Praise Him Ten Days of Prayer

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: PHTDP

Program Code: PHTDP190001A

00:12 Welcome to day one of, Ten Days of Prayer;
00:14 a prayer strategy from the Revival and Reformation
00:17 initiative of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
00:20 I invite you to join me for the next ten days for thirty minutes
00:23 of praise and prayer as we seek God for a deeper experience.
00:27 As Paul wrote to the church at Ephesus,
00:30 my prayer for you during this ten days of prayer
00:32 is that God would grant you, according to the riches of
00:35 His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit
00:39 in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in your hearts
00:42 through faith, that you being rooted and grounded in love
00:46 may be able to comprehend with all the saints
00:49 what is the width and length and depth and height
00:52 to know the love of Christ, which passes knowledge,
00:55 that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.
00:59 Do you know that God loves you unconditionally?
01:03 You have a heavenly Father that claims you as His child.
01:06 Therefore, you are a son or a daughter of the Most High God,
01:10 the King of kings.
01:12 At certain times in our lives we all need assurance
01:14 that we are loved and accepted.
01:17 Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, page 119 says,
01:20 "Live in contact with the living Christ,
01:23 and He will hold you firmly by a hand that will never let go.
01:27 Know and believe the love that God has to us,
01:30 and you are secure.
01:32 That love is a fortress impregnable to all the delusions
01:36 and assaults of Satan."
01:38 Proverbs 18:10 says, "The name of the Lord is a strong tower:
01:43 the righteous run to it, and are safe."
01:53 There's the wonder of sunset at evening,
02:00 the wonder as sunrise I see;
02:06 but the wonder of wonders that thrills my soul
02:13 is the wonder that God loves me.
02:19 O, the wonder of it all!
02:24 The wonder of it all!
02:28 Just to think that God loves me.
02:35 O, the wonder of it all!
02:40 The wonder of it all!
02:43 Just to think that God loves me.
02:51 There's the wonder of springtime and harvest,
02:57 the sky, the stars, the sun;
03:03 But the wonder of wonders that thrills my soul
03:10 is the wonder that has only begun.
03:17 O, the wonder of it all!
03:21 The wonder of it all!
03:25 Just to think that God loves me.
03:33 O, the wonder of it all!
03:37 The wonder of it all!
03:41 Just to think that God loves me.
03:53 Father, we praise You for loving us.
03:58 And Lord, You loved us first.
04:02 Before we knew You, before we knew anything about You,
04:06 You loved us.
04:08 And Lord, I praise You that You have loved us
04:11 with an everlasting love that will never end.
04:15 And with a loving kindness You have drawn us,
04:19 drawn us to Yourself, Lord.
04:23 Lord, we praise You for Your unfailing care.
04:27 Oh how You love and care so much for us.
04:31 It's proven in the way You provide for us,
04:36 and the way You watch out for us.
04:41 Lord, we thank You and we praise You for caring for us.
04:46 And Lord, we praise You for Your healing power.
04:50 Father, such a power that we can't even imagine.
04:58 Such a power that can heal our sicknesses,
05:04 a power that can reach across the world and
05:10 just do amazing things, God.
05:12 Anything that You have in mind, Lord,
05:14 that's what You can do.
05:16 You have the power.
05:17 And we thank You that through prayer
05:21 we have the opportunity to come to You and praise You, Lord.
05:28 So we want to give You praise.
05:40 And can it be that I should gain
05:48 an interest in the Savior's blood?
05:57 Died He for me who caused His pain;
06:06 for me who Him to death pursued.
06:14 Amazing love, how can it be
06:22 that Thou, my God, should die for me?
06:31 Amazing love, how can it be
06:39 that Thou, my God, should die for me?
06:55 No condemnation now I dread;
07:03 Jesus, and all in Him, is mine.
07:11 Alive in Him, my living Head,
07:19 and clothed in righteousness divine.
07:28 Bold I approach the eternal throne,
07:36 and claim the crown, through Christ my own.
07:44 Amazing love, how can it be
07:53 that Thou, my God, should die for me?
08:13 Lord, I ask that You would forgive us
08:16 for our sin that has kept us from a
08:22 deeper experience with You.
08:26 Lord, I invite You to search my heart
08:34 and remind me and convict me of the things
08:43 that aren't pleasing to You and that just stink to You.
08:51 Lord, I want to be pure.
08:54 I want to be pure in Your eyes.
08:58 And for you at home, I invite you to take a few moments
09:04 and to ask the Holy Spirit to search your heart
09:08 and reveal any sin that you need to confess to God.
09:11 Anything that is separating you from a fellowship with Him.
09:18 So just take a few moments to do that.
10:06 Lord, we pray as Paul did in Ephesians 3:17-19
10:13 that You will find a permanent home in our hearts
10:17 as we learn to trust You.
10:21 Lord, that our roots will go down deeply
10:25 into the soul of Your love.
10:29 Lord, that we will understand the width and the length
10:33 and the depth and the height of Your love to us.
10:38 And Lord, that we will be filled with all Your fullness;
10:43 everything that You have for us.
10:48 For that is our prayer.
10:53 And Lord, we pray that You will fill us with Your love
10:56 and make us passionate about loving and
11:00 leading others to Jesus.
11:04 God, we pray for families whose world is
11:07 full of chaos and sorrow and confusion.
11:13 Lord, we don't always understand why these things go on,
11:17 but I pray that You will be the Healer.
11:25 Lord, I pray that You will bless the hundreds of thousands
11:28 of outreach activities around the world in 2019.
11:33 God, You've put it upon our hearts to be active
11:38 and to be busy, to the ends of the earth.
11:44 We want to be faithful, to go and spread the Word,
11:49 spread the great gospel message.
11:52 And so, Lord, especially for the Total Member Involvement
11:55 evangelism efforts that are going to take place
11:59 this year in India and next year in Papau New Guinea.
12:07 Lord, I pray for those workers.
12:09 And I pray that You will call in and place upon hearts
12:15 the urgency to be spreading the gospel.
12:25 And God, I pray for Adventist members,
12:29 for Christian missionaries all around the world,
12:33 who face persecution or imprisonment
12:36 because of their beliefs.
12:39 God, I think of missionary pastors who have
12:45 been arrested because they didn't give up,
12:49 they didn't stop preaching the gospel message,
12:51 even though they knew it was maybe against the law
12:55 in their country.
12:58 But God, You've given them a boldness.
13:00 And now I pray, God, that You would minister to them
13:06 right where they are.
13:08 And Lord, for their families
13:11 who are waiting for You to act on their behalf.
13:17 God.
13:21 We know that there's a price to pay.
13:26 So I pray, oh God, that You would please touch those
13:30 missionaries that are facing persecution.
13:38 And Lord, I pray for a spiritual revival
13:41 among Seventh-day Adventist young people,
13:43 and for Christian students who attend public colleges
13:46 and universities worldwide.
13:51 God, recently at GYC I got to see firsthand
13:57 the heart that You've given these young people
13:59 to follow hard after You and to serve You
14:03 with everything that is in them.
14:06 Lord, I pray that You will give them a special boldness
14:16 to be vibrant ambassadors for You, Lord.
14:25 God, I pray for the 69% of earth's population
14:28 who have not received an unclouded presentation of Jesus.
14:36 God, it's so easy to get consumed and lost in my
14:41 little world here in the United States
14:48 and to forget that there are people who haven't
14:51 heard about You.
14:54 Lord, I pray that You would fill me, oh God,
14:57 with compassion for the lost.
15:03 Oh God, send workers.
15:06 We know that the fields are white unto harvest.
15:11 But the laborers seem few.
15:16 Lord, I pray for those that You've placed on our hearts.
15:20 Lord, for those who are watching
15:26 and joining in as I pray,
15:29 no doubt they have people who they would long to see
15:33 won to Your kingdom.
15:37 So Lord, I lift them up.
15:44 May those people be open to allowing Your Holy Spirit
15:49 to work in their lives.
15:54 Father, Your Word reminds me that You have loved Me
15:57 with an everlasting love.
15:59 And with everlasting love You have drawn me.
16:04 So Father, I pray that You would draw all men to You
16:11 till the whole world knows.
16:19 So for those of you who are at home,
16:24 if God has laid someone on your heart,
16:27 if you have a neighbor, if you have a family member,
16:31 that you want to see won to the Savior, led to Him,
16:37 just spend a moment praying for that dear loved one.
18:00 Father, for those who have joined me in our time together,
18:06 no doubt there are many needs represented.
18:12 So Lord, I pray that You would meet these needs,
18:16 the physical needs, the spiritual needs,
18:21 Father, for financial needs, and emotional needs.
18:28 Lord, we know that You own the cattle on a thousand hills,
18:31 that there is nothing too great for You,
18:38 no need too great.
18:42 So we lay our needs at Your feet.
18:49 And we ask that You would meet them according to
18:50 Your riches and glory.
18:54 And we say, thank You.
19:01 We say, thank You, Lord.
19:04 Thank You for hearing our prayer, God.
19:09 Thank You for saving us, Lord.
19:14 Thank You for giving us the promise that You will
19:17 never leave us or forsake us.
19:20 Thank You, God, for hearing our prayer.
19:25 For loving us, Lord, we thank You.
19:28 We bless Your name, oh God.
19:32 Thank You for those who loved us and cared enough about us
19:41 to pray for us that we would come to know You.
19:44 I remember my grandma would tell me of
19:53 the many hours she spend praying for me and my cousins
19:59 and her children.
20:02 So that You, Lord, that we've been praying all these years.
20:10 Thank You for those saints who have prayed for us.
20:15 Amen?
20:18 And thank You, God, that You had Your hand
20:23 over me before I was ever even born.
20:26 Your Word says when I was in the womb, You knew me.
20:32 Father, I thank You for sending Your Son
20:35 to die a sacrificial death for me.
20:41 It's such love I can never repay.
20:47 And I thank You, Lord, for knowing my need,
20:50 for knowing the needs of our viewers,
20:53 for hearing our prayers, and for answering our prayers
20:57 according to Your will for our lives.
21:06 God, I'm grateful.
21:11 So grateful.
21:13 Thank You.
21:20 Just continue to thank Him.
21:25 We have so much to be thankful for.
21:27 We could never thank Him enough.
21:41 We bless You, Lord, we thank You, Lord,
21:46 for all that You've done, for all that You are.
21:51 For all You're going to do, we thank You, Lord.
21:57 We love You, Lord. We praise Your name.
22:11 I will sing of Jesus' love, sing of Him who first loved me;
22:21 for He left bright worlds above, and died on Calvary.
22:31 I will sing of Jesus' love,
22:37 endless praise my heart shall give.
22:41 He has died that I might live.
22:49 I will sing His love to me.
22:56 O the depths of love divine!
23:01 Earth or heaven can never know
23:05 how that sins as dark as mine
23:11 can be made as white as snow.
23:16 I will sing of Jesus' love,
23:21 endless praise my heart shall give.
23:26 He has died that I might live.
23:32 I will sing His love to me.
23:40 Nothing good for Him I've done.
23:45 How could He such love bestow?
23:50 Lord, I own my heart is won;
23:56 help me now my love to show.
24:01 I will sing of Jesus' love,
24:07 endless praise my heart shall give.
24:12 He has died that I might live.
24:20 I will sing His love to me.
24:56 Bless the Lord.
25:00 So now for the next few days through the 19th of January
25:11 I invite you to come back where we will meet just like this.
25:22 Our only purpose when we get together will be to pray,
25:28 to sing, sing praises, and then to confess our sin to God.
25:38 Then we'll have a time of supplication and intercession.
25:45 Then we'll sing some more.
25:50 We'll sing thanksgiving to God for having heard our prayers.
25:57 So that's our purpose.
26:01 Each night we'll meet for 30 minutes.
26:09 So bring your needs, create a prayer list of your own.
26:16 And also I encourage you to go to...
26:26 ...where there are some great resources
26:29 and an outline that you can follow
26:33 exactly like what I'm following.
26:38 Some of them are church specific,
26:42 Adventist specific.
26:45 Some of them just your neighbor specific.
26:52 Whatever you feel like you need,
26:55 whatever God has laid on your heart to pray about.
26:58 That's the beautiful thing about prayer.
27:00 It's a personal relationship, personal conversation.
27:06 There's no right or wrong way.
27:12 God just wants to hear from you.
27:14 How long has it been since you maybe took time?
27:21 And now as this new year has started,
27:24 this is a perfect opportunity to just surrender your heart
27:31 to Him and to pray.
27:39 The world is full of needs.
27:42 So let's just take these next couple of minutes and
27:47 continue to pray,
27:56 continue to thank Him for His goodness.
28:04 Lord, how we love You.
28:08 You've been so good to us.
28:58 Don't forget that God loves you
29:02 with an everlasting love.
29:05 He's never going to give up on you.
29:09 He is a faithful Father.
29:13 And He just wants to hear from you.
29:14 I pray that over the next 24 hours until we meet again,
29:21 that you will remember and walk in that precious love
29:31 Oh, how He loves you!
29:40 He really does.
29:43 God bless you.


Revised 2019-01-15