Revelation of the Coming King

Messages To The Churches - Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Ranko Stefanovic


Series Code: RCK

Program Code: RCK000006

00:18 Welcome again to our program
00:22 "Revelation of the Coming King."
00:27 I'm Ranko Stefanovic, Professor in the Seventh-day Adventist
00:31 Theological Seminary, Andrews University.
00:35 And I'm thrilled to be with you here.
00:38 And I have the best audience that somebody can have.
00:44 You motivate-- you motivate me, okay,
00:47 to be more enthusiastic about the word of God.
00:52 As you know that the series that we titled
00:59 "Revelation of the Coming King"
01:02 is actually chapter by chapter
01:03 study of the Book of Revelation.
01:06 And as you know that it's impossible in so many hours
01:13 to cover everything that is in the Book of Revelation,
01:15 but the purpose is that we provide general outline
01:19 and general survey of the Book of Revelation
01:22 somehow to stimulate your appetite with the word of God.
01:27 So once this program is over,
01:31 that you can go and study for yourself a much deeper
01:35 and I believe that real study will never end.
01:40 That's why you need some significant tools.
01:43 As you know that the best textbook for study
01:47 with the Book of Revelation is in my hand.
01:50 It's the Bible and if you could see
01:53 how much we need especially the Old Testament
01:57 for the understanding of the Book of Revelation,
01:58 believe me, very soon you will experience it.
02:02 So I'd like to suggest to you every time
02:04 when we begin a new topic, please can we open our Bibles,
02:08 find appropriate text in the Book of Revelation
02:11 and we will go together into the word of God,
02:13 but we need also some tools.
02:15 You know, we are busy people.
02:17 We have different occupations.
02:19 We cannot spend hours and hours everyday
02:21 to go to study the word of God,
02:23 especially to take one book of the Bible
02:25 like the Book of Revelation.
02:27 So we need tools.
02:28 There are some other people who invested a lot of time.
02:32 So everything what is collected together,
02:34 we have good collection of scholarly research.
02:38 So one of good tools actually I'm holding in my hand.
02:43 It's this commentary-- verse by verse commentary
02:47 on the Book of Revelation titled "Revelation of Jesus Christ."
02:51 It's a product of many years of scholarly research
02:54 not only mine, but also of many other biblical scholars.
03:01 And it's an excellent starting tool
03:04 to study the Book of Revelation.
03:06 So when you have your copy in your hands
03:10 at the beginning of every presentation,
03:12 I will mention the pages.
03:18 The topic that we are presenting is found in this commentary.
03:22 So once the program is over,
03:23 I hope you will go to those pages
03:26 and maybe in the company with some of your friends,
03:30 church members from your congregation
03:32 you can go and study,
03:33 exchange ideas and dig much deeper into the word of God.
03:37 As you know that last time we saw
03:42 about the messages to seven churches.
03:44 We saw how to interpret them.
03:46 And we saw that those seven messages,
03:49 they have three levels of application.
03:51 The first one is contemporary.
03:53 Those messages were sent originally
03:56 to the churches and to the Christians
03:58 of the time of John in 1st century.
04:02 Even though those messages were written to them,
04:04 they're not written only for them.
04:06 They were written also for Christians
04:08 of every generation in every period of Christian history.
04:12 So it means also to us-- to us today.
04:15 So there is also application for us today.
04:20 We can find something as the voice of God
04:23 speaking to our hearts from those messages.
04:26 But that's the second level, okay.
04:29 But there is also the third level
04:31 which is the prophetic application
04:33 because those messages, each one of those message, okay,
04:37 reflects a certain period in Christian history.
04:41 We saw already how Ephesus, okay,
04:46 represented the Christian church in 1st century.
04:52 Then the church in Smyrna, the Christian history
04:54 of 2nd and 3rd centuries and we saw how the message
04:58 to the church in Pergamum actually reflected,
05:01 represented, okay, 4th and 5th century
05:06 of the Christian, Christian history.
05:08 These are powerful messages.
05:09 Okay, at the end of this program, we will--
05:11 I'd just like to say few more words
05:14 about the application of these messages.
05:16 But before we move on into our subject,
05:19 I would like to ask God for His guidance
05:23 and for the Holy Spirit to guide us in these studies.
05:28 Our Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us
05:33 another opportunity to go into study Your word.
05:39 And Father when we contemplate about the way
05:42 how Jesus Christ sent through John
05:46 the significant messages
05:48 to the Christians in 1st century,
05:51 but you have told us that those messages
05:53 even though they were written to them,
05:54 they're not written just for them.
05:56 They're written also for us, today.
05:59 And we would like this moment
06:00 to hear Your voice speaking to our hearts.
06:04 So please give us Your Holy Spirit
06:06 and help us that we understand these messages
06:09 and to apply to our daily lives.
06:12 We pray all of this in the precious name
06:15 of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen. Amen.
06:19 So please if you have your commentaries
06:22 and I'd like also invite the viewers,
06:26 if you want to keep this commentary open in front of you.
06:29 We're going now to the church of Thyatira.
06:32 Then after that we have the church in Sardis,
06:36 then Philadelphia and Laodicea.
06:38 So beginning with page 131,
06:41 131 until the end of the chapter.
06:47 Okay, so far, we surveyed the message
06:53 to the church in Ephesus, then Smyrna and Pergamum.
06:57 I don't know what you say,
06:59 but probably there is something in all those messages
07:02 that we can find for ourselves, okay.
07:06 But there is much more.
07:08 Actually the next city that Jesus addressed
07:14 was the church in Thyatira.
07:16 But please allow me something to mention
07:18 that I didn't mention earlier.
07:19 There is so much, you know,
07:21 to say and it's very, very easy to escape it, okay.
07:24 Keep in mind, that Roman province of Asia--
07:28 we're talking about, okay,
07:30 Roman provinces in Asia, more than Turkey.
07:32 There are more than seven churches.
07:39 As I mentioned last time,
07:41 I visited the sites of those cities.
07:45 How many? Three, four times.
07:47 And for instance, when you are on the ruins
07:50 of the church of Laodicea, I show it to my students.
07:53 Far away, I don't know, how many? 15, 20 miles.
07:56 I'd say, "You see those ruins there.
07:58 This is the city of Colossae."
08:01 And we know that Paul wrote to the church in Colossae.
08:03 He wrote letter. It was also in Asia Minor.
08:07 Then you look there.
08:08 You look there from Laodicea, not far away.
08:11 maybe 7-- 6, 7 miles,
08:13 Maybe even less, is Hierapolis.
08:18 Another prominent church was there.
08:20 Then you go to north, there was Troas.
08:23 You remember when Paul
08:25 at the end of his third missionary journey,
08:26 he went there to Troas and visited
08:29 the elders of the church there.
08:32 So there are more than seven churches,
08:35 but only seven are addressed here.
08:38 There are several reasons because those churches
08:40 they had serious problem.
08:42 They had a serious problem.
08:45 But another side, evidently God in His providence
08:49 chose intentionally just these seven churches
08:53 because those churches,
08:55 even though they were individual congregations,
08:58 okay, they stand a symbol of God's people of all time.
09:03 The experience that they had in 1st century
09:08 and all that experience they went through,
09:11 actually reflect different experience
09:14 of Christians of every generation.
09:17 So when you put all those seven churches together,
09:20 you actually hear universal problems
09:23 that Christians face at any time in history.
09:25 Are you still with me? Amen.
09:27 But much more than that you have also universal solution
09:32 that Jesus gives to His church.
09:36 So keep in mind that those churches
09:38 were intentionally chosen
09:40 to actually represent God's people of all ages.
09:43 But in the same time those seven churches somehow reflect
09:48 the different periods in Christian history.
09:51 We saw how Ephesus reflected 1st century.
09:55 We saw how the church in Pergamum
09:57 reflected 2nd and 3rd century.
09:59 And we saw how the church in Pergamum
10:02 reflected 4th and 5th century.
10:04 Now let's go to Thyatira, okay.
10:06 You see--
10:07 you remember we talk about Ephesus.
10:10 You go about 35 miles there, was the church in Smyrna
10:14 and you go north further there
10:17 about 40 miles was the church Pergamum.
10:20 Now you go east,
10:24 and the city of Thyatira was located there.
10:28 So please I would like to ask you
10:31 if you can open the chapter 2, we are still in chapter 2.
10:38 We are reading in verse 18.
10:40 Please I have to go and to read this text
10:43 and you will see why because there are few elements
10:46 here in this text that we have to emphasize.
10:49 It says, "And to the angel of the church in Thyatira write,
10:54 the Son of God, who has eyes like a flame of fire."
11:00 When Jesus introduces Himself in that way,
11:02 Son of God having His eyes
11:06 like a flame of fire it tell us something.
11:09 That Jesus sees something reference to this church
11:13 that the normal eyes, they could not see.
11:15 His penetrating eyes see the situation of the church.
11:19 But says, "And His feet like burnished bronze,
11:23 it says this, I know your deeds,
11:25 and your love and faith and service and perseverance,
11:29 and that your deeds of late are greater than the first."
11:35 So this church, it's more faithful
11:39 than at the beginning its existence.
11:41 Completely opposite than what we have
11:43 in the church in Ephesus.
11:45 Church in Ephesus was very faithful,
11:48 but started losing its love.
11:50 The church of Thyatira has the last works,
11:54 the last stage of its existence
11:56 are much better than the beginning.
11:59 But says, "But I have this against you,
12:04 that you tolerate the woman Jezebel,
12:08 who calls herself a prophetess,
12:11 and she teaches and leads my servants astray
12:15 so that they commit act of immorality
12:18 and eat things sacrificed to idols."
12:23 I will stop here at this moment.
12:27 Let's reflect just on this last statement.
12:31 The woman Jezebel is mentioned.
12:36 Christians are debating about this name.
12:40 But keep in mind we're dealing about Greco-Roman environment.
12:43 They did not have Jewish names.
12:46 Evidently, this is her nickname that John names her,
12:50 Jezebel, after the notorious queen,
12:55 the wife of Ahab the king of Israel.
12:58 You know what happened with Jezebel?
13:01 Actually she married Ahab.
13:05 She was evidently a priestess of worship of Baal.
13:12 She married Ahab just for one simple purpose.
13:16 To promote that pagan worship
13:18 there in Israel and she succeeded.
13:22 You know her confrontation with Elijah.
13:26 Actually she did not tell the people of Israel
13:29 "Don't worship your God."
13:31 But she represented that God, the God of Heaven with Baal.
13:36 So she tried somehow to make a compromise
13:39 and that's why the judgments of God came there on Israel
13:43 and the prophet Elijah played
13:45 significant role in the judgment.
13:48 So John by pointing to that woman,
13:54 queen in Israel, okay,
13:56 he names her Jezebel just to tell us,
13:59 if you want to understand who this woman is,
14:03 just to try to think about that woman in the Bible.
14:05 But there is something else.
14:07 The way how this woman is portrayed here.
14:10 She functions as a forerunner in the Book of Revelation
14:14 of another woman that later
14:16 we will see in the Book of Revelation.
14:18 That woman is portrayed in Revelation Chapter 17.
14:21 Also the prostitute trying to make a compromise
14:25 to lead people into apostasy.
14:27 However, in Revelation Chapter 17
14:29 that woman is not called Jezebel.
14:31 She's called Babylon.
14:34 So you see, we go little bit back,
14:37 we go little bit there ahead and we understand
14:41 the powerful message of the Book of Revelation.
14:43 What about this woman?
14:45 You see, I'm not giving to rush into the city.
14:46 I will do it because we want to understand
14:49 the problem in the church,
14:50 then we understand the city
14:52 and the Christians how they lived there.
14:54 She said the church tolerated that woman.
14:57 The church was very faithful to God.
14:59 Are you still with me?
15:00 But the church tolerated that woman.
15:02 And who was she-- this woman?
15:04 She claimed-- she calls herself,
15:06 she claimed to be a prophetess.
15:11 You know, friends,
15:13 when a heretic comes from outside and tells you,
15:17 "You believe in God that does not exist.
15:20 Jesus Christ, who is Jesus Christ?
15:21 He never resurrected."
15:23 Boy, you will fight and resist. Amen.
15:27 That's when the danger comes from outside.
15:30 But when you have a person who is in the church,
15:35 they claim to be so pious, so faithful to God and says,
15:39 "I had a dream, God invited me
15:42 to the prophetic ministry and God spoke to me."
15:46 Do you sometimes watch some TV programs
15:49 where people try to present certain teachings?
15:51 They cannot go to the Bible.
15:54 They simply say, "You know, last night God spoke to me."
15:58 And how it's easy that people buy
16:00 those interpretations and those teachings.
16:02 "God spoke to me."
16:04 Friends, God will not speak to us
16:07 if He already spoke in His bible. Amen.
16:09 And if you cannot support it by the Bible
16:11 then you have to use something else.
16:13 This is actually what this woman Jezebel did.
16:18 She claimed to be a very pious person.
16:21 She claimed to be called into the prophetic ministry
16:24 and she said, "Hey, you don't want to do all these things.
16:29 That's your civic duties." You remember?
16:32 "But God spoke to me. I have a message from God.
16:35 God told me that if you do it, it is okay."
16:37 What was that okay?
16:39 Please would you go with me back to the text?
16:43 It says-- let's go back to verse 20.
16:47 "But I have this against you,
16:49 that you tolerate the woman Jezebel,
16:51 who calls herself a prophetess,
16:53 and she teaches and leads my servants astray
16:56 so that they commit act of immorality
17:00 and they eat things sacrificed to idols."
17:04 Please let me ask you one question.
17:07 Don't be shy to answer.
17:09 Where before-- where did we meet
17:12 these two expressions, to commit acts of immorality
17:16 and to eat things sacrificed to idols?
17:20 Just go back to the previous letter.
17:22 Pergamum, Nicolaitans and Balaamites.
17:26 This is what they were doing.
17:27 So now you can see
17:29 that there was a common trend among those churches.
17:32 They are different groups.
17:35 In one church they were called Nicolaitans
17:37 like in Ephesus and in Pergamum.
17:40 Also, in Pergamum they were called Balaamites.
17:43 But in Thyatira they were not called
17:45 Nicolaitans or Balaamites.
17:47 They were called the followers of Jezebel.
17:51 But they all have something in common.
17:53 They had common teaching to make a compromise
17:57 with pagan customs and pagan worship.
18:01 But keep in mind, we already mentioned,
18:05 when we listed all those seven churches
18:08 that those churches were not in the same situation.
18:11 So before we go and try to learn a little bit
18:16 about this advice or counsel that Jesus gave to the churches.
18:20 We have to understand little bit about the city
18:24 and the situation of the Christians in that city
18:27 to understand what was that
18:29 actually that this woman Jezebel tried to teach
18:34 the faithful Christians there
18:35 and amazingly she had the followers.
18:40 Evidently, when you say I have a message from God
18:42 it works in the minds of many people
18:45 who don't go to the Bible to get the answer, okay.
18:50 Of all the seven cities, three that we mentioned
18:55 and three that we will still try to understand about,
18:58 Thyatira was the smallest one.
19:02 And it was quite different of all other--
19:07 those seven cities.
19:10 Please it's very important to understand.
19:12 Thyatira did not have any
19:15 political importance and significance
19:19 and it was not at all any cultural center.
19:23 No philosophers would go there to establish their schools
19:27 and try to promote their teachings. Why?
19:30 For one simple reason, because Thyatira was not
19:34 an intellectual city like Ephesus,
19:36 like Pergamum, like Smyrna,
19:38 we will see like Laodicea, and others.
19:41 It was a simply blue collar work city.
19:48 Actually the city was known for many trades
19:52 such as garment making, bronze smithing,
19:56 tanning, leather working, pottery, baking, dyeing,
20:01 and manufacture for all purple and woolen goods.
20:05 But wait let me mention something very interesting.
20:09 You probably can recall when Paul the apostle came to Europe.
20:14 What was the first city in Europe
20:17 that Paul started preaching the gospel?
20:21 Actually it was Philippi.
20:25 It is to that city that Paul wrote also his epistle.
20:28 What was the name of the first woman
20:32 in Europe that was baptized?
20:35 It was Lydia. Lydia.
20:38 Actually her entire household was baptized.
20:41 And you remember that Paul came into trouble
20:43 and that we have that jailer.
20:46 He actually also became converted.
20:48 But usually we don't think.
20:50 If you read carefully the Book of Acts Chapter 16,
20:54 Lydia was the purple dealer in Philippi,
20:57 but originally from Thyatira.
21:03 There are many merchants
21:06 and many trade workers from Thyatira.
21:10 They were spreading, traveling throughout the Roman Empire
21:14 trying to sell their goods.
21:16 By the way, about Lydia if you want this information,
21:19 it's found in the Book of Acts 16:14.
21:25 So let's conclude.
21:27 The citizens of that era were mainly
21:30 poor laborers and tradesmen,
21:34 in contrast to the well situated residents
21:37 of the previous three cities that we mentioned.
21:41 So why are we talking about this?
21:43 You know, when you have a city
21:48 with so many trade centers there--
21:52 in 1st century, there was something that we have today.
21:57 If you want to have your business
21:59 and your business to flourish and to prosper,
22:02 you have to be a member of a trade guild.
22:07 So they had their associations, okay.
22:11 And there is nothing wrong with that.
22:12 See, if you want your business to prosper
22:15 and if you want also to sell,
22:17 to put your stuff there on the market
22:22 you have to be member of the guild.
22:24 Otherwise the competition will kill you.
22:26 But what was the problem?
22:28 Like the cities where people lived,
22:30 also each one of those guilds
22:34 had the pagan God who was the protector.
22:40 So it was your duty as the member of that guild
22:45 that at appointed time of the year,
22:48 go there to that pagan temple
22:51 because all the members of that guild are present there.
22:56 And you have to be present there.
22:58 Their celebrations, their feasts,
23:01 you would sit there and watch how the priest kills the bull
23:05 and all those sacrifices would take the blood
23:08 and sprinkle that food
23:10 that was actually sacrificed to those idols.
23:13 And you eat and participate there.
23:15 And you see how people drinking and say,
23:17 "Thank you, Zeus. Thank you this.
23:20 Thank you that god."
23:21 Giving glory to god, giving thanks to the pagan god
23:24 for the prosperity of the guild.
23:29 Are you still with me?
23:31 So can you imagine?
23:33 You're a member of the guild and you don't do it.
23:38 What happens?
23:40 That god protector becomes angry with the guild
23:46 and their guild cannot prosper.
23:50 So who is to be blamed?
23:52 This is just hypothetical.
23:54 Please the reality was if you don't do it,
23:57 you don't want to mess with the god.
24:01 Therefore, you cannot have your business.
24:04 If you're the member of the guild,
24:06 your business cannot work at all.
24:10 So keep in mind, it's very important to understand,
24:14 we don't have a philosophical school.
24:16 We do not have emperor worship there.
24:18 There are no problems.
24:20 People, mainly poor people, some of them were businessmen.
24:24 They had their own business.
24:26 But what was the major problem?
24:27 How can you prosper
24:30 and how can you succeed in that city
24:33 without being a member of that guild?
24:40 And you know, usually when crisis of such kind appears,
24:43 poor people usually do not have problem too much.
24:46 They'll always find some manual labor, okay.
24:49 But the problem is usually with the rich people
24:51 who have business.
24:53 So what to do?
24:55 The church members were debating.
24:57 What to do?
24:59 Evidently, some church members they said, "Why not?
25:03 We are fulfilling our civic duty.
25:05 We are not denying our faith, our Christian faith.
25:08 We are worshipping the true God and only Jesus Christ.
25:11 We are simply fulfilling our civic duty."
25:14 And evidently the church became divided.
25:16 By the way, you'll notice that the message
25:19 to the church in Thyatira is the longest of all letters.
25:27 It is then on the scene that the woman appeared
25:31 claiming to have a prophetic gift.
25:34 And telling them, "I received a message from God."
25:38 It's not a sin to go and to participate
25:40 with pagan there in the temples.
25:43 God want us to bear witness to these people.
25:48 Just you can do it.
25:49 It's a place that you can witness.
25:50 And by the way, if you see the end of this chapter,
25:54 Jesus pronounces a severe judgment
25:57 over this woman and her children.
26:00 It means all those who followed her.
26:03 And then He calls the church to repentance
26:07 and He says in verse 24,
26:09 "But I say to you, the rest who are in Thyatira,
26:13 who do not hold these teachings."
26:15 So many church members, they remained faithful to God.
26:20 But if you go to the previous verse He said,
26:21 "I will kill Jezebel and her children."
26:24 So it means the significant number of church members,
26:27 they followed this woman.
26:30 And now Jesus said in verse 25,
26:33 "Nevertheless, what you have hold fast until I come,
26:38 He who overcomes and who keeps my deeds until the end."
26:43 And Jesus gives now to the fourth church,
26:47 how many promises? Four.
26:48 Four promises.
26:50 And then the call, "Who has ear,
26:53 let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches."
26:56 And let me tell you, it's always a challenge
26:59 how to be faithful to God.
27:02 Can you make some compromise?
27:03 I remember I started going to secondary school
27:06 during the Communist system in the country where I grew up.
27:09 It was 3 months, even though
27:11 I was the best student in the school.
27:14 I hear the principal invited me and he said,
27:16 "Yeah, you are our best student,
27:18 but you cannot come to the school any longer
27:20 because you're not coming to the school on Saturdays."
27:25 And he told me, "I just give you advice.
27:27 Just come to the school, sit there in the classroom.
27:30 Don't bring even your textbooks.
27:33 Just sit there and you're saved."
27:37 My response was, "No compromise."
27:41 I want to give my public testimony to God.
27:44 Believe me, it was a hard decision.
27:46 It meant I would never get education.
27:49 Today when I go back to my friends,
27:51 I'm the only one who has such high education.
27:53 God always blesses at the end. Amen.
27:56 This was situation of the church in Thyatira. Okay.
28:00 So if you want to apply the message to the church
28:03 in Thyatira historically--
28:06 actually there is only one period in Christian church
28:10 that the threat to the church didn't come from outside.
28:14 It came from inside.
28:15 And which period is that?
28:18 It's the Dark Middle Ages.
28:22 So evidently the message to the church in Thyatira
28:27 also reflects the significant period in history
28:31 when during many centuries of the Dark Middle Ages,
28:36 the tradition totally replaced the Bible.
28:39 Keep in mind that Jezebel did not go
28:42 to the Bible to get the light.
28:43 She heard direct message from God outside of the Bible.
28:47 So during the Dark Middle Ages, the tradition,
28:50 something that came from outside of the Bible, okay,
28:53 replaced the biblical teaching.
28:55 When the priesthood of Christ
28:57 was replaced with the human priesthood
29:00 and sacred relics replaced Christ priesthood
29:03 and His work there in the Heavenly places
29:06 and was regarded as the means of salvation,
29:10 all those who did not condone the corrupting influences
29:13 of the institutional church,
29:15 they had the same experience as the church members
29:18 in the city of Thyatira, those Christians there.
29:21 So we can see how the message
29:23 to the church of Thyatira speaks to everybody.
29:27 To the Christians of the time of John,
29:29 to the Christians who lived during the Dark Middle Ages,
29:32 but that message also can be a great warning.
29:36 But at the same time can provide a great hope to us,
29:40 when sometimes we are put into the position
29:44 to compromise our Christianity with something that is
29:48 completely contrary to the Bible.
29:52 Then we are going to next.
29:55 The next city that was addressed by Jesus
30:00 was the church in Sardis.
30:01 We saw that the church in Thyatira was little bit east.
30:06 Now we are going south, okay.
30:09 It is about 30 miles south of Thyatira.
30:13 There was a city of Sardis.
30:17 The city of Sardis was originally built
30:20 on the top of a steep hill overlooking the entire area.
30:27 And even today, it's very impressive
30:30 to see that ancient citadel that originally was the first place,
30:37 the city of Sardis.
30:40 Because the platform of the hill upon which the city stood,
30:43 eventually became too small
30:45 to accommodate the whole population,
30:48 the city starting spreading around that mountain, okay,
30:52 and spreading and became larger and larger.
30:55 The city had a splendid history.
30:57 Some 6 centuries prior to the writing
30:59 of the Book of Revelation,
31:01 Sardis had been one of the greatest cities
31:04 in the ancient world.
31:06 It was the capital of the kingdom of Lydia,
31:09 ruled by the wealthy classes
31:13 and had a prominence
31:15 during the different periods of history.
31:17 But by the Roman period,
31:20 the city had lost its prestige in the ancient world.
31:24 Even though continue to enjoy
31:26 prosperity in wealth in 1st century,
31:29 the city's pride was rooted in its past.
31:34 The city, okay, had many trading centers there
31:40 and many temples-- many temples there, okay.
31:46 And the threat to the church
31:48 came both from inside and from outside.
31:52 And evidently those heretical teachings,
31:55 they killed the spirituality of the church members.
31:58 and it can be very seen from the very introductory words
32:03 of Jesus addressing the church.
32:06 Please would you go with me to Revelation 3:1?
32:11 "To the angel of the church in Sardis write,
32:14 He who has the seven spirits of God and the seven stars,
32:17 says this, 'I know your deeds,
32:20 that you have a name that you are alive,
32:23 but you are dead.
32:25 Wake up, and strengthen the things that remain,
32:28 which were about to die,
32:30 for I have not found your deeds completed
32:33 in the sight of my God.
32:35 So remember what you have received
32:37 and heard, and keep it, and repent.
32:40 Therefore if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief,
32:44 and you will not know at what hour I will come to you.
32:52 But I have a few people in Sardis
32:54 who have not soiled their garments
32:56 and they will walk with me in white,'"
32:58 and now the promise given to this church
33:01 corresponds to the situation of that group,
33:04 'he who overcomes will be clothed in white garments,
33:07 and I will not erase his name from the Book of Life,
33:11 and I will confess his name
33:12 before My Father and before His angels.'"
33:15 You will notice that the fifth church receives
33:17 the five promises-- promises of Jesus.
33:20 We don't need to go too much
33:21 and talk about the situation of the Christians in that city
33:25 because their situation corresponded to the situation
33:29 of most Christians in other cities.
33:32 Evidently, that pagan influence there
33:37 and the idea that Christians should compromise their faith,
33:40 in order to accommodate to the requirements of the city
33:43 in which they live, killed their spiritual life in the church.
33:47 You remember what Jesus said, that just few names
33:51 that remain faithful to Christ in that church.
33:55 The church had the name.
33:57 Evidently the church had a glorious past,
34:00 but in reality that church was completely dead.
34:04 Did you notice it?
34:06 That completely was dead.
34:07 But when Jesus said to this church,
34:10 let me remind you one more time in verse 3,
34:16 "Therefore if you do not wake up,
34:21 I will come to you as a thief,
34:24 and you will not know
34:26 at what hour I will come to you."
34:28 There is something very interesting in this.
34:31 Actually I was three times there at Sardis.
34:35 When you're there in the valley,
34:36 in the ruins of that ancient city,
34:39 but then you look there in front of yourself,
34:41 on the top of that hill
34:44 there is that fortress of the original city.
34:48 There is one thing you wonder.
34:50 How were they able to build that city on such steepy, okay,
34:54 hilltop and mountain there?
34:57 Actually if you were there in that city,
35:00 it was impossible to climb up there and to occupy the city.
35:05 That's why many armies would go there
35:08 and wait for months trying to occupy the city.
35:11 But they were laughing there from the fortress
35:15 because it was impossible to reach the top of the city.
35:18 But two times--you have more information there
35:22 in that companion book, okay.
35:25 The two times the city was occupied.
35:28 Just to mention in one occasion is that the emperor Cyrus
35:33 he wonder how to occupy the city,
35:34 but there was no way.
35:36 They did not know how to go there to occupy the city.
35:38 It was impossible.
35:40 And one soldier was standing there and watching he said,
35:44 "What can be done?"
35:46 Then he saw a guard there on the city.
35:48 And suddenly a helmet fell from the head of that guard there
35:53 and it went down whoo, whoo, whoo, all up to the end.
35:57 And finally the soldier went there to look for the helmet
36:00 and he found the entrance there to go to the top of the city.
36:04 The people there in the fortress fell so safe and secure.
36:09 They did not even put the guard there at the gates.
36:13 And soldiers came there during the night and just--
36:17 it didn't take too much time and too much effort
36:20 to occupy the city.
36:22 So somehow, you know, somehow the situation in the city
36:27 reflected the situation in the church.
36:29 The church lived and enjoyed its pride from the past history.
36:37 But in reality, in the present life,
36:40 they were completely dead.
36:42 So Jesus calls the church again.
36:44 Remember the call, "Wake up and repent.
36:50 Turn your way from God. Go back to God.
36:55 You will be forgiven because the love of Jesus Christ
36:58 want to reach you." Amen.
37:00 And then you go actually more south
37:06 and finally you reach another city,
37:09 the sixth one by name of Philadelphia
37:15 which actually comes from two Greek words.
37:19 Philadelphia which means "brotherly love."
37:23 Philadelphia was actually the youngest
37:26 of all the seven cities.
37:29 There is no much to be said about that city,
37:33 except the city was named Philadelphia
37:39 because it was sealed by Attalus II. Please.
37:43 We're not supposed to remember names.
37:45 Attalus II, he built the city named Philadelphia
37:49 because of his love towards his brother,
37:52 okay, younger brother.
37:54 His younger brother was very capable.
37:56 And he served as the commander of chief, okay.
37:59 Attalus was the king
38:00 and his younger brother was the commander-in-chief,
38:03 but he was a very capable person.
38:04 Even Romans and many other people
38:06 try to persuade him to rebel against his brother
38:09 and to kill him and to become king
38:11 because he was very capable person.
38:13 But he said, "No, he's my brother."
38:16 And he was very faithful to his brother until the point--
38:20 until the time when his brother died.
38:22 Then he took the throne.
38:24 And actually, in that memory
38:26 the city of Philadelphia was built,
38:28 to commemorate the great love between the two brothers.
38:34 But there is also one another thing
38:36 that we have to mention is,
38:38 when the city was built it was built for one single reason.
38:44 And it was to promote the Greek culture.
38:51 So it was actually a missionary city
38:55 to promote Hellenism, okay,
38:58 to Lydia and Phrygia
39:00 where Hellenism did not get over there yet.
39:06 So it was a strictly missionary city.
39:10 Are you still with me?
39:12 So we don't know too much about Christians in that city.
39:16 We don't know about the situation that they face there.
39:21 God has His church there.
39:24 We don't know how much faithful those Christians were there,
39:28 but evidently those pagan customs
39:31 made great impact upon them
39:32 because when you read the message
39:35 to the church in Philadelphia and please can you join me.
39:38 Jesus introduces Himself to this church in verse 7,
39:41 chapter 3 verse 7 says,
39:43 "He who is holy, who is true, who has the key of David,
39:47 who opens no one will shut,
39:49 who shuts no one opens, says this.
39:52 I know your deeds." Very positive.
39:54 "Behold I have put before you an open door
39:58 which no one can shut,
40:00 because you have a little power,
40:02 and have kept my word and have not denied my name."
40:08 Did you notice something in this text?
40:09 Jesus says about the Christians in Philadelphia
40:12 that they had just little strength, little power.
40:18 But the grace and the love of Jesus Christ
40:20 does not look the weaknesses, that little power.
40:25 Jesus opens for them a great door of opportunities.
40:33 So the very city of Philadelphia
40:34 that was established for missionary purposes
40:37 now becomes a symbol of the church that is put there
40:40 by Jesus Christ for missionary purposes.
40:42 Are you still with me?
40:44 And now Jesus says,
40:47 "Behold, I will cause those of the synagogue of Satan,"
40:50 do you remember this?
40:53 We have the church in Smyrna
40:55 that suffers so much because of Jewish accusations.
40:58 Very similar happened in the church of Philadelphia,
41:01 "Who say that they are Jews and are not,
41:03 but lie-- I will make them come
41:05 and bow down at your feet,
41:07 and make them know that I have loved you,"
41:10 and now my favorite text.
41:12 "Because you have kept the word of my perseverance,
41:15 I will also keep you from the hour of testing,
41:18 that hour which is about to come upon the whole world,
41:23 to test those who dwell on the earth.
41:25 I am coming quickly, hold fast what you have,
41:31 so that no one will take your" stephanos, "crown."
41:38 And then we have six promises given to the six churches.
41:45 The church in Philadelphia--
41:48 what can we learn about this church?
41:50 You see, even so many times we feel so weak.
41:57 And sometimes we come into hopeless situation,
42:00 but praise God for His mercy.
42:02 He does not look into our weakness.
42:05 He opens before us that great door of opportunities.
42:09 Praise God. Jesus Christ that I believe in.
42:12 Jesus who does not look into my weaknesses,
42:15 He looks into my potentials.
42:17 And my weaknesses turns into strength.
42:21 You remember Paul had a thorn in the flesh
42:25 and he asked God for help.
42:27 And God told him, "Paul, stop complaining.
42:33 My power is manifested in human weaknesses."
42:38 And Paul said "If there is something that I will boast,
42:41 I will boast by the power of Christ."
42:43 This is actually the message for the church in Philadelphia.
42:47 So we want to apply this message to certain period of history.
42:53 Which period comes to your mind?
42:56 Actually after the Middle Ages, okay, we had the reformers.
43:07 They really woke up the church.
43:09 But after the reformers,
43:11 we have Protestantism that started developing,
43:14 that lived on the past glory
43:18 but in reality in many ways Protestantism was dead.
43:23 Actually this period following the reformation
43:26 is represented by the church in Sardis.
43:31 But then that period is followed
43:34 by the 18th and the 19th century
43:36 that is known to the history
43:38 as the second great awakening in United States.
43:43 It was the time when Christians
43:45 recognize those great signs that took place.
43:49 And they saw in those signs as predicted by Jesus
43:51 and the Book of Revelation,
43:53 the signs of the second coming of Christ.
43:55 Do you know what I'm referring to?
43:57 The darkening of the sun, the darkening of the moon
43:59 and the falling of those meteors.
44:01 this one earthquake and also the taking
44:04 of the Pope into the captivity.
44:06 They recognize in all those events
44:09 the signs of the second coming of Christ.
44:11 Suddenly, people became interested in the Bible.
44:15 People started talking about the second coming of Christ.
44:17 You know, when people believe
44:18 in the second coming of Christ
44:20 and start preparing themselves for the second coming of Christ,
44:22 there are many different reforms.
44:24 So we have the beginning of the feminist movement,
44:27 trying to lift up that humiliation
44:30 that people put on women.
44:32 We have liberation of slaves.
44:35 We have educational system. Okay.
44:38 Health reform movements they started.
44:41 But above all during that time--
44:43 those times we have the establishment
44:45 of those famous word, biblical societies.
44:49 When the Bible was printed
44:51 and distributed to many languages of the world,
44:54 the reality that we still see today
44:57 and actually led to many missionary movements.
45:00 Many people decided to go to proclaim the message overseas,
45:05 on the different continents to proclaim
45:07 the message of the second coming of Christ.
45:09 You see, the Christian church
45:10 during that time had little strength.
45:13 But God opened the door of opportunities in the great way.
45:19 And praise God, the Christians responded.
45:23 And I can really, gladly I can say
45:26 it was during that time God also raised
45:30 a significant movement that actually received--
45:38 experienced its collapse and only 100 people were left.
45:44 And out of that small group of people today,
45:47 we have a movement of about 20 million Christians
45:52 proclaiming the gospel message in all continents,
45:55 in almost all the countries of the world
45:57 And I'm so grateful to God that I am the part of that movement.
46:04 Actually this is the message to the church in Philadelphia.
46:07 Now we are coming to the last one,
46:11 is the church of Laodicea. Okay.
46:15 The last church that is mentioned.
46:17 By the way, if we go here to Philadelphia
46:23 then suddenly go to the west-- to the west.
46:27 And there are two cities very close to each other,
46:29 we mentioned already is Laodicea and Hierapolis. Okay.
46:34 But Laodicea is here-- here of our concern.
46:38 Laodicea was situated in Lycus valley
46:42 on the major trade road between Ephesus and Syria,
46:46 which means that the trade flourishes.
46:49 And all the trade goes through that city.
46:54 It was very close to those two cities
46:56 as I mentioned Hierapolis and Colossae
46:59 which really gave the city of Laodicea great prominence.
47:03 By the way, if you open your Bibles in Colossians 4:16,
47:09 you will see that Paul mentions
47:11 that actually he wrote a letter to the church in Laodicea.
47:15 That letter unfortunately is not preserved.
47:18 And Paul tells the Christians in Colossae,
47:21 "Find that letter that I wrote to the church in Laodicea,
47:24 read but send your letter that I'm writing to you.
47:28 Send also to the church in Laodicea.
47:30 Let them read that letter."
47:32 It's Colossians 4:16.
47:36 Laodicea in 1st century was important
47:39 commercial and financial center. Why?
47:42 Because most of the wealth came from the clothing,
47:46 manufacturing industry, and banking transactions.
47:50 The city was very, very wealthy.
47:55 Actually I must tell you, I visited Laodicea three times.
48:00 Every time when I go there you cannot imagine
48:03 how much our theologists discovered there
48:07 and brought to us today.
48:10 Okay, the digging, it goes so fast there that very soon
48:15 we will see many, many things from the city of Laodicea.
48:19 Laodicea was widely known for the fine quality
48:22 of soft and glossy black wool used for making
48:26 different kind of garments and carpets
48:29 which were exported to different parts of the Roman Empire.
48:33 The commercial prosperity made the city a great banking system
48:38 where a large quantity of gold was stored.
48:41 In addition, Laodicea was famous for its medical school
48:45 which had the reputation throughout the ancient world
48:49 for its treatment of eye diseases
48:51 by means of ointment made from
48:54 so called Phrygian powder mixed with oil.
48:58 You see, that prosperity as the commercial,
49:02 financial, and industrial center
49:05 and success that the city had
49:09 filled the wealthy citizens of Laodicea
49:12 with the spirit of pride and self sufficiency.
49:18 You know, friends, you can become a Christian
49:20 but somehow, even though if you're a Christian,
49:22 you have a characteristic of the city where you live.
49:26 So that's the reason we try to understand about the very city.
49:29 It reflected on Christians there,
49:31 and just that you understand who Laodiceans were.
49:34 In A.D. 60, they're talking about 30 years before John,
49:40 Jesus sent this letter to the church.
49:43 A terrible earthquake destroyed the city,
49:46 completely destroyed the city.
49:49 But Romans they needed Laodicea. Why?
49:52 Because of clothing industry. It was banking center there.
49:57 They needed for that eye salve.
49:59 There are many things they needed the city.
50:01 So right after the earthquake,
50:04 a great convoy from Rome came with a lot of gold,
50:09 you know, you know and helped to rebuild the city.
50:11 Can you imagine? The city was completely leveled.
50:15 And Laodiceans came there at the gate waiting for Romans
50:19 and they told them, "Please go back to Rome.
50:23 We don't need anything.
50:24 We have everything what we need."
50:30 It tell us something about the city.
50:31 And I believe it help us to understand the message
50:35 that Jesus wrote to the church that was there.
50:38 But just one more detail.
50:40 Even though the city was so prosperous
50:42 the city had one terrible problem.
50:44 They don't have drinking water.
50:48 So they will get water from-- remember, Colossae.
50:51 Colossae was just at the foot of a mountain
50:54 and there was fantastic drinking water there.
50:57 So they would make--even today you can see all those systems,
51:01 how they brought the water there.
51:03 And another water came from Hierapolis,
51:06 also from another foot of a mountain there.
51:10 But the problem was the climate is very hot there.
51:13 As the water travels for about 5, 6, to 15 miles
51:17 to reach the city
51:19 what happened to that cool water, mountain water?
51:22 Actually it became lukewarm. Now it tell us everything.
51:26 We don't need to go to this letter any longer.
51:29 Everything is explained to us.
51:31 Because Jesus is using that illustration from the very city,
51:38 from the city life, actually to provide the message
51:41 to the church because the very city
51:45 and the population of the city
51:47 actually reflected also or symbolized,
51:50 represented the very situation of the Christians
51:54 who were there in that city.
51:55 So please let us just try to see few things that we find here
52:01 and see how Jesus addresses this church.
52:06 Okay, how much time we have?
52:07 We have 5 minutes. Praise God, just enough.
52:11 "To the angel of the church in Laodicea write.
52:15 The amen, the faithful and the true witness,
52:19 the beginning of the creation of God, says this,"
52:23 why does Jesus introduces Himself
52:25 to this church in this way?
52:27 Hey, when you have the church saying, "Boy, I am rich."
52:32 You remember Laodiceans suffered the earthquake.
52:35 We have everything. We have need of nothing.
52:40 Jesus says, "I am the Amen.
52:42 You know, faithful witness, better listen to me.
52:45 I know better your situation than you know."
52:48 But then Jesus call Himself,
52:50 "The beginning of God's creation."
52:54 This word beginning does not mean
52:56 that Jesus was the first who was created.
52:59 He means that He is the cause.
53:01 He is the beginning of everything that is created.
53:05 Why does Jesus introduces Himself to this church?
53:08 You see, this church is dead.
53:12 There is no one singular thing that Jesus commissioned
53:14 in reference to this church.
53:16 But Jesus says, "Better listen to me,
53:19 I'm the one who created everything out of nothing.
53:24 I can do the same of you. You are dead.
53:27 There is nothing good of you.
53:29 But I can make a new beginning of you." Amen.
53:31 What-- what a Savior.
53:33 And then Jesus said-- by the way,
53:36 the situation of church in Ephesus--
53:37 in Laodicea actually reflects
53:42 the situation of the people of Israel
53:45 as described in the book of Hosea 12:8.
53:49 It says, "Ephraim said, 'Surely I have become rich,
53:53 I have found wealth for myself.
53:55 In all my labors they will find in me no iniquity,
53:59 which would be sin.'"
54:00 You see, evidently the situation of the church in Laodicea
54:04 was not just their problem.
54:06 Israel had that problem and believe me,
54:08 so many times I find within myself
54:10 that I have similar problem.
54:11 And maybe some of us will say,
54:13 "Boy, this is exactly my situation."
54:16 And then Jesus goes on and He said, "I know your deeds.
54:20 That you are neither cold nor hot.
54:23 I wish that you were cold or hot.
54:25 So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold,
54:30 I will spit you out of my mouth.
54:34 Because you say, 'I am rich, and I have become wealthy,
54:39 and have need of nothing,'"
54:42 please, I will stop at this moment.
54:44 It's very moving for me.
54:46 Jesus said, "But you do not know"--
54:52 hey friends, people who do not know
54:56 and people who do not know that they don't known,
55:00 believe me, they're in the same situation.
55:03 And this was actually the problem
55:04 of the church in Laodicea.
55:06 Jesus said, "You say I'm rich, I'm wealthy,
55:10 I have need of nothing but I say to you
55:14 that you are wretched and miserable
55:18 and poor and blind and naked.
55:22 I advise you to buy from me gold refined by fire
55:25 so that you may become rich.
55:28 And white garments so that you may clothe yourself,
55:31 that the shame of your nakedness will not be revealed,
55:34 and eye salve to anoint your eyes so that you may see.
55:39 Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline.
55:42 Therefore be zealous and repent.
55:45 Behold, I stand at the door and knock.
55:48 If anyone hears my voice and opens the door,
55:52 I will come in to him and will dine with him,
55:56 and he with Me.
55:59 Jesus offers to this church His gold.
56:01 In 1 Peter 1:7 we read,
56:03 "That the proof of your faith being more precious
56:07 than gold which is perishable.
56:09 Even though tested by fire,
56:11 may be found to result in praise and glory and honor
56:15 at the revelation of Jesus Christ."
56:16 Jesus offers to this church new garments.
56:21 In Isaiah we read, "I will rejoice greatly in the Lord.
56:24 My soul will exult in my God,
56:26 for He has clothed me with garments of salvation.
56:29 He has wrapped me with robe of righteousness,
56:32 as the bridegroom decks himself with garland,
56:35 and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels."
56:40 The church at Laodicea thinks that they have everything
56:44 but they have nothing.
56:46 And Jesus offers them that they can have everything
56:49 and gives them that promise of promises.
56:52 "Everybody who overcomes will sit Me on My throne
56:57 as I overcame and sit with My Father in His throne."
57:01 Look this is certainly to remind us that the church
57:04 at Laodicea describes our own time.
57:06 We claim we have Bibles.
57:08 I mentioned to the viewers that we can buy Bible for 25 cents.
57:12 We have beautiful churches.
57:14 We have everything that we could have.
57:17 But Jesus Christ is telling us,
57:19 "This is my offer, if you accept me--
57:22 I'm knocking on the door.
57:24 If you accept Me, in Me you can have everything."


Revised 2014-12-17