Pathway of Hope

Being Merciful

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lisa Wellington (Host), Abraham Jules


Series Code: POH

Program Code: POH000004

00:03 Where can you find hope for the hopeless?
00:07 Opportunity for transformation?
00:11 Peace amid life's storms?
00:15 Only in God's free gift of eternal life.
00:20 From New York, join us on the Pathway of Hope.
00:30 There are many attributes about our God.
00:34 He possesses all wisdom and power.
00:37 I could list a few more
00:39 but there are two attributes of God that I like most.
00:44 Number one, He is a loving God,
00:48 and number two, He is a merciful God.
00:52 He loves us so much
00:54 that He died on a cross for our sins.
00:58 As a merciful God,
00:59 He spares us from the brutal punishment
01:02 and effects of sin.
01:06 I am a recipient of God's mercy.
01:09 Jesus had mercy on me and changed my life.
01:13 And guess what,
01:14 His mercy is available for you too.
01:17 He not only wants us to be recipients of mercy,
01:21 but also wants us to extend that mercy to others.
01:26 There is a special blessing for those who are merciful
01:29 for the Bible says,
01:31 "Blessed are they who are merciful,
01:34 for they shall obtain mercy."
01:37 On today's program, Dr. Jules will show us
01:41 how we can attain mercy and forgiveness of our sins
01:45 and live a fuller, richer,
01:48 and happier life in Christ Jesus.
03:04 Crucified
03:08 Laid behind the stone
03:12 You lived to die
03:15 Rejected and alone
03:25 You took the fall
03:28 And thought of me
03:39 Above all powers
03:46 Above all nature
03:55 And created things
04:04 The world began
04:13 Above all wonders
04:20 The world has ever known
04:28 There's no way to measure
04:35 What you're worth
04:38 Crucified
04:41 Laid behind the stone
04:45 You lived to die
04:48 Rejected and alone
04:58 You took the fall
05:02 And thought of me
05:05 Above all
05:10 Crucified
05:13 Laid behind the stone
05:17 You lived to die
05:20 Rejected and alone
05:23 Like a rose trampled on the ground
05:30 You took the fall
05:34 And thought of me
05:38 Above all
05:44 Trampled on the ground
06:21 Out of the New Testament,
06:24 Jesus speaking into book of Matthew 5:7
06:29 says, "Blessed are the merciful,
06:33 for they shall obtain mercy."
06:34 Succinct, brief, yet powerful.
06:39 Our message, be merciful.
06:43 Let us pray.
06:45 Loving Lord, You who have demonstrated in Your life
06:49 and taught us a new word,
06:52 the need to be kind and forgiving
06:55 and generous and magnanimous,
07:00 we tonight, go to this word to find a way
07:03 to make that word real in our own lives.
07:07 So bless this to Your people
07:09 and those who listen to this telecast,
07:12 may their hearts be blessed beyond measure.
07:17 May we sense our need to inculcate in our lives.
07:21 The attributes of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
07:24 Thank you for hearing out this prayer tonight.
07:27 In the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior.
07:30 Amen.
07:33 Philips translates that verse of scripture this way,
07:38 he says, "Happy are the merciful,
07:42 for they will have mercy shown to them."
07:45 Now at first glance, such statements seem to suggest
07:51 that the process of showing mercy
07:53 begins with us.
07:55 Now that, however, is not the case.
07:58 It is God who is merciful and gracious, first of all.
08:03 And the people of God are who they are
08:06 because they have received God's mercy.
08:11 Now the two terms, grace and mercy
08:13 are frequently synonymous.
08:16 But where there is a distinction
08:17 between the two,
08:19 it appears that grace is a loving response
08:22 when love is undeserved.
08:25 And mercy is a loving response prompted by the misery
08:30 and helplessness of the one and whom,
08:33 the love is to be showered.
08:36 Grace answers to the undeserving mercy,
08:40 answers to the miserable.
08:43 Jesus in Matthew 5 gives us these eight principles
08:46 or secrets to happiness.
08:49 He divides them up.
08:51 Four of these principles speak to our relationship to God
08:54 and the other four
08:56 deals with our relationship with each other.
08:58 That's why it's a fosse for people to love the Lord
09:01 and don't know how to treat their brothers or sisters.
09:06 Your real character comes out
09:08 when you have to deal with people
09:10 who are not all that loving and caring.
09:13 In this beatitude, Jesus is saying
09:16 that life is really one great boomerang.
09:19 Whatever you dish out, comes back to you.
09:23 It's the law of direct return.
09:25 If you're friendly,
09:27 people tend to be friendly with you.
09:29 If you speak gently to someone, most times,
09:32 they tend to not be boisterous with you.
09:35 If you criticize other people, they're going to criticize you.
09:39 If you're merciful to other people,
09:41 they'll be merciful to you.
09:43 That's just the way life is.
09:46 Now mercy goes even deeper
09:48 than just feeling sorry for people.
09:50 Mercy, the man's action, mercy is love in action.
09:56 The Bible says that God is a merciful God.
10:01 Psalms 148:8 says,
10:05 "God is kind and merciful.
10:08 Slow to get angry and full of love."
10:12 Isn't that wonderful people?
10:13 When I think of God, I should envision Him
10:16 to be kind and merciful,
10:19 full of love, and slow to anger.
10:22 Are you patient with everyone?
10:25 How can you be patient with those who are different?
10:28 First, we must look into their backgrounds.
10:31 When we understand where a person is coming from,
10:34 we will understand how far they're coming from,
10:37 and we will not pay much attention
10:40 to how far they have to go.
10:43 Ladies and gentleman,
10:44 when we look beneath the external behavior
10:47 and look at the internal pain,
10:50 we would know that behind every peculiar act,
10:53 there's loneliness, hurt, depression, or some anxiety.
10:57 In other words, God is saying to us,
10:59 "Stop judging people.
11:01 Take a little time,
11:03 think about their circumstances,
11:04 think about their conditions,
11:06 and you'll be patient with them."
11:10 Well, mercy is manifested first of all through patience
11:13 but secondly,
11:14 mercy is manifested through forgiveness.
11:18 Colossians 3:27 says,
11:20 "Be gentle and ready to forgive,
11:22 never hold grudges.
11:24 Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others."
11:29 Isn't it amazing that
11:30 when you are in need of forgiveness,
11:32 it feels so right.
11:34 But when you are called upon to give it, it feels so wrong.
11:40 When people make mistakes,
11:41 do you rub it in or do you rub it out?
11:44 When people hurt you and malice you
11:46 and let you down,
11:47 do you hold it over their heads for the rest of their lives
11:50 and never let them off the hook?
11:52 That's not mercy.
11:55 It's lot easier to criticize than it is to sympathize.
11:59 It's a lot easier to point a finger
12:00 than it is to lend a helping hand.
12:02 William Barclay once said,
12:04 "A Christ-less world is a callous world.
12:07 And mercy was never
12:09 a characteristic of pagan life."
12:13 And all who strived to root their lives to forgiveness,
12:15 seek to listen rather than to convince,
12:18 to understand rather than to impose themselves.
12:21 But there's a third way that mercy is manifested.
12:25 It's manifested through kindness.
12:27 Proverbs 3:27 declares,
12:29 whenever you possibly can do good to those who need it.
12:35 John Wesley had a motto.
12:36 He says, "Do all the good you can,
12:38 by all the means you can,
12:40 in all the ways you can, at all the times you can,
12:42 to all the people you can, as long as you ever can."
12:47 Jude 1:24 also says,
12:49 "Be merciful to those who doubt."
12:53 When you're hurting that's the most likely time
12:55 you're going to doubt God.
12:57 Do you know that's when you are hurting...
12:59 That's when we ask those cosmic questions
13:01 in the middle of the night?
13:03 "Where is God?
13:04 Why is He not hearing my prayers?
13:06 Maybe He doesn't care!
13:08 Maybe He doesn't even exist."
13:10 If you have never had those doubts,
13:12 you probably have never been in much pain.
13:15 Now why did God say, "Be merciful"?
13:18 Because that is the way God treats people.
13:21 He is kind and merciful, slow to anger.
13:23 And The Living Bible says in rest of that verse,
13:26 "His compassion is entertained in everything that He does."
13:31 Why then should I really be merciful?
13:34 First, because I'm a recipient of God's mercy.
13:38 Matthew 18:3, The Living Bible says,
13:40 "Shouldn't you be merciful to other people
13:42 just as I have been merciful to you?"
13:45 God anticipates that I would be grateful enough
13:48 and smart enough
13:49 to remember to give of what I have received.
13:52 Freely you have received, freely give!
13:57 Whenever you're tempted to get all smug and arrogant,
14:00 take a moment to think of the many times,
14:02 you have offended the eye of God.
14:05 And He has been so faithful and merciful.
14:09 You know, one day while I say who ministered in this world,
14:11 a group of professional religious leaders
14:14 caught up in their own righteousness
14:16 and impressed with their own purity,
14:18 forgot that they had been recipients of God's Almighty's
14:21 grace and mercy.
14:23 They came dragging a woman, the Bible says,
14:25 into the very presence of Jesus.
14:27 She had committed adultery, she was caught in adultery.
14:31 And they threw her down in front of Jesus and said,
14:34 "Jesus, You are a teacher.
14:35 You know what the Lord says.
14:37 If you're caught in adultery, you should be stoned to death."
14:42 Jesus said, "You're right.
14:44 That's what the Lord says.
14:46 The first one of you who has never sinned,
14:48 gets to throw the very first stone."
14:51 The Bible says they all walked away.
14:54 On another occasion, Jesus said,
14:56 "One of you is so preoccupied with the speck of sawdust
15:01 in your neighbors eyes,
15:02 why don't you get the telephone pulled out of your own?"
15:07 God has been merciful to me!
15:10 So I need to be merciful to other folks.
15:15 Now we tend to judge people,
15:17 other people by their worst faults.
15:20 Ad we tend to judge ourselves by our best intentions.
15:25 There's a second reason why we should be merciful.
15:27 I should also be merciful because more than likely,
15:30 I'm going to need some mercy in the future.
15:33 We ought to be careful when we say,
15:35 "I'll never do that."
15:36 Never say never.
15:38 No one but God knows what the future holds
15:40 and in that future,
15:42 there might just be some circumstantial condition
15:44 that necessitates the mercy of God
15:47 and mercy from our fellow men.
15:50 You don't know what you'll do.
15:52 Be careful.
15:53 Let Him the thinketh,
15:55 He sendeth, taketh, let's befall.
15:59 James 2:13 says,
16:01 "The man who makes no allowances for others,
16:03 will find none made for him."
16:06 only those who give mercy will get it.
16:09 Mercy is giving to others, not what they deserve,
16:12 but giving them what they need.
16:15 There's a third reason why I should give mercy.
16:17 I should be merciful
16:18 because the Bible says it will make me happy.
16:21 If you are a merciful person, you will be a happy person.
16:25 Happy are the merciful
16:27 and unhappy and miserable are the unmerciful.
16:32 Unkind people are miserable people.
16:36 But people who are merciful, the Bible says,
16:39 "Happy are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy."
16:44 Amen.
16:45 How then do I become a merciful person?
16:48 Starting point is you must first experience
16:52 the mercy of God.
16:53 You cannot offer mercy to anyone else
16:56 until you have first received mercy.
16:59 You can't offer forgiveness to anyone else
17:01 until you first feel forgiven.
17:04 One of the reasons
17:05 why some of you have a hard time
17:07 forgiving people
17:09 is because you don't really feel forgiven.
17:11 When I feel unforgiving yet I'm definitely unforgiving.
17:16 When I don't feel good,
17:17 I sure don't want anybody else to feel good.
17:22 Starting point is
17:23 I must receive the mercy of God,
17:26 peace of God, and the forgiveness of God,
17:29 and then I can offer it to others.
17:31 Can you say amen somebody? Amen.
17:34 Every sin you've ever committed
17:36 or are committing right now,
17:37 or will commit has already been paid for, why?
17:41 The Bible says, "Just as you break man's law,
17:44 there's a penalty."
17:47 The Bible says, "The wages of sin is death."
17:50 Jesus took that penalty.
17:54 He took it.
17:55 It's already paid for.
17:56 You can walk out of here with a clear conscience,
17:59 with a clean slate.
18:01 You can begin a new life,
18:03 you can receive the mercy of god,
18:04 not because you deserve to be forgiven, you don't.
18:08 But God wants to forgive you
18:09 simply because He is a forgiving God.
18:12 He loves forgiving, it's His nature.
18:15 He is a God of mercy.
18:18 After you've done that, once you really feel forgiven,
18:20 once you have been graced,
18:22 then it's easier for you to become gracious.
18:25 Once you've felt the mercy of God,
18:27 then it's easier for you to be merciful.
18:30 After you've done that, the next thing you need to do
18:32 in order to become a merciful person,
18:34 is start looking at people with the eyes of Jesus Christ.
18:39 Look at people the way the Lord would see them.
18:42 By the way, if you have trouble with lust,
18:44 this is the key.
18:45 Instead of looking at them in lust,
18:47 look at them in love, the way Jesus would see them.
18:51 Instead of a body, you'll see a person.
18:54 Now Matthew 25 to think
18:55 Christians are going to be judged by
18:58 and the judgment is how they treated other people.
19:03 Listen to what Jesus says.
19:04 "I was hungry and you fed Me,
19:06 I was naked and you clothed Me,
19:10 I was in need of drink and you gave it to Me,
19:12 I was in prison and you visited me."
19:16 We're going to say, "Lord,
19:17 so when did we do all of that to You?"
19:19 Jesus said, "I will say then, in as months as you've done it
19:23 to anybody else, you've done it to me."
19:25 God is a loving God.
19:28 And He loves all of His children.
19:33 God's going to ask you how you treated other people.
19:36 Were you merciful?
19:38 Were you like Him?
19:40 All of us, lot of us are very hard
19:42 and we are tough on people.
19:44 And we always ready to vote somebody out of church.
19:48 Always quick to get rid of people.
19:50 Let me tell you something.
19:51 When I read my Bible,
19:52 Jesus was never in haste to get rid of anybody.
19:55 He was always extending mercy.
19:58 Jesus says, "Were you like Him?"
20:00 Jesus had a ministry of mercy.
20:02 He lifted up the lonely, He accepted the rejected,
20:05 He grieved with those who are sorrowing.
20:07 He loved the unlovely.
20:09 He helped those who are helpless and hurting.
20:12 He cared for them and God wants you
20:14 to be a little bit like Christ on your job,
20:17 at school, and at home.
20:19 Treat people the way you would like to be treated.
20:24 Now who is that in your life that needs mercy?
20:27 That's barely hanging on.
20:28 And they're about to let go.
20:30 You need to show some mercy this week.
20:33 Who is it in your life that you're still holding
20:36 the past over their head?
20:39 You won't let them off the hook.
20:40 Every time they do something you don't like,
20:44 you bring this up for ammunition.
20:47 It's always silently there in the background.
20:50 You remind them of how many times
20:52 you forgave them.
20:54 That's a great way to even kill a marriage.
20:57 You're unappeasable no matter what they do for you,
21:00 you remember the past.
21:01 You have a little scale in your mind.
21:04 No matter what they do for you,
21:05 you keep on reminding them of this.
21:07 You're destroying
21:08 your own marriage and relationships.
21:11 You're doing it to yourself.
21:14 Who is it that you need to say a word of forgiveness
21:16 to this week?
21:18 Let him off the hook, wipe that slate clean,
21:20 never mention it again.
21:21 It's over, it's done with,
21:22 it's forgiven, it's past, that's it.
21:26 Be happy!
21:27 And show mercy!
21:30 Have you experienced the mercy of God?
21:33 That is the greatest thing you can ever experience,
21:34 the mercy and love of Jesus.
21:36 Jesus Christ cared enough for you to die for you
21:40 and to forgive every sin you've ever committed.
21:43 But you need to come, admit those sins,
21:45 ask for forgiveness,
21:46 and let Him clean out your life and start over again.
21:49 There's no reason to go out of this house tonight
21:51 with any guilt.
21:53 It's unnecessary.
21:54 If you do it, it's because you choose to do it.
21:57 God says, "I want to wipe the slate clean."
21:59 It's like staring all over again.
22:03 This is a true story.
22:05 Fred Craddock was vacationing in Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
22:10 He and his wife were seated at the table,
22:13 when an old man came up to them and asked, "How are you doing?
22:17 Are you having a good time?
22:19 Are you on vacation?"
22:20 "Yes", said Professor Craddock.
22:22 "We are on vacation
22:24 and yes we're having a good time."
22:25 "What do you do for living?" The old man asked.
22:28 Professor Craddock wanting to get rid of the old man,
22:31 he said, "I'm a professor of preaching."
22:34 Which is true, but he was sure that a title like that
22:37 would drive any unwelcomed intruder away.
22:41 But it didn't.
22:43 "Oh, you're a preacher?"
22:44 The old man said,
22:46 "Let me tell you a preacher's story."
22:51 Before he can object,
22:52 the old man drew up a chair to the table,
22:55 started to unwind his story.
22:58 He said, "I was born an illegitimate child.
23:01 I never knew who my father was.
23:03 And that was very hard for me.
23:05 The boys at my school had names they called me
23:08 and they made fun of me all the time.
23:10 When I walk down the street in my little town,
23:12 I always felt like people was just staring at me
23:15 and asking that terrible question,
23:17 'I wonder who's the father of that little boy?'
23:21 So I spent a lot of time all by myself.
23:25 And I didn't have any friends.
23:27 One day, a new preacher came to the town.
23:30 And everybody was talking about how great he was.
23:34 I'd never gone to church before,
23:36 but one Sunday morning,
23:38 I thought, I'd go hear this preacher preach.
23:40 He was a good preacher so I kept going back.
23:43 Each time, I would go late and would leave early,
23:46 so I wouldn't have to talk to anyone else.
23:48 Then one Sunday, I got so caught up
23:51 in the preacher's message that I forgot to leave.
23:55 Before I knew what was happening,
23:58 he had the closing prayer, and the service was over.
24:02 I tried to get out of the church,
24:04 but people had already filled all the aisles,
24:07 and I couldn't get past them.
24:09 Suddenly, I felt a heavy hand on my shoulder.
24:12 When I turned around,
24:14 that big, tall preacher was looking down at me
24:18 and asking, 'What's your name, boy?
24:21 Who's your family?
24:23 Whose son are you?'
24:24 And when I heard that question, I just shook.
24:28 But before I could say anything,
24:30 he said, 'What?
24:31 I know your family.
24:33 I know whose son you are.
24:35 There's a distinct resemblance.
24:37 You are the son of God!'"
24:42 He said, "You know, mister,
24:44 those simple words changed my life forever."
24:48 The old man got up and left.
24:50 A waitress came over and asked,
24:52 "Do you know, who you just talked to?"
24:55 "No," said Professor Craddock.
24:58 The waitress said, "That's Ben Hooper,
25:00 two-term governor of the state of Tennessee."
25:04 A man learned what God said about him
25:08 because God is merciful.
25:10 He learned that he was God's child
25:13 and it's changed his life forever.
25:16 When you begin to see yourself,
25:18 as God really sees you,
25:20 you will be liberated from the pain of rejection
25:23 because it doesn't matter
25:25 what anybody else thinks if God says, "I'm acceptable,
25:28 and I'm valuable, and I'm lovable,
25:30 and I'm forgivable, and I'm capable, that's it."
25:35 Too much is given.
25:37 Much is required.
25:39 We are here today because of God's mercy.
25:42 You and I need to share that mercy with everybody.
25:46 Let's bow our heads as we commit our lives
25:48 a new to Christ.
25:50 Loving Lord,
25:52 we know what You've done for us.
25:54 Sometimes, we are hard-headed,
25:57 hard-hearted,
25:59 but we need that grace that washes away
26:04 our stain of sin and takes our hearts
26:09 and melts it with Your love.
26:11 We want to be more loving and kind
26:13 and patient and caring.
26:16 We want to be more merciful.
26:18 In other words, Lord, we want to be like You.
26:21 So make each of us who is in this room tonight
26:25 and those who listening through this telecast,
26:29 help us, oh, God, help us to be like You.
26:34 Forgive us of our past
26:36 and give us strength to live for You
26:37 in the days ahead.
26:39 When we meet people in need of grace and mercy,
26:43 help us to be the first to stand up and dispense it.
26:46 We thank You for hearing our prayer.
26:48 We thank You for the beatitude that tells us
26:51 that if we receive mercy, we must give it freely.
26:55 Bless this Your people here and around the world we pray,
26:59 in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior,
27:01 let everyone say amen.
27:03 Amen. And amen.
27:05 Thanks for watching Pathway of Hope.
27:08 If you would like to be prayed for
27:11 or would like to learn more about God's Word,
27:14 please call 1 (877) 520-Hope
27:20 or 1 (877) 520 (4673).
27:27 You may also watch more of our programs online
27:31 at
27:37 If you would like to make a tax deductible love gift,
27:41 please send your gifts to Pathway of Hope,
27:45 at P.O. Box 280704,
27:50 Queens Village, New York 11428.
27:56 Thanks for watching Pathway of Hope.
27:58 And may God's blessings be yours today.


Revised 2020-03-21