Revelation of the Coming King

The Seven Seals - Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Ranko Stefanovic


Series Code: RCK

Program Code: RCK000010

00:19 Welcome again to our program "Revelation of the Coming King".
00:25 I want to welcome to all of you,
00:27 especially you for the first time,
00:30 here watching this program.
00:32 And I hope that you will be encouraged
00:34 to look for the programs before
00:37 so that you see how we started from the very beginning verse 1
00:42 and going all through the Book of Revelation.
00:44 I'm glad that you join us.
00:46 That's the reason I'd like to introduce myself once again.
00:49 I am Ranko Stefanovic, Professor of New Testament
00:53 in the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary,
00:56 Andrews University. And I love the word of God.
01:00 This book changed me completely.
01:02 I found Jesus Christ as my personal Savior.
01:05 And, please, I'd like you to go back to that first program
01:08 that presented because I showed to you,
01:11 how really this book,
01:12 last book of the Bible changed my life completely.
01:17 I met my Savior and He is my precious friend
01:21 and I would not trade Him for anything in this world.
01:25 So we are in very, very interesting section
01:30 of the Book of Revelation.
01:32 For many people it's so difficult,
01:35 but I hope that so far you could see
01:39 when we take the Bible to interpret itself,
01:41 that the Book of Revelation, yeah, it is difficult book.
01:45 But it's not as difficult as usually people think.
01:50 And I'm so glad that we have this opportunity.
01:53 I'd like to express my deep gratitude to 3ABN
01:57 for making this series possible and also all these good people
02:02 who are involved in the production of this program.
02:05 And my special audience, you are great inspiration to me.
02:08 So I like to invite all of you, that we ask God for His guidance
02:13 in studying this difficult section
02:15 of the Book of Revelation.
02:16 Our Heavenly Father, thanks once again
02:20 that we can come before the throne of grace,
02:25 because You promised to us,
02:26 when we come before the throne of grace,
02:28 we will find the help in the time of our needs.
02:32 So, Father, we need You at this moment.
02:34 And please give us Your Holy Spirit
02:36 that the Book of Revelation,
02:39 this message can be very clear to us,
02:42 that can impact our lives
02:44 and that we can come much closer to You,
02:48 understanding the messages of this book.
02:52 Thank You for Your help.
02:53 And we pray all of this
02:55 in the precious name of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
02:59 Amen. Amen.
03:03 Before we go into our subject, I'd like to encourage you.
03:09 I'm repeating it regularly
03:12 is that we cannot cover everything go into depth.
03:16 There is much more to be said.
03:19 But I'd like to encourage you that,
03:22 once this program is over,
03:24 that you go and you study the subject for yourself.
03:27 But then you will say "Oh, boy, I tried so many times by myself.
03:30 I cannot do it."
03:32 Praise God, today we have so many tools.
03:35 There are so many tools, you can go and find them.
03:39 But my lectures here follow the content of this book
03:44 that is titled "Revelation of Jesus Christ."
03:48 It's a product of many years of my own research.
03:52 But this is not simply my research.
03:55 Actually, there are many other people who contributed
04:00 never understanding the Book of revelation
04:02 that refer to here in this book.
04:04 So if you really want to understand,
04:07 what is the best way to understand
04:10 the text of the Book of Revelation
04:12 and what my church today believes
04:14 about the Book of Revelation?
04:16 I'd like to encourage you
04:17 to keep this book in front of yourself.
04:20 And the subject that we are covering today now,
04:24 it's starting with page 217.
04:30 As I said last time, actually you have next 40, 50 pages.
04:35 So I'm not following the set order
04:38 that is found here in this commentary.
04:42 Okay, let us try just to summarize,
04:46 okay, about what we were talking about last time.
04:52 You remember?
04:53 That we mentioned at the starting point,
04:56 for the understanding of the opening
04:58 of the seven seals is Chapter 5.
05:02 Friends, if you take Revelation 5
05:07 and try to apply historically
05:10 and say that the content of Revelation 5 describes the event
05:14 that took place in the 19th century,
05:19 that this is the investigative judgment.
05:23 It was at that occasion, Jesus took the scroll.
05:26 It is only after taking the scroll,
05:29 that Jesus can break the seals.
05:31 Then what time element you are supposed
05:34 to put the breaking of the seals?
05:36 After that.
05:38 But we saw that the Book of Revelation
05:41 shows clearly that Chapter 5 portrays
05:44 the enthronement of Christ's events
05:45 that took place after the ascension
05:47 of Jesus there to the heavenly places
05:50 that took place on the day of Pentecost.
05:53 So the day of Pentecost, the event that marked
05:56 the beginning of the preaching of the gospel
05:59 is the starting point
06:01 for the understanding of the seven seals.
06:04 So we concluded then.
06:07 But when Jesus opened the first seal,
06:11 we have the gospel started being preached.
06:16 But the preaching of the gospel
06:17 is always accompanied by persecution.
06:20 There are people who accept it. They are blessed.
06:23 But there are people who reject the gospel,
06:26 not only do they reject,
06:28 they oppose to the gospel and persecution follows.
06:31 This is what the second seal is all about.
06:34 You remember that fiery red horse?
06:37 And then we have the black horse.
06:41 And the rider actually announces a terrible famine.
06:45 When people rejected the gospel,
06:49 regularly there is the famine for the word of God.
06:53 And then the fourth horse describes really
06:57 the ultimate consequences of rejection of the gospel
07:01 and that's complete spiritual death.
07:03 When you reject the word of God, then what is left to you?
07:06 You're left with your calculations,
07:09 your means and your works
07:11 that are actually worthless before God
07:14 and spiritual death follows completely, okay?
07:18 This is what we have.
07:19 We saw that in addition to this general application
07:23 that actually the first four seals, those four horsemen,
07:27 they also have the historical application.
07:30 Please I don't have time now to repeat it.
07:32 But they parallel the first four churches, applied historically
07:38 to those four different periods of the Christian era.
07:43 But now there is a question,
07:44 what is the meaning of these seals all about?
07:47 And we saw that the fourth horseman actually incorporates,
07:52 summarizes the activities of the three previous,
07:58 okay, horses and horsemen.
08:01 And what are the key expressions
08:04 actually that we have here?
08:05 Let's go back one more time.
08:07 It says, the conclusion of verse 8
08:11 that the authority was given to the death in Hades,
08:14 who is death in Hades?
08:15 It's the name for the rider on the horse.
08:18 Okay, to kill with the sword,
08:24 second seal with famine, the third seal with pestilence,
08:30 the fourth seal and by the wild beast of the earth.
08:35 Now we wanted to find the meaning of all of this.
08:39 And there is something very interesting.
08:42 We saw already that these four seals,
08:46 they portray the experience of the church,
08:49 God's people, as they are commissioned
08:52 to proclaim the gospel.
08:54 But in order to portray the situation of His people
08:59 through the Christian history,
09:02 God uses the symbolic language.
09:05 And that symbolic language is rooted
09:09 in the history of God's Old Testament people, Israel.
09:14 Are you still with me?
09:15 You remember, we mentioned already about symbolic language?
09:17 That God always uses the language of the past
09:22 to describe what will take place in the future.
09:27 Why so? Because to tell us that the same God
09:33 who was in the past with His people to help them,
09:37 He will also be with His people in the future,
09:42 when His people faces similar crisis,
09:44 the crisis similar to that one of His people in the past.
09:53 What message for all of us?
09:55 That's why crucial to the understanding
09:58 of the Book of Revelation is always to go
10:01 and find the meaning of that symbolic language
10:03 and we saw something,
10:05 we will not now read this text again.
10:08 I just want to remind you is
10:10 that you read the key text for the understanding
10:14 of the first four seals in Leviticus Chapter 26.
10:18 Therefore, the first time,
10:19 please, I'd like you so how to do something
10:22 to find the previous presentation.
10:24 And please read for yourself, Leviticus Chapter 26.
10:27 And you will notice
10:29 what is that that Moses said to the people of Israel.
10:30 If you are faithful to God, boy,
10:33 great blessings will come up on you,
10:35 but if you are unfaithful to the covenant
10:40 and you leave God, there are consequences,
10:43 not that God will do it,
10:45 but the consequences will come and those consequences
10:48 are portrayed in terms of sword,
10:55 famine, pestilence and the wild beast.
10:58 And you will notice, these are exactly the expressions
11:03 that we find here in the four seals.
11:07 So, friends, what are we actually talking about?
11:16 I'd like you to turn also
11:19 to the Book of Ezekiel 14:21.
11:25 The Book of Ezekiel 14:21
11:31 and we read there something very interesting,
11:37 that Ezekiel talked to the people of Israel
11:39 who are unfaithful to God. Are you still with me?
11:42 They are unfaithful to God. They parted from God.
11:44 They are unfaithful to the covenant.
11:46 They serve those pagan idols.
11:48 And now Ezekiel is reminding them
11:52 of those curses of the covenant
11:55 that Moses mentioned in Leviticus 26.
11:57 And he said to them, "For thus says the Lord God,
12:01 'How much more when I send my four severe judgments
12:07 against Jerusalem, sword, famine, wild beast,
12:13 and plague,'" or pestilence "'
12:15 to cut off man and beast from it.'"
12:18 How does Ezekiel call these four entities?
12:23 My four severe judgments.
12:27 Please can you turn to Jeremiah Chapter 51?
12:30 I want you, friends, that you see
12:31 how the Old Testament is replete with this,
12:34 that this is actually the crucial idea
12:36 that the people of Israel were so much familiar with.
12:39 Jeremiah 15:3, he has a different reference for that,
12:43 a different title for that.
12:45 He says, Jeremiah 15:3
12:48 "I will appoint over them four kinds of doom."
12:52 How does he call these things?
12:54 Four kinds of doom. "Declares the Lord.
12:57 'The sword to slay, the dogs'" or the beast '"to drag off,
13:01 and the birds of the sky
13:03 and the beasts of the earth to devour and to destroy.'"
13:07 How does Jeremiah call them? Four kind of dooms.
13:15 So what are we talking about?
13:17 I'd like to invite the viewers and my audience here
13:21 because I'm not able now to go into details.
13:24 I'd like you to turn to page 219.
13:26 The second line here on the top.
13:28 And just you see, how many times?
13:32 219 in my commentary there,
13:35 Revelation of Jesus Christ, second line.
13:38 And you can see there and go to the second paragraph.
13:41 You can see that how many times the prophets mentioned
13:46 and reminded the people of Israel of these four entities,
13:50 four severe judgments or four doom.
13:53 Why were the prophets
13:54 so much reminding the people of Israel of this, why?
13:59 Because it was at the time
14:00 when people are in total apostasy from God
14:04 and they wanted to remind them.
14:05 And please now you have now to be with me.
14:12 What happens when the people of Israel are unfaithful to God?
14:16 When you read the Old Testament
14:18 starting from the Book of Judges,
14:20 God simply because they departed from God,
14:23 God lifts up His protection from them.
14:26 Now what happens? The enemy nations come.
14:28 How do they come?
14:30 With money to help them.
14:32 No, they come with a sword to kill them.
14:35 Now when you have the war situation,
14:37 people are killed with a sword.
14:38 What is the next thing?
14:41 My country was torn by war several times
14:43 You know, what is the next thing?
14:45 The next thing is famine.
14:47 The first thing is shortage of food.
14:51 What is the next thing?
14:55 Different kind of disease, pestilence,
14:59 people are buried, people are dying there.
15:02 And what is the next one?
15:05 It's death. It's completely death.
15:08 And then the land is depopulated.
15:11 We're talking about Palestine, etcetera.
15:13 What comes next?
15:15 All those wild beasts are coming
15:18 from all around to feed themselves
15:21 and they're harming the people.
15:22 Actually, the text says in Leviticus 26,
15:25 "They will harm and eat your children."
15:30 Simple.
15:31 So now when people were in apostasy,
15:36 God would send His prophet to them.
15:38 Go to page 219, 220 all those pages,
15:42 because I really need 1 hour
15:43 just to go through those references.
15:45 You will see how many are in the Old Testament.
15:47 And please, please now you have to be with me.
15:50 The prophets would come
15:51 and preach to the people and say, you have left God.
15:57 You have broken the covenant with Him.
15:59 You're serving the idols.
16:01 Be careful because the sword is coming,
16:06 famine, pestilence and the wild beast.
16:10 And people knew exactly what the prophet was talking about.
16:15 I remember when for the first time, I did this research
16:21 and I was at one occasion preaching
16:24 and one gentleman raised hand and he said,
16:27 "Yeah, Jesus cleaned the Old Testament."
16:28 He said, "I did not realize
16:30 how much of that is in the Old Testament."
16:32 But we are dealing not with the Old Testament.
16:34 We are dealing with the first century.
16:36 "How can you be sure
16:38 that people understood it exactly in that way?"
16:40 And I was little bit confused, I decided to do my research
16:45 and then I found something very interesting
16:47 is that famous scholar David Downie
16:51 actually quotes Dio Cassius who was actually a Roman historian,
16:56 he knew nothing about the Old Testament.
16:58 Are you still with me?
16:59 Nothing about the Old Testament.
17:02 You have that quotation in page 221, second paragraph there.
17:06 Actually he described the destruction of Palestine
17:09 by Romans destruction of Jerusalem,
17:12 are you still-- in the year 132 A.D.
17:16 Please keep in mind, he is just a Roman historian.
17:20 He does not know the Old Testament.
17:22 Let's listen, let's read
17:23 how actually he describes the destruction of Palestine.
17:26 Are you with me?
17:28 Second line, he says, "580,000 men were slain
17:33 in the various raids and battles," sword huh?
17:37 Sword, "And the number of those that perished by famine,
17:42 disease, and fire was past finding out.
17:46 Thus nearly the whole Judaea was made desolate.
17:50 A result of which the people had hath forewarning before war.
17:54 And many wolves and hyenas
17:57 rushed howling into their cities."
18:02 What do we have here?
18:04 Not only that among the Jewish people,
18:06 but even in the first century among the Romans,
18:09 these were actually the consequences of a punishment.
18:13 So we can say that sword, famine,
18:18 pestilence and the wild beast are actually, as Ezekiel stated,
18:24 are God's judgments on the unfaithful Israel.
18:28 Now we have to go one step further
18:32 and please you have now to be with me.
18:37 What are those judgments?
18:40 By the way, we call them, the covenant curses
18:42 or the curses of the covenant.
18:44 It goes like this way.
18:46 God is not the one who's doing this.
18:49 As we mentioned that,
18:50 but God's people are faithful to God,
18:53 there is God's protection upon them.
18:55 When people are unfaithful to God,
18:58 God says, to the Babylonians,
19:02 go little bit and discipline my people.
19:06 And Babylonians they come sword, famine,
19:12 cause pestilence and the wild beast.
19:16 This is something that regularly takes,
19:18 but then what happens next?
19:20 Please this very important now
19:21 for the understanding of the seals.
19:23 We are not dealing now only with four horsemen.
19:25 We are dealing seven seals.
19:27 When God's people are harmed that way
19:32 and they are in that desperate situation,
19:34 what is that the people do?
19:36 You read the Old Testament.
19:37 It's regularly starting with the Book of Judges
19:40 going all through the Old Testament,
19:42 all up to the Babylonian exile,
19:44 when people are calm, that people turn back to God.
19:48 Sometimes God will send the prophet,
19:49 God will raise the judges
19:51 and people turn toward God, but keep in mind something,
19:56 God allows to those Babylonians--
19:58 By the way, when you read the Bible,
20:00 you will see, for instance,
20:03 if you go to Isaiah 10:5, 6,
20:08 God calls Assyria, the rod of my anger.
20:12 Do you know rod?
20:14 You take rod to beat somebody.
20:16 So God used Assyria, what?
20:18 To spank His children
20:20 or God called the king of Babylon, my servant.
20:27 What are we talking about?
20:28 So God used those surrounding nations,
20:30 telling them, go little bit discipline my people.
20:34 God did not want to destroy His people.
20:36 What is the purpose of this covenant curses?
20:39 That people realize their situation
20:41 and they come back to God.
20:43 But once those eliminations they come,
20:46 they don't want to just, to discipline God's people,
20:49 they want to destroy them completely.
20:55 Please try to think about the Old Testament.
20:57 How many times it happened?
20:59 Actually the last time it happened
21:00 during the Queen of Esther.
21:03 Now God's people are praying to God.
21:06 And now God's wrath
21:08 turns against the enemies of His people.
21:13 Please I'd like now at this moment to ask
21:19 if you can turn to the Book of Zechariah.
21:24 This is just one of many texts
21:27 that actually sheds light to this concept.
21:34 By the way, if you go, I will not read this text,
21:37 Zechariah Chapter 1 to 8.
21:40 Actually, you will find that these texts
21:43 describes four horses that Zechariah sees,
21:47 which is really the background
21:49 for the understanding of the seven seals,
21:51 four backgrounds, okay?
21:53 But if you go now to verse 14,
21:56 this text will not appear on the screen, okay.
22:00 Actually, let's read from verse 12.
22:02 We are talking about the people of Israel
22:04 after the Babylonian exile.
22:06 Now he says, "So the angel of the Lord said,
22:09 'O Lord of hosts,
22:10 how long will You have no compassion
22:13 for Jerusalem and the cities of Judah,
22:15 which You have been indignant these 70 years?'"
22:19 Now verse 14.
22:20 "So the angel who was speaking with me said to me,
22:23 'proclaim,'" and says, "Thus says the Lord of hosts,
22:27 I am exceedingly jealous for Jerusalem and Zion.
22:30 But I am very angry with the nations who are at ease,
22:34 for while I was only a little angry with them,
22:38 they further the disaster."
22:39 Did you see this concept here?
22:41 But this concept is found
22:43 numerous times in the Old Testament.
22:46 When God's people turned back to God,
22:49 now God goes in judgment against their enemies.
22:53 By the way, I would like to suggest to you.
22:56 This is exactly what we have in seven seals.
23:03 One more time, what do we have in the first four seals?
23:06 The covenant curses, okay.
23:11 Now what do we have in the fifth seal?
23:15 We're coming just in few minutes there.
23:17 You have God's people who are killed
23:19 because of the word of God and their testimony.
23:22 And they're crying to God.
23:24 How long-- it's the same expression
23:26 that we saw here in Zechariah.
23:28 "How long the Lord God Almighty
23:30 will You not judge our persecutors?
23:33 Those who killed us.
23:34 Those who are responsible for our death."
23:36 And God says to them, "Just wait for a while.
23:40 I will come in judgment against your enemies."
23:43 And now when you go to the sixth seal,
23:47 what do you have there?
23:49 That the enemies of God's people
23:52 are coming all around to hide themselves
23:57 before the wrath of God because now God is coming
24:00 against them in the answer to His people.
24:03 Did you see that?
24:04 You could see how actually the covenant
24:07 concept of the Old Testament
24:09 stands into the background of the seven seals.
24:12 So in summary, what is that that we learn here?
24:18 Number one, that the seals,
24:24 they deal primarily with God's people of the church.
24:29 Do you remember when we mentioned at the beginning,
24:32 that seals they portrayed the history of the church.
24:34 Now we see that. We have some indication.
24:37 That's why it's important to go to the Old Testament
24:39 and see to that altar.
24:41 Covenant curses are not against the enemies of God's people.
24:45 Are specifically directed to God's people,
24:47 are you still with me?
24:49 But in the final stage of those covenant curses,
24:53 when God's people come to God,
24:54 asking God how long, they return back to God.
24:57 Now what happens?
25:00 Now God's wrath turns against the enemies of His people.
25:04 This is exactly what we have here in the fifth seal.
25:07 Are you still with me?
25:10 Now in the light of that,
25:12 now we are turning there to the fifth seal.
25:17 And we would like to see actually
25:20 what we have there.
25:22 So please can you turn back to your Bibles?
25:26 And we would like to go to the fifth seal
25:29 and see what the message actually we can find there.
25:35 So Revelation 6:9-11, the fifth seal
25:43 "When the lamb broke the fifth seal,
25:46 I saw underneath the altar the souls of those
25:49 who had been slain because of the word of God,
25:52 and because of the testimony which they had maintained,
25:55 and they cried out with a loud voice, saying,
25:59 'How long, O Lord, holy and true,
26:01 will you refrain from judging and avenging
26:05 our blood on those who dwell on the earth?'
26:08 And there was given to each of them a white robe,
26:12 and they were told that they should rest
26:14 for a little while longer, until."
26:19 I have to pause here for a moment.
26:21 I'll be reading my translation
26:22 that I have here, which is not correct.
26:25 I'll explain, it says
26:26 "That the number of their fellow servants and their brethren
26:30 who are also to be killed even as they had been,
26:34 would be completed."
26:37 Actually, the fifth seal really reflects
26:43 one very important text
26:46 from the Book of Daniel 12:6 and 7.
26:54 Actually, it's really from verse 5, I will start.
26:57 Said "Then I, Daniel, looked and behold,
27:00 two others were standing, one on this bank of the river
27:03 and the other on that bank of the river.
27:06 And one said to the man dressed in linen,
27:09 who was above the waters of the river,
27:11 'How long will it be until the end of these wonders?'
27:15 I heard the man dressed in linen,
27:17 who was above the waters of the river,
27:20 as he raised his right hand and his left toward heaven,
27:24 and swore by him who lives forever
27:29 that it would be for a time, times, a half a time,
27:35 as soon they finish shattering the power of the Holy people,
27:39 all these events will be completed."
27:44 Actually, if you see the keywords
27:48 that are found here in this text in Daniel,
27:51 you can see actually many parallels
27:54 between this text and the fifth seal.
27:59 But there is something very interesting is
28:02 that here in this vision, Daniel, here's the question,
28:06 how long will the persecution of God's people last?
28:11 And what was the answer
28:12 that Daniel receives there in the vision?
28:16 That it will be for one certain period of time
28:22 and that period is referred to as a time,
28:28 okay, times, which is in Hebrew two times in half of time.
28:33 I don't want now to spend too much time on that
28:37 because very soon we will come and we will see
28:41 that this is just one of several designations.
28:44 In both Book of Daniel and Revelation,
28:48 you have time, two times, and half a time.
28:52 Then you have 1,260 days and you have 42 months.
28:58 They all refer to one and the same period.
29:01 If you put it to days, you will see 1,260 days.
29:05 Actually, refers to that period of the Dark Middle Ages,
29:09 persecution of God's people that started with the year 538
29:13 and concluded with events of French Revolution.
29:17 The day that is taken is year 1798.
29:23 So we have here a strong background
29:25 actually that the fifth seal,
29:28 if you want to apply it historically,
29:31 refers to the period of the Dark Middle Ages
29:34 or the persecution of God's people.
29:37 But at the same time, the fifth seal
29:40 actually refers generally
29:41 to what God's people are always doing
29:43 like the Old Testament times.
29:45 Let's try somehow to apply it with reference to the church.
29:50 You see when the church is unfaithful
29:51 to the preaching of the gospel, when the church departs to God
29:56 trying to follow the human tradition,
29:59 okay, human practice
30:01 and human way of salvation then what happens?
30:04 God's people are left to themselves.
30:08 The church is located in the hostile world
30:11 and the hostile world just is waiting
30:14 to turn against God's people.
30:16 And actually the fifth seal provides the general realities.
30:20 But on much deeper level,
30:22 actually the fifth seal really fits completely and nicely
30:27 into that prophetic period
30:29 that we know as the Dark Middle Ages
30:32 or 1,260 prophetic days.
30:35 Are you still with me? So now what do we have here?
30:38 What is that that John sees? Let's go there.
30:42 John says that underneath the altar,
30:45 what does he see?
30:46 He sees the souls of those who were killed
30:51 because of the word of God
30:54 and the testimony that they have maintained.
30:57 I'd like to remind you
31:00 that the word soul in the Bible
31:02 never refers to certain entity that is in human body
31:06 and after that when person dies
31:07 that soul goes somewhere there to heaven.
31:12 Actually, numerous texts of the Bible,
31:14 biblical references, they show clearly
31:19 that actually the Hebrew word "nephesh"
31:24 always refers to the complete person to the human being.
31:28 So we have here somehow symbolic references
31:32 to God's people who were harmed,
31:36 oppressed, persecuted and killed because of the word of God.
31:40 By the way, if you wanted references
31:42 the meaning of the word soul,
31:43 you can go to the Book of Genesis 2:7
31:47 "When God created Adam, Adam became the living soul."
31:51 You can go to the Book of Acts 2:41
31:55 or Chapter 27, verse 37.
31:58 You can see how the Bible always by using the term soul
32:03 refers to the complete person and the person is alive.
32:07 But you will notice here,
32:09 that these martyred saints are seen underneath the altar.
32:15 The question is, which altar is it.
32:17 There is only one altar that is in you here.
32:21 It is the altar of the burnt sacrifices
32:26 because the imagery of that is from the Old Testament, okay.
32:31 When the sacrifice was put there on the altar,
32:35 what happened to the blood?
32:37 The blood was poured out underneath the altar.
32:44 So we have here a symbolic references
32:47 that God's people who are persecuted and killed.
32:52 They are like sacrifices on behalf of the gospel.
32:54 Are you still with me?
32:56 So like in the case of Abel, who was killed,
32:59 his blood was crying to God for vindication.
33:04 So we have the blood of those martyred saints
33:07 is crying to God for the vindication
33:10 and asking the question.
33:11 "How long, O holy and true God,
33:15 will you not judge and avenge our blood
33:18 upon those who dwell on the earth?"
33:20 Let me just remind you something.
33:22 I'm going very quickly to mention
33:24 and I hope you will be able to write it down.
33:27 If you go to Chapter 8 verse 13,
33:29 Chapter 11 verse 10, Chapter 13 verse 8,
33:34 Chapter 17 verse 2,
33:35 oh, please when you go to my commentary through that section,
33:38 I have many more verses, you will see that the expression,
33:42 "Those who dwell on the earth"
33:44 it's always the reference
33:46 to the wicked in the Book of Revelation.
33:49 One more time, "Those who dwell on the earth"
33:53 is a constant reference to those who are against God
33:59 and they are the enemies of God's people.
34:01 So when God's people are asking God for the vindication
34:05 with regard to those who dwell on the earth,
34:07 what are they are praying to God for?
34:12 For their vindication and judgment over their enemies.
34:16 You see, they place their trust in God.
34:19 They believed God. They serve God.
34:21 But their enemies are now harming them.
34:24 By the way, I just want to--
34:27 we see how great encouraging message we have here,
34:31 if you go to the Bible.
34:33 Oh, I can give you many texts.
34:35 You'll find it there in Psalm, in the Book of Habakkuk.
34:39 We saw in the text of Daniel.
34:41 "How long, O God,"
34:44 it's a perennial cry of God's people throughout history.
34:49 God's people always experienced injustice in this world.
34:54 So that the plea of these Martyrs,
34:57 in the scene of the fifth seal
34:59 presents the plea and the prayer of God's people
35:02 since Able until the time very end,
35:05 "How long, God, will you wait not to protect us?
35:11 How long the time will pass?"
35:13 You saw in the Book of Daniel, certain period had to pass,
35:16 the time of the Dark Middle Ages.
35:18 But God said, "The time is coming
35:21 and I will judge your enemies."
35:25 You notice here in the text,
35:27 that God said to these martyrs,
35:29 "You have to wait a little bit longer."
35:35 Friends, it's very hard to wait.
35:40 We would like to know, when?
35:43 And that when is looks for the immediate answer.
35:47 But God says you have to wait.
35:49 You will notice here, that these martyrs,
35:52 it says, they were given the white robes.
35:56 What is the message here that God gives to them?
35:59 He's telling them you are saved.
36:01 Amen. You belong to me.
36:05 You are under my protection.
36:08 But you have to rest.
36:09 Verse 11, you have to rest a little while longer. Why?
36:14 Because He said--I'm now reading as it is in my Bible,
36:19 until the number of your fellow servants and your brothers,
36:25 they have to go through the same experience
36:27 as you are going through,
36:30 that their number can be completed
36:32 according to my version.
36:33 This is I tell you, why you need
36:36 a study of the Book of Revelation
36:38 more than just one Bible translation.
36:41 It's the best, if you can go to Greek.
36:43 And today, we have many different tools.
36:45 Why this so much important?
36:47 Let me tell you, here you have
36:49 one terrible thing that influences beliefs
36:52 and teachings many Christians and what is that?
36:55 That actually God is waiting
36:57 for a certain number of people to be saved.
37:02 But what is the problem?
37:04 That the word the number does not occur in the original text.
37:11 If you have any modern version of the Bible
37:14 like my New American, they put the word 'number' in italics,
37:17 trying to tell you that this is not in original.
37:20 We as the translators, we inserted this word here.
37:25 Friends, God does not have in mind certain number of people.
37:31 Come on, we will come to the next chapter.
37:34 and God waits
37:37 until that number is filled then He will come.
37:40 Why, what other doctrine?
37:43 Actually, the text is telling us,
37:44 God says to those martyred saints,
37:47 I'm giving you the white robes.
37:49 I just want to tell you, your salvation is secured.
37:55 Your destiny is in my hands.
37:59 But you have to wait for a while
38:02 because there are more people to be saved.
38:05 And they will go through your experience
38:07 and I'm waiting for them to be completed.
38:12 Not the number to be completed.
38:14 Evidently, here is the reference to the character,
38:17 to the salvation that has to be completed with them.
38:22 So you see the fifth seal within the covenant curses,
38:24 it's a great promise.
38:26 Whenever God's people depart from God,
38:28 when they are unfaithful to God,
38:29 there are consequences for that.
38:31 This is what the first four seals are teaching us.
38:34 But whenever God's people come back to God...
38:41 I taught my children,
38:43 even if you go so far away from God that way,
38:48 the parting from God it's always down, down, down
38:53 like in the Book of Jonah, you remember?
38:55 Jonah started fleeing from God.
38:58 Then he went down to Tarshish.
39:01 Then he went down to the ship.
39:04 Then went down to the bottom of the ship.
39:07 But then he even went deeper where he didn't want to go.
39:10 And when he's praying to God,
39:11 he says, I went so deep, I'm in Sheol.
39:14 But even when he prayed to God there, God heard him.
39:17 This is what the fifth seal is telling us.
39:20 There is always hope for God's people
39:23 and we are reminded in that very nice book
39:26 that the church of God even though it is feeble and weak
39:31 and full imperfection, it's still God's.
39:39 That subject of God's greatest love and care.
39:43 This is what the fifth seal is telling us.
39:45 Yes, the fifth seal has a historical application
39:48 during the medieval period,
39:49 but also gives the message to the God's people of all times.
39:53 It's always associated with the preaching of the gospel, okay.
40:00 Now we are coming to the sixth seal,
40:01 the fifth seal really historically
40:03 applies to the middle ages.
40:05 Now we are left to which-- we are led to which period,
40:09 the period after the Middle Ages,
40:11 after the prophetic period of 1,260 days.
40:14 Are you with me?
40:16 And now we are coming to the text,
40:17 it's the sixth seal, we are reading verse 12.
40:21 "I looked when He broke the sixth seal
40:24 there was a great earthquake,
40:26 and the sun became black as a sackcloth made of hair,
40:30 and the whole moon became like blood,
40:33 and the stars of the sky fell on the earth,
40:36 as a fig tree casts its unripe figs
40:39 when shaken by a great wind.
40:42 The sky was split apart like a scroll."
40:45 You see, John does not mean,
40:48 but he uses the word biblio in the book.
40:50 He means the scroll.
40:52 This is why we have it here.
40:54 "It is rolled up, and every mountain
40:57 and island were moved out of their places."
41:02 Please let me stop here for a while.
41:05 We have now the sixth seal.
41:08 What do we have here in the sixth seal?
41:11 Keep in mind, that the sixth seal follows the fifth seal.
41:13 What did we have in the fifth seal?
41:15 God's people are praying to God for the protection
41:17 and for the vindication from their enemies.
41:21 Now what do we have in the sixth seal?
41:23 Now finally, God is coming in judgment.
41:28 So what do we have here?
41:29 We read verse 15 "These are those who dwell on the earth."
41:34 It says "Then the kings of the earth and the great men
41:38 and the commanders and the rich
41:40 and the strong and every slave
41:43 and free man hid themselves in the caves
41:47 and among the rocks of the mountains,
41:49 and they said to the mountains and to the rocks,
41:51 "Fall on us and hide us from the presence of Him
41:56 who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the lamb,
41:59 for the great day of their wrath has come,
42:03 and who is able to stand?"
42:07 What do we have now in the sixth seal?
42:10 Now what God promised to the martyrs in the fifth seal?
42:16 Now God is fulfilling.
42:18 Finally, God says, now I'm coming to judge your enemies,
42:23 those who harm you, those who persecute you
42:26 and those who are responsible for your suffering.
42:31 Please, I would like here that we go
42:34 and just that we see, okay, several points here.
42:39 It's very important to notice.
42:43 If we take the sixth seal historically
42:47 and here there is no any doubt
42:50 that the sixth seal brings us
42:53 to the time of the second coming of Christ,
42:56 time prior to the second coming of Christ
42:59 and the very event of Jesus coming down to the earth.
43:03 But you will notice that this period
43:05 comes after the fifth seal,
43:07 after the period of the Dark Middle Ages.
43:09 Did you notice it?
43:10 Can you connect the two things?
43:12 Now John said, when the sixth seal was opened by the Lamb,
43:18 there are some supernatural signs that take place.
43:22 What are they?
43:23 Terrible earthquake, darkening of the sun,
43:28 and the darkening of the moon,
43:31 and finally the falling of the stars.
43:35 The Christians have been always struggling with this problem
43:42 and I just want to tell you the problem is not so simple.
43:45 But praise God, today we have the answer for that.
43:48 I, myself, I have struggled.
43:49 For just few years ago, a good colleague of mine
43:52 and we decided to study the subject.
43:54 And actually credit goes to him.
43:56 He discovered something in the text that solved the problem.
44:00 What is the problem?
44:01 You remember we established a principle,
44:04 at very beginning of the Book of Revelation,
44:07 telling us that what John saw in the vision?
44:12 It was shown to him by means of symbols.
44:14 You remember that?
44:15 So if you want to follow this principle,
44:21 is the earthquake, the sun, the moon and the stars,
44:27 are they literal or symbolic?
44:31 I hope I just want to tell you,
44:35 Book of Revelation is not always easy.
44:38 That's why we have to listen to each other,
44:40 not try simply to defend our ideas.
44:42 If we follow the principle that is found
44:45 in Revelation 1:1, then it's symbolic.
44:48 Please I'm not saying it is.
44:52 It's really a literal
44:55 because Seventh-day Adventist Christians
44:59 they believed that the signs that are portrayed here,
45:05 this earthquake actually was fulfilled in the year 1755
45:11 with that well-known worldwide Lisbon earthquake.
45:16 And then that the dark day of May 19, 1780
45:21 that was experienced in Eastern New York
45:23 and Southern England actually that sign was fulfilled then.
45:27 And that the spectacular meteor shower of the Atlantic Ocean,
45:30 November 13, 1833 gave the fulfillment of this, okay.
45:38 So darkening of the sun and the moon,
45:41 the earthquake it was fulfilled, okay.
45:44 But then, in later history,
45:47 some people started to question it.
45:50 Let me tell you, that this understanding
45:52 is not the understanding of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
45:54 It was understanding of full Protestants in North America.
45:57 Actually that led
45:58 to the so-called second great awakening.
46:02 When the Protestants in America finally started thinking
46:05 about the second coming of Christ, as we mentioned before,
46:08 it led to the establishing of biblical societies,
46:11 many reforms and missionary movements
46:14 to proclaim the word of God throughout the world.
46:17 But people say, Christians of that time were mistaken
46:21 because the sun, the moon and the stars,
46:23 earthquakes are actually here symbolic.
46:28 And we had to study and we didn't have the answer
46:32 because if you follow your own principle
46:34 that you find in Revelation 1,
46:36 then you have to say, it's symbolic.
46:38 Unfortunately, when you study the word of God,
46:41 you always get the answer, so now you have to be with me.
46:44 Let's go back to the text.
46:47 Are you ready for this?
46:49 And you can see sometimes how it's so simple,
46:51 but somebody has to find the simplicity.
46:55 It says "I looked when He broke the sixth seal,
46:59 there was a great earthquake."
47:01 Okay, let's leave the earthquake.
47:03 It says "And the sun
47:06 became black as sackcloth."
47:19 Are you with me?
47:20 Viewers, you look there in the text.
47:22 Please, let's go next one and it says
47:27 "And the moon became like blood,
47:31 and the starsof the sky fell to the earth,
47:34 as a fig tree casts its unripe figs when shaken by the wind."
47:41 Here we have the key
47:43 for the understanding of this phenomenon telling us
47:46 that they are not symbolic, they are literal.
47:48 Where is the key?
47:49 What is the word here, that is key here?
47:50 It's the word 'like.'
47:52 You see, you'll never take--
47:54 You see, what comes after the word like.
47:57 It comes symbol.
48:01 When you say, "My son sings like a bird."
48:06 The bird is a symbol.
48:08 It comes always after the word like or as.
48:11 Are you still with me?
48:13 So when John says that the sun became like sackcloth.
48:17 Sackcloth is the symbol,
48:19 but you don't use one symbol to compare it with another symbol.
48:22 You take a literal thing.
48:25 And then you use the word like or as,
48:28 to compare it with the symbol.
48:30 He said that the moon became like or as
48:34 and then you use the symbol
48:37 and the stars actually fell like or as,
48:41 and then you use the symbols.
48:43 Do you see that?
48:45 You see, we have to study the word of God.
48:48 Just to take a superficial reading and try to challenge
48:51 and say, boy, my Christian denomination was wrong.
48:56 Based on the superficial reading does not lead us to the truth,
49:01 does not lead us to the truth.
49:03 Only careful study of the Bible can help us to understand.
49:07 So what is another evidence that this is not actually symbolic?
49:13 It's because when you go up
49:14 to the gospel of Matthew...
49:20 Chapter 24:29-30,
49:26 Jesus talking about the signs of His coming.
49:30 You remember that?
49:32 In verse 29, Jesus said
49:33 "Immediately after the tribulation of those days,"
49:37 tribulation of what days?
49:39 Jesus refers in His sermon on the mount
49:45 to the period of the great tribulation of the Middle Ages,
49:48 the same what we have in the fifth seal.
49:51 Jesus says "The sun will be darkened,
49:54 the moon will not give its light,
49:57 and the stars will fall from the sky,
50:00 and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
50:03 And then the sign of the Son of Man
50:06 will appear in the sky, and all the tribes
50:09 of the earth will mourn, and they will see
50:12 the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky
50:16 with the power and great glory."
50:18 Please, do you see what I see?
50:21 When you put Matthew 24:29-31,
50:24 when you put the sixth seal put together,
50:27 you can see that actually the sixth seal
50:30 is a replica of what Jesus stated in His sermon
50:34 and Matthew recorded in chapter 24.
50:36 And Jesus never intended
50:40 to mention the sun, the moon, and the stars as a symbol.
50:43 For Him, it's real.
50:46 But even without Matthew 24,
50:48 when you simply go to the text
50:50 of the Book of Revelation, the usage of the word like,
50:55 or the word as, shows clearly that is not symbolic.
51:01 This is something literal.
51:03 So what we have here is, that God's people
51:06 after the period of the Dark Middle Ages
51:10 finally will realize that some special phenomena,
51:13 supernatural something to happen in this world
51:17 that actually show to the inhabitants of this world
51:20 that the history of this earth
51:23 has entered into the last phase of that history.
51:27 Keep in mind, one more time.
51:29 We saw it. We don't know when.
51:32 We don't know how long.
51:34 Of course, for us when we are waiting is too long,
51:36 but keep in mind,
51:38 that for God 1,000 years is like one day.
51:44 I remember my kids, when I told them
51:47 that they have to wait 10 minutes
51:48 for something nice that they get from me,
51:50 for them it was the whole eternity.
51:52 What was for me? Just one second.
51:55 So we are not informed when,
51:57 but here with these events, we have, okay,
52:01 the last stage of the human history.
52:04 And then finally we have the second coming of Christ.
52:07 The second coming of Christ finally comes to judgment
52:10 on the enemies of God's people that we have there.
52:14 And John see the people of all social levels,
52:18 those who are responsible for harming God's people.
52:22 They are going and shouting to the mountains
52:24 and to the rocks, "Hide us because
52:26 we cannot stand the glory and the wrath of one
52:30 who is coming on the clouds."
52:32 And now there is a question,
52:34 who is able to stand?
52:36 By the way, let me just refer
52:38 to several passages here that one more time.
52:40 I'm doing this that you see,
52:42 how much the Book of Revelation
52:44 relies on the Old Testament.
52:45 If you go to the Book of Isaiah 2:19 we read,
52:50 "Men will go into caves in the rocks,
52:53 and into the holes in the ground
52:55 before the terror of the Lord
52:57 and the splendor of His majesty,
52:59 when He arises to make the earth tremble."
53:02 Do you see that?
53:03 In the Book of Hosea,
53:05 the Book of Hosea 10:8 we read there,
53:09 "Then they will say to the mountains,
53:11 'Cover us' and to the hills, 'Fall on us.'"
53:16 And then, we have the sayings of Jesus
53:19 in Luke Chapter 23 verse 30
53:23 talking about His coming Jesus said
53:24 "Then they will begin to say to the mountains,
53:27 'Fall on us,' and to the hills, 'Cover us.'"
53:31 Do you see that how much of the Book of Revelation
53:34 incorporates both statements
53:37 from the Old Testament and the New Testament?
53:39 No wonder, no wonder that we are reminded
53:44 with that statement that actually
53:46 in the Book of Revelation
53:48 all the books of the Bible they meet.
53:54 But there is something very interesting is.
53:58 What is the question...
54:02 that these enemies of God's people,
54:05 of all social levels they are asking?
54:09 Great He is His wrath.
54:13 In our next presentation, we will see
54:15 what that wrath is all about.
54:18 But then, they asked the question,
54:20 who is able to stand?
54:23 Because somehow there is a confusion,
54:26 Jesus is coming and you know what happens
54:29 there is an earthquake.
54:32 There is no distinction between good and bad.
54:35 Remember, tsunami everybody suffered.
54:38 So now Jesus is coming,
54:42 His judgments are coming to the earth.
54:43 His wrath is poured out.
54:46 It appears that all the inhabitants
54:48 of the world are subject to the judgment.
54:50 That's why the wicked are asking,
54:52 who is able to stand?
54:55 And you will notice something.
54:58 You expect now the seventh seal to be opened,
55:02 but it's not so.
55:05 Before we have the seventh seal,
55:08 we have a so-called interlude.
55:10 We have chapter 7 that really interrupts
55:14 the flow of the opening seven seals.
55:17 It's kind of interlude. We can say a parenthesis.
55:20 Today, we will say a footnote
55:22 or exegesis whatever expression you use.
55:25 What is the purpose of Revelation 7 we will see
55:28 in our next presentation, is to provide the answer
55:32 to this question who is able to stand on that day
55:37 and what is the answer?
55:39 Those who will be able to stand
55:43 are the sealed people of God,
55:45 those who belong to God.
55:46 Oh, boy, there is so much to be said about that.
55:49 I want to keep you for my next presentation.
55:51 But keep in mind it is after Revelation Chapter 7.
55:55 In Chapter 8:1 we have the opening
55:59 of the seventh seal and it says--
56:03 chapter 8:1
56:05 "When he opened the seventh seal,
56:08 there was a silence in heaven for about a half hour."
56:13 The Christians are struggling with this question.
56:15 What is that silence all about?
56:17 Unfortunately, John in the Book of Revelation
56:19 never explains about that silence.
56:22 So we have to go to the time of the Book of Revelation
56:25 and to understand what it meant.
56:27 If you go to the Old Testament,
56:29 for instance, Zephaniah 1:7, Zechariah 2:13,
56:35 "Silence is regularly associated
56:38 with the coming of God in judgment."
56:39 When God is coming to judge the enemies of His people,
56:43 there is always silence in heaven.
56:45 Among the Jewish people, in the time when
56:47 the Book of Revelation was written,
56:50 it was believed, "The silence occurs in heaven,
56:53 so that the prayers of the saints can be heard,
56:56 in answer to judgment over the wicked."
56:58 So John is using this concept to tell God's people
57:03 that after the second coming of Christ.
57:06 There will be that great silence,
57:08 when the whole heaven will look in awe
57:13 about that final judgment that God will come,
57:17 that God will bring in answer to His people
57:20 to vindicate them and to save them
57:22 because the seventh seal finally brings
57:25 God's people into the kingdom of Heaven.


Revised 2014-12-17