Pathway of Hope

God's Grace Is Sufficient

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Alonzo Smith (Host), Abraham Jules


Series Code: POH

Program Code: POH000013

00:03 Where can you find hope for the hopeless,
00:07 opportunity for transformation,
00:11 peace amid life's storms?
00:15 Only in God's free gift of eternal life.
00:20 From New York, join us on the Pathway of Hope.
00:30 A miner left his billfold on the counter for a store
00:34 with more than $800 in it.
00:37 An ex-convict,
00:39 whose past offense was armed robbery,
00:42 came in and saw the billfold on the counter.
00:46 What did he do?
00:47 He did not take a dime from it
00:50 but rather sought out its owner and returned it.
00:55 Amazing, isn't it?
00:57 You see, he was saved by God's grace.
01:02 The Apostle Paul says in Ephesians 28,
01:06 "For by grace are you saved through faith,
01:10 and that none of yourself, it is a gift of God."
01:14 God's grace is given to us freely.
01:18 It is not a question of what you have done
01:20 but a question of what God has done for you.
01:24 It is not a question of your unworthiness
01:27 but a question of God's righteousness.
01:30 It is not a question of your weakness
01:32 but a question of God's strength.
01:35 It is not a question of your sins
01:37 but a question of God's grace.
01:40 Dr. G. Earl Knight, the evangelist,
01:44 will speak to us about God's amazing grace.
02:11 Lift up the trumpet
02:16 And loud let it ring
02:21 Jesus is coming again
02:33 Cheer up, ye pilgrims,
02:38 Be joyful and sing
02:44 Jesus is coming again
02:56 Echo it, hilltops,
03:01 Proclaim it, ye plains
03:07 Jesus is coming again
03:18 Coming in glory,
03:24 The Lamb that was slain
03:30 Jesus is coming again
03:41 Coming again,
03:47 Coming again
03:52 Jesus is coming again
04:03 Coming again,
04:09 Coming again
04:14 Jesus is coming again
04:26 Heavens of earth, tell
04:32 The vast, wondering throng
04:38 Jesus is coming again
04:49 Tempests and whirlwinds,
04:55 The anthem prolong
05:01 Jesus is coming again
05:14 Nations are angry
05:19 By this we do know
05:26 Jesus is coming again
05:38 Knowledge increases
05:43 Men run to and fro
05:49 Jesus is coming again
06:01 Coming again,
06:07 Coming again
06:12 Jesus is coming again
06:24 Coming again,
06:30 Coming again
06:35 Jesus is coming again
06:47 Coming again,
06:53 Coming again
06:58 Jesus is coming again
07:10 Coming again,
07:15 Coming again
07:21 Jesus is coming again
07:33 Jesus is coming again
07:45 Jesus is coming
07:50 Jesus is coming
07:54 again
07:59 Coming again
08:03 Coming again
08:07 Jesus is coming again
08:25 I was scripture reading for this evening,
08:28 it's Ephesians 2:1-9,
08:35 "And you He made alive,
08:37 who were dead in trespasses and sins
08:41 in which you once walked
08:43 according to the course of this world,
08:46 according to the prince of the power of the air,
08:50 the spirit who work in the sons of disobedience,
08:55 among whom also we all once conducted ourselves
08:58 in the lust of our flesh,
09:01 fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind,
09:06 and were by nature the children of wrath,
09:09 just as others.
09:12 But God, who is rich and mercy,
09:15 because of His great love with which He loved us,
09:19 even when we were dead in trespasses
09:22 made us alive together with Christ, by grace,
09:25 you have been saved,
09:29 and raised us up together
09:32 and made us sit together
09:33 in heavenly places in Christ Jesus,
09:38 that in the ages to come,
09:40 He might show his riches of his grace
09:43 in His kindness towards us in Christ Jesus.
09:47 For by grace you have been saved through faith,
09:51 and that none of yourself,
09:52 it is the gift of God, not of works,
09:56 lest anyone should boast."
09:59 Our topic for today is God's grace is sufficient.
10:05 Let us pray.
10:07 Our Heavenly Father,
10:09 we thank You for the opportunity
10:10 we have to worship and to praise Your name.
10:14 We thank You for the provision
10:16 You have made for our salvation.
10:18 And now as we come to share Your Word,
10:21 we invite Your Holy Spirit to be with us.
10:24 Reveal Your will to our lives and help us, Lord,
10:27 to order our lives according to Your Word.
10:31 Please bless each and every one of us
10:34 who worship in Jesus name, amen.
10:39 By nature, we are children of the flesh
10:44 and strangers of the covenant of promise.
10:48 The Bible says,
10:50 "The old law was brought forth in iniquity
10:53 and in sin my mother conceived me."
10:56 Psalms 5:15.
10:59 As sinners, we have no right to salvation.
11:05 We are without hope in the world.
11:09 But God in His mercy and through His grace
11:12 has offered us hope and salvation
11:15 through our Lord Jesus Christ.
11:20 Yes, we are children of the flesh.
11:25 God created a perfect world
11:27 and placed two perfect people in it,
11:29 to enjoy and to take care of it.
11:33 Genesis 1:31, says, "God saw everything He made,
11:38 and indeed it was very good."
11:42 God wanted the first couple Adam and Eve,
11:47 He warned them of the danger of eating of the fruit
11:51 from the tree of good and evil
11:53 which was in the midst of the garden,
11:56 where He had placed them.
11:58 Yes, the Lord said to them,
12:04 "Of every tree of the garden, you may freely eat,
12:08 but of the tree of knowledge of good and evil,
12:10 you shall not eat.
12:12 For in the day that you eat of it,
12:15 you shall surely die."
12:18 Genesis 2:16-17.
12:22 Adam and Eve felt the temptation of the devil
12:25 and at the fruit of the tree
12:28 as a result of their disobedience,
12:31 Adam and Eve, the curse of sin and death
12:36 was passed on to all creation.
12:40 It was never God's plan to allow men to self-destruct.
12:44 God gave mankind a salvific antidote against sin
12:49 in the form of a promise, a redemption plan
12:52 was put in place to restore the human race back to God.
12:56 In her book, "The Great Controversy,"
12:59 Ellen White wrote,
13:01 "Satan's enmity against the human race
13:04 is kindled because, through Christ,
13:08 they are the object of God's love and mercy.
13:12 It is the grace that Christ implants in the soul
13:17 which creates in men enmity against Satan.
13:23 Without this converting grace and renewing power,
13:27 men will continue the captive of the devil,
13:32 a servant ever ready to do his bidding.
13:36 But the new principle in the soul creates conflict,
13:40 where hitherto had been peace.
13:43 The power which Christ imparts enables man to rescue
13:47 or to resist the tyrant and usurper.
13:52 Whoever is seen to abhor sin instead of loving it,
13:57 whoever resists and conquers those passions
14:01 that have held sway within displays
14:04 the operation of a principle wholly from above."
14:10 As time progresses sin, proliferated the earth,
14:14 and the human race got deeper
14:16 and deeper in the clutch of the devil,
14:20 descendants of Noah drifted
14:22 their own way away from God.
14:26 The Tower of Babel was a symbol
14:29 of their rebellious Spirit.
14:32 God never leaves Himself without a witness, amen.
14:37 Abram was a witness to the goodness of God.
14:41 So God called him
14:43 and offered him a covenant of promise.
14:46 Genesis 12:1-3 clearly states that,
14:50 "Now the Lord had said to Abram,
14:53 get out of your country,
14:54 from your family and from your father's house,
14:57 to a land that I will show you,
15:00 I will make you a great nation.
15:03 I will bless you and make your name great,
15:06 and you shall be a blessing.
15:08 I will bless those who bless you,
15:11 and I will curse him who curse you.
15:14 And in all the families of the earth, in you,
15:19 all the families of the earth shall be blessed."
15:24 Abram's name was changed to Abraham.
15:29 Abraham became the father of the Jewish nation,
15:33 through whom the nation of the earth would be blessed.
15:37 The Jews were not without God.
15:40 For as Jesus stated in John 4:22,
15:44 salvation was of the Jews,
15:47 Abraham, the first Jew, saw the day of Christ afar off
15:53 and was glad.
15:54 John 8:56,
15:56 they drain in the wilderness of the rock,
16:00 which was Christ.
16:02 1 Corinthians 10:4.
16:04 The Gentiles had no knowledge of Christ.
16:07 They had no union with Him. They had no faith in Him.
16:11 They were therefore without pardon, grace,
16:14 hope, and comfort.
16:16 They had nothing threefold blessings of the gospel,
16:22 Christ for us, Christ in us, and Christ with us.
16:28 They were uncircumcised Gentiles in the flesh.
16:33 So to be circumcised meant that one was purified,
16:38 it meant that one received the seal of righteousness.
16:42 It meant that not only the outward flesh was clean
16:47 but also the heart was completely
16:50 consecrated to God.
16:52 It meant they were legitimate children of Israel.
16:56 The third characteristic of being an alien
16:59 from commonwealth of Israel,
17:02 the Gentiles were separated from Israel
17:06 civilly and spiritually
17:08 for the Jews had no dealing with the Gentiles.
17:11 The word alien points to a lapse
17:14 from a former unity or relationship.
17:18 The first dispensation of the human race was unify,
17:23 sin however brought a separation,
17:25 the worshipping of the true God against the worshipping
17:30 of the false God brought a great divide.
17:34 It is this wall that he came to break down.
17:39 The fourth characteristic,
17:41 they were strangers from the covenant of promise.
17:45 The covenant was established between God and Abraham,
17:48 and Abraham's descendents.
17:50 Through Abraham and his descendants,
17:53 the nations of the world
17:54 were to learn of the will of God.
17:58 Christ came to establish
18:00 a better covenant based on a better promise.
18:04 Hebrew 8:6 states, "But now he has obtain
18:09 a more excellent ministry,
18:12 inasmuch as he is also Mediator of a better covenant,
18:18 which was established on a better promise."
18:22 The fifth characteristic, they were without hope.
18:27 They had no hope.
18:28 No hope for Messiah and salvation,
18:31 through Him no hope of eternal life.
18:34 You see in 1 Corinthians 15:19, Paul writes,
18:38 "If in this life only we have hope,
18:41 we are of most men most miserable."
18:46 Without Christ, there is no hope.
18:48 A life of sin results in separation from God.
18:52 And separation from God results in separation
18:56 from His promise of eternal life,
18:58 which is in Jesus Christ, our Lord and our Savior.
19:02 Jesus said, "For God so loved the world,
19:05 He gave his only begotten Son,
19:08 that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish,
19:11 but shall have everlasting life,"
19:14 John 3:16.
19:16 The sixth characteristic,
19:18 they were without God in the world.
19:22 This marks the climax of their misery.
19:26 It is not that they were atheists
19:29 for they had many gods,
19:31 they had no knowledge of the true God.
19:34 They had no faith in Him.
19:36 They were living without relationship with Him.
19:39 They had no consciousness of His presence to bless,
19:43 guide, and to comfort them.
19:46 They were without God in this world.
19:51 I thank God for Ephesians 2:13,
19:56 for there, I find a hope,
20:00 "But now in Christ.
20:03 In Christ Jesus, you who once were far off
20:08 have been brought near by the blood of Christ."
20:16 But now...
20:18 But is a conjunction, such as yet, unless,
20:23 and nevertheless, notwithstanding.
20:26 You see, a conjunction seeks to join two sentences
20:30 or two concepts together.
20:32 It unites, it joins together.
20:36 On the one hand, the Gentiles were afar off.
20:42 Aliens from the commonwealth of Israel,
20:44 strangers of the covenant of promise,
20:47 without God and hope in the world.
20:51 They were nobodies.
20:53 They were not only acts to sit at the back of the bus,
20:58 they were outside of the bus.
21:01 They were excluded not by God's design
21:05 but by their own choice.
21:10 On the other hand, Christ extended His mercy.
21:14 He extended His grace,
21:16 He changed the scene completely
21:19 by offering Himself on Calvary, His cross.
21:23 His death was not only for the Jews
21:26 but also for the Gentiles.
21:30 His death was for all who have sinned,
21:33 for God loved the world, the entire world.
21:37 So whomever sinned,
21:38 the death of Jesus Christ would cover their sin.
21:44 Back then,
21:45 it was being circumcised in the flesh,
21:50 but now, it is the circumcision of the heart.
21:55 Back then, they were without Christ,
21:58 but now, Christ has offered himself to all.
22:02 He died for all.
22:04 Salvation is for all.
22:08 Back then they were aliens from the commonwealth of Israel
22:12 and strangers from the covenant of promise.
22:15 But now, they are fellow citizens
22:18 and adhere of the covenant of promise.
22:22 You see, back then they had no hope
22:25 and without God in the world,
22:27 but now their hope is in the Lord.
22:30 They have Christ in them, the hope of glory.
22:35 They have Christ for them, who can be against them.
22:41 They have Christ with them.
22:43 They will never have to walk alone.
22:47 Ephesians 2:1-10 notes
22:53 it is grace that has built
22:56 a bridge to bring us back to God.
23:00 It is grace that causes God to offer us eternal life.
23:05 It is grace that causes Christ to die
23:08 on the cruel cross for you and me.
23:10 It is grace that will lead us home to glory.
23:16 Marvelous grace of our loving Lord.
23:19 Grace that exceed our sin
23:21 and our guilt yonder on Calvary Mount of Paul,
23:26 where the blood of the Lamb was spilled.
23:31 Grace, Grace.
23:34 God's Grace.
23:35 Grace that was pardon and cleanse within.
23:39 Grace. Grace.
23:41 God's grace.
23:43 Grace that is greater than all our sin.
23:47 Ladies and gentlemen,
23:49 God's grace is sufficient for you and for me.
23:55 Sin has brought separation between God and man.
23:59 Christ did not leave us without a way of escape.
24:04 He provided the enmity against the devil,
24:09 that we would never be
24:11 totally engulfed by the evil one.
24:15 Christ gave the promise of the Messiah through Abraham,
24:20 his descendents starting or stating that
24:24 if we were accepted
24:26 if we accept his plan of salvation,
24:29 all the nations of the earth would be blessed.
24:34 Unfortunately, the people of Israel
24:37 for the most part either kept it
24:39 to themselves or did not accept it.
24:43 But Jesus has established a new covenant
24:48 pays upon a better promise.
24:51 It is through the grace of God
24:53 that all of us can have full access
24:57 to the throne room of God.
25:00 Jesus being our Mediator,
25:03 it is amazing how God's grace
25:07 can save wretched sinners like you and me.
25:13 Let us give our all to Jesus,
25:16 our Savior and our Lord.
25:21 God's grace is so amazing.
25:24 "Amazing grace," the song says,
25:27 "how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me.
25:33 I once was lost, but now I'm found.
25:38 Was blind, but now I see."
25:43 Praise God for amazing grace.
25:46 The grace of God is sufficient
25:50 for you, and you, and me.
25:54 Amen.
25:57 Loving Lord, we thank You for Your grace,
26:01 we thank You for Your power to save,
26:06 we thank You, Lord, that Jesus came
26:09 and took our place so that we may have life
26:14 and we may have it more abundantly.
26:18 We give You our lives today,
26:21 we ask You, Lord, to take us just as we are,
26:25 make us what You would want us to be,
26:28 and when You shall come in your kingdom,
26:32 help us, Lord, to look up and say,
26:35 "Lo, this is my God."
26:38 We have waited for Him and He will save us.
26:44 Be with us now and help us, Lord,
26:47 to choose You as our Lord and our Savior.
26:52 This we pray in Jesus' name, amen.
26:58 Thanks for watching Pathway of Hope.
27:01 If you would like to be prayed for
27:03 or would like to learn more about
27:05 God's Word, please call
27:08 1 (877) 520-HOPE
27:13 or 1(877)
27:15 520 4673.
27:20 You may also watch more of our programs online at
27:30 If you would like to make a tax-deductable love gift,
27:34 please send your gifts to Pathway of Hope
27:37 at P.O. Box 280704,
27:43 Queens Village, New York, 11428.
27:48 Thanks for watching Pathway of Hope
27:50 and may God's blessings be yours today.


Revised 2020-06-22