Books of the Book: Peter

Upside-down Leadership

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Tom Shepherd & Deyvy Rodriguez


Series Code: PBOTB

Program Code: PBOTB00017B

00:01 And we're back with "Books of the Book"
00:03 and we are studying here with Dr. Tom Shepherd.
00:07 Dr. Shepherd, you had a graphic here earlier
00:12 and it--Jesus pointed out how His calling to Peter,
00:16 the language He was using was lower language in love,
00:20 however his ministry calling was going higher and higher.
00:24 What kind of test was that about?
00:26 Yeah, it's kind of odd, you know,
00:28 you think that Peter would his--
00:31 the questions would go higher and higher
00:33 and then the commission would go higher and higher as well.
00:35 But it's just the opposite
00:37 that as Jesus lowers this level of love
00:40 that He asked Peter about than the commission
00:43 that He has given seems to become more and more weighty
00:46 and more and more important.
00:48 So people kind of scratch their head about that
00:50 and say, "Well, why would that be?"
00:53 Well, of course, Jesus was testing him about love,
00:55 but in a sense really
00:57 what He was testing was humility.
00:59 And so the level of humility that Peter displayed
01:06 becomes I don't if you can say greater
01:09 because humility is about not being great.
01:12 But his humility shines forth stronger and stronger
01:16 as Jesus lowers the bar and asked these questions
01:19 to the point where Peter is completely dependent on Jesus
01:23 and displays that he's totally humble.
01:26 And that's the great training or the great commission
01:32 for ministry that you have this characteristic,
01:35 you this ability to be humble,
01:38 then you can be a great minister for Jesus.
01:40 Amen. Yeah.
01:42 Well, we keep reading here
01:43 in the Book of Peter last chapter.
01:46 It seems that Peter instructs the elders
01:47 to take care of the church, how does he do that?
01:51 Uh, well, here in this passage he--
01:54 there are sets of what we call
01:58 antithesis, opposites in ministry.
02:00 We'll, first kind of go through them
02:02 and then a little later, we'll look at the graphic
02:04 that kind of displays all this in sort of graphic form.
02:08 But first we want to look at these,
02:10 he has these three pairs,
02:13 one way that you should do ministry,
02:15 the other way that you should not do ministry.
02:18 I have a sermon called, how to--
02:20 based on this passage called
02:21 "How to run the church into the ground?"
02:24 And it's-- I remember
02:26 there was this lady in our office
02:27 she did not like that title, that was bad title,
02:30 but king of, you know, catch peoples attention.
02:33 And there are ways that you can do ministry
02:36 that will build people up and of course,
02:38 that's what Peter promotes.
02:39 But he pairs it with ways of ministry
02:42 that will tear people down.
02:45 It's important for us to notice the distinctions between them.
02:48 But we must not forget
02:49 the negative way that he refers to
02:51 because this will actually come up again
02:53 in our discussion in 2 Peter, all right.
02:57 So that's just a little direction of where we're headed
03:00 'cause we're gonna come to 2 Peter, pretty soon.
03:03 All right, so in verse 2, Chapter 5 verse 2,
03:06 gives us that first pair, would you read that?
03:11 "Shepherd the flock of God which is among you,
03:13 serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly,
03:18 not for dishonest gain but eagerly."
03:21 All right, he actually gives two of the pairs there.
03:24 And he starts this shepherding metaphor,
03:27 "Shepherd the flock of God
03:28 that is among you, exercising oversight."
03:32 This verb for oversight is epískopol
03:37 from which we would get the word episcopal
03:40 or and in that kind of concept.
03:42 And it has the idea of oversight,
03:45 but it also had the idea of visiting, visiting.
03:49 And if you are gonna watch over a flock,
03:51 you have to be with them.
03:53 If you are gonna be an effective pastor,
03:56 you have to visit people
03:58 in their homes and pray with them.
04:00 And I'll tell you people really respond
04:04 to a visit from their pastor.
04:05 I remember years ago, being a pastor in Illinois
04:09 and I really believed in visiting.
04:12 And I came to the house of one of the deacons of the church
04:15 and he said something to me very sad.
04:18 He was thanking me, but he said very sad.
04:20 He said, Pastor, you're the first pastor
04:21 who had come to my house in 20 years.
04:23 Wow. I think that is just sad.
04:28 Pastors should be out visiting there people all the time.
04:32 So that's what Peter's people do.
04:33 And then the first point of reference he says,
04:36 "Not under compulsion but voluntarily or willingly
04:41 according to God," all right.
04:44 So when he says not under compulsion,
04:47 it may remind us when Paul talks about,
04:51 "God loves a cheerful giver."
04:52 You remember that passage, it's in 2 Corinthians 9
04:54 and he says, "God loves a cheerful giver
04:58 and you should give not under compulsion."
05:02 All right, this word compulsion
05:05 has the idea of pressure involved.
05:08 Somebody is pushing you, okay,
05:11 pressing you to do something
05:13 that you didn't want to do, all right.
05:17 Paul didn't want either internal reluctance
05:20 or external pressure to motivate people
05:23 to give for the church, all right.
05:25 And Peter is in a situation
05:27 where it was probably hard to find leaders for the church.
05:32 And so he says, don't push men into leadership too early.
05:38 You know, there would be that temptation
05:40 to push them, to move them forward.
05:42 He says it-- we can put it this way,
05:45 it must not be the push of men that motivates us.
05:47 It must be the pull of God.
05:49 We must do willingly, all right, so.
05:51 Then we come to the second of these concepts
05:57 and that is also in verse 2.
05:59 Would you read verse 2, once one time?
06:02 "Shepherd the flock of God which is among you,
06:04 serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly,
06:09 not for dishonest gain but eagerly."
06:12 Mm-hmm, okay, and he has in there as,
06:15 as God would have you do it.
06:16 So again, the reference point is God as Peter found Christ
06:21 as the reference point of his ministry.
06:24 So God is the reference point of our ministry.
06:26 He says that you are not to do ministry in order to--
06:34 you shouldn't be pushed into it.
06:35 You should do it willingly
06:37 and you shouldn't do it for shameful gain,
06:39 but you should do it eagerly.
06:43 In John 10, Jesus talked about
06:48 the shepherd versus the hired hand.
06:51 He said the shepherd loves the sheep
06:54 and guards them not thinking of himself, right?
06:58 But the hired hand, what's he thinking off?
07:00 Well, pretty much his paycheck.
07:04 And when the robbers come or the wolf comes,
07:08 what does the hired man do? He run away.
07:11 He runs away, yeah, because he doesn't worry.
07:16 His concern is not the sheep.
07:19 His concern is his paycheck and his own,
07:23 you know, his own benefits, okay.
07:26 Now there are benefits to leadership,
07:29 a lot of people find that out.
07:31 Some of them, sometimes it's financial
07:33 other times it's honor, other times it's power,
07:37 other times it's decision making.
07:39 These are all aspects that go along with leadership.
07:45 But these are not the right motives
07:48 for Christian ministry to gain these things, you know.
07:52 Of course, pastors have to have a living wage
07:54 and, you know, they'll have part of leadership,
07:57 part of decision making.
07:58 But the goal isn't to be,
08:01 to get all of these kinds of things,
08:03 you know, surround yourself where there's power,
08:05 where there's money, all these different kinds of things.
08:08 It must not be for the money that we do ministry.
08:11 It's rather, it's for the mission.
08:14 It's not what you can get out of it,
08:16 but it's rather what you can give to help others.
08:20 Right this leads us to verse 5-- verse 3, I'm sorry.
08:24 "Nor as being lords over those who entrusted to you,
08:29 but being examples to the flock."
08:33 And when-- verse 3?
08:35 This is verse 3, yeah.
08:37 He says, "Not domineering over those in your charge,
08:39 but being examples to the flock."
08:42 You are not sent to be a master
08:43 you're supposed to be a mentor to the flock.
08:45 There's a wonderful story in Mark 10,
08:47 we'll just turn to real quickly.
08:49 Mark 10, there is this story of the disciples,
08:57 James and John and they come to Jesus
09:00 and they want Him to give them a favor.
09:05 And so, we're reading now in Mark Chapter 10.
09:13 Well, no wonder, I'm in Matthew Chapter 10,
09:15 it didn't look quite right.
09:17 Okay, so we're in Chapter 10 of verse--
09:19 Verse 35, we start in verse 35. Okay.
09:23 "Then James and John, the sons of Zebedee,
09:25 came to Him, saying, 'Teacher,
09:26 we want You to do for us whatever we ask.'
09:30 And He said to them,
09:32 'What do you want Me to do for you?'
09:34 They said to Him, 'Grant us that we may sit,
09:36 one on Your right hand and the other on Your left,
09:40 in Your glory.'
09:41 But Jesus said to them, 'You do not know what you ask.
09:44 Are you able to drink the cup that I drink,
09:46 and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized?'
09:50 So they said to Him, 'We are able.'
09:52 So Jesus said to them,
09:54 'You will indeed drink the cup that I drink,
09:57 and with the baptism I am baptized with
10:00 you will be baptized,
10:03 but to sit on My right hand
10:05 and on My left is not Mine to give,
10:07 but it is for those for whom it is prepared.' "
10:11 All right, well, these disciples came to Jesus
10:13 with that wonderful discipleship principle, me first.
10:18 They said we want to be on Your right and Your left.
10:19 Jesus said, you don't know what you're asking for.
10:22 He said to sit on My right and My left.
10:24 There you see, they didn't realize that
10:25 what they were asking for was to go to the cross with Him,
10:28 to be on His right and on His left.
10:29 And that's where two thieves ended up, you know.
10:32 And John and James said, oh, yeah, we can do that.
10:35 And they didn't quite understand it,
10:36 but Jesus then points out to them
10:38 and to the other disciples just what ministry is about.
10:41 If you look in verse 42,
10:43 when he calls the disciples together,
10:45 He says, "You know that those
10:46 who are considered rulers to the Gentiles,
10:48 lorded over them,
10:50 and their great ones exercise the authority over them.
10:53 But it shall not be so among you,
10:56 but whoever would be great among you must be your servant.
10:58 And whoever would be first among you must be slave of all.
11:02 For even the Son of Man came not to be served,
11:04 but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many."
11:09 Christian ministry is about service to others.
11:11 It's not about giving power to yourself.
11:13 It's not that being a master over everybody else.
11:16 If you will get down on your feet--
11:18 on your knees and you will wash other people's feet,
11:21 that's the idea, service in ministry.
11:24 Now, we have this graphic that shows
11:25 these three pairs of antithesis together
11:28 and just displays what dishonorable leadership is like
11:32 and what honorable leadership is like.
11:34 Dishonorable leadership is under compulsion,
11:36 somebody pushed you into it.
11:38 And then you start thinking about the money,
11:40 if you're gonna in there, you may as well get some money,
11:42 while you are added suffering as much as you are.
11:45 And then while, while you're getting the money,
11:46 you may as well rule over other people
11:48 and take charge of them.
11:50 That's dishonorable leadership. That's not Christian leadership.
11:53 But honorable leadership
11:54 is what Peter puts out and promotes.
11:57 He says you do it willing. You are thinking about God.
11:59 He's your reference point. The way Jesus served.
12:02 You're eager to do it, you do it freely
12:04 and you're an example to the flock.
12:07 This brings us to our last verse which is verse 4,
12:11 where Peter displays the outcome.
12:13 He says, "When the Chief Shepherd appears,
12:16 you will receive the unfading crown of glory."
12:20 Some people think that there are no rewards in heaven
12:25 for those who have served Jesus.
12:27 But that's not how Jesus depicted it.
12:30 He said, yes, there will be a great reward for you.
12:32 And Peter puts this forth too,
12:35 he says, there will be an unfading crown of glory.
12:37 Can you imagine the joy of ministry?
12:41 It's not the crown so much
12:43 to seeing people who have given their hearts to Christ
12:47 eternally saved in the kingdom of God.
12:50 I was recently involved in evangelist meetings
12:52 and we baptized--God blessed us with a lady being baptized.
12:56 She was so happy on that day of her baptism.
12:58 What a joy to see somebody giving their hearts to Christ
13:02 and making that commitment to follow Him?
13:04 That's the joy of ministry.
13:06 That's what God wants for you and me.
13:08 And that's what drove Peter and that's what he remembered
13:11 from this experience that he had in Jesus.
13:13 My friends, God may give some
13:16 wonderful kind of ministry to you.
13:18 Whatever that ministry is, carry it forth in the way
13:21 that Peter expresses it here.
13:22 You will be great blessing to the flock of God
13:25 and you, yourself will be greatly blessed.
13:27 God has in store for you an unending,
13:29 unfading crown of glory.
13:31 We'll see you next time.


Revised 2014-12-17