¤¤ 00:00:01.80\00:00:10.21 [ "The Wonderful Cross" begins ] 00:00:14.04\00:00:16.85 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:00:17.05\00:00:36.73 ¤¤ >> You sing. 00:00:36.73\00:00:48.38 >> "Oh, the wonderful." 00:02:18.37\00:02:20.24 >> Sing, "Love so amazing." 00:04:32.37\00:04:34.54 >> How amazing is the cross? Amen? 00:06:34.29\00:06:37.33 This is our scripture reading this morning. 00:06:37.33\00:06:38.89 It's Luke 9:23-25. "Then he said to them all: 00:06:38.89\00:06:44.23 'Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up 00:06:44.23\00:06:48.74 their cross daily" -- daily -- and follow me. 00:06:48.74\00:06:53.78 For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever 00:06:53.78\00:06:57.48 loses their life for me will save it. 00:06:57.48\00:07:00.45 What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, and yet 00:07:00.45\00:07:04.79 lose or forfeit their very self?" 00:07:04.79\00:07:10.03 And with that, I want everyone to sing this last one. 00:07:10.03\00:07:13.09 That we may commit our lives daily. 00:07:13.09\00:07:15.40 Let's see the church stand for this last song that we sing. 00:07:15.40\00:07:19.60 This song is powerful. It's a way of committing. 00:07:19.60\00:07:23.87 That daily commitment to take up your cross every day. 00:07:23.87\00:07:27.88 We sing... 00:07:27.88\00:07:29.74 >> "Knowing my help." 00:07:48.56\00:07:49.96 >> "Is coming." 00:07:56.57\00:07:58.31 >> "Your peace that you give me every day." 00:08:05.58\00:08:09.05 >> Lift your hands. 00:09:30.77\00:09:32.47 >> Amen! >> "You are." 00:10:12.17\00:10:16.18 >> Whoo! Amen. Amen and amen. 00:11:24.65\00:11:28.62 >> Amen! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! 00:11:28.62\00:11:31.72 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:11:34.89\00:11:54.38 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:11:54.38\00:12:14.00 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:12:14.00\00:12:33.48 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:12:33.48\00:12:53.00 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:12:53.00\00:13:12.59 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:13:12.59\00:13:32.07 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:13:32.07\00:13:51.63 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:13:51.63\00:14:11.18 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:14:11.18\00:14:30.70 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:14:30.70\00:14:50.09 [ Applause ] 00:14:50.29\00:14:52.59 >> I don't want to be like the preacher who got up and said, 00:14:59.96\00:15:03.30 "Before I preach, I want to say something"... but I want to say something before I preach. 00:15:03.30\00:15:09.14 [ Laughter ] 00:15:09.14\00:15:11.21 I want to take a moment to let you know that, for Karen 00:15:11.41\00:15:14.04 and me, last Sabbath morning and afternoon were -- 00:15:14.04\00:15:20.32 was an experience we will never, ever forget. 00:15:20.32\00:15:25.95 Man, you guys know how to love on people around here. And you sure made your pastor 00:15:26.15\00:15:32.59 and his wife feel the love. Thank you for that gift. 00:15:32.59\00:15:39.83 I said Sabbath morning, and for both services Sabbath morning, "I feel like I've died. 00:15:39.83\00:15:44.14 I've died and gone to Heaven." And then, I sat through that two hours and 15 minutes 00:15:44.14\00:15:48.88 of that incredible production, and I'm saying, "Who is this guy they're talking about?" 00:15:48.88\00:15:55.55 I'm humbly honored with that expression of love. I'm going to 00:15:55.55\00:16:02.22 give a shout-out to two particular teams who made last Sabbath possible. First of all, 00:16:02.22\00:16:07.93 our intrepid and creative Media Ministry Team, second to none on this planet. And I'm thinking 00:16:07.93\00:16:14.20 about Richard Parke and Gaddiel Martínez, and I'm thinking about 00:16:14.20\00:16:18.84 Brittany Doyle and Phil Roberts and a host of volunteers. The 00:16:18.84\00:16:26.28 amount of editing and production, the videoing, hundreds of hours had to go into 00:16:26.28\00:16:31.59 that, the archiving. Unbelievable. And it just 00:16:31.59\00:16:37.46 blessed me to the core. So I thank you. I want to thank 00:16:37.46\00:16:41.76 another team. They're called the Farewell Planning Team. Yeah. Becky von Dorpowski, 00:16:41.76\00:16:48.14 one half of our Head Elder team. She with her husband, Bryan. Becky shared this very creative 00:16:48.14\00:16:54.98 and very secretive team. I figured out, in the end, I was 00:16:54.98\00:17:02.65 the only one that was -- that -- What am I trying to say? I was 00:17:02.65\00:17:09.62 the only one that was surprised. Everybody else knew everything, 00:17:09.62\00:17:12.23 everything. There was no secret, man. It was just, "Don't tell Dwight. Just don't tell Dwight." 00:17:12.23\00:17:16.50 And it was a total surprise. I mean, starting from Friday 00:17:16.50\00:17:19.93 night, all the way through to Saturday night, oh, you can't relive that. You just can't. 00:17:19.93\00:17:23.97 You can't do it again. And precious memories. Precious 00:17:23.97\00:17:29.28 memories. And, so, I thank everybody on that planning team. And I'm going to mention them 00:17:29.28\00:17:33.68 in alphabetical order. I'm thankful for Jose Bourget. Thankful for Lisa Jardine. 00:17:33.68\00:17:41.72 I'm thankful for Esther Knott. And you know, with Esther, you get a twofer, you get her 00:17:41.72\00:17:45.43 husband, whose literary fingerprints were all over that afternoon production. 00:17:45.43\00:17:51.03 It was just -- It was amazing to me. I want to thank Rodlie Ortiz 00:17:51.03\00:17:57.24 and Debbie Weithers. Karen and I love all of you. And you did 00:17:57.24\00:18:03.71 something that you have no idea has impacted our lives and our ministry. And we thank you. 00:18:03.71\00:18:10.22 I want to say a word about the two Sabbaths coming up. Next Sabbath is graduation. 00:18:10.22\00:18:14.52 Man, I got to tell you something. This is the longest 00:18:14.52\00:18:17.56 good-bye I have ever experienced in my life. I mean, does it end? 00:18:17.56\00:18:20.40 Do we ever just shake hands and say "Adiós, good-bye, and don't 00:18:20.40\00:18:28.14 come back"? You're going to be so worn out by the time this is over. But I want to say a word 00:18:28.14\00:18:32.67 about May 13. That's the exact anniversary to May 14, 1983, 00:18:32.67\00:18:37.75 my first privileged preaching in this great church of Pioneer 00:18:37.75\00:18:43.65 Memorial Church. And the homily that day will be The Best is Yet to Come. I want to share some 00:18:43.65\00:18:48.46 lessons over 50 years of ministry, 40 years right here, that I've learned along the way. 00:18:48.46\00:18:52.96 And I hope that's beneficial for you. And then, May 20th will be 00:18:52.96\00:18:55.33 our last Sabbath. We got breakfast in church, first 00:18:55.33\00:18:57.47 service, and then we'll all be together for our second service, and the title of that homily, 00:18:57.47\00:19:02.47 Any Old Bush Will Do. And that's the gospel truth. God doesn't 00:19:02.47\00:19:08.94 care. Just give me a bush. Just give me a bush. I'm going to 00:19:08.94\00:19:13.68 share stories that I've never shared before. What was happening before we even showed 00:19:13.68\00:19:17.79 up around here? There's some stories that only I could share, I could share with only you. 00:19:17.79\00:19:24.09 No state secrets. Those kind of secrets stay secret in a 00:19:24.09\00:19:29.10 pastor's heart. But some stories we'll share over the next two Sabbaths. I'm going to pray with 00:19:29.10\00:19:35.74 you now because I'm eager to get to the teaching today, as we wrap up this five-part series, 00:19:35.74\00:19:39.94 Return to Calvary. The last series needed to be at the 00:19:39.94\00:19:44.55 cross, and I'm so glad that it is. Let's pray. Oh, God. Total praise. Total praise. 00:19:44.55\00:19:52.95 That's what we lift to You. You are the -- You are the giver of 00:19:52.95\00:19:59.83 all good things. You're also the maker of all things that loves and wants me. And because of who 00:19:59.83\00:20:06.87 you are, we give these few moments that are left to you, do with them whatever you wish. 00:20:06.87\00:20:12.01 Just know our minds and our hearts are listening for You. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen. 00:20:12.01\00:20:21.68 Read it again one last time. Galatians 6:14. 00:20:21.68\00:20:24.85 1 Corinthians 2:2. 00:20:35.83\00:20:37.50 Why? Ah, because of the universal summation of all 00:20:45.94\00:20:52.85 truth. Johann von Goethe, the German poet and playwright, 00:20:59.55\00:21:05.46 once made this expression. You can feel the energy 00:21:05.46\00:21:10.07 behind it. He said, "There are four things 00:21:10.07\00:21:12.80 I hate." All right four. 00:21:12.80\00:21:17.41 Number one, tobacco smoke. Number two, lice. 00:21:17.41\00:21:25.91 Hmm. 00:21:25.91\00:21:28.32 Number three, garlic. I happen to love garlic. I don't love it 00:21:28.52\00:21:34.69 on me, but I love it in me. And then, he says there's one other. 00:21:34.69\00:21:41.30 Tobacco smoke, lice, garlic, and the cross. "I hate it." 00:21:41.30\00:21:47.54 Why? Because the cross is the universal symbol 00:21:47.54\00:21:51.71 of suffering and sacrifice. And my question to you on this last 00:21:51.71\00:21:57.91 Sabbath of this semester is, where does the cross stand in your life? How does it rank in 00:21:57.91\00:22:03.32 your life of what you love and what you don't love? There's no 00:22:03.32\00:22:07.76 question where it stood ranked in the mind of Peter. And he 00:22:07.76\00:22:13.80 will not leave us guessing where he stands. Open your Bible to the little Gospel of Mark. 00:22:13.80\00:22:18.30 Mark chapter 8. We'll pick it up in verse 31. Jesus and his 00:22:18.30\00:22:25.71 disciples are gathered beneath the snow-capped twin peaks of Mount Hermon in north of 00:22:25.71\00:22:34.05 Palestine. No spies, no scouts. Nothing to fear. Just Jesus and 00:22:34.05\00:22:42.22 His own. He has something to tell them. Mark 8:31. "And He" -- Jesus -- "then began 00:22:42.22\00:22:47.93 to teach his disciples that the Son of Man must suffer many 00:22:47.93\00:22:53.64 things and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests, and the teachers of the law, 00:22:53.64\00:22:57.01 and that he must be killed and, after three days, rise again." The very next line reads, 00:22:57.01\00:23:02.64 "And he spoke plainly about this." Because the 12 hear it. 00:23:02.64\00:23:07.48 The 12 get it. But they didn't hear it, and they didn't get it. 00:23:07.48\00:23:11.82 And, so, three major times, from this moment on until Calvary, 00:23:11.82\00:23:16.46 Jesus will have to repeat the instructions as candidly and as bluntly as he knows how. 00:23:16.46\00:23:26.67 He is now walking under the shadow of the cross right now. Mark 8:31, the shadow of the 00:23:26.67\00:23:33.11 cross takes over the narrative. Darrell Bock, in dealing with 00:23:33.11\00:23:41.08 this moment, I like the way he puts it. 00:23:41.08\00:23:42.95 That was not only true then. I want to tell you something about 00:23:50.46\00:23:54.56 your life. The new reality in your life right now is the way of glory because there is nobody 00:23:54.56\00:24:01.70 here that doesn't want to be in that way of glory. So when we'll 00:24:01.70\00:24:06.01 sing total praise in His presence. But the way of glory for you -- and I'm sad to admit, 00:24:06.01\00:24:14.52 for me -- is down the road of suffering. 00:24:14.52\00:24:18.32 "Not for me," one of the boys jumps up. "Yo, yo, yo, yo. 00:24:21.89\00:24:27.03 Excuse me." Well, you know who it is, of course. 00:24:27.03\00:24:30.80 And in the Greek, Peter literally physically grabs Jesus and pulls him away. 00:24:36.34\00:24:41.08 "Wait, wait, I'm going to say something privately to you. Come 00:24:41.08\00:24:44.91 over here, Master. I need to let you in on a little something." 00:24:44.91\00:24:50.72 Now, Mark, the author of this narrative, you remember his gospel could very well be called 00:24:50.72\00:24:55.49 the Gospel According to Peter. So Mark mercifully leaves out what Peter actually said 00:24:55.49\00:25:01.26 to Jesus. But Matthew was there and heard it all. 00:25:01.26\00:25:06.50 And Matthew says, "I'm going to give you what Peter said." And, so, if we go to Matthew, 00:25:06.50\00:25:11.61 Darrell Bock's rendition of that verse, Matthew 16:22. "God have mercy on you, Lord! 00:25:11.61\00:25:19.21 This will never" -- and that's a double negative. This will no, 00:25:19.21\00:25:22.75 not ever. Do you hear me? Read my lips. "This will never happen to you." Let's get off of this 00:25:22.75\00:25:29.32 high horse. Jesus instantly hears the voice of his nemesis 00:25:29.32\00:25:40.14 when those wilderness temptations made that very same 00:25:40.14\00:25:45.74 offer. Never, double negative. You don't have to. And according 00:25:45.74\00:25:53.82 to the Greek, Jesus yanks himself out of Peter's grasp, whirls around so that he has the 00:25:53.82\00:25:58.72 disciples and Peter in his gaze, and speaks to three audiences. Audience one, Peter. 00:25:58.72\00:26:04.29 Audience two, the disciples. Audience three, the unseen beings slithering in their 00:26:04.29\00:26:08.90 midst. Yeah, he knows. 00:26:08.90\00:26:13.77 "Desire of Ages" grabs this "Get behind me, Satan." And notice 00:26:24.01\00:26:29.58 the reflection. Peter. 00:26:41.13\00:26:42.70 The italics are mine. 00:26:53.04\00:26:54.74 Out! 00:27:03.52\00:27:05.45 The Maker of All Things loves and wants you, and we have to do 00:27:15.26\00:27:21.37 this. Wow. Why? The Maker of All Things loves 00:27:21.37\00:27:32.15 and wants me, that's why. Johann von Goethe. "There are four 00:27:32.15\00:27:43.46 things I hate. Tobacco smoke, lice, garlic, the cross." Hate 00:27:43.46\00:27:54.20 it. Peter had no room for the cross. Not for himself. Certainly not for Jesus. 00:27:54.20\00:27:59.34 Makes you wonder how much room I have for the cross. How much 00:27:59.34\00:28:07.08 room do you have for the cross in your life? Mark 8, now go to verse 34, and this is from 00:28:07.08\00:28:16.06 David Bentley Hart's one-man translation, critically acclaimed translation 00:28:16.06\00:28:20.60 of the New Testament. "And summoning the crowd along with 00:28:20.60\00:28:25.97 His disciples, Jesus said to them, 'If anyone wishes to come along behind me" -- oh, I like 00:28:25.97\00:28:31.71 that -- "if anyone wishes to come along behind me, let him deny himself, let her deny 00:28:31.71\00:28:40.05 herself utterly and take up their cross and follow me." 00:28:40.05\00:28:48.76 Follow me. Meade MacGuire, in that precious short book of his, "His Cross and Mine," writes... 00:28:48.76\00:28:56.43 Five times Jesus speaks the word "cross" in the four gospels. Not once is it my cross. 00:29:04.27\00:29:09.31 It's always your cross, his cross, her cross, their cross. It's never my cross. 00:29:09.31\00:29:13.85 You know why? Because you cannot bear His cross. 00:29:13.85\00:29:18.29 It is unrepeatable. It is an eternal sacrifice that would kill you forever and ever, 00:29:18.29\00:29:24.79 amen, if you bore it. It's not your cross. You have your own 00:29:24.79\00:29:32.03 cross. And that's the point he's making. I have my own cross. 00:29:32.03\00:29:38.71 What are these red-letter words? You want to follow me? Deny 00:29:38.71\00:29:44.58 yourself. Take up your cross. Get behind me. Let's go. 00:29:44.58\00:29:50.52 That cross. What's that mean? MacGuire again. 00:29:50.52\00:29:54.96 "In every instance, Jesus is talking about the great crisis in a man or a woman's life, 00:29:54.96\00:29:59.69 when we are deciding the solemn question of our eternal 00:29:59.69\00:30:03.37 destiny." And what's that question? Here it comes. "There the man's own cross, the 00:30:03.37\00:30:08.10 woman's own cross stands at the parting of the ways." There's a 00:30:08.10\00:30:13.94 cross right there. You're going to choose one path or the other. You can't go down the middle. 00:30:13.94\00:30:17.21 One way or the other at the parting of the ways and that 00:30:17.21\00:30:20.58 cross. What's the question? "Shall I live for self or for 00:30:20.58\00:30:25.85 God?" That's the choice. Shall I advance my own interests? 00:30:25.85\00:30:35.26 Spending my life looking out for me, me, me, me, me? Shall I 00:30:35.26\00:30:42.04 adjust my social media platform postings? Me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me. Shall I adjust my 00:30:42.04\00:30:53.15 purchasing and hoarding of everything I can get my hands on for me, me, me, me, me, me, me. 00:30:53.15\00:31:01.42 Or shall I put self down? Kick it down. Shove it down. Push it 00:31:01.42\00:31:10.83 down. To me, the clearest exposition I have found to define the cross that we are to 00:31:14.20\00:31:21.14 bear are these words from the Apostle Paul. He nailed it. This is what it means to take 00:31:21.14\00:31:26.95 your cross. Take it up and follow Him. Galatians 2:20. "I 00:31:26.95\00:31:31.82 am cruci--" Let's read this out loud together. "I am crucified 00:31:31.82\00:31:36.89 with Christ; nevertheless, I live; yet not I" -- Now, the first person singular 00:31:36.89\00:31:41.56 in the Greek is ego, from whence comes our word ego. You can see that easily enough. 00:31:41.56\00:31:46.33 Let's pick it up again here... 00:31:46.33\00:31:47.87 That's the clearest definition I can find in Scripture. What is 00:32:04.12\00:32:09.26 this cross? Get crucified with Him. Just get crucified with Him. Let them drive the stake 00:32:09.26\00:32:13.83 through your head if you wish. You have to die. Just hang there 00:32:13.83\00:32:19.37 with Him for a while. I am crucified with Christ. The cross 00:32:19.37\00:32:28.64 before you, the cross before me today on this last Sabbath of 00:32:28.64\00:32:33.52 this semester is our answer to the question, shall I live for self or shall I live for God? 00:32:33.52\00:32:39.02 Must Jesus bear the cross alone and all the world go free? No. There's a cross for 00:32:39.02\00:32:45.79 everyone. And there's a cross for me. So what is this cross 00:32:45.79\00:32:54.04 thing? I'm going to tell you what it's not. Some people think 00:32:54.04\00:32:59.17 the cross is a bad marriage. "Oh, that was just one marriage. What a cross I had to bear." 00:32:59.17\00:33:06.98 Nope. It's getting diabetes. Nope. 00:33:06.98\00:33:13.66 It's missing my flight at the airport. No. Getting stuck in an 00:33:13.66\00:33:18.36 interminable red light. No. You're describing human annoyances and even sufferings. 00:33:18.36\00:33:24.10 But the cross does not equal human suffering. 00:33:24.10\00:33:27.77 John R.W. Stott, in his magnificent book, "The Cross of 00:33:32.37\00:33:38.08 Christ," makes this point. And I hope you get it. "If we are 00:33:38.08\00:33:41.78 following Jesus with a cross on our shoulder," all right? So let's just say you and I have 00:33:41.78\00:33:45.45 hoisted up our individual crosses. I have mine and you 00:33:45.45\00:33:48.79 have yours. "If we are following Jesus with a cross on our shoulder, there is only one 00:33:48.79\00:33:52.33 place to which we are going: a place of crucifixion." Do you 00:33:52.33\00:33:56.67 understand that? If you're carrying a cross, guess what? You're headed to crucifixion. 00:33:56.67\00:34:01.30 You're not headed to a party. You're not headed to retirement. You're not headed to a vacation. 00:34:01.30\00:34:06.94 You're going straight to crucifixion. If you have a 00:34:06.94\00:34:10.45 cross, you end up crucified. Do you understand his point? 00:34:10.45\00:34:16.72 >> Amen. >> Amen. >> In fact, Luke's rendering 00:34:31.33\00:34:37.47 that William read for us just a moment ago... Luke's rendering, 00:34:37.47\00:34:43.78 Luke 9:23. I'll just put it back up on the screen here. "Then Jesus said to them all: 00:34:43.78\00:34:46.65 'Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up 00:34:46.65\00:34:51.82 their cross." And William rightfully emphasized daily. Only Luke inserts that word. 00:34:51.82\00:35:00.16 "Take up their cross daily and follow Him." It's a daily 00:35:00.16\00:35:06.30 decision. In fact, Frederick Dale Bruner makes a point I never thought of before, 00:35:06.30\00:35:09.64 and I'll putting him right up juxtaposed to this. "Jesus asked 00:35:09.64\00:35:14.44 disciples not only to join Him" -- but get this -- "but also to spend the rest of their lives 00:35:14.44\00:35:20.82 with Him, in His company, and under His teaching." Keep 00:35:20.82\00:35:25.02 reading. The Synoptic. Okay, so this is Matthew, Mark, and Luke. 00:35:25.02\00:35:29.29 The Synoptic Gospels quote Jesus saying, "Follow me." Yeah, we 00:35:29.29\00:35:36.23 just read it. Therefore, "the Synoptic 'follow me' is very much like" -- the fourth gospel, 00:35:36.23\00:35:42.94 John -- "the Johannine 'abide in me.'" What Bruner is saying is 00:35:42.94\00:35:47.78 it's a call to with the radical stakes of intimate fellowship. 00:35:47.78\00:35:56.12 It's intimacy. In John, He says, "Abide in me." In the Synoptics, He says, "Follow me." 00:35:56.12\00:36:01.72 It's the same. I want that sharp and radical intimacy with you. 00:36:01.72\00:36:10.23 This isn't Jesus saying, "I'll be about a mile down the road, but just keep me in sight." 00:36:10.23\00:36:15.90 No, no, no, no, no. In fact, let me let me put Bruner back up 00:36:15.90\00:36:20.31 here. "Jesus' invitation is surrounded fore and aft." Now, that's old nautical terms. 00:36:20.31\00:36:24.51 Fore, that's the front. Aft, that's the back of the boat. 00:36:24.51\00:36:27.32 And I put in here in brackets, "up front and behind." 00:36:27.32\00:36:30.55 The italics are his. 00:36:44.37\00:36:46.57 We have looked at this cross as something that is negative. It's something that, oh, 00:36:53.11\00:36:56.85 just like eating broccoli. You got to do it. That's not what 00:36:56.85\00:37:01.88 this is at all. This is intimacy at its highest level. I'm asking 00:37:01.88\00:37:06.25 you to get right up here. Get right behind me. I'll be in 00:37:06.25\00:37:10.99 front. I'm millimeters ahead of you. I'm not miles ahead of you. I'm right in front of you. 00:37:10.99\00:37:16.97 I will open the doors for you. I will lead you. But you be right 00:37:16.97\00:37:22.64 here. We're going together. I have my arms around you. You're 00:37:22.64\00:37:27.71 going to be okay. When it says to take up your cross, that's the invitation. Draw into an 00:37:27.71\00:37:37.75 intimate relating to the Lord Jesus himself. 00:37:37.75\00:37:39.85 How high are the stakes? Phew. Oh, mercy. Let's just finish out 00:37:42.96\00:37:48.83 the passage here. Okay. Keep going. 00:37:56.34\00:37:57.94 How cheap is your soul? Are you willing to keep on the path 00:38:11.89\00:38:16.32 you're on for the sake of your soul? Are you telling me your soul is only worth that? 00:38:16.32\00:38:21.10 You've got to be kidding me. You're doing all this knowing you're giving up your soul? 00:38:21.10\00:38:25.30 You've got to be crazy, boy. Why are you doing this? How cheap 00:38:25.30\00:38:31.77 do you consider yourself? 00:38:31.77\00:38:33.91 You want to exchange eternity for this craziness? You got to 00:38:37.51\00:38:47.62 be kidding me. Yeah, the stakes are high. Jesus could hardly be clearer about the stakes for a 00:38:47.62\00:38:53.46 "no cross for me decision." 00:38:53.46\00:38:54.96 No, no, no, no, no, I'm not going down that pathway. 00:38:55.16\00:38:58.70 Adiós. Thanks. And let me tell you something. 00:38:58.70\00:39:00.90 No cross, no Christ. No cross, no crown. 00:39:00.90\00:39:06.54 No suffering, no saving. Mnh-mnh. 00:39:06.54\00:39:11.78 No cross, no way. No loss, no win. 00:39:11.78\00:39:19.72 No cross is a terrible way to go. 00:39:19.72\00:39:23.36 You don't want it. Trust Jesus. You don't want it. 00:39:23.36\00:39:28.13 If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself, let her 00:39:28.13\00:39:31.33 deny herself. Take up the cross. 00:39:31.33\00:39:32.63 Come on, get tight here. Get tight. Stay with me. 00:39:32.63\00:39:36.84 Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Pastor. Theologian. 00:39:39.47\00:39:45.48 Writer. Executed at the age of 39, one month before the Allied 00:39:45.48\00:39:49.75 liberation of Germany. One month. By direct order of Adolf 00:39:49.75\00:39:54.72 Hitler himself. "I want him dead." Hung. A martyr. 00:39:54.72\00:40:01.73 In his celebrated book, "Cost of Discipleship," and that immortal 00:40:01.73\00:40:05.33 line, and you know that line, and I'll get to it in a minute. But we need to read the context 00:40:05.33\00:40:09.17 around that line. And here we go. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, 00:40:09.17\00:40:11.71 "Cost of Discipleship." 00:40:11.71\00:40:13.48 ...he, she, you, and me "have only to pick it up; there is no 00:40:23.35\00:40:30.03 need for him" -- you and me -- "to go out and look for a cross for ourselves, no need for us 00:40:30.03\00:40:36.16 deliberately to run after suffering." I'm not asking you. Jesus is not asking you 00:40:36.16\00:40:40.77 to do that. But note, again, this intimate, tightly bound, 00:40:40.77\00:40:47.21 Christ-centered relationship. I don't have to go and find a 00:40:47.21\00:40:50.48 cross. It'll find me. I don't have to look for suffering. 00:40:50.48\00:40:53.95 It'll come. But I'll be right up against His back. 00:40:53.95\00:40:59.22 And He'll be in it with me. I will never go through anything 00:40:59.22\00:41:04.73 alone. Now comes the memorable line of Bonhoeffer. 00:41:07.86\00:41:11.10 And here is that immortal line. 00:41:18.64\00:41:20.18 When Christ calls a woman, He bids her come and die. He goes 00:41:24.21\00:41:30.59 on... We are bound to him. This is intimate. Radically intimate. 00:41:44.50\00:41:53.64 It isn't bad news. It's the best news there is. 00:41:53.64\00:41:58.65 If anyone would come after me, let her, let him deny themselves, take up the cross. 00:42:02.42\00:42:10.46 And follow tight. Come behind me. Come on, tight. Tight. 00:42:10.46\00:42:14.83 We will go together, you and I. Must Jesus bear the cross alone and all the world go free? 00:42:14.83\00:42:23.37 No. There is a cross for everyone. And there's a cross 00:42:23.37\00:42:32.58 for me. So, on this last Sabbath of this semester, what's all this mean for you and me? 00:42:32.58\00:42:38.95 Some of you are graduated next weekend. Congratulations, by the 00:42:38.95\00:42:42.16 way. We're proud of you. What does this mean for you and me? 00:42:42.16\00:42:46.26 Others of you are going home. Man, I'm chasing a dream. I'm on 00:42:46.26\00:42:50.73 the up and the up. Oh, I'm proud of you. Good for you. Some of us are facing a career 00:42:50.73\00:42:56.04 that will draw to an end. Some of us are facing a life that is 00:42:56.04\00:43:02.18 drawing to an end. What does this mean for all of us? This 00:43:02.18\00:43:09.45 cross business. May I point out that it is only in the Gospel of Mark that we find a phrase 00:43:09.45\00:43:18.19 inserted into these familiar words. Not in Luke, not in Matthew. Not in John, just Mark. 00:43:18.19\00:43:24.93 Here it is, Mark 8:35. "For whoever wants to save their life 00:43:24.93\00:43:29.37 will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and -- oh, Mark says, "I'm going to insert 00:43:29.37\00:43:36.18 this here" -- "and for the gospel will save it." My, oh, 00:43:36.18\00:43:42.82 my, oh, my. Isn't that amazing? "And for the gospel." What's the 00:43:42.82\00:43:47.82 gospel? The Maker of All Things loves and wants me. That's the 00:43:47.82\00:43:52.99 irreducible central truth of this universe. The Maker of All Things who came here, switched 00:43:52.99\00:43:59.77 places with us, died our eternal death, that we might have his 00:43:59.77\00:44:06.31 eternal life. That's the gospel. So Mark says, "Wait a minute." You know, he also meant 00:44:06.31\00:44:12.08 not just for Him, but also for His gospel, the gospel, the good 00:44:12.08\00:44:20.16 news. And by inserting that into those red letters, what Mark is 00:44:20.16\00:44:23.99 saying is that Jesus is saying, "When you take up the cross, you 00:44:23.99\00:44:33.10 must go for me. You must go for me." G-O for me. It's not just 00:44:33.10\00:44:39.97 about following me. No. You must go for me. With the people you 00:44:39.97\00:44:46.65 have sports with, you go for me there. With the people you work with, you go for me there. 00:44:46.65\00:44:53.22 With the people you live with, you go for me there. You must go 00:44:53.22\00:45:01.06 for me. I'm right there. Right in front of you. But you have to 00:45:01.06\00:45:07.20 say something. You can't just walk around in a daze. I need 00:45:07.20\00:45:12.61 you. Go for me. By that insertion -- oh, my, oh, my -- Jesus is saying, "Take 00:45:12.61\00:45:20.28 my good news everywhere with you, always with you, for I'm 00:45:20.28\00:45:26.15 always with you. And it should always be good news for you." Wow. When I think of 00:45:26.15\00:45:30.73 that insertion -- I'm just going to confess now and be a little 00:45:30.73\00:45:34.63 personal. When I think of that insertion and I wrestle over with what its implications are 00:45:34.63\00:45:42.00 for me, trust me, that's not such a little "doesn't matter." No, it's a big deal. 00:45:42.00\00:45:47.91 Because I wonder about my own life. What cross does Jesus have 00:45:47.91\00:45:52.18 for me now that I end at Pioneer? There has to still be a 00:45:52.18\00:45:57.69 cross if every line of this means my life and your life. There still has to be a cross. 00:45:57.69\00:46:02.02 I must still follow him. So what does that mean? People tell me, 00:46:02.02\00:46:07.03 "Hey, listen, Dwight, let me tell you something. You've 00:46:07.03\00:46:11.23 worked hard. 50 years in ministry, 40 years in one church. You deserve a break. 00:46:11.23\00:46:15.90 And just don't think that -- Don't think that God needs you to finish His work on Earth. 00:46:15.90\00:46:20.04 He doesn't. He'll be fine." And I get what they're trying to 00:46:20.04\00:46:24.65 say, but the pushback inside of me says, "Yeah, but... I have no 00:46:24.65\00:46:35.59 cross now. I have no mission now. I don't go about my father's business now. 00:46:35.59\00:46:40.63 I go on vacation now. How awful." [ Laughter ] 00:46:40.63\00:46:49.07 Man. I have to assume He means me. Every ounce of my life 00:46:49.07\00:46:57.38 and every line of that imperative. Deny yourself. 00:46:57.38\00:47:01.38 Take up your cross. Get close behind me. And I have to then 00:47:01.38\00:47:07.79 believe that he means I must obey the command that He has 00:47:07.79\00:47:13.93 just given. And by the way, it's not only me. I have to believe 00:47:13.93\00:47:16.90 that He means you. Every line of that command is for you, and you 00:47:16.90\00:47:22.30 have to obey it just as much as I do. Nobody's going through life now, "Well, I guess that's 00:47:22.30\00:47:28.78 done." It's not done. I think of this nation. How are we going to 00:47:28.78\00:47:33.65 reach America in this generation? I'm not going to just sit here and let other 00:47:33.65\00:47:38.15 people figure that out. I have to do something about it. I can't just twiddle my thumbs. 00:47:38.15\00:47:47.30 There's a cross to bear. It may not be pleasant. It may not be 00:47:47.30\00:47:53.87 what I ordered for myself, but it's what he assigned to me. You will bear that cross. 00:47:53.87\00:48:00.58 Up tight, get close. Get close. You're falling back. Come here. 00:48:00.58\00:48:07.18 Hang on to me. I have to find that cross. Or it'll find me. 00:48:07.18\00:48:14.52 We still have to take the truth about the Maker of All Things loves and wants me to the nation 00:48:14.52\00:48:18.39 and to the Earth. The Maker of All Things, who is soon to 00:48:18.39\00:48:22.96 return. Do I not have a responsibility to Him? Excuse me. Do you not have 00:48:22.96\00:48:27.50 a responsibility to Him? Oh, yes, you do. Oh, yes, you do. 00:48:27.50\00:48:35.14 We're all in this together, guys. Because the one who tries 00:48:35.14\00:48:41.28 to save his life will lose it. But the one who loses his life for me and for the gospel 00:48:41.28\00:48:50.19 will save it. I want to end with an altar call by telling you a 00:48:50.19\00:48:57.80 story. The 19-year-old college student from a well-heeled family, for part of his 00:48:57.80\00:49:02.87 education, was to visit all the capital cities of Europe. So the boy, the 19-year-old, 00:49:02.87\00:49:08.34 is standing today in a Dusseldorf, Germany, art 00:49:08.34\00:49:15.32 gallery. He's been gripped by Doménikos Ecce Homo oil painting. Ecce Homo, Latin. 00:49:15.32\00:49:23.12 "Behold the man." He's gazing into those tortured eyes. 00:49:23.12\00:49:29.30 Crown of thorns. Just a bust. Rendition. 00:49:29.30\00:49:34.57 Mesmerized by it. Eventually, he drops his eyes to the bottom of 00:49:34.57\00:49:40.14 the painting, and he sees an inscription there with these words. "All this I have done for 00:49:40.14\00:49:50.75 thee. What doest thou for me?" 00:49:50.75\00:49:54.92 And his heart is broken. His life has changed. 19 years old, 00:49:58.03\00:50:06.03 guys. His life has changed. He goes back to his home. He gathers other young teens 00:50:06.03\00:50:11.47 around him and young adults. He shares the vision. They band 00:50:11.47\00:50:19.15 together. First, they call themselves the Order of the Mustard Seed. But, eventually, 00:50:19.15\00:50:24.72 that band of young radical disciples became, in time, the greatest missionary movement 00:50:24.72\00:50:31.76 in the history of Christianity. The Moravians. Young Count 00:50:31.76\00:50:38.23 Nikolaus von Zinzendorf, their founder. As Nicholas' 00:50:38.23\00:50:46.51 biographer, A.J. Lewis, put it this way, speaking of that art 00:50:46.51\00:50:50.78 gallery moment... He made a decision. This is the cross. 00:51:09.10\00:51:17.17 I'll bear it. Let me fellowship with you in your sufferings. And the human race was changed. 00:51:17.17\00:51:25.51 Because of a 19-year-old who said, "I'll follow close behind 00:51:25.51\00:51:32.25 you." Ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, I want to follow close behind 00:51:32.25\00:51:37.06 Jesus, don't you? Come on. What else are we living for? 00:51:37.06\00:51:43.60 So I invite you today to go on record before Heaven and the 00:51:43.60\00:51:49.14 unseen witnesses who are in this space. You're not doing it for me. You're not doing it because 00:51:49.14\00:51:54.78 it's the end of the semester. You're doing it because you're 00:51:54.78\00:51:58.95 under conviction. You, too, need to deny yourself. Take up your cross and tightly follow behind 00:51:58.95\00:52:09.62 Jesus. I need to go on record before the same witnesses myself. There's a sea change 00:52:09.62\00:52:15.40 coming in my own life. But it's not going to change this truth. 00:52:15.40\00:52:21.14 The Lord of Calvary that calls me to follow tightly behind Him 00:52:21.34\00:52:24.94 with my own cross means business. 00:52:24.94\00:52:30.38 And I mean to stay as close to Him, until He comes, as 00:52:30.38\00:52:33.28 is humanly possible. Whatever that means, I mean it. 00:52:33.28\00:52:39.89 You want to stand with me today? This is not 00:52:39.89\00:52:42.26 just a moment to exercise. This is a moment 00:52:42.26\00:52:44.36 to say -- 'cause the witnesses are jotting it down -- 00:52:44.36\00:52:47.50 "She stood. Look at that. He stood. Look at that. 00:52:47.50\00:52:50.83 Put it down, Gabriel. Put it down. 00:52:50.83\00:52:53.80 The boy's standing." 00:52:53.80\00:52:55.87 Holy Spirit says, "Okay, move in. I'm moving in now. 00:52:56.07\00:52:59.31 Because I'm not letting him think this was just standing before he can get out of 00:52:59.31\00:53:03.51 the building. This is standing because I asked him to stand 00:53:03.51\00:53:06.31 and I'm not going to let him forget that he stood." And you 00:53:06.31\00:53:11.75 and I will stand together. We will stand together. And one 00:53:11.75\00:53:20.96 day, we will sing total praise. And, remember, that, on that day, we stood together with 00:53:20.96\00:53:30.61 Jesus. It's a beautiful, beautiful hymn. 00:53:30.61\00:53:34.38 Just three short stanzas. Let's sing it right now. Let's just 00:53:34.38\00:53:37.88 cut right to that hymn, please. 00:53:37.88\00:53:40.32 ¤¤ 00:53:40.52\00:53:47.66 >> O Jesus with joy, we'll cast our golden crown. at Your 00:55:35.93\00:55:46.17 nail-scarred feet. And Your dear name, we will repeat over and over and over again. 00:55:46.17\00:55:56.05 Total praise. You got us through. We made it. 00:55:56.05\00:56:03.93 Your grace was sufficient. The Maker of All Things loved and 00:56:03.93\00:56:09.06 wanted me to the very last breath. And now here we are with you and each other forever and 00:56:09.06\00:56:18.57 ever. Oh, Jesus, please take note of the decisions we made. Some are watching right 00:56:18.57\00:56:22.61 now somewhere on this planet. Take note of the decisions they 00:56:22.61\00:56:29.58 have made. And by the grace of the Maker of All Things, who loves and wants us, let us go 00:56:29.58\00:56:37.46 forth, confident that, indeed, the best is yet to come. With a cross on our shoulder -- 00:56:37.46\00:56:47.40 crucifixion. We get it. But then, eternity with you. 00:56:47.40\00:56:55.04 May not one of us standing before you now be missing on 00:56:55.04\00:57:00.05 that glad day. I humbly pray. Amen. 00:57:00.05\00:57:03.55 >> Thank you for taking the time to join us in worship today. 00:57:06.52\00:57:08.92 I'd like to spend another moment with you here at the end of our 00:57:08.92\00:57:11.43 program to share a word of hope. In fact, that's what this little 00:57:11.43\00:57:13.96 book is all about. In these uncertain times, and 00:57:13.96\00:57:16.16 let's face it, they're uncertain all over this planet. 00:57:16.16\00:57:18.87 This book entitled, "The Great Hope," will help you 00:57:18.87\00:57:21.40 understand not just what God has planned for your future, but for 00:57:21.40\00:57:24.51 the future of the entire human race. 00:57:24.51\00:57:27.01 Light keeps shining on this dark old world and new truths long 00:57:27.01\00:57:30.15 forgotten are being constantly rediscovered. 00:57:30.15\00:57:32.81 If you need a fresh dose of hope for your life these days or you 00:57:33.01\00:57:35.88 know somebody else who could sure use that gift of hope, then 00:57:35.88\00:57:38.72 I'd like to invite you to grab your phone, dial our toll-free 00:57:38.72\00:57:41.62 number, 877, the two words HIS WILL -- 877-HIS-WILL -- 00:57:41.62\00:57:46.83 and at no charge to you, we'll get a copy in the mail to you 00:57:46.83\00:57:49.83 right way. Till the next time we meet, may 00:57:49.83\00:57:52.87 the peace and hope of the Lord Jesus be with you 24/7. 00:57:52.87\00:57:57.04 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:57:59.71\00:58:17.76 ¤¤ 00:58:17.76\00:58:26.53