Series Code: PHTDP
Program Code: PHTDP190011A
00:11 Welcome to day eleven of, Ten Days of Prayer;
00:15 a prayer strategy from the Revival and Reformation 00:17 initiative of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 00:20 For ten days we've gathered at this same time to pray 00:24 and to praise. 00:25 Some people see prayer as an intimate thing 00:27 to be shared with God alone. 00:30 Others enjoy corporate worship and the power they feel 00:33 of joining with others as they agree for God 00:35 to answer their prayers. 00:36 I believe God simply wants to hear from you. 00:39 So however, wherever, with whomever, just pray. 00:44 And when God answers prayer, be like 00:46 the one grateful leper in Luke 17. 00:49 Out of ten who Jesus healed, 00:51 only one came back to show gratitude. 00:54 Be that person, be that guy. 00:56 Verse 15 says, "And one of them, when he saw that 00:59 he was healed, returned, and with a loud voice glorified God, 01:03 and fell down on his face at His feet, 01:06 giving Him thanks." 01:07 We know how we respond to gratitude, how we respond 01:11 to gratitude and to a thankful heart. 01:14 And I can only imagine that it would go a long way with God. 01:18 In Psalm 34:1-4 it says, "I will bless the LORD 01:24 at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. 01:28 My soul will make its boast in the LORD; 01:30 The humble will hear it and rejoice. 01:33 Oh, magnify the LORD with me, 01:35 and let us exalt His name together." 01:37 And so that's why we're here on this eleventh day. 01:40 Don't think it strange that we're having an 01:43 eleventh day to, Ten Day of Prayer. 01:45 Because the day after is when we give thanks, 01:51 we worship and glorify God for His faithfulness. 01:54 But we continue to pray and continue to seek His face. 01:57 In Psalm 103:1-5 it says, "Bless the LORD, O my soul; 02:02 And all that is within me, bless His holy name! 02:07 Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: 02:11 Who forgives all your iniquities, 02:13 who heals all your diseases, 02:15 who redeems your life from destruction, 02:18 who crowns you with loving-kindness 02:20 and tender mercies, who satisfies your mouth 02:24 with good things, so that your youth 02:27 is renewed like the eagle's." 02:30 So just enjoy for the next 25 minutes 02:35 as we just worship the Lord, 02:38 and we praise Him for His goodness. 02:39 We'll sing... 02:45 ...and we'll thank Him. 02:49 For He is a good God, and worthy to be praised. 02:54 He's given us multiple reasons. 03:00 Oh bless the Lord, oh my soul, 03:05 oh my soul; 03:09 worship His holy name. 03:15 Sing like never before, oh my soul; 03:24 I worship Your holy name. 03:30 Bless the Lord, oh my soul, 03:34 oh my soul; 03:37 worship His holy name. 03:43 Sing like never before, oh my soul; 03:51 I worship Your holy name. 04:00 Lord, we have seen Your mighty hand 04:02 as we have prayed over the past ten days. 04:06 You have shown Yourself faithful, as You always do. 04:13 Lord, You don't disappoint us. 04:18 I can be disappointed by other people who let me down, 04:24 but my trust and my hope is in You, Lord. 04:29 So all the needs and the burdens that I've 04:32 spoken to You in the past ten days of prayer, 04:40 God, I know that You hear them and I know that 04:42 You hold them in Your hand. 04:44 And I know You will answer. 04:47 And Lord, we anticipate now to see 04:51 the great things you will do... 04:54 Your time, in Your way. 05:00 So we lift up Your name and we praise You. 05:08 You are a great God. 05:11 O Lord, my God, when I in awesome wonder 05:18 consider all the worlds Thy hands have made; 05:25 I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder; 05:32 Thy power throughout the universe displayed. 05:39 Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee. 05:47 How great Thou art, how great Thou art. 05:54 Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee. 06:01 How great Thou art, how great Thou art. 06:10 And when I think that God, His Son not sparing, 06:17 sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in. 06:24 That on the cross, my burden gladly bearing, 06:31 He bled and died to take away my sin. 06:38 Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee. 06:46 How great Thou art, how great Thou art. 06:52 Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee. 06:59 How great Thou art, how great Thou art. 07:10 When Christ shall come with shouts of acclamation 07:18 to take me home, what joy shall fill my heart. 07:25 Then I shall bow in humble adoration, 07:34 and there proclaim, "My God, how great Thou art!" 07:42 Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee. 07:52 How great Thou art, how great Thou art. 08:04 Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee. 08:16 How great Thou art, 08:21 how great Thou art. 08:44 I sing praises to Your name, oh Lord, 08:51 praises to Your name, oh Lord. 08:58 For Your name is great and greatly to be praised. 09:09 I sing praises to Your name, oh Lord, 09:16 praises to Your name, oh Lord. 09:23 For Your name is great and greatly to be praised. 09:37 For Your name is so great 09:41 and greatly to be praised. 09:55 It's our privilege to praise the Lord. 10:02 Amen? 10:04 Great things He has done. 10:06 And you know what else? 10:08 It's a great privilege knowing that He has done 10:10 such great things for us and heard our prayers, 10:13 and answered our prayers. 10:15 To show others the love of Jesus. 10:21 We have received so much love from our Savior, 10:25 let's not keep it for ourselves. 10:29 Let's share it with others. 10:33 Share His love around the world. 10:37 We encourage you and your church to ask God in prayer 10:41 how you can reach out to others 10:45 now that we've completed Ten Days of Prayer. 10:51 Matthew 25:35-36 says, 10:55 "For I was hungry, and you gave Me food; 10:59 I was thirsty, and you gave Me drink; 11:03 I was a stranger and you took Me in; 11:08 I was naked, and you clothed Me; 11:13 I was sick, and you visited Me; 11:16 I was in prison, and you came to Me." 11:24 In, The Ministry of Healing, we read, 11:28 "We must live a twofold life; 11:31 a life of thought and action, 11:35 of silent prayer and earnest work." 11:42 So I'm sure that you can think of some great ways 11:48 to show Christ to others. 11:54 But the great resource on 12:01 has just mentioned some very simple ways that you can 12:05 be the hands and feet of Christ. 12:10 Have you considered cooking a meal for someone 12:13 who has been sick? 12:17 Giving food to a homeless person. 12:21 Offer to stay with the sick or disabled person 12:25 so that their caretakers can run an errand. 12:31 Maybe you could donate your old eye glasses. 12:37 Offer to give a Bible study. 12:43 Visit people in nursing homes. 12:48 Give some food money to a student. 12:52 You know, those students are always hungry. 12:55 Send a card to a shut-in. 12:59 Invite someone to accept Jesus. 13:05 You could visit someone in the hospital to encourage them 13:07 or help them in some way. 13:11 Read the Bible aloud for someone who can't see or read. 13:19 You could take children from your church 13:22 to visit a home for elderly people. 13:29 You could plan and host a fun day for special needs kids 13:33 and their families. 13:36 Be creative. 13:38 Simply pray and ask God to show you ways to meet needs 13:42 in the area where you are. 13:47 Just be the hands and feet of Jesus. 13:51 One of the greatest opportunities of my life 13:54 last year was to be involved in a prison ministry that 3ABN has. 14:04 I remember, as a child I would go to prisons. 14:10 In fact, to Leavenworth Penitentiary. 14:12 A very big prison in Kansas. 14:18 I would go there with my parents and 14:20 we would sing and minister to those prisoners. 14:27 So it was great again to be reminded 14:35 that God loves people behind bars. 14:38 If you have that opportunity, give it all you've got. 14:44 Be there for those people. 14:47 They need you. 14:49 The hands and feet of Christ. 14:50 We have been blessed by prayer requests. 14:58 But also we've been blessed by answered prayer 15:03 that has come in the email. 15:10 Especially responses to the two hour program that we held 15:15 on the first Thursday night of this, Ten Days of Prayer. 15:23 God really moved in that time of prayer. 15:30 And your response indicated that you really need the Lord. 15:40 That's not a surprise. 15:42 It's nice to know that we can bear one another's burdens. 15:54 There were emails from shut-ins that talked about 3ABN being 16:00 the only family that they have, that you have. 16:06 Again, I want to remind you, we are here for you. 16:12 We want to pray with you, pray for you, believe with you, 16:19 because we bear each other's burdens. 16:24 And in that way, we fulfill the love of God 16:28 and the will of God. 16:35 And as we continue to just be in a heart of praise 16:39 and gratitude, we know that the needs continue. 16:53 But we know that Christ is our solid rock that we can 16:56 depend and trust. 16:58 And we talked a lot about that. 16:59 Trusting in Him and counting on Him. 17:03 Hoping in Him, even through our doubt. 17:09 So this is a wonderful hymn. 17:15 My hope is built on nothing less 17:19 than Jesus' blood and righteousness. 17:23 I dare not trust the sweetest frame, 17:27 but wholly lean on Jesus' name. 17:32 On Christ the solid Rock I stand, 17:36 all other ground is sinking sand. 17:40 All other ground is sinking sand. 17:47 When darkness veils His lovely face, 17:51 I rest on His unchanging grace. 17:55 In every high and stormy gale my anchor holds within the veil. 18:03 On Christ the solid Rock I stand, 18:07 all other ground is sinking sand. 18:12 All other ground is sinking sand. 18:18 His oath, His covenant, His blood 18:22 support me in the overwhelming flood. 18:26 When all around my soul gives way, 18:30 He then is all my hope and stay. 18:35 On Christ the solid Rock I stand, 18:39 all other ground is sinking sand. 18:43 All other ground is sinking sand. 19:00 When He shall come with trumpet sound, 19:04 oh may I then in Him be found. 19:08 Dressed in His righteousness alone, 19:12 faultless to stand before the throne. 19:17 On Christ the solid Rock I stand, 19:22 all other ground is sinking sand. 19:26 All other ground is sinking sand. 19:34 All other ground is sinking sand. 19:45 Father, we thank You that You have been our Rock, 19:50 You've been our Fortress. 19:52 You have been our strong tower. 19:56 You've been our Deliverer, our Refuge. 20:00 We thank You that we have hope in You. 20:03 We thank You that You have proven Yourself to be faithful. 20:09 And we choose to trust in You. 20:16 We will not be deterred by situations around us. 20:26 We will trust, we choose to trust. 20:29 We have faith that You will do what You said You will do. 20:36 For we know that You are our only hope. 20:44 You are our only source. 20:55 The only hope for the world is Jesus. 21:03 The only help for the earth is a touch from God. 21:11 Oh how we need Him; we must seek Him 21:19 with all our heart and all our soul. 21:23 There is no other help we know than Jesus Christ; 21:30 the only hope for the world. 21:34 Sing that with me. 21:36 The only hope for the world is Jesus. 21:43 The only help is to trust in God. 21:50 Oh how we need Him; we must seek Him 21:58 with all our heart and all our soul. 22:01 There is no other help we know than Jesus Christ; 22:08 the only hope for the world. 22:21 Just to remind you, if you need to be reminded, 22:25 if you need more strength, more faith, more hope, more trust, 22:31 Philippians 4:6 says, "Be anxious for nothing; 22:34 but in everything by prayer and supplication, 22:37 with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God." 22:42 Don't stop praying. 22:45 Colossians 4:2, "Devote yourselves to prayer, 22:51 keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving." 22:57 If you need something to be devoted to in this new year, 23:02 devote yourself to prayer. 23:06 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, "Rejoice always, 23:13 pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; 23:19 for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 23:29 "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, 23:31 in everything give thanks." 23:33 Ephesians 5:19-20 says, "...speaking to one another 23:40 in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, 23:43 singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord, 23:47 always giving thanks for all things, in the name of our 23:51 Lord Jesus Christ, to God our Father." 24:12 Got any rivers you think are uncrossable? 24:20 Got any mountains you can't tunnel through? 24:28 God specializes in things thought impossible. 24:35 He can do just what no other god can do. 24:45 We serve the only true God. 24:47 And He can do all things. 24:50 So have faith, friend. 24:53 Do you have any rivers you think are uncrossable? 25:01 Do you have any mountains that you can't tunnel through? 25:09 God specializes in things thought impossible. 25:18 He can do just what no other can do. 25:34 So just have faith, continue to believe, 25:37 continue to trust... 25:44 ...and He will see you through. 25:54 Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling, 26:02 calling for you and for me. 26:10 See on the portals He's waiting and He's watching, 26:18 watching for you and for me. 26:27 Come home, come home, 26:34 ye who are weary come on home. 26:44 Earnestly, tenderly Jesus is calling. 26:52 Calling, O sinner, come home. 27:02 If you're praying for that lost loved one, 27:05 don't give up. 27:08 Why should we tarry when Jesus is pleading, 27:15 pleading for you and for me? 27:21 Why should we linger and heed not His mercies, 27:29 mercy for you and for me? 27:35 Won't you come home, come home. 27:43 Ye who are weary come home, come home. 27:52 Earnestly, tenderly Jesus is calling. 27:59 Calling for sinners, 28:07 calling all sinners, 28:13 He's calling, O sinner, come home. 28:24 Father, thank You for this time we've had together 28:26 to spend over the past ten days to pray to You and to 28:30 seek Your face. 28:32 And I pray, God, that those watching will continue to 28:38 desire and hunger for a time, a regular time, 28:42 of prayer and worship; 28:45 to see Your face, to call on Your name. 28:50 Down at the cross, where my Savior died, 28:55 down where for cleansing from sin I cried; 29:00 there to my heart was the blood applied. 29:04 Glory to His name. 29:08 Glory to His name, glory to His name. 29:17 There to my heart was the blood applied. 29:21 Glory to His name. 29:27 I encourage you to go to... 29:31 And review the wonderful resources that they have there. 29:36 And go to... 29:41 be a part of the prayer team, 29:45 the intercessors there. 29:47 It's been a blessing being with you. 29:48 Send me an email, let me know you watched. 29:51 God bless you. |
Revised 2019-03-27