Books of the Book: Peter

The Power Of The Word Of God

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Tom Shepherd & Deyvy Rodriguez


Series Code: PBOTB

Program Code: PBOTB00006A

00:22 Hello, friends, and welcome to "Books of the Book."
00:25 Do you believe that the word of God has power.
00:28 If you are not too sure of that answer
00:30 please join us as we take a look at this very interesting topic
00:33 here in the first book of Peter.
00:36 And joining me is Dr. Shepherd.
00:38 Dr. Shepherd, last time we were talking-
00:40 last program we were talking about the secret to holiness.
00:43 Yes.
00:44 What's this idea of holiness and how do we get it?
00:46 Yes.
00:48 We didn't quite finish here everything up there
00:50 and it actually might be best to show the graphic
00:53 that we have to go along with this.
00:55 It helps us to see this in relationship
00:57 to two different roles that God has in our world.
01:01 So we just put this graphic up. You'll see two truths about God.
01:05 The one on the left mention here is "Impartial Justice"
01:09 and the one on the right is "Unmerited Grace".
01:11 God has both of these characteristics.
01:13 You remember when we met last time
01:15 we talked about God as the judge.
01:18 He impartially judges.
01:19 Well, His unmerited grace speaks to us about His power to act,
01:24 to save us, the saving relationship we have with Him.
01:27 The individual value we have to Him
01:29 and it's a reminder of our connection with Him.
01:33 But when we think of Him as judge,
01:35 there are consequences to our actions.
01:37 And it talks about a broken relationship
01:40 if you get that negative judgment
01:42 and the responsibility that you have towards God
01:45 and what happens if you forget to take
01:48 this relationship with God seriously.
01:51 So the power to holiness really comes from the God.
01:55 What is our part?
01:56 Our part is to be sensitive to respond.
01:58 Remember He says to be completely awake,
02:00 to be willing to and accept the power that He sends our way.
02:06 If we do not, Peter warns us
02:08 that there are consequences to that.
02:10 That's why He, you could say,
02:13 He has the carrot and the stick, you know,
02:15 the stick is regard as the judge but the carrot is that-that
02:18 He has His grace there that gives you the new birth,
02:21 that gives you the power to be obedient to Him.
02:25 But we are not really done with this because
02:27 the following verses all the way-
02:29 or you could really say all the way through
02:31 chapter 2 verse 10 which were eventually going to arrive at,
02:34 but all the way through he sets up
02:37 the series of depictions of Christian life.
02:41 We say metaphors of Christian life.
02:44 And from chapter 1 verse 18 through chapter 2 verse 3,
02:50 He has 3 pairs a fall, 3 pairs of mixed metaphors.
02:57 So that's a total of 6 metaphors.
02:59 3 pairs of metaphors.
03:03 And the pairs don't match, they are mixed metaphors.
03:08 Now we might be kind of a little upset with him and say,
03:11 "Peter wanted to mixture metaphors using keep them,
03:14 you know, going down the same path, you know."
03:16 But he just did okay.
03:18 And we can draw some knowledge of what he is doing.
03:22 So let's read verses 18-21 again that comes
03:26 from the first-the last section but it really fits
03:29 with this section and understand this metaphors.
03:34 "Knowing that you were not redeemed
03:35 with corruptible things, like silver or gold
03:38 from your aimless conduct received by tradition
03:41 from your fathers, but with the precious blood of Christ,
03:45 as of a lamb without blemish and without spot.
03:48 He indeed was foreordained before the foundation
03:50 of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you.
03:56 Who through Him believe in God who raised him
03:59 from the dead and gave Him glory,
04:02 so that your faith and hope are in God."
04:05 All right.
04:06 So again he is reminding the Christians of the importance
04:09 of obedience, the importance of being serious
04:12 about this relationship with God.
04:14 And he says, "you need to remember,
04:17 you need to know that you are ransomed
04:20 from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers,
04:24 not with perishable things like silver or gold."
04:28 So the first metaphors he uses is the metaphor of redemption.
04:34 Now we have made this into-it's okay,
04:37 but we have made this in to a religious word.
04:40 But the word redemption in that time was a slave market word.
04:46 And to be redeemed was to be bought back.
04:50 And there are three ideas that are inherent
04:52 within the concept of slavery, of this idea of redemption.
04:58 There is the state of slavery,
05:02 there is the act of being set free
05:06 and there is the price that was paid.
05:09 Okay.
05:10 So the state of slavery is slavery-
05:13 let's say slavery to sin.
05:15 Peter calls it the futile ways of-
05:20 inherited from your forefathers.
05:23 Okay.
05:24 That was the slavery that held you.
05:27 Now this is again kind of oxymoron for Peter
05:30 to use here because the ways in a traditional culture,
05:34 the ways that you wouldn't heard
05:35 from your forefathers were very positive.
05:38 You-these are the traditions that your forefathers
05:41 have passed on to you and these things
05:44 that you would value highly.
05:46 And he calls them futile.
05:49 So he is teaching them- they have rejected
05:52 the ways of the past, they've rejected the pagan ways.
05:55 This is a big change of life
05:57 that has happened for these people.
05:58 And Peter says, "You will redeem from those.
06:02 You thought it was so good, you thought it was something
06:04 you should value, it was destroying you."
06:07 You see?
06:08 And so that's the first metaphors
06:10 the metaphors of redemption.
06:12 Well, then he mixes it because he goes in to the next verse,
06:17 he talks about the precious blood of Christ in verse 19.
06:21 "Like that of a lamb without blemish or spot."
06:26 Okay?
06:27 So here is a sacrificial metaphor.
06:32 He is talking about Christ as though he was a lamb.
06:36 And again this links us back into the Old Testament concepts.
06:44 The Old Testament sacrificial service,
06:46 where if somebody did something wrong
06:49 they had to bring a lamb or goat or ox or something
06:53 and they would sacrifice it, they would kill it.
06:56 And then the blood of that animal
06:58 would be sprinkled in the sanctuary.
07:00 Of course this was pointing forward
07:02 to the great sacrifice that Christ would give.
07:05 That's what Peter says, "He is like a lamb
07:08 without spot and without blemish."
07:10 He is that perfect lamb that protects you or saved you.
07:13 It's like the Passover, when the Passover lamb
07:16 was offered they would kill the lamb,
07:18 they'd take the blood,
07:20 and they put it on the door posts of the house.
07:23 And when the angel came that night
07:25 to destroy all the first born
07:27 the angel would see the blood on the door
07:30 and would Passover that house and not kill the first born.
07:33 So it was a saving experience but it cost something.
07:39 And so when the cost was the precious blood of Jesus.
07:42 And it's kind of funny, you know, he says,
07:46 "You were ransomed from your futile ways
07:49 not with perishable things such as silver and gold."
07:52 Now of all things you in our world,
07:57 there are two things that are considered imperishable.
08:03 And they are silver and particularly gold
08:06 because gold doesn't lose its luster, you know.
08:10 Some medals, they will give lusty or they will tarnish
08:14 or something, but not gold, it always shines.
08:17 Especially, nowadays that the economy
08:18 isn't so- not doing very good.
08:20 People are going after the imperishable.
08:24 That they say, you know it's something you can hang on to.
08:27 And Peter is kind of like saying,
08:29 "Is that the best you got? That's not gonna save you.
08:33 That doesn't help you."
08:35 You see there is nothing we can do
08:39 to save ourselves from the pit of sin.
08:41 I heard one time about a man, when-it's a poor, sad,
08:47 sad story, but when he died he had them put
08:51 his tithe of receipts in his pocket of his suit.
08:56 And think about that.
08:58 Put your tithe receipts in the pocket of your suit.
09:01 Are you gonna show these to the God?
09:03 You know what, when the time comes
09:05 you're gonna say, "But I gave 40 years of tithe."
09:08 I'm sorry, that cannot save you. Gold, silver it cannot do.
09:13 Only the precious blood of Jesus can do that, you see.
09:16 So that's the first metaphor that he brings to us
09:19 "The precious blood of Christ".
09:21 And in verse 20 he says, "He was foreknown before
09:23 the foundation of the world, but was made manifest
09:26 in the last times for the sake of you."
09:28 Notice it's very cosmic, it goes all the way back
09:31 to the beginning, before the beginning in other word
09:34 and it goes down to the last times.
09:36 So it's this cosmic great controversy picture.
09:39 All of time is encompassed by the sacrifice of Christ.
09:43 "And he is foreknown before them,
09:46 but manifested now who through Him
09:49 you are believers in God, who raised him from the dead."
09:52 Notice there the emphasis again on the resurrection,
09:56 the importance of the resurrection.
09:57 It's an interesting study to go through
09:59 and trying to see, you know,
10:02 where the New Testament talks about the resurrection.
10:05 You will find it in places you wouldn't expect sometimes.
10:09 And here again the resurrection of Jesus
10:13 is the affirmation of our belief in him.
10:16 God raised him from the dead and gave him glory.
10:19 Set your faith and hope in God.
10:22 So that's the first set of metaphors
10:25 The redemption metaphor combined
10:27 with the sacrificial metaphor of Jesus as the lamb.
10:32 Well, Dr. Shepherd, should we continue on the next verse?
10:35 Yeah. Why don't we read verses 23-25.
10:39 I think we skipped 22, didn't we?
10:41 22, I'm sorry. You are exactly right.
10:43 "Since you have purified your souls in obeying the truth
10:46 through the spirit in sincere love of the brethren,
10:49 love one another fervently with a pure heart.
10:52 Having been born again, not of corruptible seed,
10:55 but of incorruptible, through the word of God,
10:57 which lives and abides forever."
10:59 Now here it says, since you have purified your souls,
11:05 what is this mean, purified your souls?
11:09 Well, we can refer back to verse 2
11:12 that we read earlier, chapter 1:2.
11:15 That says, "According to the foreknowledge
11:17 of God the father in the sanctification
11:19 of the spirit for obedience to Jesus Christ
11:22 and for the sprinkling with His blood."
11:24 So obedience and sprinkling, put together, okay?
11:27 So you purified your souls by your obedience to the truth.
11:31 There is this truth about salvation that comes in Christ.
11:35 And so there is a really cool word for this.
11:40 When you have two terms that refer
11:42 to the same thing is called hendiadys.
11:45 You like that word? Is that a Greek word?
11:47 Yeah. Okay.
11:49 Hendiadys. Hendiadys.
11:50 It actually means hen, is the word one,
11:53 dia is the word through and dy is the word two.
11:58 Dys is two. One through two?
12:00 I'm trying to make sense of it.
12:01 One through two, you're saying one thing using two terms.
12:03 Oh, okay. Okay.
12:05 So when you have this idea of obedience and sprinkling
12:11 that's a hendiadys to refer to making a covenant
12:13 with God, that you have become His children
12:16 through making this covenant, that He has becomes your father,
12:19 you becomes His child. Okay.
12:21 So you know sometime you can say we were just discussing
12:24 the hendiadys of covenant with God, you know.
12:28 Sounds pretty cool you know.
12:29 But you can go look it up in the dictionary.
12:32 It begins with hen like the word hen like the one
12:34 that went around on that on the farm yard, hendiadys.
12:38 Okay. So that is the idea of this purification
12:43 of your souls through your obedience,
12:45 to the truth you are making this covenant with God,
12:49 and he says that it produces a sincere brotherly love.
12:53 You have to love one another earnestly from a pure heart.
12:58 This is about the practical relationship
13:02 or the practical ideas that come out
13:07 of a saving relationship with God.
13:11 Some people think that- I don't know,
13:14 they get the idea that is saving relationship
13:17 doesn't have to have any practical implications.
13:21 That they can be saved by grace and be mean to their brother.
13:29 Peter says, "No, you can't do that."
13:32 If you are mean to people,
13:35 you are not in the right saving relationship with Jesus.
13:38 You are not following what he has taught you to do.
13:41 You are not living out what He has given you.
13:44 You see, by grace- He has given you that grace
13:46 so now, you must treat other people differently.
13:50 Grace is a new set of glasses
13:53 that we cannot look at in a different way.
13:56 We'll have to come back to this after a short break.


Revised 2014-12-17