Books of the Book: Peter

The Silent Evangelist

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Tom Shepherd & Deyvy Rodriguez


Series Code: PBOTB

Program Code: PBOTB00010B

00:01 And welcome back to our program.
00:02 Dr. Shepherd, in verse 2, there is a word
00:05 that caught my attention.
00:07 And it says fear, and my version says,
00:09 in the New King James Version says,
00:11 "When they observe your chaste conduct accompanied by fear."
00:15 What is this reference "fear" in verse 2?
00:18 My version, the English Standard Version in verse 2 says,
00:22 "When they see your respectful and pure conduct."
00:26 The word in Greek is fear, phobos.
00:28 And this is probably a relationship to God
00:33 that the woman has.
00:35 Her conduct, her way of life is typified by two things.
00:40 It's typified by purity,
00:43 this kind of something that's clean and pure
00:49 and it's typified by fear or reverence.
00:52 Probably both of these related toward God,
00:56 His standard of conduct, His way of thinking,
01:02 and His values have become the woman's,
01:05 as we've already talked about before
01:07 where the person is conscious of God.
01:11 God has become the primary group that they accept those values.
01:14 So they've--she has taken on these concepts of purity
01:19 and of reverence towards God.
01:21 And the husband is observing this
01:24 and this is part of the process of him becoming a Christian.
01:28 He observed-- remember we talked about
01:30 that circle of salvation before.
01:32 The pagan observes the Christian.
01:35 Here's Christianity and the world face-to-face.
01:39 You know, having contact with one another.
01:41 This woman is in a home where the husband is a pagan
01:46 and yet he is observing something attractive
01:49 about what she's doing.
01:51 So she's like an open letter? Yes, yes.
01:54 Well, let's look at verse 3, Peter talks about adornment.
01:59 What is Peter teaching on this subject?
02:01 Yeah. Well, this is a--
02:02 I'm looking forward to what you have to say on this.
02:03 This is one of those controversial parts.
02:06 Before we get there, I just want to mention verse 1.
02:09 There's something kind of interesting about verse 1
02:12 where it says that the husband will--
02:17 maybe won, he'll be won.
02:20 It's a passive voice in, in Greek.
02:25 He will be won.
02:27 And the passive voice is indicative of God's activity.
02:32 So the woman is living her life in front of her husband
02:36 but it is God who wins the husband.
02:39 It is the Holy Spirit that uses her witness to draw.
02:43 Too many times we--
02:45 we want to be God's lawyers instead of His witnesses.
02:49 He wants us to be on the witness stand
02:51 and too many times we're ready to nail Him to the wall.
02:54 Well, more flies are attracted by honey than vinegar
02:58 and the simple quiet life is attractive, it's attractive.
03:04 Now that's when the things that Peter kind of focuses in on
03:08 is this idea of attraction.
03:10 So I'd like you to read verse 3 again.
03:14 "Do not let your adornment be merely outward
03:16 arranging the hair, wearing gold or putting on fine apparel."
03:22 All right, let me read it in the English Standard Version.
03:24 Now I want you to notice the difference
03:26 between the two versions.
03:27 I'm gonna ask you a question about your version.
03:29 That's the New King James Version? New King James.
03:32 Okay, here's the ESV,
03:33 "Do not let your adorning outward the braiding of hair
03:37 and the putting on of gold jewelry
03:40 or the clothing you wear."
03:42 Did you notice any word different between them?
03:45 Well, your version added a word, it seemed, jewelry.
03:48 Mine does not say jewelry.
03:49 Your's doesn't say jewelry,
03:51 well, and then yours added a word as well. Okay.
03:55 And yours used-- added the word merely, I think.
03:58 Merely outward, and yours just said outward.
04:00 Just said externally, yeah. Okay.
04:03 Now is the word merely in italics? It is.
04:06 It is. How did I know that? That's interesting.
04:09 I did see it, but it didn't really mean
04:12 anything to me other than--
04:13 All right, well, here's-- in the King James Version
04:15 and the New King James Version
04:17 and there's a few others that will do this as well,
04:19 the New American Standard Bible.
04:21 Whenever they add a word to the text to help interpret it,
04:26 every translation is an interpretation.
04:28 But whenever they add on an extra word in there
04:32 to help interpret it, in the King James,
04:35 the New King James, the New American Standard,
04:37 they will put it in italics
04:39 so that you'll know that it's an added word.
04:42 So read that first part again.
04:45 "Do not let your adornment be merely outward."
04:48 All right, so don't let your--
04:50 take out the merely that they added in.
04:53 "Do not let your adornment be outward."
04:56 Which is exactly what we have here in the ESV,
04:58 "Do not let your adorning be external," okay?
05:04 Peter really sets up a contrast between two ways of--
05:09 shall we say adorning yourself.
05:11 The second part of it is actually in verse 4.
05:17 So now read verse 4.
05:19 "Rather let it be the hidden person of the heart,
05:23 with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit,
05:27 which is very precious in the sight of God."
05:29 All right. All right.
05:30 So we have two contrasting ways of adorning ourselves.
05:36 And Peter, when he expresses these,
05:42 he does it in a very nice way, in Greek.
05:46 I've to explain little bit of Greek grammar to explain this.
05:49 But the word "the" in Greek is sometimes--
05:53 well, if we said "the adorning" okay?
05:57 But sometimes the "the" can be separated
06:00 from the word adorning and they go together.
06:04 We can tell from the way Greek grammar is set up.
06:08 But they can sometimes put
06:09 a whole string of words in between
06:12 and the way that-- we call this a box construction.
06:14 The way--the reason they do this
06:16 is to kind of capture everything
06:19 and pull it together into one idea.
06:22 And the bookends of the word "the"
06:24 and the other word that it goes with are around all this.
06:28 That's exactly what he does in this passage.
06:30 So if I give it to you kind of a translation,
06:33 a very literal kind of translation, he says,
06:36 "Let not your adorning be the outer with braiding of hair
06:42 and wearing of gold or putting on garments," adornment.
06:48 Not that but instead--
06:49 So it's all in one package? All in one package.
06:51 Okay. Yeah.
06:52 He says, your adornment should not be typified
06:55 by this external adorning, you know.
06:59 And it refers to several things, the braiding of hair,
07:02 the wearing of gold, the-- putting on garments.
07:06 Now he's not talking about people not wearing clothes,
07:09 but he's talking about adorning themselves,
07:11 making themselves attractive with this, okay?
07:15 So he says, "that's not the way to do it."
07:18 Now I'll have to say
07:21 the tradition of the Adventist Church
07:23 has been very opposed to outward adorning,
07:27 you know, wearing of jewelry and all kinds of things
07:30 that kind of draw attention to themselves.
07:34 That seems to have slipped in some quarters,
07:38 I'm sad to say,
07:39 and I think Peter is actually calling us back.
07:43 When you say don't let it merely be the outward,
07:46 it sort of softens it a little bit.
07:48 I think Peter's point is little stronger than that.
07:50 He says, "not this but this.
07:53 Don't do this, do this," okay?
07:56 So what he tells you to do
07:57 is to have the hidden of the heart person
08:00 that's another one of those box constructions,
08:03 in the-- now here's another one,
08:05 "in the imperishable of the gentle
08:08 and quiet spirit." Okay.
08:10 So, it's not this, but this.
08:13 And what Peter suggests is that the thing
08:17 that is really attractive-- remember we talked--
08:20 we started by talking about that which is attractive.
08:22 What is attracting the husband's attention?
08:25 Is when the woman doesn't dress up,
08:29 but that the real beauty inside--
08:32 the gentle and quiet spirit, which is imperishable,
08:35 he says, shines forth.
08:38 This is very precious to God.
08:39 Remember, God is her reference point.
08:42 And it says that this kind of adorning is imperishable.
08:46 It's the same terminology that he--
08:48 kind of terminology that he used in chapter 1.
08:50 When he talked about our inheritance
08:52 that's imperishable, that's saved in heaven for us.
08:55 The trouble with beauty is that
08:58 time and gravity starts to take over.
09:01 After a while things start to sag,
09:03 you know, and hair falls out and the crease lines
09:07 and the crows feet come in and everything
09:09 and you don't look quite so pretty
09:12 as you used to when you were 20 or 25, you know.
09:17 Peter says there's something that never loses--
09:19 the ravages of time have no effect on this kind of beauty.
09:24 It's really quite an amazing kind of presentation.
09:26 Well, we better press on
09:28 because we're running out of time.
09:29 Well, let's look at verse 5 and 6,
09:31 it talks about Sarah,
09:32 and suddenly why is she an example here?
09:35 Sarah is given as the example of the holy women of old
09:41 who hoped in God and were submissive to their husband.
09:46 She's kind of like the mother figure
09:48 that the women here are called on to follow.
09:53 And it's interesting that these women are--
09:55 that they say that,
09:57 you know, they have the fear of the Lord and she is--
10:01 it says that she's not to be afraid
10:03 or have any fear of intimidation.
10:07 In the Greco-Roman world the women could easily have,
10:11 you know, fear of her husband and be intimated by him.
10:13 But her new outlook is that she,
10:17 she belongs to God
10:18 and she is to not be afraid of what her husband has to say.
10:22 Okay. And the verse 7, Peter gives instructions to husbands.
10:26 Yeah, we better read this again. Sure.
10:30 "Husbands, likewise dwell with them with understanding,
10:34 giving honor to the wife as to the weaker vessel
10:37 and as being heirs together of the grace of life
10:40 that your prayers may not be hindered."
10:43 Okay. Now there's something important here.
10:46 There's a strong emphasis on mutuality
10:50 in this presentation that Peter gives here.
10:53 He uses two words that have connected with them in Greek,
10:56 the word "with." Okay.
10:59 So, they are to dwell "with" their wives
11:04 and the wives are heirs "with," they're fellow heirs.
11:10 So there's a strong emphasis on mutuality between the two.
11:15 The men are to be wise to dwell together
11:20 with in accordance with knowledge.
11:22 They are not to be harsh
11:25 and just go on emotion in relationship to their wives.
11:29 Now, Peter says something here
11:30 that kind of gets some people upset a little bit.
11:34 He speaks of the wife as the weaker vessel.
11:36 Now the word vessel is simply a terminology
11:39 that was used in the ancient world to refer to the body.
11:42 So it's not some kind of demeaning of a woman.
11:47 A male could be called the vessel as well.
11:50 And it--and is elsewhere in scripture.
11:54 But when he says that they are weaker,
11:55 this is simply a question of them being weaker physically.
12:00 Not that they are weaker people morally or anything like that.
12:06 There's a reason today why men and women in the Olympics
12:10 have separate competing sports.
12:13 Men and women don't compete together
12:15 because men are physically stronger and it's not fair.
12:17 You have to have be, you know, matched up properly.
12:20 So the men are to honor their wives
12:23 because they are fellow heirs of the grace of life.
12:27 And then Peter gives a warning,
12:29 he says if you don't do this, your prayers will be hindered.
12:33 Now some people say, "Oh, big deal,
12:35 so who cares if, you know, if your prayer are hindered.
12:38 What difference does that make--"
12:39 I mean, in Peter's world this is very serious business.
12:43 You don't want your prayers hindered.
12:45 And so God is giving instruction to husbands
12:49 that they need to take their wives seriously,
12:51 they need to treat them fairly,
12:52 they need to treat them as equal partners
12:55 and not look down on them.
12:57 So it's a very interesting passage
13:01 that winds through a social system
13:04 where male dominance is very strong.
13:06 It turns it topsy-turvy while at the same time
13:10 affirming a typical kind of pattern of the home.
13:14 So really it's an amazing piece of rhetoric
13:17 for how it uplifts the wife,
13:20 how it instructs her in what to do,
13:22 instructs the husband,
13:24 and it shows that mutuality that is God's idea for His people.
13:28 Well, Dr. Shepherd, we want to thank you again
13:30 for being with us today in this Bible Study of 1 and 2 Peter.
13:35 We are continuing our study in the next coming up programs
13:38 and we ask that you continue to join us
13:40 as we continue reading the Books of 1 and 2 Peter.


Revised 2014-12-17