Books of the Book: Peter

Experience And Scripture, Pt. 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Tom Shepherd & Deyvy Rodriguez


Series Code: PBOTB

Program Code: PBOTB00019A

00:20 Hello and welcome to Books of the Book.
00:22 My name is Devvy Rodriguez and I'm very pleased that you're
00:25 able to join us in this very interesting Bible study.
00:28 We're studying the books of 1 and 2 Peter but today we are
00:32 continuing on our study in the book of 2 Peter.
00:36 With us is Dr. Tom Shepherd. He is a New Testament
00:39 interpretation professor at the theological seminary at Andrews
00:44 University. Dr. Shepherd, welcome.
00:46 Thank you. Good to be with you.
00:47 We have been talking about the first 11 verses of 2 Peter now
00:54 and today we'll be talking about verses 12 and on. Can you give
01:01 us a little review of what we've discussed in our previous
01:04 program? Sure. We noticed that 2 Peter
01:08 has really kind of a different direction than 1 Peter does.
01:11 Where 1 Peter is really focused on helping people face the world
01:15 how they have internal cohesion and how they fit together and
01:19 how they are to interact with people around them, in 2 Peter
01:23 the problem that he is facing is internal. There are false
01:26 teachers who are misleading people. He begins his
01:31 presentation in 2 Peter chapter 1 with a very positive message
01:37 actually about the Divine promises and he has this ladder
01:40 of virtues, a long list of very positive character traits that
01:45 he wants to see developed within the church members because he
01:50 says these will protect them from falling away or faltering
01:56 in their faith. So when we get to verse 12 he's going to start
02:02 talking about why in the world he's actually writing this
02:07 letter. Now in any of these books there's rarely kind of a
02:12 mark, a clear cut where it doesn't have any relationship to
02:17 the past, it just goes into something completely new.
02:19 Usually there's an intertwining of ideas. So what I want to do
02:24 is actually start a little before our passage.
02:26 Our passage for this study is actually verses 12-15 of
02:32 2 Peter 1. But we're going to start back in verse 8 because
02:35 there are certain terms that he uses that kind of tie the ideas
02:39 back together again. So let's start in 2 Peter chapter 1 verse
02:43 8 and read all the way through verse 15.
02:47 For these things are yours and abound. You will be neither
02:51 barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus
02:55 Christ. For he who lacks these things is shortsighted even to
02:59 blindness and has forgotten that he was cleansed from his old
03:03 sins. Therefore brethren be even more diligent to make your call
03:06 and election sure. For if you do these things you will never
03:11 stumble; for so an entrance will be supplied to you abundantly
03:15 into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus
03:19 Christ. And read verses 12-15 as well.
03:22 Okay. For this reason I will not be negligent to remind you
03:26 always of these things that you know and are established in the
03:30 present truth. Yes, I think it is right. As long as I am in
03:33 this tent to stir you up by reminding you knowing that
03:37 shortly I must put off my tent just as our Lord Jesus Christ
03:41 showed me. Moreover I will be careful to ensure that you
03:45 always have a reminder of these things after my decease.
03:50 Now Dr. Shepherd I notice here as we begin in verses 12 and
03:54 onward, Peter mentions the word remind three times. I underlined
04:00 it here. And he says, I will not be negligent to remind, verse
04:05 13, reminding you, verse 15 reminding you of these things.
04:11 What is he reminding them of?
04:14 A lot of remembering. Because if I'm reminding someone
04:19 it's because either they have forgotten. They know about it
04:22 but they've forgotten, or they know but I know that they have
04:26 a tendency to forget so I just don't want them to forget; I'm
04:29 just reminding you. Yes. Well, actually the way
04:33 Peter has written this, he says to them that he's sending this
04:38 letter to them because he's going to depart soon and he has
04:44 written this really in the form in the ancient world of what we
04:49 would call a testament. We speak today even of a last will
04:55 and testament. It's something that you leave where it tells
05:00 how to divide up your property and what your wishes are
05:04 concerning maybe if you have children who you would prefer
05:09 that they be raised by and things like that. The testament
05:15 in the literature of his day had two characteristics. There's
05:20 reference that they know they're about to die and then they want
05:26 to teach people to remember the teaching that they have and they
05:31 want them to observe them. So you could almost say three
05:34 things you know; that I'm going to die, and these are the
05:38 teachings that I'm reminding you about and be sure to obey them
05:42 or keep them, right? This is exactly what happens here in
05:46 Peter is that you mentioned one of the characteristics about
05:51 it being reminding, reminding, reminding. And so he reminds
05:55 them of the things that he has already taught them. They have
05:58 been taught as Christians and he doesn't want them to slip away
06:03 from that. This will become also an important characteristic in
06:07 chapter three as he will face off with the false teachers
06:12 and the things he talks about them deliberately forgetting.
06:16 That's interesting because one of the commandments says
06:21 remember and I always wondered why would God begin a
06:26 commandment with remember the Sabbath day, perhaps knowing
06:29 that we might forget about it.
06:30 Might forget and that we should observe it and keep it fresh in
06:34 our minds. Now one of the things there's a phraseology there
06:38 of present truth. One of the important issues to remember
06:44 about truth is that truth is not simply a set of teachings or
06:49 doctrines that you put on a page or that you memorize with your
06:54 mind. In Peter's discussion of the truths he says they have to
06:58 become part of your life, not just in your head but in your
07:01 heart. They have to be expressed in your hands, you're saying
07:05 your actions. They have to be part of your character. Too many
07:10 times we think of doctrines simply as something we believe
07:15 and then they kind of don't have this deep rooted linkage to our
07:21 everyday life. And Peter reminds us that, yes, they are
07:25 to be an important part of our everyday life. It is not to say
07:29 that he is dismissing the idea of the importance of teachings.
07:33 He's going to emphasize in chapter three some very clear
07:38 principles and concepts. You cannot have, how should I say,
07:44 a true experience that simply has the ideas and not the
07:49 practice or on the other hand simply the practice and no
07:55 ideas. Truth has content and God's truth is ever developing.
07:59 He's showing us more things and as he does that he expects our
08:04 characters to grow and to move forward and become more like
08:09 Jesus. Okay. If we read here, Peter
08:14 talks about his or this tent. He says, I think it is right as
08:19 long as I am in this tent to stir you up by reminding you
08:23 and he also says, I must put off my tent. Now when I read this
08:28 I'm thinking okay is that a tent? You know the first thing
08:33 that comes to my mind is a tent we use when we go camping.
08:38 Yeah. So he's writing to these people and after he finishes
08:42 his letter he must put away his tent and move on. What is he
08:46 talking about here? Okay. Peter uses some
08:50 specialized terms that we need to unpack as we look at this.
08:56 Let's just read verses 13 and 14 again. And remember this is
09:01 the testament so he's going to be talking about his death so
09:04 we'll kind of keep that in mind. Let's read verses 13 and 14 one
09:08 more time. Yes, I think it is right as long
09:10 as I am in this tent to stir you up by reminding you knowing that
09:15 shortly I must put off my tent just as our Lord Jesus Christ
09:19 showed me. Moreover, I will be careful to ensure you always
09:24 have a reminder of these things after my decease.
09:27 Okay. Now I have the English Standard Version. You are using
09:31 the New King James Version. In the English Standard Version it
09:34 translates it a little bit differently. Actually yours is a
09:38 more literal translation. So this one's a little more
09:41 interpretive in verse 13. It says, I think it is right as
09:45 long as I am in this body to stir you up by way of reminders
09:49 since I know that the putting off of my body will be soon as
09:53 our Lord Jesus Christ made clear to me. Now they have a little
09:59 note down below that helps to explain this. They say that the
10:07 term here for body is the word for tent. The Greek word is tent
10:14 just like yours puts it. But when people hear that
10:18 terminology they say tent; is he going camping and he's about to
10:22 leave and he's been camping out where they are. No. This is a
10:26 term that was used as a metaphoric way of speaking of
10:30 the body, but this term is used to refer to a dwelling or a
10:36 lodging or to the body itself, but it is literally the word
10:40 tent and there are two main places in the New Testament
10:45 that talk about this terminology It's here in 2 Peter chapter 1
10:50 verses 13 and 14 but also over in the book of 2 Corinthians 5
10:54 where we will go in a minute because we want to understand
10:58 what Peter is talking about. But before we go there, there's
11:03 one more term that he uses and that's the term departure.
11:07 I think yours uses the phrase decease in verse 15.
11:10 Yes, after my decease.
11:12 Yeah. So mine in verse 15 says, I will make every effort so that
11:17 after my departure you may be able at any time to recall these
11:24 things. It's interesting; the word in Greek is exodus and it
11:29 means a going out or a departure The term is used over in the
11:35 book of Luke chapter 9 verse 31. Maybe we should just go there
11:39 very quickly, Luke 9 verse 31, because it's the other use of
11:45 this term in the New Testament and just see how Luke makes use
11:50 of the term. This is at the story of the transfiguration,
11:54 which interestingly enough Peter is going to talk about shortly
11:58 in 2 Peter chapter 1. So here we have a parallel story and
12:03 the use of the same phrase. This is Luke 9 and Moses and
12:09 Elijah have come... Why don't you read verse 30 and verse 31.
12:13 And behold two men talked with him who were Moses and Elijah
12:17 who appeared in glory and spoke of his decease which he was
12:22 about to accomplish at Jerusalem
12:24 Yeah, it's the same term.
12:26 Decease is the same term meaning Exodus and he's talking about
12:30 his death. His death, yeah. He's going to..
12:34 And here they say, Behold two men were talking with him, Moses
12:37 and Elijah, who appeared in glory and spoke of his departure
12:41 which he was about to accomplish in Jerusalem, and the term is
12:45 exodus. So the decease when Jesus was going to die on the
12:50 cross, that's what they were talking with him about.
12:54 The term exodus was used metaphorically just to refer to
12:57 a death. Most people don't like to say the term death. You know
13:03 they'll say well he passed away or he went to his final rest or
13:07 something like that. So they had different metaphors that they
13:11 would use in this ancient world and this was one of them when
13:15 you would talk about their exodus, their departure, their
13:19 decease which is a fine way to translate it.
13:22 Well Dr. Shepherd I want to keep hearing more about this exodus
13:26 or this departure after we return after a short break.


Revised 2014-12-17