Books of the Book: Peter

The Anger Pastor, Pt. 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Tom Shepherd & Deyvy Rodriguez


Series Code: PBOTB

Program Code: PBOTB00021B

00:01 Welcome back to Books of the Book.
00:02 We are studying the second chapter of 2 Peter.
00:05 Dr. Shepherd, we're talking about the angry pastor and we're
00:10 saying that it's referring to Peter. Yeah. Now is Peter angry
00:15 at the flock or is Peter angry at the false teachers?
00:18 Peter is a good shepherd and he is guarding the flock. So the
00:21 ancient shepherds used to have a club you know like with a big
00:25 ball on the end of it and he's using this to fight off the
00:28 wolves; these are the false teachers. He's not hitting the
00:32 sheep. He's not attacking the flock. He's attacking the
00:35 falsehood, the false teachers and what they're after.
00:37 Now these false teachers, where did they come from and how did
00:41 these teachers become false?
00:43 Yeah, it's interesting that the term is false teacher. That's
00:47 really like an oxymoron. You know, a teacher is somebody that
00:51 you look up to, somebody who teaches you and somebody that
00:55 you respect. But these are teachers who are false and the
00:59 question we have is how in the world did this happen?
01:03 Well we've already read the first 11 verses and it's rather
01:07 interesting that Peter uses terminology throughout chapter 2
01:11 to indicate that the false teachers didn't start that way.
01:17 He says in chapter 2 verse 1 that they... he speaks of the
01:23 Master who purchased them. That sounds like they were redeemed.
01:26 In chapter 2 Peter 1 verse 9 he says that they forget the
01:36 cleansing of their former sins. All right. In chapter 2 verse 12
01:41 he said that they left the straight path and in verse 20
01:46 of that same chapter that they had escaped the defilements of
01:50 the world and in verse 21 that they knew the holy commandment.
01:55 So it seems quite clear that these people began as Christians
02:01 They began the right way, they began the right path. They had
02:04 been purchased by Jesus Christ, their lives had been cleansed
02:10 from sin and they belonged to Jesus. And somehow they got off
02:15 from the right path. Now if we go back to the book of 1 Peter
02:21 we remember that there's a very strong stress on a holy life and
02:26 this strong stress on the holy life in 1 Peter is based on 5
02:31 great truths. We have a graphic that puts these up there to show
02:36 what these great truths are.
02:38 The great truths where he begins
02:40 in chapter 1 are the new birth
02:42 that God has given us in Christ.
02:44 He goes on in chapter 1 and
02:46 again in chapter 4 to speak of
02:49 the holiness of God and of
02:51 judgment. He speaks of the great
02:53 redemption price that was paid
02:55 for us. That's in 1 Peter
02:57 chapter 1. He speaks of the
03:00 example of Christ that he laid
03:02 out before us as he went to the
03:04 cross and how he suffered and
03:06 that's in chapter 2 and again in
03:08 chapter 4. And then he speaks of
03:10 the eschatological reward that
03:12 they will receive at the end
03:14 when Christ returns and that's
03:17 in chapter 1, chapter 4 and
03:19 chapter 5. So over and over he
03:22 had these wonderful realities that impel the Christian to
03:28 live a holy life. But evidently those didn't have the same
03:34 impact for these false teachers. So how did they go wrong?
03:40 Well if we remember back to 1 Peter 5 verses 1-4 and perhaps
03:47 we should just go and read those verses one more time.
03:50 First Peter chapter 5 verses 1-4
03:55 The elders who are among you I exhort, I who am a fellow
03:59 elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ and also a
04:03 partaker of the glory that would be revealed. Shepherd the flock
04:07 of God which is among you serving as overseers, not by
04:10 compulsion but willingly, not for dishonest gain but eagerly
04:16 nor as being lords over those entrusted to you but being
04:21 examples to the flock; and when the chief shepherd appears you
04:25 will receive the crown of glory that does not fade away.
04:29 Now you remember when we studied this passage that we said there
04:32 were these three pair of antitheses, the opposites that
04:38 didn't fit together: not under compulsion but willingly, not
04:43 for gain but freely, not to be a master but to be an example
04:48 to the flock. It's just possible now this is only one scenario,
04:53 but it's just possible that what happened to these false teachers
04:58 is that they took this wrong path of ministry that Peter
05:03 talks about in 1 Peter chapter 5 and where that may have started
05:09 is they maybe were rushed into leadership too soon. They were
05:13 pushed into leadership, someone pressured them to do something
05:17 that they didn't feel called to do or they didn't want to do,
05:21 but well we need leaders and there's nobody else to do it and
05:25 wouldn't you be willing to do it The person might have been a
05:27 little bit new in the faith but, you know, they were going to
05:30 push them on into that anyways. And then they got into
05:35 leadership and they hadn't got in there because they felt
05:40 pulled by God but they had been pushed by men and so they
05:44 started to focus on the wrong things, what they could get out
05:48 of it. I mean, after all they had made a great sacrifice to
05:51 become a leader so they ought to get something back for it,
05:55 shouldn't they. And they maybe started to focus on money, on
06:00 gain that they might get compensated for doing that work.
06:05 Something to help them, money or material, was probably given
06:09 to early church leaders and this became the focus of their
06:12 ministry rather than the free service that they should be
06:17 giving to truly help the flock of God. And along with that of
06:22 receiving compensation and maybe good things to go with that they
06:27 started to use their power for themselves and so they became
06:30 masters over the congregation and went off into false
06:35 teachings. Now we've all been to school,
06:38 we've all had a teacher, as you mentioned earlier, and we know
06:41 what a teacher ought to teach and that would be the truth.
06:45 Now in this case what are false teachers or what they like?
06:50 Peter describes these people quite extensively and he focuses
06:55 on four main characteristics. The four characteristics are
07:01 greed or avarice, out-of-control passions, conceit, that is
07:07 huberous or pride and deceit. They were false.
07:11 So it's not necessarily what they are teaching but rather
07:14 like their lifestyle.
07:16 Aw, that's a very big part. In fact, in chapter 2 that's what
07:18 he tends to focus completely on is their lifestyle and what they
07:21 were like and we're going to see how he works through that and
07:24 carries through discussing their type. He will get to their
07:28 teaching and their teaching is false. Yeah, so the big emphasis
07:31 is the greed, out-of-control passions and conceit; those all
07:35 have to do with the character. The deceit links up with the
07:38 false teachings. Do you think that these are
07:40 principles that we can use today to discern false teachers other
07:44 than their doctrines. Yeah, I think so. As we'll go
07:47 along here in this discussion of chapter 2 we may not go all
07:52 of it verse by verse and everything but we're going to
07:54 describe how these people went off the wrong way and there are
08:00 very clear warnings, I believe, for us today. Peter notes that
08:04 the false teachers are chasing after and seem to have obtained
08:07 some kind of unjust gain. He says that in verse 13 of chapter
08:12 2. They train their hears in, I call it, materialistic aerobics.
08:17 They're good at exercising what they can receive as money.
08:23 Their forefather in evil is Balaam in the Old Testament
08:28 who you remember was a false prophet who went after money.
08:33 There's a certain kind of poetic justice or better we might say
08:38 biblical justice, biblical fairness in what the false
08:41 teachers receive. Jesus said the measure you use is the measure
08:46 that will be measured for you and to you. These people are
08:53 after greed and after money and so what do they get? They get a
08:58 wage of wrong in verse 13. So they are getting wages. Their
09:02 wages are bad things that are coming to them and they're going
09:06 to be deprived of the wages of wrong that they've obtained.
09:11 They act like animals; that's what Peter says and so a donkey
09:16 speaks to their forefather Balaam. They're like Balaam and
09:20 an animal takes and warns them okay. They have out-of-control
09:26 passions also play a major role in this. I'd like us to look at
09:31 verses 4-9 of chapter 2, we read this before, and just get a
09:36 little picture here. It's a very long if/then statement. Okay, so
09:41 I'll read it in the ESV because it has all the ifs. Sure. Okay.
09:45 It says, For if God did not spare angels when they sinned
09:49 but cast them into hell and committed them to chains of
09:52 gloomy darkness to be kept until the judgment, if he did not
09:56 spare the ancient world but preserved Noah, a herald of
10:00 righteousness with seven others when he brought a flood upon the
10:03 world of the ungodly, if by turning the cities of Sodom and
10:06 Gomorrah to ashes he condemned them to extinction making them
10:10 an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly and if he
10:13 rescued righteous Lot greatly distressed by the sensual
10:16 conduct of the wicked for as that righteous man lived among
10:20 them day after day he was tormenting his righteous soul
10:23 over their lawless deeds that he saw and heard, then the Lord
10:28 knows how to rescue the Godly from trials and to keep the
10:33 unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgment and
10:38 especially those who indulge in the lust of defiling passion and
10:41 despise authority. Well here's this long, you know, litany of
10:45 what these people are like. It's if this, if this and in the
10:49 group there's always there's always those who are going to
10:52 lost and those who are going to be saved. There's Noah, there's
10:56 Lot and yet there's Sodom and Gomorrah, they are the
10:58 antediluvians who were destroyed by the flood. So he goes back
11:02 and forth and he has this emphasis on the theme about
11:07 their irrational focus on passions. He says, they're like
11:13 irrational animals and he ties them to Balaam. He ends the
11:17 chapter with two proverbs: They're like dogs that return to
11:22 their vomit; they're like pigs that wallow in the mud. When
11:26 somebody starts talking about the dogs and the pigs you
11:30 realize it's pretty bad what's going on. He also focuses on
11:35 their conceit and their deceit. They are bold and stubborn and
11:41 they are also people who use sarcasm. We'll come back to that
11:46 when we study chapter 3. And they promise people freedom but
11:51 they are in abject slavery to corruption. It's an amazing
11:56 litany that he lays out about what these people are and what
12:02 they became like. You see, it's interesting. People in Peter's
12:07 church you might think, no, wow if it's that bad everybody could
12:12 see that, everybody could realize it's obvious what these
12:16 people are like. You'd be surprised though. Most people in
12:20 the church where this was happening probably didn't
12:24 recognize all of the danger that was going on and Peter
12:28 being an apostle, being inspired by God's word, he pulls the
12:32 curtain aside and says now this is what these people are really
12:37 like. Let me show you how they are so controlled by passions,
12:41 how they're deceitful, how they are conceited and how they are
12:45 just after money. So these characteristics that
12:48 Peter mentions is kind of like their fruits. As Jesus said, by
12:52 their fruits you shall know them. Jesus said that a good
12:56 tree cannot bear bad fruit and so on.
12:59 And a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.
13:01 Well, Dr. Shepherd, thank you for joining us. We are not
13:04 finished with this study and we still ask our viewers and
13:07 listening audience to join us in the remainder of the part of
13:11 2 Peter. Dr. Tom Shepherd is with us. He comes from Andrews
13:15 University, a teacher at the theological seminary there.
13:18 Well God bless you friends. We'll see you next time.
13:21 We hope and pray that you too can continue reading the
13:24 scriptures for in it is the will of God.
13:26 God bless till next time.


Revised 2014-12-17