life."
24:54 And then again John 12:46,
24:58 "I have come as light to the world so that everyone
25:02 who believes in me will not remain in darkness."
25:05 I believe I can stop at this moment.
25:07 What is the fourth trumpet about?
25:13 We saw in the third trumpet what people did?
25:16 They rejected those fresh waters of the gospel.
25:20 What happened?
25:22 They received wormwood to drink--that bitter.
25:27 The fourth trumpet you remember
25:29 that trumpets run in pairs?
25:31 Actually, it really describes the deepening condition
25:36 in the Christian world after the middle ages.
25:41 Okay, when people reject light, what happens?
25:45 The dark comes.
25:48 It's God's judgment.
25:49 This is exactly what Jesus states in gospel of John 3:19.
25:55 "This is the judgment that the light has come into the world.
26:00 And men loved the darkness rather than the light
26:03 for their deeds where evil."
26:09 So we see actually what the fourth trumpet is all about.
26:14 So if you talk about the period history
26:18 that follows the dark Middle Ages,
26:21 what period of history are we talking about?
26:23 What is the light that people rejected
26:28 so the dark embraced them?
26:30 By the way, after the dark Middle Ages,
26:32 the reformation came.
26:36 The pure gospel message was discovered.
26:41 The reformation made the end of the church dominance
26:46 with the tradition and bringing
26:50 the people the light of the gospel.
26:55 Actually, the reformation brought to the end
26:58 that dark of the Middle Ages.
27:03 However, very soon as the reformers
27:08 disappeared from the scene, their followers
27:12 did not follow into the light of the gospel.
27:17 Instead of going deeper study of the gospel,
27:22 what did they do?
27:24 They started being involved in scholastic arguments,
27:29 into the fighting, religion became a more matter
27:34 of a membership than of studying the Bible
27:39 and the everything resulted into appearance
27:42 of so called the age of enlightenment
27:45 and the age of reason that finally ended the dominance
27:50 of the Christian faith in the western world.
27:55 You see, when people rejected the gospel,
27:57 did not stay with the gospel,
28:00 suddenly we have a new trend people decided
28:02 to break up with the Christian religion.
28:08 In such situation led to the rise of rationalism,
28:12 skepticism, humanism, liberalism that ultimately
28:20 gave the birth of secularism.
28:21 Please, I want to explain something.
28:24 Secularism has many positive elements.
28:28 Secularism made impact on science,
28:32 politics, religious liberty, education.
28:38 And we enjoy here in continent the result of secularism.
28:43 Are you still with me?
28:45 However, with its materialistic orientation,
28:49 denial of everything that is supernatural
28:53 and together with--in association
28:57 with skepticism towards faith of any kind,
29:01 Secularism replaces the authority
29:03 of the Bible and Christian faith with the human reason.
29:06 So the Bible is not norm any longer.
29:09 It's the matter of what I feel that it is good
29:12 and what I think that it is correct.
29:15 So the negative aspect of secularism
29:18 gradually eroded Christian faith.
29:22 The Christian faded and robbed
29:25 millions of people of the hope of salvation.
29:28 So the fourth trumpet might as be understood as describing
29:32 the darkening of the spiritual sources of the true light
29:36 under the prevailing influence of secularism.
29:40 And this effect of the fourth trumpet plague
29:43 is only partial in effect. Praise God.
29:46 It's not universal--because the salvation is still possible.
29:51 You see, together with all those isms that we mentioned
29:55 we have the establishment of the Bible society
29:57 making the Bible available to everybody
30:00 at a daily wage that people could buy it.
30:03 So praise God.
30:04 The darkening of the spiritual sources
30:06 of the fourth trumpet is just partial.
30:11 So the third and fourth trumpets,
30:13 they run in pairs.
30:15 Now you're coming to the fifth trumpet.
30:18 And I would like you now to turn to Revelation chapter 9.
30:25 And we are going to verse 1. Boy, it's a long passage.
30:31 Okay, I hope that you'll be able to read this text.
30:35 But keep in mind the introduction,
30:38 "Woe, woe to the inhabitants of the world.
30:41 What is now coming to this earth--
30:43 so the fifth and sixth trumpets are very frightening?
30:47 So we read, "Then the fifth angels sounded,
30:50 and I saw a star from heaven which had fallen to the earth.
30:54 And the key of the bottomless pit was given to him."
31:00 Can I stop while?
31:02 Again, we've a star fallen from heaven.
31:08 So we're dealing with the same star of the third trumpet.
31:10 Are you still with me?
31:12 So we're not far from there-- we're dealing here with Satan.
31:15 And it says "The Satan was given the key
31:19 of the abyss or the bottomless pit.
31:23 And smoke went up out of the pit
31:26 like the smoke of a great furnace.
31:29 And the sun and the air where darkened
31:32 by the smoke of the pit.
31:34 Then out of the smoke came locusts up on the earth
31:37 and the power was given them as a scorpions
31:40 of the earth that they have a power.
31:43 They were told not to hurt the grass of the earth
31:48 nor any green thing nor any tree,
31:51 but only the men who do not have
31:55 the seal of God up on the foreheads."
32:00 Let me stop here at this point.
32:04 We saw already who and what the star is all about.
32:10 It's evidently Satan.
32:12 And here in the symbolic presentation,
32:14 Satan was given the key.
32:17 Okay, when I came here to 3ABN, I was given a key.
32:21 It means that I have right to unlock that room
32:25 when I want to enter there and lock when I want.
32:28 So it symbolizes actually
32:30 I am authorized to enter the room.
32:33 So with that key we have a symbolic reference
32:36 that Satan is now authorized to unlock
32:39 the abyss or the bottomless pit.
32:41 What are we talking here about?
32:46 Both in the Bible and the Jewish tradition, okay,
32:50 the abyss or the bottomless pit is the abode, the dwelling place
32:56 or the prison place of the demons,
32:59 those fallen angels who rebelled with Satan against God.
33:05 By the way, I would like you if you can turn with me
33:08 to Luke 10:17-21.
33:16 You know this event that "The seventy disciples
33:18 returned with joy to Jesus saying, 'Lord even the demons
33:23 are subject to us in your name.' And He said to them.
33:27 'I was watching Satan,
33:29 fall from heaven like lightening.
33:31 Behold I have given you authority
33:34 to tread on serpents and scorpions
33:37 and over all the power of the enemy.
33:40 And nothing will injure you.'"
33:43 You will notice here that the falling Satan
33:46 from heaven is connected with the snake and scorpions
33:51 that are actually mentioned here in the text.
33:54 Please I would like to invite you
33:56 that we read further here in this text
34:00 that we just stopped the description of this trumpet.
34:04 And it says, in verse 4-- in verse 5.
34:09 "And they were not permitted to kill anyone
34:12 but to torment for five months.
34:14 And the torment was like the torment of a scorpion
34:18 when it stings a man.
34:19 In those days men will seek death
34:22 and will not find it. They will long to die.
34:25 And death will flee from them.
34:28 The appearance of the locusts
34:30 was like horses prepared for that battle.
34:33 And on their heads appear to be crowns like gold
34:37 and the faces were like the faces of men.
34:40 They had hair the hair of woman
34:44 and teeth were like the teeth of lions.
34:47 They had breastplates the breastplates of iron
34:51 and the sound of the wings was like the sound of chariots
34:55 of many horses rushing to battle.
34:58 They have tails like scorpion and stings
35:01 and the tails is the power to hurt man for five months.
35:06 They have a skin over them.
35:08 The angel of the abyss his name in Hebrew is Abaddon.
35:13 And then in the greek he has the name Apollyon.
35:17 The first woe is past.
35:20 Behold two woes are still coming after this things."
35:24 Boy, this is terrifying scene.
35:26 So what are you talking here about?
35:30 What do we have here?
35:33 Satan unlocks the abyss.
35:40 When he unlocks the abyss, what's the going on?
35:44 Suddenly a huge smoke-- did you notice--
35:47 a huge smoke is coming out of the abyss.
35:51 But as John looks little bit closer
35:54 this is not really smoke.
35:57 This smoke is made of locusts coming out of the abyss.
36:04 What are you talking about?
36:06 Friends, this is not ordinary locusts.
36:09 We have here the demonic force that are unleashed.
36:12 How do you know that?
36:14 If you look to Luke 8:31-- you remember this event
36:20 when Jesus healed that demon possessed person.
36:24 "And Jesus asked that demon 'What is your name?'
36:27 And he said 'Legion.' For many demons had entered him.
36:33 And those demons were imploring Jesus
36:38 not to command to go away into the abyss."
36:46 Who is in the abyss? The demons.
36:48 In 2 Peter 2:4
36:51 we read "For if God did not spare angels
36:56 when they sinned.
36:58 But cast them into hell and committed them
37:01 to pits of darkness reserved for judgment."
37:06 We can see here actually, that those, fallen angels
37:09 who rebelled with God
37:11 they were cast down here to the earth
37:14 and the abyss the place
37:17 where those angels are imprisoned.
37:19 It means they cannot leave the planet earth
37:22 anymore to go there into the heavenly places.
37:27 So there is something here the same.
37:30 That Satan is given the authority
37:34 to unlock-- open the abyss
37:37 and to let those demonic horse the demonic forces to come out
37:44 and to harm the human beings.
37:48 And I want now to show to you
37:50 how in describing these demonic locusts
37:55 actually John utilizes the language
37:57 from the Old Testament, in particular, the prophecy
38:02 from the Book of Joel 2:2. 11.
38:07 You'll see this is a very long passage.
38:10 So please we will not read the entire passage
38:12 I hope you will read for yourself.
38:13 But let me just take few details from this texts
38:17 that you see how actually
38:20 the portrayal of this demonic locusts
38:22 is done after this prophecy from Joel.
38:25 First one, first aspect of death.
38:28 Joel says, "A day of darkness and gloom."
38:31 Keep in mind that the locusts invading Pastestine,
38:35 they created darkness there.
38:37 You see the same here in the fifth trumpet.
38:39 Say that "A day of clouds and thick darkness
38:43 as the dawn is spread over the mountains.
38:45 So there is great and mighty people
38:48 there has never been anything like it
38:51 nor will there be again after it
38:53 to the years of many generations.
38:55 A fire consumed before them. And behind them a flame burns.
39:00 The lamb is like the Garden of Eden before them.
39:03 But desolate wilderness behind them.
39:06 And nothing at all is escapes them."
39:09 Now look at this.
39:11 "The appearance is like the appearance of horses.
39:14 And like war horses, so they run.
39:17 With noise of chariots they leap on the top of the mountains."
39:21 Verse 6, "Before them then people are in anguish
39:24 or faces firm pale.
39:26 They run like a mighty man
39:27 they climb the wall like soldiers.
39:30 And they each march in line
39:32 nor do they deviate from their path."
39:35 Verse 9, "They rush on the city, they run on the walls."
39:39 Verse 10, "Before them the earth quakes.
39:42 The heavens tremble.
39:44 The sun and moon grow dark and stars loose the brightness."
39:48 You can see just in this text.
39:51 What the Joel does here he portrays
39:54 God's judgment of the land in terms of locusts.
39:58 Joel refers to the literal locusts
40:02 but he portrays them as people, as horses,
40:05 as an army destroying the land completely.
40:09 So John, the revelator
40:11 and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit,
40:14 he takes this portrayal of locusts in the Book of Joel
40:18 to describe this demonic locusts,
40:21 okay, in the scene of the fifth trumpet here
40:26 what we have there.
40:28 You will notice here that John is telling us something,
40:33 few things just to pay to pay attention.
40:35 That actually this locusts they harm people.
40:40 How do they inflict people?
40:42 It says with the tails because the tail is like of scorpion.
40:50 It's very interesting.
40:51 They're harming people with tails.
40:53 Keep in mind that
40:55 the Book of Revelation is the symbolic book.
40:57 And I would like to ask you
40:58 that you turn to the Book of Isaiah 9:14, 15
41:06 and they read something very interesting there.
41:09 So Isaiah 9:14, 15.
41:13 "So the lords cuts off head and tails from Israel.
41:17 Both palm branch and bulrush in single day.
41:23 The head is the elder and honorable man
41:27 and the prophet could teach us falsehood is the tail."
41:34 We have here the key
41:35 for the understanding of these tails.
41:37 It's associated with false prophets,
41:40 and their false teachings.
41:42 So what do these demonic locusts are doing?
41:49 What are they doing with the people?
41:51 You see we are dealing here with false teachings.
41:55 We are dealing something
41:56 that is contrary to the preaching of the gospel.
42:02 These demonic locusts of the fifth trumpet
42:05 they obliterate the light of the gospel.
42:08 They're replacing it with rationalism, human philosophies
42:13 that can become the ultimate stand of the truth.
42:15 We saw it in the fourth trumpet.
42:18 So with the fifth trumpet,
42:19 we actually have he deepening of the spiritual crisis
42:23 that came into the world
42:26 in the aftermath of the reformation
42:30 with the appearance of rationalism, secularism,
42:34 and all those human philosophies is here.
42:37 So now we have the consequences of that.
42:41 And the suffering of the people by this demonic locusts,
42:46 okay, in the western world some how
42:50 in the period of the 17, 18 and 19 centuries.
42:57 Okay, the period allotted to these demonic locusts
43:01 to torment people is five months, 150 days.
43:06 Unfortunately, the biblical interpreters,
43:09 they have hard time with these time elements.
43:13 And now I will leave this time element very open.
43:19 But I would like us one more time
43:22 that we go to the Old Testament.
43:25 And you will something notice that five months period
43:29 is found in the Book of Genesis 7:24,
43:35 telling us that this was the period of the flood
43:38 during which Noah and his family
43:41 were under the divine protection
43:43 and that flood waters could not harm them.
43:47 "As with Noah and his family
43:50 so will be with God's people
43:52 who will be protected during this period."
43:54 Did you notice here?
43:56 I would like you to pay special attention
43:58 to something that is very important.
44:01 It's verse 4, verse 4 is very significant.
44:05 Actually, let's read 3 and 4.
44:08 " Then out of the smoke came locusts up on the earth
44:11 and the power was given them as a scorpions of the earth
44:15 that they have a power.
44:17 They were told not to hurt
44:19 the grass of the earth nor any green thing."
44:23 Do you remember the grass green thing?
44:26 It's symbol of God's people.
44:27 But here in this texts John even explains to us telling us
44:33 what the symbol of the grass and thing--green thing is.
44:37 Verse 4 one more time.
44:39 "They were told not to hurt the grass of the earth
44:43 nor any green thing not any tree
44:47 but only the man who do not have
44:50 the seal of God on their foreheads."
44:54 Here we have the clue.
44:57 If they are harming the people
44:59 who do not have the seal of God on the foreheads,
45:02 but they cannot harm the grass
45:06 the tree and green things.
45:10 So this is the symbol of those
45:12 who have the seal of God up on their foreheads.
45:16 You can see here that God's people
45:18 during this time are protected,
45:21 protected from these demonic forces.
45:24 They cannot actually harm them.
45:27 Verse 5, "They were not permitted to kill any one
45:35 but only to torment them."
45:39 Friends, we are not dealing here with some military invasion
45:44 that some Christians they try to interpret this.
45:48 Some people try to apply it to Turkey
45:51 and to Arabic tribes who were killing Christians.
45:55 There is no killing here.
45:56 We are dealing about demonic forces.
46:00 They do not kill anybody. What are they doing?
46:03 They are simply tormenting people,
46:08 those who do not have the seal of God
46:12 because God's people are protected during those times.
46:17 So what better description
46:22 of the period in human history
46:25 following the age of enlightenment
46:29 which was characterized by the rise of rationalism,
46:33 skepticism, humanism,
46:37 relativism and liberalism.
46:41 This ultimately gave rise to secularism
46:45 and its negative effects on Christianity.
46:49 You see God-centered theology was replaced by atheistic
46:54 human-centered philosophy
46:57 which does not have any room for God.
47:00 This atheistic philosophy has alienated people from God
47:05 and alienated people from each other.
47:08 Okay, thus creating in them
47:10 the agony of emptiness and meaningless.
47:16 So keep in mind that according to Jesus--
47:18 you remember, when demon leaves the human heart
47:22 if that heart is empty the demon will come back.
47:25 Keep in mind that human life's they cannot be empty.
47:28 The human beings are looking for something to fill that emptiness
47:33 and this gives the occasion to Satan
47:36 and to his demonic forces to fill that emptiness.
47:41 People do not believe into supernaturalism
47:45 but they turn to superstition.
47:49 Okay, even though people separated from God
47:52 they have a longing for the values
47:55 to fill that emptiness in their lives.
48:00 It will be the good occasion for Satan
48:03 for the demonic forces to come to try to fill that emptiness
48:09 that was created by the absence of the gospel.
48:14 At this point I'll just stop here
48:18 and go to one text in the Old Testament
48:21 to the Book of Amos.
48:23 Because if you really want to understand
48:25 the full effect of the fifth seal,
48:28 we have to go the sixth seal
48:30 because the sixth seal it's in continuation
48:33 and the deepening of that condition in the world
48:37 harmed by those demonic forces.
48:40 By the way, if we go to the Book of Amos 6:12,
48:45 you will see now how we have a great illustration
48:48 what is going on.
48:50 Amos, said, "When Israel turned justice into poison
48:57 and the fruit of righteousness into wormwood,
49:01 God brought swarms of locusts upon their land."
49:05 Are you still with me?
49:07 We saw in the fourth trumpet
49:10 that people rejected the truth turning it into wormwood into--
49:16 those sweet water of the gospel they turn into the bitterness.
49:22 And now we have in the fifth trumpet
49:25 the demonic locusts are now coming to harm the humanity.
49:31 The only security for the humanity
49:34 is found in Christ and the gospel.
49:37 Any religion apart from Christ
49:39 including one that is based simply on the emotions
49:43 does not supply the needs of the world.
49:46 What secular people need today
49:49 is the clear understanding of the gospel
49:53 which alone can fill the emptiness in the lives
49:56 and protect them from the torment
49:58 caused by the supernatural forces.
50:01 But now John ends this scene. One war is over.
50:05 And if you think that it is terrible,
50:08 just wait to see what the next war will bring.
50:13 At this point we are now turning to the sixth trumpet,
50:17 okay, to the sixth trumpet.
50:19 And we read about this in verse 13.
50:23 So please I hope you will now join me
50:27 and to find out what is here.
50:30 John watches further.
50:32 Keep in mind the trumpets
50:34 they run in pairs you remember that?
50:38 Always the next one explains the previous one.
50:43 And it says, "Then the sixth angels sounded.
50:46 And I heard a voice
50:48 from the four horns of the golden altar
50:51 which is before God.
50:54 One saying to the sixth angel who has the trumpet.
50:57 'Release the four angels
51:00 who are bound at the great river Euphrates.'
51:04 And the four angels who have been prepared
51:06 for the hour and day and month and year were released
51:11 so that they would kill a third of mankind.
51:15 The number of the armies
51:16 of the horsemen was two hundred million.
51:20 And I heard the number."
51:22 I would like to stop here for a moment.
51:25 Please can you help me something?
51:27 The four angels, they're restraining
51:33 the forces to harm people.
51:37 Now they're given the order
51:40 release and go and harm the people.
51:44 And then suddenly John hears
51:49 the army that will go to harm people
51:52 and their number is-- how many are there?
51:56 Two hundred million.
51:58 And now there is an expression,
51:59 I heard their number.
52:02 Is there another text in the Book of Revelation
52:04 that suddenly come to your mind as we read this?
52:09 It's Revelation Chapter 7.
52:12 that's the reason we suggest that this sixth trumpets
52:19 and the Revelation 7 describes the same time period in history
52:27 because these angels here are related
52:29 to those four angels of chapter 7.
52:32 And keep in mind that only in Revelation 7
52:37 and here in Revelation 10:16,
52:41 John uses the expression and "I heard their number."
52:48 So while in Revelation Chapter 7
52:50 we have God's sealed people who are protected
52:57 as the church militant are ready to enter into that final war,
53:04 here Satan is marking and sealing his own army
53:10 and their number is great here, two hundred millions.
53:17 So we are dealing here really with the preparation
53:21 for the battle of Armageddon.
53:24 I would like to point here
53:25 something that is very significant.
53:28 You will notice here that these angels
53:30 are seen at the river Euphrates.
53:34 Do you see it? Do you see that?
53:36 By the way, we will come later in the Book of Revelation 16
53:44 and we will see that the river Euphrates
53:46 is associated there with the battle of Armageddon.
53:50 So when you study this text here,
53:54 and when you see those connections in chapter 7
53:58 and now when you see
54:00 the connections with Revelations 16
54:03 then we get much clear picture what this is all about?
54:08 The sixth trumpet actually builds on the fifth trumpet.
54:13 So we have the extensive
54:17 and intensive activities of the demonic forces.
54:21 Human beings are unhappy.
54:24 They are lost. There is a vacuum.
54:25 There is emptiness in their hearts. You can read.
54:30 You can watch many religious programs
54:35 and they say, you know,
54:38 that the modern man and the woman
54:42 does not believe in supernatural.
54:44 These are the consequences of age of enlightenment.
54:47 But they say the time is coming.
54:49 I listen some of the programs,
54:51 the time is coming that one day
54:54 there will be in the world supernatural things to happen.
54:58 And this is how those people who deny supernatural things
55:03 finally will be brought to the conclusion
55:10 that there are supernatural things
55:12 to take place in the world.
55:14 And according to the Book of Revelation
55:16 these will indeed lead to that final battle
55:20 in the history of the humanity
55:22 known as the battle of Armageddon.
55:24 By the way, when we go to the Old Testament,
55:29 we can see that the river Euphrates
55:33 is actually a symbol that marked the division
55:38 between God's people of Israel and their enemies.
55:42 Actually, probably, the best text is Isaiah 8:7
55:46 and the many other texts I can mention here is.
55:50 We read in Isaiah 8:7-8.
55:53 "Now therefore, behold,
55:55 the Lord is about to bring on them
55:58 the strong and abundant waters of the Euphrates.
56:01 Even the king of Assyria and all his glory.
56:04 And it will rise up over all its channels
56:08 and go over all its banks.
56:10 Then it will sweep on into Judah.
56:12 It will overflow and pass through,
56:14 it will reach even to the neck and spread of its wings
56:18 will fill the breadth of your land, O Immanuel."
56:23 Actually, friends, what we're dealing here
56:26 is that the sixth trumpet actually brings us
56:30 to the very time of the end
56:32 before the second coming of Christ.
56:36 The human beings have rejected God
56:39 and now there are consequences of that.
56:43 By bringing us to the very time of the end
56:46 before the second coming of Christ,
56:48 the Bible is telling us that the whole world
56:51 finally will be included and involved
56:53 in that final war against God and the gospel.
56:59 But praise God the sealed people of God
57:03 will not be harmed by the demonic forces.
57:06 We don't have time now to finish the sixth trumpet
57:10 but please, I'd like to encourage you to join us
57:13 in the next presentation
57:15 because there is much more to be said about the sixth trumpet.
57:20 We would like to see what are the consequences
57:23 of that in which promise God gives to God's people.
57:27 So please come back and let us study
57:32 the word of God together.


Revised 2014-12-17