Participants: Doug Batchelor
Series Code: POFCM
Program Code: POFCM000009
00:39 Live from the 3ABN Worship Center.
00:42 Welcome to the Pillars Of Our Faith Event. 00:49 No one is so near, so dear as Jesus. 00:57 Cast your every care on Him. 01:06 No one understands like Jesus, 01:13 He's a Friend beyond compare. 01:21 Meet Him at the throne of mercy, 01:29 He is waiting for you there. 01:38 No one understands like Jesus 01:46 when your days are dark and grim. 01:54 No one is so dear, so near as Jesus. 02:02 Cast your every care on Him. 02:14 No understands like Jesus 02:21 when you falter on the way. 02:29 Though we fail Him, sadly fail Him, 02:36 He is calling us today. 02:45 No one understands like Jesus 02:53 when our days are dark and dim. 03:00 And there's no one who's so dear, 03:05 so near as Jesus. 03:13 Cast your every care, 03:18 Cast your every care 03:23 on Him. 03:33 On Him. 03:46 Amen. 03:49 Thank you brother John. 03:50 John Lomacang, Pastor of the Thompsonville 03:53 Seventh-day Adventist Church. 03:54 And a regular on 3ABN and a man we love. 03:58 And we love to hear him sing. 04:00 It's so good to hear him sing again, he had an injury 04:03 earlier this Spring that just about brought an end 04:07 to his singing abilities. 04:09 Because he had a blow in the throat that really injured 04:15 his vocal cords. 04:17 Our speaker this morning is absolutely no stranger, 04:21 not only to this audience, but to those of you that are 04:23 watching by television. 04:25 Doug Batchelor has been on 3ABN for many years. 04:29 He's the speaker and Director of Amazing Facts. 04:32 And last year, we joined together in another of these 04:37 evangelistic meetings. 04:39 And this particular one last year was for kids. 04:43 It was called Amazing Adventures and it was one of the most 04:47 popular series that we have ever had. 04:51 Not only with children but with adults. 04:55 In fact, I had a number of adults tell me, 04:57 "Now I can understand it. " 05:01 So we've had a lot of people that really have 05:04 watched that series. 05:05 We've run it many times on 3ABN and we plan to continue. 05:08 But so many people said to Doug, "Why don't you 05:11 do one for teenagers?" 05:13 So we've joined with him again in October 8- 16, 05:19 he will be coming to you live from Great Lakes Academy 05:23 in Michigan with a series for teenagers called 05:28 Most Important Questions. 05:30 So put that on your calendar, October 8- 16, 05:35 because that is, I believe, going to be one of the most 05:37 exciting series that Doug has had to date. 05:41 And we are looking forward to being a part of that with him 05:44 and presenting it to you, our viewing and listening audience, 05:49 on 3ABN radio as well. 05:51 So we'll look forward to that. 05:53 Before he comes to speak to us, we are going to hear 05:57 one of my newest favorite songs, Remember The Sabbath. 06:03 And it's going to be brought to us by Nathan Young, 06:06 and Reggie and Ladye Love Smith. 06:09 Glad you're here, folks. 09:51 Amen. 09:53 Morning, friends. 09:55 Good morning. 09:56 I'd like to wish you a happy Sabbath. 09:59 Happy Sabbath. 10:00 And as you probably know, my pleasant task this morning 10:04 is to open the Word of God with you and talk about 10:07 this very important pillar of our faith and of scripture. 10:12 And would you join me for just another moment as we bow 10:16 our heads together and invite the Holy Spirit's presence. 10:20 Father in heaven, right now in a very special sense 10:24 we pray that you would remove any distraction from our minds. 10:28 Help us, Lord, during this holy time and this holy place 10:33 to open your holy Word and to understand the importance 10:36 of this subject. 10:37 Please bless as you promised. 10:39 We pray in Jesus' name, amen. 10:42 Amen. 10:44 I'd like to invite you to open you Bibles to the 10:46 book of Revelation. 10:49 Revelation chapter 14. 10:53 And this is the first part of what is known as 10:57 the three angel messages. 11:00 Revelation 14 verse 6. 11:03 "Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven 11:08 having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell 11:12 upon the earth; to every nation, tongue, tribe, and people - 11:17 saying with a loud voice, 'Fear God and give glory to Him 11:22 for the hour of His judgment has come; and worship Him 11:27 who made the heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water. '" 11:34 As you read on through this chapter, 11:36 chapter 14 of Revelation, a little later on is pictured 11:39 Jesus coming in the clouds of heaven. 11:41 And this tells us that just before the Lord comes, 11:45 there's a message that goes to the world calling people 11:49 back to the worship of their Creator. 11:53 You know, this is a very important subject today 11:56 dealing with the Sabbath truth because it's one that 11:58 goes back to the very beginning. 12:00 It has to do with love, it has to do with our 12:03 relationship with the Lord. 12:04 And by the way, time is the stuff that life is made of. 12:10 If you look in your Bibles in the book of Genesis, 12:13 we're going to go back to the beginning. 12:15 Genesis chapter 2. 12:23 Right after these first seven days, or six days of creation. 12:26 Then it adds a chapter. 12:28 Everything was made on the first six days. 12:31 But we have a seven day week. 12:33 What did God make on the seventh day? 12:38 He made another 24 hour period of time. Why? 12:41 He did not make any thing in that day, 12:44 but He made another day. 12:45 And the world over, the atheist including the believer, 12:50 celebrates a seven day week. 12:54 Now, you know, you can look in the solar system and understand 13:00 why all of these ancient civilizations of the world, 13:03 they had calendars with approximately 30 days in it. 13:07 That's because of the lunar cycle. 13:09 That's where we get the word for "month". 13:11 It's from the word "moon" because it takes that long for 13:14 the moon to go through its cycle. 13:15 So all of these ancient cultures, whatever their 13:18 religions were, had a month with about the same number of days. 13:23 And you can look at the different cultures of the world 13:26 and you can see something in the sun, moon, and stars 13:28 that gives us a year with about 360 to 365 days 13:33 because there's something in the sky, in astronomy, 13:35 it takes the earth 365 and 1/4 days, we know now, 13:40 to go completely around the sun. 13:43 And of course, we've got a day with 24 hours because it takes 13:46 24 hours for the earth to rotate one time on its axis. 13:50 But why does the whole world celebrate a 7 day week? 13:54 What in the sun, moon, and stars, gives us a 7 day week? 13:59 There's really nothing. 14:01 Except you find it here in the very beginning. 14:04 "Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, 14:06 and all the host of them. 14:08 And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, 14:13 and He rested on the seventh day from all His work 14:17 which He had done. 14:18 Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, 14:23 because He rested from all His work which 14:25 God created and made. " 14:28 Now, how blessed can something be? 14:32 Think about the most blessed holy thing you can think of. 14:36 There's only a few things that are especially 14:39 sanctified or blessed. 14:43 And I'd ask it this way. 14:44 Can anything be more sanctified than what God sanctifies? 14:50 Matter of fact, think of the most sanctified holy thing 14:53 in the world and could anybody make anything holier 14:59 than God makes it? 15:01 So when God makes something holy, it's as holy and 15:04 sanctified as it can be. 15:07 Why were we created? 15:11 The Bibles says we were created for His glory, in Isaiah. 15:15 We are created to worship God. 15:18 Man finds his fulfillment and his greatest joy, 15:21 like those angels in Isaiah 6, flanking the Almighty God 15:25 and saying, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts. " 15:31 And in the very beginning of time, after God made man 15:35 and He made everything for his happiness in the world, 15:37 He made one more thing to complete his blessing. 15:41 To complete his happiness, He made a period of time. 15:45 You know, you do all of your living in time. 15:48 Time is the stuff life is made of. 15:50 You waste your time, you waste your life. 15:54 And so when God made this period of time, He made it for 15:57 a relationship with Him because this was a day that was 16:01 to be blessed and sanctified by His presence. 16:07 You know, the Sabbath commandment which you find... 16:12 Matter of fact, why don't we turn there real quick. 16:14 Turn with me in your Bibles to the book of Exodus. 16:16 Exodus chapter 20, and this will start with verse 8. 16:25 "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. 16:28 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 16:31 but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. 16:35 In it you shall not do any work; you nor your son, 16:38 nor your daughter, nor your man servant, nor your maid servant, 16:41 nor your cattle, or the stranger who is within your gates. 16:45 For in six days the Lord made the heaven and the earth 16:48 and the sea and all that is in them, 16:50 and He rested the seventh day. 16:53 Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it. " 16:56 Now I've got to just share a little testimony with you here. 17:01 My background is kind of a quilt, kaleidoscope of 17:07 different religious experiences. 17:10 Pretty much raised an atheist. 17:12 Jewish mother, Baptist father; became agnostics 17:17 when my brother and I came along. 17:18 Sent us to Catholic school and public school. 17:23 We went to a school that advertised atheism actually. 17:27 So I was all over the place. Had no real preference. 17:32 Seventeen years old living in a cave up in the mountains 17:35 for a year and a half by myself. 17:36 Read the Bible, accepted the Lord, and began to go to church. 17:43 Well, I'd never heard of Seventh-day Adventists. 17:46 And so I went to the local churches, went to a 17:49 number of evangelical churches and charismatic churches 17:52 and I studied with many different groups. 17:54 I just wanted to know what's the truth. 17:57 And when I ran into this subject, I mean, 17:59 it's right there in the second chapter of the Bible; 18:02 God blessed the seventh day. 18:05 And then you find it in the Ten Commandments. 18:07 I was confused because I figured I hadn't read all the Bible yet, 18:11 and so there must be a scripture here I just haven't 18:13 run into it yet that now commands us to keep 18:15 another day or tells us it doesn't matter anymore. 18:17 And so I'd go to the different pastors where I was worshipping. 18:21 Lovely Christian people in many different churches. 18:25 And I met some just wonderful people 18:27 and I know the Lord was working in their lives. 18:29 But there was a lot of confusion out there. 18:33 And I'd ask one of the pastors, I'd say, 18:34 "Brother, I'm reading about the Sabbath and of course it's 18:37 in the Ten Commandments. 18:38 Why don't we keep the Sabbath?" 18:43 And I got all these different answers and none of them agreed. 18:46 One pastor would say, "Well we're not under the law now, 18:49 Doug, we're under grace. " 18:51 I said, "Ok, well what does that mean? 18:53 Do we keep the 10 commandments or do we break them?" 18:58 And he said, "Well, we keep the spirit of the law. " 19:05 I said, "Alright, let me understand that. 19:07 What does that mean?" 19:08 He said, "Well, you keep it in your heart. 19:09 It's an attitude, it's not an action. " 19:12 I said, "Alright, so for instance the commandment says, 19:15 'Don't commit adultery. ' 19:17 So as long as I've got a good attitude about it, 19:19 I can commit the act, right?" 19:23 And that didn't make any sense. 19:25 And I would never, I would never murder anybody. 19:28 You know, Jesus said, "If you're angry with your brother 19:32 without cause, you're guilty of murder. " 19:33 So if you've got the right action, is it possible 19:36 to literally murder somebody if you've got the right spirit 19:40 and you're keeping the spirit of the law? 19:42 And the Sabbath also. 19:43 If you're keeping the spirit of the Sabbath, where Jesus said, 19:46 "Come unto Me and I will give you rest. " 19:48 Would you be breaking the commandment so that you 19:50 could keep the spirit? 19:52 With every other commandment you might look at, 19:54 if you're going to keep the spirit of that law, you will 19:57 also be keeping the letter of the law. 20:00 The spirit is not to substitute the letter of the law. 20:05 The spirit is to fulfill the real reason for keeping 20:08 the letter of the law. 20:10 Now let me ask you another question. 20:12 What if you are reading the Ten Commandments 20:14 and you don't have the right spirit. 20:16 Should you keep them anyway? 20:18 Yes. 20:20 Well, let me switch commandments on you 20:22 and you'll get the principle. 20:24 I really feel like stealing, I've got stealing in my heart. 20:29 So not keeping it for the right reason, should I 20:31 go ahead and steal? 20:33 No, there's a lot of other reasons not to steal. 20:36 One of them is called the penitentiary. 20:41 So maybe I'm thinking adulterous things in my heart 20:44 and I'm looking and lusting, and I shouldn't be doing that. 20:47 Since I don't have the right attitude in my heart, 20:49 I may as well just go ahead and do it. 20:52 You should always keep the commandments because 20:55 it'll always be better for you to keep the commandments. 20:58 You want to strive to keep them from the heart 21:01 for the right reason is what Jesus was saying. 21:03 But you ought to keep them because God said to keep them. 21:06 They're not called the ten recommendations or the 21:09 ten great suggestions. 21:12 I just came back from Argentina a few weeks ago and I 21:16 found out when you're driving down there that the lines in 21:18 the road are just recommendations. 21:26 So what is the Sabbath day? 21:27 Oh wait, I was going to tell you some of the other things that 21:29 I heard as I was visiting with the different pastors. 21:32 Some of them said, "Yes, Doug, we do still keep that 21:36 but it's now the first day of the week. " 21:39 And I said, "Well, where's the commandment to keep 21:41 the first day of the week as the Sabbath?" 21:43 They said, "Well, we don't really have a commandment 21:47 but we do have a long standing tradition. " 21:49 I said, "Ah, that's no good. " 21:51 Then one pastor told me, he said, "We do it in 21:54 honor of the resurrection. " 21:55 I said, "That's beautiful. " 21:56 I said, "Now where's the commandment to keep 21:58 a new Sabbath in honor of the resurrection?" 22:02 And he said, "Well, there's no specific commandment. " 22:05 Actually, there is something we do in honor of the resurrection. 22:07 It's called baptism. 22:09 It's a symbol of death, burial, and resurrection. 22:11 But when God made the Sabbath day, was it before or after sin? 22:16 Before sin. 22:17 So is it perfect? 22:19 All of the other ceremonial and Jewish holidays and sabbaths, 22:23 they all came after sin and they were nailed to the cross. 22:25 They're of a whole different order. 22:26 But the Sabbath of the weekly cycle is part of God's 22:30 perfect plan and it's to last forever. 22:33 And so this is a truth that's being lost sight of. 22:36 Now, I want to tell you one reason that I think this is 22:38 very important for us to remember 22:40 and it matters in our day. 22:43 The way I read my Bible, there was a time when the king 22:48 of Babylon told everybody in his kingdom to worship 22:53 this statue he had set up when he commanded. 22:57 And if they didn't, they'd be killed. 22:59 If they did not pray to his image, they would be killed. 23:02 Does that have echo's of Revelation 13? 23:06 And some who were in the crowd that day were devoted Jews 23:10 that keep the commandments; 23:11 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego. 23:13 And they said, "You know, they're not the ten suggestions 23:17 of God, they're the Ten Commandments. 23:19 And that includes the second one that says, 23:22 'Do not worship graven images. '" 23:23 And someone probably said, "You know if you don't bow down, 23:26 you guys are going to lose your job. 23:29 You might take a decrease in pay. 23:32 And what about, you know, you're family you might 23:35 need to support?" 23:37 And they said, "You know, we're willing to not only 23:39 lose our jobs, we're willing to lose our lives to obey God. " 23:43 And so, when the order was given and the music played and 23:46 everybody bowed down, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego 23:49 did not compromise the commandments. 23:52 Then you get to Daniel chapter 6 and the king makes a law that 23:57 everybody should worship differently. 23:59 Another one has to do with how you worship. 24:04 And Daniel has to decide, there's a commandment that says, 24:06 "You shall not have other God's before me. " 24:08 That's the first commandment. 24:11 And he decided, "You know, I'm not even going to 24:13 close my windows. 24:14 I'm going to open my windows. 24:15 I'm not going to pray to the king, I'm going to 24:17 pray to my God. 24:18 And I'm not only going to open my windows, 24:20 I'm going to kneel so they can see I'm in a posture of prayer. 24:25 And I'm going to pray towards Jerusalem just like I've 24:27 always done and I'm going to pray out loud to my God 24:30 so they can hear me from the window. 24:32 I'm not going to put my light under a bush. 24:34 I'm going to let it shine. " 24:36 He wasn't going to be popular because he was going 24:38 to be killed, thrown to the lions, if he was caught 24:40 breaking this government law. 24:44 And then it tells us in Revelation chapter 13, 24:47 in the last days the beast power is going to compel everybody 24:50 to worship a certain way or be killed. 24:52 First they can't buy or sell. 24:54 Ultimately, they'll be killed. 24:58 And it revolves around how you worship. 25:00 It's interesting, in the garden of Eden, 25:02 Adam and Eve had two sons. 25:04 God specified that in order to have their sin covered, 25:07 it required blood sacrifice. 25:09 That's why He covered them with robes of skin. 25:12 That's why Jesus is called the Lamb that was slain from 25:14 the foundation of the world. 25:16 And Cain said, "I don't want to worship exactly like God said. 25:20 It seems messy to me. It's not going to be popular. 25:23 It's going to be a lot more popular to bring 25:25 fruits and vegetables. 25:26 A lot more colorful, a lot more pleasant 25:27 than a dying lamb and blood. 25:30 That's hard to market. " 25:33 He said, "So I know God will be a lot satisfied 25:35 if I've work hard for my garden. 25:36 I'm going to offer what I've worked for. 25:39 I'm going to worship the same God my way. " 25:44 And Abel plead with his brother and said, "No, you need to 25:46 worship God's way. " 25:47 And he said, "Who do you think you are telling me. 25:49 You're my younger brother. " 25:52 And Abel said, "Well, I tried. " 25:54 Abel made his offering, fire came down from God and 25:56 accepted the offering of Abel. 25:59 Cain took his zucchini and bananas, whatever it was, 26:01 put it on the... 26:04 Actually, there were no bananas. 26:05 You realize they're a hybrid. 26:06 They didn't come along until much later. 26:07 So, pineapples. Whatever it was. 26:09 He put it up there and he waited and waited. 26:12 And fruit flies came but no fire. 26:16 And he got so mad. 26:18 His brother said, "Look, I told you the only way that God's 26:20 going to accept your worship is if you do it the way He says. " 26:24 And it so angered Cain, he persecuted and killed his 26:28 brother over worshipping God. 26:32 Could it be history is going to repeat itself in the last days? 26:36 Does it matter how we worship? 26:40 Does it matter if we keep God's holy day? 26:44 Can we change it to another day if we want? 26:47 What is the Sabbath? 26:49 Well of course, we read the commandment to you 26:51 from Exodus 20:8-11. 26:53 It is a memorial of creation. 26:56 It says, "For in six days the Lord created 27:00 the heaven and the earth. " 27:02 Do we need a memorial of creation today? 27:04 Are people forgetting what our origins are? 27:08 We're having problems even within Christian circles 27:11 and even some Christian schools. 27:14 They have the audacity to tell young people that they have 27:20 slowly evolved over millions of years from some processes 27:26 of death and disorganization and turned into these 27:30 marvelous creatures that are wonderfully made 27:34 just by accident and biological burps, 27:38 and things that have happened. 27:41 That's really an insult to God. 27:44 It also, of course, violates the commandments. 27:48 It violates the Word of God that makes it very clear 27:50 that God created the world in six days. 27:53 You know the only reason people would come up with 27:56 these other periods of time... 27:58 And by the way, when it comes to evolution, 28:01 the Achilles heel of evolution is their dating method. 28:05 You take away their dating method and the 28:07 whole thing crumbles. 28:08 They've got to extrapolate this whole crazy notion of us slowly 28:12 evolving over millions of years where you can't prove it. 28:17 And otherwise because there's no evidence 28:20 of macro-evolution anywhere in creation 28:23 that they can demonstrate. 28:26 And yet, it's destroying the faith of young people. 28:28 Number one group that commits suicide in North America? 28:32 It's the youth. 28:34 And I can tell you from one that use to believe in evolution, 28:37 I thought all the time about killing myself because I said, 28:39 if I just evolved from sludge and if I'm turning back 28:44 into fertilizer and if there's no purpose in life, 28:48 then why not get it over with. 28:52 And so it's really contributing to the destruction of 28:55 these young people. 28:56 You've got to know where you come from, 28:57 you've got to know what you're doing here, 28:59 and you've got to know where you're going to be secure. 29:01 All of that is wrapped up in the Sabbath truth. 29:04 It tells you where you come from. 29:06 It says that we are here to worship a holy God. 29:09 And it says someday we're going to be with Him 29:11 face to face worshipping Him in His presence. 29:14 So it's a memorial of creation. 29:17 Furthermore, right there in the commandment it says, 29:19 "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. " 29:22 You notice God doesn't say, "make it holy. " 29:26 He said, "I've made it holy. 29:28 I want you to keep it holy. " 29:31 Now if you came to watch our house for us because 29:33 we were going to be on a mission trip 29:35 and I said, "Look, can you do me a favor and 29:37 keep the plants alive?" 29:39 And you say, "No problem. " 29:41 And after we leave, then you go into the house to water the 29:43 plants and they're all dead. 29:45 They're just dried up brittle plants. 29:50 And you say, "Why did Doug and Karen say keep the plants 29:54 alive if they're dead?" 29:56 You can only keep them alive if they are alive. 29:59 And we can only keep the Sabbath holy if it already is holy. 30:03 How important is this? 30:06 You know, it occurred to me one day. 30:09 On the planet, you've got a country that's sometimes 30:13 referred to as the Holy Land. 30:14 What country is that? 30:16 That's Israel. 30:18 And in the Holy Land, you've got the Holy City. 30:21 What city is that? 30:23 That's Jerusalem. 30:24 Not Tel Aviv, it's Jerusalem. 30:27 And in the Holy City, you've got the Holy Mount. 30:30 What's that called? 30:32 Mount Moriah or Mount Zion. Basically the same mountain. 30:36 And on the Holy Mountain, you had the Holy Temple. 30:41 And in the Holy Temple, you had the Holy Place. 30:45 And then just beyond the Holy Place, you had the 30:47 Holy of Holies or the Most Holy Place. 30:51 And in that, you had the Holy Ark. 30:55 That golden box. 30:57 And oh, people wish they could find that golden box. 31:02 That would be a great archaeological find. 31:04 And in the Holy box, you've got the Holy Law. 31:09 And in the Holy Law written by God's finger, 31:12 there's only one commandment that begins with the word Holy. 31:16 Matter of fact, the word "holy" only appears one time. 31:19 You know where it is? 31:20 "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. " 31:24 So when you look at planet earth, you've got the epicenter 31:28 of holiness is found in the law of God in the 31:31 Sabbath commandment. 31:33 The longest of the Ten Commandments. 31:35 The only commandment that begins with the word "remember". 31:40 I was doing a seminar one day talking about this subject. 31:44 And there were a number of people from different 31:47 persuasions that were attending. 31:49 And one Sunday keeping pastor was there, 31:51 a little worried about some of his flock that were also there. 31:54 So he thought he better come and find out what they were hearing. 31:57 And I was doing a presentation on the Bible Sabbath. 32:01 It was a small group and I could see his face 32:04 and his face was turning red. 32:05 And his ears were red which was a real flag. 32:09 And eventually he raised his hand. 32:11 He said, "Brother Doug, you're putting these people 32:14 under a yoke bondage. " 32:17 I said, "Why do you say that brother?" 32:19 It was a small group. 32:20 Everyone knew each other, a small town. 32:22 He said, you're teaching them salvation by works. 32:25 Telling them to keep the law. 32:28 And I said, "Brother, you tell me. 32:31 Do you believe God wants us to keep the 32:32 Ten Commandments or break them?" 32:35 He said, "Were not under the law" 32:36 I said, "Well, does He want us to keep them or break them?" 32:38 He said, "No, we don't need to keep them" 32:39 The church members looked at him like... 32:41 You know. 32:43 I mean if you really think about it, most churches have 32:45 no problem with the ten commandments until you 32:47 mention the Sabbath truth. 32:49 If I stand up in most churches around town and say, 32:52 "Honor your father and your mother and be faithful to 32:56 your spouse and don't steal from your neighbor and 32:59 only worship God," you'd hear, "Amen, hallelujah preacher. 33:02 Praise the Lord. " 33:03 They'd think that's great. 33:04 And then you say, "Remember the Sabbath. " 33:06 And some of them will go, "Amen, but what day 33:09 are you talking about?" 33:12 You say, "Keep the seventh day. " 33:13 "Whoa, works. Bondage. " 33:16 Why? That's inconsistent. 33:18 That's what I went through. 33:19 I said, "I can't figure that out. " 33:22 I mean if I going to be a Bible Christian, 33:24 then be a Bible Christian. 33:26 And so this brother, he heard his church kind of groan. 33:30 And he said, "Well, we're suppose to keep nine of them. " 33:34 He said, "The others are all done away with and they're 33:37 reinstituted in the New Testament. 33:39 Nine of them are, but you don't find the Sabbath. " 33:41 Now that is a myth, that is not true. 33:44 It is true there is one of the Ten Commandments you do not 33:48 find literally restated in the New Testament. 33:51 It's the commandment that says, "Thou shalt not take the name of 33:54 the Lord thy God in vain. " 33:56 Can you tell me where that is in the New Testament? 34:00 It actually says in the New Testament, 34:02 "Hallowed be Thy name. " 34:03 The same principle. 34:05 Right? 34:06 But the Sabbath commandment is found many times 34:08 in the New Testament. 34:10 So I said to this pastor, I said, "So brother, 34:12 you're telling me the one commandment where God says 34:16 'remember' is the one that everyone is suppose to forget. 34:20 Does that make sense?" 34:22 He said, "Well, you're putting them under a bondage of works. " 34:25 I said, "No, you are. 34:26 I'm telling them to rest. You're telling them to work. " 34:30 Isn't that right? 34:32 So it's just very inconsistent. It doesn't make sense. 34:37 And so, it's a memorial of creation among other things. 34:42 It's the time when we nurture our relationship with God 34:46 for quality time. 34:49 You know, frequently, Karen and I travel a lot. 34:51 I'm always busy. 34:52 And Karen said, "Doug, we need to spend more time together. " 34:54 I said, "I was home all day yesterday. " 34:56 She said, "Well, you were in your office. " 34:58 I said, "Well, I was home. " 35:00 She said, "That's not what I'm talking about. " 35:03 I said, "Well, we ate dinner together. " 35:04 "Yea, but we weren't talking. " 35:06 She said, "We need time together. " 35:08 She's always talking about quality time. 35:10 It's a different kind of time. 35:12 And so you'll run into these people that say, 35:14 "Well, Pastor Doug, you keep the seventh day holy, but 35:17 I keep all seven days holy. 35:20 I worship God every day. " 35:23 That sounds very pious but, you know, that's not what the 35:26 commandment is talking about. 35:27 Should we worship God seven days a week? 35:29 Yea. 35:30 But if you're keeping the Sabbath seven days a week 35:33 you're not holy, you're lazy. 35:35 Because it says that you're suppose to work six days. 35:39 And if you're really working, you can get distracted 35:43 with just, you know, the concentration on the work. 35:45 But we're suppose to lay our work aside on Sabbath, 35:48 not let that holy time be encumbered with the worries 35:52 and concerns of this life. 35:54 And it's quality time with God. 35:56 That's why the devil hates it. 35:58 Because, follow this, you can't get to heaven 36:03 if you don't love God. 36:04 Does everyone here agree with that? 36:07 There will be people in heaven that went to church 36:09 on the wrong day. 36:11 We all agree? 36:12 I'm not condemning everybody that may not have this straight. 36:15 There will be people in heaven that had too many wives. 36:20 Not me, but there will be other people. 36:24 Because I'm a Batchelor. 36:27 But there will be others in heaven like that. 36:29 Because God winks at these times of ignorance, right? 36:34 Will there be anyone in heaven that doesn't love? 36:38 So how do you learn to love God? 36:42 How do you learn to love anyone? 36:44 You've got to communicate with them. 36:46 You talk to them and they talk you. 36:48 You spend time with them, you develop this love relationship. 36:50 The more you love God, the better you'll obey God. 36:54 Including His law. 36:55 He said, "If you love Me, keep My commandments. " 36:58 By the way, Jesus is quoting Moses when He says that. 37:02 Moses said, "I command you to love the Lord your God 37:06 and keep His commandments. " 37:08 He said, "Love and keep His commandments. " 37:12 And by the way, the Sabbath is a great environment to 37:14 learn to love God and to keep the commandments 37:17 for the right reason. 37:18 You might even start out keeping the Sabbath 37:20 just because it's a commandment. 37:23 Just because, you know, it's God's commandment and He's God. 37:25 And in the process, you learn to do it for the right reason. 37:30 I remember my grandparents, married 72 years. 37:35 And my grandmother and my grandfather, 37:37 Jewish grandparents, they were very outspoken and frank. 37:42 And she would say right there, she'd say, "I didn't love your 37:44 grandfather when I married him. 37:47 I just wanted to get out of the house. 37:49 I was 16 years old and I couldn't stand my parents 37:51 and my sisters. 37:52 And so, 'Yea, I'll marry you. '" 37:54 But that was back in the day when marriage 37:56 meant something, you know. 37:58 And then they'd say... 37:59 And he never got upset when she said that because he knew 38:02 what was coming next. 38:03 He's just smile. 38:04 She'd say, "We learned to love each other. " 38:08 Over time together, we develop love with each other. 38:13 And if you spend time with God... 38:15 Now I tell, if my grandmother could learn to love my 38:17 grandfather, I know we can learn to love God. 38:19 Because he was really difficult. 38:22 And God is a lot easier love than Pappy. 38:27 And so it's a time also... 38:29 Do we need physical rest? 38:31 It's also time, He says, that you might rest, 38:33 that your farm animals could rest and the stranger within 38:37 your gates could rest. 38:38 Are we living in a world that is coming apart at the seams from 38:41 stress and too much work? 38:43 Sabbath is a time you lay all those concerns aside 38:47 and you rest in the Lord. 38:49 It reminds us of that great rest that Jesus offers us. 38:52 By the way, I think six of the principle reasons 38:57 that people are hospitalized can be connected to stress. 39:00 Everything from heart disease to cancer to you name it. 39:07 Lack of sleep and fatigue, it all can be stress related. 39:11 The Sabbath is a sign of redemption. 39:14 God tells us that it's a seal. 39:16 Exodus 31:13, "Verily My Sabbaths you shall keep 39:20 for it is a sign between Me and you throughout your generations, 39:24 that you might know that I am the Lord who sanctifies you. " 39:27 If God made everything in six days and He can make a day 39:30 holy, then He can make you holy. 39:32 If God can create everything in six days, 39:35 He can recreate your heart. 39:37 Isn't that right? 39:38 Every Sabbath day, we're not only remembering that 39:40 He's the Creator and He can recreate us, but it's a memorial 39:44 that He can also make us holy and sanctify us. 39:47 "Hallow My Sabbaths," Ezekiel 20:20, 39:49 "Hallow My Sabbaths and it will be a sign between Me and you, 39:54 that you may know that I am the Lord your God. " 39:56 By the way, the mark of the beast? 39:58 That word that's used there, in Greek means 40:01 "the seal of the beast. " 40:05 And God also speaks there in Revelation about 40:08 the seal of God and those who are worshipping 40:11 God and those who are holy. 40:13 The Sabbath is a sign of that seal that they have. 40:16 In the middle of God's law, you've got the seal of God. 40:19 It tells us the title. 40:21 Every government seal have these characteristics. 40:24 It's got the title, it's got the name, it's got the territory. 40:29 Like our President's title would be "President," 40:32 Barack Obama, United States of America. 40:35 You've got those three things in the Presidential seal. 40:37 You'll find that in the seals that the ancient kings 40:40 put on their documents. 40:42 And when Jesus was put inside the tomb and Pilate sealed it, 40:47 it said, "Pontius Pilate, Governor, Judea. " 40:50 Those three things. 40:51 In the law of God, in the Sabbath commandment, 40:55 you've got the seal of God. 40:56 "The Lord," that's His name. 40:59 "Created," that's His title. 41:01 "The heaven and the earth," that's His territory. 41:05 Right there in the law of God, in that commandment that 41:07 begins with the word "holy," you've got the seal of God. 41:11 He said that we should keep it holy. 41:13 The Sabbath is not just for Jews. 41:17 Does Jesus say the Sabbath was made for Jews? 41:21 Or does He say it was made for man? 41:23 When did God make the Sabbath? 41:25 When Jacob came along, when Abraham came along, 41:28 or when Adam came along? 41:30 He made Adam and then He made the Sabbath 41:32 for man, to be a blessing for man. 41:35 You can also read in Isaiah 56 verse 6 and 7, 41:38 "Also the sons of the stranger that join 41:41 themselves to the Lord. " 41:42 It's also for the stranger. 41:44 "To serve Him, to love the name of the Lord, 41:46 to be His servants, everyone that keeps the Sabbath 41:50 from polluting it, and takes hold of My covenant. " 41:52 Notice the connection between keeping the Sabbath 41:55 and taking hold of that new covenant. 41:58 By the way, you realize the new covenant is 42:00 only made with Israel. 42:03 For those of you that are New Testament Christians 42:07 and you say, "I'm not under the old covenant, 42:09 I'm under the new covenant. " 42:10 You know what that says. 42:11 "'A new covenant I will make after those days,' 42:13 saith the Lord, 'with the house of Israel. '" 42:16 So you must, at the very least, become a spiritual Jew. 42:20 He that is Christ's is Abraham's seed, right? 42:23 Every Christian is grafted into the stalk. 42:26 The Bible we read is a Jewish book, you realize that. 42:30 And so everyone that takes hold of the covenant, 42:33 they're also going to be keeping the Sabbath day. 42:37 "Even them I will bring to My holy mountain 42:39 and make them joyful in My house of prayer. " 42:42 The Sabbath, by the way, is a time for corporate worship. 42:44 And even those among us who are Sabbath keepers need to 42:47 hear this because I run into people every now and then 42:49 and they say, "Oh yea, Pastor Doug, well it's a day of rest 42:52 and so I'm just going to go out and hang out with the 42:55 meadows and the trees today. 42:57 And that's how I'm going to rest. " 42:59 And I'm not condemning those that might do that 43:01 from time to time, but you can't keep doing that 43:03 because the Sabbath is all about our convocation. 43:06 Leviticus chapter 23, it is a holy convocation. 43:10 I mean, I can't imagine a person coming down from camping 43:14 up in the woods by themselves and you say, "Where were you?" 43:16 "I was at a convention. " 43:19 "How many came?" 43:20 "Just me. "I had a convention. " 43:23 That's what the word "convocation" is. 43:24 It means, "a convening, an assembly. " 43:26 We are to corporately come together and worship God. 43:30 You stay all by yourself in your worship and you're going to be 43:33 unhealthy spiritually, you become eccentric. 43:36 The Bible tells us, "Let us not forsake the assembling 43:40 of ourselves together, and all the more as you see 43:42 the Day approaching. " 43:44 We need to come together. 43:45 "Oh, Pastor Doug, there's some people in my church, 43:47 they're kind of cantankerous. " 43:49 That's why you need to be with them, because you're 43:52 learning to love when you're in a situation like that. 43:54 Right? 43:56 We're a family, we need it. 43:58 Not to mention, it is one of the Ten Commandments. 44:01 Some say, "Well, God gave it just to the Jewish nation. " 44:04 Well you read there in the Bible, when the Lord led the 44:07 children of Israel out of Egypt, before they ever got to 44:10 Mount Sinai, where God spoke His law in Exodus 20, 44:14 He writes it in Exodus 32. 44:16 In Exodus 16, they went out to gather and look for manna 44:20 on the Sabbath day and God said, "How long are you going to keep 44:22 breaking My Commandments?" 44:25 He hasn't even spoke the Ten Commandments yet and 44:27 they knew before they ever got to Mount Sinai 44:29 it was one of His commandments. 44:31 So it wasn't just given to the Jews at Mount Sinai. 44:34 It was made for mankind. 44:36 They knew very well what it was. 44:38 Manna fell from heaven six days a week, 44:41 no manna fell on the Sabbath. 44:43 They were to gather twice as much on Friday. 44:45 Now in case any of you are wondering what day of the 44:48 week is the Sabbath. 44:50 Well, the seventh day. 44:51 Yea, but what day is the seventh day? 44:53 By the way, first time you hear a number mentioned 44:57 three times in the Bible is in Genesis chapter 2 45:00 when it talks about God's holy day in the 45:03 beginning of the Bible. 45:04 It says, "the seventh day", "the seventh day", 45:07 "the seventh day". 45:08 Then you get to the end of the Bible and it identifies 45:11 the antithesis, the beast, the counterfeit of Christ. 45:14 His number is 666. 45:18 It's the opposite. 45:19 The number to help identify God's people is seven. 45:23 "777" 45:25 Saturday, this is by the way, Merriam-Webster Dictionary. 45:28 The seventh day of the week is Saturday. 45:31 Sunday? Merriam-Webster; the first day of the week. 45:35 You look at any normal calendar, it'll be very clear. 45:39 Some calendars try and do it towards the work week 45:41 and they seem to start with Saturday and they 45:43 end with Sunday but that's just some printer that does that. 45:47 Any encyclopedia will tell you that. 45:49 "Oh, but Pastor Doug, we don't really know what day 45:52 is the Bible Sabbath anymore because they've 45:53 changed the calendar. " 45:56 And it is true that the calendar has been adjusted several times 45:59 in history, but this is a common myth. 46:02 There's not an ounce of truth to it. 46:03 No matter what change is made to the calendar, 46:07 it never affects the weekly cycle. 46:11 It might affect your birthday, but it doesn't affect 46:15 the birthday of the world. 46:17 Because from the time of Adam to the present day, 46:20 every Sabbath has been 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7; 46:23 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 46:25 And so whenever they've adjusted the calendar, 46:27 it never affected the days of the week. 46:30 People get confused because they see the days of the week 46:32 on a calendar and they think they're connected. 46:34 They're totally two complete and distinct separate 46:36 cycles of time. 46:38 Changing the calendar never affects the weekly cycle. 46:40 It doesn't need to. 46:43 Some of our evangelists have written to Greenwich observatory 46:48 in Greenwich, England and the US Naval Observatory. 46:50 They've asked them, "Has there been any change in the calendar 46:54 in recorded history that affects the weekly cycle?" 46:58 And they consistently write back and say, 47:00 "Why would you ask a question like that? 47:02 They don't affect each other. 47:03 There has been no change to the calendar 47:05 that affects the continuity of the weekly cycle 47:08 as far back as we can go in recorded history. " 47:12 And if you're still in doubt about that, you can read 47:16 what it says in the Bible. 47:17 We know what day of the week Jesus was crucified. 47:20 They call it Good Friday. 47:23 "And they returned and prepared spices and ointments and they 47:26 rested the Sabbath according to the Commandment. " 47:28 By the way, Jesus must have told them it still mattered 47:31 because even when they were tending to Jesus after He died, 47:35 He had never told them anything to lead them to think the 47:37 Sabbath wasn't important. 47:39 Because they were keeping the Sabbath even after He died. 47:43 Jesus kept the Sabbath in His death. 47:46 He breathed His last Friday afternoon, He rested 47:49 from His work of saving man through the Sabbath day, 47:52 rose Sunday morning to continue His work as our High Priest. 47:55 So even in His death, Jesus kept the Sabbath. 47:59 "Then on the first day of the week, they come unto the tomb. " 48:02 We call that Easter Sunday. 48:04 You just find out what day it is that's sandwiched there 48:07 between Friday and Sunday. 48:08 You can figure out which day is the Sabbath. 48:11 It's very clear. 48:12 Not only that, there are millions of Jews around the 48:16 world that still keep the seventh day of the week. 48:20 They have not given it up. 48:21 That's an amazing feat in itself. 48:22 The Jews have been scattered for millennium; 48:25 they still have remained a distinct people, 48:27 they still have their own language, 48:28 they still have their own writing, 48:30 as God foretold they would be distinct. 48:33 And they still know what day of the week is the seventh day. 48:36 There's no question about it. 48:38 You might be thinking, "Well, what happened?" 48:40 It was changed in history hundreds of years after Christ. 48:44 Principally, as Constantine established Sunday 48:48 as the day of worship in 321 AD, the Edict of Milan. 48:52 And it began to be adopted by the church to be more popular. 48:55 To try and reach more of the pagans, they compromised. 48:58 They said, "We'll keep both days for awhile. " 49:01 You know, the devil is very insidious. 49:03 And gradually, being Jewish was very unpopular in Rome 49:08 during that time. 49:09 To distance themselves from the Jew, they ultimately... 49:12 And it didn't happen right away, it happened over 49:14 hundreds of years. 49:15 They abandoned the seventh day Sabbath, they embraced 49:18 the Roman day of the sun, and they started making 49:23 philosophical rationalizations about why you should 49:27 do it on the first day of the week. 49:28 Now I don't want to insult anybody, but there is 49:31 more evidence for the Sabbath being on the seventh day 49:33 of the week than virtually any other Bible teaching. 49:37 I personally had no choice but be a Sabbath keeping 49:40 Christian if I wanted to be a Bible Christian. 49:43 A person has to go through the most amazing mind bending 49:48 rationalizations, you've got to absolutely torture your logic 49:51 to come up with the idea that this one commandment 49:54 that begins with the word "remember" is the one 49:57 we're suppose to forget, that God wanted us to change. 50:00 The longest of the commandments, the one commandment that 50:03 says "holy", that talks about worship. 50:05 The whole final battle revolves around worship. 50:08 And this is the one we're suppose to forget. 50:10 It sounds extremely suspicious to me. 50:14 As a matter of fact, in 108 languages of the world 50:17 the seventh day of the week; in Spanish it's Sabado, 50:21 in Russian it's Cybbota, in Micronesian it's Sabbat. 50:24 It just goes on and on and on. 50:26 And of course we know that this day begins at sundown. 50:30 Did Jesus keep the Sabbath? What is a Christian? 50:34 A Christian is a follower of Christ. 50:37 What was Jesus' habit? 50:38 Mark 6:2, "And when the Sabbath day was come, 50:42 He began to teach in the synagogue. " 50:45 Luke 4:16, "And He came to Nazareth where He 50:49 had been brought up. 50:50 And as His custom was, He went into the synagogue 50:52 on the Sabbath day and He stood up to read the scriptures. " 50:56 We know He read the scriptures and it even tells us 50:57 what scripture He read on one occasion. 51:00 Jesus went to the church every Sabbath day 51:03 and He read the Bible and He studied and He taught. 51:06 He kept it. 51:07 "Oh Pastor Doug, doesn't it say they accused Jesus of 51:10 breaking the Sabbath?" 51:11 That's right. 51:12 His enemies accosted Him of breaking the Sabbath. 51:14 His enemies also accused Him of being a drunk, a glutton, 51:16 and a demon possessed Samaritan. 51:19 So if you're going to go along with what His enemies accused 51:21 Him of doing, they accused Him of all kinds of things. 51:23 They said He deceives the people too. 51:26 And so some people have said, "Well, He broke the Sabbath. " 51:28 No He didn't. 51:29 He showed them how to keep it correctly. 51:31 Jesus, looking down at the end of time in Matthew 24 51:35 where He foretells His second coming, He says, 51:37 "Pray that your flight be not in the winter, 51:39 neither on the Sabbath day. " 51:41 Why does He say that to God's people 51:43 speaking about the end of time? 51:44 Because He knew they would still be Sabbath keeping 51:47 Christians back then. 51:48 And there may be a time when we need to flee. 51:51 "When," He says, "you see the abomination of desolation 51:54 stand in the holy place, let those that be in Judea 51:56 flee into the mountains. " 51:59 There's a day coming when those who want to keep all of 52:01 the commandments of God are going to be 52:02 persecuted for their faith. 52:04 The Bible tells us Jesus kept the Sabbath, 52:08 the early Christians kept the Sabbath. 52:10 Acts 17:1 it says, "Then they came to Thessalonica 52:14 where there was a synagogue of the Jews. 52:16 Then Paul, as his custom was, went into them 52:20 and for three Sabbaths reasoned with them from the scriptures. " 52:24 And in Acts 13 it says, "The Gentiles begged that these words 52:27 might be preached to them the next Sabbath. " 52:29 They're talking not just to Jews. 52:31 They're talking to the Gentiles on what day? 52:33 On the Sabbath. 52:35 On the next Sabbath, almost the whole city came together 52:38 to hear the word of God. 52:39 That was Acts 13:44. 52:40 Acts 16:13, "And on the Sabbath day we went out of the city 52:44 to the riverside where prayer was customarily made, 52:47 and we sat down and spoke to the women that resorted thither. " 52:50 That's written by Luke. 52:51 Was Luke a Jew or Gentile? 52:53 Why doesn't Luke say, "And on the Jewish Sabbath 52:56 they got together?" 52:58 He states it as if it were just understood by 53:00 all the believers back then. 53:02 He's writing to Theophilus and he's saying this is what we did, 53:05 "and on the Sabbath," and he doesn't have to explain to him 53:07 what the Sabbath is. 53:08 Because every Christian knew it's one of the 53:10 Ten Commandments. 53:11 It's Christianity 101, that day of worship. 53:14 There's not even a hint here that they had changed it. 53:19 You know, the Bible does foretell, in the last days 53:21 the beast power would think to change times and laws. 53:25 And there's only one of God's commandments that is both 53:28 a time and a law. 53:30 And you know what also makes me marvel, friends, 53:32 is that in Luke 23, because the Sabbath was so important 53:38 to the disciples they would not even finish embalming 53:41 the body of Jesus. 53:42 That starts with verse 56. 53:45 It says, "They prepared spices and fragrant oils. 53:49 And they rested the Sabbath day according to the commandment. " 53:53 The commandment, not the Jewish law. 53:57 You know, can you imagine? 54:00 It was so important to them. 54:02 Their hearts are broken, they've spent three and a half years 54:05 following Jesus, they loved Him. 54:07 They want to give Him an honorable treatment. 54:10 The sun is going down, they realize they're going 54:11 to run out of time. 54:12 It would have been so easy for most of us to have said, 54:14 "Well, the ox is in the ditch. 54:15 Let's at least finish embalming His body. " 54:19 But they said, "No, Jesus would not be please if we did this. " 54:24 And rather than disappoint Him, they said, 54:27 "We'll come back and finish later. 54:29 The Sabbath is coming. " 54:30 So did they ever get the slightest notion from Jesus 54:32 that it didn't matter to Him? 54:34 Even this labor of love was postponed because the 54:38 early church recognized how Jesus felt about this. 54:41 Is it still valid today, friends? 54:44 Does the Lord care? 54:45 It's easier for heaven and earth to pass away 54:48 than for one tittle of the law to fail. 54:52 God tells us that His word is not going to change. 54:56 The Bible begins telling us, "the seventh day, 55:01 remember that day. " 55:02 A whole day to be kept as holy. 55:05 Then you get to the end of the Bible. 55:06 In Revelation chapter 22 verse, 14 it says, 55:09 "Blessed... " 55:10 Is there a blessing in the Sabbath? 55:13 Revelation 22:14, "Blessed are those who do His commandments. " 55:17 One commandment especially pronounces a blessing upon it. 55:20 "That they might have the right to the tree of life 55:23 and enter through the gates of the city. " 55:24 So from cover to cover in the Bible, God is very 55:27 clear that He wants us to be blessed, 55:29 He wants us to be happy. 55:30 You're only going to find that happiness in a 55:33 relationship with Him. 55:36 You know, I did a lot of traveling yesterday to get here. 55:39 I landed yesterday. 55:40 It was a little late for me to meet with you people then. 55:44 But I was in Sacramento, a big city, and Seattle, 55:48 St. Louis, stopped at a couple of places on the road. 55:51 And I looked at a lot of people. 55:53 I was by myself, so I look at people. 55:55 And in case you didn't know it, people aren't happy. 56:00 People are not satisfied. 56:02 Everywhere I looked. 56:04 I remember, I was on the plane and I got up and I walked 56:07 the length of the plane to use the facilities 56:09 and on my way back, I kind of looked over everyone's shoulder. 56:12 It was a daytime flight, people are awake. 56:15 And everybody seemed so restless. 56:18 And they're, you know, they're working and they're 56:22 trying to read these love novels and find some answer 56:25 or they're watching a variety of movies. 56:27 I'd be embarrassed if I were a lot of these people 56:29 to have people on the right and left of me, watching the movies 56:32 that they were watching on their laptops and stuff. 56:36 And they're just looking for something. 56:38 People are empty, they're unhappy. 56:42 I stopped, got a Subway sandwich, saw this man in there. 56:50 He looked so unhappy. 56:53 He was binging on sweets and reading some romance novel. 56:59 And I just thought, "He's looking for rest, 57:01 he's looking for peace, he's looking for purpose. " 57:03 Jesus tells us where that comes from. 57:07 The great invitation, Matthew chapter 11. 57:11 Christ said, "Come unto Me, all you who are weary 57:15 and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. " 57:19 Every Sabbath day, we're remembering the rest that 57:23 we find by coming to Jesus. 57:26 Have you found your rest in Him? 57:29 He wants you to enjoy that day of blessed rest. 57:33 How many of you would like to say, "Lord, by You grace, 57:35 I want that experience also. " 57:37 Can we ask Him now to give it to us? 57:41 Dear Father in heaven, thank You for this truth. |
Revised 2014-12-17