Books of the Book: Peter

Stepping Stone Or Stumbling Block?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Tom Shepherd & Deyvy Rodriguez


Series Code: PBOTB

Program Code: PBOTB00007A

00:22 Welcome once again to "Books of the Book."
00:24 We're very excited that you're able to join us
00:27 in this program to study the word of God.
00:29 I invite you to get your bibles, a piece of paper and pencil
00:33 to take notes as we look into the word of God for answers.
00:36 And with us is Dr. Tom Shepherd. Yep.
00:39 And, Dr. Shepherd, you come from Andrews University
00:41 which is in Michigan, is that right?
00:43 That's correct.
00:44 You teach New Testament interpretation?
00:48 If you had a favorite Bible,
00:50 obviously in the New Testament, what is that?
00:53 A Bible book in the New Testament? Bible book.
00:56 Well, you know, I guess I'd have to say 1 Peter right now.
00:59 It's...really...theology.
01:02 I guess you can see I'm kind of
01:03 passionate about it as we talk about it.
01:05 But it's just--I've just been overwhelmed with
01:08 its wonderful interconnection of theological ideas.
01:13 And each time I come back to it
01:15 to look at a new aspect,
01:19 I was asked to write a paper on
01:20 Biblical anthropology from 1 Peter.
01:23 And I followed that through
01:26 and saw things I hadn't seen before.
01:28 It's like you always see new things
01:31 as you open the word of God.
01:32 Yes, and again you're very passionate about this book,
01:34 about teaching it and-- Yeah.
01:36 And explaining it and we are,
01:38 in fact, studying the Book of 1 Peter.
01:40 And last time, we've been talking about
01:41 all these different metaphors that Peter uses
01:45 and so maybe you want to continue--Yes.
01:48 Now we're coming--this section we're gonna read today,
01:51 we're gonna look at today is 1 Peter 2:4-10.
01:54 1 Peter 2:4-10 is our passage.
01:57 And this is the ending of the first section of the book.
02:01 And the first section of the book
02:03 tends to focus its attention on who the Christian community is
02:09 and defines us, describes us,
02:12 uses all these different metaphors,
02:15 all these different concepts, all this great theology
02:18 piled up one on top of the other,
02:20 so as to shall we say protect the Christian,
02:24 a wall, to protect the Christian
02:27 against the lure of the pagan world around them
02:34 and we can say today, the pagan world around us
02:37 that tries to reach in and grab us.
02:40 So it has this wonderful, you know, pictures.
02:44 Now this is the last of the metaphors instance.
02:47 It's not a mixed metaphor now.
02:48 It's not a dual metaphor but it's one last metaphor
02:51 that he's gonna describe in explaining
02:54 who the people of God are.
02:55 And that's in 1 Peter 2:4-10,
02:57 so that's where we should read right now.
02:59 1 Peter Chapter 2 and verse? Verses 4 through 10.
03:04 "Coming to Him as to a living stone,
03:06 rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious.
03:11 You also, as living stones,
03:12 are being built up a spiritual house,
03:15 a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices
03:19 acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
03:21 Therefore it is also contained in the scripture,
03:25 "Behold, I lay in Zion a chief cornerstone,
03:27 elect, precious, and he who believes on Him
03:31 will by no means be put to shame."
03:33 Therefore, to you who believe, He is precious,
03:37 but to those who are disobedient,
03:39 "The stone which the builders rejected
03:41 has become a chief cornerstone,"
03:44 and "A stone of stumbling and a rock of offense."
03:49 They stumble, being disobedient to the word,
03:53 to which they also were appointed.
03:56 But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood,
03:59 a holy nation, His own special people,
04:03 that you may proclaim the praises of Him
04:05 who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light,
04:09 who once were not a people but now are the people of God,
04:14 who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy."
04:20 Well, that's quite a passage, isn't it? It sure is.
04:23 The way it describes this,
04:26 this passage shows the divide between people,
04:33 people who honor and who value Jesus Christ
04:41 and people who do not honor and do not value Jesus Christ.
04:48 I'm reminded of a story that happened some years ago
04:52 of a gem dealer in the Mid-West.
04:56 His name was Morgan Sonsthagen and he's located in Denver.
05:01 I've spoken to him by phone actually before.
05:04 And he was visiting
05:08 one of these gem dealer shows, you know,
05:15 where there were people showing there different things
05:17 that you could buy and everything,
05:19 different gems that you could,
05:20 you know, take an interest in and you hear of people buying--
05:24 Trading too? Yeah.
05:25 Trading and people buying something and-- Call it a...
05:28 They find out- We call it a flea market, you know?
05:30 Flea market kind of thing.
05:32 And so Morgan Sonsthagen saw this stone that was being used
05:36 as a paperweight on somebody's desk
05:39 and it was this red, this reddish stone.
05:44 And he asked about it.
05:47 He says, "How much is that stone?"
05:49 "Four, going four."
05:50 And he says, that guy says, "No, it's just a paperweight.
05:53 I'm not selling this. It's just a paperweight."
05:55 He says, "No, I want to buy it.
05:57 How much will you sell it to me for?"
05:58 He finally bargained for a price of $50.
06:02 And he thought that he had a particular kind of stone
06:06 that he'd purchased for this $50.
06:09 Well, he turned out, he went back,
06:12 then they started looking into this stone,
06:14 figuring out what it was and it turned out to be
06:17 a rare reddish stone that's found in only like
06:20 one place in China or something.
06:22 And they took the stone.
06:24 They had it cut into different gems.
06:27 And it turned out the stone's value was like $3,000.
06:33 And he just paid $50 for it.
06:35 Somebody was using it as a paperweight, you see.
06:38 Well, that's kind of an illustration
06:40 of the way people may think about Jesus.
06:43 To some, Jesus is just a paperweight.
06:46 He's just, you know, He's there, the church is there,
06:49 and they could care less and they don't have--
06:51 it doesn't make any important part of their life.
06:54 But to other people, He's precious, you know?
06:56 And He is a precious stone
06:58 that becomes the cornerstone of their life, okay.
07:03 So we look at the text and we see how Apostle Peter starts.
07:07 As you come to Him,
07:09 that's the Jesus Christ, a living stone.
07:12 You know, that's an oxymoron again,
07:14 a living stone, stones are dead
07:16 but here it's called a living stone.
07:18 Why is He called living?
07:20 Because He was raised from the dead.
07:22 He was raised from the dead.
07:23 A living stone, notice, rejected by men.
07:27 But in the sight of God chosen and precious.
07:31 Now we're gonna find a little bit later in this book
07:34 that this idea of being aware of God's value on things
07:41 is a very important part of Christian life.
07:44 It's a very important thing to keep you on the right track.
07:48 Valuing things in the same way God values things, okay.
07:52 He was rejected by men
07:55 but he was chosen and precious by God.
07:59 And says, you yourselves, that's the Christians,
08:02 you yourselves like living stones
08:04 are being built up a spiritual house
08:08 to be a holy priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices
08:11 acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
08:14 Okay, so he's been playing
08:16 on this whole idea of a spiritual household, right?
08:20 And you're the children of God. You've been born-again.
08:23 You're the babies at His breast. You are receiving life from Him.
08:28 He is your father, you know, the household metaphors
08:32 just keep piling on top of one another.
08:34 And in case, maybe you missed it,
08:37 He piles another one here
08:39 and this time it's actual house that is being built.
08:42 You could say a temple
08:43 but it's the house of God that's being built.
08:46 And the cornerstone is Jesus.
08:50 Now here's the question.
08:53 In terms of a house or a building, a great structure,
08:58 what is it about the cornerstone that's so important?
09:03 You would think that it is the foundation that's important
09:05 but now it says, like, the cornerstone--
09:07 Well, okay.
09:09 You would think of the foundational,
09:11 foundation stone but think of the foundation
09:13 if you want to dig down and think about that.
09:15 Okay, but what's important about that stone
09:17 that first one that you lay?
09:19 Um, maybe because it was the first one
09:21 that was laid on the foundation?
09:23 Yes, okay, the first one.
09:25 And it would have to be extremely strong,
09:28 wouldn't it? Mm-hmm.
09:29 Extremely strong, not only that
09:31 but when you lay the very first stone,
09:36 it sets the direction to the house.
09:40 That way, that way, and that way, okay.
09:45 So the cornerstone wherever you put the cornerstone,
09:49 gives you the total direction of the house.
09:51 The total geographic location of the house
09:55 is all set by that one stone
09:57 because it's right at the corner.
09:59 So it has all three dimensions in it, see.
10:01 So that becomes that which defines the house,
10:06 defines the house, so that's why the cornerstone
10:08 is so important, you see.
10:10 Jesus defines the house.
10:12 He defines Christian faith and everything is built on Him.
10:17 If it's not built on Him, it's not Christian.
10:20 So it becomes defined by its relationship to Him.
10:23 Now he quotes from the scripture
10:24 and we want to read that scripture.
10:26 It's from the Book of Isaiah and it's actually
10:28 two passages in Isaiah that relate to this.
10:30 So you will read one, I'll read the other.
10:32 The first is in Isaiah 8:11-15
10:36 and the other is in Isaiah 28:14-17, both in Isaiah.
10:40 Isaiah 8:11-15, that's where we'll start.
10:46 "For the Lord spoke thus to me with a strong hand,
10:49 and instructed me that I should not walk
10:51 in the way of this people, saying,
10:53 'Do not say, 'A conspiracy,'
10:56 Concerning all that this people call a conspiracy,
10:59 nor be afraid of their threats, nor be troubled.
11:02 The Lord of hosts, Him you shall hollow,
11:05 let Him be your fear, and let Him be your dread.
11:09 He will be as a sanctuary, but a stone of stumbling
11:13 and a rock of offense to both the house of Israel,
11:18 as a trap and a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
11:21 And many among them shall stumble
11:24 and they shall fall and be broken, be snared and taken."
11:28 All right. So here you have
11:31 a description of the people of Israel
11:36 going the wrong way, you see.
11:38 And he says to them, don't be afraid
11:40 of what they fear, nor be in dread
11:43 but you're supposed to honor the Lord of hosts.
11:45 You're supposed to fear Him.
11:47 He'll become a sanctuary and it says a stone of offense
11:51 and a rock of stumbling to both houses of Israel.
11:54 It's really a sad kind of a depiction here,
11:57 the very people of God going the wrong way,
12:00 stumbling over the stone instead of building upon it.
12:02 Now if we could turn to Chapter 28,
12:05 we get some similar ideas.
12:07 Isaiah 28:14-17. Isaiah 28:14-17.
12:12 It says this, "Therefore hear the word of the Lord,
12:14 you scoffers who rule this people in Jerusalem.
12:20 Because you have said,
12:22 'We have made a covenant with death,
12:23 and with Sheol we have an agreement,
12:25 when the overwhelming whip passes through
12:28 it will not come to us,
12:30 for we have made lies our refuge,
12:32 and in falsehood we have taken shelter.
12:35 Behold, I am the one who has laid as a foundation in Zion,
12:40 a stone, a tested stone,
12:43 a precious cornerstone, of a sure foundation,
12:46 'Whoever believes will not be in haste.'
12:49 And I will make justice the line,
12:51 and righteousness the plumb line,
12:53 and hail will sweep away the refuge of lies,
12:56 and waters will overwhelm the shelter."
12:59 What an experience.
13:01 They were going the way of lies
13:03 and notice God says that He has laid a precious cornerstone
13:06 and he will make justice the line
13:09 and righteousness the plumb line.
13:10 Now the plumb line is what you hold up here
13:13 and it shows you that all of your structure
13:15 is built along the same lines as the cornerstone.
13:19 And so God's plumb line is truth
13:22 that is being laid down to take
13:24 and make sure that the measurements are following
13:26 the precious cornerstone that has been laid by God.
13:31 Well, that's very interesting,
13:32 this metaphor that Peter is using
13:35 and I think we should continue hearing
13:37 more of these metaphors that Peter has.
13:39 We're gonna take a short break, Dr. Shepherd,
13:41 and we'll be right back after these messages.


Revised 2014-12-17