Pathway of Hope

Soldier In God's Army

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Alanzo Smith (Host), Dr. Abraham Jules


Series Code: POH

Program Code: POH000008

00:03 Where can you find hope for the hopeless?
00:07 Opportunity for transformation?
00:11 Peace amid life's storms?
00:15 Only in God's free gift of eternal life.
00:20 From New York, join us on the Pathway of Hope.
00:30 Everywhere in the world,
00:32 there seems to be this human cry.
00:35 We want to be free.
00:37 Freedom is like an antacid to the human spirit.
00:41 And that's why soldiers will endure hardship
00:45 for the freedom of their country.
00:47 Parents will endure hardship
00:50 for the freedom of their children.
00:52 One generation will endure hardship
00:55 for the freedom of the next.
00:57 And Christians will endure hardship
01:00 for the freedom of the gospel.
01:02 And yes, Jesus Christ Himself endured hardship
01:08 for the freedom of mankind.
01:11 The Apostle Paul admonished us that we should endure hardship,
01:16 like a good soldier of Christ.
01:20 To be a soldier for Christ requires commitment,
01:24 endurance, and sacrifice.
01:27 Oftentimes, we hear of soldiers abandoning their posts,
01:33 refusing to answer the call of duty,
01:36 or abusing their authority.
01:41 Soldiers of Christ, on the other hand,
01:44 must respond to the call of duty
01:47 and be faithful at all times.
01:51 I invite you now to relax
01:54 and listen to Dr. Abraham Jules,
01:57 an anointed preacher
01:59 and the faithful soldier for Christ.
02:13 He promised us
02:16 That He would be out counselor
02:22 A Mighty God
02:24 And the Prince of Peace
02:29 He promised us
02:31 That He would be a Father
02:36 And He would love us
02:39 With a love that would not cease
02:46 Well, I tried Him
02:50 And I found His promises are true
02:54 He's everything
02:57 He said He would be
03:03 The finest words I know cannot begin to tell
03:10 Just what Jesus
03:13 really means to me
03:19 For He's
03:22 More wonderful
03:27 Than my mind can conceive
03:31 He's more wonderful
03:35 Than my heart can believe
03:39 He goes beyond my highest hopes
03:45 and fondest dreams
03:53 He's everything
03:57 That my soul ever longed for
04:02 Everything He's promised
04:05 And so much more More than amazing,
04:12 More than marvelous More than miraculous
04:20 Could ever be
04:22 He's more than wonderful,
04:27 That's what Jesus
04:30 Is to me
04:47 I stand amazed
04:50 when I think the King of glory
04:55 Would come to live
04:58 Within the heart of man
05:03 I marvel just to know
05:06 He really loves me
05:10 When I think of who He is,
05:14 And who I am.
05:19 For He's more
05:25 Wonderful than my mind
05:30 Can conceive He's more wonderful
05:35 Than my heart can believe
05:39 He goes beyond my highest hopes
05:45 and fondest dreams
05:53 He's everything
05:58 That my soul ever longed for Everything
06:04 He's promised and so much more
06:09 More than amazing,
06:13 More than marvelous
06:16 More than miraculous
06:20 Could ever be
06:23 He's more than wonderful,
06:27 That's what Jesus is to me
06:34 He's Everything
06:42 That my soul ever longed for Everything
06:48 He's promised and so much more
06:53 More than amazing,
06:57 More than marvelous
07:00 More than miraculous
07:04 Could ever be
07:07 He's more than wonderful,
07:11 More than wonderful,
07:15 That's what Jesus
07:19 Is
07:23 To me
07:29 Wonderful
07:35 To Me
07:50 Let us pray.
07:53 Father, You have called us out of darkness into this,
07:56 Your marvelous light.
07:59 You've called us to victory
08:01 but You've also called us to hardships.
08:04 We pray tonight as we study this word
08:06 that we'll be reminded of Your call
08:09 upon our lives and Your willingness
08:13 and ability to stand by us,
08:15 in those tough times and in tough places.
08:19 We are assured tonight that Your love is everlasting.
08:23 Your Grace is unbounded.
08:26 And Your promises are true.
08:29 Thank You for being with us and made this word.
08:33 Bring courage to the hearts of the listeners we pray.
08:36 In the name of Jesus we ask it,
08:39 Amen.
08:42 There's a word for us tonight in the book of 2 Timothy,
08:45 in the New Testament, 2:3 and 4.
08:52 2 Timothy
08:54 2:3 and 4.
08:59 The Bible says,
09:00 "Thou therefore endure hardship
09:04 as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.
09:08 No man that warreth entangleth himself
09:12 with the affairs of this life,
09:15 that he may please him
09:17 who hath chosen him to be a soldier."
09:22 Tonight's message will take us on a path
09:25 and along a journey
09:28 that will highlight for us that when God calls us,
09:32 sometimes we are called to do some difficult things.
09:36 Sometimes we are called to endure hardship.
09:40 But at all times,
09:42 we will be assured that God is with us.
09:45 Amen.
09:47 Now Timothy enters the biblical picture
09:51 in the book of Acts Chapter 16.
09:54 His mother is a Jew
09:55 and his father is a Gentile Greek.
09:59 He's called a believer.
10:02 And a deep and lasting friendship
10:05 grew between the Apostle Paul
10:08 and his understudy Timothy.
10:12 Paul must have had confidence in him because Timothy,
10:17 we are told, accompanied him on
10:20 many of his missionary journeys as they planted churches
10:24 in several cities and provinces of the Roman Empire.
10:30 Timothy probably helped Paul start the churches in Corinth,
10:34 Philippine, Colossi and Thessalonica.
10:39 Now, this is an interesting combination.
10:42 The ancient Apostle and seasoned evangelist
10:46 with this young trainee, this young intern,
10:49 this upstart in ministry, this hardened prosecutor,
10:54 turned church planter with a young and side pastor.
11:00 It always thrills my heart to see
11:03 young and old work together.
11:05 Always thrills my heart to see young people
11:08 who love to be around older flock.
11:11 You never know the value of sitting
11:13 at the feet of someone
11:14 who's been through some years of hardship and toil,
11:18 who's lived for little while.
11:20 So it thrills my heart here.
11:22 Paul and Timothy, old and young.
11:26 Generations come together.
11:29 Paul must have really felt deep affection for Timothy
11:34 for we find him longing for Timothy's presence,
11:37 and his companionship.
11:40 In 2 Timothy,
11:42 this was Paul's last letter.
11:44 He urged a young pastor, Timothy,
11:46 to come and spend some time with him.
11:50 And by this time, Paul is imprisoned in Rome.
11:53 And Timothy is the pastor of the church in Ephesus.
11:58 Knowing that Nero's nod could send him to his death,
12:02 Paul longs to see Timothy.
12:06 And at best it would take several months
12:08 for Timothy to reach him
12:10 and fearing that his demise is close at hand,
12:14 Paul, we are told pens his last epistle.
12:18 In Chapter 1, he says,
12:19 he prays constantly for Timothy
12:22 and reminds him of his heritage of faith.
12:26 It was that same faith
12:28 that lived within his grandmother, Lois.
12:31 It was that same faith
12:33 that burned in the breast of his mother,
12:36 Eunice
12:37 and is now that same faith that ignites Timothy's life.
12:44 And Paul counsels him
12:46 not to be timid because God has given us
12:48 a spirit of power and love and a strong mind.
12:53 So in Chapter 2, Verses 3 and 4,
12:56 he uses three images or metaphors.
13:01 He uses these metaphors to depict
13:03 what the Christian journey is all about.
13:07 And he uses the metaphor of the soldier,
13:10 the metaphor of the athlete and the metaphor of the farmer.
13:14 Now tonight, we will concern ourselves with only
13:17 the first, the metaphor of the soldier.
13:20 You see, soldiers were common
13:22 in the first century Roman world
13:24 where Paul had lived.
13:26 And so it would not be unusual for him to use this metaphor.
13:30 So matter of fact, in Philippians 2:25,
13:34 he called Epaphroditus his fellow soldier.
13:38 And Philemon 2,
13:39 he calls Archippus the same thing,
13:42 his fellow soldier.
13:44 And so we find him returning to this theme
13:46 in 2 Timothy 2:3 and 4.
13:50 It reads "Endure hardship with us,
13:54 like a good soldier of Jesus Christ."
13:58 No one serving as a soldier
14:00 gets entangled in civilian affairs,
14:04 so that he may please his commanding officer.
14:08 Paul calls Timothy to be a soldier,
14:12 and not just any soldier,
14:14 but a good soldier of Jesus Christ.
14:17 In 2 Timothy 1:35, this was Paul now in prison.
14:20 He's reflecting on his life and he says,
14:22 "You know that everyone
14:24 in the province of Asia has deserted me,
14:27 including Phygelus and Hermogenes."
14:32 Again in 2 Timothy 4:10 and 14-16, "...for Demas,
14:38 because he loved this world,
14:40 he deserted me and has gone to Thessalonica."
14:44 Listen to this, he continues by saying,
14:47 "Alexander the metalworker did me a great disservice,
14:53 and he did me harm."
14:55 At my first offense, he says also,
14:57 "No one came to my support, but everyone deserted me."
15:01 Here is Paul, a soldier
15:03 and he's kind of feeling sorry for himself
15:06 because he was deserted by everybody!
15:09 He learned to enjoy some hardships.
15:14 Let it be known today, friends of mine,
15:16 this Christian journey,
15:17 sometimes you cry all by yourself.
15:20 Amen. Yes.
15:21 Folk may visit you in the hospital
15:23 the first week you in there,
15:25 but after a couple of weeks you're there alone.
15:29 We cry alone.
15:30 We feel the pain alone sometimes,
15:32 because as a good soldier
15:34 you must learn to endure some hardships.
15:39 James 1:12 says,
15:41 "Blessed is the man who perseveres under the trial
15:45 because when he has stood the test,
15:47 he will receive the crown of life
15:48 that God promised to those who love Him."
15:53 Revelation 3:11 says, "I am coming soon.
15:56 Hold on to what you have,
15:58 so that no one will take your crown."
16:01 The first quality of a good soldier
16:04 is that he is steadfast.
16:07 But the Apostle hastens on to indicate
16:09 that a good soldier is also single minded.
16:14 He says, "No one serving
16:16 as a soldier gets involved in civilian affairs."
16:21 A better translation says it this way,
16:23 "No one engaged in warfare,
16:25 and tangles himself in the affairs of this life."
16:29 The emphasis is not on being a soldier in quiet times.
16:33 The emphasis is on warfare.
16:36 It's on soldiering in battle.
16:39 All of us could be great soldiers
16:41 if we just stayed home and there was no war.
16:44 Are you at war?
16:46 We wrestle not against flesh and blood,
16:48 but against principalities, against prowess,
16:50 against the rulers of the darkness of this world,
16:52 against spiritual wickedness in high places.
16:55 Ephesians 6:12.
16:57 "If you don't hear the grenades of war exploding around you,
17:00 at least every now and then maybe you need to check
17:03 your declaration of whose side you are on."
17:06 Because if you are on Jesus' side,
17:09 scripture says,
17:10 "All who will live godly must suffer persecution."
17:14 Amen.
17:17 In Paul's Roman world,
17:19 soldiers could not have the attentions diverted.
17:23 There were to be no diversions.
17:25 In order to protect the border of the Roman Empire,
17:27 especially in far flung areas,
17:30 the Roman army was dispatched far and near.
17:34 Garrisons were established all over the Roman world.
17:37 Troops were always on the move,
17:39 it was essential that they move rapidly
17:42 and this was facilitated by the vast network of rows.
17:46 Daily discipline was the order of the day.
17:49 They were no diversions, the soldier was single minded.
17:54 Further, in the midst of the battle,
17:56 the soldier had to be single minded,
17:58 because he knew that if he were not,
18:00 it could mean his death.
18:02 All that's on his heart is the battle.
18:05 In the Roman world
18:07 that Paul was really operating in,
18:10 a soldier was a soldier, and he was nothing else.
18:17 Roman code of Theodosius said,
18:20 "We forbid men engage in military service
18:23 to engage in civilian occupations.
18:26 There must be no hindrance, diversion, or distraction."
18:30 Indeed, the text literally reads
18:32 that we must not be entangled.
18:34 The Greek is empleketai.
18:37 This same word
18:38 is used elsewhere in the New Testament,
18:40 only in 2 Peter 2:20,
18:42 to speak about not getting mixed up
18:44 in the corruptions of the world.
18:46 Elsewhere, Paul admonishes,
18:48 "Do not be conformed to this world,
18:50 but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."
18:53 Romans 12:1 and 2,
18:55 "So the soldier
18:57 is not to be caught up in their fears of civilian life
19:00 and conform to the world's standards."
19:02 He's a soldier, not a politician.
19:05 He's a soldier, not a debater.
19:07 He's a soldier, not an entertainer.
19:11 Scripture tells us,
19:13 it tells us a whole lot about
19:15 the need to be of single purpose.
19:18 It is said of Jesus in Luke 9:51,
19:21 "As the time approached for Him to be taken up to heaven,
19:24 Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem."
19:30 We do well to follow our Lord's example,
19:34 Luke 16:13,
19:36 "No servant can serve two masters.
19:38 Either he will hate the one and love the other,
19:43 or he will be devoted to the one
19:45 and despise the other."
19:47 You cannot serve both God and money.
19:51 James 1:8 says,
19:53 "A double minded man is unstable.
19:57 In all he does."
19:58 And Luke 9:16, Jesus replied,
20:01 "No one who puts his hand to the plow
20:03 and looks back is fit for service
20:06 in the kingdom of God."
20:08 Why should a Christian be single minded?
20:11 There is a purpose clause in the text.
20:14 We may read it as follows.
20:16 No one on active service
20:19 gets entangled in civilian affairs,
20:22 in order that he may please his commanding officer.
20:26 There's one reason why we should be single minded,
20:29 so that we may please our commanding officer.
20:33 This tells us
20:35 that the final quality of a good soldier is service.
20:40 Service is described in that the soldier sets out
20:44 to bring joy and happiness
20:47 and pleasure to his commanding officer.
20:51 Actually, the word really points to the one
20:54 who recruits the soldier.
20:56 Now think of Roman military practice,
20:58 not Modern American Military practice.
21:02 In order, really in our modern context,
21:06 the commander in chief
21:07 is the elected President of the country.
21:10 He doesn't have to be a warrior.
21:12 Obama never served in any part of the military,
21:15 George Bush didn't.
21:16 No experience necessary.
21:18 No combat necessary.
21:20 No blood, sweat, and tears.
21:23 How does a good soldier please his commanding officer?
21:28 Well, he does a few things.
21:29 First, he gives unquestioning obedience.
21:34 Roman soldiers were trained to obey without question.
21:39 The commander said it and it was obeyed.
21:42 Don't have to know the reason
21:43 why soldiers of Christ obey His voice,
21:49 even when we don't understand
21:53 what God is saying and why He's saying it.
21:57 The soldiers of Christ give wholehearted service.
22:02 Love the Lord, thy God with all thine heart.
22:06 With all your soul,
22:07 all your mind and all your might.
22:10 T. Marshall Kelly,
22:12 when I was a student at Oakwood College
22:13 used to sing a song that goes something like this.
22:16 It says, takes your head,
22:19 takes your heart to serve the Lord.
22:22 It takes full surrender to serve the Lord.
22:24 It takes your, it time
22:26 takes your means and your prayers.
22:28 It takes everything to serve the Lord.
22:32 A good soldier,
22:34 in order to please his master knows the value of loyalty.
22:40 When a Roman soldier joined the army,
22:41 he took the sacramentum,
22:44 the oath of loyalty to the Emperor.
22:46 A soldier was loyal to death.
22:50 In Rome, a soldier would die in the Emperor's name.
22:54 Christians must be loyal
22:56 to Christ through all of the twists
22:59 and turns of life,
23:01 even to the point of death,
23:03 we must be loyal to His orders.
23:07 It's not merely that I don't drink
23:08 a little wine, I can't.
23:11 I'm under orders, because "Wine is a mocker,
23:14 strong drink is raging.
23:16 And whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise."
23:19 It's not merely that I don't eat any and everything,
23:22 I can't.
23:23 I'm under orders.
23:25 "Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do,
23:27 do all to the glory and honor of God."
23:30 It's not merely that I don't engross myself
23:32 in pornography, I can't.
23:34 I'm under orders.
23:36 "I've made a covenant with mine eyes,
23:38 that I will not look lustfully at a woman."
23:40 Job's 31, Job 31:1.
23:44 It's not merely that I can't watch
23:45 any kind of movie.
23:47 I really won't.
23:48 I'm under orders.
23:50 "Let no evil thing pass before thine eyes."
23:53 It's not merely that I don't sow my proverbial wild oats,
23:57 I can't.
23:58 I'm under orders.
23:59 "Flee youthful lust."
24:02 It's not merely
24:03 that I don't work on the Sabbath, I can't.
24:05 I'm under orders, orders.
24:07 "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy."
24:11 It's not merely that I don't do drugs, I can't.
24:14 I'm under orders.
24:15 "Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost."
24:19 It's not merely that I don't sleep around, I can't.
24:22 I'm under orders.
24:23 "Be therefore holy, for I, the Lord, am holy."
24:27 So soldiers of Christ, the battle is on!
24:30 Are you a soldier?
24:32 Then be a good soldier, then be steadfast,
24:35 be single minded, be committed to service.
24:39 My brothers and sisters,
24:40 do you want to be a good soldier?
24:42 There's a rich reward for good soldiers.
24:46 I want you to note something of importance.
24:49 2 Timothy 4:7 says, "I have fought the good fight.
24:53 I have finished a race and I've kept the faith."
24:56 The only other place
24:58 where we have this combination in the entire Bible
25:00 is in 2 Timothy 2:4 and 5,
25:03 where Paul deals with battle and athletics.
25:06 There's a link in Paul's mind.
25:08 You see, the call to courage in Chapter 2
25:10 is reflected in Chapter 4 and Verse 7.
25:12 But the exciting thing is that a reward is enunciated.
25:15 Let us read 2 Timothy 4:8, it says,
25:18 "Now there is in store for me, the crown of righteousness,
25:23 which the Lord, the righteous judge,
25:25 will award to me on that day, and not only to me,
25:29 but also to all who long for His appearing."
25:32 So I'm committing myself to this battle.
25:35 I want to be steadfast and single minded
25:38 and committed to service.
25:39 Scripture says that all the promises of God
25:42 are only yes in Christ.
25:44 Amen.
25:46 2 Corinthians 1:20 tells us that so I want to be obedient,
25:50 and I want to say like a good soldier,
25:52 when God gives me an order, I want to say, "Yes, sir."
25:57 When he says, "Go ye therefore,
25:58 and preach this gospel
26:00 as a witness into all the world,"
26:01 I say, "Yes sir!"
26:03 Yes, sir.
26:04 When he says, "Be holy," I say, "Yes, sir!"
26:08 "Preach the word in season and out of season."
26:11 "Yes, sir."
26:13 He says, "Be steadfast."
26:15 I say, "Yes, sir."
26:17 One day our Lord promises He'll come.
26:20 And He'll give to us a crown of life.
26:23 And we'll live in a land where we'll never die again.
26:26 We'll live with Him where there'll be peace
26:27 and everlasting joy.
26:29 Amen.
26:30 Endure hardship
26:33 like a good soldier of the cross.
26:36 Amen.
26:38 Thank you, Lord, for this word tonight.
26:41 Give us strength before we face the test,
26:45 so that we can withstand all of our testing.
26:48 In the name of Jesus we pray with joy abundant
26:51 and thanksgiving.
26:53 Amen. Amen.
26:55 Thanks for watching Pathway of Hope.
26:58 If you would like to be prayed for
27:01 or would like to learn more about God's word,
27:04 please call 1 (877) 520-HOPE
27:10 or 1 (877) 520 (4673).
27:17 You may also watch more of our programs online
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27:27 If you would like to make a tax deductible love gift,
27:31 please send your gifts to Pathway of Hope
27:35 at P.O. Box 280704, Queens Village,
27:41 New York 11428.
27:45 Thanks for watching Pathway of Hope
27:47 and may God's blessings be yours today.


Revised 2020-03-21