Books of the Book: Peter

Facing Suffering With A New Mindset

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Tom Shepherd & Deyvy Rodriguez


Series Code: PBOTB

Program Code: PBOTB00003B

00:01 And welcome back.
00:02 Dr. Shepherd, before you answer that question
00:04 of rejoicing while suffering,
00:06 tell us a little more of these three outcomes,
00:09 living hope, inheritance and salvation.
00:11 All right. So we had--
00:12 we discovered that Peter talks about the new birth experience.
00:15 That's why we are praising God
00:17 because of this new birth experience.
00:19 And he says, there are these three outcomes
00:21 that experience has, a living hope, and inheritance
00:26 that doesn't fade away, and salvation.
00:29 Now, if you notice, it's there in verse 5.
00:33 It's where he says, "For a salvation ready
00:35 to be revealed in the last time."
00:38 So here's the question, is salvation present now
00:41 or is it something in the future?
00:44 Well, it says here, "Revealed in the last time."
00:47 Yeah. It seems to be future.
00:50 Now is it--that kind of concerns some people.
00:52 They're still like, "Oh, wait a minute,
00:54 don't we have security nominee,
00:55 don't we have assurance of salvation in Christ now?"
00:58 Well, remember, Peter has just said
01:01 that you have been born again, right?
01:03 So, he's talking about-- he has talked
01:05 in those first few verses about this covenant with God,
01:07 you're His covenant people, you're in His household,
01:09 of course, you have assurance of salvation.
01:12 So why in the world does he talk about salvation being so future?
01:16 So, whenever he talks almost without feel,
01:19 whenever he talks about salvation,
01:21 it's the future salvation, all right.
01:24 One of the reasons that He does
01:26 this is because of their current situation.
01:30 Their situation of suffering that they are going through.
01:33 And when you say the salvation is coming,
01:37 that's the rescue.
01:39 The word "salvation" means to heal,
01:42 it also means rescue.
01:44 And so the rescue is on its way, the rescue is coming.
01:48 And God is preserving this for you in the future.
01:51 Because your present now is, you know, all shaken up.
01:57 And so they need this kind of future orientation
02:01 to their life, hope, inheritance and salvation.
02:04 It's really amazing, I mean, like I said,
02:07 when I started to study in this book,
02:09 it just really blows your way how he interlinks these ideas.
02:14 And the first way I thought this book was--
02:18 these books was by following theological themes.
02:22 And I would follow the theme of God,
02:24 all the way through the book.
02:25 And I'd follow the theme of Jesus,
02:27 all the way through the book.
02:28 And I'd follow the theme of salvation,
02:29 all the way through the book.
02:31 I put it in charts, I'm a big chart maker guy.
02:32 And I would put in charts and everything
02:34 and I was just like, wow, this is so amazing.
02:37 And all of this, you know, theology
02:38 that is brought to bear upon the problems
02:41 these people have in everyday life.
02:43 I'm afraid that too often in our daily life,
02:46 we separate our life from theology.
02:48 We separate it from what the scriptures talk about.
02:51 We--we kind of do theology on the weekend, you know.
02:55 Let's go to church.
02:57 We will see Jesus there, you know, we'll pray.
02:59 And then the rest of our life
03:00 we're working very hard, you know, doing everything else.
03:03 No, it's supposed to be, everyday all linked together.
03:07 All right, so we better, we better press on here.
03:11 Verse 6, he says, "In this you rejoice,
03:15 " now this-- in this is probably
03:20 all the stuff he's been taking about already.
03:22 All of these words, all of these ideas,
03:25 of the covenant, of the inheritance,
03:27 of the new birth, of the salvation.
03:29 In this-- in that realm, okay.
03:33 "In this you rejoice though now for a little while,
03:40 if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials."
03:46 Now, other than the inkling
03:47 that you had in the first verse that you were a stranger.
03:53 I remember there are some people that wanted to say,
03:54 "I used to phony--you know, not really a metaphor."
03:57 Other than that you don't have
04:00 a sense up to this point in the book
04:03 that there is any kind of problem.
04:05 It's all good news.
04:06 It all sounds really, wow,
04:08 and this sounds really good, you know.
04:10 But then he comes and he brings this issue of suffering.
04:17 He says, "In this you rejoice,
04:19 though now for a little while, if necessary,
04:21 you have been grieved by various trials."
04:23 Here's two opposites in the Christian life,
04:25 rejoicing and trials.
04:29 Another oxymoron, two things
04:31 that don't seem to fit together.
04:33 I remember very well,
04:35 years ago, we were missionaries in Brazil.
04:38 And we've been in Brazil for about a month
04:42 I think it was.
04:44 And it was time for me to go get a car.
04:46 So I went to a town, ironically called named Americano.
04:52 And indeed it had been founded
04:54 by people from the United States.
04:56 And my friends, my Brazilian friends
04:58 took me to look at a car and we went to this guy,
05:00 he was a used car dealer, you know, near the station.
05:03 Finally got in there,
05:04 we were driving around Americano, you know.
05:07 I decided--nah, this isn't the car I wanted,
05:10 you know, I don't think I'll take this car.
05:12 So they said, "Okay, turn around."
05:13 So it was a four lane road, you know,
05:16 two lanes going down a hill, two lanes going up.
05:19 So I pulled into the center divider
05:21 and I looked to my right just like you know,
05:23 they drive on the right hand side,
05:25 just like as we do in the U.S.
05:26 I looked to my right and there were cars coming up,
05:27 so I waited for the cars to come up and go pass me.
05:29 And I pulled out into one of the lanes.
05:33 And when I pulled out here was this horn blaring at me
05:38 and I looked to my left up the hill
05:41 and here's a car coming down the hill
05:43 the wrong way on the lane right towards me,
05:48 smashed into the car.
05:50 I mean it's like I can close my eyes today
05:52 and I can see the window in front of me
05:55 was there one second and then
05:57 it just was a thousand pieces and just fell down.
06:01 The car was pushed-- Just head on?
06:04 Smashed right into the driver's door.
06:07 Hurt my leg, I ended up with seven stitches
06:09 on the top of my head.
06:12 Ah, it was so terrible.
06:13 I remember saying-- I was just--
06:16 I remember what I said,
06:18 "Oh, why did this have to happen?"
06:21 Thus began five months of trouble.
06:24 Aah, the problems of whose fault it was
06:27 and insurance and who was--
06:29 the car had no insurance on it then.
06:31 So, I ended up having to buy the car
06:33 which I never drove again.
06:35 You know, it was totaled
06:36 and then on and on and on and on.
06:38 So you purchased the totaled vehicle?
06:40 Yes, I purchased the totaled vehicle.
06:42 And then after that you had--
06:43 That I drove for about 20 minutes, you know.
06:46 And I remember going into--
06:48 talk to the treasurer of the college.
06:52 And he tried to console me, they would loan me money
06:56 and, you know, and everything
06:57 I could pay back over time.
06:59 He said, "Don't worry, it will be all right.
07:01 Don't worry, it will be all right."
07:03 I remember walking out of his office saying,
07:06 my brethren English is hard to beat.
07:08 It's hard to be thankful when you have this trouble.
07:12 So I'm afraid I wasn't following Peter very well.
07:16 It's like this trouble came on me
07:18 but I now look back on that experience.
07:22 And what happened was because of this experience
07:25 I had to rely on the Brazilians
07:27 completely to help me, solve all this kinds of problems
07:32 and it bonded me to those people.
07:35 It bonded me in a way to those people
07:37 that I would not have done quickly
07:41 or in the same way if I had not had that accident.
07:43 Now, the accident wasn't good but God was able to take
07:48 a terrible thing and work out of it,
07:50 something that was good for my life.
07:52 So Peter says, in this--remember,
07:54 it's this experience of new birth and new life.
07:57 "In this you achieve to rejoice,
07:59 though now for a little while,
08:00 if necessary, you have been grieved
08:03 by various trials and experiences."
08:07 You know, thinking about your story here,
08:10 it seems that the Bible is true where it says,
08:12 "That all things were together for good to them that love God."
08:16 Yes.
08:18 And God had a purpose for that accident in your life
08:21 and just as Jesus was talking to His heart,
08:24 God was talking to your heart, says well,
08:25 let me tell you what you need to think.
08:28 I'll have to say that it took some time.
08:31 When you go through trouble in experiences like this,
08:35 typically, there's quite a fog.
08:37 There's quite a-- it's hard to recognize.
08:40 And if people come to you at that time and say,
08:42 "It will be okay. It will be okay."
08:44 You feel like punching them in the nose maybe, you know.
08:47 That's probably not what people need to hear
08:49 at the time when they are suffering,
08:51 they need to hear--sometimes you just need to be hugged,
08:55 then you be prayed with, prayed for and people to--
09:00 to lift them up and care for them.
09:03 But the question that some people have is,
09:08 you know, is there really any limit to the suffering
09:12 that I won't go through?
09:14 Does God limit it in some way?
09:17 It's interesting in our passage here,
09:18 there are three limits to suffering
09:21 that Peter mentioned.
09:22 Three limits and they're found here in verse,
09:28 starting in verse 6.
09:30 "In this you rejoice, though now for a little while,
09:33 " that's the first limit.
09:34 "If necessary, " that's the second limit.
09:37 "You have been grieved by various trials,
09:40 so that the tested genuineness of your faith,
09:42 more precious than gold that perishes
09:44 though it is tested by fire, may be found to result in praise
09:47 and glory and honor at the revelation
09:49 of Jesus Christ" and that's the third limit,
09:51 there is that the outcome.
09:53 Okay.
09:54 So let's think about those for a little bit.
09:56 Peter says, "It's for a little while."
10:02 How long is a little while?
10:04 Now, that's a good question and when it comes to suffering,
10:07 a little while is a very long time.
10:09 Yes, it does. It seems like a very long time.
10:12 And I think what can help us to get a handle
10:15 on this idea of suffering being for a little while.
10:18 It's like children in-- you know,
10:21 when you're traveling in the car.
10:23 And you get in the car and your children say,
10:27 "Are we there yet? When are we gonna get there?"
10:30 And the tried and true response
10:32 of all parents is, "in a little while."
10:37 You can't say to the child 3-years-old,
10:39 "Ah, it'll be 45 minutes."
10:42 They don't know what 45 minutes is,
10:44 you know, so what do you say?
10:46 In a little while, just little while."
10:48 Now, the real comfort for the child
10:52 is that their parents have said this.
10:54 Their parent is in charge and knows what things you want-
10:56 And they trusted their parents? Yeah.
10:58 They trust the parent, "Oh, it just been
11:00 whether they can play their game again, you know.
11:02 That's just a little while, you know.
11:04 So our heavenly parent has said to us,
11:07 "It's just a little while."
11:09 And just like we trusted our parents
11:11 when we were little tiny, now we need to trust God.
11:14 The suffering will be for just a little while.
11:17 Then it also says, "If it must be--
11:20 " we don't have time to unpack this a great deal.
11:23 But, God says things are going to happen,
11:28 if it's necessary, these things are going to happen.
11:30 He's like forewarned us.
11:32 It's not all the bed of roses that you're going to go through.
11:34 There're some experiences
11:36 that are gonna come along, if necessary.
11:39 But the outcome he says is a tried
11:42 and true character development.
11:46 It's tested by fire
11:47 but it comes out like gold, you know.
11:50 Gets rid of all the draws
11:51 and leads you in a wonderful place.
11:53 So there's a temporal limitation,
11:57 just a little while.
11:58 There's a theological limitation that which is necessary.
12:03 There's experiential limitation, that's character development.
12:07 So God is limiting the suffering
12:09 and He says when all of this takes place,
12:14 He's going to bring about this wonderful salvation
12:17 of your soul, okay, that's going to help you in the end.
12:21 Now, I wonder if there are people
12:23 in our listening audience that are going--
12:26 I'm sure there are people who have gone through
12:28 terrible suffering in their life.
12:29 And may be right now, you're experiencing something
12:32 in your life that is crushing.
12:36 Recognize, recognize that God is with you
12:39 through this experience.
12:41 He is not going to leave you alone.
12:43 He says it's for a little while.
12:45 And He is going to bring you through
12:48 to a better experience, something better.
12:51 I know it's a fog now, but the future,
12:54 the future is much brighter.
12:55 You see, our past is settled, our future is sure,
13:00 so we can face the sufferings of the present.
13:04 And Dr. Shepherd, I want to thank you for your thoughts.
13:07 And also I want to thank our listening audience
13:10 for joining us in this very fascinating interesting
13:13 Bible study of the Books of Peter.
13:15 And I look forward also
13:16 to the incorruptible treasure that God has for me.


Revised 2014-12-17