Books of the Book: Peter

Patience And The Apostle Paul

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Tom Shepherd & Deyvy Rodriguez


Series Code: PBOTB

Program Code: PBOTB00025B

00:01 And we're back with "Books of the Book."
00:02 We're studying our last Chapter in 2 Peter.
00:05 Dr. Shepherd, wasn't there more in verse 15?
00:09 Yes. Would you read verse 15 again for us?
00:12 "And consider that the longsuffering
00:14 of our Lord is salvation,
00:15 as also our beloved brother Paul,
00:18 according to the wisdom given to him,
00:20 has written to you."
00:22 Okay. So the first part of this, we already said,
00:24 kind of quickly but we stated that,
00:27 we are supposed to count the patience of God.
00:29 Remember this is His slowness to anger.
00:32 He's patiently waiting for people to repent.
00:35 He says, count the patience of our Lord as salvation.
00:40 If you repent you will be saved, you see.
00:42 And so his patience waiting
00:45 is his opening of the door for us to be saved.
00:49 Some people wait too long,
00:52 you know, they wait too long until it's too late.
00:55 Now the Apostle Paul says, "Today is the day of salvation."
00:59 Don't wait to give your life to Jesus.
01:02 It's never too late as long as there's life,
01:05 there's hope but it's never too early
01:10 to make things right with God.
01:12 So he goes on after that
01:14 he says, "Just our beloved brother Paul
01:18 also wrote to you according to the wisdom given to him."
01:25 Now the main reason that he inserts Paul's name here,
01:32 you know, he puts Paul in here
01:35 he's going to answer a problem
01:37 and that's he's gonna come to in verse 16.
01:42 And why does he mention Paul after all?
01:44 Yeah, after all why mentioned Paul,
01:46 why not just, you know keep going?
01:48 Well, maybe we should read verse 16 as well.
01:51 Verse 16? Yeah.
01:52 "As also in all his epistles,
01:54 speaking in them of these things
01:56 in which are some things hard to understood,
01:59 which untaught and unstable people
02:02 twist to their own destruction
02:04 as they do also the rest of the scriptures."
02:07 All right.
02:09 Now let's just think for a moment
02:11 as to the reason God gave the scriptures.
02:17 We've studied this before really
02:19 how all the scriptures are inspired
02:22 and the prophesies or the soak word
02:25 they're the foundation for our faith.
02:28 They are the light that guides us on the path
02:32 and they give us hope and solve--
02:35 they are the promises the precious promises of God
02:38 wherein we find the promises
02:43 that point to the building of character.
02:45 It's so kind like book ends,
02:46 you know, he's been talking about the scriptures.
02:48 Talks about them in the beginning
02:50 and he talks about them at the end.
02:52 And the scriptures are meant to grow us.
02:57 They're meant to grow us.
03:00 It's really sad when people fight over the scriptures.
03:06 You know, when they use them to jab somebody,
03:10 to make a point or they use them to,
03:14 you know, clap it somebody over the head
03:17 or they use them to keep people away.
03:22 There's any variety of ways that people misuse the Bible
03:28 and the Apostle Peter here you know, wants is to know
03:34 that we're not supposed to misuse them
03:36 like they did the Apostle Paul's writings.
03:40 Now some people like to suggest here
03:42 that Peter himself had difficulty understanding
03:46 what Paul wrote.
03:49 Well, I dare say, that the man who wrote 1 Peter,
03:53 that we have seen as, as profound theology
03:57 as the Apostle Paul.
03:58 I don't know that he had difficulty understanding
04:01 what Paul was writing.
04:04 Instead he likely penned these lines
04:08 because there were some people
04:10 who were misrepresenting Paul and twisting what he had to say.
04:16 And he says the twist the rest of these scriptures as well.
04:21 Okay, so he is writing to those who twist Paul
04:26 and maybe those who find Paul challenging.
04:31 Well, that might be any number of us
04:33 who read him and wonder,
04:35 you know, exactly what did he mean.
04:40 But Peter here refers to two groups people.
04:45 He says, he calls them the unlearned and unstable.
04:52 Kind of I said terminology,
04:55 my version says the ignorant and unstable.
05:00 Well, if you turn over to Chapter 2 verse 14,
05:02 would you read 2:14 for us?
05:06 "Having eyes full of adultery,
05:08 that cannot cease from sin, enticing unstable souls.
05:12 They have heart trained
05:14 in covetous practices in our cursed children."
05:17 All right. Now these are--
05:19 This is the work of the false teachers
05:20 but you notice that we had there unstable souls,
05:24 is not what you're sinned.
05:25 Mind says unstable souls.
05:27 Unstable souls, is right. Unstable.
05:28 Yeah, this is the same people,
05:30 the people who are likely to be
05:32 let us stray by the false teachers.
05:35 This could be people young in a faith or others.
05:39 It might have trails of life
05:41 that just lead them to be unstable
05:45 and of course like a good Shepherd,
05:46 you're supposed to God and protect these people.
05:49 All right.
05:51 And so that leads us then to verses 17 and 18.
05:55 Let's read this one more time.
05:57 "You therefore, beloved,
05:58 since you know this beforehand,
06:00 beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness,
06:04 being led away with the error of the wicked,
06:07 but grow in the grace
06:09 and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
06:11 To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen."
06:16 All right, in contrast to what he's talked about
06:20 before verses 17 and 18, refer to Peters,
06:23 closing desire for the Christian to whom he writes,
06:26 he gives them two commands.
06:29 The first one is, the word God
06:31 and the other one is the word grow, God and grow.
06:36 Okay, so the word God is a term that is often used
06:42 a protecting or keeping something
06:45 even like keeping the commandments of God.
06:48 All right.
06:49 But interestingly enough here
06:51 in this passage it has no object.
06:53 He would say, keep, keep the commandments,
06:55 God the commandments or God something
06:58 but here there is no object list
07:02 and so it's more likely that the meaning is like beyond God.
07:05 Stand like a sentry, okay.
07:08 Clearly referring to watch enough for the false teachers.
07:11 So be on God, these false teachers
07:14 will want to mislead you and you need to be sober
07:16 and keep your wits about you.
07:19 The guarding has the affect
07:21 to protect them from being deceived.
07:24 So it is to keep there firmness of commitment,
07:28 ready and strong, okay.
07:31 God, what you've been trusted and stay strong and firm.
07:36 He actually uses the word firmness here
07:38 that you're won't fall from your firmness.
07:41 And that is the opposite of the verse 16
07:47 where it talks about being unstable and weak.
07:50 We're actually related terms in Greek.
07:53 So firmness versus weakness or this thing out.
07:57 I remember, I told you
07:58 that I go to the YMCA and lift weights,
08:00 I don't know, if you can tell. Okay.
08:03 I enjoyed a lot.
08:05 Actually it helps my cello playing
08:06 so I do better because the muscle tone is stronger.
08:09 And if you've never done weightlifting
08:11 you need to try it.
08:13 But the lifting of the weights,
08:17 remember I saw this shirt that said,
08:21 pain is weakness leaving the body.
08:23 So no pain, no gain, you lift these weights and it hurts them.
08:26 But it has wonderful effect on it.
08:28 He wants you to be firm on God like a good bodybuilder
08:33 who has been working out, okay.
08:35 And then the next word is the word to grow.
08:39 And there are two fore say of the grow.
08:42 Two things just supposed to focus on, okay.
08:44 The first one is he mentions grace and knowledge.
08:48 Grow and grace and in the knowledge
08:50 of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
08:52 He's used to go hand in hand in Christian experience.
08:56 This is all in the recent
08:58 of where Peter began in Chapter 2.
09:02 2 Peter 1:1-11, regarding growing the Christian life,
09:06 where you're ascending that ladder
09:09 those wonderful virtues that he is giving.
09:10 The guarding is focused outward.
09:13 So you're guarding against the false teachers he's saying.
09:16 And the growing is focused inward
09:18 towards stain and touch with Jesus
09:20 and becoming like Him.
09:22 So Peter ends with the doxology
09:24 were he praises Jesus, now and to the day of eternity.
09:32 So we've come to conclusion. Yeah. Let's have.
09:36 And in the conclusion we can probably be good for us
09:40 to review just a little bit about the theology
09:44 of these two beautiful books.
09:47 What are the main concepts in the Book of the 1 Peter
09:51 and main the concepts in the Book of 2 Peter.
09:54 Here's just a few ideas to ponder, okay.
09:57 First of all in 1 Peter.
10:00 God is focused on as our-- God is focused,
10:06 He's focused on our spiritual growth
10:08 and connection with Jesus Christ.
10:11 Jesus Christ is both the Savior of our life
10:14 and the great example for us to follow.
10:16 You remember that central chapter 2
10:18 and how it focused on
10:20 the example of Jesus and following Him.
10:22 Salvation is the gift of the God,
10:25 it is the new birth that He gives to you.
10:28 And it has consequences of our life,
10:32 holiness and submission.
10:35 We are upward facing and outward engaged
10:39 to draw others to our Lord by our life of holiness.
10:43 Our life is not to be wasted in pagan passion.
10:46 Number 4, suffering is real, but it is not forever.
10:52 It is a privilege to be linked with Christ,
10:55 suffering has He did.
10:58 5th Christian leadership, is about service.
11:03 Entered willingly carried out faithfully,
11:07 focused on following Christ example.
11:10 Those are some of the key ideas in the Book of 1 Peter,
11:14 when we come to 2 Peter,
11:16 we find again that God has provided
11:19 all we need for successful and growing Christian life.
11:24 And the best protection against evil
11:27 is to focus on what is good.
11:30 You focus on those growing elements of Christian faith
11:33 and he says, you'll never fall, you'll faultier, you know.
11:36 The false teacher will be like just bouncing off of you
11:41 because you're strong and firm in Christ.
11:44 And once the evil is real
11:47 and must not be minimize or underestimated.
11:51 Its power can ruin people's lives.
11:54 We must not lets such treats go on recognize or unrebuked.
11:59 Number 4, Jesus is coming back soon.
12:04 His coming isn't delayed,
12:06 God is just giving you time to get ready.
12:09 And number 5, And light of the beginning and end
12:13 we must live Holy and godly lives
12:16 and help others to get ready for our Lord soon return.
12:20 My friends, we've been talking
12:21 quite a while about from 2 Peter,
12:22 I hope you enjoyed the studies
12:25 and I hoped that the messages
12:26 that we have shared with you here,
12:30 are not simply something for your mind,
12:33 not simply ideas for your head
12:36 but they also spoken to you heart.
12:39 And that is you've heard these messages
12:42 it warmed your heart to turn towards Jesus
12:45 to be more faithful to Him,
12:47 maybe to help somebody else to come to know our Lord.
12:50 I thank you, for participating and opening your Bible with us
12:54 and I hope that you'll continue to open it everyday
12:57 and that God will richly bless your life.
13:01 And Dr. Shepherd, I also want to thank you
13:03 for coming all the way from the Andrews University
13:05 and helping us here with 1 and 2 Peter.
13:08 My privilege. I have been blessed
13:10 and it has encouraged me also to search the Bible
13:14 and also search it thoroughly with even the Greek.
13:19 Yes.
13:20 And we also want to thank our viewers
13:21 and our listening audience who have been joined us
13:24 all this time studying 1 and 2 Peter.
13:27 I'm sure you too have been blessed.
13:29 And we leave you with the words of Peter,
13:31 "May you also grow in the knowledge and grace
13:34 of our Savior Jesus Christ."
13:35 Till next time.


Revised 2014-12-17