Books of the Book: Peter

Why Your Old Friends Don't Like You Anymore

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Tom Shepherd & Deyvy Rodriguez


Series Code: PBOTB

Program Code: PBOTB00014B

00:01 And we're back with "Books of the Book."
00:03 Dr. Shepherd, so how does the world react
00:06 when someone decides to follow Jesus?
00:10 You know, every Christian can think of this
00:12 in their own personal experience of becoming a Christian.
00:16 And usually the reaction is not positive.
00:19 Because the truth shines in the darkness
00:24 and as Jesus said in John 3,
00:26 "Men love the darkness rather than the light."
00:29 So they don't come to the light.
00:31 But that's exactly what Peter says here in verse 4.
00:34 We find their reaction and so we just read it again
00:39 verse 4, "With respect to this,
00:42 they are surprised when you do not join them
00:45 in the same flood of debauchery and they malign you."
00:49 Okay, so the first reaction of the world
00:53 to Christian faith is surprise.
00:56 That's interesting.
00:58 You know, my verse uses the word 'strange,'
01:00 so they think it's strange for--
01:04 Then for you to take that route.
01:06 Yes, it's strange, it's surprise,
01:10 it's something foreign to them.
01:12 It doesn't fit with their way of life
01:15 and they expect things to go in a certain way
01:18 and when they don't, you know, how can you do that?
01:23 Now, you know, what they are involved in
01:26 is all the things that were the vice list,
01:29 we call it a vice list, listed in verse 3.
01:32 "They living in sensuality, passions, drunkenness,
01:37 orgies, drinking parties, lawless idolatry."
01:42 This is typical kind of list of what
01:45 the Pagans were all about in their festivals
01:49 and in their lifestyle and you might think today that,
01:54 I mean, while we don't have people bowing down to idols,
01:58 there's still a plenty of idols in the land.
02:01 And you think, "Well, why are these people upset?
02:04 I mean, they're just going to their parties
02:05 and why should it bother them?
02:08 There are there old friends who, you know,
02:10 used to go with them, don't go with them anymore.
02:13 What's the big deal? Why should that be a problem?"
02:18 Well, there's a certain what shall we say,
02:23 a conscience speaking to them or this is out of step
02:26 and they feel that tension that it doesn't fit together anymore.
02:32 And sometimes we say they protest too much.
02:37 They protested too much.
02:38 You know, the words I think of Shakespeare
02:41 or some famous author that when you're going
02:44 in a different way and then they say why don't go with us?
02:48 They want to force you to be like them because
02:50 the voice of conscience speaks to their hearts too.
02:53 So the light shines on them and they don't like it.
02:56 So what do they do?
02:57 They're not just surprised, now they persecute you.
03:04 They speak evil of you, okay?
03:06 Now how will all of this be resolved?
03:08 Uh, well, that's what verses 5 and 6 teach us.
03:11 So we need to read those again because
03:13 they give us the answer about how everything will be resolved.
03:16 "They will give an account to him
03:18 who is ready to judge the living and the dead.
03:21 For this reason, the gospel was preached
03:23 also to those who are dead
03:25 that they might be judged according to men in the flesh
03:28 but live according to God in the spirit."
03:33 Now this is one of those difficult,
03:36 another one of those difficult passages to--Comprehend.
03:39 And this is one of those passages
03:41 that people like to call "a problem text."
03:43 Now we already said, no, there are no problem texts.
03:47 Is it describing may be another second chance to be saved?
03:51 Yeah, well, we'll have to kind
03:53 of arrive there to get that list.
03:55 Let's put it all within its context.
03:56 That's the best way.
03:58 Whenever you're reading a passage of scripture
04:00 and you come across something that is--
04:02 Just strikes you.
04:03 "Oh, I don't understand this. This is crazy, how can that be?"
04:07 The first thing to do is to read the verses around it.
04:10 The context we call it to place those words in their setting.
04:15 And if you look at them very carefully
04:17 sometimes you start to see,
04:18 oh, there's certainly linkages here.
04:20 There's certain words that are similar here
04:23 and it helps you to start to understand it.
04:26 This is why we have good commentaries they help to,
04:29 you know, fill things out.
04:31 We're working to produce
04:33 a new Seventh-day Adventist Bible commentary.
04:35 It's a very exciting project that's in process now.
04:38 And hope that it will become a great reality
04:41 and a great blessing to God's people.
04:43 So we notice here in verse 4,
04:46 "That they are surprised and they malign you."
04:49 So then Peter says in verse 5, "But."
04:53 So this is going to be a contrast of verse 4.
04:56 So here we had "The Christians had left off
05:00 doing what was wrong.
05:02 The gentiles were going to these drinking parties,
05:05 and idolatry and everything.
05:07 They were surprised a Christian student do that
05:10 and so they come and they persecute them."
05:13 "But," but means that there's gonna be some change.
05:18 But they, who's they? The ones just mentioned.
05:22 The Pagans. Yeah, okay.
05:23 But they will give account to him
05:27 who is ready to judge the living and the dead.
05:29 Who's that? God.
05:33 And this is, you know, linked in with all of the teaching
05:38 of the message of judgment that the Book of First Peter
05:43 has lots of comments about judgment actually.
05:46 And we find here that he says,
05:48 they will give an account to him.
05:51 They have to answer to God
05:53 who is ready to judge the living and the dead.
05:57 Now we need to think about this living.
06:00 He says "the living and the dead."
06:01 Who is he talking about? He is talking about people.
06:05 Yes, and now our question is, which people?
06:09 Well, the living and the dead.
06:11 The living and the dead. Very simple.
06:12 Now how many people does that include?
06:16 All of the ones that have ever lived.
06:18 And all of the ones that are currently living.
06:21 Yeah, so this is all of humanity.
06:24 So this phrase, "The living and the dead,"
06:27 there's a really cool word.
06:29 The word is merism.
06:31 Merism means the totality that it covers all of the groups
06:36 the two, the living and the dead,
06:38 is a way of talking about all of humanity.
06:43 This is a very important point though
06:44 because in verse 6 he goes on, "For..."
06:50 So now this is going to be support for verse 5.
06:54 "For this is why the gospel was preached
06:56 even to those who are dead.
06:58 That though judged in the flesh they may the way people are
07:01 they might live in the spirit the way God does."
07:05 Okay? So the question is who are the dead in verse 6?
07:11 Who does this refer to? Got any ideas.
07:15 Who are the dead he's talking about?
07:17 The wicked dead? The wicked dead? Okay.
07:22 Well, if it's the wicked dead then perhaps they have
07:27 a second chance at salvation because "For this reason
07:32 this is why the gospel was preached even to the dead."
07:34 And somebody says, "Uh, wait a minute.
07:36 I remember back in Chapter 3, verse 19,
07:40 didn't he go to preach to the spirits in prison?
07:42 That must be what this verse is talking about?"
07:46 And the answer is no.
07:49 That is not what this verse is talking about.
07:51 Somebody says, "Well, wait a minute.
07:54 You've got to prove that to me.
07:55 You've got to show me that because I thought that sounded
07:58 like a really good connection back at verse 19 of Chapter 3.
08:02 And in fact that's where some people get this idea
08:04 that Christ goes to those in hell
08:06 and He preaches to them.
08:07 They have a second chance at salvation.
08:09 Okay, first we have to notice
08:12 that there is a very intimate tie
08:13 between verse 5 and verse 6.
08:16 When he says 4 in verse 6, he's using verse 6
08:20 as a support for his statement in verse 5.
08:23 Okay, that's the first step.
08:24 Second, we notice that in verse 5,
08:28 he used the word 'dead'
08:30 and in verse 6, he used the word 'dead.'
08:34 Okay, so if he uses the word 'dead ' in verse 5,
08:41 and there's like a logical connection
08:44 between the 2 verses.
08:46 It would be very strange if he changed
08:48 the meaning of the word 'dead' in verse 6.
08:52 All right, so the dead in verse 5
08:55 are people who are dead, all right?
08:57 So the people in verse 6 who're dead
09:00 must be people who are dead.
09:02 They're not alive. All right.
09:03 So far so good, all right?
09:06 Third, this seems to suggest
09:11 if you take that the dead in verse 6
09:17 are the same as the dead in verse 5
09:19 and yet they're preached to, it almost makes you think
09:21 that the dead in verse 6 are somehow conscious
09:27 because they were evangelized, weren't they?
09:30 Okay. But we notice it says they were evangelized.
09:35 It doesn't say they are being evangelized,
09:38 they were evangelized.
09:40 And so we wonder, well, just when did that happen, okay?
09:46 Now at this point we take a little pause
09:48 from this statement and we think about
09:50 Peter's whole concept of judgment, all right?
09:54 And Peter is teaching about judgment,
09:58 there is no second chance.
10:00 If you read the verses in Chapter 1 verse 17,
10:04 God judges everyone without partiality
10:08 according to their deeds what they've done in this life.
10:11 In Chapter 2, verse 23, Christ entrusted Himself
10:14 to the one who judges justly.
10:17 And in Chapter 4 verse 5 the gentiles must give
10:21 an account to God in the judgment, all right?
10:23 In 4:17 which come after our passage,
10:27 judgment begins with the household of God
10:29 and proceeds to those who do not believe the gospel.
10:32 In every one of these other parts
10:34 of the Book of First Peter, judgment does not have
10:38 the concept that, "Oh, that, you know,
10:40 there's gonna be a second chance for you.
10:42 If you die, you know,
10:44 you don't have to believe in the gospel now.
10:46 You can wait till then and there will be another chance for you."
10:49 That whole kind of perspective
10:51 emasculates the concept of judgment in 1 Peter.
10:55 It goes completely contrary to the idea of judgment.
10:58 There is no second chance.
11:00 You face judgment and that is what
11:03 should call you back to God now, all right?
11:06 So if verse 6 is going a different way oh, my,
11:10 it's going against the whole rest of the book.
11:13 It doesn't seem that that's actually
11:15 the case of what's happening.
11:17 This leads us to the conclusion that in 4:6,
11:22 Peter is talking about the people who are now dead,
11:26 who are now dead.
11:28 And when were they evangelized?
11:30 They were evangelized earlier. When they were living.
11:33 When they were living, before they died, okay?
11:37 You see but why does He say that way.
11:40 Because remember, He is arguing
11:43 about the Christians facing gentile persecution.
11:47 And so he says in verse 6, "This is why
11:50 the gospel was preached even to those who are dead."
11:54 You see they became Christians. And so then what happened.
11:59 "That though judged in the flesh the way people are,"
12:02 that is they're judged by their surrounding culture,
12:04 the Pagans who are persecuting them are putting them down.
12:08 "Though judged in the flesh by people that they might live
12:11 in the spirit in accordance with God,"
12:14 or in the way God does.
12:16 So God is affirming them when He will judge the world.
12:21 So as the wicked now are up and the righteous are down,
12:28 what's going to happen in the judgment
12:30 is the tables will be turned and the righteous will go down
12:34 and the wicked will be affirmed by God.
12:37 This makes total sense of the passage then
12:40 of who these dead were.
12:41 These were the dead Christians. And they are being affirmed.
12:45 God is bringing the whole world to account.
12:47 And He's going to affirm His people.
12:49 It reminds us of Daniel 7
12:51 where the beasts are persecuting God's people.
12:53 What does God do in the judgment?
12:55 He comes to the aid of His people.
12:57 He comes and saves them and gives the kingdom to them
13:00 because they've been faithful to Him.
13:02 And that's exactly the case of these people here.
13:04 So there's a no linkage between Chapter 4:6 and Chapter 3:19.
13:10 Those two are separate ideas. All right.
13:13 Dr. Shepherd, I want to thank you again
13:15 for joining us in this program of "Books of the Book."
13:18 And we also want to thank our viewers,
13:20 our listening audience for being with us
13:22 studying these very important books in the Bible.
13:25 And I also encourage you ask the Holy Spirit
13:28 as you open the Bible, as you begin to read it.
13:32 Ask God to allow you to hear the voice of God.
13:36 Perhaps, there's something that He wants to talk to you as well.
13:40 Well, God bless you till next time.


Revised 2014-12-17