Books of the Book: Peter

God Is Not Slow, He Is Slow

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Tom Shepherd & Deyvy Rodriguez


Series Code: PBOTB

Program Code: PBOTB00024B

00:01 And welcome back, we're talking about 2nd Peter 3.
00:04 And we had just read before we left,
00:07 in Luke 18, this beautiful parable of the importunate
00:12 or persistent widow.
00:14 And how she kept going to this judge
00:18 and asking for justice.
00:20 She wouldn't give up.
00:21 It's interesting that Luke presents as he said,
00:23 "He told this parable to the effect
00:26 that they're always to pray and not to lose heart."
00:31 Sometimes, it's easy to lose heart.
00:34 And to think, "Oh, is He really coming
00:38 or is my faith really making a difference
00:41 and should I keep going."
00:43 The answer is yes.
00:45 The unjust judge of course is the opposite
00:47 of what God is like.
00:48 God cares for His children
00:50 and He's going to come and to rescue them. All right.
00:53 So Peter says that the misunderstanding-
00:56 the false teachers have a misunderstanding of time.
01:00 And that's why they misunderstand the delay
01:05 or seeming delay.
01:06 You see, they become lax in their lifestyle.
01:09 They dismiss the high standard set by Christ.
01:12 And they see the delay as license for dissipation,
01:17 for doing what's wrong.
01:19 But the apostle Paul's aside the veil
01:21 to show that God's intention was in what He meant by waiting.
01:25 And it was actually a very opposite kind of perspective.
01:31 He says that the Lord is not slow
01:33 in relationship to His promise.
01:35 That message of Luke 18 points us in that direction.
01:38 And then he says He is patient towards you.
01:42 Now this is a recurring theme in the Bible
01:49 that God is patient.
01:52 Now I want you to read for us Exodus 34:6-7.
01:55 We've read this before
01:58 but this is where Moses sees God's glory.
02:02 It's a rather fundamental text that has a number of connections
02:06 to the things we've been studying.
02:08 Exodus 34:6-7.
02:10 This is when God passes in front of Moses.
02:12 "And the Lord passed before him, and proclaimed,
02:15 the Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious,
02:18 longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth,
02:22 keeping mercy for thousands,
02:24 forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin,
02:27 by no means clearing the guilty,
02:29 visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children,
02:33 and the children's children,
02:34 to the third and to the fourth generation."
02:37 All right, now my translation reads
02:39 just a little bit differently.
02:41 In verse 6 it says, "The Lord passed before him
02:44 and proclaimed the Lord,
02:45 the Lord a God merciful and gracious."
02:48 And then it says, "Slow to anger."
02:53 Slow to anger.
02:55 This idea of slow to anger
02:58 and actually all the phrases of this passage
03:01 become like a benediction in the Old Testament,
03:07 repeated over and over as the hope that we might have.
03:12 The Lord is merciful.
03:14 He is slow to anger abundant in goodness and truth.
03:18 And this kind of rolls down through the ages,
03:21 people just being hopeful that God will be merciful to them
03:27 and not destroy them.
03:28 There is one interesting exception
03:32 and it's the story of Jonah.
03:36 And this short little book in the Old Testament,
03:39 everybody remembers because of the great fish
03:41 'X' it's not call the whale.
03:42 It's called the great fish that God prepares.
03:45 He gets followed by the fish.
03:46 He gets spit up by the fish and he goes to Nineveh
03:51 because there's nothing else he can do.
03:53 And he preaches at Nineveh and he says 40 days
04:00 and Nineveh will be destroyed.
04:03 That's his message, clear and right to the point.
04:06 He doesn't say unless you repent.
04:08 He doesn't say that.
04:09 He says 40 days and Nineveh will be destroyed.
04:13 He preaches for a time and he goes out to wait
04:14 to see what will happen.
04:16 You know, God makes the bush to grow
04:18 and he destroys it.
04:19 The wind to blow
04:20 and all these things happen to Jonah.
04:22 What's interesting is when you get to chapter 4
04:25 as he's waiting for God to destroy the city
04:27 and the city isn't destroyed.
04:30 He became quite angry and upset with God.
04:36 And you finally learn why is he ran away.
04:41 You know, you're not told at the beginning of the story,
04:43 why he ran away until he gets to this point
04:47 and he says that's why I didn't want to come.
04:52 He says I knew that you are God who is slow to anger,
04:58 merciful and gracious abound in goodness and truth.
05:01 He takes Exodus 34,
05:05 this benediction that everybody hopes
05:07 and everybody trusts in and he throws it in God's face.
05:11 He said that's why I didn't want to come.
05:13 I knew you were soft on crime.
05:16 And that's why I refused.
05:17 I didn't want to come. It's not fair.
05:19 So he was the angry one.
05:21 He was angry.
05:22 And God says, "Do you have any right to be angry?"
05:26 He said, "Look you felt pity for this plant."
05:31 And Nineveh is a city of 120,000 people
05:34 and lots of cows too, by the way.
05:36 And they don't know their right hand from their left.
05:40 Shouldn't I have mercy on these people?
05:44 Our God is a gracious God.
05:47 He loves to show mercy to people.
05:50 This finds an echo in the New Testament,
05:53 the story of the prodigal son.
05:55 When he comes home, there is somebody angry again.
05:59 You know, older brother doesn't want to eat the meal.
06:02 Doesn't want to welcome him home?
06:04 Spits it in his father's face he says
06:07 he wasted all your money on prostitutes.
06:09 And when you come home,
06:11 you will give him the fatted calf.
06:13 And his father's response is, well, we had to rejoice.
06:16 He was lost and he's been found.
06:18 He was dead and he has come back to life.
06:21 Our God loves to show mercy.
06:24 Beautiful, beautiful story.
06:26 Now was there hope for false teachers?
06:29 Ah, that was the question we raised before. That's right.
06:32 These people are so terrible.
06:33 You think there's no hope for those folks.
06:35 You know, they're just the worse they could be.
06:37 Well, now look at verse 9
06:38 it says, "The Lord is not slow to fulfill His promise,
06:41 as some count slowness."
06:43 That's what we've already talked about.
06:44 "But is patient towards you."
06:46 There we are the patience of God.
06:47 He is not slow about His promise,
06:49 He's slow to anger.
06:50 That's why we can say He's not slow, He's slow.
06:53 "He is not wishing that any should perish
06:56 but that all should come to repentance."
06:58 All should reach repentance.
07:00 Now it's very interesting
07:02 the usage of the terms here. Okay.
07:05 Any, He's not really willing that any should perish
07:08 but that all should come to repentance. All right.
07:12 And just before that He says that God is not slow
07:17 about His promise as some count slowness.
07:21 So they have some, any and all. All right.
07:25 Some, any and all.
07:26 The interesting thing is that, in Greek,
07:28 the word some and any are the same word.
07:32 So some and some and all. All right.
07:34 So, I mean, we translate it properly by saying,
07:36 He is not willing that any should perish.
07:39 But when you say it that way you might misunderstand,
07:42 who this any is?
07:44 This any refers to anybody including those people
07:47 who are counting the Lord as being,
07:50 you know, He's not slow where some count slowness.
07:53 The false teachers are the ones that count,
07:55 the slowness, you know.
07:57 They say, no, He's taking too long.
07:58 It's been a big delay.
08:00 So the point of this passage is, this wonderful message is,
08:04 God is not willing that any should perish.
08:07 If you're sitting out there today watching this
08:10 and you think that God wants you to perish.
08:12 I'm here to tell you, you're wrong.
08:14 God wants you to be saved.
08:16 He wants you to come to Christ and find salvation, you see.
08:19 God wants no one to be lost.
08:20 No one to be lost. No one at all.
08:23 He wants everyone to be saved.
08:24 The question is will you repent?
08:26 You see, that is that idea of sorrow for sin
08:29 and turning away from it.
08:31 Ellen White talked about in the book
08:32 "Steps to Christ," page 23.
08:34 "Repentance includes sorrow for sin
08:36 and a turning away from it."
08:38 The problem with the false teachers
08:40 is they didn't have repentance.
08:42 That was their difficulty.
08:45 This verse 10, he talks about this thief. Yeah.
08:50 Why don't we read that again? Its verse-
08:52 "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night."
08:57 Now why does Peter use this illustration as the thief?
09:00 Why does he get this idea? Yeah.
09:01 "But the day the Lord will come like a thief.
09:03 And then the heavens will pass away with a roar
09:05 and the heavenly bodies will be burned up and dissolved."
09:09 Well, not from the Old Testament.
09:10 The Old Testament thieves are,
09:12 you know, these are the kind of people that you punish.
09:15 But Jesus used the metaphor in Matthew 24.
09:18 We don't have time to look it up really.
09:19 But Matthew 24:42-44,
09:22 it said, "The Son of man would come like a thief."
09:24 Like a thief in the night.
09:26 And He will be unexpected.
09:28 Paul repeats to say it here in 1 Thessalonians 5:2-3.
09:31 Concept of this thief originates with Jesus.
09:35 And it's that it will be unexpected,
09:38 the day of the Lord will come like a thief,
09:40 an unexpected coming.
09:44 Now concerning the second coming,
09:46 if Jesus is coming to destroy this world,
09:49 shouldn't that decrease our interest in this world
09:51 to preserve it as perhaps some environmentalist? Yes, suggest.
09:56 Yeah, well, it should decrease our interest
09:59 in the world system,
10:01 the wrong ways of the world, the immoral ways of the world.
10:05 But God has made us stewards over the world.
10:08 All right, He gave us the opportunity
10:10 to take care of the world.
10:11 Interestingly, in the Book of Revelation
10:13 it says that "God is going to destroy
10:14 those who destroy the earth."
10:16 So, you know, we ought not to be involved
10:18 with those who destroy the world either by immoral behavior
10:22 or by destructive practices that are not fitting
10:25 and do not preserve the environment.
10:28 We're supposed to take careof it till He comes back.
10:30 It is going to be destroyed by fire.
10:32 But we don't have the- we don't own this world.
10:37 God does and so He's made us stewards to take care of it.
10:41 Let's look at verse 12, Dr. Shepherd. Yes.
10:44 "Looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God,
10:47 because of which the heavens will be dissolved being on fire
10:50 and the elements will melt with fervent heat."
10:53 Actually that's a question that goes all the way
10:55 from verse 11, I think.
11:00 It starts, "What manner of persons ought you to be
11:03 in holy conduct and godliness looking for
11:06 and hastening the coming of the day of God," so on.
11:09 So what does it mean in verse 12 here,
11:11 where waiting and hastening for vthe coming of the day of God?
11:16 Yeah, these two don't seem to fit together to, do they?
11:18 You know, to wait and to hasten.
11:21 He says because the world's going to be destroyed,
11:23 what kind of people should you be?
11:25 He goes back to His typical way of talking
11:27 about a Christian life.
11:28 It should be moral, godly way of life.
11:30 He says you're going to wait for.
11:32 The concept of waiting for is like an expectancy,
11:36 to look for, to expect something to come.
11:40 It's all about looking forward to something.
11:43 It's the idea of the way this is used.
11:45 But hastening seems a little harder for us
11:47 to get a handle on.
11:49 The word is used in the New Testament
11:50 actually to refer to things that are done in haste. All right.
11:54 The shepherds go in haste to find the baby Jesus.
11:57 Zacchaeus is told to come down in haste
12:01 for Jesus to eat at his house.
12:03 So it talks about speed.
12:05 Doing something quickly and we tend to think,
12:08 how can you hasten the coming of Jesus?
12:11 Can we really do anything to make it come faster?
12:14 Well, here's the answer.
12:17 There's two different ways of looking at speed
12:19 in this passage. All right.
12:22 One is slow and one is fast. All right.
12:27 And that's really the key.
12:28 When Peter said that, God is not slow
12:32 as some count slowness to fulfill His promise.
12:35 He is patient towards you.
12:37 Not willing that any should perish
12:39 but that all should come to repentance.
12:40 Patient is slow to anger. He's waiting.
12:43 And what is He waiting for.
12:45 He is waiting for repentance.
12:48 So if you and I repent of our sins,
12:51 and we help others to do the same,
12:54 we help draw them to Jesus.
12:55 We help them to come to Him that can hasten the day of the Lord
13:00 because He's patiently waiting for people to repent.
13:04 So if everybody repents He doesn't have to wait anymore.
13:09 So that's how we can hasten the coming of the Lord Jesus.
13:13 Well, Dr. Shepherd,
13:15 this has been a very fascinating Bible study.
13:17 We are almost finished with 2 Peter.
13:21 We're not quite finished yet.
13:22 But we want to thank you for helping us.
13:24 And as we were saying if you have not given yet
13:27 your life to Christ, right now is the day.
13:29 Surrender your life to Him.
13:31 God has a plan for you
13:32 and He is still being patient with you.
13:34 May God bless you. We'll see you next time.
13:36 We ask and pray that you continue
13:38 to search the scriptures, for in it is the will of God.
13:41 We'll see you. Till next time, God bless.


Revised 2014-12-17