Books of the Book: Peter

Experience And Scripture, Pt. 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Tom Shepherd & Deyvy Rodriguez


Series Code: PBOTB

Program Code: PBOTB00019B

00:01 And we're back. We are talking of the book 2 Peter and
00:05 Dr. Shepherd is with us. We are talking about this departure.
00:11 Yes. You said the term is exodus.
00:13 Exodus. Now there is a book in the Bible is Exodus and I
00:19 understand it means exit from Egypt.
00:21 Yep. The departure. So the term can be used several different
00:24 ways but it became also used just to talk about a person
00:28 dying. Okay. Going back to 2 Peter now.
00:30 What we've read appears to say that Peter is leaving or
00:36 departing his body after death. Yeah. And many people might
00:41 use some of these verses to say that. Right. Is that right?
00:46 Well they do and there are, as I said, these two passages in the
00:51 New Testament that particularly focus or make use of the
00:55 terminology tent to refer to the body in relationship to
00:59 questions of death. The other one we want to take a look at is
01:02 in 2 Corinthians chapter 5. So let's go over there right now
01:06 so we can get a good look at that and then we'll come back
01:12 and relink it with 2 Peter. So 2 Corinthians 5. It's a little
01:17 longer passage. We want to read verses 1-10, so I'll read the
01:21 first 5 verses and then you can read verses 6-10. We're reading
01:26 2 Corinthians chapter 5 starting in verse 1. For we know that if
01:32 the tent that is our earthly home is destroyed we have a
01:36 building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the
01:39 heavens. For in this tent we groan longing to put on our
01:45 heavenly dwelling. If indeed by putting it on we may not be
01:50 found naked, for while we are still in this tent we groan
01:56 being burdened. Not that we would be unclothed but that we
02:01 would be further clothed so that what is mortal may be swallowed
02:05 up by life. He who has prepared us for this very thing is God
02:09 who has given us the Spirit as a guarantee.
02:12 So we are always confident knowing that while we are at
02:15 home in the body we are absent from the Lord, for we walk by
02:20 faith not by sight. We are confident, yes, well pleased
02:24 rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the
02:29 Lord. Therefore, we make it our aim whether present or absent
02:33 to be well pleasing to him, for we must all appear before the
02:37 judgment seat of Christ that each one may receive the things
02:41 done in the body according to what he has done whether good
02:44 or bad. All right. Now this passage is
02:49 another one of those passages that people kind of scratch
02:53 their heads over and kind of worry about because many of our
02:57 friends from other denominations will talk about being absent
03:00 from the body and present with the Lord. They talk about a
03:03 person going to heaven when they die. So we have to look at this
03:07 passage quite carefully to try to understand it. The reason
03:11 we've come here is because Paul talks about this idea of a tent
03:15 as well just like Peter did. So we have this parallel between
03:19 the two apostles and one scripture can help us understand
03:23 the other. Peter talks about it almost in passing. Paul focuses
03:28 attention on it and so he unpacks the ideas more.
03:31 The first thing we notice is that he's using a number of
03:36 metaphors to talk about life and death and future life. And the
03:41 first set of metaphors that he uses are structural metaphors.
03:45 He talks about a building and a tent. We notice this in verse 1;
03:49 he says that if the tent that is our earthly home is destroyed
03:54 we have a building from God, a house not made with hands,
03:58 eternal in the heavens. He makes a contrast between our earthly
04:02 bodies, the bodies that we have now and the bodies that we will
04:06 have when Jesus comes back and takes us to heaven, okay.
04:11 He makes a distinction between those. Now the other place where
04:15 he talks about these ideas in much detail is in 1 Corinthians
04:19 15. So we have 2 Corinthians 5, 1 Corinthians 15 and then we
04:22 have our passage in 2 Peter 1 that we've been talking about.
04:26 Okay. It's quite clear in 1 Corinthians 15 that he talks
04:30 about the mortal and immortal bodies and the time when this
04:34 all takes place is when Christ returns at the last trumpet and
04:39 that's when we are shifted from mortal to immortal. And he
04:43 displays this same kind of idea here very nicely in
04:47 2 Corinthians 5 verse 1. He talks of our earthly tent and
04:51 he talks of a heavenly building. Now which is more permanent,
04:55 a tent or a building. A building.
04:56 A building, yes of course.
04:59 A tent can be blown down by the wind, it's movable, it doesn't
05:03 have the same kind of quality and structure and stability that
05:08 a building does. So he says that if I were to compare my mortal
05:12 body and the heavenly body that Christ has prepared for me it
05:16 would be like comparing a tent and a massive, beautiful
05:21 building. So he says, we have this in the heavens prepared
05:25 for us. Now notice, he goes on in verse 2, For in this tent we
05:29 groan, that's in our mortal bodies here, longing to put on
05:33 our heavenly dwelling. He's still talking about the
05:35 difference between a tent and a building. Now notice verses 3
05:39 and 4. These are crucial verses. He says, If indeed by putting it
05:45 on we may not be found naked... Read verse 3 in your version.
05:50 If indeed having been clothed we shall not be found naked...
05:55 So mine talks about clothing, being clothed.
05:59 Yeah, he shifts from a metaphor, this is mixed metaphors again,
06:04 he shifts from a metaphor of structures and goes to talk
06:08 about clothing. Right? But notice that he talks about a
06:13 state where he wants to put something on, that's of course
06:17 his heavenly building, but he says he doesn't want to be found
06:21 naked. Now read verse 4 for us.
06:24 For we who are in this tent groan being burdened not
06:28 because we want to be unclothed but further clothed that
06:32 mortality may be swallowed up by life.
06:35 Now here are three states; it's very important to notice three
06:40 states. We have our mortal body, we have our immortal body, you
06:44 could say our tent and we have our heavenly home, our heavenly
06:48 building, now we're talking about a new body that God gives
06:53 us at the resurrection and in between our mortal life here
06:56 and our heavenly home there's another place, there's another
07:00 state we might say. He switches metaphors; he's been talking
07:04 about being clothed and he wants to be clothed upon and in
07:07 between as being naked. So the one talks about our earthly life
07:10 the other talks about our heavenly life, the one that's in
07:14 between, the nakedness, that's being dead. Okay. That's when we
07:19 die. So when we die we take off this mortal body but we don't
07:24 have our immortal home yet. We're in a state of nakedness,
07:29 that is, we are in the grave, we are sleeping waiting for Jesus
07:32 to come which is the same thing that he teaches in
07:35 1 Thessalonians 4. It's the same thing he teaches in
07:39 1 Corinthians 15 that you have mortal and immortal bodies and
07:44 when do you get your immortal body? When Christ returns.
07:48 He says oh death is swallowed up in victory and that all
07:51 happens at the return of Christ. Okay. So when we get down to
07:57 these verses in verses 6-10 and now he shifts over to talk about
08:04 geographic concepts as to where you are, absent from the body
08:10 present with the Lord. Sometimes people confuse this and they say
08:16 oh he goes to heaven right when he dies. Well, no, he isn't
08:20 going right to heaven when he dies. If you read 1 Corinthians
08:24 15, this shift from mortal to immortal, from the tent to the
08:30 heavenly body, that occurs when Christ returns, you see. And so
08:35 we sleep in the grave, 1 Thessalonians 4, people are
08:38 asleep in Jesus, they're asleep in the grave until he calls them
08:42 back to life. So when Peter discusses these things over in
08:48 2 Peter chapter 2, we can take all this knowledge, all this
08:54 background that we have in Paul's writing and bring it over
09:00 to understand better what is the idea of the tent. It is of our
09:06 movable, mortal body that does not last forever.
09:13 And if we look at verse 14...
09:15 Yeah, go back to 2 Peter, right?
09:17 ...2 Peter and verse 14, Knowing that shortly I must put off my
09:22 tent just as our Lord Jesus Christ showed me... Okay Peter
09:27 is saying that Jesus showed him that he must put off this body
09:33 or this tent. Yeah. This mortal body was going
09:36 to pass away and he says Jesus told me about this. Now we're
09:41 going to look at that in just a moment, but he mentions his
09:45 departure in verse 15 and I will make every effort so that after
09:49 my departure you may be able at any time to recall these things.
09:53 He says, I'm not going to be around forever.
09:56 Had Jesus at one point showed him or told him about his death?
10:00 He did. In fact we have that record in the book of John
10:04 chapter 21 verses 18 and 19. So we want to turn over there.
10:09 This is a story we looked at before. In 1 Peter we noticed
10:14 that the last chapter of 1 Peter 1 Peter 5, plays into the
10:19 metaphor of the shepherd that Jesus shared with Peter when he
10:24 reinstated him to ministry, but we didn't keep reading and that
10:29 is in John chapter 21 and verses 18 and 19.
10:39 Most assuredly I say to you, now this is Jesus talking, When you
10:43 were younger you girded yourself and walked where you wished but
10:48 when you are old you will stretch out your hands and
10:51 another will gird you and carry you where you do not wish. And
10:57 verse 19. This he spoke signifying by what death he
11:02 would glorify God. And when he had spoken this he said to him
11:06 follow me. Yes now we read these verses the
11:08 other day but we didn't discuss the last part of what verses 18
11:13 and 19 meant. Jesus is foretelling Peter's death here,
11:18 the way he was going to die. He says, When you were young you
11:22 dressed yourself and you walked where you wanted but when you
11:26 are old you will stretch out your hands, he says, and
11:31 another will dress you and carry you where you do not want to go.
11:35 It's there's not a lot there described but the tradition is
11:41 what happened to Peter, he went to Rome eventually and he was
11:47 put to death, he was crucified. He said to those who were going
11:52 to crucify him that he wasn't worthy, this is the tradition,
11:56 that he wasn't worthy to be crucified in the same way as
12:01 Jesus, he said, so please crucify me upside down. Put my
12:06 head down, the cross upside down so that I won't be like my Lord.
12:09 Stretching out the hands; that's exactly what they did when they
12:13 crucified somebody. So notice here that he was going to die
12:19 and John in stating this in John 21:19, This he said to show
12:25 by what kind of death he was going to glorify God. So when
12:32 Peter says in verse 14, Since I know that the putting off of my
12:37 body will be soon as the Lord Jesus made clear to me, he's
12:41 talking about that story that he heard when Jesus met him in
12:45 Galilee. It's very interesting that the words that he says at
12:50 the end of verse 19 to Peter are Follow me. He was going to
12:54 Jesus through his life and he would follow him as well in the
12:58 manner of his death. So he wants to get these people in the book
13:03 of 2 Peter, he wants to be sure that after he dies they will
13:07 have a testament, they will have a message that will help protect
13:11 them against these false teachers who are trying to lead
13:14 them astray. It's rather encouraging that the Lord showed
13:17 him what he should share with people before his death so the
13:21 church would be protected from evil doers.
13:24 Amen. Dr. Shepherd I want to thank you for joining us again
13:28 in this series of 1 and 2 Peter. We're not through, we're not
13:31 finished yet so stay tuned as we continue studying now the
13:35 book of 2 Peter with Dr. Shepherd.
13:38 He comes all the way from Andrews University. He is a
13:40 professor there. I certainly have been blessed and I ask that
13:45 you pick up the Bible, ask God for his Holy Spirit as you read
13:49 in his word. God bless till next time.


Revised 2014-12-17