Plant a Seed


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Steve & Judy Evenson


Series Code: PAS

Program Code: PAS000004

00:01 Little Red Oak presents
00:03 "Plant a Seed"
00:06 with Steve and Judy Evenson.
00:14 Plant a seed, watch it grow
00:18 You will reap what you sow
00:22 Plant God's Word today It will watch your way
00:25 Plant a seed, watch it grow
00:29 Plant God's Word in your heart
00:32 Then the growing will start
00:36 If you plant a seed Growth is guaranteed
00:40 Plant God's Word in your heart
00:44 Plant a seed, watch it grow
00:47 You will reap what you sow
00:51 Plant God's Word today It will watch your way
00:54 Plant a seed, watch it grow
01:09 Since God send His son to die for us,
01:12 He must love us a lot.
01:14 Does He love us because we're good?
01:16 No.
01:18 Does He love us because we love Him
01:20 and we always do what He asks us to?
01:22 No.
01:25 God loves us even when we do things that make Him sad.
01:29 If God can love and accept us as we are,
01:32 don't you think we should be loving and accepting of others.
01:35 Yes.
01:38 "Dear friends, since God so loved us,
01:41 we also ought to love one another."
01:45 1 John 4:11.
01:50 Dear friends, since God so loved us
01:55 We also ought to love one another
01:59 Dear friends, since God so loved us
02:03 We also ought to love one another
02:07 Dear friends, since God so loved us
02:12 We also ought to love one another
02:16 Dear friends, since God so loved us
02:20 We also ought to love one another
02:25 Dear friends, since God so loved us
02:29 We also ought to love one another
02:33 Dear friends, since God so loved us
02:38 We also ought to love one another
02:42 Dear friends, since God so loved us
02:46 We also ought to love one another
02:50 Dear friends, since God so loved us
02:55 We also ought to love one another
03:13 When Jesus went back to heaven after His resurrection,
03:16 He left a job for us to do.
03:19 Do you know what that job was?
03:21 He said, "We should make disciples of all nations."
03:25 Do you know what a disciple is?
03:27 A disciple is a follower, a believer.
03:30 Jesus wants us to tell others
03:32 about what a good friend He is to us,
03:34 so that they will want to follow Him too.
03:37 To follow Jesus means that we want to obey Him
03:41 and become more like Him.
03:43 "Go and make disciples of all nations,
03:46 baptizing them in the name of the Father
03:49 and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
03:52 and teaching them to obey everything
03:54 I have commanded you.
03:56 And surely I am with you always to the very end of the age."
04:00 Matthew 28:19, 20.
04:02 Go and make disciples of all nations
04:07 Baptizing them in the name of the Father
04:12 And of the Son And of the Holy Spirit
04:17 And teaching them to obey everything
04:22 I have commanded you
04:27 And surely I am with you always
04:32 To the very end of the age
04:38 Go and make disciples of all nations
04:43 Baptizing them in the name of the Father
04:47 And of the Son And of the Holy Spirit
04:52 And teaching them to obey everything
04:57 I have commanded you
05:02 And surely I am with you always
05:07 To the very end of the age
05:22 Jesus spend 40 days with the disciples
05:24 after His resurrection.
05:26 Then one day as He was talking to them,
05:28 He was taken up into heaven
05:29 and a cloud hid Him from their sight.
05:32 The disciples must have been very surprised.
05:35 Suddenly, two angels stood with them and told them
05:38 that Jesus would come back
05:39 in the same way that He had left.
05:41 So if someone tells you that Jesus has come back,
05:44 and He's in the desert or secret place.
05:47 Don't believe it because the Bible says,
05:50 "He will come in the clouds and every eye will see Him."
05:55 "This same Jesus,
05:57 who has been taken from you into heaven,
05:59 will come back, in the same way
06:01 you have seen Him go into heaven."
06:03 Acts 1:11.
06:07 This same Jesus
06:11 Who has been taken From you into heaven
06:15 Will come back
06:17 In the same way you have seen Him go into heaven
06:23 This same Jesus
06:27 Who has been taken From you into heaven
06:31 Will come back
06:33 In the same way you have seen Him go into heaven
06:39 This same Jesus
06:44 Who has been taken from you into heaven
06:48 Will come back
06:50 In the same way you have seen Him go into heaven
06:56 This same Jesus
07:00 Who has been taken from you into heaven
07:04 Will come back
07:06 In the same way you have seen Him go into heaven
07:24 Remember the job that Jesus left for us to do.
07:27 The disciples took that job very seriously.
07:31 They preached about Jesus every where they went.
07:34 They said that "He was the Son of God
07:36 and that He had risen from the death."
07:39 Then they ask the people to repent of their sins
07:42 and be baptized to show that they believed in Jesus.
07:46 The gift of the Holy Spirit was promise to all those
07:49 who repented and were baptized.
07:52 That promise is still good for us today.
07:55 When we're baptized, the Holy Spirit is given to us,
07:59 to help us obey God
08:01 and to give us power to witness for Him.
08:06 "Repent, and be baptized every one of you,
08:09 in the name of Jesus Christ
08:11 for the forgiveness of your sins.
08:13 And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."
08:16 Acts 2:38.
08:19 Repent, repent
08:23 And be baptized every one of you
08:26 In the name of Jesus Christ
08:29 For the forgiveness of your sins
08:33 And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit
08:39 Repent, repent
08:43 And be baptized every one of you
08:46 In the name of Jesus Christ
08:49 For the forgiveness of your sins
08:53 And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit
08:59 Repent, repent
09:03 And be baptized every one of you
09:06 In the name of Jesus Christ
09:09 For the forgiveness of your sins
09:13 And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit
09:36 Our next verse says
09:38 that the prayer faith will bring healing.
09:40 Sickness was not a part of God's plan for us.
09:43 But because of sin we all suffer sickness
09:47 at different times in our lives.
09:50 You may have prayed for healing
09:51 for yourself or someone you know
09:53 and then disappointed
09:55 because your prayer didn't seem to be answered.
09:58 God may not always answer our prayers
10:00 for healing immediately.
10:02 But when Jesus comes,
10:04 all who have faith in Him
10:06 will be made holy and will never be sick again.
10:12 "The prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well,
10:16 the Lord will raise him up."
10:18 James 5:15.
10:22 The prayer offered in faith
10:26 Will make the sick person well
10:30 The Lord will raise him
10:34 The Lord will raise him up
10:38 The prayer offered in faith
10:42 Will make the sick person well
10:47 The Lord will raise him
10:50 The Lord will raise him up
10:55 The prayer offered in faith
10:59 Will make the sick person well
11:03 The Lord will raise him
11:07 The Lord will raise him up
11:11 The prayer offered in faith
11:15 Will make the sick person well
11:19 The Lord will raise him
11:23 The Lord will raise him up
11:39 Do you know what salvation is?
11:41 If you receive salvation,
11:43 it means you have been saved
11:45 or delivered from something.
11:47 If we accept Jesus and His death on the cross
11:50 to save us,
11:51 we are delivered from sin, our sins are forgiven.
11:55 That's the reason we worship Jesus.
11:57 Many people worship other gods, but those gods can't save them.
12:02 The Bible tells us that the only one
12:04 who can give salvation is Jesus.
12:09 "Salvation is found in no one else,
12:12 for there is no other name under heaven
12:15 given to men by which we must be saved."
12:19 Acts 4:12.
12:21 Salvation is found in no one else
12:26 For there is no other name under heaven
12:31 Given to men, given to men
12:35 By which we must be saved
12:40 Salvation is found in no one else
12:45 For there is no other name under heaven
12:50 Given to men, given to men
12:54 By which we must be saved
13:08 A righteous person is the one who does what is right.
13:13 In the Book of Proverbs,
13:15 Solomon, the wisest man that ever lived,
13:17 had a lot to say about righteous people.
13:21 He said that they care for their animals,
13:24 they stay out of trouble.
13:26 And God hears them when they pray.
13:28 Did you know that the Bible said that?
13:31 Here's something else
13:33 that Solomon said about the righteous.
13:38 "The righteous hate what is false."
13:40 Proverbs 13:5.
13:43 The righteous, the righteous, the righteous
13:47 Hate what is false
13:48 The righteous, the righteous, the righteous
13:51 Hate what is false
13:53 The righteous, the righteous, the righteous
13:56 Hate what is false
13:58 The righteous, the righteous, the righteous
14:01 Hate what is false
14:03 The righteous, the righteous, the righteous
14:06 Hate what is false
14:07 The righteous, the righteous Hate what is false
14:09 The righteous, the righteous
14:11 Hate what is false The righteous, the righteous
14:14 Hate what is false
14:15 The righteous, the righteous Hate what is false
14:17 The righteous, the righteous
14:18 Hate what is false
14:20 The righteous, the righteous Hate what is false
14:21 The righteous Hate what is false
14:24 The righteous, the righteous, the righteous
14:28 Hate what is false
14:29 The righteous, the righteous, the righteous
14:32 Hate what is false
14:34 The righteous, the righteous, the righteous
14:37 The righteous, the righteous Hate what is false
14:39 The righteous Hate what is false
14:41 The righteous
14:42 The righteous Hate what is false
14:44 The righteous
14:45 Hate what is false
14:57 Has anyone ever told you do something
15:00 that you knew Jesus wouldn't want you to do?
15:03 Someone might have said that you should lie
15:05 to keep from getting in trouble
15:07 or cheat at school to get a good grade,
15:10 or do something mean to someone to show that you're cool.
15:13 God said, "We need to speak the truth
15:15 and be kind to each other."
15:17 God made us and He knows what's best for us,
15:19 and what will bring us true happiness.
15:22 That's why it's so important to obey God.
15:26 "We must obey God rather than men!"
15:29 Acts 5:29.
15:34 We must obey God rather than men
15:38 We must obey God
15:43 We must obey God rather than men
15:47 We must obey God
15:51 We must obey God rather than men
15:55 We must obey God
15:59 We must obey God rather than men
16:04 We must obey God
16:08 We must obey God rather than men
16:12 We must obey God
16:16 We must obey God rather than men
16:20 We must obey God
16:25 We must obey God rather than men
16:29 We must obey God
16:33 We must obey God rather than men
16:37 We must obey God
16:48 This next verse instructs us to be faithful.
16:52 It was written specially for a group of people,
16:54 who were facing hard times in their lives.
16:57 Some of them were about to be put in prison
16:59 because of their belief in Jesus.
17:02 The crown of life was promised to those who remained faithful
17:06 but the promise was not only for them, it's for us too.
17:10 Sometimes you may be laughed at or made fun of
17:14 because you stand up for what's right
17:17 but remember this promise.
17:20 "Be faithful, even to the point of death,
17:24 and I will give you the crown of life."
17:26 Revelation 2:10.
17:29 Be faithful, be faithful
17:33 Even to the point of death
17:36 And I will
17:38 Give you the crown of life
17:43 Be faithful, be faithful
17:47 Even to the point of death
17:50 And I will
17:52 Give you the crown of life
17:57 Be faithful, be faithful
18:01 Even to the point of death
18:05 And I will
18:07 Give you the crown of life
18:12 Be faithful, be faithful
18:16 Even to the point of death
18:19 And I will give you the crown of life
18:31 Jesus told His disciples that they would be witnesses for Him
18:34 in the city of Jerusalem,
18:37 and then in the areas surrounding Jerusalem,
18:39 and then to the ends of the earth.
18:42 He wants us to be His witnesses too.
18:45 But what is a witness?
18:48 A witness is someone who tells what they have seen or heard.
18:53 When we tell others
18:54 about how God has answered our prayers,
18:57 that's witnessing.
18:58 When we tell our friends that Jesus forgives our sins
19:02 and offers us eternal life, we are witnessing.
19:06 We can also witness without saying a word.
19:10 When people see us being kind and thoughtful of others,
19:13 they see a witness to the love of God.
19:17 I want to witness for Him, how about you?
19:21 "You will receive power
19:22 when the Holy Spirit comes on you,
19:25 and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea,
19:29 and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
19:32 Acts 1:8.
19:34 You will receive power
19:37 When the Holy Spirit comes on you
19:41 And you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem
19:46 And in all Judea, and Samaria
19:51 And to the ends of the earth
19:54 You will receive power
19:58 When the Holy Spirit comes on you
20:02 And you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem
20:07 And in all Judea, and Samaria
20:11 And to the ends of the earth
20:15 You will receive power
20:18 When the Holy Spirit comes on you
20:23 And you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem
20:28 And in all Judea, and Samaria
20:32 And to the ends of the earth
20:49 Have you ever been so busy doing something
20:51 that your mother or father had to do something
20:53 unusual to get your attention?
20:55 In the Bible, there's a story about Saul
20:57 who was so busy persecuting Christians
21:00 and thinking he was doing God a favor,
21:02 that God had to do something
21:03 very unusual to get his attention.
21:06 He appeared to Saul in a bright light
21:08 and asked why he was persecuting Him?
21:11 Saul immediately realized that God was speaking to him,
21:14 and he asked a very important question
21:16 that changed his life forever.
21:20 "Lord, what do you want me to do?"
21:23 Acts 9:6.
21:27 Lord, what do you want me to do?
21:33 Lord, what do you want me to do?
21:40 What do you want me to do?
21:45 Lord, what do you want me to do?
21:51 Lord, what do you want me to do?
21:57 Lord, what do you want me to do?
22:03 Lord, what do you want me to do?
22:09 Lord, what do you want me to do?
22:14 Lord, what do you want me to do?
22:20 Lord, what do you want me to do?
22:26 Lord, what do you want me to do?
22:32 Lord, what do you want me to do?
22:38 Lord, what do you want me to do?
22:57 Have you ever been in a big storm at night
23:00 when the electricity went off in your house?
23:03 It's hard to see when there's no light,
23:05 isn't it?
23:06 But what happens if you light even one candle?
23:10 It gives enough light to see where you're going, doesn't it?
23:14 We all have a light,
23:16 if we have Jesus love in our hearts
23:19 by doing kind things for others.
23:21 Jesus love can shine from us and be a light to someone
23:25 who is living in darkness, without Him.
23:29 "Let your light shine before men,
23:31 that they may see your good deeds
23:33 and praise your Father in heaven."
23:36 Matthew 5:16.
23:38 Let your light shine before men
23:42 That they may see your good deeds
23:46 And praise your Father And praise your Father
23:51 And praise your Father in heaven
23:55 Let your light shine before men
23:59 That they may see your good deeds
24:03 And praise your Father And praise your Father
24:08 And praise your Father in heaven
24:13 Let your light shine before men
24:16 That they may see your good deeds
24:21 And praise your Father And praise your Father
24:25 And praise your Father in heaven
24:30 Let your light shine before men
24:34 That they may see your good deeds
24:38 And praise your Father And praise your Father
24:42 And praise your Father in heaven
25:01 Does God love you
25:02 more than He loves the children of India,
25:04 or Africa, or any other country?
25:08 No.
25:09 Peter learned that from a dream that God gave him.
25:13 Why don't you ask an adult to read you the story
25:16 in Acts 10:9-35?
25:20 Peter discovered that God loves people from every country,
25:24 and wants them all to accept Him
25:27 and live with Him in heaven.
25:29 God does not show favoritism and neither should we.
25:34 "God does not show favoritism."
25:37 Acts 10:34.
25:40 God does not show favoritism God does not,
25:44 God does not God does not show favoritism
25:49 God does not
25:52 God does not show favoritism God does not,
25:56 God does not God does not show favoritism
26:00 God does not
26:03 God does not show favoritism God does not,
26:08 God does not God does not show favoritism
26:12 God does not
26:15 God does not show favoritism God does not,
26:20 God does not God does not show favoritism
26:24 God does not
26:27 God does not
26:30 God does not


Revised 2019-02-25