Series Code: PHTDP
Program Code: PHTDP190006A
00:13 Hi and welcome to day six of, Ten Days of Prayer;
00:16 a prayer strategy from the Revival and Reformation 00:19 initiative of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 00:22 If you have been joining us for the past few days 00:25 since January 5th, we have been spending this 30 minutes 00:28 together praying and believing God for a deeper experience. 00:32 If this is your first evening to join us, we welcome you 00:35 and we encourage you to join us each evening 00:37 for the next few nights up until the 19th of January 00:41 when we will be praising God for answered prayers 00:45 over the past ten days. 00:47 Tonight we are going to read from the outline 00:51 that can be found on 00:57 I encourage you to download your own outline and follow along. 01:01 Then you can pray, continue to pray afterwards 01:04 for the prayer requests that are mentioned there. 01:07 It's a great resource. I encourage you to go there. 01:10 So we begin reading about the gift of repentance. 01:14 1 Peter 5:6 says, "Therefore humble yourselves 01:17 under the mighty hand of God, 01:19 that He may exalt you in due time." 01:22 Mr. G was a respected teacher at a small boarding academy 01:26 in the rolling hills of eastern Washington in the United States. 01:29 This school taught not only the principles of reading, 01:32 writing, math, and vocational skills, but also 01:36 the fundamentals of practical Christian living. 01:38 Students learned to give Bible studies, 01:41 preach evangelistic meetings, and lead out in their home 01:44 churches by teaching the Sabbath School lesson, 01:46 preaching the sermon, and doing community outreach. 01:49 Mr. G was a vital part of that education. 01:53 Mr. G taught from the book, Steps to Christ, 01:56 for his eleventh-grade Bible class. 01:59 He used practical methods to impress on his students' minds 02:02 the simplicity of the gospel, and his burden 02:05 was that they would grasp the principles of how to 02:08 walk with Jesus and abide in Him daily. 02:11 His life was a testimony to the power of God, 02:14 and he stressed upon the minds of his students the importance 02:17 of starting the day with Christ. 02:20 "Consecrate yourself to God in the morning; 02:22 make this your very first work. 02:24 Let your prayer be, 'Take me, O Lord, as wholly Thine. 02:28 I lay all my plans at Thy feet. 02:30 Use me today in Thy service. 02:32 Abide with me, and let all my work be wrought in Thee.'" 02:37 That's from page 70 in, Steps to Christ. 02:40 Mr. G taught not only upper grade Bible class, 02:43 but also carpentry to ninth-grade boys. 02:45 The class was divided into two sections. 02:48 First, they studied a book; next, they applied 02:51 what they had learned in a practical way. 02:53 Well one day during class, Mr. G was helping 02:56 three of the boys build a supporting wall, 02:58 while the other three played on a pile of lumber. 03:01 Mr. G asked the boys to stay off the lumber 03:04 since it could fall and injure someone. 03:06 The boys, of course, continued to wrestle on the wood, 03:09 and when he went over to talk with them, 03:11 a large plank fell on his foot. 03:14 He danced around in pain, clutching his foot. 03:17 The boys, thinking that this was very funny, 03:21 laughed and pointed at him. 03:22 Instantly, Mr. G became very angry. 03:25 Heated words flowed from his lips. 03:28 Like Moses, who lost his temper with the children of Israel, 03:31 he lost his temper in front of his students. 03:33 Running into a nearby office, Mr. G cried out to God, 03:36 "Oh Lord, I blew it! I can't teach anymore!" 03:41 Quietly, the tender mercy and compassion of Jesus 03:45 comforted his heart, bringing repentance. 03:49 "Many who are really conscientious, and who desire 03:51 to live for God, Satan too often leads to dwell upon 03:56 their own faults and weaknesses, and thus by separating them 04:00 from Christ he hopes to gain the victory... 04:03 Well rest in God. 04:05 He is able, God is able, to keep that which 04:07 you have committed to Him. 04:09 If you will leave yourself in His hands, He will bring you 04:11 off more than a conqueror through Him that has loved you." 04:15 That's from, Steps to Christ, pages 71 and 72. 04:19 So while Mr. G was praying, the thought came to him, 04:22 "You can't stay in your office all day. 04:24 you must go out and tell those boys that you 04:27 misrepresented Me by your actions." 04:31 Have you ever misrepresented God by your actions? 04:34 Humbled, Mr. G returned to the boys, who were standing outside 04:38 and blamed themselves for his outburst. 04:41 "I did not represent Jesus to you today, 04:46 and I'm sorry," Mr. G apologized. 04:49 The boys tried to comfort him saying, "It's okay. 04:51 Everyone does it. It's normal." 04:54 The next class period for Mr. G that day was Bible. 04:58 He had assigned his students to read the 04:59 fifth chapter in, Steps to Christ, "Consecration," 05:03 and write down a thought that impressed them. 05:06 As he entered his classroom, he didn't feel 05:09 emotionally prepared to teach. 05:11 The students came in and took their seats, 05:14 and one of the girls put her assignment on Mr. G's desk. 05:18 As he glanced down, his eyes caught one sentence: 05:22 "Your hope is not in yourself; it is in Christ." 05:26 That one sentence was just what he needed. 05:29 Years later he received a letter from one of those boys. 05:32 "I know that you weren't proud of your actions 05:34 that day in carpentry class. 05:36 But I want you to know that your example of humbling yourself 05:40 and making things right by apologizing to us 05:44 spoke volumes to my heart. 05:46 Now that I am a father, I have had to ask my children 05:48 many times to forgive me for when I failed. 05:51 And because of your example, it has helped me 05:54 to be a better father." 05:56 In, Steps to Christ, page 64, we read, 05:58 "We shall often have to bow down and weep at the 06:01 feet of Jesus because of our shortcomings and mistakes. 06:04 But we are not to be discouraged. 06:07 Even if we are overcome by the enemy, we are not cast off, 06:10 we're not forsaken or rejected of God. 06:13 No! Christ is at the right hand of God, 06:15 who also maketh intercession for us." 06:18 We praise the Lord that we have an Advocate in Jesus Christ 06:22 who intercedes on our behalf. 06:25 Father God, we are grateful for that, for sure. 06:28 Let's sing, Just When I Need Him Most, alright? 06:42 Just when I need Him, Jesus is near, 06:49 just when I falter, just when I fear. 06:56 Ready to help and ready to cheer, 07:02 just when I need Him most. 07:07 Just when I need Him most, just when I need Him most, 07:16 Jesus is near to comfort and cheer, 07:20 just when I need Him most. 07:25 Just when I need Him, Jesus is true, 07:31 never forsaking all the way through. 07:38 Giving for burdens pleasures anew, 07:44 just when I need Him most. 07:49 Just when I need Him most, just when I need Him most, 07:58 Jesus is near to comfort and cheer, 08:02 just when I need Him most. 08:07 Just when I need Him, Jesus is strong, 08:13 bearing my burdens all the day long. 08:20 For all my sorrow giving a song, 08:26 just when I need Him most. 08:32 Just when I need Him most, just when I need Him most, 08:40 Jesus is near to comfort and cheer, 08:45 just when I need Him most. 08:54 Lord, we do praise You that You are our Advocate, 09:00 Jesus Christ, the one who intercedes on our behalf, 09:04 who sits on the Father's right hand. 09:11 And Lord, we praise You because You can turn our 09:13 defeat into victory. 09:17 When we feel like we've messed it up, 09:22 that it can't be undone, 09:26 You come along and bring victory. 09:33 So we praise You, Lord, that even if and when we do fall, 09:39 we are not cast down, we are not forsaken. 09:44 Failure is not final with You. 09:49 Thank You for that. 10:07 Lord Jesus I long to be perfectly whole; 10:13 I want Thee forever to live in my soul. 10:19 Break down every idol, cast out every foe; 10:26 now wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. 10:34 Whiter than snow, yes, whiter than snow; 10:41 now wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. 10:52 Lord Jesus, look down from Thy throne in the skies, 10:58 and help me to make a complete sacrifice. 11:04 I give up myself and whatever I know; 11:10 now wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. 11:18 Whiter than snow, yes, whiter than snow; 11:24 now wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. 11:34 Lord Jesus, for this I most humbly entreat; 11:40 I wait, blessed Lord, at Thy crucified feet. 11:47 By faith, for my cleansing I see Thy blood flow; 11:53 now wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. 12:01 Whiter than snow, yes, whiter than snow; 12:07 now wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. 12:25 Now we come to a time of confession 12:30 where we bring before the Lord our faults and our failures. 12:40 I encourage you not to beat yourself up, 12:46 but with a contrite heart admit your wrongdoing to the Father; 12:53 any area in your life that you have fallen short. 12:58 We all fall short. The Bible tells us we do. 13:03 Admit it to God, leave it at His feet, 13:07 and walk away knowing that your sin is covered 13:10 by the blood of the Lamb. 13:12 Aren't you glad for that? 13:16 Lord, I pray that You will please show us the areas 13:19 in our lives that need Your softening and refining Spirit. 13:30 Lord, I pray that You will forgive us for when we 13:34 lose our patience with others, 13:37 when we speak angry or hasty words. 13:43 When we cut off someone in the traffic, 13:50 when we go into the grocery store 13:54 and don't hold the door; 13:58 don't show Your love. 14:01 When we're too busy in our own world 14:06 not to recognize others. 14:13 But especially when we do things angrily. 14:17 When we lose our patience, oh God, forgive us. 14:24 And Lord, please forgive us and give us Your strength 14:28 to apologize when we have mistreated others. 14:35 It takes a big person to apologize 14:43 when we've hurt someone else. 14:46 Give us the grace to do that. 15:00 So if there are other things that you need to ask 15:03 forgiveness for, I encourage you to take this time 15:05 and do that before we sing. 15:37 I must tell Jesus all of my trials; 15:45 I cannot bear these burdens alone. 15:53 In my distress He kindly will help me; 16:01 He ever loves and cares for His own. 16:09 I must tell Jesus! I must tell Jesus! 16:17 I cannot bear my burdens alone. 16:25 I must tell Jesus! I must tell Jesus! 16:32 Jesus can help me, Jesus alone. 16:42 I must tell Jesus all of my troubles; 16:50 He is a kind, compassionate Friend. 16:57 If I but ask Him, He will deliver; 17:05 make of my troubles quickly an end. 17:11 Oh, thank You, Lord, for that. 17:13 I must tell Jesus! I must tell Jesus! 17:20 I cannot bear my burdens alone. 17:28 I must tell Jesus! I must tell Jesus! 17:36 Jesus can help me, Jesus alone. 17:45 O how the world to evil allures me! 17:51 O how my heart is tempted to sin! 17:58 I must tell Jesus, and He will help me 18:06 over the world the victory to win. 18:12 Oh Lord, we need the victory. 18:14 So I must tell Jesus! I must tell Jesus! 18:22 For I cannot bear these burdens alone. 18:32 I must tell Jesus! I must tell Jesus! 18:41 Jesus can help me, Jesus alone. 18:55 Oh Lord, thank You for being there. 18:59 For being that someone that we can tell our problems to, 19:02 and our faults to, and our burdens to. 19:06 And You will hear and do something about it. 19:13 Lord, we ask You to give us Your spirit of peace 19:16 when we are confronted with irritations. 19:20 Lord, we're daily given plenty of opportunity. 19:24 We pray for the 8,208 Adventist schools 19:28 with almost two million students. 19:32 May these schools always teach Bible truth 19:36 and lead young people into mission and service. 19:42 Lord, give us wisdom to reach secular cultures 19:46 that don't have one bit of interest in religion. 19:50 Let Your Holy Spirit break down the walls 19:53 that surround secular hearts. 19:58 And Lord, we pray for the unreached people groups in Asia, 20:02 including Muslims, Buddhists, and Hindus. 20:06 Many have never ever heard the name of Jesus. 20:10 Give us special wisdom for meeting their needs. 20:15 Lord, send people. 20:23 Bless us as we reach out to people enslaved 20:26 by spirit worship, enslaved by idolatry, 20:30 and animistic beliefs. 20:34 Help us to understand their worldview 20:36 and to introduce them to the personal Savior 20:41 we have in You, Jesus. 20:50 Lord, we ask that You would please inspire 20:53 Seventh-day Adventists around the world 20:55 to pray as never before. 20:58 Let us plead together for the latter rain of the Holy Spirit. 21:06 God, we ask for the promised fulfillment 21:12 written about in Joel 2, Hosea 6, and Acts 2. 21:21 Lord, we pray for the 541 people groups in the 18 countries 21:26 of Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division. 21:31 Please lead those people to biblical truth. 21:34 541 people groups representing thousands of people 21:42 in those 18 countries. 21:51 Lord, show us how to meet the practical and 21:53 spiritual needs of refugees. 21:56 A very hot topic these days. 22:00 Lord, may our church be known for our love of all people, 22:04 no matter who they are or where they come from. 22:12 Lord, I know that's a big prayer. 22:18 But You're a big God. 22:22 Show us Your view. 22:25 May we faithfully and fully proclaim the 22:28 three angels' messages of Revelation 14. 22:32 May we center all of our teachings on the love and 22:34 righteousness of Christ. 22:43 Lord, we remember when You first loved us. 22:47 Well, we remember actually that You first loved us 22:49 before we even knew that You were loving us. 22:53 So we can't even remember. 22:59 But Your Word says that You did love us 23:03 before we ever knew You. 23:05 And we're grateful. 23:12 Now I'm sure that You have someone on your list 23:17 that You're praying for. 23:20 You may have needs that you're praying for. 23:23 Spend some time praying for those people or those needs. 24:01 Father, we're a needy people. 24:09 Jehovah Rapha, we need You. 24:17 Jehovah Jireh, we need You. 24:29 We thank You for hearing our prayers. 24:36 Thank You, Lord, that You are able to keep us from falling. 24:41 Yeah, Your Word says that You are able to 24:44 keep us from falling. 24:45 And so we claim that, and we thank You for that. 24:51 And we thank You for repentance, 24:57 that precious gift of repentance. 24:59 God, we thank You for it. 25:00 And we thank You for forgiveness, 25:03 that special gift of forgiveness, God. 25:06 Where would we be without it? 25:11 And thank You for reconciliation. 25:14 Oh Lord, thank You that You care so much for us 25:18 that You want us to be reconciled to You. 25:25 We thank You, Lord, 25:28 for the example of service that You left us. 25:37 Now give us the strength to follow that pattern, 25:43 to serve like You did in Your Word. 25:48 We have the precious examples. 25:53 Thank You, Lord. 25:56 Thank You, Lord, for 1 John 1:9 that says, 26:00 "If we confess our sins, You are faithful and just 26:03 to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us 26:06 from all unrighteousness." 26:10 And for 1 John 2:1 that says, "If anyone sins, 26:14 we have an Advocate with the Father; 26:16 Jesus Christ, the righteous." 26:21 Thank You, Lord. 26:24 As you continue to praise the Lord and thank Him 26:27 for His goodness, I just want to read some 26:33 promises from the Word of God. 26:36 Promises for victory over sin. 26:40 From 1 John 5:4, it says, "For whatever is born of God 26:44 overcomes the world. 26:46 And this is the victory that has overcome the world: our faith." 26:53 From Romans 8:37, it says, "Yet in all these things 26:57 we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us." 27:04 From 1 Corinthians 15:57, "But thanks be to God, who gives us 27:10 the victory through Christ Jesus our Lord." 27:19 Isaiah 41:10, "Fear not, for I am with you; 27:24 be not dismayed, for I am your God. 27:27 I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, 27:32 I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." 27:40 Ephesians 6:16, "Above all, taking the shield of faith 27:49 with which you will be able to quench all the 27:52 fiery darts of the wicked one." 27:55 Oh, that will be a good one to put on your mind 27:58 first thing in the morning. 27:59 "Above all, taking the shield of faith..." 28:02 Before you even get out of bed, grab your pillow and 28:06 pretend that's your shield of faith. 28:08 Use it as just an example. 28:12 You say, "Father, You said, 'Above all 28:16 You've given me the shield of faith 28:18 with which I will be able to quench all the 28:20 fiery darts of the wicked one.'" 28:24 That's powerful, isn't it? 28:29 And from Philippians 2:13, "For it is God who works 28:35 in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure." 28:42 Are you allowing God to work in you? 28:46 He wants to have that control. 28:49 He wants to have the freedom. 28:50 So I encourage you to get out of the way, 28:55 surrender your life to Him. 28:59 Thank You, Lord, for Your promises. 29:02 Such powerful promises. 29:04 Father, that You care so much for us. 29:09 I encourage you to join us again tomorrow night 29:12 for another 30 minutes of prayer and praise. 29:17 Call a friend. 29:25 Let them know you're praying for them. 29:34 Have a good evening. |
Revised 2019-02-11