Books of the Book: Peter

What God Wants To Do For You

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Tom Shepherd & Deyvy Rodriguez


Series Code: PBOTB

Program Code: PBOTB00018A

00:21 Hello, friends and welcome to "Books of the Book."
00:23 My name is Deyvy Rodriguez and I'm very pleased
00:25 that you are able to join us in this Bible study.
00:28 We are studying the Books of 1st
00:30 and 2nd Peter with Dr. Tom Shepherd.
00:32 He comes from Andrews University,
00:34 and he is a professor at the Theological Seminary there.
00:39 And that today we are studying the last,
00:41 very last verses of Chapter 5 in 1 Peter.
00:45 Dr. Shepherd, how are you doing?
00:47 Good. How are you?
00:48 Doing good. Welcome back.
00:49 And today we will be talking about or discussing
00:51 the last few verses of Chapter 5. Yes.
00:55 Now how did this verse or these verses link up
00:59 with what Peter talked about the beginning of Chapter 5?
01:02 Okay, so we last time looked at Chapter 5:1-4
01:07 and now we are looking at Chapter 5:5-14.
01:10 And Peter in this section first talks to young people.
01:15 He had talked to the elders at the beginning
01:18 and now he turns to talk to the young people.
01:20 So that's the kind of a natural pair that go together,
01:23 the elders and young people.
01:26 So he talks with the elders in verses 1 to 4.
01:28 And then the young people in this passage.
01:31 But then he widens the idea, the concept out and speaks
01:36 to all Christians calling for humility before God.
01:39 And he is going to lay out just how gracious and caring God is
01:44 and how His great power can overcome the devil.
01:46 So we should read the passage verses 1 Peter 5:5-14.
01:52 Okay, "Likewise you younger people,
01:55 submit yourselves to your elders.
01:57 Yes, all of you be submissive to one another
02:00 and be clothed with humility.
02:02 For God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.
02:07 Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God,
02:10 that He may exalt you in due time,
02:12 casting all your care upon Him,
02:14 for He cares for you. Be sober.
02:17 Be vigilant because your adversary the devil
02:21 walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.
02:25 Resist him, steadfast in the faith,
02:28 knowing that the same sufferings are experienced
02:31 by your brotherhood in the world.
02:33 But may the God of all grace,
02:35 who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus,
02:39 after you have suffered for a while perfect,
02:42 establish, strengthen, and settle you.
02:45 To Him be the glory and the dominion
02:47 forever and ever. Amen.
02:49 By Silvanus, our faithful brother as I consider him,
02:53 I have written to you briefly, exhorting and testifying
02:56 that this is the true grace of God in which you stand.
03:01 She who is in Babylon, elect together with you,
03:04 greets you and so does Mark, my son.
03:07 Greet one another with a kiss of love.
03:10 Peace to you all who are in Christ Jesus. Amen."
03:14 All right, So we start off
03:15 by looking at the young people in verse 4.
03:19 And in the pattern he has established
03:23 of the Christian relationship to those around him.
03:26 He tells the young people to submit to the elders.
03:29 We remember how he told the slaves
03:31 or the household servants to submit to the masters.
03:33 He tells wives to submit to their husbands.
03:36 He tells all the community to submit
03:38 to the governing authorities.
03:40 So it's not surprising here that he tells to young people
03:43 that they're supposed to submit to the elders.
03:45 There's some question that is raised.
03:48 Just who these young people were or who are the "young."
03:52 Some people want to say, well, these must be people
03:54 who are new, you know, new in the faith,
03:57 neophytes, new believers.
04:00 And that's a possibility, but that he has just
04:04 talked to the elders and they probably
04:07 were older men in the community.
04:10 It was a male dominant society at that time.
04:13 And so the elders would be these older men.
04:16 The natural pattern probably is that these are young people
04:20 who are told that they are supposed
04:24 to listen to what the elders say.
04:27 Now it's really interesting because the passage
04:33 we just studied before in verses 1-4.
04:36 That told us about the elders and what their role was to be.
04:40 How would you summarize that?
04:42 What we said about them?
04:43 Would you, what were those?
04:45 Remember those three antitheses that we had.
04:47 And they weren't supposed to do it for the gain
04:50 that they were supposed to get. They were supposed to do--
04:51 not pushed into it but willingly.
04:53 Not to be masters, but to the examples to the flock.
04:57 What kind of idea, kind of summarizes all that?
05:00 Do you have any words that might come into your mind?
05:02 Well, in summary, I'd say that the elders
05:05 must be sincere in their work, in their--
05:09 as we read willingly without any personal gain.
05:13 But as Jesus said that that the shepherd
05:17 should not wait to be paid or the one that is interested
05:22 in being paid will somehow
05:25 sometime will scatter when the wolf comes around.
05:28 Yes, all right.
05:30 And so they are supposed to have their focused on the flock.
05:34 Care and concern for the flock,
05:36 a deep concern from what we remember.
05:38 Peter's particular experience that he had with Jesus
05:40 that got him thinking along these lines of shepherding
05:43 and there the great characteristic
05:49 that made him ready for ministry was humility.
05:52 Where he would humbly, listen to Jesus
05:54 where he would humbly serve and do his will.
05:57 And so it's rather interesting that the young people
06:00 are to focus their attention on listening to the elders,
06:05 submitting to their leadership.
06:06 And the elders are to focus their attention
06:09 on service to the flock.
06:11 In both cases, there is something
06:13 that you're giving to the other.
06:15 You're giving either your service, or you are giving,
06:19 shall we say your ears to listen to them.
06:22 And both are in submission to God.
06:25 And how does Peter bring out
06:26 this sense of listening to one another?
06:29 Well, in verses 5 and 6,
06:31 he expands it beyond just the young people.
06:34 We'll just look at this verses here,
06:36 where he says, okay, he says,
06:38 "Younger to be subject to the elders."
06:40 And then he says, "Clothe yourselves
06:42 all of you with humility toward one another.
06:46 For God opposes the proud,
06:48 but gives grace to the humble."
06:50 It was interesting that humility was something
06:54 that Peter displayed in that story,
06:56 we read in John Chapter 21.
06:59 And humility is what Peter emphasizes here,
07:02 the need for humility.
07:04 He supports it with the text
07:05 from the Book of Proverbs, Proverbs 3:34.
07:07 And I like us to read the context
07:09 of that Proverbs 3:28-35.
07:16 Okay, so we are looking at Proverbs 3.
07:18 Proverbs Chapter 3. Proverbs 3:28-35.
07:25 "Do not say to your neighbor,
07:27 "Go, and come back, and tomorrow I will give it,"
07:29 When you have it with you.
07:31 Do not devise evil against your neighbor,
07:34 for he dwells by you for safety's sake.
07:37 Do not strive with a man without a cause,
07:40 if he has done you no harm.
07:43 Do not envy the oppressor, and choose none of his ways,
07:47 for the perverse person is an abomination to the Lord,
07:51 but His secret counsel is within the upright.
07:55 The curse of the Lord is on the house of the wicked,
07:57 but He blesses the home of the just.
08:00 Surely He scorns the scornful, but gives grace to the humble."
08:05 And read verse 35 as well.
08:06 "The wise shall inherit glory,
08:08 but shame shall be the legacy of fools."
08:11 So this text that he quotes is verse 34.
08:14 "Toward the scorners, He is scornful,
08:15 but to the humble He gives favor.
08:17 And so all of these kind of concepts linking together.
08:21 There's a relationship to God which must influence
08:26 and change our relationship to other people around us.
08:29 See, so we have been talking about this consciousness of God
08:32 and that has to be expressed through our life
08:37 in how we treat other people.
08:39 I say sometimes that grace is a new set of glasses
08:45 that you are given to wear as a Christian.
08:47 You cannot look at people other people
08:49 the same way anymore. God has forgiven you.
08:53 Now you have to act differently
08:54 towards other people around you.
08:56 You have to have that humble attitude of care for them.
09:00 He returns to this command, He says,
09:02 "Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God,
09:05 that He may lift you up in due time."
09:08 It's an interesting contrast.
09:10 Our humble attitude, our sense of our weakness before God.
09:16 And then His mighty hand we are weak but He is strong.
09:20 His mighty hand will lift us up.
09:23 Unless, we get the idea that God
09:24 is some kind of strong-armed bully.
09:27 It says that you are to cast all your cares on Him
09:30 because He cares about you.
09:34 Now where does Peter here go
09:36 with his last pair of antithesis?
09:39 All right, so let's take a look at that in verses 8 to 11.
09:45 "Be sober, be vigilant because your adversary the devil
09:49 walks about like a roaring lion,
09:51 seeking whom he may devour.
09:53 Resist him, steadfast in the faith,
09:55 knowing that the same sufferings are experienced
09:58 by your brotherhood in the world.
10:00 But may the God of all grace,
10:02 who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus,
10:05 after you have suffered a while,
10:06 perfect, establish,
10:08 strengthen, and settle you.
10:10 To Him be the glory and the dominion
10:12 forever and ever. Amen."
10:15 All right, so it's interesting here
10:16 that the final set of contrasts in this book.
10:20 We've seen all kinds of contrasts
10:23 throughout the book.
10:24 You know, back and forth and back and forth
10:26 different ideas things that, you know,
10:29 seem to be against each other all the time.
10:32 The last set of antitheses is not a contrast of ideas.
10:38 It is a contrast of individuals.
10:40 It's a battle or a controversy between individuals.
10:44 And the two individuals are not human beings.
10:48 They are the devil and God.
10:51 We are fighting each other and he uses this phraseology,
10:56 He says that the devil
11:01 walks about like a roaring lion,
11:07 seeking someone to devour.
11:10 Now I lived in Africa for six years
11:14 and they have lions still on the loose.
11:17 It's surprising when you're out in the bush,
11:21 how you can't see a lion
11:23 because they just blend right into the grass,
11:26 that's, you know, going brown
11:28 and so forth in most of the different times of the year.
11:31 And they are hard to see, but I'll tell you what.
11:35 When you hear a lion's roar and you are out there
11:38 in the bush, it is scary.
11:40 Lions have an incredible power to roar.
11:45 Interestingly enough scientists' tell us that cats
11:48 all the cats in the world have you the ability
11:51 to purr or to roar not both.
11:55 Some lions don't purr, they roar.
11:57 And kitty cats don't roar, they purr.
12:00 But a lion is, you know, just a ravenous beast
12:04 that you just-- it's scary to think of,
12:08 that you would be in a place the devil goes about
12:11 like a roaring lion, seeking somebody to devour.
12:15 How do we respond to that because apparently,
12:17 this is a very scary picture of the devil--
12:20 Just going around like a roaring lion. It is.
12:22 It is quite a scary picture of the devil.
12:25 And I like us to see a little bit
12:26 of where this picture comes from.
12:29 It comes from the Book of Psalms.
12:33 And there are numerous Psalms,
12:35 but this particular one is Psalm 22
12:38 which is a messianic Psalm.
12:41 And this Psalm is interesting because of the way
12:45 it goes back and forth and back and forth between,
12:51 you might say the highs of glory and the lows of despair.
12:56 So I want to take a look at the Psalm.
12:59 I think probably first before we read the Psalm, Psalm 22.
13:05 We will take a little break and then when we come back
13:08 we'll have time to read it all the way through
13:11 and not miss out on time.
13:13 So let's take a little break at this point
13:14 and then we'll come back after a few messages.


Revised 2014-12-17