¤¤ 00:00:01.46\00:00:11.17 >> Let's pray. Father, we're honored to worship 00:00:13.78\00:00:19.01 You, to continue in worship now. Thank you for being -- 00:00:19.01\00:00:24.82 Through the songs, through the worship, 00:00:24.82\00:00:27.79 through the preaching of your word, 00:00:27.79\00:00:31.66 we commit this time to You. And thank You for being with 00:00:31.66\00:00:33.43 everybody that's watching online and all those 00:00:33.43\00:00:35.96 that are gathered here as well. We thank you in Jesus' name. 00:00:35.96\00:00:38.67 Amen. >> Amen. 00:00:38.67\00:00:42.10 I invite the congregation to sing with us 00:00:42.10\00:00:44.17 as we sing our opening song. 00:00:44.17\00:00:46.31 [ "Ancient of Days" begins ] 00:00:48.11\00:00:51.05 [ "We Fall Down" begins ] 00:06:01.76\00:06:04.69 >> It is now prayer time, and I invite the congregation 00:07:03.89\00:07:06.86 to come forward if you have anything special on your heart 00:07:06.86\00:07:09.59 that you want to tell God. So come forward as we sing 00:07:09.59\00:07:13.33 this next verse. 00:07:13.33\00:07:14.93 >> Amen. >> Amen. 00:13:22.60\00:13:24.97 >> Once again, good morning and happy Sabbath, Pioneer. 00:13:27.34\00:13:31.37 Today's scripture is found in Isaiah 60-1:3. 00:13:31.37\00:13:36.78 "Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the 00:13:36.78\00:13:42.15 Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth 00:13:42.15\00:13:46.32 and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises 00:13:46.32\00:13:50.63 upon you and his glory appears over you. 00:13:50.63\00:13:53.76 Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of 00:13:53.76\00:13:58.73 your dawn. Please join us in singing 00:13:58.73\00:14:01.10 "Ancient Words." Gentlemen, please join me 00:14:01.10\00:14:03.71 in the first verse. Ladies, please join them 00:14:03.71\00:14:06.41 in the second verse. [ "Ancient Words" begins ] 00:14:06.41\00:14:11.01 >> Ancient words. Ever true. Changing me and changing you. 00:17:40.66\00:17:49.53 That was beautiful. I love that song. Well, God, that really is 00:17:49.53\00:17:56.67 my prayer, all of our prayer. Ancient words? Got that. Ever true? We believe it. 00:17:56.67\00:18:06.45 Changing me? Please. And changing all these youths that 00:18:06.45\00:18:15.69 are here. In the name of Jesus. Amen. 00:18:15.69\00:18:19.63 "Mission: Impossible (Maybe)." Where did that maybe come from? "Born for Battle -- The Saga of 00:18:23.03\00:18:31.01 a Peace-loving People." Here's a question. What is it that makes 00:18:31.01\00:18:38.35 this mission so impossible? Well, let me try it. 00:18:38.35\00:18:48.82 The answer, that is. Washington Post 10 days ago, 00:18:48.86\00:18:53.53 I read "The medevac helicopter carrying a pilot, 00:18:53.53\00:18:57.77 the patient, two companions, and a nurse 00:18:57.77\00:19:01.30 was flying to a hospital in Brooke's Point in Palawan, 00:19:01.30\00:19:04.64 an island off the coast of the Philippines, 00:19:04.64\00:19:06.57 when all contact with the aircraft was lost." 00:19:06.57\00:19:10.65 You may have heard of this. "Subsequent discovery of 00:19:10.65\00:19:13.72 wreckage from the helicopter on the surface of the sea 00:19:13.72\00:19:16.92 has led authorities to believe all five occupants 00:19:16.92\00:19:19.29 perished in the crash. The search and recovery mission 00:19:19.29\00:19:23.22 continues." 00:19:23.22\00:19:27.23 One early morning this week, Karen and I got a text from our 00:19:27.23\00:19:34.00 friend Ann Hamel. Ann is a practicing psychologist who serves the General Conference of 00:19:34.00\00:19:38.71 Seventh-day Adventists as a counselor, as a mentor, as a companion to Seventh-day 00:19:38.71\00:19:47.22 Adventist missionaries in every corner of this planet. She said, 00:19:47.22\00:19:56.93 "Pray." And we have been. Aboard that medevac chopper was a young 00:19:56.93\00:20:01.00 Seventh-day Adventist nurse who has been serving the peoples of 00:20:01.00\00:20:08.27 her island. She's learned their language. It's not Tagalog. It's 00:20:08.27\00:20:12.21 a unique language to those peoples. Janelle Alder is an Adventist Frontier Missions 00:20:12.21\00:20:22.28 missionary. The pilot, young pilot, American as well, 00:20:22.28\00:20:30.56 from California -- Seventh-day Adventist. Missing. 00:20:30.56\00:20:37.13 So Ann flew over there. Why? Because the missionaries there 00:20:37.13\00:20:41.50 are grieving. What's our next step now? Somehow speak to their -- their broken hearts. 00:20:41.50\00:20:49.78 Janelle's parents have flown there, hoping against hope. I want to play a video clip. 00:20:49.78\00:20:57.52 As it turns out, AFM -- Adventist Frontier Missions -- 00:20:57.52\00:21:02.86 did an interview, a video interview with Janelle on the island. I want to play just the 00:21:02.86\00:21:08.63 first 60 seconds of the interview. You can go to the AFM website and you can watch it 00:21:08.63\00:21:14.44 in its entirety. Let's roll this piece. 00:21:14.44\00:21:18.24 >> Here at the clinic, we see a lot of different health 00:21:25.65\00:21:29.98 disorders or health needs. 00:21:29.98\00:21:31.12 Because it's a tropical environment, we see a lot of 00:21:31.15\00:21:34.46 fungal infections. Of course, we see a lot of 00:21:34.46\00:21:36.79 respiratory infections, urine infections, 00:21:36.79\00:21:41.30 cuts and wounds. 00:21:41.30\00:21:43.43 Really, we see almost everything. There are a lot of 00:21:43.47\00:21:50.14 more far-out villages that a lot of times, parents will bring 00:21:50.14\00:21:54.58 their kids like three, four hours away sometimes to receive help. And when they have a fever 00:21:54.58\00:21:59.55 in the middle of the night, it's not very easy to send them out 00:21:59.55\00:22:03.82 to the hospital, which is another two-hour hike. So it's helpful that we can be a center 00:22:03.82\00:22:10.16 here for Mantalingajan but also for all of the other villages that are more far out. They can 00:22:10.16\00:22:14.56 come to us for help, and then we have an opportunity to share the 00:22:14.56\00:22:18.90 gospel with them. >> God bless that young nurse and young pilot 00:22:23.37\00:22:29.61 who were faithful to death. Faithful unto death. I repeat -- 00:22:29.61\00:22:37.85 Do you know what the impossible means when we say impossible mission? "Mission: Impossible." 00:22:37.85\00:22:47.83 As Janelle Alder's tragic death reminds us, ours is a mission to 00:22:47.83\00:22:53.57 all the world. Doesn't matter how difficult the terrain, doesn't matter how -- how 00:22:53.57\00:23:00.78 dangerous the topography. How difficult mastering the language might be. When Jesus said, 00:23:00.78\00:23:06.35 "Go into all the world," that was not an option. You already 00:23:06.35\00:23:11.25 know that. If Jesus is your Lord and Savior, and He is, or you 00:23:11.25\00:23:15.52 wouldn't be here, it's the command you and I live with day and night. "Into all the world. 00:23:15.52\00:23:21.80 Whatever the cost. Go for me." And she did. 00:23:21.80\00:23:28.77 So here we are in this congregation on the campus of a university in this piece 00:23:28.77\00:23:34.44 of terra firma, a university raised up once upon a time with 00:23:34.44\00:23:41.98 the name Emmanuel Missionary College. Missionary. It's always 00:23:41.98\00:23:48.66 been our mission. And guess what? Nothing's changed. And that's what's so impossible 00:23:48.66\00:23:54.86 about this mission that you and I have inherited. But 00:23:54.86\00:24:00.10 hallelujah. I got some great news for you. I'm going to give you a sneak preview. 00:24:00.10\00:24:05.01 I want you to take a peek at how this story ends. And it is 00:24:05.01\00:24:11.78 absolutely spectacular. Open your Bible, please, to the last 00:24:11.78\00:24:16.08 book in the Bible, Revelation 18, the last book of the Bible, chapter 18 of Revelation. 00:24:16.08\00:24:21.52 I'm in the New International Version. You got your Bible. 00:24:21.52\00:24:25.26 Let's use it. Revelation 18. Only one line that we'll be 00:24:25.26\00:24:28.80 brooding on together today. Revelation 18:1. Here it goes. "After this I saw another 00:24:28.80\00:24:35.04 angel --" There are three angels that I know fairly well in this 00:24:35.04\00:24:38.74 book. I think of this as the fourth angel. "After this I saw 00:24:38.74\00:24:43.28 another angel coming down from heaven. He had great authority, and the earth was illuminated by 00:24:43.28\00:24:48.88 his splendor." My, oh, my, oh, my. Do you understand the story 00:24:48.88\00:24:53.59 that is embedded in that single line? Let me run it by you one 00:24:53.59\00:24:58.19 more time. "After this, I saw another angel coming down from heaven. He had great authority, 00:24:58.19\00:25:03.30 and the earth was illuminated by his splendor." Now, the Greek 00:25:03.30\00:25:08.60 word for splendor is glory. It means glory. It's the first half 00:25:08.60\00:25:14.44 of "doxology," doxa. That's the word. What's doxology? 00:25:14.44\00:25:18.11 A word of glory to God. So here comes this angel descending from 00:25:18.11\00:25:26.72 heaven. Whatever he's up to upon his arrival, what we know is the 00:25:26.72\00:25:32.59 moment he arrives it's just this -- pshew! -- just this nuclear white. You remember those black 00:25:32.59\00:25:36.97 -- Come on. You've seen them. The black-and-white newsreel clips out of Los Alamos, 00:25:36.97\00:25:40.67 New Mexico, where they were experimenting with the atomic bomb and it just went white, you 00:25:40.67\00:25:45.47 remember, and then went black? That's what happens. This angel's descending. 00:25:45.47\00:25:50.31 Well, we can understand the light part. Obviously he's come 00:25:50.31\00:25:54.52 from the kingdom of light, from the very throne room -- shew! 00:25:54.52\00:25:59.19 Pssh! And the whole planet bathed in light. I've got to 00:25:59.19\00:26:05.73 tell you, there's no light in the angel. The angel has no light. Because the angel's like 00:26:05.73\00:26:12.17 you. The angel's like me. Any light we get is reflected. And I'm also going to tell you, 00:26:12.17\00:26:18.91 this has been one wonderful week to be running early in the morning because the moon has 00:26:18.91\00:26:23.35 been full. There's a special name for the march full moon. 00:26:23.35\00:26:25.71 I don't remember what it was, but I'm telling you, it was absolutely spectacular. 00:26:25.71\00:26:30.12 That white orb just smiling down in the dark. You know what? 00:26:30.12\00:26:37.43 You can go to the moon, look inside, there's not a drop -- There's not a ray of light. 00:26:37.43\00:26:40.60 There's nothing inside of it. It's just a piece of rock. Why 00:26:40.60\00:26:44.70 is it so white and beautiful? Because the sun shines on it. This angel comes down. 00:26:44.70\00:26:53.04 Why is all that light? Because the Son -- S-O-N -- shines on 00:26:53.04\00:26:59.58 the angel. My, oh, my. Well, we shouldn't be surprised that the author of Revelation 00:26:59.58\00:27:06.42 also wrote the fourth gospel, and he opens the gospel this 00:27:06.42\00:27:09.79 way. Everybody knows these words. Come on. "In the beginning was the Word, 00:27:09.79\00:27:12.89 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." Keep reading. 00:27:12.89\00:27:16.00 "He existed in the beginning with God. God created everything 00:27:16.00\00:27:20.10 through him, and nothing was created except through him. The 00:27:20.10\00:27:24.71 Word gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought --" What? "Brought light 00:27:24.71\00:27:29.54 to everyone." Keep reading. "And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has 00:27:29.54\00:27:34.58 not --" Hallelujah. It has not overcome it. An angel will 00:27:34.58\00:27:40.56 descend to this planet one day, sooner than we think, and when 00:27:40.56\00:27:44.56 he enters our atmosphere -- pssh -- white light. Wow. 00:27:44.56\00:27:52.17 My, I told you this thing ends with spectacular glory. Whew. 00:27:52.17\00:27:59.84 All of which, of course, is the point we're making. Revelation 00:27:59.84\00:28:06.82 18:1 is none other than that explosion of glory just before Jesus returns. And even if it's 00:28:06.82\00:28:15.19 only for a singular moment, I get it. Not everybody's going to embrace that light and receive 00:28:15.19\00:28:21.56 the healing that it offers. No, I understand that. But in the 00:28:21.56\00:28:25.80 words of Camelot, for one brief shining moment, the light will pierce the darkness and the 00:28:25.80\00:28:32.74 earth -- the entire earth will be illuminated with His glory. 00:28:32.74\00:28:40.05 Mmm. But you think about it. I mean, come on. Why are we so 00:28:40.05\00:28:45.55 surprised? Can you imagine Jesus issuing the command as he has to you and me "Go into all the 00:28:45.55\00:28:50.09 world and make disciples of all nations" -- Why in the world 00:28:50.09\00:28:54.93 would he issue the command if, in fact, that command could not be completely fulfilled? 00:28:54.93\00:29:00.37 Come on. The whole world. And by the way, it's not like God hasn't been sending us hints 00:29:00.37\00:29:07.98 from the very fall of the human race. Take the first missionary, 00:29:07.98\00:29:11.71 since we're talking about missionaries, take the first 00:29:11.71\00:29:13.72 missionary, Abraham. Great children's story, Tiago. Well 00:29:13.72\00:29:17.75 done. Let's talk about Abraham. What does God say to the first 00:29:17.75\00:29:21.26 missionary? "I will make you," Abraham, "into a great nation, and I will bless you; and 00:29:21.26\00:29:24.33 I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing... and all peoples on earth --" 00:29:24.33\00:29:28.66 How many peoples on earth? All peoples, Palawan included. "All 00:29:28.66\00:29:33.60 peoples on earth will be blessed through you." Global domination. 00:29:33.60\00:29:42.81 In the end. Our scripture reading, we just read it a moment ago. Isaiah 60. 00:29:42.81\00:29:45.75 "Arise and shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. 00:29:45.75\00:29:50.25 See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the 00:29:50.25\00:29:53.96 peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your 00:29:53.96\00:29:59.49 light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn." Mercy. 00:29:59.49\00:30:04.93 How pervasive is this? Ooh, the minor prophet Habakkuk doesn't 00:30:04.93\00:30:10.04 leave us guessing. Come on. Habakkuk 2:14. "For the earth will be filled with the 00:30:10.04\00:30:14.61 knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the 00:30:14.61\00:30:19.51 sea." Come on. Old Testament is not going to end with one more reminder. There will be 00:30:19.51\00:30:23.49 a spectacular finale. Janelle Alder did not die in vain. 00:30:23.49\00:30:29.59 Last line in the Old Testament. Malachi 1:11. "My name will be 00:30:29.59\00:30:34.93 great among the nations, from where the sun rises to where it 00:30:34.93\00:30:40.67 sets." Those are my two homelands. It rises every day in Japan and sets every day in 00:30:40.67\00:30:45.14 America. Look at that. And every nation in between. God continues, "In every place 00:30:45.14\00:30:50.15 incense and pure offerings will be brought to Me, because My 00:30:50.15\00:30:54.05 name will be great among the nations,'" says the Lord of Hosts, the Lord Almighty. 00:30:54.05\00:30:57.85 And look how Jesus, when the Lord of Hosts becomes flesh, look how Jesus concurs 00:30:57.85\00:31:03.96 with the Old Testament witness. He has standing in front of him 00:31:03.96\00:31:08.13 right now a pagan Roman warrior. And the centurion says to him, "I understand authority. 00:31:08.13\00:31:17.34 I'm a man under authority. I say to one servant, and he goes, 00:31:17.34\00:31:21.98 another, come. So I'm asking you, just speak the word. My servant is dying at home. 00:31:21.98\00:31:27.05 Speak the Word and my servant will be healed." Jesus, his eyes 00:31:27.05\00:31:31.89 widen and he turns to all the Jews standing around him. And he 00:31:31.89\00:31:37.26 says to them, "I have never in Israel seen such faith as this 00:31:37.26\00:31:44.27 pagan warrior." And then he speaks these words, acknowledging what he's been 00:31:44.27\00:31:48.54 saying all through the Old Testament. "I say to you that many will come from the sunrise 00:31:48.54\00:31:53.21 from the east and the west and the sunset, and they will take their places at the feast with 00:31:53.21\00:31:58.71 Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of Heaven." 00:31:58.71\00:32:02.62 Man, oh, man. You know 00:32:02.65\00:32:05.39 how expansive this mission is? Look at Paul, 00:32:05.39\00:32:08.26 a follower with the sunlight that blinded him. 00:32:08.26\00:32:11.86 Paul, a follower of the Lord Jesus. Notice how Paul describes 00:32:11.89\00:32:15.96 the extent of his mission. Colossians 1:23. "This is the 00:32:15.96\00:32:20.54 gospel that you heard and that has been proclaimed to every creature under heaven --" 00:32:20.54\00:32:24.81 Are you serious, Paul? Yep. "Every creature under heaven." Now, look, there's probably 00:32:24.81\00:32:29.41 a little bit of hyperbole here. But Paul is looking into the future and he's prophesying, 00:32:29.41\00:32:36.72 predicting that one day every creature under heaven will hear that gospel "of which 00:32:36.72\00:32:41.72 I, Paul, have become a servant." And when that day comes and King 00:32:41.72\00:32:48.93 Jesus is crowned before the universe, what will happen then? Paul says, in Philippians 2, 00:32:48.93\00:32:53.00 Paul says don't ever forget that, "At the name of Jesus, every knee should bow, in heaven 00:32:53.00\00:32:59.31 and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is 00:32:59.31\00:33:06.08 Lord, to the glory of God, the Father." My, oh, my, oh, my. 00:33:06.08\00:33:11.15 Hallelujah is right. 00:33:11.15\00:33:13.32 What did we just read? "After this, I saw another angel 00:33:13.36\00:33:17.56 coming down from heaven. And he had great authority, 00:33:17.56\00:33:21.06 and the earth was illuminated by his splendor." 00:33:21.06\00:33:28.40 Janelle Alder gave her life to fulfill Jesus's mission 00:33:28.40\00:33:32.37 and hasten his coming. 00:33:32.37\00:33:33.64 "Mission: Impossible"? Never. Never. I love this line 00:33:33.68\00:33:39.28 from Hudson Taylor, that intrepid missionary to China a century and a half ago. 00:33:39.28\00:33:44.22 Oh, this line is a keeper. I'll leave it up so you can get it. 00:33:44.22\00:33:47.42 "There are three stages of every work of God. First, it's 00:33:47.42\00:33:53.86 impossible, then it's difficult, then it's done." Isn't that 00:33:53.86\00:33:58.87 good? Come on. "First, it's impossible, then it's difficult, 00:33:58.87\00:34:03.34 then it's done." Of course it's impossible. What did you think 00:34:03.34\00:34:07.48 it was going to be, namby pamby? When God writes the last chapter of his story on this planet? 00:34:07.48\00:34:16.58 That's why what I'm about to share with you is such a moving 00:34:16.58\00:34:21.12 line for me, and I've memorized it. "Servants of God, with their faces lighted up and shining 00:34:21.12\00:34:27.93 with holy consecration, will hasten from place to place, 00:34:27.93\00:34:33.20 proclaiming the message from heaven." Oh, I love that. Hasn't 00:34:33.20\00:34:37.94 happened yet. It's going to happen. I'll put that on the 00:34:37.94\00:34:40.58 screen for you. Come on. This is "Great Controversy," page 612. 00:34:40.58\00:34:43.21 "Servants of God --" By the way, notice it does not read "clergy 00:34:43.21\00:34:46.85 of God." I have a clergy friend who's visiting here from another 00:34:46.85\00:34:50.32 denomination. We've been friends for 10 years. He said, "Dwight, 00:34:50.32\00:34:53.09 I've got to get there before you leave." And he's here today. You're sitting by him. 00:34:53.09\00:34:56.96 All right, "Servants of God." It doesn't say "clergy of God." 00:34:56.96\00:35:01.00 "Servants of God," that's you and me. If Jesus is our master, we are his servants. 00:35:01.00\00:35:05.00 "Servants of God, with their faces lighted up and shining with holy consecration, 00:35:05.00\00:35:09.00 will hasten from place to place to proclaim the message from 00:35:09.00\00:35:13.61 heaven." I want to be one of those servants, don't you? Oh, I 00:35:13.61\00:35:16.68 do. I want to be one of those servants. Come on. 00:35:16.68\00:35:20.28 You know what's going on here? I'll tell you what's going on. What this is about. 00:35:20.28\00:35:23.69 This is the final revival and reformation that will sweep through the Church and push the 00:35:23.69\00:35:29.42 Church into the world one last time. That's what's going on 00:35:29.42\00:35:32.93 here. How do you know that, Dwight? Because of the powerhouse sentence that 00:35:32.93\00:35:36.40 precedes this. Let me share it with you. "The angel who unites in the proclamation 00:35:36.40\00:35:39.67 of the third angel's message --" That would be Revelation 18:1. We've just read it. 00:35:39.67\00:35:43.54 This angel "is to lighten the whole earth with his glory." We 00:35:43.54\00:35:47.61 got it. We've read that twice now. "A work of world-wide extent and unwonted --" That 00:35:47.61\00:35:55.75 word, I had to look it up myself. Unwonted means unusual, 00:35:55.75\00:35:59.62 uncommon. "A work of world-wide extent and unusual, uncommon power is here foretold." 00:35:59.62\00:36:07.20 My, oh, my, oh, my. Something's coming down this pike. 00:36:07.20\00:36:14.54 And there will be an explosion of glory on this planet one day. 00:36:14.54\00:36:19.81 Whew. Talking about global domination for Christ. Keep 00:36:19.81\00:36:22.54 reading. "The great work of the gospel is not to close with less manifestation of the power 00:36:22.54\00:36:27.02 of God than marked its opening." That would be talking about Pentecost, the story of Acts. 00:36:27.02\00:36:31.55 Man, that's pretty powerful, in my humble opinion. It won't be 00:36:31.55\00:36:35.46 any less powerful at the end. That's in the beginning of 00:36:35.46\00:36:37.79 Christianity. This will be at the end. Nope. Keep reading. "The prophecies which were 00:36:37.79\00:36:42.46 fulfilled in the outpouring of the former rain at the opening of the Gospel --" Pentecost. 00:36:42.46\00:36:49.10 I got to tell you, the writers of the New Testament and Old 00:36:49.10\00:36:54.31 Testament live in a basically agrarian society. Farming, farming, farming. And every 00:36:54.31\00:37:00.25 farmer in Palestine and every reader in Palestine knows that as soon as you plant the seed, 00:37:00.25\00:37:03.92 you're going to need some rain. It's called the the autumn 00:37:03.92\00:37:07.42 rains. They refer to them as the early rains. The rain has to 00:37:07.42\00:37:10.76 help the seed germinate and sprout up and grow and green, green, green. Then at the end, 00:37:10.76\00:37:15.06 just before the harvest, there is a second rainfall. This is 00:37:15.06\00:37:18.90 the early rain at the planting of the seed. The second rainfall 00:37:18.90\00:37:23.30 is the later rain, or we call it the latter rain, the Bible does, and there's a final burst of 00:37:23.30\00:37:28.51 growth in that grain until the end. It's harvested. They need that last rainfall. 00:37:28.51\00:37:35.72 So the Bible has embraced that metaphor. "The prophecies which 00:37:35.72\00:37:40.19 were fulfilled in the outpouring of the former rain at the opening of the Gospel," 00:37:40.19\00:37:43.36 the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, "are again 00:37:43.36\00:37:47.03 to be fulfilled in the latter rain at its close [before Jesus' return]." For several Sabbaths 00:37:47.03\00:37:54.24 now -- Come on. You know you and I have been talking about 00:37:54.24\00:37:57.34 revival and reformation. Yes, we have. We've been talking 00:37:57.34\00:37:59.87 very carefully one to another. And we have agreed -- I know we have -- that revival in 00:37:59.87\00:38:04.71 and of itself is insufficient. We have noted that the whole divine purpose of a revival 00:38:04.71\00:38:12.89 is to always push us toward reformation. What's reformation? 00:38:12.89\00:38:16.29 It's the reforming and the changing and the growing of my 00:38:16.29\00:38:20.33 heart and my life. There needs to be a reformation. It's for the growing and reforming 00:38:20.33\00:38:27.44 of our collective heart. And whenever that revival falls upon 00:38:27.44\00:38:38.15 a faith community, the Holy Spirit immediately is pushing the church. "Come on, get out, 00:38:38.15\00:38:40.82 get out, get out, get out!" This is not about sitting in a circle, humming Kumbaya 00:38:40.82\00:38:45.59 and holding hands. No. Out. The whole purpose is to push us 00:38:45.59\00:38:52.29 out. In fact, there's a prayer that I like to pray. 00:38:52.29\00:38:57.33 And I'll share it with you here. It's no spectacular prayer. But 00:38:57.33\00:39:04.07 it goes like this. "O God --" help me, "Help us help you save the world for Christ." 00:39:04.07\00:39:12.28 That's it. It's very simple prayer. "Help us help you 00:39:12.28\00:39:18.69 save the world for Christ." We can't save a single human being. 00:39:18.69\00:39:24.59 So help us help you save the world. That's what Janelle Alder 00:39:24.59\00:39:28.90 was doing. "Help me help you save Palawan for Christ." 00:39:28.90\00:39:36.81 Wow. It's the very prayer the disciples were praying in the 00:39:36.81\00:39:40.31 upper room. We started this whole winter series together 00:39:40.31\00:39:43.95 in that upper room in Acts 4. I want to go back to that prayer 00:39:43.95\00:39:46.45 because it's such a powerful prayer. Here it is. Acts 00:39:46.45\00:39:49.95 4:29-30. "'Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your 00:39:49.95\00:39:54.72 servants to speak your word with great boldness.'" "We're going to kill you, Peter and John. 00:39:54.72\00:39:57.73 If you ever say another word in this man's name, we're going to 00:39:57.73\00:40:00.53 kill you. You understand that? Read our lips." "'Now, Lord, 00:40:00.53\00:40:03.80 consider their threats and enable us to speak your word with great boldness. Stretch out 00:40:03.80\00:40:08.54 your hand --" not our hand. "Stretch out your hand to heal 00:40:08.54\00:40:12.17 and perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy 00:40:12.17\00:40:16.24 servant Jesus.'" In fact, just read. Just read the next line past "Servants of God, with 00:40:18.58\00:40:25.39 their faces lighted up." We'll read it again. "Servants of God, 00:40:25.39\00:40:27.82 with their faces lighted up and shining with holy consecration, will hasten from place 00:40:27.82\00:40:31.76 to place to proclaim the message from heaven." Now, hold on, 00:40:31.76\00:40:35.06 because here it comes. "By thousands of voices --" This is 00:40:35.06\00:40:39.00 not thousands of clergy voices. This is thousands of disciples of Christ's voices. 00:40:39.00\00:40:44.51 "By thousands of voices, all over the earth, the warning will 00:40:44.51\00:40:50.21 be given." Now, notice what happens. "Miracles will be wrought." As it happened here, 00:40:50.21\00:40:55.28 it will happen here just before Jesus returns. "Miracles will be 00:40:55.28\00:40:59.82 wrought," number one. Two, "The sick will be healed," and three, 00:40:59.82\00:41:06.33 "Signs and wonders will follow the believers." It is absolutely appropriate for you and me to 00:41:06.33\00:41:12.10 ask God to stretch forth His hand to heal for His glory. Never for my glory. 00:41:12.10\00:41:18.24 Never because this will draw attention to me. No, no, no, no. 00:41:18.24\00:41:22.31 For you, God. Heal. Stretch forth your hand. It's going to 00:41:22.31\00:41:27.55 happen. "Signs and wonders will follow." Will follow the believers. Oh, and there'll be 00:41:27.55\00:41:34.96 somebody there. Just you -- you can be sure of this. 00:41:34.96\00:41:38.13 Whenever God does something big, copycat demon king Satan himself tries to counterfeit it. 00:41:38.13\00:41:49.07 He'll imitate it. He'll fake it. So I'm not surprised with this 00:41:49.07\00:41:55.71 last sentence. "Satan also works with lying wonders, 00:41:55.71\00:42:00.38 even bringing down fire from heaven in the sight of men" and 00:42:00.38\00:42:05.49 women, faking like he's Elijah. That's a quote from Revelation 00:42:05.49\00:42:09.52 13:13. "Thus," final sentence, "the inhabitants of the earth will be brought to take 00:42:09.52\00:42:14.60 their stand." Pssh! Glory to the whole planet. 00:42:14.60\00:42:22.67 And every man, woman, and child makes a decision now. Now. 00:42:22.67\00:42:27.21 This is the only one you've got. It's now. The entire human race. 00:42:27.21\00:42:32.75 Well, I believe that in the great Revelation 18:1 revival and reformation to come 00:42:36.15\00:42:42.42 that will sweep this planet, I believe, number one, that the 00:42:42.42\00:42:47.86 same boldness of those disciples long ago that empowered their witness for Christ will be 00:42:47.86\00:42:52.33 granted to all who pray that same prayer. "Grant your servants boldness." 00:42:52.33\00:42:57.14 Number one, I believe that. Number two, I believe that the same signs and wonders that 00:42:57.14\00:43:01.48 those first disciples prayed for will be repeated one day. The same signs and wonders, 00:43:01.48\00:43:06.31 not the signs and wonders of any disciple. It's the signs and 00:43:06.31\00:43:09.45 wonders that the God of the universe who shows up to affirm and confirm "What she says is 00:43:09.45\00:43:18.76 truth." This can't be done. It can't be imitated. 00:43:18.76\00:43:25.53 Oh. I believe, number three, that the same motivation 00:43:25.53\00:43:29.77 of the first disciples to seek the outpouring of heaven for the 00:43:29.77\00:43:35.14 sake of seeking and saving the lost. And by the way, that's what drove our Lord Jesus 00:43:35.14\00:43:38.45 all the way through his life. "The Son of Man came to seek and save the lost," Luke 19:10. 00:43:38.45\00:43:42.18 That which drove him will drive the servants, the friends, the disciples, you and me 00:43:42.18\00:43:49.06 down here. Down here at the end. But I'm going to add 00:43:49.06\00:43:53.83 a fourth one. And I really believe this one too. 00:43:53.83\00:43:57.83 I believe that as it was in the beginning, when heaven's shock 00:43:57.83\00:44:01.97 troops -- you know what shock troops are? It's a military term. It's the soldiers 00:44:01.97\00:44:06.61 they put in the very front. They're the advance guard The rest of the army is 00:44:06.61\00:44:11.35 following behind the shock troops. I believe that even as 00:44:11.35\00:44:14.65 heaven chose for its shock troops in the book of Acts a band dominantly comprised 00:44:14.65\00:44:21.72 of the young -- John boy, young Steven, young Saul, the young 00:44:21.72\00:44:30.37 apostles. I believe even so, at the end. Oh, by the way, even as it was in this movement 00:44:30.37\00:44:36.04 for whom this church is called Pioneer Memorial Church, they were dominantly young, 00:44:36.04\00:44:42.51 all of them. I believe even in the end for the shock troops' 00:44:42.51\00:44:49.42 final spiritual assault on this planet, they'll be the young 00:44:49.42\00:44:56.66 again. They will be the young again. Did you notice how old 00:44:56.66\00:45:03.50 Janelle was? The helicopter pilot? You didn't see him. Not 00:45:03.50\00:45:08.54 much older. I believe that these young warriors God is raising 00:45:08.54\00:45:15.91 up. you who are young and are willing to be a warrior for him, you are the shock troops. 00:45:15.91\00:45:24.19 I've stayed here all these years. You know why? 00:45:24.19\00:45:27.59 Because I believe what I just said. If I did not believe what 00:45:27.59\00:45:31.73 I just said, I would not have stayed this long. Been plenty of 00:45:31.73\00:45:34.83 chances to work somewhere else. But I've stayed on this campus and in this congregation 00:45:34.83\00:45:41.20 because I'm putting everything in this generation, the young 00:45:41.20\00:45:48.98 poised for God's strategic endgame. I believe with all my heart. [ Applause ] 00:45:48.98\00:45:55.45 Yeah. And I receive your amen that 00:46:01.32\00:46:06.09 you share that same conviction. You may have heard these words 00:46:06.09\00:46:10.00 before -- "Your mission, should you choose to accept it, 00:46:10.00\00:46:14.24 is the mission of this congregation right here." 00:46:14.24\00:46:16.81 It's the mission of this university right here. 00:46:16.81\00:46:20.94 Oh, my. You're about to have a new 00:46:20.94\00:46:24.15 beginning when your new pastor arrives, and they're getting 00:46:24.15\00:46:27.28 close. 00:46:27.28\00:46:29.48 You're about to have a new beginning when your new president drives up. 00:46:29.52\00:46:36.99 And I hope you give to these two new leaders all your 00:46:36.99\00:46:44.03 cooperation, your support, your prayers, your volunteering. "Can 00:46:44.03\00:46:49.27 I do anything? What can I do to help? What can I do to help 00:46:49.27\00:46:54.81 around here?" And that leader will rise up and call you 00:46:54.81\00:46:57.48 blessed. One thing is sure. Unless this congregation... 00:47:00.88\00:47:06.52 ...continues to embrace, and even in a more fervent and passionate way, its mission 00:47:09.66\00:47:16.10 to train and mobilize the young at Ruth Murdoch, at Andrews 00:47:16.10\00:47:22.57 Academy, at Andrews University, this, Revelation 18:1... 00:47:22.57\00:47:28.64 ...will not just happen. It will take the mobilization of this 00:47:32.85\00:47:40.02 generation. There isn't a heart here that doesn't want Jesus to 00:47:46.83\00:47:51.07 come soon. If I said, "Put your hands up if you want Jesus to come soon," every hand will go 00:47:51.07\00:47:53.47 up. Come on. I know. This is an Adventist congregation, after 00:47:53.47\00:47:58.21 all. I'm just saying. Don't you ever let this church veer from 00:47:58.21\00:48:05.88 its mission to train young warriors to seek and save the lost for Christ. Whatever the 00:48:05.88\00:48:13.79 future brings, don't swerve, don't veer from that mission for the university and for the 00:48:13.79\00:48:23.16 congregation. And I really believe Revelation 18:1 declares the best is yet to come. 00:48:23.16\00:48:27.84 I believe that with all my heart, the best is yet to come. 00:48:27.84\00:48:32.97 Come on. Hudson Taylor. What did he say about impossible? 00:48:32.97\00:48:39.61 I'm going to put Taylor on. But first I want to put these words 00:48:39.61\00:48:44.25 somewhere in a book called "Education," which I guess applies to us. "With such an 00:48:44.25\00:48:50.29 army of workers as our youth, rightly trained, might furnish, how soon the message of a 00:48:50.29\00:48:55.43 crucified, risen, and soon-coming Saviour might be carried to the whole world! 00:48:55.43\00:48:59.83 How soon might the end come -- the end of suffering and sorrow 00:48:59.83\00:49:07.44 and sin!" It'll happen. I promise you. It will happen. 00:49:07.44\00:49:12.55 Now, Taylor, tell us one more time. "There are three stages 00:49:12.55\00:49:16.65 of every work of God. First, it's impossible, then it's 00:49:16.65\00:49:22.62 difficult, and then," hallelujah, "it's done." You never quit. Never give up. 00:49:22.62\00:49:30.13 Because then it's done. O, God, I thank you for this people. 00:49:30.13\00:49:37.24 It's been a long winter. And some of us are heading out the door in a few hours to a 00:49:37.24\00:49:45.25 place called Cuba. What was that prayer? "Help us help you save 00:49:45.25\00:49:55.16 the world for Christ." Father, bless these 20, 30 seminarians 00:49:55.16\00:50:03.23 and the pastors who are going from Pioneer. And may we come 00:50:03.23\00:50:12.11 back rejoicing of the testimony of your goodness and your grace. May Cuba never be the same. 00:50:12.11\00:50:19.15 We humbly pray. And, O, God bless this congregation and this 00:50:19.15\00:50:25.52 campus awaiting new leaders to come. Anoint those leaders. 00:50:25.52\00:50:33.33 Prepare them. May we be a people that will surround them and offer them all that we can give 00:50:33.33\00:50:43.14 for this shared mission that we embrace. And Janelle Alder, 00:50:43.14\00:50:52.21 we entrust her to you. Daniel Lui, the chopper pilot, we entrust him to you. 00:50:52.21\00:51:04.76 But one day, they will see that their lives were never in vain. 00:51:04.76\00:51:12.33 The best has come last. And keep all of us on that trajectory 00:51:12.33\00:51:21.08 until Jesus comes. We pray in His name. Amen. 00:51:21.08\00:51:26.28 I want you to pull the hymnal out in front of you. I got a 00:51:26.28\00:51:30.29 photocopy of it right here. There's a beautiful prayer. We're going to sing it 00:51:30.29\00:51:32.95 right now. Come on. Don't jump up. 609. 00:51:32.95\00:51:36.02 Pull out the hymnal in front of you. 609. 00:51:36.02\00:51:40.86 I don't think you and I -- I don't recall you and me ever singing these words together. 00:51:40.86\00:51:45.23 But perhaps we have. But I want you to notice this prayer. 00:51:45.23\00:51:50.64 And while you're finding your hymnal, I want to go to the Connect Card here real quick 00:51:50.64\00:51:54.74 because there's a box number two that I want you to give 00:51:54.74\00:51:58.78 attention to. Text "mission7" to our familiar number, 269-281-2345. You're online or 00:51:58.78\00:52:04.69 you're watching on TV or you're here now. 00:52:04.69\00:52:07.02 "Mission7." My next step today is "I want 00:52:07.06\00:52:09.76 the Revelation 18:1 angel to set my own heart 00:52:09.76\00:52:12.63 ablaze with the prayer: 'Jesus -- please help me help 00:52:12.63\00:52:15.83 You reach my little world for You.'" 00:52:15.83\00:52:18.63 I want to pray that prayer every day. And I invite you to join me 00:52:18.67\00:52:21.80 in praying that prayer. Now, here's the one that I need some 00:52:21.80\00:52:25.27 of you to give careful attention to. "I am interested in becoming 00:52:25.27\00:52:30.48 a missionary -- please pass my name on to Advanced Frontier Missions and the Center for 00:52:30.48\00:52:35.52 Faith Engagement" here on the campus of Andrews University. 00:52:35.52\00:52:38.25 Why? Because I would be willing to consider taking a year out, 00:52:38.25\00:52:44.96 as Janelle did. Taking a year out and serving my king somewhere on this planet. 00:52:44.96\00:52:51.80 "Send my name," because we'll have the electronic information that will reach you. 00:52:51.80\00:52:56.97 "Send my name to either AFM, Adventist Frontier Missions, or the Center for Faith 00:52:56.97\00:53:02.68 Engagement." They'll take it from there. You're not signing 00:53:02.68\00:53:05.85 up for anything, but they'll describe to you the options 00:53:05.85\00:53:09.85 that are available for you if you're young and if you're not 00:53:09.85\00:53:13.29 so young. They take both. The Holy Spirit may be saying in 00:53:13.29\00:53:17.53 your heart, "Come on, girl. Give me a gap year. Come on, boy. 00:53:17.53\00:53:20.86 Give me a gap year. I want that year." You'll come back changed. 00:53:20.86\00:53:24.63 "Give me that year." Just put a check mark there. We'll be in 00:53:24.63\00:53:29.44 touch. They'll be in touch with you. 00:53:29.44\00:53:30.77 Final box -- "I want to follow Jesus 00:53:30.81\00:53:32.64 and be baptized and help Him reach the world now." 00:53:32.64\00:53:35.24 Amen. If you haven't been baptized, 00:53:35.24\00:53:36.91 put a check mark there electronically. 00:53:36.91\00:53:38.35 We'll be back in touch with you for sure. 00:53:38.35\00:53:41.98 Now I want to sing this. You got to look at them -- So they may 00:53:42.02\00:53:46.15 be on the screen, but I want you to look at the words in your hymnal. I'm not going to read 00:53:46.15\00:53:49.96 them to you. They're so profound. You just read them. 00:53:49.96\00:53:52.66 The tune will be so familiar, you'll be able to just concentrate on the words. 00:53:52.66\00:53:57.03 Let's do it. Let's stand together, everybody. It's a very 00:53:57.03\00:53:59.50 short hymn. So let's stand together and just pray these 00:53:59.50\00:54:05.27 words to our Lord. [ :Am I a Soldier of the Cross?" begins ] 00:54:05.31\00:54:09.48 >> Amen. Let's bow our heads 00:56:26.65\00:56:27.88 as we pray for the benediction. Now may the Lord bless you 00:56:27.88\00:56:32.29 and keep you. The Lord make his face shine 00:56:32.29\00:56:35.22 upon you and be gracious unto you. 00:56:35.22\00:56:37.69 The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace 00:56:37.69\00:56:41.46 now and forevermore. 00:56:41.46\00:56:42.83 Let all the church say. Amen. You may be seated. Well, thank 00:56:42.86\00:56:48.40 you once again for worshiping with us here at Pioneer Memorial Church. It's been an honor to 00:56:48.40\00:56:52.41 worship with you. Just a reminder, as you make your way 00:56:52.41\00:56:55.24 out, there's giving baskets where you can drop in your tithes and offerings. 00:56:55.24\00:56:58.61 There's also resources you can grab that will bless you. Till next time, God bless you, 00:56:58.61\00:57:03.79 and we will see you soon. 00:57:03.79\00:57:05.39 >> Think of the last time someone said, 00:57:07.99\00:57:10.93 "I'm praying for you." Did it give you a sense of peace 00:57:10.93\00:57:14.23 and reassurance that somebody cares for me? 00:57:14.23\00:57:16.13 I know how I feel when I get an e-mail 00:57:16.13\00:57:17.97 from one of our viewers saying, "Yo, Dwight, I've been praying 00:57:17.97\00:57:20.14 for you lately." 00:57:20.14\00:57:21.34 There's nothing like knowing someone is praying for you. So I 00:57:21.37\00:57:24.44 want to offer you an opportunity to partner. Let me, let us partner with you in prayer. 00:57:24.44\00:57:28.88 If you have a special prayer request or a praise of 00:57:28.88\00:57:31.68 thanksgiving you'd like to share with us, I'm inviting you to contact one of our friendly 00:57:31.68\00:57:36.12 chaplains. It's simple to do. You can call our toll-free 00:57:36.15\00:57:38.59 number, 877-- The two words HIS-WILL. 00:57:38.59\00:57:40.69 877-HIS-WILL. That friendly voice 00:57:40.69\00:57:43.86 that answers, you tell him, you tell her what your prayer 00:57:43.86\00:57:46.80 need is. We'll join with you in that 00:57:46.80\00:57:49.70 petition. May the God who answers 00:57:49.70\00:57:51.57 prayer journey with you these next few days 00:57:51.57\00:57:53.67 until we're right back here together again next time. 00:57:53.67\00:57:57.04 ¤¤ ¤¤ 00:57:59.27\00:58:18.33 ¤¤ 00:58:18.33\00:58:27.70