Books of the Book: Peter

The Unexpected Example, Pt. 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Tom Shepherd & Deyvy Rodriguez


Series Code: PBOTB

Program Code: PBOTB00008B

00:01 And welcome back to "Books Of The Book".
00:02 We are talking about submission
00:04 to greater powers or authorities.
00:06 And, Dr. Shepherd, how is a Christians
00:08 supposed to relate to the government authorities?
00:11 Now, this is a good question because we all are in countries
00:14 where we have relationships to government authorities
00:17 and how should we relate to them.
00:20 Peter talks about been submissive.
00:23 But, we notice something that he says here and he--
00:26 shall I say modifies or helps us to understand
00:32 what exactly that submission involves.
00:34 Because he says in verse 14,
00:36 "The governors who are sent by him to punish those
00:38 who do evil and to praise those who do good."
00:42 The government officials are the guardians of good in society
00:50 and the punishers of bad in society.
00:53 That is their role, their God given role.
00:58 So, some one might say,
01:00 "Well, how should I relate to them
01:02 if they don't do that?"
01:04 Or if there is corruption even in authority?
01:07 In the corruption. Yeah.
01:08 Now, we're gonna come to in a little bit down.
01:10 He is gonna talk about some corruption things
01:12 a little bit later here. But...
01:17 Peter always links these ideas of power
01:22 with the ideas of ethics of justice of right and wrong.
01:27 Okay? And so,
01:30 you submit to them as far as they go
01:33 in their God given authority.
01:36 When they step out of their God given authority
01:39 you have a superior relationship to God that overtakes
01:45 that inferior relationship to the governing authority.
01:50 So, if you think of it, God is at the top,
01:52 governing authoritys, and you here.
01:55 If the governing authority doesn't do what God says
01:57 they stepped out of the way.
01:58 Now it's direct to God.
02:00 Whatever God says that's what you do
02:01 and you may have to disobey them.
02:03 This is what your apostle said to the religious leaders.
02:05 "We must obey God rather than men."
02:07 When men step out of the line
02:09 of which God has ordained for them to do
02:11 we don't obey them any more. Okay?
02:13 And in some locations we have this thing
02:17 we call civil disobedience.
02:19 Now, that should never be violent.
02:21 The Christian's not call to violence.
02:22 The Christians call to peace.
02:24 But there may be times when we have to say
02:26 "No, this is an unjust law" and we have to stand up to it
02:29 and say that it's wrong.
02:31 Not in violent way but in a non-violent way,
02:34 where we may have to protest, we may have to--you know,
02:38 there might be any variety of things that might be done
02:40 that simply state to the governing authorities,
02:43 "No, you have gone beyond your rightful role."
02:46 And that's proper for Christians to do
02:48 in whatever society that they are in.
02:50 Now, there is a price to pay for that, frankly.
02:53 And that price can be very harsh.
02:56 But it's still being faithful to Christ to stand
02:59 for what is true and not to give in to the evil.
03:02 Too many times we don't want to make waves.
03:08 And also we should make waves unnecessarily.
03:10 But, when some thing is wrong we should say it's wrong.
03:14 And so there are certain limits to this submission, you see?
03:19 So, he talks about honoring everyone,
03:22 loving the brotherhood, fearing God,
03:24 and even honoring the emperor.
03:26 Not dishonoring him.
03:28 But remember, God is above the emperor.
03:31 You fear God, you honor the emperor.
03:33 And if the emperor is something that's shameful
03:36 you don't honor that. All right?
03:39 So, it's a pretty clear picture about the Christians role
03:43 with in the powers structures in which they find themselves.
03:46 Okay?
03:50 This brings us then to verse 18.
03:53 "Servants, be submissive to your masters with all fear,
03:58 not only to the good and gentle, but also to the harsh"?
04:05 19? Yeah, okay.
04:06 Read verse 19 and 20.
04:09 "For this is commendable, if because of conscience
04:12 toward God one endures grief, suffering wrongfully.
04:16 For what credit is it if, when you are beaten
04:19 for your faults, you take it patiently?
04:22 But when you do good and suffer,
04:24 if you take it patiently, this is commendable before God."
04:30 All right, now, the people that he's talking to here
04:33 are household servants or slaves.
04:35 And it's a scandal to many people
04:42 that the New Testament does not outright do away with slavery.
04:47 You know, it didn't just say
04:51 "That's wrong. Don't do it.
04:53 Stop. Allow the slaves to go free".
04:55 You know, it doesn't say that.
04:57 Now, we have to place that in within context.
05:01 Slavery in the ancient world
05:05 was different than slavery in this country
05:10 in the United States 150, 200 years ago.
05:17 Slavery is, we can say, an evil in our world
05:21 that has existed in the world.
05:22 Now unfortunately it still continues
05:24 to exist in some places today.
05:25 Slavery is wrong. Slavery is an evil.
05:29 Bible religion worked to limit the evil
05:34 and to change and abolish it over time.
05:38 If you read the New Testament carefully
05:39 you will see that it undermines the concepts of slavery. Okay?
05:46 Now in the Greco-Roman world, as I said, slavery was different
05:51 than slavery was here in the United States.
05:53 How was it fdifferent?
05:55 Slaves could own property in that ancient world.
05:59 Slaves could own other slaves.
06:01 Some times slaves have very important positions as leaders,
06:06 even ambassadors, and education of slaves were encouraged.
06:11 People sold themselves or their children
06:14 sometimes into slavery.
06:17 Slaves had a place, they had a room,
06:20 they had board, they had a family
06:21 that they belong to and they were part of.
06:24 Most urban slaves in the ancient world were free
06:27 by the age of thirty. Okay?
06:30 But also of course there were abuses of slavery,
06:33 sexual use and sexual abuse of slaves,
06:36 mistreatment, and you know, these were all very wrong.
06:41 The use of ethical language in describing the masters
06:45 and their actions is interesting here.
06:48 I was confronted on this issue
06:51 as I was teaching this one time in class.
06:56 A student who was from another country
07:01 described the experience in his country
07:04 where there were marauding band of young men
07:07 who were intimidating people.
07:08 He was a student at that time.
07:11 A group of this marauding young man with weapons
07:15 came up to him and his friends and started to intimidate them
07:19 and they bravely withstood them.
07:21 And the students said to me,
07:23 "You can't just submit to these people.
07:25 You have to resist them."
07:28 And here I was in the class room.
07:30 You know, I wasn't going to say
07:31 "You are wrong," not obviously like that.
07:34 And I appreciate what he said because it forced me to go back
07:38 and look more closely at the language of 1 Peter.
07:42 And here is what I saw.
07:44 Peter never separates the language of submission
07:48 from the language of justice.
07:52 Peter never separates the language of submission
07:54 from the language of justice.
07:56 That is, there is a right and wrong.
07:59 A standard of right and wrong.
08:02 And you submit, but only to a point.
08:05 And you notice that when he describes
08:07 the masters what he says.
08:08 "Servants, be subject to your masters with all respect,
08:11 not only to the good," now there's a moral word.
08:14 "And gentle but also to the unjust."
08:17 The crooked ones. He says what?
08:20 Keep reading, "For this is a--"
08:22 Well, my version says "a gracious thing."
08:26 What does yours say? Commendable.
08:28 Yeah, commendable is actually a better translation.
08:30 The term is the word "grace" Charis.
08:34 But, here the term grace
08:37 is being used in its secular sense,
08:39 which meant the idea of credit. Okay?
08:42 So, it's commendable, it is credit when you are doing
08:49 what is right and being unjustly treated.
08:56 Notice he says "You are suffering unjustly."
09:00 It's wrong what they are doing.
09:02 Now, there is another word here that's very fascinating.
09:06 It's the word "conscience".
09:09 Does yours have the word conscience?
09:10 It says conscience towards God.
09:12 Conscience towards God.
09:14 Tell me what is the conscience?
09:17 Well, the conscience is-- allows me to--I would say,
09:22 distinguish or discern between right and wrong.
09:25 Yeah. Okay, it's like an internal moral compass. Right?
09:29 If you can say that, yeah.
09:31 Yeah, like an internal moral compass
09:32 that points you in the right way.
09:34 In the ancient world they didn't think of it that way.
09:37 All right? The moral compass wasn't inside.
09:42 The moral compass was outside.
09:45 The moral compass was the values of your
09:50 primary group around you. All right?
09:54 So, he says here that your conscience--
09:59 we would probably use the word conscious.
10:02 But conscious of the values, okay?
10:06 Your primary group has shifted.
10:11 Your primary group used to be the pagan culture around you.
10:15 And now it has shifted.
10:17 Now your primary group is not this group around you.
10:20 Your primary group is God.
10:23 And you're conscious of His value system.
10:27 That's what happened when you became a Christian.
10:29 When you became part of that community
10:30 and all that covenant ideas and built on them
10:32 and all those metaphors that we looked at,
10:34 all these beautiful metaphors,
10:35 you got a new consciousness of who God is,
10:39 and what His value system is.
10:42 And notice-- so, with that in mind
10:43 read this verse again you see.
10:45 He says, for this is commendable thing when mindful of God,
10:51 conscious of God one endures sorrows
10:54 while suffering unjustly.
10:57 They are trying to press you in to their mold.
11:02 But you are un-swayed because you are conscious of God
11:09 and of His value system. You see?
11:12 And so they don't affect you
11:13 because you see something better.
11:16 The marvelous light is shining into your heart
11:19 and it's keeping you from all those things
11:21 that are trying to get you to go the wrong way.
11:24 When they push and pull
11:26 and try to force you to go different ways.
11:29 And what about verse 20?
11:31 It talks a little of sinful behaviors.
11:33 Should we read that verse? Yes.
11:36 "For what credit is it if when you are beaten
11:39 by you faults you take it patiently.
11:41 But when you do good and suffer if you patiently
11:45 this is commendable before God."
11:48 Yes, you see now he contrasts bad behavior and good behavior.
11:52 Just like he's been doing already.
11:54 Good and bad. Good and bad.
11:56 All the time, you know?
11:57 And what's the Christians suppose to do,
11:59 embrace the good and eschew the bad.
12:02 Stay away from that which is bad, you see?
12:04 And hang on and link up to that which is good.
12:10 Why does suffering unjustly bring approval from God?
12:13 Well, this is a rather deep question.
12:16 And we're gonna unpack it more in the second half of this study
12:18 'cause we're gonna read the rest
12:20 of the passage in our next time around.
12:23 But we can return at this point to the language of justice.
12:27 When you do something righteous
12:30 and someone persecutes you for it that is wrong.
12:35 When you do what's right and they persecute you
12:36 for it that is wrong.
12:39 The world is expressing its values
12:42 and trying to force its perspective on you.
12:45 But God comes to the aid of His people
12:49 and affirms them with His values.
12:51 I am reminded of Daniel Chapter 7.
12:55 The four beasts are all chasing after the people of God.
13:00 And then the scene changes and it's the judgment scene,
13:04 the great judgment scene which we tend to be afraid of.
13:07 But in this judgment scene it says,
13:09 judgment was given in favor of the saints.
13:13 God comes to the aid of His people.
13:16 He comes to their rescue.
13:18 And so it is here the arbiter of the world,
13:21 the arbiter of all which is right
13:23 will come to the aid of His people.
13:25 He is standing by you when you are suffering,
13:28 when you are doing what's right
13:29 and somebody tries to force you to do what's wrong.
13:33 It's an amazing picture.
13:34 We're not done with this picture
13:36 because soon in our next program
13:39 we're gonna turn and see somebody
13:43 who led the way into the right path.
13:47 Dr. Shepherd, I want to thank you for joining us
13:49 and I also look forward to that next program.
13:51 And I'd like to take this moment to invite
13:53 our viewers to join us in this next program.
13:57 We are studying 1 Peter
13:59 and we're digging more into the word of God.
14:02 God bless you till next time.


Revised 2014-12-17