Books of the Book: Peter

What God Wants To Do For You

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Tom Shepherd & Deyvy Rodriguez


Series Code: PBOTB

Program Code: PBOTB00018B

00:01 And we're back to "Books of the Book"
00:02 with Dr. Tom Shepherd.
00:04 Dr. Shepherd, we were going to read a Psalms, is that right?
00:07 Yeah, we were going to read Psalm
00:08 part we'll read-- we'll read part of the Psalm.
00:10 It Psalm 22 and this is a messianic psalm.
00:14 You will notice when we read it,
00:16 it'll immediately become clear that Jesus
00:20 quotes from this Psalm, when He is on the cross.
00:23 So it's clearly this messianic sense.
00:26 I want you to notice as we read through it,
00:28 how it goes down to depths and it comes back up and then
00:32 goes down into the depths and comes back up, right?
00:36 It starts this way, "My God, my God,
00:39 why have You forsaken me?
00:42 Why are you so far from saving me
00:45 from the words of my groaning.
00:46 O my God, I cry by day, but You do not answer,
00:50 and by night, but I find no rest.
00:54 Yet You are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel.
00:58 In You our fathers trusted.
01:00 They trusted and You delivered them.
01:02 To You they cried and were rescued.
01:05 In You they trusted and were not put to shame.
01:09 But I am a worm and not a man,
01:11 scorned by mankind and despised by the people.
01:15 All who see me mock me.
01:18 They make mouths at me, they wag their heads.
01:20 He trusted in the Lord, let Him deliver him.
01:23 Let Him rescue him, because He delights in him.
01:27 Yet You are He who took me forth from the womb.
01:30 You made me trust You at my mother's breasts.
01:34 On You was I cast from my birth.
01:37 And from my mother's womb You have been my God.
01:41 Be not far from me, for trouble is near.
01:44 And there is none to help."
01:47 "Many bulls have surrounded me.
01:49 Strong bulls of Bashan have encircled me.
01:52 They gape at me with their mouths
01:54 like a raging and roaring lion.
01:56 I am poured out like water,
01:58 and all my bones are out of joint.
02:00 My heart is like wax. It is melted within me.
02:04 My strength is dried up like a potsherd,
02:07 and my tongue cleaves to my jaws.
02:10 You have brought me to the dust of death.
02:12 For dogs have surrounded me,
02:14 the congregation of the wicked has enclosed me.
02:17 They pierced my hands and my feet.
02:20 I can count all my bones. They look and stare at me.
02:24 They divide my garments among them
02:26 and for my clothing they cast lots.
02:29 But You, O Lord, do not be far off.
02:31 O my strength, hasten to my help me.
02:34 Deliver me from the sword.
02:36 My precious life from the power of the dog.
02:38 Save me from the lion's mouth.
02:41 And from the horns of the wild oxen."
02:44 Okay, so it's very clear.
02:47 You get this pattern of almost like
02:51 total despair and then a remembrance,
02:55 no, but God is the deliverer. God will come to my aid.
02:59 Totally left alone, no, but God will rescue me.
03:04 And it's very interesting that the words of Jesus on a cross
03:08 quote from the psalm that's verse one.
03:10 He quotes from that.
03:12 So even His words of anguish are a prayer
03:16 as He, you know, looks to God for help.
03:19 And you get this back and forth so it has two poles.
03:24 The pole of despair and the pole of hope, all right?
03:27 And here back in, this was your question
03:30 that you had asked about what Peter does?
03:34 And you just want to repeat
03:36 that question again so that we are clear.
03:38 So what I noticed in the Psalms we just read
03:40 and mentioned a lion twice. Yeah.
03:43 As an enemy and I don't think I could have come up
03:45 with a better illustration than the one Peter did
03:48 as the devil being like a lion roaring around
03:52 and so what has Peter recommended in response to that?
03:57 Well, if I were out in the open field with a lion,
04:02 I would run as fast as I could.
04:08 Hopefully, I'll have a jeep nearby
04:10 and I get inside my jeep-- That's right.
04:11 Put the windows close.
04:13 But that's not what Peter says to do.
04:15 It's really kind of surprising. He says to withstand him.
04:19 You think of David, you know, he was a brave young man
04:22 and then he said, when there was a lion and took the lamb.
04:24 He says I went, grabbed it and killed it,
04:26 you know, if it was a bear,
04:28 I would hit it with my club or whatever.
04:32 Peter talks here about other Christians.
04:36 He's been talking to the group of Christians
04:37 he's been writing to all through this time.
04:40 And now he refers to other Christians around them.
04:44 He says there's this brotherhood through out the world
04:47 that's going through similar sufferings.
04:49 It's not misery loves company. That's not the idea.
04:54 It's rather the great crowd of faithful witnesses
04:57 that these people are encouraged to stand
05:00 shoulder to shoulder with to be firm and strong.
05:03 It's not just the brotherhood we are to take as our example,
05:06 but Peter indicates that in verse 10,
05:09 God is the one, who will see us through.
05:12 So in that contrast of despair and hope in Psalm 22,
05:16 now we come to the contrast between the devil and God.
05:22 And so my question is what is God's role in this?
05:28 God's role is very beautiful in this passage, okay.
05:31 Peter reminds us of who God is?
05:33 He is the God of all grace.
05:36 He is the God who called us to His eternal glory in Christ.
05:40 He set before us then is a--
05:44 His resolution of our past by His grace.
05:48 That's where he started the letter.
05:49 This is kind of like the closing
05:51 book end on the letter, you know.
05:53 He started by talking about what God did for our past.
05:56 How that He has secured our future?
05:58 And so we can face the present.
06:01 So even here His resolution of our past by His grace,
06:07 the experience of eternal salvation that is going to come
06:10 at the return of Christ helps us now
06:12 in our present experience of facing the devil.
06:16 So understanding who God is
06:18 and what He has done for us
06:20 and what He is calling us to?
06:22 Does not deny our present experience of suffering,
06:26 but it does modify our view of that sufferings magnitude.
06:30 Peter says it's for a little while.
06:33 And then he uses four beautiful verbs to describe,
06:40 what God is going to do and how He's going to carry things out.
06:43 And these verbs are found in verse 10,
06:49 if you would read verse 10?
06:51 "But may the God of all grace,
06:53 who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus,
06:56 after you have suffered a while,
06:58 perfect, establish,
07:00 strengthen, and settle you."
07:03 All right, now we got to kind of slow down
07:05 on those verbs and, you know,
07:07 open them up a little bit, okay.
07:09 The first one is the Greek verb is katharizo
07:12 and it means to put in order or to restore,
07:17 okay, so and to make compete.
07:19 This verb was used to refer to mending nets.
07:24 When they had been torn or to set-in a dislocated limb,
07:30 if your limb got out of joint and the doctor would take
07:32 and get it back into joint, okay?
07:35 So we can say that God is going to restore things.
07:38 He is going to put things back in order.
07:42 Remember, He is the moral orator of the world.
07:44 So all the things in our lives that have been put out of place.
07:48 All of the things where people have done us wrong,
07:51 its never been set right, where we've suffered
07:54 and gone through trials because of our Christian faith.
07:58 He is going to settle all those things.
08:00 He is going to set it right.
08:01 The next verb is sterizo, it means to setup
08:07 or to establish, to fix firmly.
08:12 It's used to refer to setting something firmly down
08:15 like taking a stone and setting it firmly in the ground.
08:18 You have a big stone and you make a hole for it.
08:20 You set it there, so it's not going to move.
08:24 It also means to support, to collaborate,
08:28 to establish and ground something.
08:31 Then the third verb that he uses.
08:33 Nice that he uses four verbs together,
08:35 you know. It's a tough one.
08:39 Sthenao, sthenao and it means to strengthen,
08:43 okay and it's related to a noun
08:45 and that means strength or might,
08:47 especially of bodily strength like bodybuilding.
08:50 You see, you can go to the YMCA and you lift your weights.
08:53 And the last verb is themalio which means to,
08:59 to found or to lay a foundation, to establish.
09:03 So if we think of all of these four verbs together,
09:08 you know these great ideas.
09:10 We kind of get a pattern that goes like this.
09:13 God is going mend the broken nets of your life.
09:19 He is going to set the dislocated limbs
09:23 that had been pulled out of place,
09:25 by our life's trials and troubles.
09:28 He is going to set the stone of your life in a settled place.
09:34 It's been moved from here to there
09:36 by all kinds of trials and troubles.
09:38 He is going to set it in place in a firm place.
09:41 He is gonna build up your body.
09:43 He is gonna take you to the YMCA and make you
09:46 one of those body building people with the big muscles.
09:50 I go to the YMCA to lift weights.
09:51 And one time I saw a guy wearing a shirt,
09:54 one of these guys with the great big muscles, you know.
09:56 And he had something written on the back of his shirt,
09:59 so I was kind of looking at it
10:01 and I looked at, little more closely
10:02 and this quote on the back of his shirt said
10:07 "pain is weakness leaving the body."
10:14 Pain is weakness leaving the body.
10:16 So God is taking you to the YMCA and He is gonna build you up.
10:19 He is gonna give you strong muscles again.
10:22 And He is gonna lay the foundations
10:23 of a new building for you and make your life secure.
10:26 I mean, God will put it in order,
10:30 He will establish you, He will strengthen you,
10:32 He will lay the foundations of your life.
10:34 I mean, you can hardly think of a better way for Him
10:37 to bring things to a conclusion.
10:40 Okay, so what role does verse 11 play then?
10:44 But when you see, what God has done,
10:45 let's read verse 11 it says. Sure.
10:47 "To him be the dominion forever and ever. Amen".
10:50 It's a praise, he turns back to praise to God,
10:53 just like he began, you know.
10:54 Blessed be God who has given us this new birth.
10:56 So when you see what God has done
10:59 just like Peter began the book with blessings
11:01 so here he ends the book with this wonderful doxology
11:05 "To him be power forever. Amen".
11:08 Okay, and we are just about to close this letter,
11:11 how does Peter finish off his letter?
11:14 Oh, in verses 12 to 14,
11:17 Peter describes a helper, who is working with him.
11:22 And then he gives a greeting to the church in Rome.
11:25 And he has a final reminder about love within the community.
11:28 The name of the helper was Silvanus
11:32 and this turns out to be Silas.
11:36 In the book of Acts Chapter 15
11:38 and over in 2 Corinthians Chapter 1
11:41 and 1 Thessalonians 1 and 2 Thessalonians 1,
11:44 this guy got around, he was a traveling companion of Paul.
11:48 And evidently, he ends up Peter is in Rome.
11:52 He calls the place Babylon where he is so,
11:55 you know, it's that linkage to Rome.
11:57 And Paul ends up there as well, but Silas does too.
12:02 And so, Silas helps Peter in some way with this letter.
12:06 Now some people think that this means
12:08 that he helped to write the letter.
12:11 But actually the terminology that is used here,
12:13 the Greek terminology through whom I wrote,
12:16 doesn't actually mean the person who wrote the letter.
12:20 What we would call an amanuensis,
12:22 the person taking the words down,
12:25 rather this is referring to the person,
12:26 who would carry the letter.
12:28 So Silvanus is not in jail or stopped
12:32 from moving in place and he can go.
12:34 So he takes the letter for Peter after these people.
12:39 But Peter can't resist just one more expression
12:41 summarizing what the letter is about.
12:43 He says this is the true grace of God
12:46 in which you must stand.
12:49 God's action is summarized by reference to His grace
12:51 and this epitomizes all that He has done for us in Christ.
12:56 Then Peter summarizes what our response must be.
12:59 He says stand in this truth and he affirms its validity
13:05 by calling it the true grace of God.
13:06 Peter then does greetings from the church in Babylon,
13:11 the fellow sister church and he refers to his son Mark,
13:15 who is also becomes the writer of the gospel of Mark.
13:19 And finally his last phrase is
13:21 "Peace to all of you who are in Christ."
13:26 It's such a wonderful book 1 Peter.
13:29 I just love its wonderful power
13:31 and its wonderful theology in the mixing of ideas.
13:35 But now we've come to a conclusion
13:37 of looking at this book.
13:38 And so next time, we will look at 2 Peter.
13:41 And I'm looking forward to our next study.
13:43 And I hope you, too, have been blessed by these studies
13:45 with Dr. Tom Shepherd as I have.
13:48 Well, we hope to see you next time
13:50 in this series of "Books of the Book".
13:52 We are studying now the next series
13:55 on our next program "The Second Book of Peter".
13:58 Till next time, we hope that you have been blessed.
14:00 And don't forget. Pick up the Bible.
14:02 Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you
14:04 as God speaks to you. God bless.


Revised 2014-12-17