Books of the Book: Peter

The Anger Pastor, Pt. 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Tom Shepherd & Deyvy Rodriguez


Series Code: PBOTB

Program Code: PBOTB00022B

00:01 And we're back to Books of the Book.
00:02 Dr. Tom Shepherd is with us. Dr. Tom, what is the circle of
00:07 damnation that you were talking about?
00:09 Well we talked about the implicit circle of damnation
00:12 that is in 1 Peter where he warns them about the pull of
00:15 passion and the push of persecution that could draw them
00:18 back out of the church. But in 2 Peter he talks directly about
00:22 the wrong path of the false teachers and that's what we call
00:25 the explicit circle of damnation. How did this happen,
00:29 what's involved in this. It's rather interesting looking at
00:34 this passage through the book of 2 Peter to notice the kinds
00:39 of words that Peter uses to describe the actions of the
00:44 false teachers. He says in chapter 2, verse 1 that they
00:48 bring in destructive heresies. Just like they're importing them
00:53 they bring in... In chapter 2, verse 3 that they exploit with
00:59 false words. He says in verse 10 that they indulge in lust and
01:05 despise authority and blaspheme angels. Then he says in verse 14
01:10 and 18 of chapter 2, they entice unsteady people. He says in
01:16 verse 19 they promise freedom. In verse 21 he says they turn
01:21 back from the holy commandment and in chapter 3, verses 3 and 4
01:26 he says they scoff at the second coming and in verse 5 that they
01:31 deliberately forget what creation was all about.
01:35 The order of this list in 2 Peter isn't chronological
01:39 because certainly somebody had to turn back from the holy
01:43 commandment, which was the seventh item we mentioned before
01:46 they would bring in destructive heresies which is the first
01:51 thing that he mentioned. So we can argue about the logic and
01:54 the order of how this all occurred but it seems like there
01:58 are kind of three steps that these people followed. First was
02:02 deliberately forgetting, deliberately forgetting the
02:05 truths that were inconvenient for them to remember. Then they
02:10 continue in this path, they turn back, they scoff, they despise
02:16 authority and they start blaspheming. They start to take
02:19 the holy and misuse it; they don't take it seriously anymore.
02:24 Then this leads them into more boldness where they indulge lust
02:29 they bring in heresies, they exploit people and they start
02:33 enticing people and promising them freedom and the freedom
02:36 turns out to be the very lusts that they are entrapped by.
02:41 So this three-step pattern that begins with this deliberate
02:47 diminishing of the truth has its outcome in terrible downfall
02:54 They begin on an intellectual level it seems but they end in
03:00 debasing immorality. So it's a pretty sad picture of the way
03:08 things progress in their lives. Now if you think back to 1 Peter
03:16 and the way it described ministry; we talked about this
03:23 before that there were three sets of antitheses and that if
03:28 somebody was under compulsion to become a leader that there
03:34 could be a step where they would them move from under
03:39 compulsion they might then think well I gave everything so
03:43 they should give back to me. So they seek gain, they think
03:48 the money and then they start to use their power to rule people
03:53 that this could be the very beginning steps of these false
03:58 teachers coming into the wrong path, the path of destruction.
04:02 So let me just kind of lay this out as to how this could develop
04:07 So if the step before the deliberate forgetting was people
04:11 being pushed into leadership, we start to see where the seeds of
04:15 the problem reside. Power can easily go to your head if you're
04:20 not mature and recognize it's seductiveness. All right.
04:25 So that can lead you to see yourself as the person of wisdom
04:28 and authority. After all, they put you in that position, they
04:31 put you in the position of authority so what you say must
04:35 be good. All right. Then instead of relying on the council of
04:40 God's word you start relying on yourself and you start to
04:44 conveniently "forget" teachings of the scripture that go against
04:49 your point of view. You don't like to hear those anymore and
04:53 you resent those who oppose you and you start to scoff at their
04:58 warnings and indulge yourself in self-pity and worse than that
05:04 when things don't go as you want you go into further trouble.
05:08 You become convinced of your own views and persuasively induce
05:14 other people to do the same. You put your prospective in the best
05:19 light and you scoff at the views of others. Soon it seems all
05:23 right to do the things you used to do that you used to consider
05:27 terrible and reprehensible and when someone confronts you on
05:30 that matter you accuse them of being in the wrong rather than
05:36 yourself. It's a rather sad downward spiral, the circle of
05:40 damnation. Now we're putting together the two scenarios here,
05:44 one from 1 Peter and 2 Peter where ministry went in the
05:49 wrong direction because people were pushed into leadership too
05:55 early. To me this whole picture illustrates how any of us can go
06:01 wrong and how we should be really humble about who we are
06:06 that we don't think that nothing wrong could happen to us.
06:12 We also must take really good care of those who are new in the
06:17 faith. We must take time to establish them in the faith and
06:23 not require of them or push them forward into things too early in
06:27 the faith. There are many people who leave the church.
06:32 You probably have examples in your own experience of someone
06:36 that you remember that went away from Christ.
06:40 Certainly. I think we've all had experience like that and you
06:43 know in my Christian walk I've learned that faith is not
06:48 permanent. So every day it's a constant renewal of that
06:54 relationship with the Lord. With technology these days such as
06:59 social media networks, you're able to somehow find old friends
07:05 you haven't seen in years. It's very easy to do. I think most of
07:11 us have an account and recently I remember there was a friend
07:16 who posted a picture and in this picture was a group of us.
07:21 It was a group members from the church, Pathfinders actually,
07:26 and in that group, that must have been 15 years ago, I
07:30 remember each and every one of my little friends and I was
07:35 still a boy there. And I recall that we are tagged. You know
07:39 when we are tagged that means that each person can get that
07:43 same picture. So looking at this picture, I'm looking at myself,
07:48 I'm looking at my other friends and here they are and I'm
07:52 wondering, wow, where are they now? So as I recall each of
07:56 their names I know them now, where their lifestyle has gone
08:01 and what it used to be before as we were together going to church
08:05 going to these Pathfinder meetings and how they've drifted
08:09 from that walk in their life.
08:11 So what is it that's helped to keep you in the faith?
08:15 Well that's a good question. I think it's really like I said
08:20 that daily communion with the Lord, that daily manna, if you
08:25 will, to continue growing in Christ. That's probably one,
08:30 not a secret, but I think that's helped me a lot.
08:35 I talk to people sometimes about helping to keep their children
08:37 from leaving the faith and I present four principles that
08:42 I believe can, it's not foolproof but it is very
08:47 helpful. The first think is to love your children, but you
08:51 have to love them dearly. They have to be able to see that that
08:54 you care about them and you love them. And of course, they talk
08:58 about love languages. There are different kinds of love
09:00 languages. For some people it's time together, for some it's
09:03 just a little present, for some it's words of affirmation.
09:06 There's these different kinds of love languages, but the thing
09:10 they know, they are clear, that you love them. Okay. Second is
09:14 that your rules that you have in the household are reasonable
09:19 rules. They aren't just on a whim and they don't come and go.
09:24 They're simple, they're reasonable. In my family it was
09:28 anything that would harm your life; that was a rule that you
09:33 didn't do that or if it was direct disobedience to a
09:36 parent's statement. Third is, and this is very important, that
09:40 is to live your faith in front of your children. To live your
09:44 faith in front of your children. Your children should see that
09:48 your faith makes a difference. So when I put the tithe envelope
09:52 into the offering plate, I am saying to my children that my
09:57 faith is important. When they do something or if I make a
10:01 mistake and I have to go apologize for that maybe to them
10:06 maybe to somebody else and they see me take a role of humility
10:10 they see that those principles of my faith are important to me.
10:14 When they know if I'm honest; I didn't get something, I got
10:19 too much money back that I go back and return it. They are
10:24 seeing me live my faith. If I'm involved in the life of the
10:27 church, I'm a Sabbath School teacher or leader, when they're
10:31 in Pathfinders I'm the Pathfinder leader, when they're
10:34 in the cradle roll I'm in the cradle roll, when they're doing
10:37 youth I'm in the youth. I'm with them and helping them and
10:40 I'm helping to encourage them, then they see that I'm living my
10:43 faith, that my faith is important to me, that helps them
10:46 for that faith to be important to them. And the last thing is
10:50 to answer their questions when they have questions and if you
10:53 don't know the answers it's better to say you don't know the
10:56 answers and go find somebody that does. And of course, there
10:59 are just some things in life where you just don't have
11:01 answers. But if they see again that you have the faith that you
11:05 can have certain answers that you've put into a little box
11:09 called "I'll ask Jesus. " You don't' have all the answers in
11:13 life but you're still a person of faith. These four principles,
11:16 love, reasonable rules, living your faith in front of your
11:19 children and answering their questions are almost
11:24 irresistible to stay in the faith. Not totally but it really
11:29 helps. Dr. Shepherd, perhaps someone is
11:31 watching who has gone astray or knows someone, a family member
11:34 or friend who no longer is in church, maybe one of my friends
11:38 is watching. What would you say to them. Is there hope for
11:42 someone who has gone astray?
11:43 Where there's life there's hope. You can come back. I know that
11:48 coming back to church can be a great struggle. Most people
11:51 in church don't realize just how hard it is to come back. Please
11:55 come back. Don't stay away. The Lord wants you back. He wants
11:59 to bless you. We're going to study 2 Peter 3 and find a very
12:04 interesting concept about those who have gone away; what could
12:08 happen for them in the future. I hope that you'll join us as we
12:11 continue to study this wonderful book of 2 Peter. Our next study
12:15 will be in the book of 2 Peter chapter 3.


Revised 2014-12-17