Books of the Book: Peter

Why I Go To Church

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Tom Shepherd & Deyvy Rodriguez


Series Code: PBOTB

Program Code: PBOTB00015B

00:01 And we're back with "Books of the Book"
00:03 and with us is Dr. Shepherd.
00:04 Dr. Shepherd, why don't we continue in our study? Yes.
00:08 Verses 8 and 9 talks about some values.
00:12 Yes, let's read them again verse--verse 8 says,
00:15 "Above all, keep loving one another earnestly,
00:18 since love covers a multitude of sins.
00:21 Show hospitality to one another without grumbling."
00:25 His big emphasis is on the concept of love.
00:29 He talks about it being earnest
00:32 and eager about this question of love.
00:36 It is the love that is supposed to be
00:38 the focus of our life as Christians.
00:40 So one wonders why is love threatened
00:44 when you are talking or thinking about the end of time.
00:47 Why would love be threatened?
00:50 Want to turn over to another passage.
00:52 If you've been noticing we've been reading 1 Peter
00:56 but we also will go to other passages in scripture
00:59 that throw light on what Peter is talking about.
01:03 We're gonna turn over to Revelation 2:1 to 7.
01:08 This is the message of Jesus to the Church of Ephesus
01:14 and He also talks to them about love.
01:20 Revelation 2:1 to 7. Why don't you read it for us.
01:23 "To the angel of the church of Ephesus write,
01:26 'these things says He who holds
01:29 the seven stars in His right hand,
01:31 who walks in the midst of the seven golden lampstands.
01:35 I know your works, your labor, your patience,
01:38 and that you cannot bear those who are evil.
01:41 And you have tested those who say they are apostles
01:44 and are not, and have found them liars,
01:47 and you have persevered and have patience,
01:51 and have labored for My name's sake
01:53 and have not become weary.
01:56 Nevertheless I have this against you,
01:58 that you have left your first love.
02:01 Remember therefore from where you have fallen,
02:04 repent and do the first works,
02:06 or else I will come to you quickly
02:08 and remove your lampstand
02:10 from its place unless you repent.
02:13 But this you have,
02:15 that you hate the deeds of the Nicolaitans,
02:18 which I also hate.
02:20 He who has an ear, let him hear
02:21 what the Spirit says to the churches.
02:24 To him who overcomes I'll give to eat from the tree of life,
02:27 which is in the midst of the Paradise of God." '
02:30 Okay, now this is the church of--
02:34 first church of Revelation
02:36 and they are famous for something they lost.
02:40 What did they lose?
02:41 Their first love. Their first love.
02:44 How do people usually interpret that,
02:47 what does that mean they lost their first love?
02:50 Well, it almost sounds like a relationship.
02:53 Maybe, they've met one and they have lost it
02:57 and apparently they have another one.
02:59 Okay, oh, I mean like
03:01 they've got a new person that they care about,
03:03 they don't have the same one that they used to have. Sure.
03:05 They have lost their first love.
03:07 A lot of people tend to think of this
03:09 and they say, well, you know,
03:11 they came into the church and they were active
03:14 and then they lost their first love
03:19 and they became pew potato.
03:23 You've heard of couch potato? I've heard it.
03:26 This is pew potato and they just sit and they--
03:29 all they do is complain, they don't, you know,
03:31 they're not active for God anymore.
03:33 Well, if you look carefully
03:34 at the message of this church in Ephesus,
03:38 they were anything but inactive.
03:41 They were a very active church.
03:42 He says I know your works,
03:44 your toil, your patient endurance.
03:47 You can't bear those who are evil,
03:48 you've tested them.
03:50 He says I know you're enduring patiently
03:52 and bearing up for my namesake.
03:54 You've not grown weary.
03:56 So they seem like a very, very active church
04:00 and they're very careful about what happens
04:03 but he says this is the problem.
04:05 He says, you've lost your first love.
04:08 Well, in that kind of context,
04:11 the first love idea means seems to point
04:14 towards what Jesus said that you should love one another
04:18 and people should know that you're Christians
04:20 because you love one another.
04:23 Here's what happened to the church of Ephesus,
04:24 if you've studied the history of that city and its church
04:28 and the things that happened.
04:30 They became very careful it seems about truth and error.
04:35 Paul warned them in the Book of Acts
04:37 that false teachers would come in,
04:40 they had to be on their guard.
04:42 So, you know, when the apostle warned you
04:44 that you got to be in your guard.
04:45 What do you do?
04:47 You sit up, you're on your guard,
04:48 you know, you're watching something might come along.
04:52 They remembered what I call very strong side of Christianity
04:56 that is stand up for the truth,
04:58 have courage in the face of persecution,
05:01 truth, watchfulness, you know,
05:03 dare to be a Daniel, dare to have a purpose,
05:06 to dare to make it known, you know.
05:07 It takes courage to stand on the plain of Dura
05:10 be thrown into the fiery furnace.
05:12 But they left what I call the weak side of Christianity.
05:17 The weak side is I admit that I'm a sinner,
05:21 I admit that I need Jesus as my Savior.
05:24 I need His love and His grace to come and heal my problems.
05:28 I need to watch out for those who are lost
05:30 and help them come back to Jesus.
05:33 Christianity has a strong side and a weak side.
05:36 They need to stay in balance
05:38 with one another, strong and weak.
05:41 And when one predominates,
05:44 when you get just the strong side,
05:45 you tend to go towards kind of legalism
05:48 that you're watching out for, you know,
05:50 catching anybody going wrong.
05:52 If you go on the weak side, the emphasis on love,
05:55 then you tend to forget, you know,
05:58 the importance of truth and you'll say
05:59 well, anything goes wrong, it doesn't matter what you do,
06:02 you know, God still loves you, you know, it's okay.
06:04 You're always welcome, you know,
06:06 and it's always acceptable whatever you do.
06:08 So you got to have this balance in between
06:11 and sometimes a focus on the end
06:13 can focus maybe on the strong side
06:15 and you forget the weak side,
06:17 so Peter says look, you need to emphasize love,
06:19 you need to keep your focus on that.
06:21 Well, can we better press on?
06:23 Why don't we look at verse 8?
06:25 Peter says for love will cover a multitude of sins
06:28 and apparently he's quoting from another book.
06:31 From the Book of Proverbs.
06:33 Okay. Well, it seems so.
06:35 It's not the text isn't an exact quote
06:39 but in Proverbs 10:12, it says,
06:41 "Hatred stirs up dissension, love covers over all wrongs."
06:45 And is Peter here suggesting that love forgives sins?
06:50 Well, not so much. Not exactly that.
06:52 Love is not forgiving sins here.
06:56 In Proverbs 10, you see there's a parallelism
06:59 between hatred stirs up dissention,
07:02 love covers all wrongs,
07:04 so they stand in opposition to one another
07:06 but instead he's--he's not suggesting a cover up of sin.
07:11 You know, so that if you can do whatever you want
07:13 but instead he's teaching that love is forbearing,
07:16 love deals with other people patiently and cares for them
07:21 it's similar to Jesus words in Matthew 18
07:24 were he says that if your brother sins,
07:27 you go to him yourself and you talk to him alone
07:30 because you see sin is a shameful thing
07:35 and we shouldn't expose it to lots of people.
07:39 When somebody sins you just go to that person alone.
07:42 Don't tell it to everybody else.
07:44 We do just the opposite to it usually what Jesus said.
07:47 He said go to him alone then take two or three others,
07:49 then tell to the church if they all listen.
07:50 We tell it to the church
07:52 and we never go to the brother by themselves.
07:54 Then they're hurt and there is hypocrisy,
07:57 then there is back biting and there's all kinds of probes.
08:00 We should follow Jesus' method of dealing with issues,
08:02 forbearing with people but working with them
08:05 on individual bases, you know. All right.
08:08 And why don't we go on to verses 10 and 11 here.
08:11 It seems like Peter is now shifting
08:14 to the aspects of service.
08:17 Yes, lets reads those verses again,
08:18 they're quite interesting.
08:20 "As each one has received a gift,
08:22 minister it to one another,
08:25 as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.
08:28 If anyone speaks, let him speak of the oracles of God.
08:31 If anyone ministers, let him do it
08:34 as with the ability which God supplies,
08:36 that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ,
08:40 to whom belong the glory
08:42 and the dominion forever and ever. Amen."
08:45 All right, very good.
08:47 Now you see here in verse 10 he says,
08:50 "As you've received a gift,"
08:52 he is clearly talking about spiritual gifts.
08:54 He doesn't have the long list like Paul tends to have.
08:58 He has kind of a short list
08:59 but we'll see that his short list
09:00 kind of catches everything in its net.
09:03 But he starts off and he says,
09:05 you've received a gift, he said
09:07 so you should use it to serve one another
09:10 and then he uses this interesting word,
09:13 he says, "As good stewards of Gods very grace."
09:18 Do you know what a steward is? What's a steward?
09:21 A steward in my understanding is a good manager.
09:24 A steward, our term today is a manager, okay.
09:28 Now what's the difference between
09:30 the manager of a bank and the owner of a bank?
09:33 Well, the manager has a reasonability role,
09:37 where as the owner doesn't really have
09:40 that big burden of reasonability if something goes wrong.
09:45 The owner can make decisions
09:46 and without really having to contact
09:49 or ask for any type of approval by any.
09:53 All right, so the owner actually owns the thing
09:57 and the manager is taking care of it for the owner, all right.
10:01 So Peter here talks about us being managers
10:06 or stewards of the gifts that God has given us.
10:11 The Adventist Church has this very interesting
10:13 and powerful teaching called stewardship.
10:17 And most people when they think of stewardship,
10:18 they think of money.
10:20 That's right. They think of money.
10:22 Today we're gonna talk about stewardship.
10:24 Ah, they're gonna talk about money.
10:26 Tithe and offerings. Tithes and offerings.
10:28 Actually it's much more than that, it is all of our life.
10:33 Some people think of that
10:34 we're making contributions to the church
10:38 but there's a big difference
10:39 between a contribution and commitment.
10:42 You see, contribution and commitment,
10:44 it's like the story of a pig and a chicken
10:48 talking to each other, made up of course.
10:51 And the farmer was planning
10:53 to have bacon and eggs for breakfast.
10:56 He hadn't heard the health message yet
10:58 and he was planning to have bacon and eggs for breakfast.
11:00 And the pig said to the chicken, "You know, madam Chicken."
11:03 He says, "you are making a contributions
11:07 to this breakfast but for me its total commitment."
11:12 So when we think of this idea of stewardship,
11:16 God has placed into our hands His goods
11:20 they don't belong to us, we are not our own,
11:23 we don't belong to ourselves, we belong to God.
11:25 He says, "You are to use these gifts to bless other people."
11:30 That's the purpose He gives you the gifts for,
11:33 He gives you the gift of live and He gives you opportunities.
11:35 He has two groups of gifts that he refers to,
11:39 He talks about "Speaking" and he talks about "Serving."
11:43 So one you could say is in words and the other is in action.
11:49 Peter focus both of these ideas on God.
11:53 You see, he says,
11:55 "That if you're given the gift of speaking,
11:58 you speaks the oracles of God
12:00 and whoever serves the one
12:01 who serves by the strength that God supplies,
12:04 so that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ."
12:09 The goal of our life as Christians
12:12 is to glorify God, not ourselves.
12:15 In the process of blessing others and encouraging them,
12:19 we ourselves are actually lifted up when you glorify God,
12:23 it encourages your heart,
12:24 it brings you up to a higher level.
12:27 That's the purpose of our being in the church.
12:30 Some people will say, "Well, that church is so cold,
12:33 I don't think I want go there."
12:35 Well, they need you.
12:37 If you can see that it's cold,
12:39 then you know what warm is about.
12:42 And God may be calling you to that church,
12:44 so you can warm it up.
12:47 So instead of complaining about what's wrong with the church,
12:50 we need to become part of the solution
12:52 to draw people upward to Christ.
12:55 You know, at the end of this verse he says, "Amen."
12:58 Almost like he's done with the book,
13:00 no he's not done, he's still got
13:01 the whole another section to go
13:03 but this is the conclusion of this section of the book
13:07 and we will be looking at some more in the next show.
13:10 Once again, Dr. Shepherd,
13:11 we want to thank you for being with us again
13:13 in this program "Books of the Book"
13:15 I have been certainly very blessed in hearing these,
13:19 these Bible study we're having together.
13:21 Well, God bless you friends.
13:23 Till next time this has been "Books of the Book."


Revised 2014-12-17