Series Code: PHTDP
Program Code: PHTDP190005A
00:11 Welcome to day five of, Ten Days of Prayer;
00:14 a prayer strategy from the Revival and Reformation 00:17 initiative of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 00:19 I invite you to join me for the next six days for 30 minutes of 00:22 praise and prayer as we seek God for a deeper experience in Him. 00:27 Now I encourage you to go to 00:32 to download the prayer outline and read about other 00:35 prayer resources for you to continue praying 00:38 after this ten days of prayer event is through. 00:41 Thank you for joining us in the time together 00:43 and for making prayer a priority in your busy schedule. 00:48 Do you remember how you felt when you 00:49 first gave your heart to Jesus? 00:51 Do you remember the change that He made in your heart 00:54 that spilled over into the way you talked, 00:57 what you wore, where you went, or your taste in entertainment? 01:02 Well 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, "Therefore, is anyone is 01:06 in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; 01:11 behold, all things have become new." 01:14 Do you recall the desire to tell everyone about the love and 01:17 forgiveness that you had received from Christ? 01:20 In, Steps to Christ, we read, "No sooner does one 01:23 come to Christ than there is born in his heart 01:26 a desire to make known what a precious friend 01:29 he has found in Jesus; the saving and sanctifying 01:33 truth cannot be shut up in his heart. 01:36 If we are clothed with the righteousness of Christ, 01:39 and are filled with the joy of His indwelling Spirit, 01:42 we shall not be able to hold our peace. 01:45 If we have tasted and seen that the Lord is good, 01:47 we shall have something to tell." 01:50 Now you may have wondered, "Well, what do I tell? 01:53 Where do I begin?" 01:55 Well remember, when Jesus healed the demonic man, 01:58 in Luke 8, Jesus told him, "Return to your home 02:02 and declare how much God has done for you." 02:04 It was that simple. Right? 02:06 So he went away proclaiming throughout the city 02:08 how much Jesus had done for him. 02:11 In, Desire of Ages, we read, "They, the demoniacs, 02:15 bore in their own persons the evidence 02:17 that Jesus was the Messiah. 02:19 They could tell what they knew; what they themselves 02:22 had seen, and heard, and felt of the power of Christ. 02:25 This is what everyone can do whose heart 02:27 has been touched by the grace of God... 02:30 We can tell how we have tested His promise, 02:32 and found the promise to be true. 02:34 We can bear witness to what we have 02:36 known of the grace of Christ. 02:38 This is the witness for which our Lord calls, 02:41 and for want of which the world is perishing." 02:44 So you see, it's not difficult. 02:46 When you are looking for opportunities to share 02:48 what God has done in your life, 02:50 remember that the most effective way to win souls 02:53 for the Master is by coming close to people 02:56 through the tender touch of compassion. 02:58 By meeting their needs and winning their confidence, 03:01 then you can invite them to follow Jesus. 03:12 I love to tell the story of unseen things above, 03:20 of Jesus and His glory, of Jesus and His love. 03:28 I love to tell the story, because I know 'tis true; 03:37 it satisfies my longings as nothing else can do. 03:46 I love to tell the story, 'twill be my theme in glory, 03:55 to tell the old, old story of Jesus and His love. 04:07 I love to tell the story, 'tis pleasant to repeat; 04:15 what seems each time I tell it, more wonderfully sweet. 04:24 I love to tell the story; for some have never heard 04:33 the message of salvation from God's own holy Word. 04:42 I love to tell the story, 'twill be my theme in glory, 04:51 to tell the old, old story of Jesus and His love. 05:07 I love to tell the story, for those who know it best 05:16 seem hungering and thirsting to hear it like the rest. 05:25 And when, in scenes of glory, I sing the brand new song, 05:34 'twill be the old, old story that I have loved so long. 05:44 I love to tell the story, 'twill be my theme in glory, 05:54 to tell the old, old story 06:00 of Jesus and His love. 06:14 Let's take some time to praise the Lord. 06:19 Lord, we praise You that You have changed us. 06:24 We are new creations. 06:27 You've given us a testimony; 06:31 a new chapter in our lives has begun. 06:36 We praise You for that. 06:39 We praise You for the security that we find in You. 06:44 Father, Your Word says that we are inscribed 06:47 on the palms of Your hands. 06:50 How precious to know that we are so close 06:54 and so dear to You. 06:56 Right there in Your hand You've got us. 07:00 You won't let us go. 07:03 We're firmly in Your grip, Lord. We thank You for that. 07:06 And we praise You, oh God, for the daily mercies 07:09 that You show to us. 07:13 Thank You, Lord, for mercies. 07:20 Lord, we realize that we are an impure people. 07:26 We need You. 07:29 We ask that You would forgive us, oh God, 07:32 for when we have not shared our faith because of fear. 07:37 Fear of not knowing what to say. 07:43 Fear of people, fear of what they might think of us. 07:50 Lord, forgive us for that. 07:53 Give us a boldness, a holy boldness, 07:56 knowing that You are the life giver, 07:58 You are the difference in our lives now. 08:05 Just give us that boldness and forgive us when we fear. 08:10 Lord, we confess that we need Your strength 08:13 to witness effectively. 08:20 Lord, I pray that You would please point out areas 08:23 in our life that keep us from being a 08:26 positive witness for You. 08:31 Father, when we are at work or out in public. 08:36 God, we even laugh at things that aren't appropriate. 08:44 When we agree with things that aren't what You agree with. 08:53 Lord, when we have attitudes towards other drivers 08:56 when we're driving, even, that aren't Christ-like. 09:02 Lord, these are things that keep us 09:05 from being a positive witness. 09:10 Forgive us and quickly knock on our hearts and 09:16 tell us, "Whoa, this is not the way you should go." 09:23 Lord, forgive us when we don't reveal Your character 09:26 of love to others. 09:32 God, we want to be shining examples 09:36 of what it means to be a son or a daughter 09:40 of the most high God. 09:42 And I know that there are times in my life that 09:46 I don't do that. 09:49 Holy Spirit, quicken me, 09:55 that I may have the opportunity to correct it right there. 10:06 Precious Lord, we have a list of requests 10:10 that grow every day. 10:15 Needs that we need You to intercede in our lives. 10:20 And so we bring those before You right now. 10:25 We ask that You would refresh the hearts of all those 10:28 in ministry who are weary. 10:32 Remind them that they are doing Your will. 10:35 Please let them see the fruit of their labor, 10:38 even if it is only one soul. 10:42 Father, for pastors who 10:46 every Sunday, or every Monday, or every Tuesday, 10:51 they give up. 10:55 God, give them the strength to stick in there. 11:04 It's not in vain, their labor is not in vain. 11:06 Remind them that their labor, there is a reason, 11:11 and You are working all things for Your good. 11:16 Lord, we remember our Sabbath School teachers. 11:21 I pray that You will please let them know how important 11:24 their work is for those who sit in under their teaching. 11:29 For the hours of study that the Sabbath schools 11:35 spend throughout the week, and the pastors 11:38 spend throughout the week, studying Your Word 11:40 so that they can lead their church, lead Your people. 11:46 Lord, I seek your guidance for the many Centers of Influence, 11:51 the health and family programs, 11:53 and Pathfinder clubs around the world. 11:58 God, given them Your guidance, oh God. 12:03 We pray that more and more young adults 12:06 will get involved in missions to the cities. 12:12 Oh God, fill us with compassion for the lost, 12:18 and a desire to follow You. 12:23 I pray that You will help us love and nurture new members. 12:30 To invite people to church, 12:35 to invite them to our home study groups. 12:39 God, stir up that desire in us. 12:46 Lord, please show us how to send more truth-filled 12:49 literature, both printed and electronic, 12:53 into our communities. 12:55 Lord, open those doors. 12:58 And I pray that people will read that material and 13:02 that the Holy Spirit will convict them of Bible truth. 13:10 Lord, we thank You for the ways that You have 13:14 given mankind to share Your Word 13:19 through the printed truth-filled literature. 13:22 Open doors, we ask. 13:27 Lord, we ask for Your protection over missionaries 13:30 working in dangerous places. 13:32 Oh God, I read every day 13:38 how someone in some far off country, 13:41 lands that I've not heard of, are experiencing persecution, 13:49 and are having trouble spreading the Word. 13:53 Oh God, give them protection. 14:00 Lord, I pray that You would please raise up 14:02 literature evangelists, student volunteers, authors, 14:08 media specialists, and financial supporters 14:12 that will spread words of hope and life. 14:16 Lord, You've got a job for each of us to do. 14:22 Just raise them up. 14:28 Lord, we pray again for those that You've placed on our hearts 14:32 that we long to see won to Your kingdom. 14:36 God, give them an open heart 14:41 to allow Your Holy Spirit to work in their lives. 14:47 And Lord, we pray that You will help us to be mindful 14:50 to look for opportunities to show Your love 14:57 to those on the street, those that we meet, 15:00 those that You open the door. 15:04 Give us the words to say. 15:10 Right now where you are, I encourage you to 15:14 just take a few moments and pray for someone 15:21 who God has placed on your heart. 15:29 It's a great big world. 15:33 And someone you know needs a great big God. 15:38 So take some time and pray for them. 16:43 Holy God, I pray that You will help us 16:45 to sanctify You in our hearts. 16:49 And help us to always be ready to give a defense 16:52 to everyone who asks for a reason for this 16:55 hope that is in us with meekness and fear. 17:00 Lord, that You would allow us to live such obviously 17:06 different lives, 17:10 that people would be curious 17:15 and would inquire, "What is different?" 17:19 "Why the difference?" 17:33 And then, Lord, I pray that in those very lives 17:37 You will give the ability for them to trust in You, 17:46 to give their lives over to You and to obey You. 17:54 May we all do that, God. 17:56 May we all trust. 17:59 Trust in Your promises, trust in Your ways, 18:05 and obey You when You ask us. 18:19 When we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word, 18:26 what a glory He sheds on our way. 18:33 While we do His good will, He abides with us still, 18:40 and with all who will trust and obey. 18:49 Trust and obey, for there's no other way 18:56 to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey. 19:09 Not a burden we bear, not a sorrow we share, 19:16 but our toil He doth richly repay. 19:23 Not a grief nor a loss, not a frown or a cross, 19:30 but is blest if we trust and obey. 19:37 Trust and obey, for there's no other way 19:43 to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey. 20:03 But we never can prove the delights of His love 20:09 until all on the altar we lay. 20:16 For the favor He shows, for the joy He bestows, 20:23 are for them who will trust and obey. 20:31 Trust and obey, for there's no other way 20:38 to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey. 20:51 Then in fellowship sweet we will sit at Your feet, 20:58 or we'll walk by Your side in the way. 21:04 What You say, we will do; where You send, we will go. 21:10 Never fear, only trust and obey. 21:17 Trust and obey, for there's no other way 21:25 to be happy in Jesus, 21:31 but to trust and obey. 21:48 Father God, I thank You that You answer our prayers 21:52 according to Your will. 21:54 Because You know best. 21:58 I thank You for using us to share with others, 22:02 and for Your Holy Spirit who will teach us 22:05 what we ought to say. 22:07 Lord, give us the faith to trust You. 22:13 Thank You, Lord, that Your promises are true 22:15 and trustworthy, that Your word does not return to You void, 22:23 but that it accomplishes everything that You please. 22:29 And Lord, may it prosper for the thing which You send it. 22:36 That is our prayer, oh Lord. 22:39 Thank You, Lord. 22:45 Do you have something you need to pray, to thank Him for? 22:52 You made it through another day. 22:59 Thank You, Father, for the breath that we breathe. 23:04 Thank You for meeting our needs. 23:08 Father, thank You for running water. 23:16 Thank You for a pillow at night, and a blanket. 23:25 For even the simplest thing. 23:29 Thank You for this time together that we've had to spend 23:33 over the past five days. 23:37 God, You've been so good. 23:39 We've enjoyed feeling Your presence. 23:44 Thank You for Your Holy Spirit. 23:49 Now here are some promises from the Word of God. 23:57 Especially for those of you who may have some fear of 24:01 speaking in public, sharing your faith in public. 24:06 Isaiah 44:8, "Do not fear, nor be afraid; 24:12 Have I not told you from that time, and declared it? 24:15 You are My witnesses. 24:18 Is there a God besides Me?" 24:20 This is Jehovah speaking. 24:22 "Indeed there is no other Rock; I know not one." 24:29 From Isaiah 60:1, "Arise, shine; For your light has come! 24:34 And the glory of the LORD is risen upon you." 24:39 From 2 Corinthians 5:18, "Now all things are of God, 24:45 who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, 24:49 and has given us the ministry of reconciliation..." 24:58 In Jeremiah 1:7 we read, "But the LORD said to me, 25:03 'Do not say, "I am just a youth." 25:07 For you shall go to all to whom I send you; 25:11 and whatever I command you, you shall speak.'" 25:20 Acts 1:8 says, "But you shall receive power when the 25:25 Holy Spirit has come upon you; 25:27 and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, 25:31 and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth." 25:42 It's powerful stuff, isn't it? 25:49 I remember at GYC just this past December. 25:56 The theme, "To The End." 26:03 And when the speaker would ask for youth who were willing and 26:10 desiring to go to be missionaries and 26:15 to be used of God, it's like they had been 26:18 waiting for that moment. 26:19 Like they had just been waiting for the question to be posed. 26:28 And they rushed to the front. 26:36 Oh God, may we all be that eager. 26:41 May we lay aside the weight of our responsibilities. 26:49 Lord, we thank You that You've given us jobs and 26:53 families to care for and to provide for, 26:56 but Lord, sometimes we allow those to be our excuses 27:02 not to go. 27:08 Lord, may Your request be so loud, if You want us to go, 27:18 that nothing will hold us back. 27:22 And Father, for that one who can afford to send someone 27:26 in their place, that's needed too; 27:32 the funds for someone to become a missionary. 27:48 To the ends of the earth, until the whole world knows. 27:53 1 Peter 2:9 says, "But you are a chosen generation, 27:59 a royal priesthood, a holy nation, 28:02 His own special people, 28:05 that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you 28:08 out of darkness into His marvelous light." 28:13 Yeah. 28:16 And lastly, 1 Peter 3:15 says, "But sanctify the Lord 28:21 in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense 28:26 to everyone who asks you a reason for that hope 28:30 that is in you, that you will give it with meekness and fear." 28:40 Thank you again for spending time praying with me. 28:45 Continue to pray. 28:51 Share the website,, 28:53 with a neighbor, with a friend, with a family member. 28:59 You can start your own little revival 29:01 right there where you are. 29:03 A prayer meeting right there in your house, 29:05 right there in your living room. 29:08 What an honor we have to pray to our holy Father. 29:15 He loves to hear from you. 29:20 Thank You, Father, for hearing our prayers. 29:37 We'll be together for five more days. 29:41 So come back and join us again 29:46 on this great journey: ten days of prayer. 29:52 Have a good evening. God bless you. |
Revised 2019-02-04