Revelation of the Coming King

The Seven Seals - Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Ranko Stefanovic


Series Code: RCK

Program Code: RCK000009

00:20 Welcome again to our program,
00:23 "Revelation of The Coming King."
00:27 I would like once again to introduce myself
00:30 especially for you who are for the first time
00:34 watching this program.
00:37 I am Ranko Stefanovic,
00:39 professor at Seventh-day Adventist theological seminary,
00:44 Andrews University.
00:45 The courses that I teach
00:49 are subjects from the New Testament.
00:52 And most of those courses that I teach
00:54 is actually the Book of Revelation
00:55 and the time and events.
00:59 So I am so happy to be with you here again
01:02 and we are going to study the word of God,
01:07 the last book of the New Testament,
01:09 the Book of Revelation.
01:11 And I just want to remind you once again
01:15 that this series is about study of the Book of Revelation.
01:22 We started with Chapter 1
01:24 and we will conclude with Chapter 22.
01:28 But as you know that in such short time like this program
01:33 it's impossible to cover everything
01:35 that is in one chapter.
01:37 We would need much more time.
01:39 And I would like to encourage you
01:41 that once this program is over,
01:43 that you going to continue
01:46 further and much deeper way, okay,
01:50 that text that is just covered during this presentation.
01:52 But maybe you will ask question and you say
01:54 we got now some guide but what after?
01:59 Praise God, I would like to suggest to you,
02:01 you need some tools.
02:02 There are many good tools made by Christians.
02:05 But one of the good tool
02:07 that I would like to suggest to you
02:11 and all presentations that we made here
02:14 are based on the content of this book titled,
02:17 "Revelation of Jesus Christ."
02:19 Is a product of scholarly research.
02:21 And every time I will always tell you about the pages
02:25 that you can go after this presentation and open this book,
02:29 get many good material and we do a lot of prayer.
02:33 Study the word of God for yourself.
02:36 Rather by yourself or maybe in company
02:39 with your fellow Christians from your church there.
02:42 So, today's presentation
02:45 is based on pages starting with 217.
02:51 So the page 217, and you have next 40-50 pages there.
02:56 You see it's a lot, a lot of material.
02:59 It's my strong desire that the Holy Spirit
03:04 will promise to teach us into all the truth
03:07 that realty he guide us
03:09 in understanding of the truth of the Bible.
03:13 And that's what we will do exactly this time.
03:16 We would like to ask God for His presence
03:18 and His guidance as we study
03:21 this very interesting section of the Book of Revelation.
03:25 Our heavenly father, thank You so much
03:28 for giving us this opportunity, that we can open Your word,
03:34 the last book of the Bible
03:36 and to see how great valuable lessons
03:41 we can find on the pages of this book.
03:43 And, father, so many times we wonder
03:47 why didn't You write this book
03:50 in much easier way for us to understand.
03:52 But we know that You do everything
03:56 what is best for us humans according to Your wisdom.
04:00 And thank You, thank You for helping us
04:04 with the different tools
04:05 that we can dig much deeper in Your word.
04:09 So please be with us and teach us
04:11 because we would like to see Jesus Christ in our midst
04:16 and that all human beings be hidden in Him.
04:18 Father, thank You for presence in out midst
04:21 and we pray all of this in the precious name of the one
04:24 who died on the cross of Calvary,
04:26 Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord, Amen.
04:34 In order to go further into the Book of Revelation
04:37 I just need to take few moments to remind us
04:42 what we covered last time.
04:45 Because what we studied last time it's crucial,
04:48 let me repeat one more time,
04:50 it's crucial for the understanding
04:53 of next few chapters of the Book of Revelation.
04:57 Let me put it in different way.
04:59 The way how we interpret Revelation 5
05:05 will define our interpretation of Revelation 6,
05:10 the chapter that we will be studying together.
05:17 The time in which you put
05:20 and apply the scene of Revelation 5
05:24 is the starting point for the interpretation
05:29 of the seven seals of Revelation 6.
05:32 So I'd like to keep you in mind that's why Chapter 5
05:37 it's so crucial and so important
05:40 for those chapters that follow, okay.
05:44 So last time we could see that Revelation 5
05:50 portrays one of the crucial moment
05:52 in the history of the plan of the salvation,
05:55 namely, that when Jesus after His death on the cross,
06:01 His resurrection, and finally His accession
06:05 there to the heavenly places there,
06:07 went there into the heavenly throne room.
06:11 And according to Revelation Chapter 4,
06:13 all the heavenly assembly was there waiting for Him
06:18 to celebrate His triumph.
06:21 But there is something more.
06:23 You saw last time, even though
06:26 we just mentioned few passages,
06:29 how much New Testament talks about that occasion
06:33 specifically, specifically stating that, that--
06:40 those heavenly beings in addition
06:42 to celebrate Jesus' triumph
06:44 they were there to celebrate His enthronement
06:49 because there in the heavenly places
06:51 Jesus was enthroned on the heavenly throne.
06:57 Let me explain one more time something.
07:00 You know when God created the first human couple
07:06 it was God's plan for Adam to be a kind of a ruler.
07:12 He was supposed to be the father of the human race.
07:15 If you open the Book of Genesis Chapter 1 there
07:18 from verses 24 and so on
07:20 when God created man in His image
07:23 then God said to Adam, "I am giving you
07:26 dominion of the entire creation on the earth."
07:29 But then we go to Chapter 3 unfortunately,
07:32 a tragic event in human history
07:35 that Satan deceived the first human couple.
07:40 And he took for himself--
07:43 he simply stole that dominion over the planet earth.
07:47 Actually Jesus-- we will see that later
07:50 when we go to Revelation Chapter 12,
07:52 Jesus called Satan the ruler of this world.
07:56 But everything changed with the cross.
07:59 When Jesus died on the cross
08:03 He paid that price for the human beings
08:06 to redeem them from the kingdom of darkness and from Satan.
08:11 And then when Jesus ascended there
08:13 to the heavenly places, okay.
08:16 In the presence of all those
08:18 heavenly beings there waiting for Him,
08:20 representatives of all those different world,
08:24 there was a transference of the dominion
08:27 from Satan to Jesus.
08:29 It is at that moment that Jesus was enthroned
08:34 at the right hand of the father
08:36 and He became the ruler of this world.
08:39 Please keep in mind-- keep in mind
08:42 that Satan is still messing up in this world.
08:48 We will see that the Book of Revelation presents him
08:51 as an angry enemy.
08:53 However, Jesus Christ is still in control.
08:59 We are waiting still for that time
09:01 when finally He will become the king, okay.
09:05 This is very, very important.
09:08 It's very important for the understanding
09:10 the next section of the Book of Revelation.
09:12 We saw that, that enthronement of Christ
09:15 took place on the day of Pentecost.
09:19 So if it was on day of Pentecost
09:21 we have even the year, it's the year 31 AD.
09:26 Please, this date is very important, one more time.
09:31 And this is the starting point
09:35 for Revelation Chapter 6.
09:40 By the way, why we are talking so much about that?
09:43 Because many Christian are struggling because they see
09:48 the important of the seven seals of Revelation 6
09:51 but they have hard time
09:54 to put those seals in the historical context.
09:56 They don't know in which time period to put it.
10:00 But we have already here the answers.
10:02 If they are in the heavenly places in the year 31
10:06 around the day of Pentecost, Jesus was enthroned
10:13 and He took that sealed scroll,
10:15 the scroll that was sealed with the seven seals.
10:18 And if Revelation 6:1, after taking that book
10:21 now Jesus is breaking the seals one after--
10:28 At what time period or which point in history
10:33 we should put the beginning of the seals?
10:37 Naturally it's with the day of Pentecost.
10:41 And by the way, you will see very soon just in a few moments
10:46 how this is a crucial element
10:49 for the understanding of the seven seals.
10:53 So the day of Pentecost that very important point
10:58 in the history of the plan of salvation,
11:01 it's very important and that's why
11:02 this event could not pass without being mentioned
11:07 to John later there in the vision.
11:12 We see that the Jesus took that scroll
11:16 and then He started opening the seals
11:19 with breaking each one of the seals.
11:23 Keep in mind, the seals-- the seals are broken where?
11:28 In heaven, okay.
11:31 But every time when Jesus breaks one seal
11:34 there is an event taking place on earth actually telling us
11:39 that so many times we see that the history is very messy,
11:46 but actually us that the heaven and the earth
11:50 or the earth and heaven are closely connected.
11:56 So now I would like to invite you
11:59 that you turn with me to Revelation Chapter 6.
12:07 Let's go now to this chapter.
12:11 And you will see that the seven--
12:14 the breaking or the opening of the seven seals,
12:17 they have a certain pattern.
12:20 The first four seals are quite different than the rest.
12:27 How are they different?
12:29 Because the first four seals-- every time, every time
12:36 when Jesus opens one of those seals
12:40 a colorful horse with a rider appears on the scene.
12:45 So let us not go to the text and to see
12:48 what we can read about these seals.
12:52 I like you to go to Chapter 6
12:54 and we will read verses 1, 2
12:57 that actually describe the first seal.
13:01 "Then I saw when the Lamb broke one of the seven seals,
13:04 and I heard one of the four living creatures
13:08 saying as with a voice of thunder, 'Come.'
13:12 And I looked, and behold, a white horse,
13:15 and he who sat on it had a bow,
13:19 and a crown was given to him,
13:22 and he went out conquering and to conquer."
13:30 You will notice this is a very interesting scene.
13:34 And what is this all about?
13:37 Christians and many students of the Book of Revelation
13:41 are divided on this.
13:43 Let me just summarize one more time
13:46 in details these two verses.
13:50 And then you'll see how already
13:51 we have a significant hint in the text
13:55 what the scene is about.
13:57 So as Christ opens the first seal a white horse--
14:02 white horse, okay steps on to the scene.
14:06 The rider on the horse holds a bow and he's given a crown.
14:12 The word that is used here
14:13 for the crown is the stephanos crown,
14:16 is the crown of victory.
14:17 This is very, very important.
14:19 We had white color and we have the stephanos crown.
14:22 It's a garland, okay. This rider is a conqueror.
14:28 The text says that he goes for what,
14:30 conquering, in order to completely conquer.
14:36 It's very interesting in John's day
14:38 that the Roman emperor,
14:41 when he celebrate the triumph after the war
14:43 he would ride on a white horse.
14:47 Okay, the conquering celebration.
14:51 Actually there are many Christians
14:53 they believe that this seal portrays antichrist.
14:59 I believe that these view
15:02 and interpretation does not match
15:04 with what we have here in the Book of Revelation.
15:07 Let us try to see it objectively.
15:10 The scene is evidently symbolic
15:12 as normally Christians they understand it.
15:16 When you go to the Old Testament,
15:18 God is sometimes pictured as riding a horse
15:24 with a bow in his hand
15:27 conquering the enemies of His people.
15:29 And please allow me just to take one of those texts
15:33 and read which is found
15:35 in the Book of Habakkuk 3:8-13,
15:38 there are many more texts.
15:40 But you will see something very interesting in these text
15:42 that really servers as a background
15:45 to what we have here in the Book of Revelation.
15:46 Habakkuk 3:8-13,
15:48 "Did the Lord rage against the rivers,
15:51 or was Your anger against the rivers,
15:54 or was Your wrath against the sea,"
15:57 now please pay attention.
15:59 "That You rode on Your horses,
16:02 on Your chariots of salvation?
16:05 Your bow was made bare.
16:07 The rods of chastisement were sworn.
16:10 You cleaved the earth with rivers.
16:13 The mountains saw You and quaked.
16:15 The downpour of waters swept by.
16:18 The deep uttered forth its voice,
16:21 It lifted high its hands.
16:23 Sun and moon stood in their places.
16:25 They went away at the light of Your arrows,
16:30 At the radiance of Your gleaming spear.
16:33 In indignation You marched through the earth.
16:36 In anger You trampled the nations.
16:38 You went forth for the salvation of Your people,
16:41 For the salvation of Your anointed."
16:43 What do we have here?
16:45 Did you notice that the image of horses
16:49 is used with reference to God?
16:50 He's riding the horses.
16:52 And he has the weapons.
16:54 He's going to conquer
16:57 and to win the salvation on behalf of His people.
17:00 I'd like to invite also the viewers
17:02 if you want to go to Psalm 45:4, 5
17:08 and you will see there very similar picture there of God.
17:14 If you go to Revelation 19:11-16
17:18 we have Jesus Christ as riding on the white horse.
17:23 Revelation 19, leading the heavenly armies
17:27 in the final battle of the earth history.
17:30 And friends, this rider
17:34 in the first seal is not antichrist.
17:38 This is the symbolic portrayal of God in the Bible
17:41 but there is much more.
17:43 You see the rider-- okay, rides on the whiter horse.
17:50 White is a symbol of purity not evil or antichrist
17:56 and it's regularly associated with Christ
17:59 and His followers in the Bible.
18:01 Did you notice something else that we mentioned?
18:04 The rider has the stephanos crown.
18:08 In the Bible you remember
18:10 especially in the Book of Revelation
18:11 the stephanos crown is not a crown
18:13 promised to the antichrist.
18:18 It's something that is promise only to God's victorious people.
18:22 And then finally two times the word
18:28 'to conquer' and 'conquering' is mentioned.
18:31 This brings to mind the Revelation 3:21,
18:34 as I conquer or overcome
18:36 and sat with my father on His throne.
18:38 Then you go to Revelation 5,
18:41 you remember why Jesus was worthy
18:46 of taking the sealed scroll because he conquered.
18:51 So actually, all the descriptions of the horse
18:55 and the rider on the horse is actually associated with Christ
19:00 and the gospel and His people.
19:04 So what do we've here in the first seal?
19:08 What is this horse and the rider all about?
19:13 Let's go back to Revelation 5.
19:15 Okay, in Revelation 5 Jesus took that scroll--
19:21 please you have now to help me.
19:23 What was that started on the day of the Pentecost?
19:27 The proclamation, the preaching of the gospel.
19:30 You see when Jesus took that scroll
19:33 he was proclaimed by the whole heavenly assembly
19:37 to be a really the real ruler of the planet earth.
19:41 But then what happened?
19:42 Jesus knew that there are some territories on the earth
19:48 that are rebellious against Him.
19:50 They don't want to accept His authority.
19:55 So that's why on the day of Pentecost
19:58 by using the picture of the victorious rider
20:01 riding on a horse He goes conquering
20:06 and starting to conquer is the best illustration
20:10 of what started on the day of Pentecost,
20:13 preaching of the gospel,
20:14 trying to conquer the hearts of people for Christ
20:20 that many, many territories still to be conquer.
20:25 And you know I just want to remind you,
20:26 when you go to the Book of Acts,
20:28 you remember that what happened
20:30 with that first day of the preaching gospel
20:34 3000 people were won for Christ.
20:36 Then the Book of Acts says that daily people
20:39 were being won for Christ, then 5000 people.
20:43 Then Apostle Paul mention, he said but his own time--
20:46 he said the gospel has been preached
20:48 to every creature on this earth.
20:52 So going with the first century there
20:55 we see the conquest of the gospel.
20:58 So the best interpretation that fits here
21:02 is actually the first horse, that white horse
21:06 and the rider with the stephanos crown
21:09 stands as a symbol for the gospel
21:12 that started being preached on the day of Pentecost.
21:15 Can I ask you one question?
21:17 When you do it in the right way,
21:20 when you let the Bible interpret itself,
21:23 is the Book of Revelation
21:25 really so difficult as people think?
21:28 It's only so difficult it gives such a great joy.
21:32 Your heart is full of the love of the God.
21:34 But let's now go to the second seal.
21:38 I like to invite you with me to read verses 3 and 4,
21:42 "When He" the Lamb "broke the second seal,
21:47 I heard the second living creature saying, 'Come.'
21:53 And another--" please pay attention,
21:55 "A red horse, went out.
21:59 And to him who sat on it,
22:01 it was granted to take peace from the earth,
22:04 and that man would slay one another.
22:08 And a great sword was given to him."
22:13 So now, as Christ opens the second seal, a fiery red--
22:21 this is the meaning in Greek,
22:22 fiery red horse appears on to the scene.
22:28 If you go the Bible
22:30 red is regularly the color of the bloodshed.
22:35 Okay and really corresponds to the mission of this horse.
22:42 Did you notice what we read here in the text
22:45 that the rider has a large sword?
22:47 What do you do with the sword?
22:48 We know what do with knife.
22:50 But that do you do with a sword?
22:52 Sword is not to be use in the kitchen.
22:55 It's use for the purpose of war.
22:58 And this rider according to the text
23:00 is allowed to take the peace from the earth
23:03 so that people can slay each another, okay.
23:10 Pay attention to something, usually people miss it
23:12 when they read the text.
23:13 That's why we have different interpretation.
23:15 It's not the rider who kills.
23:19 He only carries the sword as a symbol of what is going on.
23:24 Actually he only takes the peace from the earth
23:28 and let people kill each other.
23:30 Did you notice it?
23:32 Please read the careful text, okay.
23:36 So let's see what this second seal is about.
23:39 Number one, we have to understand something.
23:42 This fiery red horse follows the white one,
23:49 okay.
23:51 He right--follows the first one, the white one.
23:55 And we saw that the first horseman
23:59 show that through the preaching of the gospel
24:01 Christ is waging spiritual warfare
24:05 against the forces of evil.
24:08 He tried to win people for himself.
24:10 To save them from the dominion of Satan
24:12 from those rebellious territories
24:17 to bring them close to Christ.
24:20 However, what happens--
24:21 pleases you have not to help me,
24:23 what happens when the gospel is been preached?
24:29 And then Christ goes on through
24:31 the gospel conquering-- to conquer?
24:35 What actually happens?
24:36 The forces of evil regularly resist to that. Okay.
24:43 They give a strong resistance
24:44 to the spreading of the gospel there are rarely those
24:47 who rejected the gospel against those who accepted.
24:51 What is the result? Prosecution, okay.
24:55 So the gospel always divides people.
24:59 If you open the New Testament,
25:00 many passages, we will read about that.
25:05 So while some people accept the gospel,
25:07 some people reject it
25:10 and they turn against those who accept the gospel.
25:14 Are you still with me?
25:15 Read the text, this is the concept that we have here.
25:18 By the way, I would like you to turn
25:22 to the gospel of Matthew 10:34, 36.
25:28 This text is very important Jesus said,
25:31 "Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth.
25:37 I did not come to bring peace, but a sword."
25:40 What? Sword?
25:42 The main concept in the six seal is the sword
25:46 and to take the peace from the earth.
25:48 "For I came to set a man against his father,
25:52 and a daughter against her mother,
25:55 and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law."
25:59 And now, the last sentence,
26:02 "And the man's enemies will be the members of his household."
26:10 Did you notice here what Jesus said?
26:14 By the way, you can see that actually
26:16 the second seal reflects the sayings of Jesus.
26:21 I like to suggest you when you have a time
26:24 once this presentation is over try to underline
26:28 the keywords from here-- from Matthew 10:34-36.
26:34 And go underline the keywords in the second seal
26:40 and you will be surprised what you will get.
26:42 That actually the second seal is there a writing
26:48 of these words of Jesus Matthew Chapter 10.
26:50 So what do we have here?
26:51 So what is that we have here is?
26:56 Is when the gospel is being preached
26:58 persecution is something that takes regularly.
27:02 But we have another-- I just want to remind you
27:04 that we said that the Bible is the best interpreter.
27:07 If you want to understand the Book of Revelation
27:09 you always have to go to the Old Testament.
27:12 There are many passages from the New Testament
27:15 that are also reflected and could see already that.
27:19 By the way, when you go to the Old Testament--
27:23 I'm just giving you few references.
27:24 We will not show them there on the screen.
27:27 Judges 7:22,
27:30 Isaiah 19:2 and Zechariah 14:13.
27:36 In all these passages you will see
27:39 how very often the enemies of God's people
27:42 when they turn against God's people
27:46 they turn against each other.
27:50 So there is a strong Old Testament
27:52 background here to the second seal.
27:54 So here in the seal, those who resist and reject the gospel
27:58 they turn each other in persecution.
28:02 Let's go now to the third seal on verses 5 and 6,
28:09 "When He" the Lamb "broke the third seal,
28:14 I heard the third living creature saying, 'Come.'
28:17 And I looked, and behold, a black horse
28:21 and he who sat on it
28:24 had a pair of scales in his hand.
28:28 And I heard something like a voice
28:32 in the center of the four living creatures saying,
28:36 'A quart of wheat for a denarius,
28:39 and three quarts of barley for a denarius
28:43 and do not damage the oil and the wine.'"
28:47 I know what you think.
28:49 How we understand the first and the second seal,
28:51 it's logical, but what is the third seal all about?
28:56 Now once again we will see
28:58 how it's important to let the Bible interpret itself.
29:03 So let's summaries one more time.
29:06 As Christ the Lamb opens the third seal,
29:11 now you have the third horse, what color?
29:15 A black horse with the rider appears on that horse,
29:22 okay.
29:25 However, this rider does not have any weapon.
29:30 It's quite different.
29:32 Actually he holds a scale for weighting food in his hand.
29:38 And John at the moment, he also hears an announcement
29:41 by the one of the four living beings, you remember that?
29:45 "A quart of wheat for a denarius,
29:47 and three quarts of barley for a denarius
29:49 and do not harm the oil and the wine."
29:53 Now I hope that I was able to emphasize
29:57 the key terms here is.
29:59 So what are the key elements here is?
30:02 We have wheat and we have barley here.
30:06 These are actually the central concept.
30:08 And then you have oil and you have wine.
30:13 If you go to the Old Testament,
30:15 friends, if you go to the Old Testament,
30:20 oil and wine-- sorry, grain, oil and wine
30:25 were three main crops in Palestine.
30:30 They were actually symbol of existence.
30:35 They were in a nutshell,
30:37 the reference to the daily necessity
30:40 for people to survive, to live normal life.
30:43 By the way, they are very often mentioned in the Old Testament
30:49 as the basic necessities of life.
30:52 I would like just to mention here few references
30:59 from the Old Testament just to see actually
31:03 what we are talking about.
31:06 If you go the Book of Leviticus 26:26.
31:12 By the way we will come to the Book of Leviticus 26
31:15 one more time when we read these texts
31:17 but just here this context.
31:19 Moses spoke to the people of Israel
31:22 telling them if they are faithful to God
31:24 how many blessing will come upon them.
31:28 But if they are not faithful to God
31:30 then they will experience the curses,
31:32 there will be the consequence of departure.
31:35 And then Moses said to them Leviticus 26:26--
31:38 and please pay attention and you will see
31:41 that all the key words that are actually found here,
31:45 also occur and they are used in the third seal.
31:50 Moses said in the name of God,
31:53 "When I break your staff of bread,
31:56 ten women will bake your bread in one oven,
32:01 and they will bring back your bread in rationed amounts,
32:06 so that you will eat and not be satisfied."
32:11 I apologies one more time biblical scholar and I
32:14 have sometimes to refer to original languages.
32:17 This text was written in Hebrew.
32:19 So when you read the text in Hebrew
32:21 this is little bit explanation.
32:23 It says, "They will bring back your bread weighted by measure."
32:30 The same expression actually
32:32 that is found here in the third seal.
32:35 Okay.
32:36 In the Book of Ezekiel,
32:39 when Ezekiel tried to make appeal to the people, okay.
32:44 Who departed from God and to bring then to repentance,
32:47 Ezekiel 4:16 we have the following text.
32:52 Please, let us read it, "Moreover He"
32:54 God "said unto me, Son of man, behold,
32:57 I am going to break the staff of bread in Jerusalem
33:01 and they shall eat bread by weight."
33:03 Do you see that?
33:05 The same expression that we have in the third seal.
33:07 "And with anxiety and drink water
33:09 by measure, and in horror,
33:13 because bread and water will be scarce,
33:15 and they will be appalled with one another
33:18 and waste away in their iniquity."
33:25 You can see the strong Old Testament background
33:30 that actually these three entity,
33:33 grain, oil, and wine were the three main crops.
33:36 And if the people are faithful to God,
33:38 what will happen?
33:40 God will give them these things in abundance.
33:44 But according to Ezekiel when they are unfaithful to God,
33:47 what will happen to them?
33:51 We saw it. Okay.
33:54 But we have another expression here, is denarius.
33:58 Keep in mind the Bible was not written in English
34:01 in North America in 21st century.
34:03 Okay, so we don't have here dollars.
34:06 We have a money from the 1st century in Roman empire
34:10 and in the 1st century in Palestine,
34:13 a denarius was a daily wage.
34:17 So it means when you work the whole day
34:21 in normal circumstance you would be paid a denarius.
34:25 By the way do you remember the parable of Jesus
34:28 about those laborers waiting for somebody to hire them?
34:35 And the gentleman went hired the first group says,
34:38 I will give you one denarius.
34:40 Then another group, then another group
34:42 and finally he gave to everybody the denarius.
34:45 That's why the first group rebelled but he said,
34:48 I am sorry I am very just.
34:51 You just got denarius, that's a daily wage
34:54 but I was merciful to people
34:56 who did not work the whole day.
34:57 So denarius was a daily wage.
35:01 So in normal circumstance people will work the whole day.
35:04 How much they are paid? A denarius.
35:07 And for that denarius they were able to buy plenty of food
35:14 for the entire family of about 4 or 5.
35:17 Are you still with me?
35:19 But, you know, when you work
35:22 you need something else beside the food.
35:24 So do you want one denarius
35:26 you are able also to provide
35:28 other necessities for your family.
35:32 Okay. But what do you have here in the third seal?
35:37 Let's read one more time.
35:39 It's very important to keep in mind.
35:41 It says, when He broke the third seal, verse 6,
35:45 "And I heard something like a voice in the center
35:47 of the four living creatures,
35:49 'A quart of wheat for a denarius."
35:54 What does it mean? What does it mean?
35:59 That in normal circumstance for a daily wage
36:03 you are able to buy enough food
36:06 and everything else for your family.
36:09 Now in the scene of the third seal
36:12 for one daily wage you can buy just enough food
36:19 to feed yourself and nobody else,
36:22 not the members of the family.
36:25 But something else that says
36:27 that for the same amount of a money, one denarius,
36:32 you can buy three quarts of barley.
36:37 Barley was a secondary food
36:40 usually to feed your cattle there.
36:45 And if people did not have something to eat,
36:47 usually poor people had to depend on this kind of food
36:51 but it means if you eat barley
36:53 it means you are very, very poor.
36:57 But keep in mind now that the person
36:59 for one daily wage can buy three quarts of barley,
37:03 so please can you now help me.
37:07 What is the scene that we have here?
37:09 Give me just one word in English.
37:11 It's a famine.
37:13 It's a terrible, terrible famine is there.
37:17 Okay, so what are we talking here about?
37:23 One more time we are dealing with symbolic language.
37:26 So imagery of the third black horse
37:29 and its rider points to what?
37:32 Force on the people, what happens to the people
37:34 who reject the gospel and persecute?
37:37 What is the next consequences of the rejection of the gospel?
37:40 It's a spiritual famine.
37:43 The black color corresponds
37:45 to the mission of the horse and its rider.
37:50 Let's explain it.
37:52 How did you define the black?
37:55 Dark. It's opposite to white.
37:59 If you go to the New Testament,
38:01 the white color, you remember the first seal,
38:04 the white horse we saw it's the gospel.
38:07 It's associated with the Christ and the gospel message.
38:12 But when you have now the black color
38:15 it's opposite to the gospel.
38:18 So if the white color denotes
38:23 the preaching of the gospel, the white horse,
38:26 then the black horse signifies the absence of the gospel.
38:32 The spiritual famine, you see when you go to the Bible--
38:40 grain, it's a normal word
38:47 for the word of God.
38:50 You remember the parable of Jesus of the sower and the seed?
38:55 Or actually in the gospel of John 6:35-36,
39:02 Jesus says my words that are speaking to you
39:06 is the bread that you are suppose to eat.
39:10 So the rejection of the gospel
39:12 usually results in the famine of the word of God.
39:15 And if you go to the Book of Amos 8:11-13,
39:22 the Prophet Amos foresaw
39:27 that somewhere in the future on earth
39:32 there will be a terrible famine of the word of God.
39:37 But praise God.
39:38 So one more time, the third seal,
39:39 it's about the spiritual famine for the word of God.
39:43 But we have here a very encouraging note
39:47 and what is that?
39:48 The instruction was given,
39:51 "Do not damage the oil and the wine."
39:56 So this famine, the famine of the third seal is not fatal.
40:02 The same was that commission to John, okay,
40:06 to measure the food, okay,
40:10 emphasizing the extreme famine
40:14 the same voice try to protect the wine and oil.
40:17 And by the way, when we go to the Bible
40:20 we see that oil symbolically in spiritual way
40:25 symbolizes the Holy Spirit.
40:28 And wine regular in the New Testament
40:31 stands for the salvation that we receive in Jesus Christ.
40:35 So if--do you see here the grace and the mercy of God
40:39 even though the people rejected the gospel
40:42 and their consequences which is the famine,
40:46 the shortage of the word of God?
40:48 But God's grace and God's salvation
40:53 is still available to the people, okay.
40:58 For all those who want to accept Him.
41:00 And now finally we are going
41:03 to the fourth seal, the four horsemen.
41:08 Verse 7-8 "When the Lamb broke the fourth seal,
41:14 I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, 'Come.'
41:19 And I looked, and behold, an ashen horse,
41:23 and he who sat on it had the name death,
41:29 and Hades was following with him.
41:32 And authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth,
41:36 to kill with the sword and with the famine
41:41 and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth."
41:47 Now I know what you say,
41:49 evidently the third seal makes sense.
41:52 But what is the fourth seal now all about?
41:57 Okay, with the opening of the fourth seal
42:00 a pale horse appears.
42:03 Keep in mind that the fourth horse and the horsemen
42:09 follow the third horse,
42:13 the black horse and the rider.
42:18 But even to grasp the full meaning of this word.
42:21 The word that we translate as pale of ashen horse here is,
42:27 is the Greek word chloros
42:30 which actually is the normal word
42:34 for that ashen grey color of a dead body.
42:41 You will find some commentator or some Bible translation
42:45 they use the word greenish
42:49 describing the horse-- the corpse that is,
42:54 you know, in the state of decaying, okay.
43:00 So the rider's name is death.
43:02 Now you understand why the rider has the name death.
43:06 And he is followed by Hades
43:09 which is actually the place of death.
43:12 They are allowed, this death and Hades,
43:15 are allowed to destroy people by sword, by famine,
43:20 by plague, and by the wild beasts.
43:24 And one fourth of the earth is given to them to harm it.
43:31 It's very interesting is what appears here
43:36 that the fourth horsemen actually comprises the actions
43:41 and unites the actions of the three previous horsemen.
43:46 You see, the fourth seal
43:48 describes the pestilence on the earth.
43:52 And the graphic portrayal of the fourth horsemen provides
43:55 a further warning to the people who reject the gospel.
44:00 One more time.
44:02 The first horseman portrays the preaching of the gospel.
44:06 The second one the rejection of the gospel
44:08 and the consequences of that.
44:11 The third one the further consequences of the gospel
44:15 which is the spiritual famine.
44:17 What now comes next?
44:20 It's actually the spiritual death.
44:24 These are the extreme consequences
44:27 for those who reject the gospel.
44:32 However we have a good new, praise God.
44:36 Is that the death and the Hades,
44:40 their power and their activities are very limited.
44:45 They're given the authority only over one fourth of the earth.
44:52 The very beginning of the book provides the assurance
44:56 that by His own death and resurrection--
44:58 you remember the vision of Jesus Christ
45:00 when He appears to John there on Patmos?
45:03 Jesus made very clear to John the virtue of His death.
45:07 He won the victory over death and Hades,
45:11 the two enemies of the human race.
45:14 When the gospel is accepted, life is received as a gift.
45:21 And the death does not have the authority
45:25 over those who are saved in Jesus Christ any longer. Why?
45:30 Because they belong to Jesus Christ
45:33 and He is the one who won to victory
45:36 over these enemies of the human race. Okay.
45:43 You can say, this is very interesting.
45:48 But let me go on one step further
45:52 because the readers of the Bible they ask questions,
45:56 is that really only that what we have here
46:00 with regard to these four horses?
46:05 Just to tell us what happens when the gospel is preached.
46:08 That this one level of interpretation.
46:10 Remember when we talk about
46:11 the message of the seven churches
46:13 that, that three levels of interpretation,
46:15 so also with regard to the seven seals.
46:19 Now we are focusing on the first four seals.
46:23 It appears and the Bible students also noticed
46:27 that there are somehow strong parallels
46:31 between the historical application
46:34 of the seven churches and the seven seals.
46:39 So the Bible students they noticed that actually
46:42 the first horseman historically can stand for the first century
46:47 which was really the time of the concurring gospel
46:53 and the gospel did throughout the world in the first century.
46:58 But then--and of course in Phalaris
47:03 to the church in Ephesus
47:04 you remember we talk about that?
47:06 But then the Bible students also noticed
47:10 that following the first century
47:11 that great success of the preaching of the gospel
47:14 during the second and the third century
47:17 it was a time of severe persecution.
47:19 Do you remember we talked about the church in Smyrna?
47:23 Persecuted the church?
47:24 So what the better parallel to exist than what we have here
47:31 the correspondence between the second seal
47:34 and the church in Smyrna?
47:36 The second and third centuries, okay.
47:39 Then what do we have the next one
47:42 is the Biblical students noticed that something happened
47:47 following the second and third centuries
47:50 what happened when Constantine
47:53 finally made Christianity to be a legal religion,
47:58 actually the official religion of the Roman Empire.
48:03 Then what happened the next?
48:06 The Christians were not fighting
48:08 for their faith in Jesus Christ any longer.
48:11 Suddenly they replace the teaching of the Bible
48:13 with the Greek philosophy.
48:15 They started arguing over orthodoxy.
48:19 And it's interesting is that many strange doctrines
48:24 crept into the Christian faith.
48:28 We have here great famine for the word of God.
48:33 And what the better parallel than the parallels
48:36 when the church in pergamum
48:39 that stand for the fourth and the fifth century.
48:43 And now we are coming to the fourth seal
48:47 that really describes the complete spiritual death.
48:53 And the Biblical students actually noticed
48:56 how the fourth seal can apply to the period
49:02 that we know as the dark middle ages.
49:06 When really Christianity was killed,
49:09 when the teaching of the Bible was replaced by tradition
49:14 that people try to find salvation in works, in relics,
49:19 but the teaching of the Bible and the gospel
49:22 completely disappeared from the mind of people.
49:25 And we saw already how actually this period,
49:28 the dark middle ages, could have a strong parallels
49:33 with the church in Thyatira.
49:34 And the woman Jezebel--
49:36 the threat to the church came not from outside,
49:39 actually it came from inside.
49:42 So the fourth seal can aptly be applied to the dark middle ages.
49:50 Okay, but keep in mind
49:51 we have two different applications,
49:54 a symbolic applications what regularly happens.
49:58 And please I would like to stop here for a moment.
50:01 When we try to apply those seals historically, okay.
50:07 When-- to those different periods,
50:11 we have to keep in mind
50:12 not to impose our interpretation of that.
50:15 Because if you go and take
50:17 the first seal and leave it to just
50:20 to the first century then what happens?
50:23 Keep in mind we read in the first seal
50:25 that the rider on the horse
50:28 he came out conquering and to conquer.
50:36 When will the conquering finally be concluded?
50:42 With the second coming of Christ.
50:44 We know that before Jesus comes
50:46 the second coming of Christ they'll be once again
50:48 a powerful preaching of the gospel.
50:50 So the preaching of the gospel
50:52 did not stop with the first century.
50:54 The same can be said about the second seal persecution.
50:57 Did persecution lasts only during the second
51:01 and the third centuries?
51:02 No. It happened already at the time of Apostle Paul,
51:05 because he was killed.
51:06 John the revelator he went through
51:09 severe persecution on Patmos.
51:11 Do you remember that?
51:12 And that persecution did not stop with the third century.
51:18 So do you see here,
51:20 you have to see the first level of application.
51:22 The same can be about the famine of the word of God.
51:26 We can argue it was more famine for the word of God
51:31 during the fourth or fifth century
51:33 than today what we witness.
51:37 So keep in mind it's very easy
51:39 to go to one or to another extreme.
51:42 Do the seven seals have the historic application?
51:46 Of course. We saw it.
51:48 Only blind person cannot see those strong parallels.
51:52 But we cannot impose if we have first to start
51:55 of that universal application to tell us actually
51:58 what always happens when the gospel is being preached.
52:02 Then gospel started being preached
52:05 on the day of Pentecost, okay.
52:07 Now what is the meaning of all of this?
52:15 We will stop at this moment
52:18 and begin understanding of the Old Testament background
52:23 that helps us really to understand
52:24 what seals are all about.
52:26 And evidently when it is the most interesting,
52:29 we will stop and we will meet again in our next presentation.
52:33 So I'd like to encourage you
52:35 please come back to our program is
52:38 because we will discover some beautiful,
52:41 beautiful truth of the Bible.
52:43 Okay.
52:44 We mentioned already that the fourth seal
52:47 somehow encompasses or incorporates
52:50 the activates of the three previous horsemen.
52:53 Are you still with me? How do we know that?
52:55 Please let's go back one more time to the text.
52:57 It's verse 8, verse 8.
53:00 Chapter 6:8 says "And I looked, and behold,
53:03 an ashen horse, and he who sat on it
53:06 had the name death, and Hades was following with him.
53:10 Authority was given to them over one fourth of the earth."
53:15 And nothing unusual if we stop here at this moment.
53:18 But look for the following sentence.
53:20 "To kill with the sword."
53:22 Where did we have the sword?
53:26 Actually in the second, second seal. "With the famine."
53:30 Where did we have the famine?
53:33 In the third one. "And with pestilence."
53:36 Where did we have the pestilence?
53:38 Here in the fourth one.
53:40 And the new element is added by the wild beasts of the earth.
53:46 It is very interesting
53:48 and so many times people want to ask about seals.
53:50 They said, "What is this all about?"
53:52 And I just want to assure you
53:56 that the Christians of the time of John who had the Bible.
54:00 That Bible was the Old Testament.
54:02 At the time it was the only Bible that they have. Okay.
54:05 The New Testament was not formed yet.
54:08 When they read this they said, "Amen."
54:12 Because they knew exactly what it meant.
54:16 And if you open the Old Testament and we saw
54:18 that the Old Testament interprets itself.
54:21 You cannot be far away from the truth.
54:23 So a time that is just left for us,
54:25 I'd like to make introduction and to request you
54:28 please can you turn with me to Leviticus 26:21-26.
54:36 Leviticus 26:21-26. What do we have?
54:41 You remember I told you
54:43 that we will come back to Leviticus Chapter 26?
54:46 We read the background for the third seal here from this text.
54:50 What do we have in Leviticus Chapter 26?
54:54 If you see there at the beginning of the Chapter,
54:56 Moses wants to give to the people of Israel
55:00 a warning telling them if you obey the Lord your God,
55:04 if you are faithful to Him,
55:07 if you do not serve other idols,
55:10 God will bless you always.
55:13 You'll be blessed in the house,
55:14 you will be bless in the field.
55:16 He will give you long life.
55:18 He will give you security and safety
55:20 from your enemies' etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.
55:22 But then comes the following section.
55:26 However, if you disobey the Lord your God
55:31 then something will happen.
55:32 So I hope that we have enough time.
55:34 Maybe I will even have to interrupt
55:36 the reading of this text, so please let us try to do it.
55:39 This is what Moses said to them.
55:41 Chapter 26 Leviticus from verse 21,
55:45 "If you act with hostility against me
55:48 and are unwilling to obey me,
55:50 I will increase the plague on you seven times
55:53 according to your sins.
55:55 I will let loose among you the beasts of the field
55:58 which will bereave you of your children
56:01 and destroy your cattle."
56:03 What do we have here?
56:04 The wild beast, did you see that?
56:05 "And reduce your number so that your roads lie deserted.
56:09 And if by these things you are not turned to me,
56:12 but act with hostility against me,"
56:14 what will happen next?
56:16 "I will turn against you
56:18 and I will strike you seven times for your sins.
56:21 I will also bring upon you," what?
56:24 "A sword upon you
56:26 which will execute vengeance of the covenant,
56:28 and when you gather together into your cities,
56:30 I will send," what?
56:32 "Pestilence among you,
56:34 so that you shall be delivered into the enemies' hands.
56:38 When I break your staff of bread,
56:41 ten women will bake your bread."
56:43 Do you see that?
56:45 "In one oven, and they will bring back
56:47 your bread by weight,
56:49 so that you will eat and not to be satisfied."
56:53 Did you notice something?
56:56 So when John wrote about a sword, about famine,
57:02 about pestilence, and the wild beast,
57:05 the first century readers
57:06 did not have any difficulty to understand it.
57:09 By the way, I have new surprises for you when we come back.
57:13 And I would like to invite you
57:15 to study the word of God for yourself.
57:18 You can see that the Bible is it's own interpreter.
57:22 So I'd like to invite you and to join me next time,
57:25 because we would like really to see
57:27 that deep significance of the seven seals.


Revised 2014-12-17