Books of the Book: Peter

Facing Suffering With A New Mindset

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Tom Shepherd & Deyvy Rodriguez


Series Code: PBOTB

Program Code: PBOTB00003A

00:22 Hello and welcome to "Books of the Book."
00:25 My name is Deyvy Rodriguez and with us is Dr. Tom Shepherd,
00:29 he's currently a Professor
00:30 of New Testament Interpretation at Andrews University.
00:33 We are studying the writings of the Apostle Peter.
00:37 Dr. Shepherd, and the last time we were studying here,
00:41 we talked about how God chose us.
00:43 We didn't choose Him, He chose us.
00:45 And also how the Trinity God, the Father, the Son
00:48 and the Holy Spirit are working together to save us.
00:52 How does Peter unpack this?
00:54 All right, so let's turn to the Book of 1 Peter.
00:57 In these studies, we're gonna read through
01:00 the entire Book of 1 Peter and the entire Book of 2 Peter.
01:04 I tell people in when I teach Sabbath school,
01:07 if we do nothing else, we should open the Bible.
01:09 And we should read the word of God.
01:10 Okay. I think that's important.
01:12 So now we're gonna start in 1 Peter 1:3 through 9.
01:16 I'm reading the English Standard Version.
01:19 "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!
01:23 According to his great mercy, he has caused us
01:26 to be born again to a living hope
01:29 through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
01:32 to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled,
01:37 and unfading, kept in heaven for you,
01:41 who by God's power are being guarded through faith
01:44 for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.
01:49 In this you rejoice, though now for a little while,
01:52 if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials,
01:57 so that the tested genuineness of your faith,
02:00 more precious than gold that perishes
02:03 though it is tested by fire,
02:05 may be found to result in praise and glory
02:09 and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
02:13 Though you have not seen him, you love him.
02:16 Though you do not now see him,
02:18 you believe in him and rejoice with joy
02:20 that is inexpressible and filled with glory,
02:23 obtaining the outcome of your faith,
02:26 the salvation of your souls."
02:30 So we look at the beginning of this,
02:32 the very first word that Peter uses in verse 3
02:36 is the word "Blessed."
02:39 "Blessed be the God and father of our lord Jesus Christ!"
02:43 Now I don't know, it's funny at least in our church,
02:48 this isn't words that we usually say.
02:51 Blessed be God, you know.
02:54 What exactly is going on here,
02:57 it's actually an Old Testament way of talking.
03:01 The Hebrew term is berakah, the blessing.
03:05 And it was to praise God,
03:08 to praise God for blessings that you had received.
03:13 You thank Him because He gave you life.
03:15 You thank Him because He gave you family.
03:18 He created the world,
03:19 you know, there's all these different things.
03:21 They are praising God for the things that He has done.
03:24 Now the question is
03:27 what is the blessing that we have received?
03:29 What did you notice?
03:32 Well, "According to his abundant mercy
03:33 has begotten us again to a living hope
03:37 through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead."
03:39 Yeah.
03:41 Okay, so that's a new birth experience, isn't that?
03:46 It sounds like a new birth. Yeah, to be--
03:48 "Begotten us again." To be born again.
03:51 It almost sounds like the conversation
03:52 Jesus had with Nicodemus.
03:54 Nicodemus, in fact, let's turn over there.
03:56 Okay. To John 3:3 to 8.
03:58 I read the first one, you read this one.
04:00 John 3:3 to 8.
04:05 "Jesus answered him and said to him,
04:06 "Most assuredly I say to you unless one is born again,
04:10 he cannot see the kingdom of God."
04:13 Nicodemus said to him, "How can a man can be born
04:15 when he's old.
04:17 Can he enter a second time
04:18 into his mother's womb and be born?"
04:21 Jesus answered, "Most assuredly I say to you,
04:25 unless one is born of water and the Spirit,
04:28 he cannot enter the kingdom of God.
04:30 That which is born of the flesh is flesh,
04:33 and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit.
04:36 Do not marvel that I say to you,
04:39 'You must be born again.'
04:40 The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it.
04:44 But cannot tell where it comes from
04:47 and where it goes.
04:48 So everyone who is born, so as everyone
04:51 who is born of the Spirit."
04:52 All right, now we don't have time to unpack all of this.
04:55 But this is interesting conversation
04:57 that Jesus had with Nicodemus.
05:00 And the thing that is quite interesting here
05:02 is that there is a play on words several times.
05:07 One that a lot of people recognize
05:09 is down in verse 8.
05:10 He uses the word "Wind."
05:12 Well, the word wind in Greek is also the word Spirit.
05:17 So the wind blows where it wishes and you don't know,
05:21 so is the spirit, it's the same word you see.
05:24 Well, the interesting thing about being born again
05:27 in verse 3 is that the word "again"
05:31 also means from above.
05:35 Being born from above.
05:36 From above, that means God has given you
05:39 this birth experience, this new birth experience.
05:43 Now which way did Nicodemus take it?
05:46 Did he take it to mean from above or again?
05:50 Again. Yeah.
05:51 Because he asked a question, how can a man
05:54 return to his mother's womb and be born again?"
05:56 So he was thinking karno.
05:58 Yeah, no, this kind of interesting,
06:00 why would he think that way?
06:04 Why would he, you know, say, a man can't be born again,
06:09 he can't go back into his mother's womb,
06:11 and you know, be born a second time, can he?
06:15 And it's interesting because Nicodemus himself
06:17 was a professor at religion, you know.
06:22 Why he would ask something like that,
06:23 you would think he knows what Jesus is talking about.
06:26 He does know what Jesus is talking about.
06:29 What he didn't like was
06:30 that Jesus was saying that he needed it.
06:34 Because he was a professor, you know--
06:37 He was talking to his heart.
06:39 Yeah. Let me tell you about it.
06:40 Yeah, it was a heart question, that's right.
06:42 And he was applying it to his heart.
06:44 So it's kind of ironic in a sense
06:45 when we say or that you must be born again,
06:48 we are using Nicodemus' words instead of Jesus' words
06:52 that you must be born form above.
06:54 But still it's that birth experience,
06:56 spiritual birth experience that he's talking about.
06:58 He says of being born of water,
07:00 that's baptism and the Spirit,
07:02 that's the Holy Spirit working in your life,
07:04 sanctifying you, cleansing you
07:05 of that all the way of life.
07:07 So if we go back to Peter now. Okay.
07:10 And he says, "Blessed be the God
07:12 and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
07:14 According to his great mercy,
07:16 he has caused us to be born again."
07:19 He's caused us to be born again.
07:20 Now here's the question.
07:22 When did that rebirth experience
07:24 happened for the people that Peter is writing to?
07:28 That's a good question.
07:29 Maybe you can answer that question.
07:32 Well, if I say, if I put it in to their past,
07:37 their present, or their future,
07:38 what would it be? Their past.
07:42 Their past, because he's right, he gave and he says,
07:44 you know, he gave us, he has caused us
07:48 to be born again to a living hope.
07:50 So that is an experience of their past, okay.
07:55 Now so, just to keep that in mind,
07:57 now he's talked about something
07:59 that has happened in their past.
08:03 Now if we keep looking in the verse,
08:05 he keeps going and he says, "Born unto a living hope
08:11 through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead."
08:14 Just like Jesus was raised from the dead.
08:19 He had new life come into him.
08:21 God raised him from the dead.
08:24 So God by the resurrection of Jesus,
08:27 notice here, through the resurrection
08:28 of Jesus Christ from the dead.
08:29 Notice, he says that phrase
08:31 through the resurrection of Jesus.
08:33 That that's how you and I got that new birth experience too.
08:37 That new life came into our lives
08:41 through the resurrection of Jesus.
08:42 So you start thinking about this and you think about baptism
08:45 and how baptism is a sign, a symbol of the death,
08:50 the burial and the resurrection of Jesus.
08:53 And so when you're born again, when you're baptized,
08:56 then you enter into that salvation experience.
08:59 That's the kind of thing that Peter is talking about here.
09:02 But he uses the word "Hope."
09:07 When you think of the word hope,
09:09 what do you think of?
09:10 I think of I have-- I can take courage
09:14 that there is a solution to may be a problem that I have.
09:18 That it is not the end.
09:20 That eventually with time, God will provide
09:24 whatever I may need.
09:25 So I have hope that this is not the end of my problem, you know.
09:31 There is a hope. The biblical concept of hope.
09:33 Looking forward to something.
09:34 Is a very forward looking kind of a concept. Yeah.
09:37 It looks forward to something better that's coming.
09:41 And you can almost say, it implies that
09:43 things aren't quite as good as you want them now.
09:46 You have hope that things are going to go forward
09:49 and get better and you know go up from here.
09:53 So notice, there is a past been born again
09:57 and there is a hope that's in the future, all right.
10:00 So there is a past and there is a future
10:02 that he talks about.
10:03 He keeps on going and he says that
10:06 you have this hope and then verse 4 says,
10:09 "To an inheritance that is imperishable,
10:12 undefiled and unfading."
10:13 He used these three words,
10:15 in Greek, we call them alpha privatives.
10:17 They begin with an alpha and so that makes him negative,
10:22 it's not this, it's not this, it's not this.
10:25 And he says it's not perishable,
10:28 it's not defiled and it's not fading away.
10:34 It's a beautiful kind of picture
10:36 of--one scholar speaks of it in this way;
10:39 they say that it's a freedom from death, okay.
10:45 Because it's not gonna perish, the perishable is that
10:47 which decays and dies.
10:49 Freedom from death, freedom from impurity is undefiled.
10:56 And freedom from it's unfading.
11:02 You know, you start to look in--
11:03 well, most of us don't see it in the mirror every day
11:05 but if you look at the picture of yourself--
11:09 oh, you're still very young.
11:12 But if you look at the picture of yourself
11:13 when you're a young person
11:14 and then you look at this later picture,
11:17 you can really see the difference.
11:19 I remember, a student of mine
11:20 seeing a picture of my wedding,
11:22 you know, my wedding day.
11:24 They looked at that picture and they laughed.
11:29 Shepherd, you don't look like you used too, you know.
11:32 This is untouched by the ravages of time, this inheritance.
11:38 So there's three wonderful things
11:40 about this inheritance, you see.
11:42 It is, it will not decay, it's not gonna die,
11:46 it is not touched by impurity,
11:49 and it's untouched by the ravages of time.
11:53 Well, certainly is something that I can look forward to,
11:55 there is the hope in my life to say,
11:56 well, my life has a purpose.
11:59 God has a plan for me.
12:00 And I look forward to this incorruptible treasure
12:04 that never fades away, as you've mentioned.
12:06 Right.
12:07 It's an inheritance, you see,
12:08 so you've made a covenant with the God.
12:10 We've already been talking about that,
12:12 you are now His child.
12:14 You are inheriting, you are receiving
12:16 the blessings from God.
12:18 Is there anything in this life
12:20 that can destroy or touch that inheritance?
12:23 And the answer is no, no.
12:27 That's a wonderful security, you see, that these people need.
12:30 And the third thing he says,
12:32 it is kept for them in heaven for you.
12:36 That's at the end of verse 4.
12:38 And then in verse 5, he says,
12:40 "Who by God power are being guarded
12:44 through faith for a salvation
12:48 ready to be revealed at the last time."
12:51 So he's combined these great words about the future,
12:56 you see, he has an inheritance,
13:02 he has a-also the salvation
13:08 that is kept for them
13:10 into the future, and a living hope.
13:14 So a living hope, and salvation, and inheritance.
13:19 These three together, these three outcomes
13:22 are their's and they're all secured.
13:26 The question is, are they present now or they future?
13:31 That's a very good question and also,
13:33 perhaps you can help us understand,
13:35 you know, because we've studied
13:37 that these people are suffering and you help us to understand
13:42 I hope that how can these,
13:43 how can a person rejoice when they are suffering?
13:47 Yeah.
13:49 And perhaps you can answer those questions
13:51 after a brief break.
13:53 This is a very interesting study on the book. Yeah.
13:54 Now we're getting more involved
13:56 into the writings and the messages
13:57 that Peter has for these people.
13:59 Stay tuned, we'll be right back after these messages.


Revised 2014-12-17