Books of the Book: Peter

The Unexpected Example, Pt. 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Tom Shepherd & Deyvy Rodriguez


Series Code: PBOTB

Program Code: PBOTB00008A

00:22 Hello, and welcome to "Books Of The Book".
00:24 My name is Deyvy Rodriguez and with us is Dr. Tom Shepherd.
00:28 He is currently a professor
00:29 of New Testament interpretation at Andrews University.
00:32 And now we are studying
00:34 the writings of the apostle Peter.
00:36 Welcome back again, Dr. Shepherd.
00:38 Could you outline it for us
00:39 how this section of the book unfolds?
00:42 Okay. Now, just to review,
00:45 if we look at the outline of the book of Peter,
00:47 here we have a graphic that shows us this.
00:50 We have been studying the first section of the book,
00:53 which is Chapter 1:1-2:10
00:58 that's establishing the household of God.
01:00 We've seen the beautiful lay out
01:02 that he has of the rebirth experience,
01:05 the metaphors of growth, the household of God,
01:08 and now we come to the second section which is part B.
01:12 And in this second section of the outline
01:17 we see that he has--
01:20 "how Christians are to live in the world."
01:24 This central section of the book goes from chapter 2:11-4:11.
01:30 And he's going to talk about relating to people around us,
01:34 who are mostly out side the church,
01:37 vindication that is coming and then more instruction
01:40 about living as a Christian.
01:42 Then we'll see later on where he'll come to the last part
01:45 about facing trouble and facing each other,
01:47 that's the very last section of the book.
01:49 But right now we're just entering
01:51 in to this central portion of the book.
01:55 And so we want to take a look
01:58 and see what the apostle Peter has to say here.
02:02 Okay, where are we picking up on?
02:04 So we're gonna pick up in verses 11 and 12 of chapter 2.
02:08 So, if you'll read for us 1 Peter 2:11, 12.
02:14 "Beloved, I beg you as sojourners and pilgrims,
02:18 abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul,
02:22 having your conduct honorable among the Gentiles,
02:26 that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may,
02:29 by your good works which they observe,
02:32 glorify God in the day of visitation."
02:36 Okay, Now have you-- did you notice any words in here
02:39 that we've heard before in this book.
02:42 Yeah, conduct, I think we read that verse previously.
02:47 Conduct or conduct among the gentiles,
02:49 any thing else that it said. Sojourners, pilgrims.
02:52 Sojourners, pilgrims, that's exactly right.
02:54 You are the Sojourners and pilgrims you see--
02:56 Now in this verse he uses Sojourners
02:58 whereas at first he only said pilgrims.
03:02 Yeah, he has-- he has several terms
03:05 that he uses for this kind of experience
03:08 of not fitting in with the world
03:10 and being, you know, strange to them.
03:14 So remember it is because
03:17 you are the chosen people of God
03:20 that you are a stranger in the world.
03:23 So, now he is reminding them of this again,
03:27 he is transitioning from the first section
03:29 where he's defined the church, the people--
03:32 the household of God, and now he is saying,
03:34 "Okay, so now, tell what are you supposed to do
03:36 in relationship to them?"
03:38 And of course he makes this emphasis
03:42 on conduct once again, doesn't he.
03:44 He says to abstain from the passions of the flesh.
03:47 Well, he talked about those.
03:49 They wage war against to your soul.
03:51 He says, "Keep your conduct among the gentiles honorable.
03:55 So that when they speak against you as evil doers
03:58 they may see your good deeds
04:00 and glorify God on the day of visitation."
04:02 So, your good deeds as a Christian
04:05 has some kind of impact on the world around.
04:08 Now, it doesn't mean that every body
04:10 in the world around will be saved.
04:11 But there are those who will be saved,
04:14 will be drawn into this fellowship of faith
04:16 as they see your conduct, you know, that stands out.
04:21 So this transitional part, you know,
04:24 leads us into the next part.
04:25 And he talks about the contrast of the Christian to the world
04:29 and he talks about the role of our way of life.
04:32 And that's gonna become an important theme
04:35 in this second section of the book
04:37 that we turned to now.
04:39 And that starts in Chapter 2:13
04:44 so we want to read verses 13-17.
04:48 "Therefore submit yourselves
04:50 to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake,
04:53 whether to the king as supreme, or to governors,
04:57 as to those who are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers
05:01 and for the praise of those who do good.
05:03 For this is the will of God, that by doing good
05:06 you may put to silence
05:08 the ignorance of foolish me as free,
05:11 yet not using liberty as a cloak for vice,
05:14 but as bondservants of God.
05:17 Honor all people. Love the brotherhood.
05:20 Fear God. Honor the king."
05:22 So, seems like our life style is a form of witnessing them.
05:27 Absolutely. Yeah. Definitely.
05:30 That's important theme for Peter.
05:34 This is part of the answer to this question of holiness
05:37 and connection or linkage or facing the world, you see?
05:43 And that is that the holy lifestyle
05:46 is to face the worlds.
05:49 The world around us-- now people might say,
05:52 "Well Peters, people, couldn't escape the world
05:54 because, you know, they were 1 in 100.
05:57 So, 99% of the people around them were not Christian."
06:01 You know, but, there is no excuse
06:05 for going often being hermits, you see?
06:07 Peter doesn't have that kind of approach.
06:09 He talks about a holy lifestyle that faces them,
06:12 that is in contact with them all the time,
06:15 is in touch with the world around.
06:17 We separate ourselves too much from the world.
06:20 We go often to little enclaves, you know, or ghettos,
06:26 you know, and stay to ourselves.
06:30 No, we need to have contact
06:32 with people that are part of the world.
06:35 Because guess what, the light has an impact.
06:38 The light has an influence.
06:39 It draws people, you know?
06:42 Now, of course there are some people
06:43 who don't like the light.
06:45 Jesus said that. You know, they like the darkness.
06:47 But, those who are attracted to light,
06:50 boy, when the light comes,
06:51 they're just really touched by it.
06:53 Remember, Peter called it
06:54 "marvelous light, "marvelous light.
06:58 Now, we've got to think some about the government officials
07:02 that are mentioned here in these verses.
07:06 It's very interesting. He uses--my translation says,
07:11 "Be subject for the Lord's sake," in verse 13.
07:14 What does yours say? "Submit yourselves."
07:16 "Submit yourselves." Yeah.
07:17 This is going to be an overarching theme
07:20 in this section, the concept of submission.
07:23 It's kind of a dirty word
07:24 for some people in the Christian church today.
07:26 They don't like this idea of submission.
07:29 But Peter has said-- he makes this quite a big theme,
07:34 and frankly all of us in life who are in one place or another
07:38 find ourselves in a position where we have to submit.
07:42 For most of us it's in the work place.
07:45 There is a boss.
07:47 And he says, "I want you to do this."
07:48 And you say, "Okay, boss, sure we do."
07:52 You're submitting to the boss.
07:53 So, interestingly, Peter says that we are to be subject
07:57 for the Lord's sake to every human, what?
08:02 What's the term in your passage?
08:05 "For the Lord's sake, whether for ordinance of men."
08:09 Ordinance of men.
08:11 A lot of these mind sets to every human institution.
08:15 Now, the word institution here is a very interesting word.
08:20 It is the word creation.
08:24 Institution is for creation--
08:27 The underline Greek word Ktisis means creature or creation.
08:33 Okay.
08:35 Now, this is--some people say, "Well, you know,
08:38 it's a human creation so then it must be a human institution
08:41 and then he is talking about government officials,
08:44 so he must be talking about institutions of the state.
08:46 Right?" Well, yes and no.
08:50 All right. The word creation implies, what?
08:56 A Creator? Creator.
08:59 Right. A creator.
09:01 So, the human creation
09:05 or creature is not the creator.
09:11 Now, you and I would say, "Well, duh."
09:17 Obvious, right?
09:19 That all humans are under God.
09:21 One nation under God
09:23 is in the American Pledge of Allegiance, right?
09:26 That idea is such a radical idea that God is the creator
09:34 and all of creation is below him.
09:37 Now, in the ancient world, particularly in the east
09:41 and of course we are talking about a place
09:42 that was in the east,
09:44 they had some thing called the emperor cult
09:47 where they would worship the emperor.
09:50 And so, actually this becomes more of practice,
09:56 I think as time goes by.
09:58 In the second century we have an interesting story
10:00 of a man named Polycarp who refuses to offer incense.
10:07 Now, what was this incense that they were offering?
10:10 If you read his story-- it's a beautiful story.
10:12 You can find it on the web if you want, or in books,
10:14 "The Martyrdom of Polycarp."
10:16 He was the bishop of the Church of Smyrna.
10:18 He was in his 80's, 86 years old.
10:21 And they bring him-- they're gonna force him-
10:23 they're gonna either kill him or force him to offer incense.
10:26 What's the incense? What is he offering incense to?
10:29 He is offering incense to the guardian deity
10:33 of the emperor called the genius.
10:36 The genius of the emperor
10:38 was the guardian deity of the emperor.
10:40 And so you would offer incense-- it was kind of like
10:43 pledging allegiance to the flag or it was kind of like,
10:47 you know, showing that you were--
10:51 you accepted the state, you were patriotic.
10:55 But a Christian couldn't do that.
10:57 Because Christians didn't believe in these false gods.
11:00 So, they couldn't offer the incense
11:03 and so the roman officials took this as rebellion
11:06 against the state, you see?
11:10 So, here is this institutions of the state
11:16 and they are not supreme.
11:18 That's the important idea. They are not supreme.
11:20 Now, Peter takes and he reorders all of powers structures.
11:24 You have to study the whole idea of power all through his books.
11:27 But we have graphic that shows three different power structures
11:31 within the state and the first one
11:35 is the super-ordinate power structures.
11:38 There you see at the top is God. And Christ, the Holy Spirit.
11:42 The devil is there, so are spirits and angels.
11:44 These all appear somewhere in 1 Peter
11:47 and they all have different descriptions
11:48 and they are all supporting concepts that support them.
11:52 These are structures that are above the human level,
11:55 Then next one of a slide shows ordinate power structures.
12:01 And these are kings and masters and husbands and elders.
12:04 These are people who are in--
12:05 we might called middle management.
12:08 They are above the rest of us humans
12:10 but they are below God. Okay?
12:13 Then the group that he has the most to say to,
12:15 are the subordinate people,
12:17 the people who are at the bottom of the totem pole,
12:20 you might say.
12:21 And these include you, as a Christians,
12:24 all Christians, the savants, the wives,
12:26 and the young people and they are all called on
12:28 to submit to the powers that are above them.
12:31 But there is one important concept
12:34 that we have to keep in mind here about this,
12:37 and that is the God is at the pinnacle power
12:41 and every thing else is below him.
12:43 So, Peter subverts the power structures
12:48 of the Roman Empire while at the same time telling
12:54 the Christian people to submit to these power structures.
13:00 It's amazing.
13:01 You know, he subverts the power structures
13:04 while at the same time telling people to be good citizen.
13:09 Well, why don't we talk more about this--
13:11 this power structure and submitting to authorities
13:15 after we take a short break and we'll be right back.


Revised 2014-12-17