Series Code: PHTDP
Program Code: PHTDP190008A
00:12 Hi and welcome to day eight of, Ten Days of Prayer;
00:15 a prayer strategy from the Revival and Reformation 00:17 initiative of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 00:20 Many of you have shared your gratitude for us airing 00:23 this program on the Praise Him network. 00:25 Some of you have even given your prayer requests. 00:28 And I want to remind you that we are here to pray for you. 00:31 The 3ABN pastoral ministry exists to lift you up 00:34 before the Lord. 00:36 You can find more about their ministry by going to... 00:43 And if you love to pray for the needs of others, 00:45 be sure to join the prayer warrior team. 00:47 The details are on the website. 00:51 The title of this years, Ten Days of Prayer, is 00:54 A Deeper Experience. 00:55 Of course, referring to our relationship with God. 00:58 As tonight's emphasis indicates, sometimes that deeper experience 01:03 takes us through the valley of brokenness and loss. 01:06 Perhaps you can testify to the pain of losing a family member 01:11 or a dear friend who you're not sure ever surrendered 01:13 their life to Christ before their life ended. 01:16 The destructive choices they made that led them 01:19 further from God, that perhaps eventually sent them to prison, 01:24 bound in the shackles of their sin, 01:27 Maybe you know of a man or a woman like the lost son 01:30 in Luke 15, but they never came to their senses; 01:34 never came to the Father for forgiveness. 01:37 How it must break God's heart to see the ones for whom 01:40 He paid such a great redemption price 01:43 degraded to a slave of sinful habits and self-harm. 01:49 How helpless we feel as we watch the destructive lifestyle 01:53 literally destroy our loved ones. 01:55 I too am weary of Satan's manipulation of those 01:59 who are weak and without Christ. 02:01 It was never God's plan that humanity should go through life 02:04 suffering pain and loneliness, enslaved by Satan. 02:09 Knowing that our heavenly Father is not willing 02:11 that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. 02:16 This year I'm asking God to fill me with an extra dose of 02:19 compassion for the lost, and the boldness to confront those 02:24 that He places on my heart. 02:26 But we're still not guaranteed that they will ever understand 02:30 how much God really loves them, or if they will pass from 02:34 this life without calling on His name for salvation. 02:38 All I can do is encourage you not to give up. 02:41 Don't stop praying for that dear one. 02:45 And I can encourage you to praise God that He has 02:47 made provision to cleanse us from our sin, 02:50 and make us right with Him so that we can 02:53 spend eternity with Him. 03:00 I invite you to join us in a time of praise 03:06 as we enter into His presence. 03:18 Lord, we praise You, oh God, we thank You for the gift of Jesus, 03:25 who redeemed us from our sin when He died for us, 03:32 when He died for our loved ones, and for our lost world. 03:38 And Lord, we praise You that You hear us 03:40 when we talk to You and that You answer according to Your will. 03:46 Thank You, oh God. 03:51 Lord, I praise You that You are near to those 03:56 who have a broken heart, 03:59 and that you save those who have a repentant spirit. 04:03 That's what Your Word says, Lord. 04:11 And we praise You, oh God, for Your life-changing power. 04:16 That power that we have experienced as Your children. 04:23 Wonderful life-changing power. 04:32 Just continue to praise Him. 04:39 Lord, we love You. 04:45 Praise the name of Jesus. 04:52 Praise the name of Jesus. 05:00 He's my rock. 05:04 He's my fortress. 05:08 He's my deliverer. 05:11 In Him will I trust. 05:17 Praise the name of Jesus. 05:27 Sing that with me. Praise the name... 05:29 Praise the name of Jesus. 05:36 We praise Your name, oh Jesus. 05:43 He's my rock. 05:47 He's my fortress. 05:51 He's my deliverer. 05:55 In Him will I trust. 06:00 Praise the name of Jesus. 06:16 Praise the name, the matchless name of Jesus. 06:34 And as we enter into a time of confession 06:37 and claiming victory over our sin, 06:43 we can boldly come to Him because He has provided a way 06:49 for our sin to be forgiven. 06:57 For, God, we realize that we are not without sin. 07:05 And we take this time to confess and to claim 07:07 Your victory over those sins. 07:12 Father, I want to pray right now for those who are 07:16 bound by habitual sins, 07:21 who have tried over, and over, and over, 07:23 and at the beginning of every year it's been their resolution 07:31 to stop, to quit sinning, to quit giving in, 07:38 and to be victorious. 07:42 Father, I know You have the power 07:46 to make us more than conquerors and to overcome our sin. 07:55 Yes, You have victory. 07:58 And if You have victory, we have victory. 08:05 Father God, I ask that You would please forgive us 08:08 for the times that we have been unwilling to follow Your will 08:15 that's clearly written in Your Word. 08:23 Forgive us, Lord. 08:33 We thank You, God, that You are a Father who cares. 08:38 You don't want us to be bound by those sins. 08:41 You want us to live a life of freedom, a life of victory. 08:47 So I pray in Jesus' name 08:51 that You will just seal that victory in us. 08:58 May we remember that You cared so much 09:03 to give Your Son. 09:15 Does Jesus care when my heart is pained 09:24 too deeply for mirth or song, 09:31 as the burdens press and the cares distress, 09:39 and the way grows weary and long? 09:47 Oh, yes He cares, I know He cares; 09:57 His heart is touched with my grief. 10:04 When the days are weary, the long nights dreary, 10:13 I know my Savior cares. 10:22 Does Jesus care when my way is dark 10:30 with a nameless dread and fear? 10:37 As the daylight fades into deep night shades, 10:46 does He care enough to be near? 10:55 Does Jesus care when I've said goodbye 11:04 to the dearest on earth to me? 11:11 And my sad heart aches till it nearly breaks: 11:21 Is it aught to Him? Does He see? 11:30 My friend, oh yes He cares, 11:36 I know Jesus cares; 11:42 His heart is touched with my grief. 11:50 When the days are weary, 11:56 the long nights dreary, 12:01 I know my Savior cares. 12:13 I know my Savior, 12:23 He cares. 12:37 In fact, His Word says, "Cast all your care upon Me." 12:47 He cares! 12:52 He says He will bear your care, He will bear your burden. 13:00 So we enter into a time of supplication and 13:06 interceding on behalf of others. 13:09 We live in such a needy world. 13:11 And as we've been praying over these days, 13:18 we know this is time to just lay it as Jesus' feet 13:24 and let Him take care of it. 13:27 So Father, we intercede tonight for those who may be victims 13:32 of circumstances or controlled by addictions. 13:38 Father, please break the chains that bind them. 13:41 In Jesus' name. 13:44 May we win them back to You through our love and concern. 13:51 Oh God, break those chains. 13:57 And Lord, please give us understanding and compassionate 14:02 hearts for family members who have taken advantage of us. 14:08 Help them to see Your love through our actions. 14:10 God, sometimes we have been clearly taken advantage of. 14:22 We wonder, well how many times should we forgive? 14:26 We know their history, we know their past. 14:28 We know their record. 14:31 Oh God, give us the grace to love and to forgive. 14:39 Just like You've forgiven us time after time, after time. 14:46 That we wouldn't take it so personal 14:48 to forget that there is a forgiveness factor; 14:52 a grace that must be extended. 14:54 Give us that wisdom, Lord, to know how to 14:57 handle that situation. 15:04 God, please teach us how to proclaim fundamental 15:08 church beliefs with clarity, with creativity, 15:12 and with biblical authenticity. 15:16 May the love of Jesus be at the core of everything we believe. 15:25 Lord, Your Word is truth, You Word is life. 15:31 Give us the ability to speak it clearly 15:36 to those that we witness to. 15:42 God, I ask that You would prepare young people to plant 15:45 churches for the 789 people groups in the two countries 15:51 of North American Division. 16:03 Lord, lay upon some heart 16:09 the desire to witness. 16:12 Lay upon all of our hearts the desire to witness; 16:17 and for these people right around us in North America. 16:27 Lord, we ask You to prepare volunteers 16:31 to serve the 70 people groups in the Israel Field. 16:39 God, place it upon hearts to volunteer. 16:46 Lord, we ask You to raise up medical missionaries 16:50 to plant churches among the 830 people groups 16:54 in the 11 countries of the East-Central Africa Division. 17:03 God, it's so hard for me to imagine a land so far way. 17:15 I get so caught up in my own little world 17:20 right here in Illinois. 17:23 God, place upon hearts, on young people, 17:31 on volunteers, medical missionaries, 17:37 to plant churches to the ends of the earth. 17:51 Oh God, we ask You to raise up prayer warriors 17:54 to intercede for the 2,568 people groups 18:01 in the 4 countries of Southern Asia Division. 18:11 2,568 different people groups! 18:21 Lord, fill us with compassion for the lost. 18:24 Fill us with compassion and a desire, a hunger to 18:28 intercede for them as prayer warriors, 18:32 until everyone knows that You are the Redeemer, 18:39 You are the Savior of the world. 18:58 Lord, we especially remember Hope TV India 19:07 and Asian Aid School for the Blind. 19:13 Lord, I pray that You will bless their works. 19:17 Lord, I pray that You will bless financially 19:21 their efforts there. 19:25 Send workers there to work. 19:34 God, that You for ministries around this world that are 19:41 striving to serve mankind in the name of Jesus. 19:48 Father, thank You that You have placed upon hearts 19:53 to help fund those ministries. 19:58 God, continue to do that. 20:00 Continue to work mightily, 20:05 that the whole world might know You. 20:09 God, I pray for the work of the Southern Asia-Pacific Division's 20:13 publishing houses. 20:16 What an amazing thing to know that 20:24 literature is being printed in all different languages. 20:31 Bibles, and Sabbath school lessons, 20:41 devotions, and gospel tracts. 20:48 How will they know unless they can read it in their language? 20:51 So I'm asking, God, that You will, in this case, 20:58 bless the work of the Southern Asia-Pacific Division's 21:01 publishing houses. 21:09 And for those who You've placed on our hearts, Lord, 21:12 please hear and answer. 21:17 Answer the needs according to Your perfect will. 21:24 And teach us to leave our burdens at Your feet. 21:45 Days are filled with sorrow and care, 21:52 hearts are lonely and drear. 22:00 Burdens are lifted at Calvary; 22:09 Jesus is very near. 22:18 Burdens are lifted at Calvary, 22:26 Calvary, Calvary. 22:34 Burdens are lifted at Calvary; 22:44 Jesus is very near. 22:53 Cast your care on Jesus today, 23:00 leave your worry and fear. 23:07 Burdens are lifted at Calvary; 23:14 Jesus is very near. 23:22 Oh, burdens are lifted at Calvary, 23:30 Calvary, Calvary. 23:39 Burdens are lifted at Calvary; 23:49 Jesus is very near. 24:05 So now we enter into a time of thanksgiving. 24:16 I've always been taught that it was polite to say thanks. 24:22 So right now we want to say, Lord, thank You 24:25 for hearing our prayers. 24:27 We believe that You have heard our prayers, 24:31 and that You are acting on our behalf. 24:39 Father, I want to thank You that Satan has no power over us. 24:48 Lord, I want to thank You according to 1 Corinthians 10:13 24:53 that You are faithful to not allow Your children 24:56 to be tempted beyond what we are able, 25:00 but that You provide a way of escape 25:03 so that temptation cannot overcome us, 25:07 cannot overwhelm us, 25:11 and we are able to bear it. 25:14 Thank You, Lord, for such power. 25:22 Thank You, Jesus, that Your Word says 25:25 if You have set us free, we are truly free. 25:30 Free indeed. 25:34 Thank You, Lord, for freedom. 25:43 And Lord, we thank You, 25:46 precious God, we thank You that our needs are supplied 25:51 according to Your riches and glory by Christ Jesus. 25:59 Such provision! 26:03 Thank You, Father. 26:12 Thank You, Lord. 26:14 Psalm 91:2-3 says, "I will say of the Lord, 26:21 'He is my refuge and my fortress; 26:24 my God, in whom I trust.' 26:28 Surely He will save you from the fowler's snare 26:32 and from the deadly pestilence." 26:34 Another version of that Psalm 91:2-3 says, 26:39 "He's the hope that holds me, 26:42 and the strong hold to shelter me. 26:45 The only God for me, 26:48 and my great confidence. 26:51 He will rescue you from every hidden trap of the enemy 26:55 and He will protect You from false accusation 27:00 and any deadly curse." 27:12 Let this song minister to you. 27:16 I will bless the Lord forever, 27:27 and I will trust Him at all times. 27:38 He has delivered me from all fear, 27:49 and He has set my feet upon a rock. 27:59 And I will not be moved. 28:05 I'll say of the Lord, "You are my shield, 28:12 my strength, my portion, 28:18 deliverer, my shelter, 28:23 strong tower, my very present help. 28:30 You are my shield, my strength, 28:37 my portion, You're my deliverer, 28:42 my shelter, strong tower, 28:48 my very present help in time of need. 29:02 I want to thank you for joining us 29:05 on this journey of prayer. 29:08 What a wonderful way to begin a wonderful year. 29:12 My friend and 3ABN president, Danny Shelton, 29:15 has designated this year, The Year of Prayer, 29:19 here at 3ABN. 29:21 And we want to pray for you. 29:25 So please give us that honor. 29:29 And find prayer resources at... 29:42 Never forget where your strength comes from. 29:47 He is our Deliverer. 29:48 Join us again tomorrow evening for a time of prayer and praise. |
Revised 2019-02-20