Books of the Book: Peter

Stepping Stone Or Stumbling Block?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Tom Shepherd & Deyvy Rodriguez


Series Code: PBOTB

Program Code: PBOTB00007B

00:01 Welcome back. Dr. Shepherd, um, a question,
00:04 why don't some people like religion?
00:08 Uh, you know, it's a really big question.
00:09 People have all kinds of reasons why they don't like religion.
00:13 Um, usually, there's a story there.
00:16 And I think when in life we find somebody
00:19 who doesn't like religion, doesn't like the church,
00:22 the first thing, the best thing to do
00:25 to begin with is to listen.
00:27 And the easiest way to listen is to, say, "Oh, why is that?"
00:35 And they'll tell you 'cause, yeah, particularly if they,
00:40 you know, come at you with something
00:42 that's because they've been hurt some place in their life.
00:43 So there really is a story behind the reason
00:46 why they don't like religion--
00:47 There's almost always some story--
00:49 Almost always some kind of history--
00:51 But here's one of the reasons why, "one of the stories."
00:56 And that is because the church and its truth.
00:59 You know, we make lots of mistakes in the church
01:01 but the truth-- the church in its truth
01:04 stands for something that's right and holy.
01:07 And that is an offense to the world.
01:10 And it's just like a bird under the saddle.
01:14 It just bothers them that there's somebody who says,
01:18 "No, that's wrong.
01:20 You should not to do that."
01:21 See in a postmodern world,
01:23 most people want to say that
01:25 there's no subtle truth at all, you see.
01:28 And for you to say, "Uh, you know, actually there is."
01:31 And to describe it and everything that,
01:33 that kind of gets them a bit on edge.
01:35 Now I don't think we're supposed to go out
01:37 and to hit people over the head
01:39 and to try to force them to things
01:42 but we should understand.
01:44 We should understand the offense that is the cross.
01:48 The cross is opposed to the world.
01:52 It stands for death to self.
01:54 It stands for dedication to God.
01:56 And that's why some people don't like
02:00 religion or the church.
02:02 Dr. Shepherd, the passage we've read makes a division
02:05 between people and what is this all about?
02:08 Okay, so let's look back at the passage again,
02:10 so we can get that clearly in mind.
02:13 We finished by reading the passage from Isaiah,
02:18 those passages from Isaiah
02:19 where the people of Israel were going one way
02:21 and God was really going a different way.
02:24 And he says, look, I've laid down my truth
02:27 as this cornerstone and everything will be measured
02:31 by this stone that I've laid down.
02:34 Now Peter comes and he says,
02:36 "Uh, let me tell you who that stone is.
02:38 It's Jesus."
02:40 It's Jesus who is a living stone
02:43 because God raised Him from the dead.
02:45 That was the great seal of God upon the ministry of Jesus.
02:51 He raised Him from the dead.
02:53 And so what he had said was true.
02:55 And the world must, you know, take that into account.
02:59 So he has this, he says, "I've laid a stone in Zion,
03:03 a cornerstone"-- I'm looking at verse 6,
03:06 "chosen and precious, and whoever believes in Him
03:09 will not be put to shame."
03:12 Now you need to understand that the ancient world
03:16 in which Peter lived was a honor and shame culture,
03:24 honor and shame, what did that mean?
03:27 Well, there were certain values that they had
03:31 and what you would do in your life,
03:35 your practices, your business,
03:38 the way you related to other people,
03:40 you did things to bring honor to your name and your family.
03:46 And then there were shameful things
03:49 and those were the things that you avoided, you see.
03:53 You avoided shame and you chased after honor, okay.
03:57 So one would bring you up higher,
04:00 the other would take you lower.
04:02 Now in such a society in which Peter lived,
04:06 the deepest shame that could be brought upon
04:09 you was crucifixion really.
04:12 Typically, the Romans would crucify people naked
04:16 to shame them in public.
04:17 It was done in public.
04:19 They were exposed to the elements
04:21 and the Romans were intimidating the population saying,
04:24 "Look, if you do whatever this person did,
04:27 that's what's gonna happen to you.
04:28 So you do the shameful acts,
04:29 we will shame you, give you the ultimate shame."
04:32 Now the pagan culture was going one way
04:34 and Christian values went in an opposite direction
04:38 and a different direction.
04:39 So the pagans would try to shame the Christians.
04:43 We'll see that as we continue to read through this book
04:46 they were shaming-- trying to shame these people
04:49 and the natural tendency of our life is
04:55 to listen to the people around us.
04:57 We're much more impacted by those around us
05:00 than we like to admit.
05:02 And so Peter is trying to build these people up
05:06 with all this rich deep theology.
05:08 He's trying to build them up,
05:10 so that they get the right perspective on this.
05:12 So they don't go honoring
05:14 the things that God says are shameful and,
05:19 you know, going the wrong direction.
05:21 So he says whoever trusts in Him
05:24 will not be put to shame.
05:27 So if you trust in Jesus, the crucified Messiah,
05:31 you will not be put to shame.
05:33 And we'll see as we go through this book how the life of Jesus,
05:37 the experience of Jesus becomes the life
05:39 and experience of the Christian where they follow in His steps.
05:42 They follow in His pattern and the glory that He receives
05:45 is what they will receive in the end, okay.
05:49 Let's go back to verse 8.
05:51 Does this verse teach that
05:52 God has destined some people to reject Christ? All right.
05:57 So we have the division of people
06:00 that we've talked about.
06:01 We have those who do not believe and we have those who believe.
06:05 And when we get down to verse--
06:09 well, let's start verse 7.
06:10 It says, "So the honor is for you who believe,
06:13 but for those who do not believe,
06:16 the stone that the builders rejected
06:17 has become the cornerstone."
06:19 Verse 8, "And a stone of stumbling
06:21 and a rock of offense.
06:23 They stumble because they disobey the word."
06:27 My Bible says next, "As they were destined to do."
06:33 What does yours say in verse 8?
06:34 Read verse 8 in New King James.
06:36 "And a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense." Keep going.
06:41 "They stumble, being disobedient to the word,
06:44 to which they also were appointed." Okay.
06:48 So here you have a description of the builders.
06:52 Now builders are honorable people.
06:55 Builders are the people who are making the building.
06:58 And you expect them to understand everything
07:00 about the building and what are they doing?
07:04 They're rejecting the cornerstone.
07:07 There's this old story that
07:08 when they were building Solomon's temple
07:10 that they needed the cornerstone
07:14 and there was this one stone that they rejected,
07:17 they keep rejecting it and this was in the way.
07:20 And then they find out that that's the stone
07:23 that's supposed to be the cornerstone.
07:24 That's the one that's supposed to be bear the most weight,
07:27 you know, it sets the whole thing all up.
07:30 So it was interesting because the rejection of the stone
07:34 and then that becomes the chosen stone.
07:36 So what is negated becomes that which is positive.
07:40 So that which is shameful becomes that which is honored.
07:44 That which is rejected
07:45 becomes that which is accepted, all right.
07:47 So but it was the builders who didn't accept it.
07:51 And, Dr. Shepherd, it almost sounds like
07:52 they're deliberately rejecting it
07:54 because as builders you know what you're doing.
07:57 Yeah. Isn't that right?
07:58 You should know what you're doing, yes.
08:00 Here it says, they stumble over, why did they stumble?
08:03 It says because they disobey the word
08:09 and then it says as they were destined to do.
08:11 Now this gets many people,
08:14 you know, really tied up in knots
08:15 because it sounds like predestination.
08:18 Like some people were just,
08:20 you know, God just said, you know, they're gonna be lost
08:24 and I'll just do that.
08:27 I'll just destine them for destruction.
08:31 And that seems so odd and so unlike God,
08:35 how could he do that?
08:37 Well, what you have to understand is going on here
08:39 is a play on words, okay.
08:42 And a play on words, the Greek word is "Tithemi"
08:45 and the word means to place or put.
08:49 Mm-hmm. Okay.
08:50 And this verb is used several times
08:54 in this passage, all right.
08:56 So the first place where we notice
08:59 this is in verse 6.
09:06 "Behold, I am laying in Zion, a stone,
09:12 a cornerstone, chosen and precious." Okay.
09:15 So he is placing a stone, all right.
09:21 God is placing a stone.
09:23 Now in verse 8, it says,
09:26 "They stumbled because they disobeyed the word,
09:29 as they were placed to do." Okay.
09:37 So here's the interesting play on this whole concept.
09:44 God has not destined anybody for destruction or salvation,
09:49 did not destine them for that.
09:51 He has laid the cornerstone.
09:54 The question is what will you do with the cornerstone?
09:58 What He has destined is what will happen
10:04 according to whatever you do in relationship to that stone
10:06 'cause He's got the plumb line, right?
10:08 And He's placed the stone.
10:10 So if you build on the stone, that's good, you'll be fine.
10:14 If you reject the stone, it's you who will be rejected
10:18 not because God predestined that you would be rejected
10:21 but because God predestined this stone would be the cornerstone.
10:25 There's only one cornerstone.
10:27 There's only one way to heaven and that's through Jesus Christ.
10:30 So God has placed that here
10:32 and your reaction to the stone
10:34 in believing or disbelieving
10:37 is what predetermines your outcome.
10:39 So if I'm lost is because I made that decision to be lost?
10:43 Yes. It's not God's fault--
10:45 It's not God's fault. My fault--
10:46 Yeah, so using the term destined here
10:48 might not be the best choice of terms.
10:51 As long as--it's okay as long as you understand
10:54 that the destiny is not that you are destined
10:58 whatever you want to do.
11:00 You're destined to be lost or you're destined to be safe
11:02 but rather that God has presettled
11:06 what will happen to those who accept
11:08 or those who reject, okay.
11:10 Now we turn to the good news which is down in verses 9 and 10
11:14 and we should read those verses one more time.
11:16 "But you are a chosen generation,
11:18 a royal priesthood, a holy nation,
11:21 his own special people that you may proclaim the praises of Him
11:25 who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light,
11:29 who once were not a people but are now the people of God,
11:34 who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy."
11:39 Do these verses 9 through 10
11:41 teach that priesthood of all believers?
11:45 No, the terminology the priesthood of all believers,
11:48 you see, a concept from the Protestant Reformation
11:52 and it was a rejection of some things
11:57 that were taught by our catholic friends.
12:00 And Luther was a real strong emphasis
12:03 on this the priesthood of all believers.
12:05 You can say the priesthood of all believers is taught here,
12:08 if you think in terms of all believers together
12:12 as a community 'cause this is not talking about
12:14 individual priests or individual people all just by themselves.
12:18 This is a community together.
12:20 It's very communal kind of a concept of people together.
12:23 But sort of an individual, you know,
12:25 off on your own personal decisions--
12:28 no, not so much that.
12:30 He really links together here wonderful ideas
12:34 from the Exodus story and God's chosen people at that time
12:39 and the beautiful story of Hosea
12:41 when these people are brought back to God.
12:44 Remember the story of Hosea where he marries--
12:48 he's told by God to marry this prostitute.
12:50 She goes off and does terrible things
12:52 but then he goes to the slave market
12:55 and there is Gomer, his wife, and he buys her back.
12:59 He redeems her.
13:00 It's an illustration of God redeeming the world,
13:03 bringing it back to himself and he says,
13:06 "You were those people, you had gone astray."
13:09 He says but God has brought you into his marvelous light.
13:14 You know, listen, friends,
13:16 God has given marvelous light to the world.
13:19 He sent it to you. He sent it to me.
13:21 It's here in His word.
13:23 It's meant to draw us back to Him.
13:25 We need to value this wonderful and marvelous word
13:29 as we continue to study
13:30 this beautiful Book of 1 and 2 Peter.
13:33 Thank you for being with us again.


Revised 2014-12-17