Revelation of the Coming King

The 144,000

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Ranko Stefanovic


Series Code: RCK

Program Code: RCK000011

00:20 Welcome again to our program "Revelation of the Coming King."
00:27 I'm Ranko Stefanovic, professor of New Testament
00:30 in the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary,
00:33 Andrews University.
00:35 And I'm so excited to be with this wonderful audience here.
00:39 And we have such a great help that's making possible
00:45 the good quality of this program that is broadcasted.
00:50 As you know we are studying the Book of Revelation.
00:53 This series covers the entire book,
00:56 starting from chapter 1
00:59 and we will finish if God permits with chapter 22.
01:04 And we also had three presentations
01:07 into that representations to see actually
01:10 how to interpret this book.
01:16 Now we are coming to very difficult
01:19 and controversial chapter.
01:21 Actually chapter that divided Christians in Christian history
01:24 more than any other section of the Book of Revelation.
01:28 So in order to understand this chapter
01:31 we really need the presence of the Holy Spirit armies.
01:34 We need God's guidance.
01:36 If we rely on our human wisdom, woe to us.
01:40 So let's ask Him that He explains to us
01:44 what the meaning of this chapter is according to His intention.
01:49 Our Heavenly Father, please be with us this moment.
01:54 We are seeking Your presence in our midst.
01:58 We are asking for the guidance of the Holy Spirit
02:00 because You promised that
02:02 You will teach us into all the truth.
02:05 So please open our minds.
02:08 And help us that we can understand
02:11 the meaning of this section of the Book of Revelation
02:15 according to Your intention and according to Your will.
02:18 We pray all of this in the precious name
02:21 of our Savior Jesus Christ, Amen. Amen.
02:26 Let me tell you once again that there is so much
02:34 that we can talk about Revelation 7, hours and hours.
02:41 So we will try to do our best to see
02:45 that general picture of Revelation chapter 7
02:48 and to see what is in view here.
02:50 But once again we will like to encourage you
02:53 that once this presentation is over that you go
02:55 and to study for yourself.
02:57 And I believe here that in this book that we titled
03:00 "Revelation of Jesus Christ" that you have a very fair
03:07 and general treatment of the subject
03:10 that we are now covering.
03:12 So please--I'd like to give you the pages
03:15 for your further studies.
03:17 It's from page 250--259.
03:21 So page 259 until the end of this chapter.
03:25 You have I think about almost 30 pages.
03:32 So are you ready?
03:34 Please, can you turn to Revelation chapter 7?
03:43 As you're turning the pages of your Bible,
03:47 let me remind you one more time the context of chapter 7.
03:51 Do you remember where we left
03:58 the study of the Book of Revelation last time?
04:00 We saw that in the six seal
04:04 we have the second coming of Christ.
04:07 And suddenly all those who live on the earth
04:12 who are the enemies of God in the gospel,
04:16 they're going all around shouting to the mountains
04:19 and to the rocks, "Hide us, cover us and hide us
04:26 from the face of the One who is coming.
04:28 For great is His wrath and who is able to stand."
04:33 And before John the revelator inspired by the Holy Spirit
04:39 give us a description of the opening--
04:41 the description of the opening of the seventh seal,
04:46 we have a chapter 7.
04:48 And the purpose of this chapter,
04:50 it functions as an interlude and it is an insertion,
04:53 okay, into that flow of the seven seals is to provide
04:57 the answer to the question that was asked in chapter 6 verse 17.
05:04 Who is able to stand on the way of the wrath of God?
05:08 And what is the answer?
05:11 Let's go to chapter 7 and to find the answer.
05:14 So one more time let us keep in mind
05:16 the purpose of this chapter because this is very important.
05:20 Many Christians who are reading chapter 7,
05:23 they miss this point.
05:25 And that's why they interpret the groups
05:28 that are mentioned here in different way.
05:31 But you have to understand that we are dealing with
05:34 which point in history here.
05:38 Second coming of Christ.
05:40 We are dealing with people who will be alive,
05:43 who will witness the second coming of Christ.
05:45 We are not dealing here with people
05:46 who lived in the Old Testament times.
05:49 We are not dealing here with people
05:50 who lived during the time of the early church
05:53 or 100 years ago or 200 years ago.
05:56 We are dealing strictly with the people
05:58 who will witness the second coming of Christ.
06:01 That's the main-- can you keep this in mind?
06:02 Because this is very important
06:04 for the interpretation of this chapter.
06:06 So please, let's go.
06:08 Let us go to Revelation 7
06:14 starting with verse 1 and we will read until verse 3.
06:19 Are you ready? Okay, let's go.
06:22 "After this--"can we stop here for a while?
06:28 After what? This is very important to keep in mind.
06:32 After the question that
06:35 the enemies of God's people are asking,
06:39 "Who is able to stand on that day?"
06:42 So we see John, the revelator makes very clear
06:45 that Revelation 7 builds on the conclusion of the six seals.
06:51 "After this I saw four angels standing
06:54 at the four corners of the earth,
06:57 holding back the four winds of the earth,
07:01 so that no wind would blow on the earth
07:04 or on the sea or any tree.
07:08 And I saw another angel ascending
07:10 from the rising of the sun,
07:12 having the seal of the living God,
07:14 and he cried out with a loud voice to the four angles
07:19 to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea,
07:24 saying, 'Do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees
07:30 until we have sealed
07:33 the servants of God on their foreheads.'"
07:38 Let's stop here for a moment because we would like
07:43 to understand what is that they're saying.
07:46 Because the correct understanding
07:47 what's going on here-- the beginning of chapter 7,
07:51 it's crucial for the understanding
07:52 of the rest of the chapter.
07:54 So what is that that we have?
07:56 Can we imagine the scene?
07:57 Please allow me now-- I'm not an actor
07:59 but we have to understand something.
08:01 There are winds.
08:02 We cannot see the winds but you have to imagine them.
08:05 The winds. Destructive winds.
08:09 What are the winds?
08:10 By the way, we have to go now to the Bible
08:13 and the Bible explains to us.
08:15 I just want to tell you we really would need
08:17 a lot of time to go to all those Old Testament references
08:22 where the winds are used symbolically.
08:25 I'm simply referring to symbolical text.
08:27 The first one is Hosea 13:15.
08:32 He says, "Though he flourishes among the reeds,
08:37 an east wind will come.
08:39 The wind of the Lord coming up from the wilderness,
08:43 and his fountain will become dry
08:45 and his spring will be dried up.
08:48 It will plunder his treasury of every precious article."
08:54 If you go to Zechariah 6:4, Jeremiah 49:36,
09:01 you can see that the concept of the four winds
09:05 is well known in the Old Testament.
09:10 So many times winds are mentioned
09:12 but they are always
09:13 symbol of God's judgment against unfaithful.
09:16 Are you with me?
09:18 I would like to invite you to another text that you see.
09:20 It's the Book of Daniel 7:2, 3.
09:27 In the vision "Daniel said,
09:30 'I was looking in my vision by night, and behold,
09:32 the four winds of heaven were stirring up the great sea.
09:38 And four great beasts were coming up from the sea,
09:43 different from one another.'"
09:44 You can see here that the winds stirring the--the great sea.
09:50 Actually it refers to that
09:52 stormy condition of the human society.
09:56 The winds is disturbing them.
09:59 But I'd like now to move out of the Bible.
10:03 It's very important that we understand
10:04 how the Jews of the time of the Book of Revelation
10:08 really understood the winds
10:12 because they based their beliefs on the Old Testament.
10:15 But there is one Book called Ecclesiasticus.
10:20 It's not found in the Bible,
10:21 but well read by the Jewish people.
10:23 By the way, written by a Pharisee.
10:26 Listen what they say,
10:28 "The winds that have been created for vengeance
10:34 and in their anger they scourge heavily.
10:38 In the time of the consummation
10:40 they will pour out their strength
10:43 and calm the anger of their Maker."
10:47 Actually it really, this text summarizes everything
10:52 that is in the Old Testament.
10:53 Because it's really summary--summary
10:56 what we have here in the Old Testament.
10:58 So let's keep in mind.
11:00 So now we have these symbolic winds.
11:04 They are ready to blow and to destroy
11:07 everything that is on their way.
11:09 But then John notices something else.
11:12 He sees four angels standing on the four corners of the earth.
11:19 Actually if the Book of Revelation is written today,
11:25 John would state, "I saw four angels
11:28 standing at the four points of the compass."
11:31 This is the ancient reference, the four corners of the earth.
11:35 Actually when you have the four points of the compass
11:40 then you refer to the universality.
11:43 You have heard universal meeting--meaning.
11:47 You have the worldwide significance of this event.
11:49 Are you still with me?
11:51 But what is that that those four angels are doing?
11:53 Please, I will like really to show.
11:56 Actually the winds blow and those four angels are holding,
11:59 you know, you know the picture,
12:00 holding their hands and keeping those winds not to blow.
12:06 So the winds cannot blow.
12:07 They cannot do their destructive work.
12:10 At that moment, at that moment John notices something else.
12:14 He sees another angel.
12:18 Did you notice where is the angel coming from?
12:22 He's coming from the east.
12:25 By the way, when you go to the Bible you'll see that east,
12:32 it's always the place related to God.
12:37 Well, I don't have the time now to go
12:39 throughout this different text.
12:40 But if you go to Matthew 24,
12:42 Jesus says actually that at His coming a sign will appear,
12:47 that cloud appearing there in the east
12:50 where Jesus will come-- will come from.
12:53 When you come to Revelation 16
12:55 with reference to the battle of Armageddon
12:58 where the enemies of God's people try to destroy them,
13:01 the King's coming from the east,
13:02 which is actually a reference to Christ
13:05 and the host of heaven.
13:07 Jesus is called, in the Gospel of Luke, the Sunrise
13:12 because the word east is our modern expression.
13:17 But in the original text of the Bible
13:19 is from the rising of the sun.
13:21 That expression is very important in the Bible.
13:24 So when this angel is coming from the rising of the sun,
13:26 coming from the east, whatever expression you use,
13:29 it means that that person is commissioned by God.
13:33 He's coming from the very presence of the God.
13:35 And He comes to those angles and telling them,
13:37 "Hey, hold little bit longer, don't let the winds blow."
13:44 For how long?
13:46 Says, "Until the sealing of God's people is completed."
13:54 Okay. By the way, let's go there to the text.
13:59 Because in verse 2, okay, John sees that angel--
14:05 he says, "He was having the seal of the living God."
14:11 And he says, "I'm going now to seal God's people."
14:16 So how long?
14:18 I'm sorry we have to establish here few points
14:21 that are crucial for listening.
14:22 How long are the angels supposed to hold the winds
14:28 while that sealing is in process?
14:32 The blowing of the winds cannot take before.
14:34 So now what happens when the sealing is done?
14:39 The winds are allowed to blow. Are you still with me?
14:42 I know, I know, do you wonder why I'm talking that language?
14:45 But you will see how many times people miss these points
14:48 and we have to come to that.
14:50 But before we move on, we have to ask ourselves a question.
14:55 Then what is the sealing all about?
15:01 And if you go there to the web,
15:04 go to those different websites,
15:07 you will see how people interpret the seal of God. Okay.
15:12 We have to understand
15:13 when the Bible uses the expression, the seal of God.
15:18 The concept of sealing was well known concept
15:21 in the 1st century and also in the Old Testament times.
15:25 In ancient times sealing connote different meanings.
15:28 Number one, documents were sealed for several reasons,
15:32 one of that to validate the content,
15:36 but also to protect
15:38 the content of the document from tampering. Okay.
15:44 However, the fundamental meaning of sealing
15:47 in ancient times-- I saw so many seals.
15:50 And you know what is always--
15:51 when the Jewish people, so many Jewish seals.
15:54 You have so-called Lemet,
15:57 which we translate into English as tomb.
16:01 And you have the name of the person
16:04 who is actually the owner of the seal.
16:06 So he says "to Ranko," what does it mean?
16:09 When you put that seal on this book
16:11 it means this belongs to Ranko.
16:14 So the main purpose of seal and the sealing is ownership.
16:21 When you put the seal on something
16:24 it means this belongs to me, don't touch it.
16:28 By the way, this is the fundamental concept
16:31 of sealing in the New Testament.
16:33 By the way, I would really like to ask you
16:36 to open 2 Timothy 2:19,
16:40 because Paul points to this sealing when he tell us,
16:45 "Nevertheless, the firm foundation of God stands,
16:50 having this seal, 'The Lord knows those who are His.'"
16:55 Are you still with me? Hey, let me ask you.
16:59 You see, my commentary is here
17:01 and each one of you has a commentary.
17:02 The commentary looks the same, huh?
17:05 And I put here my seal, my signature.
17:07 How do I know that this belongs to me?
17:11 Because of that seal, because of that signature that is.
17:14 So Paul says that the main meaning of God's seal is
17:19 "The Lord knows who are His, who belong to Him.
17:22 And, 'Everyone who names the name of the Lord
17:25 is to abstain from wickedness.'"
17:28 This is the primary meaning of the sealing.
17:34 So what does sealing mean?
17:36 Actually according to the New Testament,
17:40 Apostle Paul explains that when the person
17:45 who is a sinner accepts the gospel message
17:49 and to come to God,
17:50 when the person is accepted by God,
17:54 God seals that person by the seal of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
17:59 I'd like you to turn to Ephesians 1:13, 14.
18:06 Paul says--by the way, the same text,
18:09 identical text is found in 2 Corinthians 1,
18:14 I think verses, if I'm correct, 20 to 22.
18:17 You see identical texts, two times Paul repeats that.
18:20 Paul says, "In Him you also,
18:22 after listening to the message of truth,
18:26 the gospel of your salvation-- having also believed,
18:29 you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit."
18:32 Who is doing the sealing? Who is the seal?
18:36 The Holy Spirit is the seal and He is doing the sealing.
18:40 So when you come to God, dear viewers,
18:42 when you come to God, when you're accepted by God,
18:46 God gives you your Holy Spirit
18:48 and you are sealed for salvation.
18:51 Is that a great news?
18:52 I expected one amen from all of you
18:55 who are watching this program.
18:58 You see we belong to God
19:00 and Satan cannot harm us any longer.
19:03 But wait, some of you can reach maybe a wrong conclusion.
19:08 Praise God. God sealed me.
19:12 Once saved, always saved.
19:15 Oh, oh, oh, oh, praise God for the Bible.
19:18 Because just the same book, Ephesians we read in 4:30.
19:24 It says, "Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God,
19:30 by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption."
19:34 Did you see that?
19:35 As we were sealed, we can also be unsealed.
19:40 We are sealed as long as we are with God
19:43 and we have the presence of the Holy Spirit in our hearts.
19:46 Are you with me? Then we are sealed.
19:50 So now, can I ask you one question?
19:55 When does the sealing of God's people--
20:01 actually let me put it--
20:02 when did the sealing of God's people begin?
20:07 You will see already at the time of Apostle Paul.
20:10 He wrote it to the Christians of his own time.
20:14 So the sealing of God's people actually started
20:17 with the death of Jesus on the cross.
20:19 When He ascended to the heavenly places,
20:22 when the Holy Spirit came down,
20:24 then the sealing of God's people started.
20:27 However, even though the sealing of God's people
20:30 has been taken since the time of the cross,
20:36 at the time of the end, before Jesus come,
20:41 there will be the climax of that sealing.
20:45 It's the end time sealing.
20:47 And that kind of sealing is found actually
20:51 in the Revelation 7
20:54 and also in the Revelation 16, 17.
20:59 If you go to Revelation chapter 13:16, 17,
21:04 then we read there that
21:06 just before the second coming of Christ
21:08 there will be an enemy power opposing to God in the gospel
21:14 that will actually mark the followers of the beast.
21:18 We read it.
21:19 "And he causes all, the small and the great,
21:22 and the rich and the poor, and the free men
21:25 and the slaves to be given a mark on their right hand
21:29 or on their forehead, and he provides that no one
21:33 will be able to buy or to sell,
21:36 except the one who has the mark,
21:39 either the name of the beast or the number of his name."
21:45 It is in that context
21:47 when Satan and the beast-- we will come to that.
21:49 We will see that more, we will see what that marking
21:52 and that sealing is all about in Revelation 13.
21:55 But the Satan will seal his worshippers and his followers.
21:58 During that time God will by this symbolic concept of sealing
22:05 seal those who belong to Him
22:07 as His own possession as those who belong to God.
22:14 Please I have to mention here two things.
22:18 We saw that the sealing of God's people
22:19 has been taken throughout history.
22:21 And those who were sealed their faithfulness to God
22:25 has been tested in different ways.
22:28 It was very appropriate with any--
22:30 every generation of Christians.
22:32 But at the time of the end,
22:34 in the context of that mark of the beast,
22:38 the faith and the loyalty of those who are sealed
22:41 will be tested in a special way.
22:44 In which way?
22:46 By faithfulness to God and His commandments.
22:49 If you go to Revelation 12:17, Revelation 14:12,
22:55 we will see that those who are sealed,
22:57 those who belong to God
22:58 are the ones who keep the commandments of God
23:01 and they have the faith of Jesus.
23:04 But when you read carefully the Book of Revelation
23:07 it becomes obvious that the loyalty of God's people
23:11 will not be just tested
23:14 by the keeping all the God's commandments.
23:17 There is one particular commandment of the ten
23:20 that will be the test of the loyalty to God.
23:23 It is the context of that final crisis
23:26 and the mark of the beast that the four commandments,
23:28 the Sabbath will be the test of the loyalty.
23:32 And it is in that context that that sealing
23:35 is related to the observance of the Seventh-day Sabbath
23:38 and the four commandments.
23:40 When you go to the Old Testament you will see,
23:42 like for instance, Exodus 31, Ezekiel 20,
23:47 the Sabbath was always a test of loyalty
23:50 of God's people in the Old Testament.
23:52 As it was then,
23:54 so the same will be repeated at the time of the end.
23:59 That when the human institution imposes one particular day
24:03 on the people as the sign of the loyalty
24:06 of all those who have the mark of the beast,
24:08 it is in that context that the Sabbath,
24:11 the four commandments will become the main object
24:15 and the focus of that seal of God,
24:17 when the loyalty of God's people will be tested in special way.
24:21 But we'll come to that when we come to Revelation 13.
24:24 Okay? Okay.
24:25 Now let's go back to the winds.
24:31 The winds cannot blow.
24:33 Now when you go to verse 4, John said--John said,
24:40 "And I heard the number of those who are sealed.
24:43 144,000 sealed from every tribe of Israel."
24:50 And now if you go to verse 5 and you go to verse 8,
24:57 now you can see that those 12 tribes are mentioned.
25:02 Keep in mind. Keep in mind.
25:04 You see one by one.
25:06 Okay, I will not read all those tribes now.
25:09 You will notice something that the winds cannot blow
25:14 as long as the sealing is in the process.
25:19 So it is in that context.
25:22 I have to mention second things that I introduced last time.
25:26 Not only that the test-- that the fourth commandment
25:28 will be a test of loyalty to those who are sealed
25:31 but the sealed at the same time functions
25:33 not only as a sign of those who belong to God
25:36 but also is the sign of the protection.
25:40 You see, all those who have the seal of God
25:43 will be protected from the blowing of the winds.
25:49 Praise the Lord. Are you still with me?
25:51 And here we have a picture
25:53 that comes from the Book of Ezekiel 9:1-11.
25:58 Please this is very long text.
26:00 I know that we don't have time, I don't want to go.
26:02 But there the prophet Ezekiel
26:05 saw the wicked people in Jerusalem,
26:10 rebellious against God.
26:13 And then he saw a person coming from the east.
26:17 He had writing tools
26:19 and God instructed that person telling him,
26:22 "Go there through the city and mark on the forehead
26:27 every person who is looking there at Me
26:31 and asking when I will bring
26:33 the end of the sin there in Jerusalem.
26:34 Those who are faithful to me mark them."
26:37 And then after that the number of people who are executioners
26:44 with the swords and God says to them,
26:47 "Follow now this person and kill everyone
26:51 who does not have the mark on the forehead."
26:56 Actually, he's telling us that God's faithful people
26:59 were supposed to be protected
27:00 during destruction of Jerusalem by Babylonians.
27:03 That's how Daniel and his friends were protected.
27:05 You remember that.
27:07 Actually, this text from Ezekiel 9
27:09 stands in the background of Revelation 7.
27:13 Is it important to know the Old Testament
27:15 to interpret the Book of Revelation?
27:17 The question is now just quickly.
27:20 What is the blowing of the winds all about?
27:23 By the way, later in the text--
27:26 I skipped that text that I was supposed to mention earlier
27:29 is that later in the text the blowing of the winds
27:34 is referred to as the time of the great tribulation.
27:39 This is the same tribulation that Daniel spoke in Daniel 12:1
27:43 when he said, "At that time
27:47 Michael, great prince will come to defend his people
27:50 and there will be such time as it was not before
27:53 it will be after in human history."
27:57 By the way, when we go later to the book of Revelation
28:01 to chapters 15 and 16,
28:04 we have another expression for the blowing of the winds
28:07 and it's the seven last plagues.
28:11 So you see there are all different expressions.
28:13 So the blowing of the winds,
28:14 the time of the great tribulation
28:16 and the seven last plagues are different terms,
28:20 different expressions for one and the same things
28:22 in the Book of Revelation and there is a reason for that.
28:25 Okay, okay. So let's keep it in mind.
28:27 So now you have to be with me.
28:30 John then said, "And I heard the number of those
28:35 who were sealed, 144,000"
28:37 and then he lists the 12 tribes of Israel
28:41 to show how 12,000 people were sealed from each tribe.
28:46 What does it mean?
28:49 What does it mean?
28:51 Hey, friends, let me tell you,
28:53 if I tell you an illustration and I say,
28:57 "I cannot do these things
29:02 until everybody comes here."
29:05 And then after that I told you,"
29:07 I heard that 55 people are now here.
29:11 What does it mean? That everybody is here.
29:14 I never mentioned that number
29:16 because I was waiting for everybody to come.
29:19 John now hears that the number of those
29:22 who are sealed is 144,000.
29:26 What does it mean? That the sealing is done.
29:29 What comes next? What comes next?
29:33 The winds are now unleashed to blow.
29:38 Keep in mind, the winds cannot blow
29:40 as long as the sealing is in the process.
29:43 And now John hears the number of those
29:45 who were sealed, 144,000.
29:47 Well, there is a question.
29:49 Is number 144,000, is it literal or symbolic?
29:56 There are many people, they think it's literal.
30:00 But what is the problem?
30:01 We have to understand the Book of Revelation
30:03 is a symbolic book.
30:06 And the numbers in the Book of Revelation,
30:11 they have a symbolic meaning.
30:14 You see the problem is if you take 144,000 as literal--
30:19 but it says that 144,000 are sealed
30:22 from the 12 tribes of Israel, 12,000 from each tribes
30:26 then you must take also the 12 tribes of Israel as literal.
30:33 Are you with me? But what is the problem?
30:37 What is the problem that we have here?
30:43 There are no 12 tribes of Israel today.
30:47 That's first thing.
30:49 You know that when the King of Assyria came against Israel,
30:53 the so-called northern kingdom, he took the 10 tribes of Israel,
30:56 he lead them there to the Assyrian captivity
30:58 and he scattered them among other nations.
31:01 They mixed with those nations
31:02 and that 10 tribes disappeared completely.
31:05 When the King of Babylon came he took just
31:08 the tribes of Judah's and Benjamin there to Jerusalem.
31:11 Those two tribes they came back.
31:14 So at the time of the Book of Revelation,
31:16 at the time of Jesus, okay,
31:18 earlier there are only two tribes
31:20 but the New Testament calls them the Jews.
31:23 It means the descendants of Judah.
31:26 There are not 10 tribes, 10 other tribes.
31:28 Are you with me?
31:31 Today the Jews, they never talk about 12 tribes
31:34 because they do not exist.
31:35 And many Jews today, who are in existence,
31:39 actually they are converts in Europe there,
31:42 descendants of some nations there in Europe.
31:45 They never talk about themselves in terms of the 12 tribes.
31:49 So the 12 tribes they do not exist, friends.
31:53 But there is something else.
31:55 You will notice something
31:57 when John mentions these 12 tribes.
31:59 When you compare the list of the 12 tribes in Revelation 7
32:03 this list is completely different
32:05 from any list of the tribes in the Old Testament.
32:09 Let's explain it. You'll notice something.
32:12 How many sons did Jacob have?
32:19 Thirteen. Thirteen?
32:21 But we have only 12 tribes. Why?
32:27 Because we know Reuben was the oldest
32:30 but because of his terrible sin,
32:34 he did not get that rights of the firstborn.
32:37 Actually, Joseph got it.
32:39 That's why we-- in the list of the tribes
32:41 in the Old Testament, we do not have the tribe of Joseph.
32:45 If the tribe of Joseph is mentioned it means
32:47 the tribe of Ephraim and the tribe of Manasseh
32:52 as his sons, okay.
32:55 We look at it.
32:56 But when you, listen, read--and also why 13?
33:01 Because the tribe of Levi was not counted
33:03 among the regular tribes.
33:07 They did not have that territory.
33:09 But when you read the list of the tribes of Israel
33:12 in the Revelation 7, you'll notice something,
33:15 that the tribe of Levi is included here.
33:18 And there is the tribe of Joseph included here.
33:23 But the two tribes that are not mentioned,
33:25 the tribe of Dan and the tribe of Ephraim.
33:30 You see this not regular list of the tribes.
33:33 Why Dan is not included?
33:36 Because if you go to the Book of Judges
33:38 according to the Jewish tradition,
33:39 they are very strong about that.
33:41 They say the tribe of Dan
33:43 was the first one to go to apostasy, to idolatry.
33:48 If you go to later in Israel history,
33:51 it is in the tribe of John-- in the tribe of Dan
33:57 that actually one of those two alters was situated
34:01 to distract people not to go to Jerusalem
34:03 to worship the true God.
34:06 So the Jewish people based on that developed
34:08 a tradition at time of the Book of Revelation
34:10 that out of the tribe of Dan
34:13 the Antichrist will come to fight against people.
34:17 And early Christian they pick up that idea.
34:21 And you see the tribe of Ephraim is not mentioned,
34:25 because together with Dan, the tribe of Ephraim
34:28 is the symbol of apostasy.
34:30 If you go to the Book of Hosea,
34:32 you will see instead of Israel, Ephraim is mentioned.
34:35 It's the symbol of general apostasy
34:38 of the people of Israel.
34:40 Now everything becomes clear.
34:42 When John mentions the 12 tribes of Israel,
34:46 he did not refer to the historical list of the tribes.
34:51 He had in mind the theological list of the tribes.
34:55 Are you with me? Why?
34:58 Because God's end time people, those who'll be ready
35:03 to go through the time of the great tribulation
35:06 and seven last plagues are the ones
35:09 who are completely faithful to God.
35:12 When you go to chapter 14,
35:13 they followed the Lamb wherever the Lamb goes.
35:17 They don't mix themselves with the women,
35:19 the symbol of spiritual immorality,
35:23 unfaithfulness to God,
35:24 because they follow only the Lamb.
35:26 That's why the unfaithful,
35:28 they do not have a place in the list.
35:31 Dan and Ephraim, that are unfaithful,
35:33 they are not listed there.
35:35 Keep in mind the symbolic meaning
35:36 of the Book of Revelation
35:38 telling us something about this last generation.
35:41 They're so faithful to God
35:43 and they're faithful only to God.
35:45 And they follow only God because they are sealed,
35:50 because they belong to God.
35:51 Are you still with me?
35:53 So the list of the tribes, it's the symbolic,
35:57 so the number.
35:59 How is the number mentioned?
36:01 How do we get 144,000?
36:04 It's simple. It's simple.
36:08 How many tribes? 12.
36:12 Times? 12?
36:17 By?
36:22 You have 12,000 from 12 tribes.
36:27 Now everything becomes evidently much clear to us.
36:33 Because number 12 in the Bible is symbol of God's people.
36:39 We already mentioned the reference to 24 elders.
36:43 God's people of the Old Testament, number 12, 12 tribes.
36:47 God's people of the New Testament, 12 apostles.
36:51 Now it becomes clear what we have here.
36:53 Do you remember the names of that 12 tribes of Israel
36:59 on the gates of New Jerusalem?
37:01 12 apostles, they're there
37:03 in the foundation stones of New Jerusalem.
37:07 So what we have here is,
37:09 we have that this group that is sealed
37:13 and to go through the time of great tribulation
37:15 actually represent of all God's people
37:17 of Old and the New Testament
37:19 but they themselves are the last generation.
37:21 Are you with me? Yes.
37:23 But they represent God's people because through their experience
37:26 all God's people go through experience.
37:28 This group is not the first one to suffer.
37:32 They are not the first one to be sealed.
37:35 They are not the first one who are faithful to God.
37:38 But you see this group represents the last generation.
37:42 And in them all God's people are represented.
37:45 But the problem is this number.
37:52 And please now allow me.
37:54 We'll go to some text, please.
37:57 If you go to the Book of James 1:1,
38:00 we will see that the New Testament
38:02 there is no literal Israel.
38:05 It's the people of God.
38:06 James writes his letter, he said,
38:08 "James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ,
38:12 to the twelve tribes who are dispersed abroad, Greetings."
38:16 When James writes to the 12 tribes,
38:19 who are those 12 tribes?
38:21 The Christians to whom he writes.
38:24 You see he uses the 12 tribes
38:26 as the symbol for the Christian church.
38:29 And if you go to Galatians 3:26, 27
38:33 then we read, "For you are all sons of God
38:36 through faith in Christ Jesus.
38:39 For all of you who were baptized in Christ Jesus
38:42 have clothed yourselves with Christ.
38:45 There is neither Jew nor Greek." Do you see that?
38:49 In the New Testament, the difference between
38:51 the Jews and Greeks, it's removed.
38:55 "There is neither slave nor free man,
38:57 there is neither male nor female,
38:59 for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
39:02 And if you belong to Christ,
39:03 then you are Abraham's descendants
39:06 and heirs according to promise."
39:07 You see that, friends?
39:10 When John uses the 12,
39:11 and he referred to the 12 tribes of Israel,
39:14 he refers to the church, the Christian church,
39:16 God's people who live before the second coming of Christ,
39:19 not the literal Jews.
39:21 But then why 1,000?
39:23 Oh, boy, now we are coming something to fun.
39:25 You see the-- the Hebrew word, Aleph,
39:28 Aleph can mean two things.
39:34 At the time of peace when people are there in the land
39:37 it simply means a clan, a huge family.
39:41 But when people of Israel go to the war,
39:45 the same word Aleph actually means 1,000.
39:48 The word can mean 1,000 generally.
39:50 But the way how the word was used at the time of peace,
39:54 it referred to the huge family, to the clan, to the dynasty.
39:58 But when people go to the war
40:01 then the word Aleph strictly means 1,000.
40:04 And what is 1,000? It's a basic military unit.
40:10 In Israel when they go to war--please,
40:12 I would like to turn to
40:14 the Book of Numbers 31:4-6.
40:21 Let's see when Israel went to war--
40:23 you remember during the time of Balaam,
40:25 you remember that?
40:27 When they had to fight against the Moabites and Ammonites.
40:30 It says, "A thousand from each tribe
40:33 of all the tribes of Israel you shall send to the war.
40:36 So there were furnished from the thousands of Israel,
40:39 a thousand from each tribe, twelve thousand armed for war.
40:42 Moses sent them, a thousand from each tribe, to the war,
40:45 and Phinehas the son of Eleazar the priest,
40:48 to the war with them,
40:50 and the holy vessels and the trumpets
40:52 for the alarm in his hand."
40:54 By the way, I must read this text.
40:59 "When people wanted to have a king,
41:02 someone told them that the king will appoint for himself
41:06 commanders of one thousand."
41:08 Do you see that?
41:10 "And fifties and some to do his plowing etcetera."
41:13 By the way, there are many more texts
41:15 you will find there in my commentary there.
41:18 You'll see that-- there are so many texts
41:21 that we now mentioned that Aleph,
41:23 1,000 is a basic military unit.
41:27 So please now you have to help me.
41:29 When John refers to 144,000 who are sealed
41:35 and ready now to go through the time of the great tribulation--
41:38 please can you help me?
41:40 What does he talk about?
41:41 He's talking about 144,000 military units,
41:46 because he is portraying God's people as the church militant,
41:50 ready to enter into that final tribulation,
41:54 to go through that war of the seven last plagues
41:56 and through the battle called the battle of Armageddon.
42:00 And that's why they are here portrayed as an army
42:03 after ancient Israel when they went to war.
42:06 They're organized into military unit of 1,000.
42:09 Are you still with me? Yes.
42:11 At that point John is not telling us any longer,
42:13 he's not talking about tribulation.
42:15 He portrays the tribulation little bit later
42:17 in the Book of Revelation in chapters 15 and 16.
42:20 That's not the point.
42:21 The point of chapter 7 is who will be able to stand.
42:26 What is the answer?
42:27 Those who are sealed they will be able to go
42:32 through the time of the great tribulation,
42:34 not anything else.
42:35 But the text-- the text now goes on.
42:39 Please I want--we don't have too much time.
42:41 Let's go-- let's go there.
42:42 It says, verse 9, "After these things I looked,
42:46 and behold, a great multitude which no one could count,
42:50 from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues,
42:53 standing before the throne and before the Lamb,
42:56 clothed in white robes,
42:58 and palm branches were in their hands.
43:01 And they cry out with a loud voice saying,
43:04 salvation to our God who sits on the throne,
43:07 and to the Lamb.'
43:08 And all the angels were standing around the throne
43:10 and around the elders and the four living creatures,
43:13 and they fell on their faces before the throne
43:15 and worshipped God."
43:16 And they're worshiping God. Let's go to verse 13.
43:19 "Then one of the elders, he answered saying to me,
43:23 'These who are clothed in white robes, who are they?
43:26 And where they have come from?'
43:28 "Keep in mind, what is the question?
43:30 Where have they come from?
43:32 "I said to him, 'My Lord, you know.'
43:35 And he said to me, 'These are the ones
43:37 who come out of the great tribulation,
43:40 and they have washed their robes
43:41 and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
43:44 For this reason, they are before the throne of God,
43:47 they serve Him day and night in His temple,
43:49 and He who sits on the throne
43:51 will spread His tabernacle over them.
43:54 They will hunger no longer, nor thirst anymore,
43:57 nor will the sun beat down on them,
44:00 nor any heat, for the Lamb in the center of the throne
44:03 will be their shepherd, and will guide them
44:05 to the springs of the water of life,
44:07 and God will wipe every tear from their eyes.'"
44:10 Please now you have to be with me.
44:14 What do we have here?
44:15 We have now another group that John sees in the vision
44:18 and they're referred to as the great multitude.
44:22 Unfortunately, many Christians when they read this text,
44:25 they reach the conclusions that 144,000
44:29 is the last generation of God's people.
44:32 I agree with that. That's true.
44:35 They are the ones who are sealed
44:38 and they go through the time of the great tribulation.
44:40 But what is the problem that the same Christians,
44:42 they say, they see the great multitude
44:46 is another group of God's people
44:48 that will one day go there into the kingdom of God.
44:52 So one day they're in heaven.
44:54 We will have two groups of people.
44:57 The first one 144,000,
45:00 they will have a special privilege
45:01 or status in God's kingdom.
45:06 The rest somehow they will be there.
45:11 I just want to tell you, friends
45:13 that usually Protestants they separate themselves
45:16 from the mainstream Christianity
45:18 because the mainstream Christianity
45:19 coming from the Middle Ages they believe God's kingdom,
45:22 they are saints and they are those who are not saints.
45:25 Unfortunately, that concept
45:27 has been retained by many Protestants.
45:30 Keep in mind something. What is the case here?
45:33 Please you have to be with me.
45:35 I'm looking at the time, okay.
45:38 You see there in verse 14.
45:44 We say and it says-- by the way, verse 13.
45:48 "The elder asked John
45:50 'These who are clothed in the white robes, who are they?'
45:54 "Who are those people that are white--
45:55 that are dressed in white robes?
45:58 If you go to verse 9, it's the great multitude
46:01 that is dressed in white robes.
46:03 Do you see that? Verse 9.
46:07 They are standing before the throne of God
46:09 and he said in verse 15,
46:10 "Therefore they are standing before the throne of God."
46:14 So who is portrayed here in this text?
46:16 Who are those coming out of the great tribulation?
46:19 The great multitude. Are you with me?
46:24 The great multitude. Not 144,000.
46:30 But please it appears that 144,000
46:36 and the great multitude is one and the same group.
46:40 They're not two groups in God's kingdom.
46:41 Please let me now explain.
46:44 Please, I know how much time I have.
46:46 So we ought to use this time effectively.
46:49 John sees the angels holding the wind,
46:53 the sealing of God's people is in the process
46:56 and then he hears that the sealing is done.
46:59 From that moment on, we are done with 144,000.
47:05 If the sealing is done, what is now going on?
47:09 The time of the great tribulation.
47:11 So John hears that the number of God's people
47:15 who are sealed is 144,000 but he does not describe them
47:21 that they are going now to the time of the great tribulation,
47:23 they're ready to enter the time of great tribulation.
47:26 They're organized as 144 military units,
47:31 church militant ready to enter into that final war.
47:35 Are you still with me?
47:38 Always when John is in the vision,
47:40 regularly he hears something.
47:44 But when he turns to see what he heard,
47:47 he sees something else
47:49 but the something else is the same thing that he heard.
47:52 Do you remember in Revelation Chapter 5
47:54 he hears that the lion from the tribe of Judah overcame?
47:59 Then he turns to see the lion.
48:01 He does not see the lion, he sees the Lamb.
48:05 If you go to Revelation 17,
48:07 John hears that the great prostitute
48:09 sits on many waters.
48:12 When John turns around and he's taken there
48:15 to the wilderness to see that prostitute,
48:17 she's not sitting on many waters.
48:19 She's sitting on the beast because the waters
48:22 and the beast is one and the same thing,
48:24 refer to one another thing.
48:26 The same is here what we have in Revelation 7.
48:29 John hears that the number of God's people
48:33 who are about to enter the time of great tribulation
48:36 is 144,000 church militant.
48:39 Now are you with me?
48:40 Now the time of tribulation is...
48:44 when John actually sees that group,
48:49 watch in verse 14, the elder says,
48:53 "These are the ones"-- in Greek says,
48:55 "coming out of the great tribulation."
48:57 He see them coming out of the great tribulation.
49:01 He does not see 144 military units.
49:05 What does he see?
49:06 A great crowd coming out of the war,
49:11 coming out of the great tribulation
49:13 and you cannot count them.
49:15 Are you with me? You cannot count them.
49:20 Why can't you count them?
49:25 I'm a soccer player.
49:26 When we are on the field, we want to make the teams,
49:29 I tell everybody, make groups, 11 people be there.
49:34 And just one, two, three,
49:35 we know how many teams we have.
49:37 But when everybody is around together,
49:40 you cannot count them.
49:42 It's not that these people are so many
49:44 that you cannot count them.
49:46 Of course, it's a huge number
49:48 but it means they are not any more organized
49:50 in those military units, so you count them 144 units.
49:54 It means they're coming out of the war.
49:56 Have you watched movies about the war?
49:59 When soldiers are going to the war,
50:02 they're all organized under the banners into those units.
50:07 You know exactly how many are
50:09 but when they are coming out of the war,
50:11 there are no military units.
50:13 They are all hugging each other.
50:15 You have just the huge crowd coming out of the war,
50:19 celebrating the victory and you cannot count them.
50:22 This is exactly what is going on here.
50:25 So keep you in--let me repeat one more time.
50:28 John sees the church militant
50:32 organized into the military units.
50:33 We are dealing with symbol of an army
50:38 after Israel's army in the Old Testament,
50:40 organized into military units, divisions of 1,000.
50:43 They are entering the final war.
50:46 John just hears their number.
50:48 He does not see them.
50:50 But when finally John sees them,
50:53 he sees the same group
50:55 coming out of the time of the tribulation.
50:59 This time they are not the church militant.
51:03 They are the church triumphant. Amen.
51:06 Coming out of the war,
51:08 they're dressed in the white robes.
51:11 Why in the white robes?
51:12 Do you remember the Christians in Sardis?
51:15 Those who remain faithful to me,
51:17 he will be dressed in white.
51:18 It means that the war is over.
51:22 Like any soldier in Roman Empire after the war,
51:25 after the conquest, after the victory,
51:28 they come before the emperor.
51:30 And the emperor says, "Yeah, you are my brave soldiers.
51:32 You are victors.
51:34 Now you have--you deserve to have a good retirement."
51:39 And that's exactly is that 144,000,
51:42 now they find their homeland on that peaceful place
51:46 of the new earth beside those waters,
51:48 because the Lamb will be with them through all eternity.
51:53 Friends, 144,000 and the great multitude is one
51:58 and the same group.
51:59 When you read, friends, the Bible,
52:03 when you read the Bible, the Bible never teaches
52:07 that one day in God's kingdom,
52:10 there'll be saved people of God
52:14 but there'll be special elite
52:17 who will receive a special status
52:20 because they accomplished something
52:23 that nobody else was able to accomplish.
52:27 Unfortunately, there are Christians
52:29 who interpret 144,000 that way,
52:33 advocating the idea that 144,000 will be people
52:38 who'll be so capable to become sinless in this life.
52:43 And because of that sinlessness
52:44 what they accomplished in their lives
52:46 God will tell them, "Oh, My child,
52:50 you did something that other people could not do.
52:53 Therefore, I don't have any way
52:56 but to give you a special status because what you did."
52:59 Let's go back to the text.
53:01 Are you going to read with me?
53:02 Let's go, Revelation 7. Let's go one time verse 9.
53:09 "After these things I looked, and behold,
53:11 a great multitude which no one could count
53:15 from every nations and all tribes,
53:21 and the peoples, and tongues,
53:24 standing before the throne and before the Lamb,
53:27 clothed in white robes."
53:29 Who gives the white robes to the saved people of God?
53:35 It's not what we make for ourselves.
53:39 If you go and read the Bible--
53:40 remember the message to the church in Sardis,
53:44 "Those who walk with me I will give them the white robes
53:47 they will walk with me."
53:49 But there's something else.
53:51 "And palm branches were in their hands,
53:53 and they cry out with a loud voice, saying,
53:57 Salvation to us because we were able to be sinless and perfect.
54:01 Is that what he said?
54:02 "Salvation to our God
54:05 who sits on the throne and to the Lamb."
54:09 Why are they in God's kingdom?
54:11 Because of the blood of the Lamb.
54:13 But there is another text.
54:15 Please would you go with me in verse 14?
54:19 "I said to him"--by the way, let's read one time verse 13.
54:24 "Then one of the elders answered, saying to me,
54:27 'These who are clothed in white robes,
54:29 who are they and where they come from?'
54:31 I said to him, 'My Lord, you know.
54:33 And he said to me'"-- look now,
54:35 "These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation,
54:40 and they have washed their robes and made them white
54:46 in the blood of the Lamb."
54:48 Why are their robes white?
54:53 Because what Jesus Christ did for me--for them.
54:59 Friends, I cannot talk more
55:03 because we'll come to Revelation 14
55:07 and we have a further description of 144,000.
55:10 But in order to understand their characteristics
55:13 we have first to understand Revelation 13.
55:15 So we will leave that description for that occasion
55:18 but you can see that the Bible never teaches
55:22 that actually God has clans in His kingdom, special elite.
55:26 We will be all there because of the blood of the Lamb.
55:31 And I know--I'm addressing now our viewers.
55:34 They are always bothered with the questions.
55:36 Who are actually those who'll be among 144,000?
55:40 I selected that question and there is one person
55:43 to help me that actually even if I get the answer
55:46 to that question I'll not be better Christian.
55:49 In "Selected Messages" page 1--actually volume 1,
55:54 page 174, we read,
55:56 "Christ says that there will be those in the church
55:59 who will present fables and suppositions,
56:06 when God has given grand, elevating, ennobling truths
56:10 which should ever be kept in the treasure house of the mind.
56:14 When men pick up this theory and that theory,
56:17 when they are curious to know something
56:19 it is not necessary for them to know,
56:21 God is not leading them.
56:23 It is not His plan that His people
56:25 shall present something which they have to suppose,
56:28 which is not taught in the Word.
56:30 It is not His will that they shall get
56:33 into controversy over the questions
56:35 which will not help them spiritually," this was written.
56:38 It says--and what is one of those questions
56:41 that will not help us spiritually?
56:42 "Who is to compose 144,000?
56:46 This those who are the elect of God
56:49 will in short time known without question."
56:52 Dear viewers, are 144,000 great multitudes
56:58 simply the last generation, I don't know.
57:02 Revelation 7 talks about the last generation.
57:06 Who included that there?
57:08 We don't know. We have to wait for that.
57:11 We have the clear explanation in the Book of Revelation
57:14 that this is the last generation of God's people.
57:17 But we are encouraged with the following statement
57:20 from the same author
57:21 in "Review and Herald," March 9, 1009,
57:24 "Let us strive with all the power of God
57:27 that has given to us to be among 144,000."
57:32 And amen. Amen.


Revised 2014-12-17