Books of the Book: Peter

The Importance Of Creation

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Tom Shepherd & Deyvy Rodriguez


Series Code: PBOTB

Program Code: PBOTB00023A

00:01 ¤ ¤
00:21 Hello Welcome to Books of the Book.
00:22 My name is Deyvy Rodriguez and I am very pleased that you're
00:26 with us to study these very important books of the Bible
00:29 and today we are studying the books of 1 and 2 Peter.
00:32 But actually today we are ahead of 1 Peter. We're starting in
00:36 2 Peter and we are at chapter 3. And with us is
00:39 Dr. Tom Shepherd. He is a professor at Andrews University.
00:43 He teaches New Testament interpretation at the Seminary
00:46 there. Dr. Shepherd welcome. Thank you.
00:49 Today we are picking up at chapter 3. Is that right?
00:52 That's correct. And what are we talking about?
00:54 Chapter 3 is Peter's answer to the false teachers and he's
00:59 going to particularly focus on the subject of eschatology which
01:04 means last days, last day events so that's where the whole
01:09 chapter is going to revolve around that topic. I'd like to
01:14 take a couple moments just to review Peter's eschatology in
01:19 the two books of 1 and 2 Peter. Eschatology plays an important
01:23 part in both of these precious little gems of 1 and 2 Peter.
01:28 In 1 Peter he introduces the idea of eschatology in
01:32 connection with conversion and with the persecution that the
01:37 Christians are facing. We saw that in 1 Peter chapter 1. The
01:41 terms Peter uses to describe Christ's return are quite
01:46 superlative. It is an inheritance that he talks about that cannot perish,
01:50 cannot be defiled, cannot fade away. It's such a beautiful
01:54 presentation. God is keeping the inheritance safely for us in
01:58 heaven; that's what he says in chapter 1 verse 4. The return of
02:02 Christ is the goal of our faith and carries us through the time
02:06 of persecution in this dark world. As we said before, God
02:11 has solved our past, he has settled our future and so we are
02:16 able to face the present persecution. Okay? Um, the
02:21 return of Christ is the motive force for our pursuit of purity.
02:25 He talks about the revelation of Jesus Christ and how we are to
02:31 have a pure life. It is assured by the resurrection of Christ
02:36 that is referred to in Chapter 1 and again in Chapter 3 and it is
02:42 coming soon and he refers to that in Chapter 1:4 and 5.
02:46 It will include just judgment on evil and honor for those who do
02:51 the will of God. It is fairly obvious that in 1 Peter the
02:54 second coming of Jesus is positive motivation for
02:58 faithfulness and a warning to the world of coming judgment.
03:02 In 2 Peter the focus revolves around responding to the false
03:05 teachers that question the second coming. They have a
03:09 mistaken view as we are going to see; a mistaken view of the past
03:13 It's interesting you know how Peter deals with things in the
03:17 past and now things in the future. They see a uniform,
03:21 these false teachers, see a uniform type of history behind
03:24 them and they think that that portends that the future also
03:28 will be quite uniform. Peter responds by correcting their
03:31 view of the past. He said, No, God intervened in the past.
03:34 He was both the creator of the world and the destroyer of the
03:40 world with the flood in the days of Noah. And this event of the
03:45 past where God intervened portends what is going to happen
03:49 in the future. God is going to destroy the wicked world and
03:53 he's going to redeem those who have trusted in Christ and he
03:58 also takes time to explain the delay, the seeming delay, with
04:02 reference to the mercy of God and he reasserts the certainty
04:05 of the second coming of Jesus. He indicates that this return of
04:08 Christ calls for a holy and focused life.
04:12 So what are some of these false teachings then that these
04:15 teachers are teaching?
04:16 All right the false teachers are teaching... Let's turn and read
04:21 our passage. We're reading today 2 Peter 3 verses 1-7.
04:29 Beloved I now write to you the second epistle in both of which
04:33 I stir up your pure minds by way of reminder that you may be
04:36 mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy
04:40 prophets and of the commandment of us, the apostles of the Lord
04:44 and Savior. Knowing this first that scoffers will come in the
04:48 last days walking according to their own lusts and saying where
04:52 is the promise of his coming, for since the fathers fell
04:55 asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of
04:59 creation. For this they willfully forget that by the
05:03 word of God the heavens were of old and the earth standing out
05:06 of water and in the water by which the world then that
05:11 existed perished being flooded with water. But the heavens and
05:15 the earth which are now preserved by the same word are
05:18 reserved for fire unto the day of judgment and perdition of
05:22 ungodly men. All right. So here he comes to
05:26 attack these false teachers directly now. It's interesting,
05:30 he starts the chapter by saying this is the second letter so
05:34 there has to be a first if this is the second letter. And he
05:39 refers back to this reminder, the idea of remembering, that we
05:44 talked about in chapter 1 where he knows that he is going to die
05:48 and he wants to leave a testament, a message for people
05:53 to observe and to listen to and we're going to find out all
05:56 through this kind of passage that the idea of remembering is
06:01 very important, forgetting and remembering. So we come into
06:05 verse 3 and we actually meet the statements of these false
06:11 teachers. Let me first read what they said. You read it and we
06:15 notice in verse 3, Knowing this that first of all scoffers will
06:19 come in the last days with scoffing following their own
06:22 sinful desires. They will say where is the promise of his
06:26 coming. For ever since the fathers fell asleep all things
06:29 are continuing as they were from the beginning of creation.
06:33 The first thing we notice about these people is their method of
06:37 approach and their method of approach is mockery. What is
06:46 mockery. How would you describe it?
06:48 Making fun of. Making fun. Okay. Sure. It is
06:53 holding up an idea to ridicule. Who would be so foolish as to
06:59 believe that idea? Right? And mockery is not really an
07:06 intellectual argument. It's based on intimidation, making
07:10 something look silly and foolish so people won't accept it.
07:17 So actually mockery typically covers up a weak argument and
07:23 discourages investigation. Their argument that they're going to
07:30 present is based on the idea that the second coming is
07:34 delayed. They say where is the promise of his coming? And it's
07:39 a sarcastic kind of a question. And then they support this idea
07:45 with a concept... they talk about the fathers who fell
07:49 asleep and all continues as it was from creation. So we've
07:53 got to unpack this argument just a little bit. The first think we
07:57 notice is that Peter is a person who has no problem with
08:02 investigation. He just doesn't say don't believe those false
08:06 teachers. Don't look at their books. Don't talk about it. Just
08:10 you know stop. That would be intimidation itself you see.
08:15 But he doesn't simply give commands. He says well let's
08:19 look at their ideas. And he takes them seriously and he
08:23 quotes them. I don't know if they would have quoted Peter but
08:27 he quotes them. Then he takes and deconstructs their argument
08:31 and shows where it's weaknesses are. But the first thing we
08:36 notice is that they start with mockery. It's a very poor
08:40 teaching technique. A good teacher doesn't use mockery.
08:44 He doesn't try to intimidate his students or her students,
08:49 doesn't put them down so that they feel like they can't ask
08:53 questions. Because good questions are the keys, the
08:57 golden opportunities for teaching, for education.
09:00 I always try to encourage students to speak up in class
09:04 and to respond to what I'm saying, tell me if I'm making a
09:08 mistake and then we can have a good discussion and then you
09:11 have good learning taking place. Now scholars who look at 2 Peter
09:17 and think that it is written later like in the second century
09:21 instead of being written by the apostle Peter, they look at the
09:25 words that are referred to here of the false teachers that ever
09:28 since the fathers fell asleep everything continues as it was
09:32 from creation. And they say Ah-ha. You see the fathers they
09:36 say, the fathers is the first generation of Christians and
09:41 these people have moved off the scene, they've died, and now
09:44 this is the second and third generation of Christians. These
09:48 are people who are later. Well there are two problems, two
09:51 problems with that position. The first is that the term fathers
09:55 in early Christian literature is typically a reference back to
10:00 Old Testament believers, back to the Old Testament. Second, the
10:04 next phrase that Peter states in their argument, ever since
10:08 the fathers fell asleep all continues as it was from
10:11 creation refers all the way back to creation. So it would be a
10:15 little odd going all the way back to creation and then saying
10:19 Oh and these people that just died recently. It's more likely
10:23 they're looking back, back to the Old Testament, ever since
10:27 the father fell asleep, that long chain of people going all
10:31 the way back to creation. Everything just continues the
10:35 same as it was from the days of creation. Well they argue for a
10:42 certain sense of continuity. Things continue as... Sort of a
10:49 teaching of uniformitarianism. Now this is not the
10:53 uniformitarianism that comes centuries and centuries later
10:59 that is linked up with evolutionary theory that you
11:04 have this gradual development and that the world's geological
11:08 column has uniformly been laid down and if you know that it's
11:12 lain down one inch a year and you know something that's 100
11:16 feet you can figure out how long it's taken for that to lay down.
11:19 That's the concept of uniformitarianism. But these
11:23 teachers have something that kind of echoes that; it kind of
11:26 goes along with that kind of idea because they talk about
11:32 everything going back to the creation and that there hasn't
11:37 been this change. So the past is a predictor of the future.
11:42 There's not been this change and so in the future, you know, this
11:47 coming that they've promised is just a fake idea. So they have a
11:51 very interesting kind of way of teaching this. There are three
11:55 main characteristics to their teaching: Eschatological
11:58 skepticism, they don't believe that Jesus is coming back. They
12:02 have a sort of common sense rationalism; they argue in terms
12:05 of the ages have all been the same so it's going to be like
12:09 that off into the future. And then, of course, as we saw in
12:12 Chapter 2 they have this concept of moral freedom that they
12:16 promise people even though they themselves are slaves to passion
12:24 So, that's the kind of thing that Peter is going to present
12:26 before us. Now weren't there philosophies
12:29 of the day that argued like this?
12:31 There were and it's rather interesting. There were two
12:36 groups that seemed to have more particular linkage to the false
12:41 teachers in 2 Peter. These are the philosophies of Epicureanism
12:46 and the Jewish sect of the Sadducees. The Epicureans were
12:54 founded by a man named Epicurus, of course, and he lived from
13:01 341 to 270 B.C. So long before the first century A.D. but he
13:07 had followers who still believed what he had to teach. Epicurus
13:14 taught that the purpose of life was simple pleasures, the
13:19 absence of pain. These were more the pleasures of the mind than
13:22 the pleasures of the body that he taught. He believed, this is
13:26 very important, that the gods do not judge, they do not reward
13:30 and they do not punish and there is no providence. The gods
13:34 live far away from the world. And there's no life after death.
13:37 There's no judgment and there's no postmortem retribution.
13:42 So they really kind of almost atheistic, not atheistic, they
13:46 believed in the gods but not their involvement in life right
13:50 now. So we are just at time for a break so we'll come back after
13:53 just a few minutes and talk some more about these philosophies.


Revised 2014-12-17