Books of the Book: Peter

The Silent Evangelist

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Tom Shepherd & Deyvy Rodriguez


Series Code: PBOTB

Program Code: PBOTB00010A

00:22 Hello and welcome to "Books of the Book."
00:24 My name is Deyvy Rodriguez
00:26 and I'm glad you're able to join us in today's study.
00:29 Dr. Tom Shepherd is with us.
00:30 He is a professor of New Testament
00:32 at the Theological Seminary of Andrews University.
00:36 We've been studying the books of Peter.
00:37 And today we are talking about the silent evangelist.
00:41 So stay with us for the next half hour.
00:43 Dr. Shepherd, what's this silent evangelist?
00:45 Well it sounds like a--it sounds like an oxymoron, doesn't it?
00:49 An evangelist is somebody who speaks,
00:51 but if the evangelist isn't speaking,
00:53 how can they evangelize.
00:55 That's exactly what our passage that we're looking
00:57 at today is going to tell us about.
00:59 It's 1 Peter 3:1-7.
01:03 We want to read the passage
01:05 and then we'll take a look at some questions related to it.
01:07 1 Peter 3:1-7, why don't you read that for us?
01:10 "Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands,
01:14 that even if some do not obey the word,
01:16 they, without a word,
01:18 may be won by the conduct of their wives,
01:20 when they observe your chaste conduct accompanied by fear.
01:24 Do not let your adornment be merely outward,
01:27 arranging the hair, wearing gold,
01:29 or putting on fine apparel
01:31 rather let it be the hidden person of the heart,
01:35 with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle
01:38 and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God.
01:42 For in this manner, in former times,
01:45 the holy women who trusted in God also adorned themselves,
01:49 being submissive to their own husbands,
01:52 as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord,
01:55 whose daughters you are if you do good
01:57 and are not afraid with terror.
02:00 Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding,
02:04 giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel,
02:07 and as being heirs together of the grace of life,
02:13 that your prayers may not be hindered."
02:18 Okay, well, this is really
02:21 kind of a controversial passage for several reasons.
02:24 And we're gonna place it within proper context here.
02:28 In the Greco-Roman world of this time period,
02:33 the father was the head at the home.
02:35 He was called paterfamilias in their Latin term.
02:40 Basically, all power and authority in the home
02:43 was centered in the father figure, okay?
02:46 The family--he had much control over them,
02:49 both the wife and the children and the slaves, everybody.
02:53 And they were supposed to follow his lead.
02:57 In fact, they were supposed to adopt his religion
03:01 and they were supposed to worship his Gods.
03:05 So this setting we have in 1 Peter 3
03:09 with that kind of a set up,
03:12 it's interesting that once again,
03:14 Peter turns things upside down
03:17 instead of talking to the husband,
03:19 the father figure first, talks to the wives, you know.
03:23 And actually he talked to the slaves
03:25 before that back in Chapter 2 that we looked at before.
03:28 So it's rather an unusual kind of a setting
03:32 that we've got before us here.
03:34 So what does Peter tell women to do in this setting?
03:37 Well, what he tells them to do is to submit.
03:40 Now we've already noticed that he,
03:43 you know, he's changing power structures
03:44 and we're gonna see how this whole setting here
03:47 is part of that change process of subverting
03:52 the power structures of the Greco-Roman world.
03:54 When he tells the women to submit,
03:56 it doesn't sound like he's subverting power structures,
03:59 but he's going to do this for a particular reason.
04:05 All right, so we need to understand something
04:08 about this word submit,
04:09 because it is quite misunderstood today.
04:13 First, the terminology, the verb in Greek is Hupotasso.
04:20 It's a compound word, Hupotasso.
04:22 And tasso was actually a military term
04:25 that was used when you line soldiers up
04:28 and you are in charge of the soldiers.
04:30 So Hupotasso, you're under the command of somebody.
04:35 And the person who is in command had two things going.
04:39 They were in charge, yes, but they also had responsibility
04:42 to care for those who are under them, all right, so.
04:45 They are in charge, but they have responsibility.
04:49 The idea of submission, within the family,
04:53 the wife submitting to the husband is taught
04:55 elsewhere in the New Testament as well.
04:57 And sometimes people get the wrong idea about submission.
05:02 One of the mistaken ideas is
05:03 that submission means inferiority.
05:06 That if you submit, you must be inferior.
05:08 Well, if we turn to Luke 2:48-52,
05:13 we can help to alive that problem.
05:17 Luke 2:48-52 is the story of Jesus when He was a boy.
05:24 And He goes to the temple with His parents.
05:28 You remember this story when He's 12 years old.
05:31 And they leave Him in Jerusalem
05:36 and He ends up staying in the temple.
05:38 So this is when they find Him.
05:40 So if you'd read verses 48 to 52.
05:44 "So when they saw Him, they were amazed,
05:46 and His mother said to Him, 'Son,
05:48 why have You done this to us?
05:49 Look, Your father and I have sought You anxiously.'
05:53 And He said to them, 'Why did you seek Me?
05:55 Did you not know that I must be about My Father's business?'
05:59 But they did not understand the statement
06:01 which He spoke to them.
06:03 Then He went down with them and came to Nazareth,
06:06 and was subject to them,
06:08 but His mother kept all these things in her heart.
06:11 And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature,
06:14 and in favor with God and men."
06:17 Okay, so here's Jesus in the temple
06:20 and they find Him there and He says,
06:25 "Why were you looking for Me?
06:27 Didn't you know that I must be in My Father's house?"
06:31 We tend to kind of glorify that a little bit.
06:35 I mean, it's of course a statement that our Lord made,
06:38 so it's right for us to think about those--that phrase.
06:41 But if you were to say something like that to your mother,
06:43 what would she say to you?
06:47 Maybe, she would be probably very upset.
06:50 I think so, she'd say,
06:52 "Young man, what do you think you're doing.
06:53 You can't talk to me like that."
06:56 So, I mean Jesus' words are true what He had said.
07:01 But Luke doesn't want you to get the idea
07:04 that He was a cheeky, young fellow that was,
07:06 you know, just talking back to His parents.
07:08 He wants to tell what Jesus said,
07:11 he wants to tell-- express the truth of this
07:14 that He's the Messiah and there's,
07:15 you know, great things coming out of this.
07:17 He's the Son of God, not merely, you know, there under them.
07:23 But he also doesn't want you to give the idea
07:26 that somehow He is, you know, disrespectful of His parents.
07:30 So when you look at the following verses,
07:32 they didn't understand.
07:34 And then it says in verse 51,
07:35 "He went down with them and came to Nazareth,
07:37 and was submissive to them," okay.
07:41 "And His mother treasured all these things in her heart."
07:43 Jesus submitted to His parents.
07:45 And it's the same terminology that Peter uses, submissive.
07:50 So was Jesus inferior to His parents? No.
07:53 No, actually, He was superior, wasn't He?
07:56 Because He was the Son of God.
07:57 So submission does not mean inferiority.
08:01 That's one idea that needs to be removed.
08:05 Submission also is not a denial
08:07 of a personal relationship to God.
08:10 In our text here, the woman is related to God
08:13 first of all and not to the husband.
08:16 She's going to obey God and evangelize her husband
08:18 rather than follow just what he has to say.
08:22 So submission does not mean inferiority,
08:24 it does not mean a denial
08:26 of a personal relationship with God.
08:29 And submission does not mean that you're a doormat,
08:32 that people can walk all over.
08:33 The wife is related to-- with moral language,
08:36 she is addressed as a moral agent by Peter.
08:39 So she's not a doormat, she's not just,
08:44 no relationship with God herself and she also is not inferior.
08:48 In fact, there are seven reasons from this one passage
08:51 that we can say that women are not inferior to men.
08:55 First of all, women are addressed
08:56 as moral agents, all right.
08:57 Second, women are a means of a evangelizing their husbands.
09:02 Third, women are told that they should not be afraid.
09:06 Fourth, husbands are told that they are to honor their wives.
09:12 Fifth, women fellow--are fellow heirs of the grace of life.
09:16 Sixth, mistreating women leads to prayers being blocked.
09:19 And seventh, women are examples for the congregation.
09:22 So over and over again,
09:24 Peter shows that women have this equal par with men.
09:28 He tells them to submit within this cultural setting
09:31 where they are, that's the norms of society,
09:35 he tells them to do that.
09:37 But his reasons for doing so
09:40 are somewhat different than what they expect.
09:43 So why does Peter tell women to submit then?
09:46 Well, he does this actually
09:48 not to meet society's expectations,
09:52 but rather so that the woman can win her husband
09:54 to Christ which is really a topsy-turvy kind of an idea.
10:01 Because as I said the, in that society
10:06 the family was supposed to follow the father's religion.
10:11 They were supposed to worship his gods.
10:13 And here's a woman who's not only rejected his gods,
10:19 but she's the means of winning him to the Christian faith.
10:25 So it's very interesting.
10:28 There's a subtext of again this changing of power structures
10:33 within the Greco-Roman world.
10:35 Now you said that the wife,
10:37 by her testimony or by submitting,
10:40 that she can win over her husband.
10:43 It sounds almost like what Paul is saying
10:46 in 1 Corinthians also 7 where He says that,
10:49 "For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife."
10:52 In another verse, he says,
10:54 "For how do you know, oh, wife,
10:55 whether you will save your husband?"
10:58 Does that sound similar to what Peter's saying?
11:00 Yes. Yes, she can--
11:01 the non-believing wife can win the husband to Christ.
11:05 Yeah. Okay.
11:07 That's a very important idea. Okay.
11:08 And how are the wives told to win their unbelieving husbands?
11:12 Well, it's very interesting.
11:15 The apostle Peter says that they do it without speaking.
11:17 This is the silent evangelists.
11:19 They are the silent evangelists.
11:21 And they do it, he says, without a word.
11:26 Now we've already noticed how powerful God's word
11:29 is in our study of 1 Peter Chapter 2.
11:32 The word of God is powerful,
11:33 you know, and it abides forever and things like that.
11:36 In one sense you could say there are couple of things
11:39 that are more powerful even than that.
11:41 One is the stubborn will of people who refuse to believe.
11:45 God is not gonna force them to believe.
11:47 But the other is the lifestyle of a Christian.
11:50 The lifestyle of a Christian speaks louder than the words.
11:54 And so here you are,
11:56 it's almost like the story of Jesus in John 4
12:01 where He heals the son of the king's servant
12:05 at a distance, you know.
12:07 He doesn't have to go to Capernaum to heal that boy.
12:10 He just speaks the word
12:12 and the boy is healed, at this distance.
12:14 So here is, you know, the woman is working just quietly,
12:19 just, you know, submissively,
12:21 she's just working-- And her husband is won to faith.
12:25 It's pretty amazing.
12:27 Well, you know, someone said once,
12:29 "Preach the gospel and when necessary use words." Yes.
12:33 So that's kind of the same kind of the same idea.
12:35 And I think that's true also
12:36 because, you know, I've seen
12:38 that happen in my family, Dr. Shepherd.
12:39 My mother married a non-Christian,
12:45 not of our faith.
12:46 And so she was married before,
12:48 you know, with him for 30 plus years,
12:52 who is my father and they're stay together.
12:54 But it will took 30 years
12:56 before he finally decided to attend church.
13:00 And she never really made that sermon
13:05 or made that appeal for him to come to church,
13:08 I mean she did-- It was without a word.
13:10 Yeah, there you go. It was without words.
13:11 I did see that she would preach through
13:13 her pious character, the gospel.
13:16 And not too long ago, a year ago actually,
13:19 my father joined the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
13:22 He was baptized and was won over to Christ by my mother.
13:26 So I think it's possible. Yeah.
13:28 Well, friends, this is a very exciting topic,
13:31 we're studying the Books of Peter.
13:33 So continue joining us after we return, after this break.


Revised 2014-12-17