Series Code: PHTDP
Program Code: PHTDP190002A
00:15 Hi, and welcome to day two of, Ten Days of Prayer;
00:18 a prayer strategy from the Revival and Reformation 00:21 initiative of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 00:24 I welcome you back to those of you who joined me yesterday. 00:28 If this is your first day, though, I invite you to join me 00:31 for the next nine days for 30 minutes of praise and prayer 00:35 as we seek God for a deeper experience. 00:38 John 3:3 says, "Most assuredly I say to you, 00:42 unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." 00:46 Listen to this from, The Desire of Ages, page 172, 00:50 "The Christian's life is not a modification or improvement 00:54 of the old, but a transformation of nature. 00:57 There is a death to self and sin, and a new life altogether." 01:02 Have you yielded yourself to Christ? 01:04 Do you think your salvation is secured by the 01:07 good things you are doing? 01:09 Where is the joy of your salvation? 01:12 Where is the love of Christ? 01:15 I invite you to surrender your life to Christ. 01:17 That begins by recognizing your need for a Savior; 01:21 to choose Him. 01:22 In, Steps To Christ, page 18, it says, "Education, culture, 01:27 the exercise of the will, human effort, all have their 01:30 proper sphere, but here they are powerless. 01:33 They may produce an outward correctness of behavior, 01:36 but they cannot change the heart, 01:39 they cannot purify the springs of life. 01:42 Unless he shall receive a new heart, new desires, 01:45 purposes, and motives leading to a new life 01:49 he cannot see the kingdom of God." 01:52 So today I invite you, one who has never accepted 01:57 the gift of salvation, or like myself, a Christian, 02:00 church-goer, do-gooder all my life, 02:03 let's join in giving our will to God. 02:06 Accept His gift of repentance, confess any self-righteousness, 02:11 self-importance, self-indulgence, self-pity, 02:14 anything of self, turn it over to Christ to control. 02:20 And once you've made the decision to do that, 02:22 begin spending quality time getting to know 02:27 who is life eternal. 02:29 He is life eternal. 02:31 John 17:3 says, "And this is life eternal, 02:34 that they might know You, the only true God, 02:38 and Jesus Christ whom You have sent." 02:40 Through Scripture and prayer, becoming intimately acquainted 02:44 with the Savior, life will take on new meaning, 02:48 your mind will be renewed, 02:49 new attitudes and new affections will develop. 02:52 From this moment forward, life will never, ever be the same. 02:57 Praise God. 02:59 So my desire is to be a Christian in my heart, 03:04 to be like Jesus in my life, every day in my walk. 03:11 Lord, I want to be like Jesus in my heart, in my heart. 03:20 Lord, I want to be like Jesus in my heart. 03:27 In my heart, in my heart, 03:35 Lord, I want to be like Jesus in my heart. 03:47 Give me Jesus, give me Jesus. 03:58 You can have all this world, 04:03 give me Jesus. 04:32 Father, we praise You that You have cleansed us 04:36 from all sin and unrighteousness. 04:40 God, that's huge. 04:43 When I think about people that I know that are 04:50 dirty, rotten scoundrels, You forgive them. 04:57 But I'm no better. 05:00 I've been a Christian all my life, but 05:06 I needed that same forgiveness. 05:08 And I need that same forgiveness every day. 05:12 So I thank You that You have cleansed me 05:15 from all sin and unrighteousness. 05:19 For the one who is maybe watching in prison 05:24 who was found guilty of a crime, 05:29 all he has to do is cry out to You for forgiveness 05:33 and it's done, because You have the power to do that, God. 05:37 So I thank You for cleansing us 05:40 from all sin and unrighteousness. 05:43 Lord, I praise You that You have made us new creations. 05:49 Old things have passed away, 05:53 and all things have become new. 05:57 Lord, we all like new things. 06:01 And that's the way You see us: 06:05 as a new creation. 06:08 Thank You for that. 06:11 Lord, I praise You that You are able to keep me 06:15 from falling, You're able to keep all of us from falling, 06:20 and that You present us to the Father with great joy, Lord. 06:28 I praise You for that, God. 06:32 And Lord, I praise You for convicting me of sin, 06:40 and for extending Your endless mercy. 06:47 Lord, when I do wrong, You send Your Holy Spirit 06:50 to convict me and to remind me, that's not 06:58 the way I should be walking. 07:00 So I praise You for that. 07:02 And I praise You that Your mercies are new every morning. 07:07 You are rich in mercy. 07:11 That means You'll never run out of mercy. 07:18 Lord Jesus, I praise You for Your mercy. 07:26 Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father; 07:34 there is no shadow of turning with Thee. 07:41 Thou changest not, Thy compassions they fail not. 07:51 As Thou hast been, Thou forever will be. 08:00 Great is Thy faithfulness, great is Thy faithfulness. 08:09 Morning by morning new mercies I see. 08:19 All I have needed Thy hand hath surely provided. 08:29 Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me. 08:55 And Lord, throughout my day when self 09:05 rears its ugly head, 09:10 I pray that You will show me. 09:18 I have a propensity to allow myself get the better of 09:26 my day, my time, my life. 09:29 So I just ask, God, that You would show me areas in my life 09:35 where self is most alive. 09:43 Lord, I pray that You would forgive me when I have been 09:45 self-righteous and self-indignant, self-indulgent, 09:52 practicing self-pity. 09:55 For those watching, 10:05 we've all been self-righteous and 10:08 we've indulged in our own way. 10:13 Lord, forgive us. 10:17 And Father, I ask that You would reveal areas in our lives 10:20 that need to be transformed. 10:29 Take a moment to confess your shortcomings to the Father. 10:46 Forgive us, Lord. 10:51 Forgive us, Lord. 11:00 Forgive us, Lord. 11:15 Father God, we recognize that it is through Your mercies 11:19 that we are not consumed. 11:21 Because Your compassions never fail. 11:25 And like the baker's bread, they are fresh every morning. 11:30 Thank You. 11:33 We praise You for Your great faithfulness. 11:43 Lord, I pray that You will please fill us with the 11:49 knowledge of Your will, that we may walk worthy 11:53 of You, oh God. 11:56 Father, I want to pray tonight especially for those 12:00 in spiritual and mental prisons, to be set free from their guilt. 12:09 In Jesus' name. 12:14 Lord, I ask You to fill us with the fruit of righteousness. 12:21 Father, we thank You that You alone are righteous. 12:25 And You have set a standard, and You have told us to be 12:30 holy, for You are holy. 12:34 God, as we live in this world, we know that it's not always 12:37 easy to do that. 12:40 It's not always easy to be righteousness. 12:45 So I pray for Your power, oh God, 12:50 to be strong in our days when we are most tempted 12:58 to do things our way, 13:02 which ultimately winds up as being an unrighteous way. 13:08 Lord, I pray for a mighty surge of Adventists who will serve You 13:15 by loving others and by sharing with people 13:18 from other cultures and religions. 13:22 Hungry people all over this world need to hear about You. 13:28 So I pray that You will raise up Your people to go and tell. 13:38 I pray that You will raise up modern day Waldensian students 13:45 who are willing to serve You in difficult places. 13:54 Father, I pray for sixty-two million people in twenty-eight 13:58 least reached cities of the former Soviet Union. 14:05 Dear God, send missionaries to reach these lost people. 14:17 Lord, I pray that You will raise up brave missionaries 14:23 willing to work among the 746 people groups 14:28 in the twenty countries of the Middle East. 14:33 God, it seems like an impossible task. 14:41 But You are a God of the impossible. 14:44 And I don't believe that You would have told us 14:48 to go into all of the world if it couldn't be done. 14:58 So I pray in Jesus' name that You will raise up 15:03 brave missionaries who are willing to die, if it be, 15:09 for the cause of Christ so that the whole world knows 15:16 that You are King of kings and Lord of lords. 15:20 I pray for the thousand missionary movement 15:23 in Northern Asia Pacific Division 15:28 and the Southern Asia Pacific Division. 15:35 A thousand missionaries to go to these areas. 15:40 And as these young people serve in countries such as Taiwan, 15:46 China, Russia, and Burma, may they be baptized with 15:50 the Holy Spirit and empowered to do Your work, oh God. 15:57 Lord, we need Your power. 16:00 We can't do it on our own. We need Your power. 16:08 Till the whole world knows. 16:11 To the ends of the earth. 16:15 And I know that you at home, 16:18 you have people that you're praying for, 16:24 loved ones that it breaks your heart 16:29 to know that they're not serving God. 16:32 So I pray that you will take a moment and pray for them. 16:44 Lord, I pray for those that You've placed on our hearts 16:46 that we long to see won to Your kingdom. 16:49 May they be open to allowing Your Holy Spirit 16:52 to work in their lives. 16:56 Your Word definitely declares that You will give us 16:59 a new heart and a new spirit. 17:04 Lord, that You will perform heart surgery 17:08 and take out the heart of stone 17:11 and replace it with a heart of flesh. 17:17 So Lord, I ask You to do that in me. 17:21 Begin with me. 17:27 Everything that is selfish in me, take it out. 17:41 Father, for those who have joined me who have needs, 17:49 God, for those who have needs, especially that 17:52 they have no idea how that need is going to be met, 18:00 that unless You intervene there is absolutely no way 18:09 that they're going to make it through. 18:12 Whether it be a financial, or physical, or spiritual, 18:15 or emotional, a mental need, 18:23 Lord, I know that You are able. 18:26 You are able. 18:29 So meet those needs, according to Your will 18:33 and according to Your riches. 18:39 I encourage you at home, 18:45 don't give up. 18:48 Our heavenly Father, He loves you and He wants... 18:56 ...He wants you to cry out to Him. 19:01 He wants to meet Your need. 19:03 I truly believe that. 19:08 Father God... 19:15 Lord, I just pray right now for marriages that are troubled, 19:21 for relationships that are not what they should be, 19:27 that the homes have become dysfunctional, 19:33 that there's no joy in those homes anymore. 19:36 God, I pray in Jesus' name, 19:42 fill that home with love and peace, 19:46 that only You can. 19:52 Restore broken marriages, broken relationships. 20:02 God, that's who You are, that's what You want; 20:05 is restoration. 20:10 And I thank You, Lord, for what You're doing right now 20:13 in people's lives. 20:16 Thank You, Lord. 21:11 You know that song? 21:13 Nearer, still nearer, close to Thy heart; 21:22 draw me, my Savior; so precious Thou art! 21:31 Fold me, oh, fold me close to Thy breast; 21:39 shelter me safe in that haven of rest. 21:50 Shelter me safe 21:54 in that haven of rest. 22:06 And now, Lord, we thank You for hearing our prayer. 22:13 Thank You for placing me on someone's heart 22:21 that I would make the decision to live for You. 22:28 Thank You for not abandoning us to our 22:30 past failures and mistakes. 22:36 Thank You for the gift of repentance 22:39 and for revealing our need for You. 22:46 And thank You for knowing the end from the beginning, 22:51 and for answering our prayers in Your time and in Your way. 23:01 Thank You, Lord. 23:07 Thank You, Lord. 23:09 We rejoice and thank You that we know You, 23:19 not as some God who is far off, 23:24 but as our personal Father. 23:29 Thank You. 23:34 Bless You, Lord. 23:38 Thank You, Lord. 23:42 I want to encourage you to keep praying. 23:47 There's a saying that is the word, "push," p-u-s-h: 23:52 pray until something happens. 23:55 Don't give up on those who seem hopeless. 23:59 Titus 3 reminds us it wasn't so long ago that 24:04 we ourselves were stupid and stubborn; 24:08 dupes of sin, ordered every which way by our glands, 24:12 going around with a chip on our shoulder, 24:16 hated and hating back. 24:20 But when God, our kind and loving Savior, 24:24 stepped in, He saved us from all of that. 24:29 It was all His doing. 24:31 We had nothing to do with it. 24:33 He gave us a good bath, and we came out of it 24:38 brand new people, washed inside and out by the Holy Spirit. 24:44 Our Savior, Jesus, poured out new life so very generously. 24:49 God's gift has restored our relationship with Him and 24:52 given us back our lives. 24:55 And there's more life to come. 24:58 An eternity of life. 25:00 That you can count on. 25:02 So don't quit praying. 25:07 Don't quit praying. 25:24 For as much as you want to see your need met, 25:28 as much as you want to see that soul, that someone 25:31 that you've been praying for all these years, 25:34 as much as you want to see them saved, 25:37 just imagine how much God, our Father, 25:41 wants that very same thing. 25:44 So in His time. 25:47 Don't stop praying for it. 25:51 Don't stop praying, 25:54 don't ever stop praying. 26:16 In just a little over 30 minutes tonight at 8:00 pm central, 26:23 join us for a special two hour live program, 26:27 A Time of Prayer. 26:31 It will be airing here on the Praise Him Music Network, 26:35 and also on 3ABN, our parent network. 26:44 So call someone who needs to be lifted up 26:50 through a time of prayer. 26:57 I grew up in a tradition and in an atmosphere 27:02 when I went to church where we all prayed out loud. 27:12 Some people might think that sounds confusing 27:14 and distracting maybe to hear so many people praying aloud, 27:18 but it's powerful to me to know that we all are 27:23 in one accord agreeing together. 27:26 The Bible says there's power when two or more gather 27:31 in His name. 27:33 So tonight in just 30 minutes we're going to 27:36 gather again and just do some more of 27:38 what we've been doing right here. 27:44 We're going to pray, we're going to pray. 27:47 We're going to pray, pray. 27:57 Father, for those who won't be able to join us, 28:02 I pray that You will give them a good night's rest. 28:09 Lord, there's so much to be said for peace as we sleep. 28:14 Maybe someone who hasn't been able to sleep. 28:18 God, speak peace to them that they may rest tonight. 28:24 We trust You, Lord. 28:26 We place all our trust in You. 28:33 You are our source, our hope, and we trust in You. 28:40 We trust in You. 28:44 Thank You. 28:53 Join me again tomorrow night for another 30 minutes 28:57 of this, of praying, 29:04 seeking God. 29:08 We are a needy people. 29:11 We need Him. 29:18 Bring your needs. 29:25 Lord, we love You. 29:39 Thank you for sharing these 30 minutes with me. 29:41 God bless you. |
Revised 2019-01-21