Books of the Book: Peter

The Anger Pastor, Pt. 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Tom Shepherd & Deyvy Rodriguez


Series Code: PBOTB

Program Code: PBOTB00021A

00:02 ¤ ¤
00:19 Hello and welcome to Books of the Book.
00:22 This is a program where we study
00:24 the Bible and we take a book from the Bible and we study it
00:28 thoroughly. Today we're talking about the writings of Peter.
00:32 With us is Dr. Tom Shepherd. He is a New Testament
00:35 Interpretation professor at Andrews University. Dr. Shepherd
00:39 the program title for today is The Angry Pastor. What's up with
00:43 that? Well church services that you
00:47 remember well are interesting. They usually come in two types.
00:52 Either it's one where you were deeply blessed. The word of God
00:55 just spoke to you, the Holy Spirit touched your heart, you
00:59 gave your life to Jesus or you saw some new wonderful truth.
01:03 That's one type of unforgettable church service. The other type
01:07 of unforgettable church service is when something goes terribly
01:12 wrong. And I have a story. It's from an unknown time, unknown
01:17 place, you know distant and all that, long ago far away type of
01:23 thing. It was a Sabbath morning and the pastor, I don't quite
01:29 remember why but the pastor was angry. He was angry with the
01:34 church. And the pastor stood up in the pulpit and took his Bible
01:40 and he was turning from text to text and he was just really
01:44 giving it to the congregation and telling them how they had
01:48 done things wrong and how bad they were and he was really
01:52 quite upset and he talked for about 15 minutes, he shut his
01:56 Bible and he walked right out of the church. And we were just
02:02 all stunned in this service. I mean when the pastor walks out
02:06 usually you're going to go shake his hand you know but there was
02:11 no closing hymn and everybody was just kind of... they were
02:14 just stunned by this whole experience.
02:16 It would make me think did he have the problem or was the
02:19 problem with the church? Well, probably the answer is Yes
02:22 We formed a little committee and we went and we saw our pastor
02:28 and we found reconciliation and I'm still friends with this
02:33 pastor today. But it was something that kind of shocked
02:39 people. When somebody gets so angry in church we're not used
02:43 to that. This is kind of a preamble to what we're going to
02:46 read here in 2 Peter chapter 2. We're going to start in verse 1.
02:51 The whole chapter has this rather angry pastor tone to it
02:57 and we're going to read for... We're going to talk about this
03:02 passage of scripture, 2 Peter chapter 2 during this program
03:07 and the one following and we're going to talk about the people
03:11 that are involved in this story, but we're going to start by
03:16 reading chapter 2 verses 1-11, 2 Peter 2:1-11. It's a little
03:20 bit of a longer passage so I'll read the first three verses and
03:24 then you can read the next part. But false prophets also arose
03:29 among the people just as there will be false teachers among
03:33 you who will secretly bring in destructive heresies even
03:37 denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves
03:42 swift destruction. And many will follow their sensuality and
03:46 because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed and in their
03:50 greed they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation
03:54 from long ago is not idle and their destruction is not asleep.
03:59 And we're in verse 4: For if God did not spare the angles who
04:03 sinned but cast them down to hell and delivered them into
04:07 chains of darkness to be reserved for judgment and did
04:11 not spare the ancient world but saved Noah, one of eight people,
04:14 a preacher of righteousness bringing in the flood on the
04:19 ungodly and turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes
04:23 to condemn them to destruction making them an example to those
04:27 who afterward would live ungodly and delivered righteous Lot who
04:32 was oppressed by the filthy conduct of the wicked. For that
04:35 righteous man dwelling among them tormented his righteous
04:39 soul from day to day by seeing and hearing their lawless deeds.
04:43 Then the Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of
04:46 temptations and to reserve the unjust under punishment for the
04:50 day of judgment and especially those who walk according to the
04:53 flesh and the lust of uncleanness and despise authority. They are
04:57 presumptuous, self-ruled. They are not afraid to speak evil of
05:01 dignitaries whereas angels who were greater in power and might
05:05 do not bring reviling accusations against them before
05:11 the Lord. Well we've started off here. It says Peter...
05:16 The page almost feels warm even after 2000 years and we will see
05:19 as we get to the last part of the chapter it's even warmer.
05:21 Yes. So the angry pastor you're talking about is Peter.
05:25 Okay. In verse 1 of chapter 2 Peter says that there will be
05:32 false prophets among you. Wasn't there already false prophets?
05:38 Why does he say that there will be as if there wasn't?
05:41 Yeah. It's very interesting. Here he describes them as though
05:46 they're in the future and yet when you get further into the
05:51 chapter and especially when you get into chapter 3 is sounds
05:55 that they're right there right then. It's like he's kind of
05:59 mixing these two together and this becomes a useful time for
06:03 us to discuss the relationship between 2 Peter and Jude.
06:07 Now when we first talked about 2 Peter we briefly mentioned
06:11 that there is a literary relationship between the two
06:16 books and it has led many scholars to think that actually
06:21 that Jude was written first and then the author of 2 Peter
06:27 borrowed from Jude when he was writing 2 Peter. Now you can
06:32 still argue that Peter wrote the book and he used somebody else's
06:36 writing. We know that that happens sometimes that people
06:39 will make use of somebody else's work and that in the ancient
06:43 world this wouldn't be... You know we have modern laws of
06:48 plagiarism we talk about and those laws are kind of a recent
06:52 kind of development in relationship to publication but
06:55 it wouldn't be necessarily an issue for Peter in his time.
06:59 But we want to kind of understand the relationship
07:02 between these two books and it helps us to understand what's
07:06 going on in 2 Peter 2 when he uses a future tense, okay.
07:10 First there is a close link between the two books, a
07:14 literary linkage and the question comes as to which of
07:17 the two books was written first. There is evidence that actually
07:22 Jude used Peter. Now some people say it's the other direction,
07:27 that Peter used Jude but I lay out before people two concepts
07:33 that help point toward Jude as using 2 Peter. There is a change
07:38 of tense in Peter. It says that the false prophets will come,
07:45 the false teachers will come and in Jude verse 4 it says that
07:53 they're here, they've come, they're already present.
07:55 So Peter is predicting them and Jude says here they are, they've
08:00 come. So that would suggest that Peter's written earlier, he's
08:04 predicting what will happen and Jude says what Peter predicted
08:09 here it is, it's already arrived But one of the most interesting
08:13 linkages between the two books is the relationship between Jude
08:18 verse 17 and 18, and 2 Peter 3 verses 3 and 4 that we're going
08:23 to study a little later in these programs. So we have a graphic
08:27 here of this relationship between Jude 17 and 18 and
08:32 2 Peter verses 3 and 4 and we
08:35 get a picture of the text and
08:38 you'll notice that if we read
08:41 the part about Jude it says
08:44 that you'll see there I've
08:47 underlined certain words, the
08:50 predictions of the apostles it
08:52 says of our Lord Jesus Christ.
08:54 It said, They said to you in the
08:57 last times there will be
08:58 scoffers following their own
09:00 ungodly passions. Okay. And of
09:03 course this has its closest link
09:06 to 2 Peter chapter 3 and it says
09:08 he also refers to predictions of
09:11 the holy prophets and the
09:12 commandment of the Lord and
09:14 Savior through your apostles
09:15 knowing this first that scoffers
09:17 will come in the last days with
09:18 scoffing following their own
09:20 sinful desires. And then they go
09:23 on to say where is this promised
09:26 second coming. Now it's very
09:28 interesting if you look at these
09:30 two passages carefully, there's
09:33 very clear literary relationship
09:35 between the two passages and
09:38 Jude says he's quoting somebody.
09:41 He's quoting somebody. And the
09:44 interesting thing is there is
09:47 no other text in the New Testament that has such a close
09:51 relationship, very close relationship to the words in
09:55 Jude as these words in 2 Peter. Now if Jude was written first
10:02 and Peter, or whoever, is using Jude to write his document, then
10:10 we're left with the question, so who was Jude quoting? But if
10:16 Peter writes first, it's obvious who Jude is quoting. He's
10:22 quoting from Peter. Because there is no good parallel
10:26 elsewhere in the New Testament for these words in Jude it makes
10:31 sense that 2 Peter was written first and Jude is quoting
10:35 2 Peter and that Peter talks about the false teachers coming
10:39 and it seems as though they're already on their way. Maybe they
10:42 have arrived. Remember Peter is writing to a group of people
10:47 over a broad area of territory. Some of them may have already
10:50 arrived and were arriving in other churches and Peter says
10:53 they're coming, they're coming, they're going to be here soon
10:56 and Jude when he writes says they've already gotten here,
10:59 here they are. And if they're coming from
11:01 somewhere, where are they coming from and how do these false
11:04 teachers or how did these teachers become false?
11:07 Aw, well, that's a great question, but before I go there
11:11 I need to lay out the linkage between 2 Peter chapter 2 and
11:15 2 Peter chapter 3. We have
11:19 another graphic here that shows
11:20 the comparison between these
11:23 two. It's quite interesting.
11:25 You'll see there the parallel
11:26 pattern deals with the Old
11:28 Testament, the Christian setting
11:30 the warning and the two paths
11:32 and there are false prophets in
11:36 2 Peter 2 and there are true
11:38 prophets, these are the prophets
11:40 that refer to the text we just
11:42 looked at in 2 Peter 3. There
11:45 are false teachers and they are
11:47 the mockers that are there in
11:49 chapter 3. There's a warning
11:51 about their destruction, their
11:53 heresies. Many will be deceived
11:55 in chapter 2 and then he says
11:56 you know that the mockers will
11:58 question the second coming in
12:00 chapter 3 and then the two paths
12:02 to destructions for the false
12:03 teachers, salvation for the
12:04 righteous is one of the themes
12:06 of 2 Peter 2 and you'll notice
12:08 defeating the false teachers and
12:10 protecting the Christians from
12:11 destruction, the destruction of
12:13 the wicked and salvation in
12:15 chapter 3. So the two chapters really kind of have a parallel
12:19 structure to them and help us to recognize what's going on and
12:23 how he is fighting these false teachers in both chapters and he
12:27 comes at it in a little bit different way. In chapter 2 he
12:30 is going to focus on the questions of their deceptive
12:34 character and what they're like and then finally in chapter 3
12:37 he's going to get down to the issues and start talking about
12:41 what they actually said and how Christians can understand that,
12:46 counter that and be secure in the truth. Peter is angry and
12:51 he's angry for a good reason because somebody is threatening
12:56 his flock. He's a good shepherd and he's watching over these
13:00 people and when wolves start to come towards the flock the
13:05 shepherd takes out his club and starts swinging because it's no
13:10 small matter. So he's angry in a good way?
13:14 In a good way, that's exactly right. You see if you were next
13:17 to a precipice next to a cliff and you were about to fall off
13:21 and I said, Oh Deyvy, please come away from the cliff, you
13:24 might get hurt. And you fell off Woo hoo and I said Deyvy it's
13:28 too bad you didn't hear what I said. No, we have to give clear
13:31 warnings. Sometimes you speak a little more loudly. You pull
13:34 somebody out of the street that is about to be hit by a car.
13:38 So Peter is doing some of this very kind of thing. He's warning
13:42 them very carefully about what is coming and how these false
13:45 teachers will mislead them. Well we'll take a break right at this
13:49 point because we need time for a little bit of messages. We'll be
13:52 back to talk more about 2 Peter chapter 2.


Revised 2014-12-17