Books of the Book: Peter

The Secret Of Holiness

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Tom Shepherd & Deyvy Rodriguez


Series Code: PBOTB

Program Code: PBOTB00005B

00:01 And welcome back friends to "Books of the Book"
00:03 with me is Dr. Shepherd.
00:04 He is joining us in this study of first and second period.
00:08 Dr. Shepherd quick question.
00:10 What does obedience have to do with holiness?
00:13 All right. Well, we were looking here in verse 14.
00:16 It says, "As obedient children, do not be conformed
00:20 to the passions of your former ignorance."
00:21 We notice that he stresses that they are children,
00:24 they are--God is their father, they are his children.
00:27 He says, household of faith.
00:28 So he reminds them of that covenant
00:30 that they have made with God,
00:31 that linkage that they have to God.
00:33 And then he bolsters this whole concept of linkage
00:38 to God of the idea of-- the covenants of idea
00:43 with a reference to that which is holy.
00:45 So in verse 15, he says
00:48 "But as he who called you is holy,
00:50 you also be holy in all your conduct."
00:55 Since it is written verse 16,
00:57 "You shall be holy for I am holy."
01:00 He is quoting from Leviticus 19:2
01:04 part of the holiness code of the Old Testament.
01:07 And you look at this and you see that there is this concept
01:12 of emulation or following the pattern.
01:16 God is holy so that's what you have to do.
01:20 It's like carpenter building something
01:23 and showing his apprentice and the apprentice look at it
01:26 and measures it and takes in,
01:28 tries to make his just like the master carpenter did.
01:31 He tries to do things just the same way.
01:34 Or like a child walking on the beach
01:37 and his father footsteps are big and far apart
01:40 and he tries to reach his foot and reach his next foot,
01:43 so that he can walk in the footsteps of his father.
01:46 So because you are in covenant with God,
01:50 because He is your father, because you are His children
01:53 and you remember you agreed to obey.
01:55 All right, because you are His obedient child,
01:58 then you are to live a holy life just like He did, okay.
02:02 Of course, he is not really done.
02:04 That's not the only thing that he mentions,
02:07 his this idea of holiness, okay.
02:09 So why don't you read for us verse 17.
02:13 "And if you call on the Father, who without partiality judges
02:17 according to each one's work, conduct yourselves
02:20 throughout the time of your stay here in fear,
02:24 knowing that you were not redeemed
02:26 with corruptible things like silver or gold
02:29 from your aimless conduct recede by tradition from your fathers,
02:33 but with the precious blood of Christ,
02:36 as of a lamb without blemish and without spot."
02:41 Okay, that was a little more than verse 16
02:43 but that's of 17, but that's okay.
02:45 That's all right we went forward just a little bit
02:47 and we'll fill all that in, okay.
02:49 So, he starts of-- so how has he argued already.
02:53 He has argued that because of-- he starts verse 13
02:58 with therefore that is in light of all the things
03:02 that we've talked about before.
03:04 Now, you must be totally ready for action,
03:09 your obedient children and so you are
03:11 not to conform you self to old way.
03:13 But you are supposed to be holy
03:15 because the God you serve is holy, all right.
03:19 Then in verse 17, he says "And if you call on him
03:23 as father" well, that's what Jesus taught us to do as a man.
03:29 He said when you pray say, our Father,
03:33 which art in heaven, all right.
03:36 Now often when we say the Lord's prayer
03:38 and I have to say, I don't think we say the Lord's prayer enough
03:41 in the Seventh-day Adventist church.
03:43 I think we need to say the Lord's prayer
03:44 more often than we do.
03:47 But when we say the Lords prayer,
03:51 it sort of just rolls off of our tongue little you know,
03:53 Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be the name.
03:56 You know, and we say it almost in rote fashion
04:01 where in actuality to call Him Father is very meaningful.
04:06 Which is exactly what Peter means here.
04:09 He says "What does it mean to call God your Father."
04:14 Well here's what that means.
04:16 "If you call on Him as Father who judges impartially
04:21 according to each one's deeds, conduct yourselves
04:23 with fear throughout the time of your exile."
04:28 Now, God is the judge of the world, you see,
04:32 and you cannot just leave the God out of things
04:37 and not take Him into account, all right.
04:39 So he says, "He judges the world impartially."
04:43 This term impartial is very interesting.
04:46 It's the concept of not-- it's an Old Testament idiom.
04:53 Not receiving the face. Not receiving the face?
04:57 The face, yeah. Which is--?
04:59 Is it one of those of other idioms?
05:01 Yeah, it's a strange kind of idiom we think that,
05:03 not receiving the face? Okay.
05:05 But it goes like this, if a judge was sitting
05:08 in the gate, you know, that's where
05:10 they have their judge, the judges there.
05:12 And somebody came up to him and said look there's going
05:16 to be a court case here in front of you in just a few hours.
05:20 And I want you to rule in my favor
05:22 and he gifts the judge some money.
05:25 He bribes him. Okay.
05:27 Then when they come before him turned off
05:30 it's this very guy who gave him money
05:32 and there is another man.
05:34 And the judge smiles at the guy who gave him the money.
05:38 Its just I am sure that your position is the right one,
05:43 he has received his face, he took a bribe, you see.
05:47 He wasn't impartial between the two, all right.
05:50 So Peter says, God is not like that.
05:54 You cannot bribe God.
05:56 He does not receive the face.
05:58 And if you think by calling him Father
06:02 that somehow you have curried favor with Him
06:05 and you don't have to really be obedient,
06:07 you can kind of play fast and loose with this whole thing.
06:12 Peter says, that's not going to work with God.
06:15 See, He judges every one impartially
06:19 according to his deeds.
06:22 Now this gets some people upset and they say, what?
06:26 I thought we were saved by faith.
06:28 Aren't we saved by faith? That's right.
06:30 Yes. Then why are we judged?
06:32 Why does Peter say that we are judge by our deeds?
06:35 Well, he is not the only one that says it.
06:37 Turn to 2 Corinthians 5:10. 2 Corinthians 5:10.
06:43 This is a very important idea. 2 Corinthians 5:10.
06:50 The Apostle Paul is talking about our heavenly home
06:55 and our bodies that we'll have in resurrection.
06:58 And then he talks about when that will all takes place.
07:00 Read it. Okay.
07:02 "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ
07:05 that each one may receive the things done in the body
07:08 according to what he has done whether good or bad."
07:12 Right, this is talking about judgment, isn't it?
07:14 It is. The judgment seat of Christ
07:16 and how we will be judged?
07:18 According to what we have done. What we have done.
07:22 What we have done or what we have not done.
07:24 Okay. So we are judge by deeds.
07:26 Somebody says, I don't understand.
07:28 How can you be saved by faith but judged by your deed?
07:33 Well this actually has more to do
07:35 with the biblical teaching about anthropology.
07:39 What is human being is like then it does with the in essence,
07:42 but then it does with the doctrine of salvation.
07:45 That is to say the Bible concept
07:48 of a human being is that we are a whole.
07:53 You--as we sometime say, you do not have a soul.
07:56 What you are a soul. All right.
07:59 The combination of the dust of the earth and the breath
08:02 of life from God creates a living soul.
08:05 Now we tend to think of this in terms
08:07 of what happens when you die,
08:09 that you rest in the grave till Jesus comes.
08:11 But it has many more implications than that.
08:14 And one of the important implications is that
08:18 your faith in your life, in your heart,
08:21 will and must show itself in action,
08:24 it must display itself in deeds.
08:28 If you have faith on the inside, it will show itself
08:32 on the outside by loving acts of kindness towards others.
08:36 When Jesus comes back, He is not gonna say to you,
08:38 did you believe in the Sabbath.
08:40 Did you believe in the righteousness by faith?
08:43 Did you believe in the trinity?
08:46 Did you--He's not going to ask you what you believed.
08:49 He's gonna ask you what you did.
08:52 He said, I was hungry and you gave me something to eat.
08:56 I was thirsty, you gave me something to drink.
09:00 I was in prison you came and visited me.
09:02 I was sick and you ministered to me.
09:05 Because our actions are an expression
09:08 of our faith or lack thereof.
09:12 So God judges us by our deeds.
09:14 Now, we better press on here to get some more
09:17 of the message here that listed so.
09:20 He says, "You are supposed to conduct yourself
09:22 with fear throughout the time of your exile."
09:26 Does he mean that we're supposed to be afraid of God?
09:31 Well, if you have questions about the fear of God,
09:34 let me give you a text that gives you 20-20 vision.
09:37 Okay. Exodus 20:20. Exodus 20:20.
09:43 This is 20-20 vision on the fear of God.
09:47 Okay, we'll never forget that one.
09:50 "And Moses said to the people, 'Do not fear,
09:52 for God has come to test you, and that is fear
09:56 may be before you, so that you may not sin."
10:01 Now that sounds like double talk, doesn't it?
10:03 It sounds like he is saying, don't de afraid, just be afraid.
10:09 And then he goes there, yeah,
10:10 and then he says "And that his fear may be before you."
10:14 Now there are two kinds of fear. Okay.
10:17 There is a fear that draws you away from God,
10:21 because He is so powerful, and He is so holy, okay.
10:25 And then there is a fear that draws you to God,
10:28 draws you close to God, draws you next to Him,
10:31 all right. This is the fear of the Lord.
10:35 Now, is there someone they are trembling in there, yes.
10:37 You know, He is God.
10:39 He is your Father, He is not some sugar daddy
10:42 or some thing you know.
10:45 And so, you must respect Him.
10:48 You must have deep reference for Him.
10:50 This is best illustrated perhaps by the story of Joseph.
10:56 In Genesis Chapter 39, Joseph was tempted by Potiphar's wife.
11:04 She said, come to bed with me.
11:06 Now for our Hollywood movie, the next scene would be
11:08 in the bedroom, but not in the case of Joseph.
11:12 And he gives her little speech.
11:14 He says to her, you know, I respect my master
11:18 he's given--he's put all things into my power and my control
11:22 and there is no one greater in this house
11:24 than I am except for him.
11:26 And he has not withheld anything from the except you
11:30 because you are his wife.
11:31 He reminds her who she is, and he then says,
11:37 how could I do this great sin-- Against God.
11:42 Against God. So he speaks of his master.
11:46 He speaks of his masters' wife.
11:48 He speaks of his relationship to his master and her.
11:53 But then he places it all within his relationship to God,
11:57 he lived in the presence of God.
12:01 That was the fear the Lord.
12:03 He said I, I cannot do this, because it would be,
12:08 you know, it would not be right, it would be so wrong.
12:10 So that's what he says here that you are supposed
12:14 to live your life in fear and notice
12:18 what he calls your life here in verse 17.
12:23 "The time of your exile."
12:27 It's the time of your pilgrimage.
12:28 He harks right to that words
12:30 that he had at the beginning of the book
12:32 when he called you a pilgrim, right.
12:34 That exile time that goes back.
12:37 You're to remember that you are not home yet, you are in exile.
12:41 You've to live in the fear of God.
12:44 So he is putting together, he is not finished yet.
12:46 We are not done with the entire passage
12:48 and we'll link this up with our next section
12:51 as we go into it, because verses 18 to 21 actually link
12:55 in to the following sections as well.
12:57 So we're going to talk about those verses.
12:59 But we will talk about them in our next time together.
13:02 And we will see how they all tie this up together
13:06 and making a very tight argument
13:09 about how we are supposed to live as Christians.
13:12 Well, Dr. Shepherd, thanks again for your insights
13:14 on this very interesting book First and Second Peter.
13:18 We often though study or read this book
13:20 as much as perhaps the gospels.
13:22 We need to do this much more.
13:23 But I invite everybody and I encourage
13:25 you to pickup the Bible, read the words that God has
13:29 for you and for me, God bless you.


Revised 2014-12-17