Pillars of Our Faith 2010 Camp Meeting


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: C. A. Murray


Series Code: POFCM

Program Code: POFCM000004

00:57 Heaven is a city, built by jewels rare
01:05 Its beauty is a splendor yet untold
01:14 If you neglect salvation you'll never enter in
01:22 You'll never ever walk those streets of gold
01:30 So don't overlook salvation, while living
01:37 here in sin Someday it maybe too late to pray
01:49 Someday when you need Him,
01:53 He may not let you in
01:57 How awful if He should turn you away
02:05 How many of you ever being
02:06 discouraged in your life. Amen.
02:08 I know I have. Amen.
02:14 Sometimes we get discouraged,
02:19 while we walk this weary way
02:23 But Jesus said he'd every burden bear
02:31 So take Him all your troubles,
02:36 when it seems all hope is gone
02:40 Just trust Him when you go to Him in prayer
02:48 So don't overlook salvation,
02:53 while living here in sin
02:58 Someday it maybe too late to pray
03:07 Someday when you need Him,
03:10 He may not let you in
03:15 How awful if He should turn you away
03:24 Now Jesus said be ready for you know
03:29 not when the hour For He may come at
03:35 morning, night or noon So keep your eyes upon
03:44 Him and your soul filled with His power
03:50 For you know He's surely coming soon,
03:55 do you believe he's coming soon tonight?
03:57 So don't overlook salvation,
04:02 while living here in sin Someday it maybe too
04:10 late to pray Someday when you need Him,
04:20 He may not let you in How awful if He should
04:27 turn you away, how awful if He should
04:36 turn you away. Oh! Yes. Amen. Amen
04:50 Thank you for that. Darrell Marshall one of
04:53 the, our very favorites on 3ABN and we love
04:57 Darrell, we always enjoy having him here for
04:59 camp meetings and as he travels across the
05:02 country, people tell him everywhere he goes.
05:05 We watch you on 3ABN. So, welcome each one
05:08 of you back here to our Camp Meeting and our
05:11 pillars weekend, where we're talking about the
05:14 pillars of the faith and we believe with all of
05:19 our hearts that this is the sort of a spring
05:22 board for revival throughout the
05:25 United States and all over the world that
05:27 people are going to begin upholding the Bible
05:30 trues again stronger than ever before. That they
05:34 are going to determine to preach Christ and him
05:37 crucified to a dying world and to uphold his
05:41 trues. You know, there is nothing wrong with
05:44 being right remember that. So, tonight we are
05:48 going to be enjoying a message but also
05:53 receiving a message from the Lord brought to us
05:57 through his servants C.A. Murray. I know Pastor
06:01 Murray very well, I had met him before we
06:04 came here but we've become very good friends
06:07 during the time that I've been here at 3ABN.
06:11 First time we met was in New York City and it
06:14 was right after 9/11, we are both involved in
06:18 reaching out to that city and bringing some love
06:22 and some peace and some help to the people
06:25 that lived in Manhattan. And those were
06:29 unbelievable days folks, I those of you that may
06:32 have been in that part of the world at that time.
06:35 I met some people here from New Jersey today,
06:37 right across the river they know exactly what I
06:40 was talking about and those that were there
06:45 especially felt the impact of those days.
06:49 Elder Murray is a man that knows people,
06:53 he is man that has ministered to all walks
06:56 of life. He is a man that's been in just about
07:00 every pastoral situation that a man can find
07:04 himself in. Before we hear his message we have
07:09 David Huntsinger is going to introduce one of
07:12 those pillars songs, one of my very favorites,
07:16 I'm gonna let him tell you about it, the song is
07:19 called in the sanctuary and it's a blessed
07:22 Adventist doctrine because it, it talks about
07:26 Christ's work in heaven for us now.
07:29 He seals our bond with him, he hears the prayers
07:34 of saint and sinners, "there
07:37 is still time in the sanctuary."
07:53 We have a high priest up in heaven
08:00 Hallelujah, hallelujah
08:07 He's our Defender before the Father
08:14 In a temple made by God, not man
08:21 Behind the veil in a place Most Holy
08:28 Hallelujah, oh hallelujah
08:34 Investigating, He dears the record
08:42 Of those redeemed by His own blood
08:48 He's blotting out my sin in the Sanctuary
09:02 He seals my bond with Him in
09:08 the Sanctuary up in heaven
09:17 He makes provision for me in the Sanctuary
09:33 Heaven's temple Hallelujah, oh hallelujah
09:43 In preparation for His returning
09:50 For those who love and follow him
09:56 He's blotting out my sin in the Sanctuary
10:10 He seals my bond with Him in
10:17 the Sanctuary up in heaven
10:25 He makes provision for me in the Sanctuary
10:34 At the mercy seat, in the Holy of Holies
10:45 In the Holy of Holies we meet
10:58 He's blotting out my sin in the Sanctuary
11:12 He seals my bond with Him in
11:19 the Sanctuary up in heaven
11:27 He makes provision for me in the Sanctuary
11:39 In the Sanctuary, in the Sanctuary
11:56 He's blotting out my sin in the Sanctuary
12:10 He seals my bond with Him in
12:17 the Sanctuary up in heaven
12:26 He makes provision for me in the Sanctuary
12:37 In the Sanctuary, in the Sanctuary
12:53 In the Sanctuary Amen.
13:14 Shall we pray? Gracious Father, as we turn our
13:19 hearts towards you and look at this interloper
13:24 that has come into our lives called sin.
13:27 We ask that we would see sin for what it
13:30 really is. And that what no one understand that
13:34 we're inequity abounds, love and grace abounds
13:38 so much more. So, we praise you now and ask
13:41 for you power, your presence and
13:43 your spirit in Jesus name. Amen.
13:48 Any attempt to analyze, to dissect, to digest or
13:55 to understand sin must begin with what I call
14:02 head scratching incredulity.
14:06 You've got to start your discussion of sin with a
14:10 settled platform that what you are seeking to
14:13 examine can indeed be analyzed, can be
14:18 discussed, can be mused over, and in a real
14:24 sense understood experientially and of
14:28 course consequentially, but it can never ever
14:35 be fully explained. To explain sin,
14:41 says Ellen White, would be to excuse it.
14:45 Sin cannot be explained, certainly not from a
14:52 theological standpoint, or a causative
14:59 standpoint. It cannot be explained, how do you
15:00 draw logic from that which is essentially
15:04 illogical? That's right. How do you sign an
15:07 assigned reason to that which is so
15:11 unreasonable? How does one make sense from
15:16 that which is intrinsically
15:19 non-sensible, non sequitur, unfathomable,
15:27 indefensible and inherently insane?
15:33 Sin is the ultimate expression of a spiritual
15:39 Schizophrenia and Wikipedia described
15:43 Schizophrenia, I like this definition,
15:46 as a mental disorder involving the breakdown
15:50 of the relationship between thought,
15:53 emotions and behavior. Leading to faulty
15:57 perceptions, inappropriate actions
16:00 and feelings and a withdrawal from reality
16:04 into fantasy and delusion.
16:07 And if ever any two words capture the
16:10 essence of sin it is fantasy and delusion.
16:16 Sin is a type of spiritual mass psychosis,
16:22 that began in the exalted yet somehow defective
16:27 mind of one individual and is so violent,
16:32 so virulent, so highly contagious,
16:36 so irresistibly communicable that only
16:40 one person in the 7000 years of recorded history
16:43 of this planet has ever been able to
16:46 escape it uninfected.
16:52 There are some 6.5 billion people on planet
16:58 earth as we speak and all of us are carriers.
17:05 Sin is a species wide malignancy that
17:08 Revelation chapter 12 verse 9 indicates God has
17:12 quarantined to this planet. The extent of
17:16 which is documented in the medical report
17:19 written by the Apostle Paul of the diagnosis of
17:23 the pathology and its spread to spread to it,
17:27 all have sinned and come short
17:30 of the glory of God.
17:33 Including such notables as Enoch, Moses and
17:37 Elijah, who are residing in heaven even as we
17:41 speak. Amen. So, since we are handling
17:45 something so contagious. So, irresistibly
17:49 communicable, the only way to deal with sin
17:53 forensically and not descend into a depression
17:57 is to handle it postmortem,
18:00 in other words let's start with the
18:02 corpse and work our way back.
18:06 Nahum chapter 1 verse 9 says affliction shall
18:11 not rise a second time. Amen. For which we are
18:15 to praise the Lord. Amen. The Lord in this text
18:18 and many others indicates and affirms that once
18:23 the universe has been rid of sin it will be
18:27 inoculated and effectively vaccinated
18:31 against it ever coming back again.
18:33 In other words we can rejoice in the knowledge
18:36 and the fact that once sin is gone it is gone
18:39 for good and gone forever. Amen.
18:43 For two very pragmatic reasons, number one if
18:49 anyone has ever suffered from the effects of sin
18:53 and gotten the victory over sin and been cured
18:58 of its deadly effects it's like, it's like being
19:01 diagnosed with cancer and surviving the cancer
19:05 and the chemotherapy. You know if you live to
19:08 get through all of that, you don't ever wanna go
19:12 through that again. Amen. Amen. And the
19:15 second reason most importantly, God said so.
19:21 Revelation chapter 21, verse 5, the Lord says
19:22 behold I make all things new, no room,
19:27 no place, no space for sin, once sin is gone
19:31 praise God it will be gone for ever,
19:33 that ought to make you smile. Amen.
19:35 That ought to make you sit up and take notice in
19:37 fact turn to your neighbor, smile and say
19:39 never, never again.
19:46 Once sin has gone we don't have to worry about
19:49 this fungus among us ever again. Amen.
19:55 So, how do it begin, where did it begin,
20:01 in the most unlikely of places, in the soul of an
20:07 entity, arguably the most wondrous, the most
20:11 luminescent, the most exalted of anyone or
20:15 anything that God had ever created.
20:19 A ministering spirit whose description in the
20:24 word of the God uses some of the most
20:26 sublimed language ever employed to talk about
20:30 somebody made by God.
20:33 I am in Ezekiel chapter 28, verse 12 in New
20:35 King James version. And the Bible says
20:39 You were the seal of perfection, filled with
20:46 wisdom and perfect in beauty.
20:51 The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes
20:54 was prepared for you on the day you were
20:56 created. Listen to the language that is employed
21:00 here, perfect, flawless, complete, incomparably
21:08 beautiful, designed, manufactured that way.
21:15 A creation so magnificent that when the
21:18 omnipotent mind of God searched for a word or
21:23 a name to give to this new creature God himself
21:28 chose the word son of the morning, morning
21:34 star. God gave him the best name
21:39 and the best job in all the universe.
21:44 Ezekiel chapter 28, verse 14 describes his
21:47 responsibilities and gives his job description.
21:52 You were the anointed cherub who covers,
21:54 the Bible says, you were on the holy mountain
21:57 of God; you walked back and forth in the midst
22:00 of the fiery stones. You were perfect in your
22:05 ways from the day you were created until,
22:12 the Bible says. Until, think about it,
22:17 continually constantly in the very presence of
22:21 God, dwelling in light unapproachable, called in
22:26 the Hebrew, the day star. Now all stars shine at
22:30 night, it's not a big deal but there is only one
22:33 star that shines during the day and when the day
22:37 star shines all other stars shines disappear.
22:41 Lucifer was the day star. He was the son of the
22:47 morning and no luminous body in our galaxy
22:52 outshines the Sun. His beauty his wisdom,
22:58 his intelligence exceeded only by God.
23:04 And next to Christ God the son the most highly
23:09 exalted creature ever created, but somehow for
23:18 reasons the human mind may never understand.
23:22 Even this most honored position, ladies and
23:26 gentlemen was not enough, being the son
23:31 wisdom not enough, being perfect in beauty
23:37 not enough, being first of the covering cherub
23:42 not enough, being as it were a four star general
23:47 in the army of God not enough, being the
23:52 preeminent among all of the angels and created
23:55 beings not enough, honored, loved and obeyed
23:59 though not worshiped, not enough.
24:04 Lucifer had it all but he wanted more.
24:10 He had everything but everything was not
24:15 enough. You see when you have everything,
24:22 when you've got it all and you're still want
24:27 more, your in trouble. Where you got it all,
24:34 when you have everything and you still
24:36 want something more you are in trouble
24:38 because you've got everything what more
24:41 could you want.
24:47 Someone defined jealousy as an inordinate
24:53 desire to possess what you already have.
24:56 When you have everything how can you
24:59 want more? And what do you give someone
25:04 who has everything. I'll tell you what you
25:08 give them? You give them nothing.
25:12 Because they're showing a disrespect for
25:15 everything they already possess and so,
25:20 into a perfect ordered society, an idea took
25:26 route, just a little nascent motivation,
25:35 a little exfoliant insinuation,
25:39 just a little benign flirtation with
25:44 self-exaltation. Just a little idea when
25:53 a perfect being looked at his own magnificence
25:59 and then he looked at God. And then he looked
26:02 at the son of the God, as he had done so many
26:06 times before, he saw the same love, the same
26:13 glory, the same majesty, the same unity,
26:15 the same worship as he had seen so many times
26:18 before. It has always been there, he had been
26:20 in their presences constantly, he knew what
26:23 looking at God was like, but this time when he
26:28 looked, when he looked, he, he dared to
26:33 compare. And in the secret preaching of his
26:38 inner most heart, the son of the morning said
26:42 to himself one day in the very presence of God.
26:47 Why? Oh! better yet. Why not? Why not me,
27:02 why can't I have what they have?
27:10 Look at me, look at what I am. Look at what I
27:17 have, Look at what I can do, I ought to have
27:20 what they have. I think, I think, I think, I want
27:33 more. Why should they have such a relationship
27:44 and not me. Why should they have the power
27:48 and the worship and not me. Don't they know
27:53 who I am? I am the son of the morning,
28:01 I am the day star, I deserve what they have.
28:05 I'm the powering cherub, I am the first of
28:08 creation and what I have is not enough,
28:13 been there, done that, now I want to be God.
28:23 And if they don't give it to me I'll
28:27 take it. I will take it. Ezekiel chapter 28,
28:39 verse 15 exposes the secret thoughts of
28:43 Lucifer's own heart. Perfect to iniquity was
28:52 found in you. The story was picked up in Isaiah
28:59 chapter 14, verses 13 and 14 the word of God
29:02 says, I will ascend to the heaven, I will exalt
29:07 my throne above the stars of God: I will
29:09 also sit, in the mount of the congregation.
29:12 I will ascend above the height of the clouds,
29:14 I will be like the Most High. I will be God.
29:25 I looked up that word like in the Hebrew the
29:29 word is 'Damah,' it means to favorably compare.
29:35 Satan was saying I wanted so that when they
29:39 think of God they will think of me. When they
29:43 see God they will see me, when they talk about
29:47 God they will talk about me, perfect until
29:53 iniquity was found. The word for iniquity in
29:56 the Hebrew is 'Avon' not a great step from evil.
30:03 And it carries the idea of a moral distortion,
30:09 so the Bible is saying perfect until a moral
30:12 distortion was found in him. And I don't know if
30:16 there is more fitting word for what sin is?
30:19 Or what germinated in the heart of Satan than
30:22 moral distortion? Something in Lucifer's
30:25 mind and heart got distorted and every
30:29 distortion presupposes an original, you've got
30:32 an original and then it gets distorted like,
30:36 like lust is a distortion of love or licensed
30:40 lawlessness is a distortion of liberty,
30:43 sin somehow distorted God's image in Lucifer.
30:48 The son of the morning, got it distorted who in
30:54 turn distorted God's image before the angelic
30:57 host, then before the world and now we've got
31:04 preachers who preach that God will burn people
31:07 in hell forever and to face the image of the
31:11 loving God or we get report just this week
31:16 that a certain preacher married his boyfriend,
31:22 or as we heard just several weeks ago a
31:25 Christian singer decided to marry her girlfriend
31:28 and come on national TV and say, it's alright
31:33 God doesn't mind he just loves us.
31:38 So we get an image of an God who is either
31:40 spineless and weak less or just ashamed or
31:43 doesn't have the power to change us from sin,
31:46 it is a distortion of a God that we serve.
31:53 Sin began as a distortion of the image of God in
31:55 one of his creatures, sin is a living lie and
31:58 everyone living in sin is living a lie.
32:05 Whatever sin is at it's core it bespeaks a
32:09 disaffection, a dissatisfaction with what
32:13 I am and what I have to endure and what I have
32:16 to take and what I want? And what God desires
32:19 for me? God says do it this way, I determine I
32:22 will do it in another way.
32:27 Lucifer couldn't have anything more,
32:33 he was the first of his order, you cannot
32:37 supersede number one, there is nothing ahead of
32:41 number one, the only position better than top
32:46 angel is God. And excuse me that position is
32:52 already taken. Amen.
32:58 For any created being to be or desire to possess
33:03 any part of God beyond his character is insane.
33:08 Amen. And frightening and sin. Can you imaging
33:15 having the omnipotent power of God without
33:19 the character of the God? The power to create
33:23 and to destroy, to set up or pour down without
33:28 the superintending power of love to guide all of
33:31 your actions and yet that is precisely what Satan
33:37 wanted. I want the authority, I want the
33:41 praise, I want the glory, I is that covetous
33:47 mindset that was at the heart of the sin.
33:52 So, my brothers and sisters in the caldron
33:54 that was once day star, they are simmered and
33:58 admixture of selfishness, egotism, jealousy,
34:05 envoy, covetousness. Salted with self
34:10 exaltation and an unholy desire to posses what
34:16 he could never have. And quicker than you can
34:20 blink, wink, or think, sin was born.
34:28 That's right. So new, so novel, so original
34:38 that even Lucifer did not know what he was
34:42 dealing with. How could he know?
34:47 How could he understand? How could he look
34:50 down through the corners of the time and
34:52 realize that he had created a disease?
34:58 No angel had ever seen sin before?
35:03 No one knew what sin was, there were no
35:08 discordance steps in the kingdom of God.
35:11 This was a brand new thing. And at first
35:15 glance, sin back then like sin today doesn't
35:21 look so bad. That's why we have to preach so
35:29 hard against it. Say that. That's why
35:31 it has to be played out, because it doesn't look
35:36 so bad at first glance. In the right light and
35:43 with the right spin, sin looks like freedom.
35:55 Who knows? That's why God couldn't destroy
36:00 Satan immediately, because at first nobody
36:06 knew, nobody understood that what Lucifer was
36:11 considering would result in his defection from
36:15 his job, his rejection of God, his ejection from
36:22 heaven and his infection of this entire planet.
36:31 Sin is not just simply a rejection of the word of
36:36 God or the law of God, it is de facto a
36:41 rejection of God himself. Amen.
36:49 It is a rejection of all that God stands for,
36:54 thus in the truest sense of the word and the best
36:58 attempt that the Bible makes to understand and
37:01 define sin, we read this in First John chapter 3,
37:04 verse 4, whoever commits sin doth also
37:11 transgress the law for sin is, it is the
37:18 transgression of the law. What then is sin?
37:24 It is the transgression of the law, to have sin
37:31 presupposes that you have law. If there is no
37:36 law there can be no sin.
37:41 For by definition sin is the
37:46 transgression of the law.
37:49 Paul says in Romans chapter 7, verse 7,
37:52 I would not have known sin except for the law.
37:58 So, where you've got sin you got to have a law
38:02 that was broken. Amen. So, not only is sin a
38:06 rejection of the law, it is de facto a rejection
38:12 of the law's author and then is a
38:17 rejection of God himself.
38:22 Douglas Cooper in his book 'living God's love'
38:26 says that all sin is based on a failure to
38:31 love God enough. Think about that,
38:36 put that in the blender, spin it around a bit,
38:40 all sin, he says is a failure to love God
38:45 enough, if you love him enough you put him
38:48 first and when you put him first he cleanses sin
38:51 from your life. Amen. So, he says if you're not
38:55 being cleansed you are not loving or you're not
38:59 loving enough. The current hip parlance is
39:05 ultimate lifestyle. Everybody wants to
39:07 an ultimate lifestyle, don't talk about my
39:09 lifestyle, I won't talk about your lifestyle,
39:12 we just live alternate lifestyle that's good for
39:14 you, this is good for me. It is interesting because
39:19 alternate lifestyle is remarkably close to one
39:23 of the definitions for sin. You know I
39:26 discovered no less than 19 word examples for
39:31 sin. Nineteen, six in the Old and 13 in the New
39:42 Testimony, nineteen categories for sin.
39:50 There are only five total categories for
39:52 love, that's right, 19 for sin. You got, ah,
40:00 let's see, you've got in the Greek for Love
40:05 you've got Eros, Phileo, Agapao, and one that is
40:11 not spoken of too much because it's only used
40:14 twice Romans chapter 10 and 2nd Peter,
40:18 Storge, which is translated natural
40:22 affection and then you've got a whopping 13
40:28 words for sin in the New Testament alone.
40:34 I suspect the fact that there are so many words
40:37 gives evidence to the many ways that you can
40:41 fall into sin. It speaks of the treachery of the
40:46 author of the sin, of the way the devil
40:50 can pull us into sin. It shows the hideous
40:54 and insidious nature of sin. Doing what you
40:59 should not do is sin. Amen. Ummh! Ummh!
41:08 Not doing what you should do. Amen.
41:16 He that knoweth to do good and doeth it not to
41:18 him it is sin. Thinking about doing it,
41:36 getting others to think about doing it,
41:40 is sin. Encouraging others to do wrong is
41:46 sin. That's right, discouraging others from
41:53 doing right, Amen, is sin. Saying the wrong
42:04 thing is sin, not saying the right thing,
42:21 encouraging others to do wrong is sin.
42:28 Discouraging others from doing right is sin.
42:33 You see, sometimes we get the victory through
42:37 senility, that means, that mean you don't
42:44 want to do it you just too old to boogie. Amen.
42:50 And God knows you would if you could.
42:58 That is sin. Well, the Bible says make no
43:03 provision. That's right. Don't even prepare,
43:07 don't even think about, that's right.
43:10 Sins of omission, sins of commission, stuff you
43:16 should do you don't, stuff you should not do
43:19 yet do. So, many ways to fall into sin.
43:31 Thirteen New Testament, we want to run
43:33 through them very quickly. Kakus,
43:37 k-a-k-u-s, simply means bad, bad axe.
43:41 Romans 13 Hamartia, I will talk about that
43:45 again in a minute, missing the mark.
43:48 First John 3 Adikia, unrighteousness.
43:54 First Corinthians 6:9 Anomia, lawlessness
43:57 from which we get anarchy. First Timothy
43:59 1:1, Paraptoma, fault, we'll do that in just a
44:03 moment. Galatians 6:1 Planao to go astray.
44:09 First Peter 2:25, Agnoeo, ignorant sin, that sin
44:15 you do, you don't even know you're doing it,
44:17 it's still sin. That's right.
44:25 Romans 13:3 rather Romans 10:3 Parabatai,
44:29 transgression, James 2:9 Poneros, evil,
44:35 meaning evil people. Matthew 5:45,
44:41 Asebes, Godless, Romans 1:18 enochos,
44:48 guilty. James 2:10 Hypokrites, two faced.
45:00 It tends to be a Church sin.
45:09 First Timothy 4:2 and Parapipto, falling away.
45:14 Hebrew 6:6, now we can't deal with them all.
45:17 So, I want to take the big three before I am
45:19 done. Hamartia, Anomia and Paraptoma.
45:25 Paraptoma we find in Galatians chapter 6 verse
45:27 1, the Bible says if a brother be overtaken in a
45:32 fault, a paraptoma and usually a paraptoma is a
45:37 deliberate sin. You know, when you know you
45:39 are doing wrong, but you're gonna do it
45:41 anyhow. That's a paraptoma, but even
45:44 then the Bible says, and we ought to praise God
45:46 for this. The Bible says even when you sin
45:49 deliberately God says restore. That's right.
45:52 Amen. Restore in love. So, even if he bold faced
45:57 sins, one those kind of hand on your hip type
46:04 sins. God says there is still restoration for
46:11 that person. Amen. Amen. Praise God,
46:13 that's a paraptoma, if a brother falls,
46:16 makes a mistake, sins restore him in love.
46:20 Amen. Amen. The next one is Anomia
46:23 from which we get anarchy or lawlessness.
46:28 It is important because this is used in the First
46:32 John 3:4 definition for sin, when you sin you
46:37 trespass the law of God. For sin is lawlessness,
46:45 you know as bad it is not to believe in God,
46:49 it is arguably worse to believe in God and live
46:55 like he doesn't exist. Amen. That's right.
47:00 There are so many who reject God because they
47:04 don't want the rules, they don't want the
47:07 regulations. Yes. They don't want the laws of
47:10 God. You know, it's very, very interesting how
47:12 everybody likes Christmas.
47:15 Everybody likes Jesus as a baby. That's right.
47:18 No problem with the baby Jesus, because the
47:21 baby Jesus can't hurt you. Everyone likes the
47:24 baby, it's when the baby grows up. Yes.
47:28 That's where we got a problem with him,
47:29 because the grown up Jesus says lay down your
47:33 life, pick up your cross, follow me. It's the
47:36 grown up Jesus that comes with the
47:38 "thou shall not." It's the grown up Jesus that
47:41 says you got to turn your back on the world
47:43 and turn your face toward me, I had no
47:45 problem with the baby because the baby can't
47:48 hurt you. It's the grown up Jesus, the walking,
47:51 talking, living, loving and dying Jesus that we'd
47:53 all want. That right. That's right. Because we
47:55 don't want the laws and we don't want the rules.
47:59 So, stay in the crib, that's right, stay in the
48:03 manger, like the swaddling clothes,
48:07 but I don't like those gray clothes that were
48:09 there on Sunday morning.
48:14 Living lawless sinful lives.
48:19 The third of the big three is Hamartia,
48:23 translated missing the mark, or the wrong path.
48:28 Hamartia is most inclusive of all the
48:31 words. Consequently it is the word that is most
48:34 often translated sin. It is the word that is
48:38 used in First John chapter 3, verse 4.
48:40 It is the most inclusive. It, it deals with moving
48:46 away from the way of righteousness. In First
48:50 John chapter 3 verses 4 through 6, the word
48:54 Hamartia in those two verses is used six times.
49:00 Harmatia is combined in this definition with
49:05 Anomia. Anyone the Bible says who practices
49:10 sin, Harmatia, who practices missing the
49:14 mark or going the wrong way, the Bible says in
49:18 Greek 'Te Kan Anomia Poieo,' also practices
49:24 lawlessness. Kan Hamartia for sin going your
49:30 own way is Anomia, lawlessness.
49:35 So, if you practice sin you are lawless,
49:40 you are moving against the law of God and God
49:44 himself. How could one third of the heavenly
49:50 host that was lied too and deceived have
49:55 possibly known that their malignant
49:59 experiment would result in a voluntary death
50:03 of the creator and commander Jesus Christ
50:05 who they love instigated by one who had been
50:10 closest to him of all the creative beings.
50:14 No way they could have known that.
50:17 And as the light went out in the heart of
50:21 Lucifer, it was replaced by a darkness that
50:27 delighted in death. I am in John chapter 8,
50:32 verse 44, the word of God affirms he was a
50:36 murderer from the beginning, and does
50:41 not stand in the truth because there is no truth
50:47 in him. That's right. When he speaks a lie,
50:52 he speaks from his own resources, for he is a
50:55 liar and the father of it. As it were the ultimate
51:03 spiritual black hole no life, no love and no
51:11 light, caught in a self spun web beyond all hope
51:17 of redemption, such brothers and sisters is
51:22 the legacy and the nature and the destiny of sin
51:30 and sinners. What will sin do for you,
51:36 let's take a look at what it did for it's author
51:42 and I must admit to you that when I read this
51:45 particular passage from early writing page 152,
51:49 it gives me the creeps. I discovered this years
51:54 ago and pulled it up again two weeks ago
51:57 when I was writing, I usually after Erma
52:00 goes to bed I step a little while and I write
52:02 some in the quiet. But when I wrote this
52:04 passage I made sure she was up and in the room
52:06 with me. I don't want to be alone when I read
52:10 this. It's Ellen White's description of Satan when
52:16 she saw him. Early writings page 152.
52:22 I was shown Satan as he once was, a happy,
52:26 exalted angel. Then I was shown him as he now
52:31 is. He still bears a kingly form. His features
52:36 are still noble, for he is an angel though
52:40 fallen. But his expression,
52:44 the expression of his countenance is full of
52:46 anxiety, care, unhappiness, malice,
52:52 hate, mischief, deceit, and every evil.
52:58 That brow which was once so noble,
53:02 I particularly noticed his forehead,
53:06 it commenced to recede from his eyes.
53:11 I saw that he had so long bent himself to evil
53:14 that every good quality was debated, and every
53:18 evil trait was developed. His eyes were cunning,
53:24 sly, and showed great penetration. His frame
53:30 was large, but the flesh hung loosely from his
53:34 hands and face. As I beheld him, his chin was
53:40 resting upon his hand. It appeared or rather he
53:44 appeared to be deep in thought. A smile was
53:49 upon his countenance, which made me tremble,
53:53 it was so full of evil, and Satanic slyless,
53:57 slyness. This smile is the one he wears just
54:01 before he makes sure of his victim,
54:06 and fastens the victim in his snare,
54:11 when he does so, this smile grows horrible.
54:19 Revelation chapter 12 verses 7 through 11 and I
54:23 will keep just a little bit for the sake of the
54:24 time. For the Bible says war broke out in
54:27 heaven, Michael and his angels fought with the
54:30 dragon and the dragon and his angels fought but
54:33 they didn't prevail nor was a place found for
54:37 them in heaven any longer, so the great
54:40 dragon was cast out, that serpent called the
54:43 Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world;
54:45 he was cast to the earth, and his angels
54:47 were cast out with him. Verse 11,
54:51 but they overcame him. They overcame him.
54:57 Amen. Yeah. By the blood of the Lamb and
55:00 the word of their testimony, let us close
55:04 Revelation chapter 6 beginning at verse 17,
55:09 for the sake of time I have to jump just a
55:11 little bit, but God be thanked the Bible says
55:16 that though you are slaves of sin, yet you
55:19 obeyed from the heart and from the doctrine to
55:23 which you were delivered and having been set
55:26 free from sin, you became slave, praise God,
55:30 of righteousness. What fruit did you have there
55:35 in the things of which you are now ashamed,
55:40 for the end of those things is death. But now,
55:48 having been set free from sin and having
55:57 become slaves of God,
56:04 you have your fruit to Holiness and the end
56:12 everlasting life. Amen. For the wages of sin is
56:24 death. That's right. Amen.
56:27 But aren't you glad it doesn't stop there. Amen.
56:30 Aren't you glad there is another line, aren't you
56:33 glad that Paul doesn't leave you in the sin
56:36 hole. Amen. Because the wages of sin is death
56:40 and all of us have sinned. So, why aren't
56:45 we dead? Because there is one more lie,
56:54 just one more lie. But the gift of God.
57:07 Hallelujah. Amen. Amen. The gift of God,
57:13 Amen, is eternal life, Amen. Amen, through
57:19 Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. Amen. Amen.
57:26 And amen, shall we pray. Father God, thank you
57:32 for the victory that we have in Jesus. Amen.
57:35 For sin shall not have dominion over us,
57:38 oh no. Because we've been bought,
57:42 we have been washed, we have been redeemed.


Revised 2014-12-17