Books of the Book: Peter

Mistreated for Doing What's Right, Pt. 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Tom Shepherd & Deyvy Rodriguez


Series Code: PBOTB

Program Code: PBOTB00012B

00:01 And we're back. Thank you for joining us.
00:02 We are in 1 Peter Chapter 3
00:05 and right now we are in verse 15.
00:09 And we're also here with Dr. Shepherd.
00:12 Dr. Shepherd, in verse 15 it starts,
00:14 "But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts."
00:18 What does this mean? All right.
00:20 Well, we'll look at this idea of sanctify,
00:23 but I want to notice an interesting
00:25 variation between our two versions.
00:28 You're using the New King James.
00:29 I've got the English Standard Version here.
00:32 And in the English Standard Version,
00:34 in verse 15 it says,
00:35 "but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy,
00:40 always being prepared to make a defense to anyone
00:42 who asks a reason for the hope that is in you."
00:48 There are many manuscripts of the New Testament.
00:51 We're greatly blessed, thousands of them,
00:54 thousands of manuscripts
00:55 of the New Testament from the ancient world.
00:58 No two of them exactly agree with one another.
01:00 They are this little variants, you know.
01:02 There'll be a the here or there'll be a comma--
01:04 not commas but, you know, a phrase here is put in another.
01:08 So there's always variants and scholars look
01:10 very carefully to try to figure out.
01:12 Okay, so which one probably
01:15 has the original reading that we're looking for.
01:18 And they have a whole series of rules
01:19 that they use to do this.
01:21 But we can just illustrate a little bit in this.
01:25 The apostle is actually quoting from Isaiah, right?
01:29 And we noticed back in Isaiah 8,
01:34 it says in verse 13.
01:39 Isaiah 8:13. You want to read that verse?
01:41 "The Lord of hosts, Him you shall hallow;
01:44 Let Him be your fear, And let Him be your dread."
01:48 Okay, so you're supposed to hallow the Lord God, all right?
01:52 The Lord of hosts is the one that you're supposed to hallow.
01:54 Okay. And over here in 1 Peter,
01:58 it says, "You are to honor
02:00 or you are to hallow or to sanctify the Lord."
02:05 And some manuscripts not the oldest and the,
02:10 you know, the strongest ones, say the Lord God,
02:13 because they're probably
02:14 conforming it to the text of Isaiah.
02:16 That would be the tendency that scribes would have this.
02:19 Oh, yes, he's misquoting the text.
02:20 And then they make a correction, you see.
02:22 When actually probably what Peter said
02:25 was that you should sanctify Christ as Lord in your heart.
02:29 And the term Lord in the New Testament
02:31 often refers to the Lord Jesus.
02:33 And so he's quoting Isaiah but he's taking
02:37 those terminologies that apply to Yahweh,
02:39 to Jehovah of the Old Testament
02:41 and he's applying this now to Jesus.
02:43 So when he says sanctify or honor
02:48 this is the word to make holy.
02:50 It is to consecrate, to set apart,
02:53 to venerate. Okay?
02:55 So Christ has already been noted in 1 Peter
02:59 to be the lamb without spot and blemish.
03:02 He's been lifted up very high in Peter.
03:04 And that is the designation that God has given him
03:08 in history as the spotless lamb and as the resurrected Lord.
03:13 Now the Christian is called on to recognize this
03:17 and to affirm it in their heart and in their mind.
03:21 It's an action that you take to recognize the truth
03:24 about Christ, that God has set forth
03:29 and in relationship to the world who has rejected Him,
03:32 you are standing and affirming what God has said. Okay?
03:36 Going back to that idea of listening
03:39 to what God's viewpoint is and His values are.
03:42 So we set Him apart as Lord in our hearts.
03:46 That's where it starts.
03:47 Before you give any witness to people on the outside,
03:51 you have to have the witness on the inside.
03:53 You have to have the personal experience,
03:56 a personal acknowledgment that Christ is Lord
03:59 that He belongs to you, that you are His and He is yours.
04:04 Unlike the world around us we do not recognize
04:07 their valuation of Christ.
04:09 Remember, he was to them the rejected stone.
04:12 But we don't feel what they feel.
04:15 We're not gonna go in with their intimidation.
04:17 Our primary group is God.
04:20 We are listening to His value system.
04:22 We're conscious of that. We value what He values.
04:25 I like verse 15 where it talks about giving a defense.
04:29 Does this have anything to do with witnessing
04:32 and defense to everyone who asks of the hope that is in us?
04:35 Yeah, it's a very interesting word.
04:37 The Greek word is apologia
04:40 from which we get the word apology.
04:43 And today we say, did you apologize?
04:48 Did you-- we take it as saying
04:51 you're sorry for something, you know.
04:53 Almost sounds like being sorry for the hope that is in me?
04:55 Yeah, yeah, and that's not what it means.
04:58 That's not what it means at all, no.
05:00 The word apology here is to give a defense.
05:04 We have another phrase or word in English,
05:06 we call it apologetics.
05:09 This is when you give a defense of the faith,
05:12 where you show that God's message is logical
05:17 that it's in line with reason in reality
05:20 and that you should trust it.
05:22 So an apologia in the ancient world,
05:26 you would defend yourself when you were accused of something.
05:30 But it's kind of clear here that,
05:32 that there's more than just people
05:35 who are attacking you that are in mind.
05:38 These are people who are enquiring 'cause he says,
05:44 it's like they're curious about you.
05:47 You know, they, they notice
05:50 who you are being prepared to make a defense to anyone
05:53 who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you.
06:00 I believe in witnessing to people.
06:04 And people are taught how to witness.
06:07 Many are not taught how to witness.
06:10 And there's an old story about the dentist
06:14 who decided that he really should share his faith
06:19 and he wasn't quite sure how to do it
06:21 but he knew it was all about, you know,
06:23 getting ready for heaven and being ready for dying and.
06:27 So, you know, he got the guy in the chair
06:29 and he was about to give him the--
06:34 he was about to give him the shot of Novocain
06:36 and he leaned over him and he said to him,
06:38 "Are you ready to die?"
06:43 That's the wrong way to witness.
06:45 You know, verse 15 does say with meekness and fear.
06:49 Yeah. How to win this--
06:50 Yeah, with gentleness and fear in a reverent way
06:52 that you're supposed to do it. So that's not--
06:54 the dentist, sorry to any dentist out there.
06:57 I'm sure that this was just may be a made up story. The--
07:02 So there must be apparently a tactical way to win this--
07:05 Not just meekness and fear but also a way
07:10 that we can actually reach to certain people.
07:11 And the same way does not always apply
07:14 to all the people, is that right?
07:16 A very useful way to witness to people
07:18 is what has been called by some, tagging.
07:22 You know, when we were kids we played tag.
07:24 I touch you and tag, you're it and then you chase me,
07:27 you know, and then you tag somebody else
07:29 that kind of thing. Yeah.
07:31 Tagging and witnessing is a very low key--
07:35 I found it's actually
07:37 a very delightful way to witness to people.
07:40 And here's how it works.
07:41 When you meet somebody you just start talking to them
07:44 because you, you know, you're in the same place
07:47 and you start to get acquainted with them.
07:49 You ask them questions about who they are
07:51 and they start to talk and most people love to talk
07:54 about themselves and tell you, you know, what they are.
07:57 You can affirm them along the way,
07:59 "That's really interesting. That must be--
08:00 you're going to see your grand children, that's really nice."
08:03 And they'll show you pictures, you know, and everything.
08:05 And somewhere in the conversation
08:09 you mention something about yourself
08:11 that deals with your spiritual life. Okay.
08:15 You mention something in the conversation that deals
08:17 with your spiritual life, it should be natural.
08:19 It shouldn't be, you know, out of the ordinary or something.
08:22 "Let me change the subject," you know, it's not like that.
08:25 It's something that fits right into it, you know.
08:27 Like you might say, "Our pastor was just talking
08:29 about that in church last week."
08:31 So that just gives me the assumption
08:34 that you go to church? Yeah.
08:36 Or for me it's very natural because they say,
08:38 "Well, what do you do?"
08:39 "I'm a teacher." "Oh, what do you teach?"
08:41 "I teach the New Testament. I teach the Bible."
08:43 I've just said that I'm a spiritual person.
08:45 Now I've tagged them.
08:47 Now the question is what they will do with that tag?
08:50 If they lean over and they say,
08:51 "Really? That's really interesting."
08:54 Now they have said that they want to talk
08:56 about spiritual things, you see?
08:59 But if they say, "Oh,
09:02 what was the temperature at the North Pole today?
09:04 Do you know what it is?"
09:06 Then they obviously don't want to do that.
09:08 Now they don't want to go there.
09:09 So I'm not gonna, you know, push it on them, no.
09:13 I'm at the place of mine.
09:14 I guess I'm kind of this outgoing guy or something.
09:17 I'm not at the place in my life where I will.
09:19 I will tag them more than once.
09:20 I'm not gonna let them just go often to the dark easily.
09:24 But I'm not gonna force it on them.
09:26 And I've had amazing conversations with people.
09:29 I had a conversation with a fellow.
09:31 I was flying to professional meetings
09:33 and he was a fellow who makes videos.
09:35 He was going to the same city to--
09:37 he makes this kind of videos of pictures
09:39 that you're flying over mars, you know, and things like that.
09:42 And we just started talking about our life
09:44 and he was been away from his children and everything
09:46 and you miss them and things like that.
09:49 And, oh, it's such a busy life and everything.
09:52 And I said, "Well, I have something in my experience that,
09:56 you know, really helps me to stop."
09:59 I told him about the Sabbath of all things, you know.
10:02 It came out naturally.
10:03 It wasn't like, I need to tell, you know.
10:06 It wasn't like he was this deep spiritual person or something.
10:11 But it was just a natural linkage.
10:13 All these natural linkages are everywhere around us.
10:16 And he says, you're supposed to do it gently
10:18 and with fear, with reverence, remember focused on God.
10:22 Interestingly enough, the phrase gentle
10:24 and with fear are the two same concepts
10:28 that he talked about the wives in Chapter 3,
10:32 that she has the reverence, spirit,
10:35 and she has a gentle spirit. First Peter 3: 2, 4.
10:40 So it's not as though these only apply to women.
10:44 Or another way we could say it is that the wives
10:49 are an example to the whole church.
10:52 In verse 16 here we see that Peter seems to return
10:55 to the negative possibilities.
10:58 Yes, he returns to negative possibilities
11:01 but not without discussing these three ideas,
11:05 these three ideas, the gentle spirit.
11:07 There's no need to be harsh when you're sharing your faith,
11:10 the reverent fear that is reverence for God,
11:13 God mindedness, dependant on God,
11:15 respect for His view of things.
11:17 And then he talks about this good conscience
11:19 that we talked about before that is a conscience
11:23 that is the more consciousness of God
11:26 as the primary value system.
11:28 Peter speaks of the opponents who speak badly
11:30 about the Christians, being put to shame.
11:34 Well, when will they be put to shame?
11:36 Well, it could be in the marketplace of ideas
11:38 because he just kind of described
11:40 that kind of thing at other times.
11:42 But this is probably talking about the judgment to come.
11:45 Verse 17 it says that,
11:47 "It is better if it is the will of God
11:48 to suffer for doing good than doing evil."
11:51 Is it God's will for me to suffer?
11:53 I think many people might be asking that question.
11:55 Yes. The answer is no.
11:57 It is not God's will for suffering.
11:59 God is not sadistic God just, you know,
12:03 trying to put on the screws here and see what will happen.
12:07 He puts-- if we take out the phrase,
12:10 if it is the will of God, is not the central sentence
12:13 that's been used here, okay.
12:15 The central sentence says, it is better to do good
12:18 and suffer than to do bad.
12:22 Okay, it is better to do good and suffer than to do bad.
12:25 We've already talked about the will of God earlier
12:27 in these passages in 1 Peter.
12:30 And what is the will of God?
12:32 The will of God is that we should do good
12:34 and we should eschew evil.
12:36 That is we should stay away from that which is evil.
12:38 So He says, if it should be the will of God, okay,
12:42 this is unjust suffering that's gonna come on the Christian.
12:45 They're doing good and they're still suffering.
12:48 So God's will in such innocent suffering
12:51 is that you should still go through it.
12:54 God is not imposing the suffering.
12:56 God is calling you to the good and when you do what is good
12:59 and you suffer, God will come to your aid
13:02 in the end and He will protect you
13:04 and overcome those who are trying to crush you.
13:09 Well, thank you, Dr. Shepherd.
13:11 We are studying the Books of 1 and 2 Peter.
13:14 And Dr. Shepherd, I just want to give you the final thought.
13:17 May be someone is suffering
13:18 you want to give them words of encouragement to them?
13:23 I know that suffering is like a fog that encompasses you.
13:27 Don't give up. God is smiling at you even now.
13:30 He's caring for you.
13:32 Read the scripture and find His grace.
13:34 He'll carry you through.


Revised 2014-12-17