Pathway of Hope

The Triumph Of The Church

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Lisa Wellington (Host), Abraham Jules


Series Code: POH

Program Code: POH000002S

00:03 Where can you find hope for the hopeless?
00:07 Opportunity for transformation.
00:11 Peace amid life's storms.
00:15 Only in God's free gift of eternal life.
00:20 From New York, join us on the Pathway of Hope.
00:30 I'm told, people go to church for many different reasons.
00:34 Some go to meet a friend, some may go to find a spouse,
00:39 some just go because they have to.
00:43 But more importantly, we go to worship God.
00:47 I have two true or false questions
00:49 for you today.
00:51 True or false, the only reason for going to church
00:55 is to hear the preaching of the Word?
00:58 If you answer true, sorry, the answer is false.
01:03 In Acts 2:42,
01:06 we learned that the church is a spiritual community
01:10 where there is preaching, teaching, fellowship,
01:14 breaking of bread, and yes, prayer.
01:19 Final question, true or false.
01:23 The chief cornerstone of the church is Jesus Christ?
01:28 If you answer true to this question,
01:31 then you are correct.
01:33 On today's program, Dr. Jules
01:35 will help us understand more about Jesus Christ,
01:39 who is not only the foundation,
01:42 but He is also the chief cornerstone.
01:58 Lord, I hear of
02:09 Showers of blessing
02:20 Showers of blessing
02:29 Full and free
02:42 Showers of blessing
02:53 Showers of blessing
03:04 Let so God bless us
03:12 Full and free
03:25 Showers of blessing
03:36 Showers of blessing
03:47 Let so God bless us
03:55 Full and free
04:08 Even me, Lord
04:18 Even me
04:28 Let some drops
04:33 Now fall on me
04:48 Even me, Lord
04:58 Even me
05:08 Let some drops now
05:16 Fall on
05:26 Me
05:35 Amen!
05:38 Amen.
05:43 Let us pray.
05:47 Loving Lord and our Father,
05:51 our prayer today is that as this word goes forth
05:56 that you will anoint to the hearts
05:57 of those who listen.
06:00 In our journey here in Earth,
06:01 we are reminded often
06:04 that whatever You've started in us,
06:06 You'll bring to its completion.
06:09 May Your blessings rest upon us as we listen this today,
06:14 may our hearts be both changed and challenged,
06:18 and may we leave this house of prayer
06:21 having been lifted up by You
06:23 and drawn ever closer to You,
06:26 in Jesus' name we pray
06:27 with joy abundant and thanksgiving.
06:30 Amen.
06:32 Amen!
06:33 There is a word for us that comes
06:35 out of the Book of Matthew
06:38 16:16-19.
06:45 It reads, "When Jesus came into the coasts
06:51 of Caesarea Philippi,
06:55 He asked the disciples saying,
06:58 'Whom do men say that I, the Son of man, am?'
07:03 And they said, 'Some say that thou art John the Baptist,
07:08 some Elijah, and others, Jeremiah,
07:12 or one of the prophets.'
07:15 He saith unto them, 'But whom say ye that I am?'
07:20 And Simon Peter answered and said,
07:22 'Thou are the Christ,
07:24 the Son of the living God.'
07:27 And Jesus answered and said on to him,
07:30 'Blessed are thou, Simon Bar-Jonah!
07:34 For flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee,
07:37 but my Father which is in heaven.
07:40 And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter,
07:45 and upon this rock I will build my church,
07:49 and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
07:54 And I will give unto thee
07:55 the keys of the kingdom of heaven,
07:58 and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth
08:01 shall be bound in heaven,
08:04 and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth
08:07 shall be loosed in heaven.'"
08:11 Most of us want to really know what the future holds.
08:17 When I went to college, I was interested in knowing.
08:22 When I'm through and graduate,
08:24 and finished my course of study,
08:28 who will hire me?
08:29 Where will I be working? Where will I live?
08:32 We always want to know what the future holds.
08:36 When I was a single man,
08:38 I always wanted to know, who would I marry?
08:41 What would my life be like?
08:44 How would I enjoy marriage?
08:46 Wanted to know the future. Now I do.
08:50 We all want to know what lies ahead.
08:53 When I read my Bible,
08:55 I'm convinced that God in His wisdom
08:59 has given to us enough confidence
09:02 so that we can keep running the race.
09:05 Some of us would give up if we didn't know
09:07 that God would finish what He started in us.
09:10 Today out of this pericope,
09:12 I wanna bring to you a message on the triumph of the church.
09:17 Now friends of mine, let us set at the outset
09:19 that the church might triumph,
09:22 what is important is if you and I,
09:25 if we triumph with the church.
09:28 When I look at this text, it reminds me that
09:31 in the very last some of Jesus' earthly ministry.
09:34 Before He went to Jerusalem to be executed,
09:39 He and His disciples faced a severe crisis.
09:44 Sometimes, ladies and gentlemen,
09:45 when we think about the life and ministry of Jesus,
09:49 we look at the events surrounding it
09:51 and think of Him,
09:53 walking from town to town in Galilee,
09:56 and coming back and forth out of Jerusalem,
09:59 followed constantly by thronging multitudes
10:03 pressing up against Him,
10:05 all of them wanting to hear every word
10:07 that came out of His mouth.
10:09 Actually, ladies and gentlemen,
10:11 if we look carefully
10:12 at the record of the ministry of Jesus,
10:15 we will see that public opinion regarding Jesus
10:19 was similar to the New York's stock exchange.
10:23 It was that volatile.
10:25 It went up and down.
10:28 There were times towards the beginnings
10:30 of His public ministry
10:31 when the people were clamoring with enthusiasm
10:34 as they watched Jesus perform a miracle here in Cana,
10:39 then in Capernaum, and so on.
10:42 But then there came a point in His public ministry,
10:45 where to the best of our ability
10:47 to discern the historical situation,
10:51 people became disenchanted
10:52 and disillusioned with what Jesus was doing.
10:56 This change in attitude towards Jesus
10:59 increased after He had fed over 5,000 people
11:03 from only five loaves and two fish.
11:06 After the people were fed,
11:08 the Bible says that they demanded
11:10 that Jesus become their king.
11:13 And when Jesus refused to be made king
11:17 and explained to them
11:19 that they were following Him for the wrong reason.
11:22 They became angry, the Bible says, and left Him.
11:26 Then Jesus turned to the few that remained and said,
11:30 "Will you also go?"
11:32 It was Peter who asked, "Lord, to whom shall we go?"
11:38 But not only were the common people in Galilee
11:40 changing their attitudes toward Jesus.
11:43 Growing consolidated opposition
11:45 was taking place also in Jerusalem.
11:48 The religious leaders were outraged
11:51 by the teachings of Jesus.
11:54 The Bible says that they conspired
11:56 to set traps for Him.
11:58 Luke 9:9 says, "Herod Antipas, who presided over Judea,
12:03 was becoming very suspicious of what he saw,
12:06 as Jesus' political ambitions
12:08 and he was keeping a watchful eye
12:11 over Jesus' activities."
12:12 You see, ladies and gentleman,
12:14 "The wicked flee when no man is pursuing."
12:17 It's a sad thing
12:19 if you're the president of the company
12:20 and you can't sleep at night.
12:23 CS Lewis calls this,
12:25 "The sweet poison of a false infinite."
12:28 And all of these things came together
12:29 and produced a climate in and around Jerusalem
12:33 and throughout the whole area of Judea
12:35 that made it unsafe for Jesus to remain there.
12:39 The portrait of Jesus into New Testament
12:41 is not that of a coward who flees from confrontations,
12:45 far from it.
12:46 But there were occasions where He said,
12:48 "My hour is not yet come."
12:53 And when this time of crisis came,
12:56 Jesus with the fear of His disciples
12:58 went into retreat and left Jerusalem and Judea
13:00 and travelled up to the northern tip of Galilee.
13:04 They're in relative seclusion from the masses.
13:07 Jesus and His disciples spent a short time
13:10 in a little town called Caesarea Philippi.
13:14 Caesarea Philippi had been built by Philip,
13:16 the Tetrarch of that area,
13:18 in honor of Tiberius Caesar.
13:20 And so Jesus calls His disciples together
13:23 in Caesarea Philippi, and He said to them,
13:26 "Gentlemen, I know that you've been mingling with the masses.
13:30 I know that you've been hearing their conversations.
13:33 I know that you have a pretty good pulse
13:35 on what's on their minds.
13:37 Well, tell me, "Who do they say that I am?"
13:42 Some of them said, "Jesus, well, the pulses are divided.
13:46 Some say that You're Moses.
13:49 And some say that You might be Elijah.
13:52 And some say that You might even be Jeremiah.
13:56 They've been watching You, Jesus.
13:57 They've watched the way You walk.
13:59 They've listened to Your propheticness,
14:02 the way You act.
14:03 And some of them are saying that You sound like Moses.
14:06 And others believed, You preached like Elijah.
14:09 And still, others say, You remind them of Jeremiah,
14:11 the weeping prophet.
14:13 And, Jesus, there are some others
14:14 who don't know what in the world
14:16 to think about You."
14:19 Now, Jesus looked at His disciples,
14:23 recognizing that the collective public opinion
14:27 identified Him by what He did as opposed to who He was.
14:33 And Jesus probe even further.
14:36 He said, "Fellows, tell me whom do you say that I am?"
14:42 No, no, no, it might not be that important
14:44 as so what other people say about Jesus.
14:46 But He's interested
14:47 in about what His children think about Him.
14:50 Jesus says, "Hey, gentlemen, get a little closer.
14:53 Whom do you say that I am?"
14:57 In that moment Peter said, "Jesus, I can tell you now.
15:02 Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."
15:07 And Jesus said, "Peter, you just had a revelation.
15:11 Flesh and blood did not reveal it on to you.
15:14 Yours is not something
15:16 that's hatched in an earthly oven.
15:18 It's not an earthly product.
15:20 Your answer was not hatched in any human habitation.
15:24 It was delivered from My daddy in heaven.
15:29 Fellows, if you don't know who I'm...
15:32 Peter, you'll go back to your fishing.
15:34 Matthew, if you don't know who I'm,
15:37 you're gonna go back to your tax collecting.
15:39 Andrew, if you don't know who I'm,
15:42 you'll start mending your nets again.
15:44 Nathanial, if you don't know who I'm,
15:46 you'll go back to reading beneath the fig tree.
15:50 Now Peter's response was not informed
15:52 by the arrogance of the religious leaders.
15:56 It was not the result of deep intellectual cogitations.
16:00 It did not occur due to the analysis
16:02 of any empirical statistical data.
16:05 But Peter was the recipient of a divine revelation.
16:10 You see, ladies and gentlemen,
16:11 it was in Caesarea Philippi
16:14 that Christ had asked these disciples this question.
16:17 Caesarea Philippi had been an area
16:21 where Kurds have proliferated.
16:23 It was a region
16:25 where many of the Caesars and emperors of the early ages
16:27 had established gods to their polytheistic
16:30 or multi-god community.
16:32 It was in this region,
16:35 where the grass was now growing up to the steps
16:37 to many of these magnificent temples
16:39 that had welcomed worshippers to the idolatrous gods.
16:43 It was in the shadows of the ruins
16:44 of these great temples of marble,
16:47 these great architectural examples
16:49 of excellence from the classical age of man.
16:52 Yet, they are now deserted.
16:54 And cobwebs covered their doors.
16:57 Their altars were empty,
16:58 and their parishioners had deserted, yes, right.
17:01 They had fallen into disrepair.
17:03 And it was in the shadows of these ruined temples,
17:06 that Jesus looks at the columns and pillars falling down,
17:09 deteriorating with the weathering of souls
17:12 of the inclemency of the ages.
17:13 And says to His disciples,
17:15 "Upon this rock, I build My church.
17:22 And the gates of hell shall never prevail."
17:26 Whenever you get to a gate that's holding your back,
17:32 Jesus says, "Let Me give you the keys."
17:36 When you're cut deeply
17:37 and have no one to wipe your tears,
17:40 when you wet your pillow at nights,
17:42 Jesus says "I've got the keys."
17:45 When you find yourself lingering
17:46 in the seductive lane of indecision.
17:49 Whenever you feel like
17:51 you're on an island of abandonment.
17:53 And somehow your song turns sour
17:56 and your symphony becomes unfinished.
17:59 When you've come to the gate that's holding you up,
18:02 and it's marked cancer.
18:04 What do you do when your world falls apart?
18:07 Go to the Word!
18:12 Your marriage is broken and no one seems to care.
18:15 Unkind children, uncaring spouses,
18:18 you feel all alone and miserable.
18:19 Everything in your life seems to be failing.
18:22 What do you do when you get to that gate
18:24 and it's locked, and you can't move forward?
18:26 Go to the Word, Jesus says, "I've got the keys!"
18:33 You're broken and troubled
18:34 and death comes your way, run to Jesus.
18:38 He will unlock that gate for you.
18:40 You see, ladies and gentleman,
18:42 divine participation hinges on human invitation.
18:46 Ask and it shall be given unto you."
18:49 Matthew 6 says that,
18:50 "God knows your needs before you ask Him."
18:54 It is not when you pray, that you're informing God
18:57 about anything He doesn't know.
18:59 When you're praying,
19:00 you're just affirming your faith in His ability
19:02 to meet your needs.
19:04 That's why He says,
19:05 "You have not, because you've asked not."
19:09 So if trouble destroys your dreams,
19:12 detours you from your destiny.
19:15 And despair is your constant companion,
19:18 and if trouble uses your heart
19:21 as a headquarters for crisis,
19:23 go ahead, take the keys.
19:26 In the day of trouble, He'll hide you in His pavilion.
19:32 Little while back,
19:35 my wife and my children and I were on our way to Boston.
19:41 We were going up to Boston.
19:43 We would have been there for about five days.
19:47 I'm on the highway, heading to Boston,
19:50 my daughter is excited about the hotels,
19:55 excited about going to the swimming pool.
19:58 She has in her mind that hotels are nicer than our own house.
20:04 So we're on our way, we're talking, we're excited,
20:07 we're happy about this trip to Boston.
20:11 We'll be together for about five days.
20:14 We left home, filled up the tank.
20:16 I'm driving and my phone rings.
20:20 And my assistant from Virginia calls
20:22 and she says to me, she says,
20:23 "Somebody needs to go to Trinidad
20:25 and bring mommy back,
20:28 'cause she's not doing well."
20:30 Now that's the code word for, "You've got to go."
20:36 Somebody really is always me.
20:41 So I immediately pulled aside,
20:45 got off the first exit.
20:47 Began to think about, what I was about to do.
20:50 How was I going to deal with this?
20:53 Headed to Boston with my family.
20:56 What am I going to do?
20:57 My wife says, "Well, you know, you've got to go."
21:00 We stayed at the side of the highway.
21:01 I called the airlines, tried to get a ticket,
21:03 so I can go down and get a ticket back
21:05 for my mother.
21:07 We took care of it, and I said to my wife, I said,
21:11 "You know what, you all go on,
21:14 leave me at the side of the highway.
21:17 I'm gonna find my way back to my house."
21:20 She said, "We can't do that."
21:22 I said, "Yes, you can, go ahead."
21:25 Well, I didn't think my wife was going to leave me,
21:27 but she did.
21:35 It was a test and she failed.
21:39 She got in the car, she drove off,
21:41 and they left me.
21:45 And I went into the Hess gas station,
21:46 and sat down and begun to ponder,
21:49 how am I going to get home?
21:55 Began calling everybody
21:56 and nobody is picking up your cell phone.
22:00 Well, I said to myself,
22:01 somebody's gonna come and get me.
22:04 I know, somebody's going to get me.
22:08 If I couldn't get somebody to leave
22:09 whatever they were doing,
22:11 and come and get me on the side of the highway,
22:12 I'm not worth living.
22:15 If you can't have somebody who will sacrifice for you,
22:19 something is wrong, so I kept calling.
22:22 I finally got one person.
22:25 I got this young lady, Janette Holmes.
22:26 I said, "Jan, where are you?"
22:28 She said, "I'm just about 15 minutes from your house."
22:31 I said, "Well, you're far from me."
22:33 I said, "You know what? I'm stuck.
22:35 I need you to come and get me."
22:38 She said, "Where are you?" I gave her the address.
22:41 She said, "Okay, I'll be there as soon as I can."
22:43 She drove, I sat down there, and I'm thinking now,
22:46 my family is on their way.
22:49 We just had these great plans,
22:50 but it's all broken up, we're separated.
22:54 She picks me up, takes me back to my house.
22:58 I began to pack for my journey the next morning.
23:01 Got on to plane, it left, got to Trinidad,
23:05 turned around about six hours later,
23:07 got back on another plane and brought my mother here,
23:09 so she could get medical attention.
23:13 On my way back, I'm saying to myself,
23:15 if when I get to John F Kennedy airport,
23:18 my momma is okay,
23:19 and I can get her to the doctor.
23:22 What am I gonna do now
23:24 from Saturday, Sunday,
23:27 Monday, Tuesday?
23:30 Am I gonna go and sit down in this house by myself?
23:38 I finally got back.
23:40 Sister met us in the airport.
23:43 My mother was okay. She was fine.
23:47 I dropped them off at the house,
23:48 and I now made a decision,
23:51 "I'm gonna go all the way to Boston."
23:54 I'm gonna drive to Boston, it's gonna take me three hours.
23:58 But I'd rather drive the three hours
23:59 as tireless it can be.
24:00 When I get there, I'll see my wife and children,
24:02 the people who left me.
24:10 I get there,
24:11 and they're in the swimming pool,
24:12 and I ran to them.
24:14 And there was a reunion that was broken,
24:17 because momma was sick.
24:21 Friends of mine, when mother earth became ill
24:24 and began to groan,
24:26 there was a great separation
24:27 between God and His people, His bride.
24:31 But when Jesus came and He died,
24:33 He died so that,
24:35 when He got back to JFK, we can have the reunion again.
24:39 We can meet each other again.
24:41 Let me tell you,
24:42 there's a great reunion coming in the sky.
24:46 And I don't know about you, but I wanna be there.
24:50 I don't know about you, but when my Jesus died for me,
24:53 He died that I wouldn't miss out
24:54 in that reunion.
24:56 He's calling His church today to be faithful.
24:59 God doesn't want you to be perfect,
25:01 He just wants you to be willing to listen to Him,
25:04 and be obedient to His voice.
25:06 There's a great call that's going on
25:07 around the entire world.
25:08 God is calling men and women
25:10 out of darkness, out of Babylon,
25:11 calling them to join His church everywhere.
25:15 So that we can be in that great reunion.
25:18 I wanna see Jesus one day.
25:21 Yeah, I wanna see Him.
25:23 I got some questions for Jesus.
25:26 I wanna see Him.
25:27 Because sometimes the kind of pain we go through,
25:30 we wonder why He allows it.
25:33 But I wanna see Him,
25:34 I wanna see Adam, the first man.
25:37 I wanna see Abraham, they named me after Abraham.
25:40 I don't know if anybody would've known.
25:43 I wanna see Moses. I wanna see Isaiah.
25:46 I wanna see the patriarchs.
25:48 I wanna see God's people.
25:49 What a day of rejoicing that's gonna be,
25:52 when God's people from all ages
25:54 and to all ages will be in the same place,
26:00 never to part again!
26:03 What a day of rejoicing that's gonna be.
26:05 Some of you are very straighten,
26:07 very, very, very pristine and...
26:11 Can't say hey amen.
26:14 But I'm gonna tell you this, on that day
26:16 folk gonna be dancing.
26:18 Somebody who never shouted before,
26:20 is gonna shout,
26:22 because you'll be shocked that you got there,
26:23 but you'll say, thank you Jesus.
26:25 This is mercy, this is grace.
26:31 What a day.
26:33 What a day!
26:35 What a day it's gonna be.
26:37 I don't know about you,
26:38 but when I think about my own life,
26:41 I see me somewhere in God's eternal kingdom.
26:44 I didn't give my life to Jesus when I was 11 years old,
26:47 so that I'll miss out in heaven.
26:49 I gave my heart to Jesus at 11,
26:51 so that I'll be with Him forever.
26:56 What can separate us from the love of God?
26:58 Nothing.
26:59 And what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world,
27:02 and loses his own soul.
27:04 There's nothing worth losing your soul after.
27:07 Thanks for watching Pathway of Hope.
27:10 If you would like to be prayed for,
27:13 or would like to learn more of God's Word,
27:16 please call 1 (877) 520-Hope
27:22 or 1 (877) 520-4673.
27:29 You may also watch more of our programs online at
27:39 If you would like to make a tax-deductable love gift,
27:43 please send your gifts to Pathway of Hope
27:47 at P.O Box 280704,
27:52 Queens Village, New York 11428.
27:58 Thanks for watching Pathway of Hope,
28:00 and may God's blessings be yours today.


Revised 2020-01-23