Books of the Book: Peter

Why It's A Blessing To Be Persecuted

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Tom Shepherd & Deyvy Rodriguez


Series Code: PBOTB

Program Code: PBOTB00016B

00:01 And we're back to "Books of The Book."
00:03 We are studying the Books of 1 and 2 Peter,
00:05 but right now we are at the last Chapter
00:08 or Chapter 4 at the last verses
00:11 and we're talking about suffering.
00:12 And, Dr. Shepherd, why does Peter bring up
00:15 another way of suffering in verses 15 and 16?
00:19 All right, so we should--we should read those verses again.
00:20 So everybody's clear as what he is saying.
00:22 In verse 15, it says, "But let none of you suffer
00:27 as a murderer or a thief or an evildoer or as a meddler.
00:32 Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian,
00:34 let him not be ashamed,
00:36 but let him glorify God in that name."
00:39 All right, so he says, it's good to suffer as a Christian,
00:44 but it's not good to suffer as thief or murderer
00:48 or something like that,
00:49 that something that Christians should not do.
00:52 It's part of his emphasis
00:53 on Christian character and lifestyle
00:55 that he has been emphasizing all through the book.
00:59 Don't do this, do this instead,
01:02 you know, don't follow the pagan way,
01:04 follow the Christian way.
01:06 If you live like the pagan,
01:07 it's gonna bring reproach on the Christian faith.
01:10 So society around them was pressing in on them,
01:12 but they were to stand true and he said,
01:15 and they're going to persecute you
01:18 and try to bring shame on you.
01:19 He said, "But you mustn't be ashamed."
01:21 He says, "You should glorify God in this name."
01:25 The name is Christian.
01:27 And it's one of the first places,
01:30 you know, the Antioch was the first place
01:32 they were called Christians.
01:34 But the term Christian isn't used
01:36 a lot of times in the New Testament.
01:37 This is one of the places where it shows up. Okay.
01:41 Verse 17, "For the time has come for judgment
01:43 to begin at the house of God.
01:46 And if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those
01:49 who do not obey the Gospel of God?"
01:52 Now, how does this verse here support these previous verses?
01:56 Okay, so he has been talking about suffering
01:59 as a Christian being persecuted by the pagans then he says,
02:03 "Don't do the wrong way,
02:05 don't be suffering as a murderer or a thief or anything."
02:09 And of course, that's out of step
02:11 with God's valuation, God's law.
02:13 You shouldn't follow that path.
02:14 You should follow the Christian path.
02:16 And then he says, "God is going to judge the world."
02:20 We have already talked about judgment before several times.
02:22 But here he, you know, continues this discussion.
02:26 It is time for judgment to begin at the household of God.
02:31 And of course, the household of God
02:33 is his whole metaphor for the church, isn't it?
02:37 That he has been using all through this book.
02:38 We are His children, He is our Father,
02:41 He has built this into a spiritual house
02:43 to offer sacrifices to Him.
02:45 And so now he says, and guess what?
02:48 That's where judgment is going to begin.
02:51 Now in the process what he's alluding to very strongly
02:54 is to Ezekiel 9:1-6.
02:59 So we need to read that passage in Ezekiel
03:01 just to get the context of Peter's ideas.
03:06 Ezekiel 9:1-6. Okay, and he says.
03:12 "Then He called out in my hearing with a loud voice,
03:15 saying, 'Let those who have charge over the city draw near,
03:19 each with a deadly weapon in his hand.'
03:22 And suddenly six men came from the direction of the upper gate,
03:25 which faces north, each with his battle-ax in his hand.
03:30 One man among them was clothed with linen
03:33 and had a writer's inkhorn at his side.
03:36 They went in and stood beside the bronze altar.
03:39 Now the glory of the God of Israel
03:42 had gone up from the cherub,
03:45 where it had been to the threshold of the temple.
03:50 And He came to the man clothed with linen,
03:52 who had the writer's inkhorn at his side.
03:55 And the Lord said to him,
03:57 'Go through the midst of the city,
03:59 through the midst of Jerusalem,
04:01 and put a mark on the foreheads of the men
04:04 who sigh and cry over all the abominations
04:08 that are done within it.'
04:11 Go to the others He said in my hearing.
04:13 'Go after him through the city and kill.
04:16 Do not let your eye spare, nor have any pity.
04:20 Utterly slay old and young men,
04:23 maidens and little children and women,
04:25 but do not come near anyone on whom is the mark
04:29 and begin at My sanctuary.'
04:32 So they began with the elders who were before the temple.
04:35 Then He said to them, 'Defile the temple,
04:38 and fill the courts with the slain. Go out.'
04:41 And they went out and killed in the city.
04:44 So it was, that while they were killing them,
04:47 I was left alone; and I fell on my face and cried out,
04:50 and said, 'Ah, Lord God.
04:52 Will You destroy all the remnant of Israel
04:54 in pouring out Your fury on Jerusalem?'
04:57 Then He said to me,
04:59 'The iniquity of the house of Israel and Judah
05:01 is exceedingly great, and the land is full of bloodshed,
05:05 and the city full of perversity, for they say,
05:08 'The Lord has forsaken the land, and the Lord does not see.'"
05:12 All right, well, it's quite an amazing story,
05:14 isn't it there in Ezekiel?
05:16 And you notice that there are several things that go on here.
05:20 He has this executioners come to him in his vision.
05:24 And he also has a man with a writing case.
05:28 He sends the man out with the writing case to go out
05:32 and they're supposed to put a mark on people
05:35 who are crying over the abominations
05:38 of the land and of Jerusalem.
05:42 And they go out and they put a mark on their forehead,
05:45 these people who are faithful to God
05:49 and showing it by their weeping.
05:51 Then the executioners go and they start to kill.
05:53 They notice those who have a mark
05:56 and those who don't have a mark.
05:57 Now, of course, we know in the Book of Revelation,
06:00 we have something called the Seal of God.
06:02 And the Seal of God marks people
06:04 as His servants and protects them.
06:06 And those without the Seal of God will perish,
06:11 you know, at the end of time.
06:12 So here is Peter linking into Ezekiel's message as well
06:18 just like we get over in the Book of Revelation.
06:22 And he links into this message
06:23 and points out that there's a protecting mark.
06:26 And so judgment is going to begin with the household of God.
06:29 Begins with us and then it goes out from there.
06:32 And he says, well, if the--
06:33 he quotes from Proverbs 11:31 and he says,
06:37 "Well, if the righteous person hardly is saved,
06:42 then what's going to happen to the wicked."
06:44 You know, there's no--there's not gonna be space for them.
06:47 So he has been talking about Christians
06:50 that they need to do good deeds and not bad deeds.
06:55 And then he supports us with the message of judgment.
06:57 He says, "Look, if you don't follow the message of God
07:02 you will be marked for destruction,
07:04 you have to follow-- you can't just play with God.
07:07 You have to have your faith has to lineup
07:11 with what He has been teaching you all through this book."
07:15 So now we are finishing Chapter 4,
07:17 but how does that he conclude the section?
07:19 Then he comes to verse 19.
07:22 And then he says, "Therefore that those who suffer
07:25 according to God's will entrust their souls
07:28 to a faithful creator while doing good."
07:33 Now in this verse
07:37 there are three interlocking ideas, okay.
07:41 Three interlocking ideas.
07:43 Suffering, suffering according to the will of God.
07:47 And we've talked about that already.
07:49 It's not God's will for us to suffer.
07:51 It's God's will for us to do good.
07:53 And if we suffer as a result, okay,
07:55 that's better than doing bad.
07:57 So suffering according to the will of God.
08:00 He talks about entrusting your soul,
08:03 entrusting your soul to the faithful creator.
08:07 And then he talks about doing good.
08:10 Now of these ideas the will of God
08:14 we've seen already it's been throughout the book.
08:17 It's a theme that runs through this book,
08:19 it focuses on the idea always of doing good.
08:23 It's usually linked up with concepts of suffering
08:29 or people around you or the pagans around you
08:31 giving you a difficult time.
08:33 In 1 Peter 2:15 he says, "That if you do good,
08:37 doing the will of God you'll shut the mouths
08:39 of ignorant people who are trying to say
08:42 bad things about you."
08:43 In 3:17, "It's better to do good and suffer than to do evil."
08:47 In 4:1-2, "Suffering persecution for living a Christian life
08:52 in according to with the will of God.
08:54 The Christians purpose is to live for the will of God
08:56 and not for human passions."
08:58 And then our passage here verse 19
09:01 where you're suffering and you're doing good.
09:03 So the will of God is always tied up with this, doing good,
09:07 doing the right thing and as a result you will suffer.
09:10 God does not want His people to suffer,
09:12 but He does want them to do the right thing.
09:14 And sometimes we have to have the courage to face off
09:17 against the evil and not let it out or take us.
09:20 Second then he talks about suffering
09:24 and entrusting ourselves to the faithful creator.
09:27 I wanna talk about that just a bit more,
09:30 but let me talk about the third point
09:31 and that is doing good throughout the book.
09:35 Christians are called to a high moral way of life
09:38 that expresses Christian ideals
09:41 to all around them, to all the world.
09:43 It is not enough simply to entrust one's life to God,
09:47 one must let him workout his goodwill in the life.
09:52 We must do good.
09:53 We must be about our Father's business to encourage others.
09:56 But I want to come back to this idea
09:57 of the concept of the faithful creator.
10:02 You wonder when he talks about this experience of suffering
10:07 and he says, "Entrust your life to God," that make sense.
10:12 You've heard that kind of idea before
10:14 and it seems to go along with,
10:16 you know, the whole theme of the book.
10:18 But this is one of the few places
10:20 where in the book where he makes reference to creation.
10:25 And he says, "You are supposed to entrust--
10:29 entrust yourself to a faithful creator."
10:35 Now, why to a-- why this reference to creation?
10:39 Well, he likes to talk about eschatology.
10:42 You know, he talks about the end.
10:44 He talks about the Revelation of Jesus Christ.
10:45 He talks about how God is going to save you.
10:47 How things are gonna be good,
10:48 He's got an imperishable inheritance for you,
10:50 all things are gonna--
10:51 he really focuses on that a great deal.
10:54 But once in a while he pulls back the curtain
10:56 and talks all the way back to the beginning.
10:59 You know, he talks about this idea of creation.
11:02 It's kind of like these big bookends.
11:05 God made the world, He was the faithful creator
11:08 and He is going to bring the world to an end.
11:09 He'll take care of you from beginning to end.
11:13 That's kind of the picture you get.
11:14 But there is something we need to notice
11:16 about this idea of faithful creator as well.
11:20 There are some people that present the idea of evolution
11:23 as the way that God created the world.
11:24 They called theistic evolution.
11:27 That God created life at the beginning of the world
11:29 and then He let it develop through long billions of years
11:33 from little molecules of little microbes,
11:38 you know, and then it built up and eventually came up
11:40 and then eventually became people.
11:42 And the process involved lots of death and lots of suffering,
11:46 lots of tooth and nail and the survival of the fittest.
11:50 Yeah. Now if that's the picture of creation that Peter had.
11:57 And he said, "O, give yourself to the Creator."
12:02 It would give them no comfort at all.
12:05 Consequently, we can say that
12:08 Peter did not have that view of creation.
12:11 Peter's view of creation was not,
12:14 you know, something coming up
12:15 through long billions of years working overtime,
12:19 survival of the fittest tooth and claw,
12:21 lots and lots of death and suffering, no.
12:25 Peter's view of creation,
12:27 the faithful creator is He who spoke and it was.
12:31 He expressed His word and there it was.
12:33 He made the world just simply from free out,
12:36 just He spoke and the world came into existence.
12:40 And so it was a faithful creator who set the world in place
12:46 and began it and, so they can entrust their lives.
12:51 This principle that shows us that
12:56 Peter rejects those kinds of ideas that later come on
13:00 and teaches evolutionary kind of concept.
13:02 So it's really a beautiful passage about suffering,
13:05 passage wonderful linkage into creation and God's faithfulness.
13:11 Dr. Shepherd, thank you once again.
13:13 I think we've run out of time.
13:14 And if we did have more time,
13:16 I think I'd ask you to help us or teach us
13:19 how to undo a tie and do it back again. Okay.
13:21 But maybe next time.
13:22 Well, thank you once again, friends.
13:24 God bless you till next time.


Revised 2014-12-17