Participants: Lisa Wellington (Host), G. Earl Knight
Series Code: POH
Program Code: POH000003
00:03 Where can you find hope for the hopeless?
00:07 Opportunity for transformation. 00:11 Peace amid life's storms. 00:15 Only in God's free gift of eternal life. 00:20 From New York, join us on the Pathway of Hope. 00:30 One of my favorite singing groups 00:32 has a line in one of their songs that says, 00:36 when I was a child, I was afraid of the dark. 00:40 Today I'm scared of things I can see. 00:43 These words come alive within me 00:45 when I look around our world today 00:48 at what I can see. 00:50 Nations rising against nations. 00:53 Wars and rumors of wars. 00:55 The cold and insensitive nature of man, 00:59 and even the rising tide of immorality 01:02 that has overtaken our world. 01:06 But while I am concerned, I am not discouraged, 01:09 because, while the Scripture tells us 01:12 that these things are signs of the times, 01:15 the Bible also gives us assurance that 01:18 there is hope for better days. 01:21 Imagine with me. 01:24 No more crime and violence. 01:28 No more drug or alcohol abuse. 01:32 I'm beginning to like the idea. 01:35 Our speaker today Dr. G.Earl Knight 01:38 will remind us, 01:40 that while the signs of the times are everywhere, 01:43 be not discouraged because He that will come, 01:47 must come and will not tarry. 01:50 Maranatha, Jesus is coming again. 01:53 Amen! 02:22 They came to follow Him 02:28 Drawn by what 02:30 He promised them 02:35 If they would sell 02:39 All that they had 02:48 He said that God would send 02:53 A kingdom that would never end 03:01 Where all the poor 03:05 Would be so rich 03:14 And in their discontent 03:19 They heard What they thought He meant 03:26 Heard that the weak Would be strong 03:38 Bread would be multiplied 03:44 And hunger be satisfied 03:50 And every servant a king 04:01 In this kingdom of God 04:07 A kingdom that would never end 04:13 A living unshakeable 04:19 Kingdom of God 04:38 But He went His quiet way 04:45 Giving Himself away 04:51 Building what eyes 04:55 Could never see 05:03 While men looked for crowns 05:06 And thrones 05:10 He walked through crowds, alone 05:15 Planting a seed in you and me 05:27 Crying for those who cried 05:34 Dying for those who died 05:40 Bursting forth, Glorified, alive 05:51 And some of them looked for Him 05:57 Sad that it had to end 06:03 Do we dare to look within And see 06:14 The kingdom of God 06:20 A kingdom that would never end 06:26 The living, unshakeable 06:32 kingdom of God! 06:44 Still some of us look for Him 06:51 Sad that it has to end 06:56 Do we dare to look within 07:01 And see 07:06 The kingdom of God 07:13 A kingdom that 07:16 Would never end 07:20 The living, unshakeable 07:26 Kingdom of God! 07:44 Of God! 08:00 Our text this evening is 2 Timothy 08:02 3:1-5, 08:08 "But know this that in the last days 08:10 perilous times will come. 08:13 For men will be lovers of themselves, 08:18 lovers of money, 08:20 boasters, proud, blasphemers, 08:25 disobedient to parents, 08:26 unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderous, 08:31 without self control, 08:33 brutal, despisers of those 08:38 that are good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, 08:41 lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, 08:45 having a form of godliness, but denying its power. 08:49 From such people turn away." 08:53 Our subject this evening is, "Perilous Time." 08:57 Let us pray. 08:59 Our Heavenly Father, we realize that 09:03 we are living in dangerous times. 09:08 We realize also that Jesus Christ 09:12 has done so much to help us to go through these times. 09:17 As we come to listen to Your Word again, 09:20 please be with us. 09:23 Let these words that will be uttered from my lips, 09:27 touch the heart of someone who is watching this program. 09:32 Help us to all be faithful, 09:33 that when You come in Your kingdom, 09:35 we will be able to go and be with You forever, 09:38 is my prayer in Jesus' name. 09:43 The world is facing 09:46 some of the most challenging times 09:49 we have ever seen. 09:51 The economy is in its worst state 09:55 since 1929. 09:58 Unemployment is skyrocketed and out of control. 10:02 Wars are multiplying around the world. 10:07 While thousands are dying from starvation, 10:10 disease, natural disasters, 10:13 and a whole host of other calamities. 10:17 Morality is on the chopping blocks, 10:20 and old age biblical principles are being challenged. 10:25 Respect for God is becoming extinct 10:28 and we are living at a time where anything goes. 10:34 What we thought was normal 10:36 and natural are no more. 10:41 Now we have what is called a new norm. 10:47 While these ills are plaguing the world, 10:50 unfortunately, they are creeping 10:53 or have crept among the people of God. 10:57 Too many of us are languishing in spiritual stupor, 11:01 convincing ourselves that we are all right, 11:05 while God is getting ready to spew us out 11:09 of His mouth because of lukewarmness. 11:13 How we will find a way out of this chaos? 11:17 And how will we maintain our faith in God 11:21 in these last days? 11:23 How will we be able to forge our way 11:26 through these perilous times? 11:31 The Apostle Paul, in his letter to young Timothy 11:35 warns us of the time that is coming on the earth. 11:39 He calls it perilous time, 11:42 a time involving danger or risk, 11:46 a dangerous time, 11:48 a troublesome time, an oppressive time. 11:52 No doubt Paul read the words of Jesus 11:55 when he declared in Matthew 24:4-13, 11:59 that a time of great trial and tribulation 12:03 will come upon the earth. 12:08 "Take heed he said, that no one deceive you. 12:13 For many will come in My name saying, 12:16 I am Christ and will deceive many. 12:19 And we'll hear of wars and rumors of wars. 12:24 See that you are not troubled, 12:26 for all these things must come to pass, 12:29 but the end is not yet. 12:33 For many will rise against nation 12:36 and kingdom against kingdoms, 12:38 and there will be famines and pestilences, 12:41 and earthquake in various places. 12:44 All these things are the beginning of sorrows. 12:49 Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, 12:54 and you will be hated 12:56 by all nations for My name sake, 13:01 and then many will be offended 13:04 and will betray one another, and will hate one another, 13:08 then many false prophet will rise up and deceive many. 13:11 And because lawlessness will abound, 13:14 the love of many will wax cold." 13:19 In 2 Peter 3:3-11. 13:25 The Word of God says, "Knowing this first: 13:28 that scoffers will come in the last days, 13:32 walking according to their own lusts, 13:36 and saying, 'Where is a promise of His coming? 13:41 For since the fathers fell asleep, 13:42 all things continue as they were 13:45 from the beginning of creation.' 13:48 For they willfully forget: 13:49 that by the word of God 13:52 the heavens were of old, 13:55 and the earth standing out of water and in water, 14:00 by which the world that then existed perished, 14:04 being flooded with water. 14:07 But the heavens and the earth which are now preserved 14:10 by the same word, are reserved for fire 14:14 until the day of judgment 14:16 and perdition of ungodly men. 14:21 But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, 14:26 that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, 14:30 and a thousand years as one day. 14:34 You see, the Lord is not slack concerning His promise, 14:38 as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, 14:43 not willing that any should perish 14:49 but that all should come to repentance.'" 14:53 My God is a God of love. 14:56 Amen? 14:57 I said, my God is a God of law. 15:00 He is a God of grace. 15:03 Ephesians 2:8 says, "For by grace, are we safe, 15:08 not of yourself but it is a gift of God, 15:12 not of works, lest anyone of us should boast." 15:17 He's a God of patience. 15:19 He's a God who will work with us, 15:22 He will allow His Holy Spirit to work unto our hearts, 15:27 because He wants to see every single one of us change, 15:31 change into His likeness. 15:35 The Day of the Lord will come, 15:38 it will come as a thief in the night, 15:41 in which the heavens will pass away 15:43 with a great noise and the elements will melt 15:46 with fervent heat. 15:48 Both the earth and the works that are 15:50 in it will be burned up. 15:52 Therefore, since all these things 15:55 will be dissolved, 15:56 what manner of person ought you to be 15:58 in holy conduct and in godliness. 16:04 God acts on us as His children, 16:07 to put our trust in Him, 16:10 to allow our lives to reflect His righteousness, 16:14 to live godly in these troublous times, 16:19 and yes, by God's grace, 16:23 we can live lives of righteousness. 16:26 By God's grace, 16:29 we can live lives of holiness. 16:32 In 2 Peter 3:14-18. 16:36 Peter counsel us on what type of people 16:40 we ought to be in these last days. 16:43 Therefore, beloved, look forward to these things. 16:47 He said that the diligence 16:50 to be found by him in peace, 16:54 without spots, and blameless, 16:58 and consider that the long suffering 17:00 of our Lord in salvation, 17:03 as also our beloved brother Paul, 17:06 according to the wisdom given to him, 17:08 has written to you, 17:10 as also in all his epistles, 17:15 speaking in them of these things, 17:19 in which are some things hard to understand, 17:22 which untaught, and unstable people 17:25 twist to their own destruction, 17:28 and they do also the rest of the Scripture. 17:31 You therefore, beloved, since you know this beforehand, 17:36 beware, lest you also fall from your own steadfastness. 17:41 Being led away with the errors of the wicked, 17:45 but grow in grace 17:47 and in the knowledge of our Lord 17:50 and Savior, Jesus Christ. 17:53 To Him be the glory, both now 17:57 and forever and the apostle says, amen. 18:02 There are many, yes, 18:06 who has scoffed at the Christian faith. 18:10 But those of us who have experienced Jesus, 18:16 we know of assurance 18:19 that God's words are true. 18:22 We know that God's words are faithful. 18:26 And if we would put our trust in God, 18:29 the true and living God, 18:32 we will have the opportunity 18:33 to behold His face in glory. 18:38 Let's take a look at the church. 18:41 You see, as people of God, we too are experiencing 18:44 some radical shift 18:47 in our concept of righteousness. 18:50 Our measuring rod for proper conduct 18:53 is not so much the Ten Commandments 18:56 or the Word of God as it used to be, 18:59 but rather how it makes us feel, 19:03 and you can never trust your feeling. 19:06 Does the actions make me feel good? 19:11 Does it please me well? 19:14 Is my appetite satisfied? 19:18 Unfortunately, these are the type of questions 19:23 that we ask ourselves. 19:26 But know, when we are making decisions 19:31 that will impact our conduct, 19:34 we need to ask ourselves the question. 19:38 Is my action based on the Word of God? 19:44 Am I motivated by the Spirit of God in what I do? 19:49 I know the devil is rampant. 19:51 He is angry with the Church of God. 19:54 As he began war in heaven, 19:57 subsequently was thrown out of heaven. 19:59 Unfortunately, we welcome him on earth. 20:03 And for some 4000 years he had swayed, 20:07 came to Jesus when he was here 20:10 with his subtle tricks and expected Him 20:12 to fall for them like the other human had fallen. 20:17 But Jesus met him straight up with the Word of God. 20:22 Christ went out to pray in the garden, 20:26 in the mountains. 20:28 That great tempter, the devil came to Him. 20:32 It was about 40 days already. 20:35 And so He must have been hungered, 20:38 would like some bread. 20:40 And so the devil came to Him and said, 20:41 "Why don't you change this, these stones into bread?" 20:49 Christ said, "It is written. 20:52 Man shall not live by bread alone, 20:56 but by every word that proceeds 21:00 out of the mouth of God." 21:03 He went back two other times to Jesus Christ. 21:06 And again, the Lord said, 21:09 "It is written." 21:13 We have no need to fear, because God is on our side. 21:18 Those who are with us 21:21 are more than those against us. 21:25 Christ has called upon us 21:28 to put on the whole armor of God. 21:30 Ephesians 6:11-18, 21:36 "Put on the whole armor of God, 21:40 that you may be able to stand 21:42 against the wiles of the devil. 21:44 We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, 21:47 but against principalities, against powers, 21:50 against the rulers of a darkness of this age, 21:54 against spiritual host of wickedness 21:57 in heavenly places. 21:59 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, 22:02 that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, 22:05 and having done all, to stand. 22:07 Stand therefore, having gird your waist 22:10 with truth, having put on 22:11 the breastplate of righteousness 22:13 and having stood, or having shod your feet, 22:19 with the preparation of the gospel of peace. 22:22 Above all, take the shield of faith, 22:25 with which you will be 22:26 able to quench all the fiery darts 22:28 of the wicked one, 22:30 and take the helmet of salvation 22:32 and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 22:37 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit, 22:42 being watchful for to this end with all perseverance 22:46 and supplication for all the saints of God." 22:51 The time in which we're living, calls for a lot of prayer. 22:56 The saints of God must fight their battles on their knees. 23:01 You see, we cannot fight like the enemy fights. 23:05 This people of God must put their faith 23:09 and their confidence in God. 23:12 In fact, the Word of God says, hold your peace, 23:16 and I will fight for you. 23:19 God will always cover His children, 23:23 He will protect His children. 23:26 He says, "You shall not go out with haste nor go by flight, 23:32 for God will go before you, 23:34 and God of Israel will be your rearguard." 23:40 Not only will He fight before you, 23:43 but He will fight behind you. 23:45 Amen. 23:46 Somebody says, God will cover your back. 23:51 When we have Christ on our side, 23:54 we have peace with God. 23:57 Peace and everlasting peace. 23:58 Our God loves us so much, that while we were yet sinners, 24:03 Christ dies for us. 24:07 Christ dies for us. 24:10 We must have faith in our God, 24:12 for Romans Chapter 5 reminds us, 24:14 that faith triumph in trials, 24:17 therefore having been justified by faith. 24:20 We have peace with God, 24:21 through our Lord Jesus Christ, 24:23 through whom also we have access 24:26 by faith into His grace, in which we stand, 24:29 and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. 24:33 And not only that, 24:34 but we also glory in tribulation, 24:36 knowing that tribulation produces perseverance, 24:40 and perseverance character, and character hope. 24:43 I want to thank God today, 24:46 that my God will never leave us alone. 24:50 In fact, He said, "I go to prepare a place for you. 24:55 And if I go and prepare this place for you," 24:58 He said, "I will come again and receive you unto myself, 25:03 that where I am, there you may also be." 25:08 So may the good Lord bless you, 25:10 and strengthen you, and enable you. 25:13 And as we face these challenges, 25:15 let us have faith in the Great God of heaven. 25:19 And I pray, that even now, 25:22 as you have observe the things that are taking place, 25:27 that you will keep your faith anchored in Jesus Christ. 25:32 And I just pray that you and I would be ready, 25:37 that when our Lord bursts through clouds of heaven, 25:40 we'll be able to look up and say, 25:42 "Lord, this is our God. 25:44 We have long waited for Him, and He will save us." 25:50 Let us pray. 25:52 Our Heavenly Father, we are so thankful 25:55 that we can put our trust in Your Word. 25:58 We know that Your Word is clear and certain. 26:04 We realize we are living in perilous times, 26:07 but we need not to be afraid. 26:11 All we need to do is to put 26:13 our confidence in Jesus Christ, 26:16 our Lord and Savior. 26:18 Please bless each and every one of us 26:21 listening to this broadcast today. 26:24 Please bless our families, O Lord, give us the grace 26:27 that we need to meet the challenges before us. 26:31 Whether they were economical challenges, 26:34 whether they were health challenges, 26:37 whether they were family challenges, 26:38 whatever that may be, help us, Lord, 26:41 to put our trust and our confidence 26:44 in Jesus Christ. 26:46 So may God bless and keep us even until that day, 26:51 when You shall come in Your kingdom, 26:53 is my prayer in Jesus' name. 26:56 Amen. 26:59 Thanks for watching Pathway of Hope. 27:02 If you would like to be prayed for, 27:04 or would like to learn more about God's Word, 27:07 please call 1 (877) 520-HOPE, 27:13 or 1 (877) 520-4673. 27:21 You may also watch more of our programs online at 27:25 27:31 If you would like to make a tax deductible love gift, 27:35 please send your gifts to Pathway of Hope, 27:38 at P.O Box 280704, 27:44 Queens Village, New York 11428. 27:49 Thanks for watching Pathway of Hope, 27:51 and may God's blessings be yours today. |
Revised 2020-02-10